What Are These Organs Called?: Activity 1: Match These Pictures To The Organs in The Box Below

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What are these organs called?

Activity 1: Match these pictures to the organs in the box below.


Large intestine Brain Kidney/s & Bladder Stomach

Small intestine Pancreas Heart Testis & penis

Lung/s Liver & Gallbladder Oesophagus Ovaries & uterus

Inside The Human Body
Activity 2: In pairs discuss and write the answers to the following
question. Ask your teacher for help if necessary. More than one verb
many be possible.

What does each of these human body organs do?

The oesophagus carries food to the stomach. Digest
The heart………………………blood around the body. Make
The intestines……………………………nutrients and water from old food. Filter
The brain……………………………the body. Control
The liver………………………………the blood. Pump
The kidneys…………………………the blood and ……………….……..urine. Produce
The stomach……………………………food. Clean
The pancreas……………………………insulin and ………………………. blood sugar. Coordinate

Organ Systems

Guess which one you think they are; Digestive System, Reproductive
Systems or Respiratory System


………………………………… …………………………………..
Activity 3: In pairs or groups, discuss these questions.

1. Have you had an operation on a body organ?

2. Do we need all of these organs to live?
3. Which human organ is the most important?
4. Have you ever injured/hurt an organ in your body?
5. Do you think our body is perfect?
6. What three adjectives would you use to describe the body?
7. How do you look after your body?
8. Would you donate (give) an organ to a family member?
9. Do you think we have a soul?
10. Would you sell your body to science or medical research? How much
money would you want for your body?
11. How would you describe the human body to an alien?
12. Would you rather have the perfect body or be super intelligent?
13. What will our body look like after 1 million years of evolution?
14. What do you think about organ trafficking?
Activity 3. Label this picture.
What are these organs called?

Activity 1: Match these pictures to the organs in the box below.


Large intestine Brain Kidney/s & Bladder Stomach

Small intestine Pancreas Heart

Lung/s Liver & Gallbladder Oesophagus

Inside The Human Body
Activity 2: In pairs discuss and write the answers to the following
question. Ask your teacher for help.

What does each of these human body organs do?

The oesophagus…..Carries food to the stomach……………………………………

The heart…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
The intestines…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
The brain……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
The liver……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
The kidney/s……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
The stomach………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
The pancreas…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Activity 3: In pairs or groups, discuss these questions.

1. Have you had an operation on a body organ?

2. Do we need all of these organs to live?
3. Which human organ is the most important?
4. Have you ever injured/hurt an organ in your body?
5. Do you think our body is perfect?
6. What three adjectives would you use to describe the body?
7. How do you look after your body?
8. Would you donate (give) an organ to a family member?
9. Do you think we have a soul?
10. Would you sell your body to science or medical research? How much
money would you want for your body?
11. How would you describe the human body to an alien?
12. Would you rather have the perfect body or be super intelligent?
13. What will our body look like after 1 million years of evolution?
14. What do you think about organ trafficking?
What are these organs called?

Activity 1: Match these pictures to the organs in the box below.


Large intestine Brain Kidney/s & Bladder Stomach

Small intestine Pancreas Heart

Lung/s Liver & Gallbladder Oesophagus

Inside The Human Body
Organ Systems

Guess which one you think they are; Digestive System and Respiratory

………………………………… …………………………………..

Activity 2: In pairs discuss and write the answers to the following question.
Ask your teacher for help if necessary.

What does each of these human body organs do? Use the verbs from the box
to help. More than one option may be possible.

The oesophagus carries food to the stomach. Absorb

The heart………………………blood around the body. Digest
The intestines……………………………nutrients and water from old food. Make
The brain……………………………the body. Filter
The liver………………………………the blood. Control
The kidneys…………………………the blood and ……………….……..urine. Pump
The stomach……………………………food. Produce
The pancreas……………………………insulin and ………………………. blood sugar. Clean
Activity 3: In pairs or groups, discuss these questions.

1. Have you had an operation on a body organ?

2. Do you think our body is perfect?
3. What three adjectives would you use to describe the body?
4. How do you look after your body?
5. Would you donate (give) an organ to a family member?
6. Would you sell your body to science or medical research?
7. Would you rather have the perfect body or be super intelligent?
8. What do you think about organ trafficking (people who sell their organs)?

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