Reflection 16

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My designation code is INFP. That means that I am an Introverted more than

extroverted, intuitive rather than observant, way more feeling before thinking, Mediator. I was
shocked by how accurate this test was. I knew that the result was me when I saw all my
strengths on the list. I make an effort to understand other people’s true feelings on things and
will adjust my actions if I think it might hurt them. I did not think of this as a strength as it usually
negatively affects me throughout my life. I also always preach how I want people to live as they
see fit as long as it does not hurt anyone. I make it my primary objective to meet people like
empty books, tolerating their lifestyles and decisions.

The weaknesses they listed were spot on with mine. I tend to expect everything I do to be
meaningful in my workplace, which sets me up for disappointment when dreams do not come
true. I am also very self-critical, tending to stop myself from having the motivation to get things
done. I can become so captured by my emotions that I lose track of things; thus, it can prevent
me from clearly seeing the facts of a situation. One thing that stood out to me was the next
weakness they listed. I try too hard to please everyone and avoid conflict, making me painfully
sensitive to any criticism. You could say the nicest thing to me, but I would not take it seriously
in my mind. Instead, I would use it as a way to insult myself.

When I finished reading the strengths and weaknesses, I took some time to think about what my
career could be with the personality I have. What career path I want to follow has been a
confusing journey. I still am not fully aware of what I want to do with myself. I was confused
reading the career path section because it felt like they knew what I wanted to do more than I
knew myself. I agree with everything they stated in this section. I want a career that does not
just pay my bills but also makes me feel fulfilled. I want to do something I genuinely love,
whatever that may turn out to be. I am also having trouble finding a profession that meets my
practical needs but also fulfills my dreams. If possible, I would like to work with clients
face-to-face to see how I help and affect others.

When I first started doing the 16personalities test, I did not think that this test would be accurate
in the slightest. I learned more about myself than I have in years. Some of the things I read felt
like clarification that I felt were not just feelings but also my actual personality. I learned how my
brain worked and why I do the things I do. I would recommend all my friends take this test to
see how scarily accurate it is to them.

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