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1. Employees categorized as high risk, who are pregnant/lactating mother and senior citizen (60
and above years of age) and employees of all ages with underlying medical conditions,
particularly if not well controlled, such as:

a. Diabetes (insipidus, mellitus, or gestational)

b. Pulmonary Disease
1. PTB history
2. Asthma
3. History of Pneumonia
4. Emphysema
5. Chronic bronchitis
6. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
7. Cystic fibrosis
c. Cardiac Disease
1. Hypertension
2. Cardiac Arryhthmias
3. Coronary Artery Disease
4. Valvular Heart Disease (Aortic and Mitral Valve Disorders; Pulmonary and
Tricuspid Valve Disorders)
5. Rheumatic Heart Disease
d. Kidney Disease
1. Glomerulonephritis
2. Chronic Kidney Disease, undergoing dialysis or not
e. Liver Diseases
1. Chronic Hepatitis
2. Autoimmune Hepatitis
3. Liver Cirrhosis
f. Blood dyscrasias/disorders
1. Anemia
4. Beta Thalassemia
5. Thrombocytopenia
6. Polycythemia
7. Deep vein thrombosis
g. Neurological Disease/ Disorder
1. Multiple Sclerosis
2. Seizure disorders
3. S/P Cerebrovascular disease (Stroke)
h. Auto immune Diseases
1. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
2. Psoriasis
3. Rheumatoid Arthritis
4. Diabetes Type 1
5. Pemphigus/ Bullous Phempigoid
6. Autoimmune urticaria
7. Allergic dermatitis
8. Severe allergies with history of anaphylactic reaction/shock
i. Immunocompromised
1. Cancer patients on therapy
2. Immune deficiencies, poorly controlled HIV or AIDS
3. Prolonged use of corticosteroids and other immune weakening medications

must be prioritized for work at home and will not be allowed yet to return to work onsite during the
General/Modified Community Quarantine since they are persons at high risk with Covid-19

2. Employees categorized as class A during Annual Physical Examination/Pre-employment

Examination should be tested with Rapid Test Kit done by accredited laboratories/clinic. The
following results may be allowed to return to work but with still strict adherence to social
distancing, hand hygiene, cough etiquette and wearing of face mask.
a. (-)IgG and (-)IgM without symptoms
b. (+)IgG and (-)IgM with confirmatory PCR test and negative symptoms

Repeat testing done every 2 weeks for re-issuance or update immunity pass and with strict
compliance of all employees.

 While testing is an important component, there are still limitations not to mention that is
very costly.

3. Employees allowed to return to work are required to do self-monitoring for the occurrence of
any sign and symptom indicative of COVID-19 then consult ASAP at the clinic or accredited HMO
clinics. Employee must report this to clinic, failure to do so may be sanctioned under R.A 11332
“Mandatory Reporting of Notifiable Disease and Health Events of Public Health Concern Act”.

4. Housekeeping should maintain the cleanliness and sanitation of the workplace, with strict
compliance to DOH disinfection guidelines.


5. Employees allowed to return to work during the GCQ are required to accomplish the health
self-declaration form on a daily basis prior to entry. Security personnel will assess the forms duly
filled up by the employee and will refer to clinic if any symptoms were declared/seen or need
further evaluation, these employees will be asked to stay at the holding/isolation room to be
assessed and evaluated by the clinic team.
 Most important is to check all employees for symptoms within the last 14 days and
excluding anyone who is symptomatic from working. This will remove transmission

6. Employees who are not feeling well/sick prior to shift must inform immediate superior at least 3
hours in advance and is not required physical appearance in the workplace for clinic validation.
Said employees are expected to present a medical certificate upon reporting back to work and
must disclose this in daily health self-declaration form. They will be held at the isolation room
for further evaluation (interview and physical assessment) by the clinic team before allowing to
report back to work.

 Even before the start of the pandemic, we have noticed some of the Team Leads and
Managers would require their unwell/sick employee to physically report to the clinic
despite the advance notice just to have the sickness clearance form issued by the clinic and
validated that the employee was really sick. This practice is not advised by the clinic team
especially with the pandemic and other reasons such as:
1. Patient already gave an advise for his/her absence and may present medical certificate
to prove their sickness and be validated by the medical team with the issuing
physician/clinic 2. Patient is endangering himself (and exposing others) during transport
to/from work.
3. Patient may expose other employees to pathogens (bacteria/virus) during their stay at
the building.

7. Employees with temperature of >37.5C, even after a 5 minute rest, the person shall be isolated
in a holding area not allowed entry and wait for the clinic team for further evaluation.
 Isolation/Holding area should be well ventilated and be disinfected every after
 Clinic team assigned to evaluate held in the isolation area should wear
appropriate PPEs including mask, goggles/face shield, gloves and gown/suit.
 Employees manifesting influenza like illness/covid9-like symptoms such as fever,
cough and colds, throat pain, body pain/malaise, diarrhea, difficulty or shortness
of breath will be sent home and will be advised accordingly.


8. Employees are required to practice social/physical distancing (minimum of 1 meter radius

between workers) at all times and advised frequent hand washing and avoid touching of face.

9. Employees are required to wear face masks at all times and may only remove during
eating/drinking. Face masks for employees are available at BAED (to prevent healthy individuals
from being exposed to sick patients).

 If an employee was proven to intentionally refuse wearing of mask despite

several reminders by security personnel, employee maybe reported to HR for
proper disciplinary actions?

10. In the event that the patient manifested fever with COVID-like symptoms during work and is a
COVID suspect, isolate the patient from other employees and call the clinic for further
instructions. Do not remove the patient’s mask.

 Clinic team must wear appropriate medical grade PPEs (masks, gloves, face
shield and/or goggles and laboratory gown) during evaluation which includes
interview and physical assessment of patient.
 Transportation to the hospital should be coordinated with BAED at once.
 Decontamination of workplace area should be done immediately and work may
resume in the area after 24 hours.
 Employees present in the work area with the COVID suspected employee shall
go on 14 days home quarantine with self-monitoring instructions. If the
suspected employees has negative results, co-employees may be allowed to
report back to work.
Clinic operation is open as usual however employees are expected strict adherence to new

1. Strictly one patient at a time, unless patient needs assistance.

2. Patient should sanitize hands and footwear (located outside the clinic near
pantry using alcogel/alcohol and the sanitizing foot bath) before entering.

3. With limited PPEs, plastic cover barriers were placed to reduce exposure of
both employees and clinic team. Plastic covers are sanitized every after
patient seen.

4. Patient will stay at our “unsterile area” for assessment. Only patients
allowed by the clinic team may enter “sterile” area, such as those who need
further evaluation or management or bed rest.

5. Clinic team will issue a sickness clearance form if patient is for rest or send
home/ER depending on the clinic team’s assessment.

6. To avoid exposure of patients for clinic rest, 3 beds are allotted to infectious
case and 2 beds for non-infectious case.

7. Disinfection by housekeeping should be done every 4 hours at the clinic. In

addition to this, clinic team will also do disinfection at unsterile area after
every patient seen.

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