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Procedure no.

: SMS-602-RT-003
Revision no. : 3
Date : 12 April, 2017
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This page is a record of all revisions of the procedure and the following revision (s) has (have) been made to
this procedure.


2 25 September 2014 All Editorial changes and to add Indonesia version

4 Par. 2, To edit Scope

Par. 4
 To change API 1104, 2012 Edition
7  ASME BPV Code Sect. V, 2013 Edition
 To add ASME B31.8, 2012 Edition
 To add DEP
23~27 To change attachments

3 12 April, 2017 7 Par. 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, to change year editions

Par. 7.2.1, to add SE 75
Par. 7.2.4, to add SE 75
Par. 9, to add Acceptance Standards ASME / ANSI
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Par. Uraian Par. Description Page

1 Tujuan 1 Purpose 4
2 Umum 2 General 4
3 Persyaratan Keselamatan 3 Safety Requirements 6
4 Referensi 4 References 6
5 Definisi-definisi 5 Definitions 7
6 Kwalifikasi Personel dan Tanggung 6 Personnel Qualification and 7
Jawab Responsibility
7 Instruksi 7 Instructions 7
7.1 Persiapan Permukaan 7.1 Surface Preparation 7
7.2 Perlengkapan dan material 7.2 Equipments and materials 8
7.3 Exposure Geometry 7.3 Exposure Geometry 9
7.4 Jenis Image Quality Indicator (IQI) 7.4 Type of Image Quality Indicators (IQI) 11
7.5 Pemilihan Image Quality Indicator 7.5 Selection of Image Quality Indicators 11
7.6 Penempatan Image Quality Indicator 7.6 Placement of Image Quality Indicators 12
7.7 Identifikasi gambar 7.7 Identification of Images 13
7.8 Penyimpanan film 7.8 Storage of Film 14
7.9 Density film dan Sensitivity 7.9 Film Density and Sensitivity 14
7.10 Proses gambar 7.10 Image Processing 15
7.11 Area process gambar 7.11 Image Processing Area 15
7.12 Film identifikasi 7.12 Film identification 15
8 Standard Keberterimaan API 1104 8 Acceptance Standards API 1104 15
8.1 Inadequate penetration 8.1 Inadequate penetration 15
8.2 Incomplete Fusion. 8.2 Incomplete Fusion 15
8.3 Incomplete Fusion Due to Cold Lap 8.3 Incomplete Fusion Due to Cold Lap 16
8.4 Internal Concavity. 8.4 Internal Concavity 16
8.5 Burn-Through tidak diperbolehkan 8.5 Burn-Through is not allowed 16
8.6 Slag Inclusions 8.6 Slag Inclusions 16
8.7 Porosity 8.7 Porosity 18
8.8 Cracks 8.8 Cracks 19
8.9 Undercut 8.9 Undercutting 19
8.10 Accumulation of Imperfections 8.10 Accumulation of Imperfections 19
9 Acceptance Standards ASME / ANSI 9 Acceptance Standards ASME / ANSI 20
B31.8 B31.8
10 Memproses Image 10 Image Proccessing 20
Lampiran Attachments 22~27
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1 Tujuan 1 Purpose
1.1 Untuk menyediakan petunjuk 1.1 This procedure provides guidance during
pelaksanaan pengujian radiografi pada the conduct of radiographic examination of
lasan material ferrous (carbon steel, low welds of ferrous material (carbon steel,
alloy steel and stainless steel material) low alloy steel and stainless steel material)
termasuk PQT dan WPQT, menggunakan include PQT and WPQT , using X-rays or
X-rays atau Gamma ray. Gamma rays.
Untuk PQT dan WPQT, radiographic For PQT and WPQT, radiographic testing
testing harus dilaksanakan paling sedikit shall be performed at least 24 hours after
24 jam setelah selesai pengelasan. finish welding.
1.2 Prosedur ini terdiri dari versi Inggris dan 1.2 This procedure consists of English and
Indonesia, jika ada konflik antara Indonesian versions, should there is
keduanya maka versi Inggris yang conflict between these versions the English
dipakai version shall govern.

2 Umum 2 General
2.1 Prosedur ini menyajikan persyaratan 2.1 This procedure presents the requirements
untuk menghasilkan gambar radiografi for producing radiographic images on film
pada film atau media lain melalui or other media through the use of X-rays or
penggunaan sinar-X atau sinar gamma rays. A detailed procedure for the
gamma. Suatu prosedur rinci untuk production of images shall be established
produksi gambar harus ditetapkan dan and recorded. Radiographic film produced
dicatat. Film radiografi yang dihasilkan by the use of this procedure shall have the
dengan menggunakan prosedur ini harus density, clarity, and contrast required by
mempunyai density, kejelasan, dan this standard. Images produced by other
kontras standar. Gambar yang dihasilkan systems shall have the requisite sensitivity
oleh sistem lain harus memiliki to define clearly the essential wire
sensitivity yang diperlukan untuk diameter of the proper Image Quality
menampakkan diameter kawat Image Indicator (IQI). The following criteria shall
Quality Indicator (IQI). Kriteria berikut be used to evaluate images:
harus digunakan untuk e valuasi gambar:
a. Sebuah kualitas yang dapat diterima a. An acceptable image quality that is free
gambar yang bebas dari kabut dan dari from fog and from processing irregularities
penyimpangan pemrosesan yang dapat that could mask the image of actual
menutupi gambar cacat aktual imperfections.
b. Menunjukkan Image Quality Indicator b. The prescribed Image Quality Indicator
(IQI) dan diameter kawat esensial (IQI) and the essential wire diameter.
c. Sebuah sistem identifikasi yang memuaskan c. A satisfactory identification system.
d. Suatu teknik yang dapat diterima dan setup d. An acceptable technique and setup.
e. Kesesuaian dengan standar keberterimaan. e. Compatibility with acceptance standards.
2.2 Kontraktor harus menyediakan semua 2.2 Contractor shall furnish all materials,
materila, pekerja, peralatan, dan peralatan labor, tools, and equipment necessary to
yang perlu untuk radiography inspeksi radiography inspection 100% of all girth
100% semua girth weld. Peralatan, welds. The equipment, film, radiographic
kwalifikasi radiography prosedur, procedure qualification, qualification of
penggunaan penetrameter, proses film, radiographer, use of penetrameters, film
film identifikasi, penyimpanan record processing, film identification, record
harus didkumentasikan keeping shall be documented.
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2.3 Kontraktor harus menyediakan dan 2.3 Contractor shall furnish and maintain
menjaga peralatan dan spare part untuk equipment and spare parts for radiography
radiography dan komplet proses film, and for complete film processing, plus all
plus semua film, screen, mask, filter, film, screens, masks, filters, penetrameters,
penetrameter, cassett, lead number dan cassettes, lead numbers and letters, processing
letter, proses chemical, dsb. Perlu untuk chemicals, etc., necessary for the specified
spesifikasi radiography dan film proses. radiography and film processing.
2.4 Kecuali sumber radiasi alternative 2.4 Unless an alternative radiation source is
disetujui oleh Company / principal, agreed to by Company / principal, all 12
semua lasan 12 inch dan lebih besar inch and larger diameter mainline pipe
diameter mainline pipe, kecuali lasan tie- welds, except tie-in welds, shall be
in, harus di radiography dengan self radiographed using self propelled, crawler
propelled, crawler X-ray machine. X-ray X-ray machines. These X-ray machines
machine harus mampu di posisikan dan shall have capability of being accurately
dioperasikan dari jauh. Radiographic positioned and actuated remotely.
equipment harus ada collimator Radiographic equipment shall contain a
membatasi lebar beam ke lebar film plus collimator limiting beam width to film
51 mm ( 2 inches ) menghindari exposure width plus 51 mm ( 2 inches ) guarding
yang tidak center. Kontraktor harus against off-center exposures. Contractor
menjaga dua ( 2 ) crawler untuk setiap shall maintain two ( 2 ) crawlers for each
lokasi ( 100% standby ) siap dipakai dan spread ( 100% standby ) ready for use
jaga spare part with routine maintenance spare parts.
2.5 Jika diperlukan oleh Company / principal, 2.5 If required by Company / principal,
Kontraktor harus menyediakan dan Contractor also shall furnish and maintain
menyediakan peralatan external radiography external radiography equipment and spare
dan spare part. Kontraktor harus parts. Contractor shall furnish and maintain
menyediakan dan menyediakan semua all equipment and supplies required for the
peralatan dan mensuply yang diperlukan
specified radiography. Tie-in welds may be
radiography tsb. Tie-in weld bisa diinspeksi
dengan X-ray atau gamma ray, external inspected either X-ray or gamma ray,
radiography. external radiography.
2.6 Sebelum produksi radiography 2.6 Prior to any production radiography,
Kontraktor harus mencatat detail setiap Contractor shall record the details of each
maksud penggunaan prosedur, termasuk procedure the intends to use, including all
semua item yang disebut diatas. items listed above.
2.7 Setiap prosedur harus di kwalifikasi 2.7 Each procedure shall be qualified to
untuk demonstrasi kemampuan demonstrate the capability to produce
menghasilkan radiograp yang diterima. acceptable radiographs. Qualification
Kwalifikasi radiograph harus dibuat dari radiographs shall be made of both
minimum dan maximum wall thickness minimum and maximum wall thickness for
umtuk setiap prosedur. each procedure.
Semua demonstrasi prosedur radiography All radiographic procedure demonstration
harus di saksikan oleh, dan harus dapat shall be witnessed by, and are subject to
pengesahan Company / principal the approval Company / principal
Representatives. Representatives.
2.8 Kontraktor harus mensuply prosedur 2.8 Contractor shall supply written safety
keselamatan ke Company / principal procedures to Company / principal
meliputi : covering :
a. Normal storage dan transportasi a. Normal storage and transportation of
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sumber radiasi source
b. Personnel exposure monitoring, b. Personnel exposure monitoring,
control dan evakuasi controls and evacuation.
c. Mengembalikan sumber yang lepas ( c. Retrieval of a disconnected source (
system crank rusak ) crank out system )
d. Kegagalan jendela camera pipeline d. Failure of pipeline camera window to
untuk menutup close
e. Kerusakan badan camera e. Rupture of camera body
f. Kontaminasi dari Containment karena f. Containment of contamination due to a
kerusakan sumber ( isotope keluar ruptured source ( isotope is out of the
dari pelindungnya dan tidak bisa shield and cannot be put back )
dikembalikan ) g. Contractor shall furnish all personnel,
g. Kontraktor harus menyediaakan handling tools and containment device
semua personnel, alat angkat dan alat at the job site necessary to execute the
continer di job site perlu untuk above described safety at all times
melakukan keselamatan diatas setiap during the source of the work.
waktu selama summber dipakai.

