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XIS MYP Scope and Sequence

Grade 6
Starts Duration Related Global Statement
Unit Title Key Concepts Inquiry Question ATL Criteria &
On (Weeks) Concepts Contexts of Inquiry
What causes diseases? , How can
I. Communication
understanding of microorganisms A Unit test
Microorganisms skills, II.
Environment, Identities and help me understand diseases?: , Are D Disease poster
Variety of life W2 August 12 Systems Form, Function. relationships
have an impact
bacteria more beneficial or harmful to
Collaboration skills,
D Impact
on systems. VIII. Critical thinking
humans? Are we more bacterial than evaluation
The interaction What forces act on an object?: , What I. Communication
Forces and Scientific and of forces causes calculations are required to describe skills, III. A Unit test
W2 Balance, Models,
9 Change technical change in the motion?: , How do forces cause Organization skills, BC Parachute
Motion November Movement.
innovation world around movement?: , Do frictional forces VIII. Critical thinking design lab
us. cause problems?: skills
Humans require
Space Time, place and new frontiers to What exists outside of the earth?,
W3 Fairness and D Space
4 Evidence. promote change How can we know what exists? ,
exploration February space development
and continued Should we develop space?
exploration essay
What are the properties of water?: ,
The responsible
Global Globalization How does science and geography BC Water Lab
Sciences: Form, use of resources
Water W2 March 12 and influence the quality and quantity of design report
interaction Interaction.
can lead to
water?: , Should preserving fresh C Lab Report
water be our highest priority?:

Updated 2018.01
Grade 7
Starts Duration Related Global Statement
Unit Title Key Concepts Inquiry Question ATL Criteria &
On (Weeks) Concepts Contexts of Inquiry
What must people do to make the
A: Unit Test
The world more sustainable.: , How do
B: Design lab –
Environmental relationships humans affect the world around
I. Communication plant growth
Interactions Globalization between natural them?: , What are the different types
Balance, Energy, skills, VI. Information C: Lab Report –
W2 August 12 Relationships and and human of relationships between organisms?: ,
and Interaction.
sustainability systems affect How does energy flow through an
literacy skills, VII. plant growth
Ecosystems Media literacy skills D: Research Essay
the ecosystem?: , How do changes in one
– Human impacts
environment. population affect a related
on a biome
population? :
that motion is a
A: Unit test
consequence of I. Communication
What are the possible results of two B: Design lab –
Forces in the interactions skills, VIII. Critical
Consequences, Scientific and or more interacting forces?: , How is aluminium can
W2 between thinking skills, IX.
gases, solids, November
11 Relationships Energy, technical
particles has
movement related to forces? : , Has
Creative thinking
and machines Transformation. innovation our understanding of the interaction C: Lab report –
allowed humans skills, X. Transfer
of forces made our lives easier?: aluminium can
to predict how skills
movements will
How are atomic theories linked to
patterns in the periodic table?: , How III. Organization
A: Unit test
Models of is the reactivity of an element related skills, IV. Affective
C: Lab report –
Substances Scientific and systems and to its placement on the periodic skills, VIII. Critical
W1 Models, separating mixtures
11 Systems technical reactions help table?: , Do molecular models increase thinking skills, IX.
and mixtures January Patterns.
innovation us understand our understanding of Chemistry?: , Creative thinking
D: Research Essay
– Uses of an
observations. What information does the periodic skills, X. Transfer
table provide?: , How can infomation skills
shown on the periodic table be used?:
What are the different types of faults?:
Forces in Forces have
Consequences, Orientation in , How do scientists know what the VIII. Critical thinking
Earth and W2 May 4 Change Energy, space and
while changing
world was like a long time ago?: , skills, X. Transfer A: unit test
earthquakes Movement. time Should the development of cities in skills
the landscape.
earthquake zones continue?:

Updated 2018.01
Grade 8
Starts Duration Related Global Statement
Unit Title Key Concepts Inquiry Question ATL Criteria &
On (Weeks) Concepts Contexts of Inquiry
There is a
C: Investigating the
How do scientists know a reaction has reaction between
between the
Acids and Globalization happened? Why must a reaction be HCl and Na3S2O3
Balance, properties of VIII. Critical thinking
W2 August 12 Relationships and balanced? Should chemical reactions D: Chemical
bases Consequences
acids and bases
be used to solve problems in the
reactions essay
and their impact
world?: A: Unit test -
on the
Chemical reactions
Scientists use What is a wave? How has technology
the properties in light and sound impacted our lives?
of sound and Does the use of the electromagnetic C: Investigating
light to create spectrum in recent history make Snell’s law
Sound and Scientific and I. Communication
W2 scientific human life better? What factors affect BC: Sound
12 Communication Form technical skills, VIII. Critical
light November
innovations that wave speed? What are the structures
thinking skills
can be used to in the ear that transform sound A: Unit test -
gather and waves? Does everyone see the same Sound and light
transfer thing? How do waves transform
information. energy?:
C: Potato osmosis
innovations What is the purpose of a double
affect the ability circulation? How can pumps, tubes
Cells and Scientific and BC: Respiration lab
Function, of organ and valves be combined for effective I. Communication
W2 March 12 Systems technical D: Medical
Systems Interaction
systems to work transport? When is heart surgery skills
breakthrough essay
together to preferred? Is one system more
A: Unit test - Cells
maintain health important than another?
and systems
and well-being.

Updated 2018.01
Grade 9
Starts Duration Related Global Statement
Unit Title Key Concepts Inquiry Question ATL Criteria &
On (Weeks) Concepts Contexts of Inquiry
What is a genetically modified
Heredity results
organism?: What determines if A: Unit test
in diversity
Genetics and Function, Globalization something is genetically modified?, A: Design a species
which allows I. Communication
W2 August 12 Form Patterns., and How much information about your poster
Diversity Consequences sustainability
organisms to
genetics do you really want to know?:
D: "Genethics"
have a variety of
Accessibility to information essay
A: Unit test
C: Ohms law lab
between electric What is the resistance of different
Characteristics Energy, Form, Scientific and report
W2 and magnetic circuits?: , How is electricity VIII. Critical thinking
12 Relationships Interaction, technical BC: Battery design
of Electricity November
Transformation innovation
fields allows produced?: , What is the best method skills
many technical of generating electricity? :
D: Magnetic field
essay (or open?)
A: Stoichiometry
Systems require assignment
What are the factors affecting the rate
Manufacture balancing A: Reaction rate
Scientific and of a reaction?: , How is the yield of a
Balance, conditions to I. Communication test
and chemical W2 March 12 Systems Consequences
obtain the
reaction calculated from the reactants?
skills C: Empirical
reactions innovation : , Is extracting metals worth the
desired formula lab
outcome. BC: Reaction rate
design lab

Updated 2018.01
Grade 10
Starts Duration Related Global Statement
Unit Title Key Concepts Inquiry Question ATL Criteria &
On (Weeks) Concepts Contexts of Inquiry
A: Unit Test
What are the trends in physical and
Global needs III. Organization B: Design lab – fuel
chemical properties of homologous
and availability skills, IV. Affective investigation
Global Globalization series?: , How do intermolecular
of different skills, V. Reflection C: Lab Report –
Fuels W2 August 12 Energy, Form. and forces dictate the properties of a
interaction sustainability
fuels determines
compound? : , Can we use less oil? : ,
skills, VIII. Critical fuel investigation
environmental thinking skills, X. D: Research Essay
How can we measure the energy of a
impact. Transfer skills – Implications of
using a chosen fuel
The relationship What is required to make food useful
between to our body? How do the different C: Enzyme lab
Biological systems allows organ systems interrelate with each BC: Nervous
W2 Form, Identities and I. Communication
12 Change the body to other? Does scientific understanding system investigation
systems November Function relationships
respond to require a specific vocabulary? How do
A: Unit test -
changes in the receptors transmit stimuli to the Human systems
environment. brain?
Known How are colliding objects related? : ,
VIII. Critical thinking A: Unit test
Forces and Energy, Scientific and relationships Should collisions be made safer?: ,
skills, IX. Creative C: Energy lab
W2 March 12 Relationships Interaction, technical between objects What are Newton’s three laws ?: ,
collisions Movement. innovation allow innovative What are the equations for force and
thinking skills, X. report
Transfer skills D: Collision essay
safety designs momentum :

Updated 2018.01

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