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Department of Education


2nd Floor, Mabini Building, DepEd Complex
Meralco Avenue, Pasig City
QAME Form F: End of Program Evaluation (Adopted from STRIVE-developed T and D System)

Name (Optional): ____________________________ Sex: Male Female

Program Title: ________________________________ Start Date: ____________ End Date:______________

Region ____ Division__________________ Learning Service Provider _______________________

Directions: Please assess the effectiveness of the training program according to the indicators below.
Put a tick/check (/) under the appropriate column.

Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
A. Program Management
 Training program was delivered as planned
 Training program was managed efficiently
 Training program was well-structured
B. Attainment of Objectives
 Program objectives were clearly presented
 Program objectives were attained
C. Delivery of Content
 Program content was appropriate to trainees’
roles and responsibilities
 Content delivered was based on authoritative
and reliable sources
 Session activities were effective in generating
 Adult learning methodologies were used
 Program followed a logical order/structure
 Contribution of all trainees were encouraged
D. Provision of Support Materials
 Appropriate to trainees’ needs
 Adequate
 Given on time
E. Program Management Team
 Members were present when needed
 Members were courteous
 Members were efficient
 Members were responsive to the needs of
F. Training Venue
 Well lighted
 Well-ventilated
 Sufficient space for program activities
 Adequate soundproofing
 Availability of equipment
 Serviceability of equipment
 Internet access was usable
Department of Education
2nd Floor, Mabini Building, DepEd Complex
Meralco Avenue, Pasig City
 Clean
 Accessible comfort rooms
 Clean comfort rooms
 Meals were of satisfactory quality
 Meals were of sufficient quantity
 Meals were generally healthy
 Meals had sufficient variety
G. Accommodations
 With sufficient space
 Comfortable
 Clean
 Facilities were in good working order

Please provide your honest response to each of the following questions:

What do you consider your most significant learning from the training program?

How will your learning impact your work?

Do you have any comments/suggestions to improve the training program?

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