3 Persyaratan Keselamatan 3 Safety Requirements

3.1 Peraturan keselamatan PT. SPEKTRA 3.1 PT. SPEKTRA MEGAH SEMESTA’s
MEGAH SEMESTA harus ditaati selama safety regulation shall be followed during
dalam pengujian. examination.
 Selalu menggunakan PPE such as  Always use PPE such as Safety shoes,
sepatu keselamatan, sarung tangan, hand glove, safety glass, and helmet.
kaca mata keselamatan, dan helm.  Watch out for slippery and falling
 Waspada tempat yang licin dan benda object.
jatuh  Watch out for the hazard around the
 Waspada benda berbahaya sekitar areas.
tempat kerja  Stop the activities and report to client
 Berhenti kerja dan lapor ke supervisor and supervisor for unsafe working
untuk tempat kerja yang tidak aman condition.
 Pasang barricade atau tali pengaman  Put barricade or safety line in the safe
pada jarak aman jika radiography distance during the radiographic
 Pakai alat pengaman ketinggian jika  Use fall protection equipment if
kerja diatas 2 m working above 2 m.
 Pungut sampah dan buang ditempat  Collect all waste and put it in agreed
yang tersedia place.
 Jangan membuang pelumas, oli atau  Do not expose any lubricant, oil or test
cairan bekas test ke lantai fluid to the ground.

4 Referensi 4 References
Written Practice Procedure Written Practice Procedure
4.2 API 1104, 2013 – 21st Edition, Welding of 4.2 API 1104, 2013 – 21st Edition, Welding of
Pipeline dan Related Facilities.(SNI 13- Pipeline and Related Facilities. (SNI 13-
3472-2002), ERATA-1, 2, 3 dan Addendum 3472-2002), ERATA-1, 2, 3 and Addendum
2014. 2014.
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4.3 ASME BPV Section V, Article 2, 2015 4.3 ASME BPV Section V, Article 2, 2015
Edition Edition
4.4 ANSI B31.8, 2016; Gas Transmission and 4.4 ANSI B31.8, 2016; Gas Transmission and
Distribution Piping Systems Distribution Piping Systems

5 Definisi-definisi 5 Definitions
5.1 RT: Pengujian Radiografi. 5.1 RT: Radiographic Examination.
5.2 NDE: Pengujian tanpa merusak. 5.2 NDE: Non Destructive Examination.
5.3 IQI: Indikator qualitas gambar 5.3 IQI: Image Quality Indicator.
5.4 Densitometer: sebuah alat untuk 5.4 Densitometer: a device for measuring the
mengukur density film radiografi. optical density of radiograph film.
5.5 Indication: respon atau tanda bukti dari 5.5 Indication: the respond or evidence from a
sebuah pengujian tanpa merusak yang nondestructive examination that requires
memerlukan interpretasi untuk relevansi. interpretation to determine relevance.
5.6 Nominal thickness : tebal nominal dari 5.6 Nominal thickness : The nominal thickness of
material induk saja. Tolerance dari pabrik the parent material only. Manufacturing
pembuat tidak diperhitungkan. tolerances do not have to be taken in account.
5.7 Object-to-film distance, t : Jarak antara 5.7 Object-to-film distance, t : The distance
permukaan objek sisi radiasi dan between the radiation side of the test object
permukaan film diukur sepanjang central and the film surface measured along the
dari beam radiasi. central axis of the radiation beam.
5.8 Source size, S : ukuran dari sumber 5.8 Source size, S : The size of the source
radiasi radiation.
5.9 Source-to-film distance, SFD : jarak 5.9 Source-to-film distance, SFD : The distance
antara sumber radiasi dan film diukur between the source of radiation and the film
pada arah dari beam radiasi. measured in the direction of the beam.
5.10 Source-to-object distance, D : Jarak 5.10 Source-to-object distance, D : The distance
antara sumber radiasi dan objek dari sisi between the source of radiation and the source
sumber radiasi diukur sepanjang central side of the test object measured along the
dari beam radiasi. central axis of the radiation beam.

6 Kwalifikasi Personel dan Tanggung 6 Personnel Qualification and

Jawab Responsibility
6.1 Personel yang melakukan pengujian 6.1 Personnel conducting the examination
harud dikualifikasi berdasarkan PT. shall be qualified in accordance with PT.
Practice Prosedur Practice Procedure.
6.2 Personel yang menentukan keberterimaan 6.2 Personnel determining the acceptability to
sesuai syarat –syarat dari prosedur ini the requirements of this procedure shall be
harus mempunyai kwalifikasi Level II qualified to Level II or Level III
atau Level III radiographer.

