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Table of Contents

04Additional Findings
1. Overview

1 What is Inner Sound


Sound, in general, is the most apparent medium to calm the mind. Therefore, at times the inner
bliss is experienced upon listening to music. This type of music is generated through some
external source like a stringed instrument or an electronic device or through the vocal cords of
a living being. Sounds created by external sources can be perceived by the mind via physical
ears. For example, the moment we hear a bark, we can easily identify the source of sound i.e.
it’s from a dog. Similarly, whenever we listen to a music track, we would come to know which
singer performs. However, there is an ‘Inner’ sound; in fact, as if, not exactly a sound, which is
said to be coming from nowhere; i.e., without a source, the one which has no origin or source
and has no limit to be ceased as well.

Since the evolution of human world, many great Saints and Sages narrated of listening to this
mysterious sound during their ample Silence of meditation. Several Holy Scriptures, have
spoken of it by various names like Aum, Hu, Word, Shabd, Tao’s Hum, Amrit, Anahad, Nada and
the list goes on and on. Many of the spiritual texts have described it too by using analogous
stories and musical poetry. In recent time, a large volume of scientific study is also being carried
out about this and in the years to come, science perhaps would also arrive at this all-pervading
Sound Current.

Inner Sound here simply implies a sound that is coming from within. To listen this, the
practitioner withdraws his/her attention from all of the external sounds in the sensory plane
and focuses deeply on the sound coming from within. In order to contact the Inner Sound, the
practitioners usually plug their ears with their thumb or some kind of stop-cocking instrument
like rubber earplugs, earphones, cotton buds etc.

1 Background of the Research


The research on Inner Sound was originated after the ’Basic Meditation Session’ by Sandeep
Maheshwari. It began in response to the experiences shared by individuals in seminars,
meditation sessions, spiritual assemblies, informal discussions in various localities and on the
social media as well. This report summarizes the findings of the research as what is the overall
impact of listening to Inner Sound that a human can experience through.
1.31 Outline of the Research

With all of its statistical accuracy and practical significance, the report can be usable for all the
people undoubtedly. All of the results depicting in the research are presented in a way so that
anyone can apply them in his or her life regardless of any specialized or technical background.
Along with the statistical results, the report presents a number of concrete examples of how
some people have been highly benefited after listening to the Inner Sound, and how they have
employed this technique to transform their monotonous lives into the ones of containing full of
purpose, peace and joy.

1 Acknowledgements

Although to mention the thankfulness would have some limit, we owe special gratitude to all
the people for their cooperation, patience, openness and willingness to share their experiences
and foremost for their intrinsic readiness for inner transformation.

2. Objective of the Research

The research was primarily aimed at discovering the overall impact of Inner Sound on the life of
practitioners and whether it has any practical significance or not. However, during the initial
stages of the research, the focus was also on the in-depth study of Inner Sound Meditation and
the experiences of people meditating on Inner Sound.
3. Methodologies

The research was conducted according to the following methodologies:

Collection of Data

Classification of Data

Observations and Interpretations


Fig. 1: Research Methodology

The entire methodology has been explained stepwise in the next section.
2 Collection of Data

This was the very first step of the research. In this step, the data was collected from 2,268
people (across India) who have either attended or/and watched the ’Basic Meditation Session’
by Sandeep Maheshwari, or others who have been meditating on Inner Sound since their long
past. The data was collected in the form of detail-oriented feedbacks.

3.1.1 Sources of Data Collection

Research was conducted among 2,268 candidates who approached us or came in contact
through either of the following sources:

Audience Social

Fig. 2: Sources of Data Collection

 People who have either attended or watched the ’Basic Meditation Session’.

 People who approached us with queries related to Inner Sound Meditation via Facebook,
Youtube, Emails and Phone Calls.
3.1.2 Mode of Data Collection

Each of the feedback was taken through one to one telephonic conversation in the form of
questioning. Following are some of the common questions that were asked from each of the

1. Do you practice Inner Sound
If yes, how often and since how long?

2. Have you been able to listen to Inner

If yes, then what kind of sound(s) do
you listen to?

3. Have you experienced any kind of

practical change(s) in your life, after
listening to Inner Sound(s)?
If yes, then what kind of change(s)
have you observed in your life?

Fig. 3: Questionnaire for Data Collection

3.1.3 Statistics of Data Collection

Of all the 2,268 candidates approached for feedback, a total of 1,306 responses were obtained.
We then analyzed them according to a criteria explained in the next section. Remaining
43% candidates could not be reached due to their non availability over the call or due to
incorrect contact information provided by them during registration on website.


 Candidates 57% Collected


 Candidates Not
Chart 1: Statistics of Data Collection

1 Classification of Data

For this part of the research, all of the feedbacks obtained during the collection process were
initially classified according to the following model:

Inner Sound Feedback

Do you practice
Inner Sound
Yes No

Are you able to

listen to Inner
Sound(s)? Yes No

Have you
experienced any
Yes No
benefit(s) after
listening to Inner
Fig. 4: Research Methodology
3.2.1 Statistics of Data Classification

Upon classification of responses according to the previously mentioned criteria, following

results were obtained. Do you practice Inner Sound Meditation?

As demonstrated by Chart 2 below, 994 candidates i.e. 76% of the total respondents were
practicing Inner Sound Meditation at the time when research was being carried out.

80% Not

40% 24%



Chart 2: Do you practice Inner Sound Meditation?

1 Do you listen to Inner Sound(s)?

As demonstrated by Chart 3, 527 candidates i.e. 53% of the total respondents who were
practicing Inner Sound Meditation were able to listen to some Inner Sound at the time when
research was being carried out.

