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1/23/2021 Basics of designing MATV/community antenna systems

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The measurements should be made with signal level meter.
...all brands
recommended signal level at subscriber outlet Uabmin more than 62 dBuV (depends on the band)
ALCAD » Hik-ProConnect – cloud
recommended signal level at subscriber outlet Uabmax less than 80 dBuV (depends on the band) service for installers
minimum S/N ratio S/Nmin: 43dB (TV), 55dB (FM-stereo) and integrators of
CYBERPOWER minimum ratio of signal to intermodulation products S/Imin 60dB forces reduction of maximum output Hikvision systems
signal according to the Table 1
» Hotel TV – SMATV,
DIPOLNET CATV signal headend
DRAKA Table 1. Reduction of maximum output signal of an amplifier as a function of the number of programs.
EXTA FREE » Overview of Hikvision
video intercom systems
HIKVISION Number of programs 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 16 20 24 28 36

N-CAM HD Level reduction [dB] 0 2 3.5 4.5 5 5.5 6 8 9.5 10.5 11.5 11.7 12.5 More titles »

all programs should have the same power level
PYRONIX » Optimizing hard drives
maximum differences between signal levels for CCTV systems on
RACK board
- 3dB (neighboring channels) the example of Seagate
SATEL - 6dB (within any band 60 MHz wide) SkyHawk

SiGNAL - 10dB (within the whole spectrum)

A hard drive is a key element of
SiGNAL RACK any CCTV system. Its
parameters are crucial for the
SIGNAL FIRE quality and reliability of camera
minimum isolation between two receivers: -44 dB. video recording. HDDs
TERRA all parameters of distributing installation should be kept over 95% of time employed for monitoring... more
TP-LINK gain of the antennas used shouldn't change more than 0.5 dB within one TV or FM channel. »

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Stages of designing distribution network: company

UBIQUITI Each item we offer carries a

| Basic requirements on signal parameters | Stages of designing distribution network |
manufacturer's warranty.
ULTIMODE | Design recommendations | Basic terms | Examples of calculations |
Depending on the product and
manufacturer, the warranty
period lasts from one year to 15
1) Measurements of signal levels in amplifier input/s (antenna output/s). The measurements can be done with years. The duration of the...
e.g. TM 3000 R10502 signal level meter. The aim is to determine whether the levels are sufficient for further more »
processing i e amplifying and distributing the signals to ensure the intended signal levels in all subscriber 1/8
1/23/2021 Basics of designing MATV/community antenna systems
processing, i.e. amplifying and distributing the signals to ensure the intended signal levels in all subscriber
outlets (Table 2). If needed, preamplifiers should be used.

Table 2. Minimum signal levels at inputs of RF distribution amplifiers.

FM FM FM (stereo
(mono) (stereo) Hi–Fi)

Minimum signal level

43 51 61 53 53 54 55 56

2) Reconnaissance of locations for placing distribution devices (amplifiers, taps) and optimal deployment of
3) Choice of the type of distribution network is determined by accessibility to ducts, power supplying etc, but first
of all - the concept of distribution (e.g. program packages).
4) In accordance with the chosen type of the network we have to create its diagram. In a network based on
branches and taps, each story is equipped with a tap characterized by adequate through and tap-off attenuation
(taking into consideration differences in signal levels due to different lengths of the cables). In the case of a
network based on distribution of signal from one central point, all taps are situated in this point. The staircases
are linked with a splitter, with use of additional amplifiers if needed (for larger number of subscribers in staircases
- then it is two-stage system). Location of the splitter should ensure the same or very similar distances to all
5) Calculations of attenuation L between building amplifier and subscriber outlets. The calculations will allow to
find minimum attenuation Lmin (usually in the outlet closest to the amplifier) and maximum attenuation Lmax
(usually in the farthest outlet). If Lmin and Lmax do not meet recommendations, the design has to be revised.
6) To the L value we add Uabmin level and 3 dB safety margin that allows for connecting two receivers, having
required Uba level in amplifier output.
7) The maximum output level Ubamax of the amplifier is determined by adding to Uba the allowance for
reduction of intermodulation distortions (Table 1), and 3 dB margin, which makes it possible to increase the
number of distributed programs in the future (up to two times).
8) The last stage is adjustment of the set of channel amplifiers to equalize levels of all programs.

Design recommendations:

| Basic requirements on signal parameters | Stages of designing distribution network |

| Design recommendations | Basic terms | Examples of calculations |

within one amplifier section from point A to point B (the amplifier and all dissipative elements to the next
amplifier or receiver) the effective amplification factor should be 0 dB , i.e. the amplifier only compensates
the attenuation in the section, (L dB - A dB = 0)

Illustration of amplifier section

due to attenuation of coaxial cable increasing with frequency, the amplifiers used should ensure
adequate correction;
if the network employs more than one amplifier connected in series, due to intermodulation distortions we
have to adequately reduce output level (2 amplifiers - 3 dB, 3 amplifiers - 4.7 dB, 4 amplifiers - 6 dB)

it is needed to calculate effective signal-to-noise ratio of the network and compare it with S/Nmin value -
correctly designed MATV systems with one amplifier ensure that the ratio is only slightly larger than that
of a typical TV set, which means imperceptible changes of image and sound quality

it is not recommended to use splitters for distribution of signal among larger number of receivers - lack of
proper matching within the whole frequency spectrum and interferences injected to the network by the
receivers (heterodynes) cause interferences that deteriorate reception quality; taps ensure better
separation among subscriber outlets, which practically eliminates these problems