7 Instruksi 7 Instructions
7.1 Persiapan Permukaan 7.1 Surface Preparation
7.1.1 Riak lasan atau penyimpangan 7.1.1 Weld ripples or weld surface irregularities
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permukaan lasan baik pada bagian dalam on both the inside (where accessible) and
(di mana dapat diakses) dan luar harus outside shall be removed to such a degree
dihilangkan sedemikian rupa sehingga that the resulting radiographic image due
gambar radiografi yang dihasilkan karena to surface irregularities cannot mask or be
permukaan yang tidak rata tidak confused with the image of any
menutupi atau menjadi bingung dengan discontinuities.
gambar dari setiap diskontinuitas.
7.1.2 Permukaan dari semua sambungan las butt 7.1.2 The finished surface of all butt welded
mungkin digerinda rata dengan bahan dasar joints may be flush with the base material
atau mempunyai cukup mahkota seragam, or may have reasonably uniform crowns,
dengan reinforcement, tidak melebihi yang with reinforcement, not to exceed that
ditentukan dalam referensi code.
specified in the referencing Code.
7.2 Perlengkapan dan material 7.2 Equipments and materials
7.2.1 Sumber radiasi harus dari X-Ray atau 7.2.1 Radiation source shall be from X-Ray or
Gamma Ray ( Ir 192, Se 75). Energy Gamma Ray( Ir 192, Se 75). The radiation
radiasi yang dipakai untuk teknik energy employed for radiographic
radiografi harus bisa menghasilkan density technique shall achieve the density and IQI
dan gambar IQI yang dipersyaratkan. image requirements.
7.2.2 Ukuran source atau focal spot harus 7.2.2 The source size or focal spot shall be
terangkan dengan pernyataan tertulis. identified by written statements
7.2.3 Range penetrasi yang diizinkan untuk sumber 7.2.3 The permitted penetration ranges for
gamma ray harus seperti Table berikut. gamma ray source shall be as Table below.
Untuk aplikasi khusus tebal range boleh For certain application wider wall
lebih lebar diperbolehkan, jika iamage thickness range may be permitted, if
quality yang cukup bisa dilaksanakan. sufficient image quality can be achieved.
7.2.4 Table, Penetrated thk. Range gamma ray for steel, 7.2.4 Table, Penetrated thk. Range gamma ray for steel,
copper and nickel copper and nickel
Radiation Penetrated thickness, w mm Radiation Penetrated thickness, w mm
source Test class A Test class B source Test class A Test class B
Se 75 1) 10 ≤ w ≤ 20 14 ≤ w ≤ 20 Se 75 1) 10 ≤ w ≤ 20 14 ≤ w ≤ 20
Ir 192 10 ≤ w ≤ 40 14≤ w ≤ 40 Ir 192 10 ≤ w ≤ 40 14≤ w ≤ 40

7.2.5 Film Radiography 7.2.5 Radiographic Film

Radiography harus dibuat dengan Radiographs shall be made by using
menggunakan film radiography indutri industrial films, shall be ultrafine grain
dengan butiran sangat halus sesuai finer grain as per EN 584 – 1 : C3. Type of
dengan EN 584 – 1 : C3. Tipe film yang film used and other constraints defined in
digunakan dan variable lain yang dijelaskan this procedure shall achieve the density
dalam procedure ini harus memenuhi and IQI image requirements. Film shall
persyaratan density dan IQI. Film harus have sufficient length and shall be placed
mempunyai panjang yang memadai dan
to provide at least 25 mm of film beyond
harus diletakkan setidaknya 25 mm porsi film
diluar ujung daerah lasan yang terproyeksi. the projected edge of the weld. Film width
Lebar film harus mencukupi untuk shall be sufficient to depict all portions of
menampung seluruh porsi dari lebar lasan the weld joint, including HAZs, and shall
dan HAZ nya dan memberikan tempat provide sufficient additional space for the
tambahan untuk IQI yang dibutuhkan dan required wire IQI and film identification
identifikasi film tanpa menimpa daerah without infringing upon the area of interest
interest dari radiograph. Merk dan tipe film in the radiograph. Film brands, types,
yang digunakan sebagai berikut : should be as follow :
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b. AGFA D7 d. AGFA D7
a. FUJI IX 100 e. FUJI IX 100
Catatan : merk dan klas film lainnya Note : other film brands and class may be
bisa digunakan asalkan mendapat used provided receive approval from
persetujuan dari Inspektor yang Authorized Inspector.
7.2.6 Densitometer yang terkalibrasi harus 7.2.6 Calibrated Densitometer shall be used
digunakan untuk mengevaluasi film RT. during RT film evaluation.
7.2.7 National Standard Step Tablet Film 7.2.7 A National Standard Step Tablet Film
National standard step tablet film A national standard step tablet film
traceable ke national standard step tablet traceable to a national standard step tablet
dan mempunyai paling sedikit 5 steps and having at least 5 steps with neutral
dengan neutral densities paling sedikit densities from at least 1.0 through 4.0 shall
dari 1.0 sampai 4.0 harus digunakan. be used. A national standard step tablet
National standard step tablet film bisa film may be used without verification
digunakan tanpa verifikasi selama satu for one year upon opening, provided it is
tahun setelah dibuka, asalakan masih within the manufacturers stated self-life.
dalam waktu yang disebut pembuatnya.
7.2.8 Kalibrasi Densitometer. 7.2.8 Densitometer Calibration
a. Densitometers harus dikalibrasi paling sedikit a. Densitometers shall be calibrated at least
setiap 90 hari selama digunakan sebagai every 90 days during use as follow:
berikut :
b. Instruksi pabrik dalam pengoperasian b. The manufacturer’s instructions for the
densitometer harus diikuti. operation of densitometer shall be followed.
c. Step density yang dekat dengan 1, 2, 3 c. The density steps closest to 1, 2, 3 and 4
dan 4 density unit pada step wedge film density unit on the calibrated step wedge
yang terkalibrasi harus dibaca. film shall be read.
d. Densitometer diterima jika pembacaan d. The densitometer is acceptable if the
density tidak bervariasi lebih dari 0.05 density readings do not vary more than
density unit. Dalam suatu hal ada perbedaan 0.05 density unit. In case of a difference
yang berdampak pada penerimaan film, affecting acceptability of the film, the
pembacaan densitometer yang dipakai.
densitometer reading shall govern.
e. Kalibrasi check harus dilaksanakan pada e. Calibration verification check shall be
setiap awal shift, setelah 8 jam digunakan performed at the beginning of each shift,
secara terus menerus atau setelah diganti after 8 hrs. continual use or after change
spare partnya, mana yang terjadi dahulu. of apertures, whichever comes first.
Periodic densitometer verification check Periodic densitometer verification checks
tidak perlu didokumentasikan, log do not have to be documented, the activity
aktivitas bisa dibuat untuk aktivitas ini. log may be provided.

7.3 Exposure Geometry 7.3 Exposure Geometry

7.3.1 Film Radiography 7.3.1 Film Radiography Ketika sumber radiografi terpusat pada When a radiographic source is centered in
pipa untuk penyinaran lasan lurus, salah the pipe for exposing a butt weld, one
satu paparan adalah cukup untuk inspeksi exposure is adequate for the radiographic
radiografi dari komplet semua lasan inspection of the complete weld
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(SWE/SWV) (SWE/SWV). Ketika sumber radiografi di luar tetapi When the radiographic source is outside
tidak lebih dari 1/2 in (13 mm) dari but not more than 1/2 in.(13 mm) from the
permukaan lasan, setidaknya tiga paparan weld surface, at least three exposures
yang terpisah 120 derajat harus dibuat separated by 120° shall be made for the
untuk inspeksi radiografi seluruh lasan radiographic inspection of a complete weld
(DWE/SWV) (DWE/SWV). Ketika sumber radiografi berada di luar When the radiographic source is outside
dan lebih dari 1/2 in (13 mm) dari and more than 1/2 in. (13 mm) from the
permukaan lasan, setidaknya empat weld surface, at least four exposures
paparan yang terpisah 90 ° harus dibuat separated by 90° shall be made for the
untuk inspeksi radiografi seluruh lasan radiographic inspection of a complete weld
(DWE/ SWV) (DWE/ SWV). Ketika diameter pipa yang terdapat las When the diameter of the piping
adalah 3.500 inci (88,9 mm) atau kurang, containing the weld is 3.500 in. (88.9 mm)
DWE/DWV prosedur dapat digunakan or less, a DWE/DWV procedure may be used. Bila prosedur ini digunakan dan sinar When this procedure is used and the
radiasi adalah offset sehingga bagian radiation beam is offset so that the source-
source-side dan film-side las tidak side and film-side portions of the weld do
tumpang tindih di bidang radiografi yang not overlap in the areas of the radiograph being
sedang dievaluasi, setidaknya dua evaluated, at least two exposures separated by
paparan yang terpisah 90 ° harus dibuat 90° shall be made for the radiographic
untukpemeriksaan radiografi lasan inspection of a complete weld. Ketika bagian source-side dan film-side When the source-side and film-side
lasan ditumpangkan, setidaknya tiga portions of the weld are superimposed, at
paparan yang dipisahkan oleh 60 ° harus least three exposures separated by 60° shall
dibuat untuk inspeksi radiografi seluruh be made for the radiographic inspection of
lasan a complete weld. Ketika diameter yang lebih kecil, lebih When smaller diameter, thicker wall pipe is
tebal dinding pipa adalah diradiografi, radiographed, additional exposures should be
eksposur tambahan harus dilakukan made to minimize the distortion of
untuk meminimalkan distorsi gambar imperfection images at the ends of the
ketidaksempurnaan di ujung radiografi radiographs. Jarak minimum antara sumber atau focal The minimum distance between the source
spot dan sisi sumber objek yang or focal spot and the source side of the
diradiografi harus ditentukan dengan object being radiographed shall be
rumus berikut (dengan menggunakan unit determined by the following formula
pengukuran konstan): (using constant units of measurement):
D = St/k D = St/k
dimana where
D = jarak minimum, dalam inci, antara D = minimum distance, in inches,
sumber atau focal spot dan sisi between the source or focal spot and
sumber dari obyek yang the source side of the object being
diradiografi radiographed,
S = ukuran, dalam inci, dari sumber yang S = size, in inches, of the effective
efektif atau focal spot source or focal spot,
t = ketebalan las, dalam inci, termasuk t = thickness of the weld, in inches,
penguatan, ditambah jarak antara sisi including reinforcement, plus the
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film las dan film distance between the film side of the
k = factor geometric unsharpness weld and the film,
k = geometric unsharpness factor.
Jika radiography digunakan untuk lasan If radiography is used for inspection of reel
reel pipe, geometric un-sharpness harus pipe welds, geometric un-sharpness shall
tidak boleh lebih 0.25 mm ( 0.01 inch ) not exceed 0.25 mm ( 0.01 inch )
Ketika t ditentukan untuk prosedur When t is determined for SWE/SWV and
SWE/SWV dan DWE/SWV, ketebalan DWE/SWV procedures, the thickness of
dinding tunggal dan penguatan las yang the single wall and its weld reinforcement
harus digunakan. Ketika t ditentukan shall be used. When t is determined for
untuk prosedur DWE/DWV, diameter DWE/DWV procedures, the outside
luar las (yaitu, diameter luar pipa diameter of the weld (that is, the outside
ditambah dua kali tinggi rata-rata dari diameter of the pipe plus twice the average
mahkota las) harus digunakan. Biasanya, height of the weld crown) shall be used.
k adalah 0,02 inci (0,5 mm) untuk Normally, k is 0.02 in. (0.5 mm) for
material dengan ketebalan kurang dari material with a thickness of less than or
atau sama dengan 2.000 inci (50,8 mm). equal to 2.000 in.(50.8 mm).

