A Study On Consumer Behaviour On Life Insurance Products - With Reference To Private Bank Employees in Chennai

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net ISSN (ONLINE): 2250-0758, ISSN (PRINT): 2394-6962

Volume-6, Issue-3, May-June 2016

International Journal of Engineering and Management Research
Page Number: 644-651

A Study on Consumer Behaviour on Life Insurance Products - With

Reference to Private Bank Employees in Chennai
R. Uppily
Deputy Vice President – TPP & CFD Operations, IndusInd Bank, Meenakshi Building, New No.141, Old No.57- B,
Kodambakkam High Road, T.Nagar, INDIA

ABSTRACT Intangibility, Inconsistency, Inseparability makes the

The demand for insurance products is increasing purchase of services more complex when compared to
due to the growth of household savings, purchasing power, purchase of physical product. Gone are the days where
the middle class and the country’s working population. customer purchased a product or service because of only
Consumer behaviour with respect to life insurance one factor called brand loyalty. Consumers these days
products is changing rapidly. With opening up of the
analyse the features and utility before making a buying
insurance sector in 2000, consumers have options to select
rather than buying products launched by a single company. decision.
Factors such as stability of Insurance Company, product Factors influencing consumer behaviour in general
features, service capabilities, and claim settlement timelines The following four factors, cultural, social,
play a very crucial role in deciding whether to buy or not personal and psychological factor play a very important
from a particular insurance company. This study tries to role in influencing consumer decisions while buying a
analyse the consumer behaviour of private bank employees product or service. The weightage of influence depends
with respect to purchase of Life insurance product. This on the item that they are going to purchase and
study is based on the primary data collected from 54 individual preferences. Whether buying a product or
employees of private banks through a well structured
service, these factors play a vital role for and facilitates
questionnaire. The data has been analysed using
percentage analysis and cross tabulation. The study tries to decision making.
analyse the type of policy preferred by the respondent,
which insurance company they prefer, feature of Insurance
policy that attracted their purchase, benefit for which they
have purchased, satisfaction level on the life insurance
policy purchased, difficulties encountered in decision
making while buying a life insurance policy. The study also
analyses the relationship between Age and type of policy
preferred and also relationship between demographic
factors and other variables.

Keywords--- Life insurance, demographic factors, bank

employees, consumer behaviour
Indian Life insurance industry
Opening up of insurance sector has facilitated
private players to enter the insurance industry with or
I. INTRODUCTION without foreign tie up. Consumers did not have options
to select till 2000 as they had only one company to buy
Consumer behaviour can be defined as: “The life insurance. Now they have the option to select the life
study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the insurance company of their choice based on the product
processes they use to select, secure, use and dispose of feature, service etc.
products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs The consumers behaviour has changed as a
and the impacts that these processes have on the result of the growing income, growth in size of the
consumer and society.” (Hawkins et al., 2001:7.) spending classes and increased purchasing power. The
Consumer behaviour is the study of when, why, expectations of the consumers and their buying
how, and where people do or do not buy a product. behaviour have changed a lot. Consumers now expect
Behaviour of consumer differs between a purchase of a the most of the following items listed below from the life
physical product and a service related product. insurance companies

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a. Product innovation majorities of the respondents are aware of the

