Where Order Meets Chaos: Description Example

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• Israel, South Korea & Singapore have faced The fear of losing face & bursting of internal
existential threats for a long period of military bubble in 2000 ,Haug tells us the reason behind
services. less start-ups in Korea. In Korea, one fears being
• In 1920, the Arab resisted establishment of a exposed while failing. In early 2000s, the bubble
Jewish country and they sought to defeat Israel. burst and their public failure left a scar on
• Singapore fought against Japan in the world entrepreneurship. But Israel seems to be on the
war II & still stay in fear of Indonesia. It has one other side of the spectrum, they don’t care
the highest GDPs in the world. about social price of the failure & they develop
There has also been a decrement in startups in their projects regardless of economic or political
Korea as compared to Israel, even though Korea situation.
has great affinity towards technology.
• It’s not really important that if a country has a Singapore had a really impressive growth rate
good growth rate and impulsive annual GDP and had one of the highest real per capita GDP
growth then it would have the capability of risk- i.e. over US $35,000. Also the real GDP growth
taking, initiatives and good agility. has averaged 8% annually.
• Singapore lacked the risk-taking ability for new Singapore's founding father who also served as
start-ups and entrepreneurship. prime minister for 3 decades said that many
new tries and start-ups were required.
• The study of Apollo 13 crisis awares us more The challenge of conveying cultural aspects that
about the concepts which mainly involves make start-up scene okay is important for an
experimenting & diagnosing the issues again and organisation.
again along with improvisation. Expert’s team of NASA performs miracles of
• Columbia crisis is assumed to be the failure emergency improvisation, otherwise the crisis
caused due to overruled and routine would have been fatal.
management system. Israel war fighting is also an experimental
• NASA transformation from Apollo culture of endeavour where each new fight is considered
exploration to the Columbia culture of rigid as an important test and source of data, rather
standardisation began in 1970s to revolutionize than routine application of past practice.
transportation into space by routinising it. Following order but doing in best possible way,
• Several case studies have pointed out that, using judgement and investing whatever effort is
space travel, much like technology innovation, is necessary i.e. emphasizing improvisation over
a fundamentally experimental endeavour and discipline and challenging the chief over respect
should be managed by way. for hierarchy.

•Can-do, a responsible attitude, that Israel’s

refers to as Rosh gadol is of great significance.
• Every operation is treated like laboratory work IDF (Israel defence forces) follow a system of
to be examined and re-examined, open to new debriefing wherein, everyday soldiers of all ranks
information which often subjects to rich and sit together and deconstruct the day. They
heated debate. accept mistakes and derive conclusions based on
• Explaining away bad decisions is unacceptable. practicalities. This is also done after wars
whether they win or not. Instead of the quiet
• The purpose of discussion is not to admit acceptance of doctrine and tradition witnessed
mistakes but to learn from them. in the case of most armies, the growth of Israeli
army has been marked by turmoil of
• The idea is to discuss and innovate rather than innovation , controversy & debate.
adhering to the things that worked in the past.
• Lack of organisation and lack of improvisation In Israel, soldiers were not sufficiently instilled
was experienced during the Lebanon war in with the sense that fate of war is on their
2006. shoulder, instead they were dependent more
• Exaggerated adherence of senior officers to the upon the technological strength. Allowing lower
chief staff decision was one of major problems ranking officers to plan and lead security
during the war. operations with less control from above can
• Relying too much on technology, that creates prepare us better for the conventional wars.
the impression of tackling battle without actually
being in the field.
• Many of Israel’s traits need to be adopted by With regard to the 2006 war, Israel aims to
Singapore. Singapore lacks a proper military restore the core values instead of liberating
structure, inventiveness & obedience, however them. The junior officers have equal say in the
its politeness and one-party rule adds to fluidity. matters concerned.
“Order” acts as an obstacle to fluidity. According to economists, crossing boundaries,
• Israel has perfect combination of flexibility, breaking societal norms, a lack of fit and unusual
innovation, initiative and constantly involved in system stimulates creativity and are the key
group thinking while having discipline. ingredients of an entrepreneur. “Edge of chaos”
• Israeli entrepreneurs are benefitted by stable refers to the region where rigid order meets
institution & rule of law, along with its non- random chaos & contribution to global impact.
hierarchical culture. Rosh Godal thinking acts as
incubator for its high-tech start-up culture.

Submitted by:
Vidushi Gupta
Vishwi Dholakhandi
Yashaswi Gupta
Yashee Jain
Yashi Mittal
Yashika Sardana
Yogyata Kumari

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