7.4 Jenis Image Quality Indicator (IQI) 7.4 Type of Image Quality Indicators (IQI)
7.4.1 Image Quality Indicators (IQI) harus 7.4.1 Image Quality Indicators (IQI) shall
memenuhi persyaratan baik ASTM E 747 conform to the requirements of either
atau ISO 19232-1 IQI kawat. Perusahaan ASTM E 747 or ISO 19232-1 wire IQI.
harus menentukan jenis IQI (ASTM atau The company shall define which type IQI
ISO) yang akan digunakan. (ASTM or ISO) is to be used.
7.4.2 IQI harus dibuat dari bahan yang 7.4.2 The IQI shall be made of material that is
radiografi mirip dengan material yang radiographically similar to the material
dilas. being welded.

7.5 Pemilihan Image Quality Indicator 7.5 Selection of Image Quality Indicators
7.5.1 IQI harus terdiri dari salah satu rangkaian 7.5.1 The IQI shall consist of either a series of
enam (6) kawat untuk tipe kawat ASTM six (6) wires for ASTM E747 wire type or
E747 atau serangkaian tujuh (7) kawat a series of seven (7) wires for ISO 19232-1
untuk tipe kawat ISO IQI 19232-1, wire type IQI, arranged in order of
disusun sesuai diameter secara bertahap. increasing diameter.
7.5.2 Diameter kawat esensial untuk 7.5.2 The essential wire diameter to be used,
digunakan, berdasarkan ketebalan las based on the thickness of the weld is
dilampirkan di Tabel 8 (Exhibit I) untuk shown in Table 8 (Exhibit I) for ASTM E
IQI tipe kawat ASTM E 747 dan Tabel 9 747 wire type IQI and Table 9 (Exhibit I)
(Exhibit I) untuk tipe kawat ISO IQI. for ISO wire type IQI.
7.5.3 Sebagai pilihan kontraktor radiografi, 7.5.3 At the radiographic contractor's option,
diameter kawat lebih kecil IQI daripada smaller wire diameter IQI than those
yang ditentukan di atas dapat digunakan, specified above may be used, provided the
asalkan sensitivitas radiografi yang required radiographic sensitivity is
diperlukan dapat diperoleh. obtained.
7.5.4 Gambar radiografi dari IQI 7.5.4 The radiographic images of the IQI
mengidentifikasi gaya nomor dan set identifying style number and ASTM set
huruf ASTM atau gambar ISO harus letter or ISO designation shall appear
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tampak jelas. Gambar dari diameter clearly. The image of the essential wire
kawat esensial harus tampak jelas di diameter shall appear clearly across the
seluruh area of interest. entire area of interest.
7.5.5 Sensitivity dari radiograp harus 1% atau 7.5.5 Radiographic sensitivity shall be 1% or
lebih bagus pada area lasan, yang better in weld area, which may require an
mungkin perlu tambahan 25% lama additional 25% longer exposure. This shall
exposure. Ini harus ditentukan sesuai be determined according to ASME Section
dengan ASME Section V. V.
Catatan: Untuk tujuan seleksi IQI, Note: For purposes of IQI selection, the
ketebalan las berarti tebal dinding thickness of the weld shall mean nominal
nominal ditambah reinforcement las wall thickness plus the weld reinforcement
(gabungan internal plus eksternal). (internal plus external combined).
Jika teknik “ elliptical “ DWE/DWV When the “ elliptical “ DWE/DWV
digunakan, tebal lasan adalah dua kali technique is used, the thickness of the weld
wall thickness yang dimaksud plus single means twice the specified wall thickness
weld reinforcement ( internal plus plus the single weld reinforcement (
external kombinasi ). internal plus external combined ).
Jika teknik “ superimposed “ DWE/DWV When the “ superimposed “ DWE/ DWV
digunakan, tebal lasan adalah dua kali technique is used, the the thickness of the
wall thickness yang dimaksud plus dua weld means twice the specified wall
kali weld reinforcement ( internal plus thickness plus the twice weld reinforcement (
external kombinasi ). internal plus external combined ).