Able to listen to Inner sound Not able to listen to

Inner sound

50% 47%

Chart 3: Are you able to listen to some Inner Sound?

1 Have you experienced any kind of benefit(s) from listening to
Inner Sound?

Statistics of this question demonstrated a sort of surprising results. As depicted by Chart 4,

463 candidates i.e. 88% of the total respondents who can listen to some Inner Sound(s)
are benefitting from these sounds in their day-to-day life.

Experiencing benefit(s) from Inner Sound(s)

No benefit
88% experienced


Chart 4: Have you experienced any kind of benefit(s) from

listening to Inner Sound(s)?
4. Additional Findings

A variety of the inferences, if any that may be drawn from the data are, as follows.

4.1 Why Inner Sound?

All the respondents who report to have been regularly listening to the Inner Sound give
following reasons as to why they prefer for practicing it.

 Most of the respondents say that they find this technique of meditation very interesting and
that of course; it breaks the age-old myth that meditation is boring.

 Almost 75% of the people who are able to

Ab mujhe dhyan lagana nahi
listen to some Inner Sound say that they
padta, apne aap lag
do not have to ’try’ or ’make effort ’ to
jata hai!
concentrate during meditation. The Inner
Sound automatically pulls their attention.
This is what makes this so simple to practice.

 This meditation can be practiced almost anywhere and anytime regardless of the place,
time and situation.
4.2 Different Types of Inner Sound

Respondents who all are able to listen to some Inner Sound describe it in different ways. Some
say it is very subtle while many other people call it a ‘Sharp Thin Line Sound’. Some respondents
say that it resembles the sound of a Flute while another proportion describe it as the ’Sound of
the electric current’. However, out of all these responses, following descriptions of this Inner
Sound have been most prevalent during the research.

Miscellaneous Bells
19% 5%


(‘Jhingur’ in
28% Heartbeat
Soothing Beep 17%

Out of all of the 527 respondents who are able to listen to Inner Sound describe it in a way as
demonstrated by the below mentioned figures:

 28% of the total (148 people) listen to a sound that resembles to that of a Grasshopper
(called as ‘Jhingur’ in Hindi)
 18% of the total (95 people) describe their inner sound as a ’Thin Line’ or a ’Beep’

 17% of the total (89 people) listen to

the sound of their Heartbeat. They describe
it as the sound of ’Drum Beats’
It sounds like as if you clap
 7% of the total (37 people) listen the sound a steel object with another
of their breathing during the meditation. They one and the vibration of
sometimes also listen to sounds similar that clapping continues for
to those of air, wind, thunder of clouds etc. long like tannnnnnnnnn……….

 6% (32 people) describe their Inner Sound as

humming or buzzing.

 5% (26 people) listen the sounds similar to

ringing of anklets, tinkling of Bells and
clinking of bangles.

 Remaining 19% (100 people) happen to listen the inner sounds that resemble the sounds of
Bumblebee, conch shell, flute, gong, siren, waterfall, rustle of leaves, chirping of birds etc.

 Many people also say that they listen to a very soothing ‘Beep’ sound even without putting
on ear-plugs and throughout the day.

 Many people report that the intensity of the Inner Sound increases during the night and
that too when they are alone (in silence).
4.3 Benefits of Inner Sound Meditation

As demonstrated by the data, people who regularly listen to some Inner Sound, 88% of them
really experienced some or the other kind of benefit. Following chart depicts the actual
statistics of different kinds of benefits experienced by them.

Decrease in Miscellaneous
Quitting of
Attachments 3%
1% 2% Understanding in
Increase in 4%
Power Getting less
24% thoughts now

More Control
Over Anger

Increase in Increase in
Concentration/Focus Energy
20% 9%
Living in Present

 24% of the total (111 people) who are into Inner The Sound runs in
Sound Meditation report increase in observation power. the background like music
and absorbs all the
 20% of total (93 people) say that after listening to the Inner external sounds, thereby
Sound, their concentration power has drastically improved. helping me concentrate on
my studies
 18% of the total (83 people) say that their awareness level has
significantly improved and they now can live in present moment.
 9% (42 people) feel increase in their energy level

Earlier, on returning home from office, I used  8% of the total (37 people) have
to release all my frustration on my daughters observed control over their anger
by scolding them. Now, after listening to the
inner sound, my frustration level has  8% (37 people) say that they are getting
significantly reduced. Now, I can maintain less thoughts now upon listening to
work-family balance in true way. the Inner Sound

 4% of the total (18 people) observed more understanding in their relationships

Yeh Sound ek instrument ki tarah

hai mere mind ke liye. Ise sunte hi pata
chal jaata hai ki mere mind ki dasha
kahan bigad rahi hai
I really don’t understand what this Sound is.
All I can tell you is that it has some power.
It really has. And I can tell you that because
I have felt it, and I continue to do so nearly
every moment each day.
5. Conclusions

As demonstrated by the findings of the research, almost all the people who were regularly
listening to the Inner Sound were experiencing some or the other benefit in their day to day
life. In fact, many people who can listen to the sound 24 hours a day said that their life had
taken a new turn upon coming in contact with this Inner Sound. From recovery of
‘since-childhood’ stammering to increase in self awareness, fruitful results have been
experienced by the people meditating on the Inner Sound.
All in all, the statistical inferences indicate that Inner Sound can be considered as a straightaway
path to spiritual awakening in today’s contemporary lifestyle. It can also be called as a
‘Direct Path’.

 Om Tat Sat
“I am That”

Research Conducted & Compiled By:

Team, Sandeep Maheshwari

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