b. Product differentiation endowment assurance policy and considered to rank it as
c. Better Customer service number one. The study also revealed that there was a
d. Faster claim processing significant relationship between personal factors and
e. Technology innovations policy holdings.
f. Wide distribution reach Praveen Sanu, Gaurav Jaiswal and Vijay Kumar
When it comes to life insurance people buy it Panday (2009) “A Study of Buying Behaviour of
for a long term, since it is going to be a long term Consumers towards LIC”, Prestige Institute of
association people think more before they buy and Management, Gwalior, Vol. 3, Issue ¾, P. 1.in their
expect better relationship with the company throughout article, “A Study of Buying Behaviour of Consumers
their tenure of association towards Life Insurance Company”, Prestige institute of
Management and Research, Gwalior, revealed that in
II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE present Indian market, the investment habits of Indian
consumers are changing veryfrequently. The individuals
Truett and Truett (1990) studied the impact of have their own perception towards various types
education on insurance. He found out that an increase in ofinvestment plans.
the number of educated people in a country may be
associated directly with a greater recognition of various III. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
types of products offered by life insurance companies,
leading to higher levels of demand. From the above literature review, it can be
Enz (2000) studied the effect of income on insurance observed that the Consumer Behaviour study on Life
and found out that at higher levels of income insurance, insurance with reference to private bank employees in
consumption becomes less sensitive to income growth as particular was not done earlier. Hence an attempt has
insurance product saturation is reached. The main reason been made in this to study and analyze the same with the
for this phenomenon is that at high- income levels, following objectives:
consumers become so wealthy that they can afford to 1. To study the profile of the respondents
retain risk and start saving. 2. To study the type of policy that they prefer
Esho et al. (2002) studied the effect of cultural factors 3. To study the most preferred Life insurance
on life insurance. He concluded that the demand for company
insurance is unaffected by cultural factors. 4. To analyse the feature of Insurance policy that
Prakash Vel et al. (2005) in their research article attracted their purchase
entitled, “An Exploratory Study on the Role Played by 5. To analyse the benefit for which they have
Product, Service and Behavioural Factors in the purchased a life insurance policy
Purchase of Life Insurance Policies in the Klang Valley, 6. To analyse the satisfaction level on the life
Malaysia”, observe that timely service, good response by insurance policy purchased
the agents and employees to the customers and insurers 7. To study the difficulties encountered in
concentration on the policyholders grievance improves decision making while buying a life insurance
the level of customer satisfaction policy
Tajudeen, Ayantunji and Dallah (2009) believed that 8. To analyse the relationship between Age and
people with education have more positive attitude type of policy
toward insurance than people who less education ones. 9. To analyse the relationship between Month
Besides that, they also find out the respondents who income and type of policy
have highest positive attitude towards insurance is the 10. To study the relationship between Age and
people in age group between 56 and 65 years than other channel for buying life insurance
age groups this is due to the people in this age group are 11. To study the relationship between Qualification
at the end of the active life and they are more aware of and benefit perceived
their retirement life. They also found that high household 12. To analyse the relationship between Monthly
income groups have highest positive attitude toward income and premium payment term
insurance than the low household incomes groups, in
fact, the wealthy household comparatively feel protected IV. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
commonly in Nigerian economic environment. From the
other point of view, the low household income groups Research methodology is characterised by
are less authorized and usually they feel that the procedures and methods for arriving at results and
insurance is further than their reach. findings and tools for prooving or disproving such
Kirubashini, B., “Life Insurance Policy Holdings-A knowledge (Nachamiaset al., 1996; Saunderset al.,
Study on Influencing Factors”, Published Thesis, 2007).A research can be conducted by systematic
December 1991 The study attempts to know the level of collection and analyzing the data. For this study survey
awareness, preference and influencing factor pertaining method was adopted for collecting the primary data. A
to policy holdings and to test the relationship between well-structured questionnaire was used for collecting the
the influencing factors and policy holdings. The data. The primary data was collected from 54 employees

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of a private bank in Chennai. The secondary data was demographic variables in the Table-1, it may be
collected from internet websites, journals, newspapers, observed that 85 % of the respondents are male and
magazines, etc. The collected data were analyzed with nearly 50% of the respondents fall in the category of 31-
Percentage and Cross tabulation 45 years and 22% of the respondents are in 21-30 years
category. Around 77% of the respondents are married.
V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Out of the total respondents, 40% are post graduates and
29 % of the respondents and professionally qualified.
Demographic profile of the respondents Nearly 51% of the respondents fall under the category of
Table-1, gives the summary of the demographic monthly income greater than Rs. 60000/-.
characteristics of the respondents. Analyzing the

Table 1 – Demographic profile of respondents

Period of policy holding, Feature attracting respondents feel cover for future uncertainty as
purchase, Important benefit perceived, Medium of important benefit in buying a policy. 64% have bought
policy buying, satisfaction of policy purchased, their policy vide agent channel. 44% of the respondents
Service quality, Influence on purchase decision & are satisfied with the policy purchased by them. Annual
Type of policy preferred by the respondents. premium is preferred by 48% of the respondents. 48% of
Type of policy preferred in Table -2 indicates the respondents are satisfied with the service quality of
that 38% of the respondents prefer money back plan and the insurance company. Policy purchase decision is not
28% prefer term plan. 42% of the respondents consider influenced by any one is the feedback from 40% of the
large risk coverage as the important feature attracting respondents.
them to purchase life insurance policy. 66% of the

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Table 2 –Type of policy, Feature attracting policy purchase, Benefit perceived, Satisfaction of policy purchased,
Service quality Medium of policy buying preferred by the respondents

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Table 3 – Ranking of insurance companies

Ranking of Life Insurance companies 4). Scoring is done as per the following scale: Rank 1 –
During the study, the respondents were asked to 10 weights, Rank 2 – 9 weights, Rank 3 – 8 weights,
rank the Life insurance companies based on their Rank 4 – 7 weights, Rank 5 – 6 weights, Rank 6 – 5
experience in a scale from 1 to 10. The data obtained is weights, Rank 7 – 4 weights, Rank 8 – 3 weights, Rank 9
presented in Table - 3. Now, for analyzing the data, – 2 weights and Rank 10 – 1 weights.
ranking is done on the basis of weighted scores (Table-