7.6 Penempatan Image Quality Indicator 7.6 Placement of Image Quality Indicators
7.6.1 Film 7.6.1 Film
IQI harus ditempatkan sebagai berikut: The IQI shall be placed as follows:
a. Ketika lasan diradiografi dengan eksposur a. When a complete weld is radiographed in a
tunggal menggunakan sumber dari dalam single exposure using a source inside the
pipa, setidaknya empat IQI ditempatkan piping, at least four IQI placed across the
melintang di las dan berjarak kira-kira weld and spaced approximately equally
sama dalam lingkaran harus digunakan. around the circumference shall be used.
b. Untuk prosedur DWE/DWV, satu IQI b. For the DWE/DWV procedure, one IQI
harus ditempatkan pada sisi sumber pada shall be placed on the source side of the
pipa dan melintang di lasan sehingga pipe and across the weld so that the
gambar kawat esensial menumpuk ke essential wire image is superimposed onto
gambar las. the weld images.
c Untuk prosedur DWE/SWV atau SWE/ c For the DWE/SWV or SWE/ SWV
SWV yang membutuhkan beberapa procedures requiring multiple exposures
paparan untuk pemeriksaan lengkap lasan, for complete inspection of the weld, and
dan di mana panjang film yang akan where the length of film to be interpreted is
diinterpret lebih besar dari 5 inci (130 greater than 5 in. (130 mm), two IQI
mm), dua IQI ditempatkan melintang di placed across the weld and located on the
lasan dan terletak pada film harus film side shall be used. One shall be within
digunakan. Satu harus berada dalam jarak 1 1 in. (25 mm) of the end of the film length
in (25 mm) dari akhir film panjang to be interpreted and the other shall be at
diinterpretasikan dan yang lainnya harus di the center of the film.
tengah-tengah film.
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d. Ketika panjang film diinterpret adalah 5 d. When the film length to be interpreted is 5
inci (130 mm) atau kurang, satu IQI in. (130 mm) or less, one IQI shall be
harus ditempatkan pada sisi film, placed on the film side, across the weld
melintang di lasan dan terletak di pusat and located at the center of the length to be
panjang yang akan diinterpret. interpreted.
e. Ketika las diperbaiki diradiografi, sebuah e. When a repaired weld is radiographed, an
IQI tambahan harus ditempatkan di setiap additional IQI shall be placed across each
daerah yang diperbaiki. repaired area.
f. Bila tidak praktis untuk m enempatkan f. When it is not practical to place an IQI on the
IQI pada lasan karena las konfigurasi weld due to weld configuration or size, the
atau ukuran, IQI dapat ditempatkan pada IQI may be placed on a separate block.
blok terpisah. blok terpisah harus dibuat Separate blocks shall be made of the same or
dari material yang sama atau mirip dan radiographically similar material and may be
used to facilitate IQI positioning. The
dapat digunakan untuk memfasilitasi thickness of the separate block material should
posisi IQI. Ketebalan bahan blok terpisah be the same as the thickness of the weld.
harus sama dengan ketebalan dari lasan.
g. Heat shields: IQI dapat ditempatkan pada g. Heat shields: IQI may be placed on a heat
perisai panas selain kontak dengan pipa, shield rather than in contact with the pipe,
dengan ketentuan bahwa penerimaan provided that the acceptability of such IQI
penempatan IQI didemonstrasikan pada placement is demonstrated during
saat kualifikasi prosedur. procedure qualification
h. Untuk kwalifikasi, keduanya source dan film h. For qualification , both source and film
side penetrameter harus digunakan pada side penetrameters shall be used at each
setiap lokasi dimana penetrameter diperlukan location where penetrameters are required
dalam produksi radiography. Keduanya in production radiography. Both source
source dan film side penetrameter harus and film side penetrameters shall be used
digunakan pada setiap produksi radiography
at each production radiography
lokasi penetrameter
penetrameter location.

7.7 Identifikasi gambar 7.7 Identification of Images

7.7.1 Gambar harus jelas diidentifikasi dengan 7.7.1 Images shall be clearly identified by the
menggunakan lead numbers, lead letters, use of lead numbers, lead letters, markers,
marker, atau identifikasi lain sehingga or other identification so that the proper
lasan dan setiap cacat dapat dengan cepat weld and any imperfections in it can be
dan akurat diketahui lokasinya. quickly and accurately located. The
Perusahaan bisa menentukan prosedur company may specify the identification
identifikasi yang akan digunakan. procedure to be used.
7.7.2 Bila lebih dari satu gambar digunakan untuk 7.7.2 Whenever more than one image is used to
memeriksa mengelas, marker identifikasi inspect a weld, identification markers shall
harus muncul pada setiap gambar, dan appear on each image, and adjacent images
gambar yang berdekatan harus tumpang shall overlap.
7.7.3 Marker referensi terakhir pada setiap akhir 7.7.3 The last reference marker on each end of
gambar harus muncul pada gambar the image shall appear on the appropriate
berdekatan yang sesuai dengan cara adjacent images in a way that establishes
menetapkan bahwa tidak ada bagian las telah that no part of the weld has been omitted.
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7.8 Penyimpanan film 7.8 Storage of Film
7.8.1 Film 7.8.1 Film
Semua film tidak terpapar harus disimpan All unexposed films shall be stored in a
di tempat yang bersih dan kering dimana clean, dry place where the conditions will
kondisi tidak akan berdampak buruk not detrimentally affect the emulsion. If
terhadap emulsi. Jika pertanyaan timbul any question arises about the condition of
tentang kondisi film tidak terpapar, the unexposed film, sheets from the front
lembaran dari depan dan belakang setiap and back of each package or a length of
paket atau panjang film sama dengan film equal to the circumference of each
keliling setiap roll asli harus diproses original roll shall be processed in the
dengan cara yang normal tanpa terkena normal manner without exposure to light
cahaya atau radiasi. or radiation.
7.8.2 Jika film diproses menunjukkan kabut, 7.8.2 If the processed film shows fog, the entire
seluruh kotak atau roll dari mana film uji box or roll from which the test film was
telah dihapus harus dibuang, kecuali tes removed shall be discarded, unless
tambahan membuktikan bahwa film yang additional tests prove that the remaining
tersisa dalam kotak atau roll bebas dari film in the box or roll is free from pre-
pra-paparan kabut melebihi 0,30 H&D exposure fog exceeding 0.30 H&D
menular density transparent-based film transmitted density for transparent-based
atau 0,05 H & D tercermin density untuk film or 0.05 H&D reflected density for
opaque-based film. opaque-based film.
Catatan: H & D mengacu pada metode Note: H&D refers to the Hurter-Driffield
Hurter-Driffield untuk mendefinisikan method of defining quantitative blackening
kuantitatif kehitaman dari film. of the film.

7.9 Density film dan Sensitivity 7.9 Film Density and Sensitivity
7.9.1 Semua final interpretasi dari film harus 7.9.1 The final interpretation of all films shall be
dilakukan oleh Company / principal made by Company / principal
representative. representative. Radiographs shall be
Radiograph harus diinterpret sesuai interpreted in accordance with acceptance
dengan acceptance standard standard
7.9.2 Semua cacat lasan dan bagian lasan 7.9.2 All welds or portions of welds disclosed by
ditemukan oleh inspeksi radiography harus radiographic inspection to be defective
direpair atau dipotong dan di las ulang shall be repaired or cut out and re-welded
dengan tidak ada yang dibebankan ke at no cost to Company / principal.
Company / principal.
7.9.3 Density film 7.9.3 Film Density
Kecuali untuk area kecil yang disebabkan Except for small localized areas caused by
oleh konfigurasi lasan tidak teratur, irregular weld configurations, the
density H&D ditransmisikan di area of transmitted H&D density in the area of
interest transparent-based film tidak interest of transparent-based film shall not
boleh kurang dari 2.5. Maximum density be less than 2.5. The maximum density
adalah 3.5 dimana interpretasi bisa shall be 3.5. where adequate interpretation
dilaksanakan dengan viewer. can be achieved with the view screen.

7.9.4 Peralatan film viewing 7.9.4 Film Viewing Equipment

a. Peralatan viewing (illuminator) harus a. The viewing equipment (illuminator) shall
dari jenis variabel intensitas tinggi dan be of the variable high-intensity type and
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harus mampu melihat densitas film dalam shall be capable of viewing film densities
rentang yang ditentukan. Ini harus within the range specified. It shall be equipped
dilengkapi untuk mencegah cahaya, yang to prevent light, coming from around the outer
datang dari sekitar tepi luar radiografi edge of the radiograph or through low density
atau melalui bagian kepadatan rendah portions of the radiograph, from interfering
radiografi, dari mengganggu interpretasi. with interpretations.
b. Fasilitas Film viewing b. Film Viewing Facilities
Fasilitas viewing harus tersedia Viewing facilities shall provide subdued
pencahayaan remang - yang tidak akan background lighting of an intensity that
menyebabkan refleksi yang mengganggu, will not cause troublesome reflections,
bayangan, atau silau pada radiograf. shadows, or glare on the radiograph.
c. Ruangan interpretasi harus bisa c. The room interpretation shall
digunakan minimum 3 orang, terpisah accommodate a minimum of 3 persons,
dari dark room. separated from dark room

7.10 Proses gambar 7.10 Image Processing

Bila diminta oleh perusahaan, film atau When requested by the company, film or
media gambar lain harus diproses, other imaging media shall be processed,
ditangani, dan disimpan sehingga gambar handled, and stored so that the images are
bisa diinterpret lagi minimal 10 tahun interpretable for at least 10 years after they
setelah dibuat. are produced.

7.11 Area process gambar 7.11 Image Processing Area

Area process film dan semua aksesoris a. The image processing area and all
harus di jaga kebersihannya setiap saat. accessories shall be kept clean at all times.

7.12 Film identifikasi, arah penomoran pada 7.12 Film identification, the direction of
meteran harus searah jarum jam jika numbering on tape shall be clock wise
melihat di arah aliran. when looking in direction of flow.

