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Scrum Term Worksheet


Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate letter of the Scrum terms

Is a time-box - a specific set of time

Value: Do the right thing and work on tough problems
User story contains enough details to be worked
A. Burn Up Chart
Vertical slice of a potentially shippable product B. Burndown Chart
C. Commitment
Visual aid that shows trending of user stories completed
D. Courage
Share lessons learned from the previous iteration E. Daily Standup
F. Definition of Done
Servant leader that removes roadblocks
G. Definition of Ready
Value: Complete the right work based on sprint goals H. Focus
I. Openness
Meeting to demo progress made during the iteration
J. Product Increment
Simple description of a feature from a user’s perspective K. Product Backlog
L. Product Owner
Committed user stories for upcoming iteration
M. Respect
Tasked with understanding the product vision N. Development Team
O. Scrum Master
Discussion and commitment for the next iteration’s work
P. Sprint
Value: Treat everyone as a capable team member Q. Sprint Backlog
R. Sprint Planning
Prioritized list of user stories that grows and changes
S. Sprint Retrospective
Common understanding of when something is complete T. Sprint Review
U. Team Velocity
Discussion of yesterday’s progress, today’s plan, and issues
V. User Story
Team-created list of rules, expectations, and procedures W. Work in Progress
X. Working Agreement
Value: Discuss the work and challenges of the project
Self-organizing, cross-functional group of people
Compares total user stories versus completed user stories
Number of story points that are completed per iteration
Value: Give 100% effort to achieve project team’s goals
Work that is currently being completed

Worksheet provided courtesy of


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