Table 4 – Ranking of insurance companies based on Weighted Averages

Interpretation: It is revealed from the Table 4 that LIC Understanding policy detail and selecting the life
has a weighted score of 505 and a mean value of 9.35 insurance companies) the difficulty they encountered in
and it is ranked as 1st by the respondents. It is followed these factors were ranked in a a 5 point scale. The data
by SBI and then by HDFC. The least rated is Reliance obtained is presented in Table - 5. Now, for analyzing
and Max life with a weighted average score of 188 and a the data, ranking is done on the basis of weighted scores
mean of 3.48. (Table-6). Scoring is done as per the following scale:
Ranking of difficulty encountered in buying a Life Rank 1 – 5 weights, Rank 2 – 4 weights, Rank 3 – 3
insurance policy on various factors weights, Rank 4 – 2 weights, Rank 5 – 1 weights, Rank 6
During the study, the respondents were asked to – 5 weights, Rank 7 – 4 weights, Rank 8 – 3 weights,
rank 4 factor like (Type of insurance, sum assured, Rank 9 – 2 weights and Rank 10 – 1 weights.

Table 5 – Ranking of Factors based on difficulty encountered

Interpretation: It is revealed from the Table 6 that insurance and then by Life insurance company. The least
Understanding the Policy detail / benefit has a weighted rated is sum assured with a weighted average score of
score of 505 and a mean value of 3.26 and it is ranked as 127 and a mean of 2.35.
1st by the respondents. It is followed by Type of

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Table – 6 – Ranking based on Weighted averages


Table – 7 - Age and Type of Policy

Interpretation: From Table 7 following things can be plan with 19 respondents preferring money back plan
inferred, Age group between 31-45 years prefer term followed by 14 respondents of different age group
plan most than the others. Overall the preference of all preferring Term Plan.
the age group put together is more towards money back

Table – 8 - Monthly Income and Type of Policy

Interpretation: From Table 8 following things can be Income group put together is more towards money back
inferred, Income group above Rs.60000 prefer money plan with 19 respondents preferring money back plan
back plan most than the others. Overall preference of all followed by 14 respondents preferring Term Plan.

Table – 9 -Age and Channel for buying Life Insurance Policy

Interpretation: From Table 9 following things can be channel for buying life insurance policy. Online and
inferred, 32 respondents belonging to different age bank channel has equal preference.
groups have selected Agents are the most preferred

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Table – 10 -Qualification and Benefit perceived

Interpretation: From Table 10 following things can be policy. 8 respondents having different qualifications feel
inferred, 33 respondents having different that Child benefit is the important benefit derived from
qualificationsfeel that cover for future uncertainty is the buying a life insurance policy.
main benefit perceived from buying a Life insurance

Table – 11 -Monthly Income and premium payment term

Interpretation: From Table 11 depicts that Annual 7. Nearly 44% of the respondents are satisfied
mode is the most preferred premium payment term and with the policy purchased by them.
24 respondents are in favour of the same. 8. LIC is ranked as most preferred life insurance
company and reliance, max life is the least
VII. FINDINGS preferred insurance company

1. Out of the total respondents 85 % of the 9. While buying a policy most of the respondents
respondents are male and nearly 50% of the have encountered difficulty in understanding
respondents fall in the category of 31-45 years the policy details and benefits
and 22% of the respondents are in 21-30 years 10. Age group between 31-45 years mostly prefer
category. term plan, Income group above Rs.60000 prefer
2. Out of the respondents 77% of the respondents money back plan.
are married and 40% are post graduates and 29
% of the respondents and professionally VIII. CONCLUSION
3. Nearly 51% of the respondents fall under the Life insurance industry in India is still at very
category of monthly income greater than Rs. low penetration levels. The reason being lack of
60000/-. awareness and no product innovation. Today Life
4. Nearly 38% of the respondents prefer money insurance is not bought by individuals and they are sold.
back plan and 28% prefer term plan. Life insurance companies must change this approach
5. Out of the total respondents 42% of the and must start attracting public. Consumer expectations
respondents consider large risk coverage as the are not met by the insurance companies and they are
important feature attracting them to purchase being sold with products which they don’t require. This
life insurance policy. 66% of the respondents type of mis selling has lead to low persistency levels and
feel cover for future uncertainty as important customer grievances. It is always better to understand
benefit in buying a policy. the requirements of the customer and sell products or
6. Nearly 64% have bought their policy vide agent services which they require

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