8 Standard Penerimaan untuk for API 1104 8 Acceptance Standards for API 1104
General : General :
a. Semua densiti dimaksud paragraph a. All densities referred to following
didasarkan pada gambar negatif. paragraph are based on negative images.
b. Minimum standard acceptability untuk b. Minimum acceptability standards for
penetration, fusion, burned through areas, penetration, fusion, burned through areas,
slag inclusion, gas pockets, slag inclusion, gas pockets, discontinuities,
discontinuities, and undercutting harus and undercutting shall also comply with
sesuai dengan B31.8 Code ASME B31.8 Code.
8.1 Inadequate penetration tidak 8.1 Inadequate penetration is not allowed
8.2 Incomplete Fusion. 8.2 Incomplete Fusion
Incomplete Fusion (IF) didefinisikan Incomplete fusion (IF) is defined as a
sebagai ketidaksempurnaan permukaan surface imperfection between the weld
antara logam las dan bahan dasar yang metal and the base material that is open to
terbuka ke permukaan. Kondisi ini secara the surface. This condition is shown
skematis diperlihatkan pada Gambar 16. IF schematically in Figure 16. IF shall be
harus dianggap sebagai defect bila salah considered a defect should any of the
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satu kondisi berikut ada: following conditions exist:
a. Panjang indikasi individual IF a. The length of an individual indication
melebihi 1 in (25 mm) of IF exceeds 1 in. (25 mm).
b. Panjang agregat dari indikasi IF dalam b. The aggregate length of indications of
setiap 12 in. (300 mm) kontinyu IF in any continuous 12-in. (300 mm)
panjang lasan melebihi 1 in (25 mm) length of weld exceeds 1 in. (25 mm).
c. Panjang agregat dari indikasi IF c. The aggregate length of indications of
melebihi 8% dari panjang lasan di IF exceeds 8% of the weld length in
lasan apapun kurang dari 12 inci (300 any weld less than 12 in. (300 mm) in
mm) panjang length.
8.3 Incomplete Fusion Due to Cold Lap 8.3 Incomplete Fusion Due to Cold Lap
Incomplete Fusion Due to Cold Lap (IFD) Incomplete fusion due to cold lap (IFD) is
didefinisikan sebagai suatu defined as an imperfection between two
ketidaksempurnaan antara dua manik-manik adjacent weld beads or between the weld
las yang berdekatan atau antara logam las metal and the base metal that is not open to
dan logam dasar yang tidak terbuka ke
the surface. This condition is shown
permukaan.Kondisi ini secara skematis
diperlihatkan pada Gambar 17. IFD harus schematically in Figure 17. IFD shall be
dianggap sebagai defect bila salah satu considered a defect should any of the
kondisi berikut ada: following conditions exist:
a. Panjang indikasi individual IFD a. The length of an individual indication
melebihi 2 in (50 mm) of IFD exceeds 2 in. (50 mm).
b. Panjang agregat dari indikasi IFD b. The aggregate length of indications of
dalam setiap 12 in. (300 mm) IFD in any continuous 12-in. (300
kontinyu panjang lasan melebihi 2 in mm) length of weld exceeds 2 in. (50
(50 mm) mm).
c. Panjang agregat dari indikasi IFD c. The aggregate length of indications of
melebihi 8% dari panjang lasan. IFD exceeds 8% of the weld length.
8.4 Internal Concavity. 8.4 Internal Concavity
Internal Concavity (IC) didefinisikan Internal concavity (IC) is defined in 3.2.7
dalam 3.2.7 (API Standard 1104) dan (API Standard 1104) and is shown
skematis diperlihatkan pada Gambar schematically in Figure 18. Any length of
18. Setiap panjang Internal Concavity internal concavity is acceptable, provided
dapat diterima, asalkan density radiografi the density of the radiographic image of
dari Internal Concavity tidak melebihi the internal concavity does not exceed that
base material tertipis berdekatan. of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
Untuk area yang densitynya melebihi For areas that exceed density of the
base material tertipis berdekatan thinnest adjacent parent material is not
maka tidak diperbolehkan. allowed.
8.5 Burn-Through tidak diperbolehkan 8.5 Burn-Through is not allowed
8.6 Slag Inclusions 8.6 Slag Inclusions
8.6.1 Slag Inclusions didefinisikan sebagai non- 8.6.1 A slag inclusion is defined as a
logam padat yang terperangkap dalam logam nonmetallic solid entrapped in the weld
las atau diantaranya dan bahan metal or between and the parent material.
induk. Elongated slag inclusions (ESIs)- Elongated slag inclusions (ESIs)-e.g
misalnya garis slag kontinu atau continuous or broken slag lines or wagon
terpotong atau trek gerobak biasanya tracks are usually found at the fusion zone.
ditemukan di zona fusion. Isolated slag Isolated slag inclusions (ISIs) are
inclusions (ISIS) adalah berbentuk tidak irregularly shaped and may be located
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beraturan dan dapat terletak di mana saja anywhere in the weld.
dilasan For evaluation purposes, when the size of a
Untuk tujuan evaluasi, ketika ukuran indikasi radiographic indication of slag is
radiografi terak diukur, dimensi maksimum measured, the indications maximum
indikasi harus dipertimbangkan adalah dimension shall be considered is length.
8.6.2 Untuk pipa dengan diameter luar lebih 8.6.2 For pipe with an outside diameter greater
besar atau sama dengan 2,375 inci (60,3 than or equal to 2.375 in. (60.3 mm), slag
mm), slag inclusions harus dianggap inclusions shall be considered a defect
sebagai defect bila salah satu kondisi should any of the following conditions
berikut ada: exist:
a. Panjang sebuah indikasi ESI a. The length of an ESI indications
melebihi 2 in (50 mm). exceeds 2 in. (50 mm).
Catatan: Paralel ESI indikasi Note: Parallel ESI indications
dipisahkan oleh sekitar lebar root separated by approximately the width
bead (trek wagon) harus dianggap of the root bead (wagon tracks) shall
sebagai indikasi tunggal kecuali jika be considered a single indication
lebar dari salah mereka melebihi 1 / unless the width of either them
32 inci (0,8 mm). Dalam hal itu, exceeds 1/32 in. (0.8 mm). In that
mereka harus dianggap indikasi event, they shall be considered
terpisah. separate indications.
b. Panjang agregat dari ESI dalam b. The aggregate length of ESI
setiap 12 in (300 mm) kontinu indications in any continuous 12 in.
panjang lasan melebihi 2 in (50 mm) (300 mm) length of weld exceeds 2
in. (50 mm).
c. Lebar indikasi ESI melebihi 1/16 in. c. The width of an ESI indication
(1.6 mm). exceeds 1/16 in. (1.6 mm).
d. Panjang agregat indikasi ISI setiap d. The aggregate length of ISI indications in
12 in. (300 mm) kontinu panjang any continuous 12 in. (300 mm) length of
lasan melebihi ½ in. (13 mm) weld exceeds ½ in. (13 mm)
e. Lebar indikasi ISI melebihi 1/8 in. ( e. The width of an ISI indication
3 mm ) exceeds 1/8 in. ( 3 mm )
f. Lebih dari empat indikasi ISI dengan f. More than four ISI indications with
lebar maksimum 1/8 (3 mm) ada the maximum width of 1/8 (3 mm) are
setiap 12 in. ( 300 mm ) kontinu present in any continuous 12 in. ( 300
panjang lasan. mm ) length of weld.
g. Panjang agregat indikasi ESI and ISI g. The aggregate length of ESI and ISI
melebihi 8% panjang lasan. indications exceeds 8% of the weld
8.6.3 Untuk pipa dengan diameter luar kurang 8.6.3 For pipe with an outside diameter less than
dari 2,375 inci (60,3 mm), slag inclusions 2.375 in. (60.3 mm), slag inclusions shall
harus dianggap sebagai defect bila salah be considered a defect should any of the
satu kondisi berikut ada: following conditions exist:
a. Panjang sebuah indikasi ESI a. The length of an ESI indications
melebihi tiga kali lebih tipis dari exceeds three times the thinner of the
ketebalan dinding nominal nominal wall thickness joined.
sambungan Note: Parallel ESI indications
Catatan: indikasi paralel ESI separated by approximately the width
dipisahkan oleh sekitar lebar dari of the root bead (wagon tracks) shall
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bead root (trek wagon) harus be consider separate indications.
mempertimbangkan indikasi terpisah b. The width of an ESI indications
b. Lebar indikasi ESI melebihi 1/16 in exceeds 1/16 in (1.6 mm).
(1.6 mm) c. The aggregate length of ISI
c. Panjang agregat dari indikasi ISI indications exceeds two times the
melebihi dua kali dari ketebalan thinner of the nominal wall-thickness
tertipis dinding nominal sambungan joined and the width exceeds one-half
dan lebar melebihi satu setengah dari the thinner of the nominal wall
ketebalan tertipis dinding nominal thicknesses joined.
sambungan d. The aggregate length of ESI and ISI
d. Panjang indikasi ESI and ISI indications exceeds 8% of the weld
melebihi 8% panjang lasan length.

