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The Parish Council meeting was held on Tuesday February 8th, 2011 at 17:33. The following
were the council members and parishioners that attended this meeting:

Fr. Damian Ikolaba

Fr. Samuel Aniekwe
Sr. Deacon George Foster
Deacon Michael Marchek
Deacon David Kriegel
SCPO Mike Rivera
Bill Holt
Tina Raby
Ricardo Ruiz
Kim Besel
Sherry Wodicka
Diana Herrera
Thomas Dean
Jeryn Coleman
Kelley Culver
Dede Obrien
Lola Rivera

Father Damian opened the meeting with a prayer. The following topics were discussed:

1. Parish Council President SCPO Mike Rivera welcomed the attendees and handed out the meeting
2. Knights of Columbus represented by the Grand Knight, Ricardo Ruiz. Knights of Columbus are in the
process of getting new banners. They ordered one, and are thinking about ordering two more. Ricardo
stated that the price for each banner is $25 each, and the set is $53.50. SCPO Rivera encouraged
Ricardo to submit a purchase order for this purchase. Additionally Ricardo informed the Council that
their monthly meeting in March 8th has been changed to March 7th due to the Tuesday Shrove.
3. RCIA was represented by Deacon Michael Marchek. Deacon Marchek stated that RCIA sessions had
moved out from the current location to reconstruction. At this moment they are looking for a
temporary location. The situation is going to affect the soldiers since in order to attend RCIA on
Sundays, they will need transportation. Deacon Marchek stated that Randy Dillard is taking care of
this matter, and they are waiting for a solution. Deacon Marchek confirmed one active duty member
looking for sacrament at this moment.
4. RE. No representation.
Monthly report was sent to the Parish Council members. A copy of this report is attached to the minutes
for record.

5. Father Damian informed the Parish Council that our Bishop will celebrate confirmation to the
confirmandi candidates on April 27th. Fr. Damian said that he does not have any more details, but as
soon as he gets any updates, he will share with the Council.
6. Bible Study represented by Tom Dean. Tom highlighted that the bible study group is very strong.
They are starting the Book of Hebrews soon.

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7. MCCW represented by its President, Kim Besel. Kim informed the Council that she is passing over
her position to the Vice-President Dede Obrien due to her advanced pregnancy. The change is
effective today at least until the end of April.
Kim stated that everything is almost ready for the Valentine dinner/dance. Kim said that Laura Pizzi
received the checks today. 68 people already signed up. Tickets need to be paid at the dance. The
estimated price for each couple is $10 dollars. The donations will go to the seminarian student Mark
Lockhart, the son of a two parishioners.
MCCW will celebrate a Valentine’s party for the children on Monday February 14th. Kim informed
that MCCW will not have Bible Study on February 21st due to the holidays. Kim also announced that
Sr. Deacon Foster will be the guest speaker for the next monthly meeting March 8th. MCCW will
have Pot Lock this day.

8. SCPO Rivera asked Dede O’Brien to contact Lisa Krug to request the High School students to
participate in the Tuesday Shrove night. He added that if the high school class has other compromises
for that day, the 8th grade class which he teaches every Sunday can help out with this event.

9. SCPO Rivera thanked those ministry coordinators who already submitted their 2011-2012 budget. He
reminded that the all ministries need to submit their budgets by the end of February.

10. SCPO Rivera announced that Tina Raby will take over the Financial Advisor position effective today.

11. Lectors represented by Tom Dean. Tom stated that the lectors are doing a great job. He added that
lectors are pretty much set on schedule. Vice-President Bill Holt said that he has noticed that
sometimes lectors do not know they are scheduled to read. He suggested reminding lectors more often
to avoid these situations.

12. Father Damian and Deacon Kriegel will discuss the Mass changes over the next several days.

13. Lent Season. Every Friday St. Michael will have the Stations of the Cross at 1800. Soup and bread
will be provided by MCCW. Requested this information to be added in the weekly bulletin.
Confirmed that we will not have Adoration during Lent.

14. Sherry Wodicka informed the Council that she is interested in coordinating the Flower Ministry. The
Council agreed. SCPO Rivera asked Sherry to build up the Flower Ministry process. Sherry has the
Council blessing work with the RSO and begin the flower ministry.

15. Music Ministry. We do not have any information about the contract situation. Fr. Damian is going to
ask Ch. Lock to see how we are doing.

16. SCPO Rivera stated that the Volunteer Appreciation day on a Sunday anytime in May.

17. Fr. Damian will look at the Pro-Life designated offering dates with the RSO.

New Business

SCPO Rivera announced that Randy Dillard stated the importance of all the volunteers being registered in
the Volunteer Management Information System (VMIS).

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18. A Deacon George stated the importance of providing CRE course and training for teachers.
19. Jeryn Coleman asked what the process is to offer a Mass for someone. Fr. Damian stated that he or
Fr. Samuel do this. People interested only need to let them know before Mass.
20. Fr. Damian asked Lola Rivera if she could be the Point of Contact for the Pulpit Announcements until
the Parish hires a new Parish Life Coordinator. Lola accepted.
21. Deacon Kriegel announced that he will offer the second part of the 2011 Roman Missal Changes on
February 23rd after Adoration.
22. SCPO Rivera thanked the Council members and ministry coordinators for doing a great job with
actively supporting the mission of our Parish. Father Damian also thanked attendees for doing such a
great job. He informed the Council that the number of parishioners surpasses the 450 during
weekends. He encouraged the Council to continue to work together toward our mission.
23. The next Council meeting will be held at 17:30 hours on possible Monday the 7th of March, 2011.
(SCPO Rivera will ask Father if it is possible to change the council meeting to Monday due to the
Tuesday Shrove).

Minutes recorded by Lola Rivera

Parish Council Secretary

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