8.7 Porosity 8.7 Porosity

8.7.1 Porosity didefinisikan sebagai gas yang 8.7.1 Porosity is defined as gas trapped by
terperangkap oleh pembekuan logam lasan solidifying weld metal before the gas has a
sebelum gas memiliki kesempatan untuk naik chance to rise to the surface of the molten
ke permukaan cair dan melarikan paddle and escape. Porosity is generally
diri. Porosity umumnya berbentuk bulat
spherical but may be elongated or irregular
tetapi mungkin memanjang atau tidak teratur
bentuknya, seperti porosity pipa (lubang in shape, such as piping (wormhole)
cacing). Bila ukuran dari indikasi radiografi porosity. When the size of the radiographic
dihasilkan oleh tuangan diukur, dimensi indication produce by a pour is measured,
maksimum indikasi akan berlaku dengan the maximum dimension of the indication
kriteria yang diberikan dalam 8.7.2 melalui shall apply to the criteria given in 8.7.2
8.7.4 through 8.7.4
8.7.2 Individu atau scattered porosity (P) 8.7.2 Individual or scattered porosity (P) shall
harus dianggap sebagai defect bila salah be considered a defect should any of the
satu kondisi berikut ada: following conditions exist:
a. Ukuran pori individual melebihi 1/8 a. The size of an individual pore exceeds
inci (3 mm) 1/8 in (3 mm).
b. Ukuran pori individual, melebihi b. The size of an individual pore exceeds
25% dari ketebalan tertipis dinding 25% of the thinner of the nominal
nominal sambungan wall thicknesses joined
c. Distribusi scattered porosity c. The distribution of scattered porosity
melebihi diizinkan oleh figure 19 exceeds the concentration permitted
atau 20 (exhibit IV atau V). by figures 19 or 20 (Exhibit IV or V).
8.7.3 Cluster porosity (CP) yang terjadi dalam 8.7.3 Cluster porosity (CP) that occurs in any
setiap pass kecuali pass akhir harus pass except the finish pass shall comply
memenuhi kriteria 8.9.2. CP yang terjadi with the criteria of 8.9.2. CP that occurs in
di pass akhir harus dianggap sebagai the finish pass shall be considered a defect
defect bila salah satu kondisi berikut ada, should any of the following conditions
lihat lampiran Figure 19 dan 20. exist, see attached Figure 19 dan 20.
a. Diameter cluster melebihi ½ inci (13 a. The diameter of the cluster exceeds ½
mm) in. (13 mm).
b. Panjang agregat CP dalam setiap 12 b. The aggregate length of CP in any
in (300 mm) kontinu panjang lasan continuous 12 in. (300 mm) length of
ada di ½ in(13 mm). weld exist ½ in (13 mm).
8.7.4 Hollow bead porosity (HB) 8.7.4 Hollow bead porosity (HB) is defined as
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didefinisikan sebagai memanjang; elongated; linear porosity that occurs in the
porositas linier yang terjadi pada root root pass. HB shall be considered a defect
pass. HB harus dianggap sebagai defect should any of the following conditions
bila salah satu kondisi berikut ada: exist:
a. Panjang indikasi individual HB a. The length of an individual indication
melebihi ½ (13 mm) of HB exceeds ½ in (13 mm)
b. Panjang agregat dari indikasi HB b. The aggregate length of indications of
dalam setiap 12 in (300 mm) kontinu HB in any continuous 12 in. (300
panjang las melebihi 2 in (50 mm) mm) length of the weld exceeds 2 in.
(50 mm).
c. Indikasi HB individual, masing- c. Individual indications of HB, each
masing lebih besar dari ¼ inci (6 greater than ¼ in (6 mm) in length,
mm) panjang, dipisahkan oleh are separated by less than 2 in. (50
kurang dari 2 inci (50 mm) mm).
d. Panjang agregat dari semua indikasi d. The aggregate length of all
HB melebihi 8% dari panjang lasan indications of HB exceeds 8% of the
weld length.
8.8 Cracks 8.8 Cracks
Cracks (C) dari semua type tidak Cracks (C) of any type is not allowed.
8.9 Undercut 8.9 Undercutting
Undercutting didefinisikan sebagai alur Undercutting is defined as a groove melted
meleleh ke dalam bahan induk yang into the parent material adjacent to the toe
berdekatan dengan kaki atau akar dari las or root of the weld and left unfilled by
dan tertinggal tak terisi oleh logam weld metal. Undercutting adjacent to the
las.Undercutting berdekatan pada cover cover pass (EU) or root pass (IU) shall be
pass (EU) atau root pass (IU) harus considered a defect should any of the
dianggap sebagai defect bila salah satu following conditions exists:
kondisi berikut ada: a. The aggregate length of indications of
a. Panjang agregat indikasi EU dan IU, EU and IU, in any combination, in
dalam kombinasi apapun, dalam any continuous 12 in. (300 mm)
setiap 12 in (300 mm) kontinu length of weld exceeds 2 in. (50 mm).
panjang lasan melebihi 2 in (50 mm) b. The aggregate length of indications of
b. Panjang agregat indikasi EU dan IU, EU and IU, in any combination,
dalam kombinasi apapun, melebihi exceeds one sixth of the weld length.
seperenam panjang lasan Note: See 9.7 (API Standard 1104) for
Catatan: Lihat 9.7 (API Standard 1104) untuk acceptance standards for undercutting
standar penerimaan untuk undercutting bila when visual and mechanical measurements
pengukuran visual dan mekanis dilaksanakan are employed.
8.10 Accumulation of Imperfections 8.10 Accumulation of Imperfections
Tidak termasuk incomplete penetration Excluding incomplete penetration due to
due to high-low dan undercutting setiap high-low and undercutting any
Accumulation of Imperfections (AI) accumulation of imperfections (AI) shall
harus dianggap sebagai defect bila salah be considered a defect should any of the
satu kondisi berikut ada following conditions exist:
a. Indikasi Panjang agregat dalam a. The aggregate length indications in
setiap 12 in (300 mm) kontinu any continuous 12 in. (300 mm)
panjang lasan melebihi 2 in (50 mm) length of weld exceeds 2 in. ( 50 mm)
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b. Panjang agregat dari indikasi b. The aggregate length of indications
melebihi 8% dari panjang lasan exceeds 8% of the weld length.

9 Standar Penerimaan ASME / ANSI B31.8 9 Acceptance Standards ASME / ANSI B31.8
diambil dari ASME BPV Code Sect. taken from ASME BPV Code Sect. VIII
VIII Div.1 Para UW-51 Div.1 Para UW-51
Umum. Keberterimaan final dari radiograph General. Final acceptance of radiographs
harus didasarkan pada kemampuan untuk shall be based on the ability to see the
kelihatannya gambar lubang (IQI) dan prescribed hole (IQI) image and the
lubang yang disyaratkan atau kawat yang specified hole or the designated wire of a
disyaratkan IQI kawat. wire IQI.
9.1 Semua karakteristik indikasi tipe crack 9.1 Any indication characterized as a crack or
atau zona fusi tidak komplet atau zone of incomplete fusion or penetration
penetrasi tidak komplet tidak dapat di are not acceptable.
9.2 Semua indikasi slag yang memanjang 9.2 Any other elongated indication which has a
dengan panjang lebih dari berikut ini length greater than the following are not
tidak dapat diterima: acceptable
a 1/4” (6 mm) for T up to 3/4” (19 mm). a 1/4” (6 mm) for T up to 3/4” (19 mm).
b 1/3T for T over 3/4” (19 mm) to 2- b 1/3T for T over 3/4” (19 mm) to 2-1/4”(57
1/4”(57 mm). mm).
c 3/4” (19 mm) for T over 2-1/4” (57 mm), c 3/4” (19 mm) for T over 2-1/4” (57 mm),
Dimana T adalah ketebalan pengelasan Where T is the thickness of the weld
tidak termasuk reinforcement yang di excluding any allowable reinforcement.
ijinkan. Untuk pengelasan sambungan For a butt weld joining two members
Butt join antara dua bagian yang memiliki having different thicknesses at the weld, T
perbedaan ketebalan pada pengelasan, T is the thinner of the two thicknesses. If a
adalah ketebalan yang tipis. Jika pengelasan full penetration weld includes a fillet weld,
penetrasi penuh termasuk pengelasan fillet, the thickness of the throat of the fillet shall
tebal dari throat fillet harus di masukan be included in T.
dalam T
9.3 Suatu grup dari cacat dalam satu garis 9.3 Any group of aligned indications that have
lurus yang memiliki jumlah panjang lebih an aggregate length greater than T in a
dari T dari 12T, kecuali bila jarak antara length of 12T, except when the distance
cacat melebihi 6L dimana L adalah between the successive imperfections
panjang dari cacat terpanjang dalam grup exceeds 6L where L is the length of the
itu tidak dapat di terima longest imperfection in a group are not
9.4 Indikasi bulat yang melebihi dari 9.4 Rounded indications in excess of that
spesifikasi standar yang diterima di specified by the acceptance standards
tentukan dalam Mandatory Appendix 4 given in the Mandatory Appendix 4 of
dari ASME BPV Code Sect. VIII Div.1 ASME BPV Code Sect. VIII Div.1 are not
adalah tidak dapat di terima. acceptable.

10 Memproses Image 10 Image Proccessing

a Complete record harus di simpan untuk a Complete records shall be kept of all welds
semua lasan dan repair, termasuk lasan and all repairs, incuding the disposition of
yang disposisinya tidak memenuhi all welds not meeting the standards of
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standard acceptability. Format fim acceptability. Film identification format
identifikasi dan detail dari record harus di and details of record keeping shall be
ajukan ke Company / principal untuk submitted to Company / principal for
approve sebelum memulai produksi approval prior to start of production
lasan. welding.
b. Semua radiograph harus diproses untuk b. All radiographs shall be proccessed to
bisa disimpan tanpa berubah warna allow storage of film without discoloration
sekurangnya 10 ( sepuluh ) tahun. Film for at least 10 ( ten ) years. Film shall be
harus disimpan kedalam “ dokumen box storage in “ document box “ at the same
“ dengan lasan yang sama, secara pace as welding, in an orderly manner by
berurutan oleh Kontraktor. Contractor.
c. Pencucian yang tepat diperlukan untuk c. Proper washing is necessary to remove
menghilangkan sisa dari fixer film. Jika residual fixer from the film. If not removed
tidak dihapus dari film, bahan kimia ini from the film, these chemicals will cause
akan menyebabkan kerusakan berikutnya subsequent damage (staining) and
(pewarnaan) dan kerusakan dari gambar deterioration of the radiographic image,
radiografi, terutama di daerah lowdensity. especially in lowdensity areas.
d. Efektivitas pencucian dapat diperiksa d. The effectiveness of washing may be
menggunakan tiosulfat uji sisa bahan checked using the residual thiosulphate
kimia yang dijelaskan di Panduan E 94 chemicals test described in Guide E 94 or
atau ANSI PH4.8. ANSI PH4.8.
e. 1 ( satu ) film contoh harus diambil dari e. 1 ( one ) film sampling shall be taken from
setiap 200 film yang di proses. every 200 films processed.
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Project No :……………………………… Drawing No . :………………………Rev………. Report No :……..…- RT-………
Customer :……………………………… Procedure No. :………………………Rev……….
Unit no. :.……………………………… Applicable CODE :…………………………………… NCR Ref No :……………………
Panoramic / SWSV SWSV
Name :……………………………… Isotope : Ir-192 X-Ray Other

ID/OD :……………………………… Activity :………… Ci Volt : ........ Amp. : .......

Source /
Mat’l Type :……………………………… :………...… mm
spot Size
Mat’l.Thk. :………… In mm TECHNIQUE SWSV DWSV

Reinforc. Thk. :………… In mm Exposure : Single Wall Double Wall

Weld Thk. :………… In mm Viewing : Single Wall Double Wall

Backing Ring : Yes No Exposure Time :……………………. Mnt

FILM Min. SOD* :……… Mm Min. DSSOF** :……

Manufacture’s :………………………….…… No.of Film in Holder : Single Multiple


Wire No. :……………...1 2 3 4 5 6

Type of Film :..…………………………..….
Hole No. :…………… 1T 2T 4T

Dimension :………….…X………...…In Placement : Source Side Film Side

SCREEN Block Thickness :………… Mm

Notes for Sketch :
Lead : Front Back MARKER PLACEMENT 1).SWSV = Single Wall Single Viewing
2).DWSV = Double Wall Single Viewing
Source Side Film Side
3).DWDV = Double Wall Double Viewing
Thickness :…………. In mm 4).Other = Other than listed ( Please Sketch )
Use back scatter Yes No

Date Welder &

of RT Stamp Identification Result Density Discontinuities Type Comment

Joint No Location ACC REJ IQI Min Max IF IP RC RUC P Incl Crk ND

Examined by : Reviewed by : Reviewed by : Reviewed by :

Nde Level : Nde Level :

Date : Date : Date : Date :
Note : *) SOD = Source to Object Distance, **) DSSOF = Distance from Source Side of Object to the Film at the minimum Source to Object Distance
IF = Incomplete Fusion, IP = Incomplete Penetration, RC = Root Concavity, RUC = Root Undercut, P = Porosity, Incl = Inclusion, Crk = Crack, ND = no indication
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Table 8—Weld Thickness Versus Diameter of ASTM E 747 Wire Type IQI
Weld Thickness Essential Wire Diameter
Inches Millimeters Inches Millimeters ASTM Set Letter
0 – 0.250 0 – 6.4 0.008 0.20 A
> 0.250 – 0.375 > 6.4 – 9.5 0.010 0.25 A or B
> 0.375 – 0.500 > 9.5 – 12.7 0.013 0.33 B
> 0.500 – 0.750 > 12.7 – 19.1 0.016 0.41 B
> 0.750 – 1.000 > 19.1 – 25.4 0.020 0.51 B
> 1.000 – 2.000 > 25.4 – 50.8 0.025 0.64 B

Table 9—Weld Thickness Versus Diameter of ISO Wire Type IQI

Weld Thickness Essential Wire Diameter
Inches Millimeters Inches Millimeters Wire Identity
0 – 0.250 0 – 6.4 0.008 0.20 13
> 0.250 – 0.375 > 6.4 – 9.5 0.010 0.25 12
> 0.375 – 0.500 > 9.5 – 12.7 0.013 0.33 11
> 0.500 – 0.750 > 12.7 – 19.1 0.016 0.41 10
> 0.750 – 1.000 > 19.1 – 25.4 0.020 0.51 9
> 1.000 – 2.000 >25.4 – 50.8 0.025 0.64 8

Note: One or both root faces may be inadequately filled at the inside surface.

Figure 13—Inadequate Penetration without High-low (IP)

Figure 14—Inadequate Penetration Due to High-low (IP)

Figure 15—Inadequate Cross Penetration (ICP)

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Figure 16—Incomplete Fusion at Root of Bead or Top of Joint (IF)

Note: The cold lap shown is not surface-connected.

Figure 17—Incomplete Fusion Due to Cold Lap (IFD)

Figure 18—Internal Concavity (IC)

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Figure 19—Maximum Distribution of Gas Pockets: Wall Thicknesses Less Than or Equal to 0.500 in. (12.7 mm)
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Figure 20—Maximum Distribution of Gas Pockets: Wall Thicknesses Greater Than 0.500 in. (12.7 mm)
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Instrument type

Instrument Range

Serial No.

Calibration Date

Calibration Interval

Calibration Due

Acceptable Tolerance

Calibration Standard

Standard Serial No.

Procedure No. , Rev. No.

Step no. Standard Reading Actual Reading Deviation

Result : Signature :
Calibrated by :
NDE – Level :
Calibration Date :

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