FM radio channels are considered as one channel and the calculations only take into consideration the
strongest signal
it is not recommended to use band amplifiers at the input of the installation - they also amplify unwanted
each program should be received by a separate antenna, unless there is a group of programs that have
very similar levels 2/8
1/23/2021 Basics of designing MATV/community antenna systems
generally, VHF antennas should have lower energetic gain than UHF antennas

it is recommended to use one- or two-channel spacing (e.g. 50, 52, 54, 56, 58 or 51, 54 etc.), unless the
number of distributed programs is larger than possible in such an allocation. Without a channel spacing
there is a risk of interferences coming from the neighboring channels, especially in older TV sets that are
not so selective as the modern televisions. The unfavorable phenomenon can be reduced by especially
careful signal leveling in the network;

Illustration of channel spacing

the best choice is band outlets (separation of FM and TV signals) - broadband solutions are
characterized by larger attenuation and low separation;
all outputs of network devices have to be closed with terminating resistors, including last outlets in pass-
through networks (unless there are used dedicated terminating outlets)

all inputs of the devices used have to be closed, especially when the output signal is the sum of the
signals from the inputs (e.g. inputs of an amplifier). As an exception, when the unused inputs are
equipped with dedicated gain adjustment, it may be enough to set the gain to a minimum;

using a number of antenna preamplifiers, it is needed to ensure proper supplying voltage (12VDC or
24VDC) and current output of the power supply;
in the case of large networks with long cables it is recommended to use channel converters to avoid
distribution of programs in the channels used by terrestrial TV transmitters;

antennas and the masts have to be very well grounded, the same applies to amplifiers, taps, and
it is recommended to set the level of FM broadcasts ca 10dB lower than TV channels;
calculations are indispensable for achieving good quality of distribution network;

if the network distributes more than two programs, every doubling of the number of programs forces us to
decrease output level by 3dB, unless there is another recommendation in the user's manual of the
it should be avoided to distribute programs in the pairs of channels given below:

Table 3. Unrecommended pairs of channels/bands (1)

Interfering channel/band 1 2 FM 6 7 8

Interfered TV channel 4 5 3 10 11 12

If it is necessary to distribute programs in the pairs of channels given in Table 3, the separation between close
receivers has to be over 54 dB, and in the case of channels listed in Table 4 - over 50 dB.

Table 4. Unrecommended pairs of channels/bands (2)

Interfering channel Interfered channel/s

1 3, 6, 28, 39, 49, 50, 60

2 5, 8, 23, 35, 47, 59

3 12, 34, 48

4 23, 39, 54

5 27, 44, 60

6 42

7 45

8 48 3/8
1/23/2021 Basics of designing MATV/community antenna systems
8 48

9 51

10 54

11 57

12 60

21 26

22 27

: :

The number of interfered channel is higher by 5

in comparison with the interfering channel

: :

54 59

55 60

Basic terms

| Basic requirements on signal parameters | Stages of designing distribution network |

| Design recommendations | Basic terms | Examples of calculations |

Community antenna (MATV system) may be defined as antenna installation where compensation of network
attenuation is performed by one (central) set of amplifiers. The amplifiers can be connected in a cascade.
Unlike MATV, cable TV system compensates network attenuation through a number of section amplifier sets,
deployed in different parts of the network. Another feature of large cable installations is a multi-layer (tree)

Community antenna (MATV system) - method of receiving and distributing FM and TV signals in apartment
houses, condominiums, and public utilities.

Signal power level (also: signal level or level) - the ratio of signal power to the reference level, expressed in
decibels (dB). The power reference level 0 dBmV means the power dissipated in 75 ohm resistance when signal
of 1mV voltage is applied to. Signal level is then the ratio of the applied voltage to the reference 1mV (across
standardized 75 ohm resistance).

So the actual signal level can be determined as:


where: U - the voltage at 75 ohm load in mV.

The level of FM radio signal is defined as rms voltage of the carrier frequency, of TV signal - rms voltage of the
video carrier frequency in peaks of synchronization pulses.

Field intensity level - electric field strength expressed in decibels (dBmV/m) - the reference level is 1mV/m.

Maximum output level - maximum level of the signal in the output (each output - in case there is more than
one) of active device with rated load, limited by intermodulation distortions.

Kinds of MATV systems:

with one amplification stage

with two amplification stages

MATV system with one amplification stage - antenna installation up to 200 outlets, based on one amplifier or
set of amplifiers - built in small or medium buildings.

MATV system with two amplification stages connected in cascade - antenna installation up to 1000 outlets,
based on cascade of two amplifiers (or two sets of amplifiers) that are situated in a considerable distance one
from another. This kind of installation is used in large buildings or in the case of groups of buildings e.g. in a

Topologies of MATV systems:

star topology (active and passive elements located in a small number of nodal points) - from small- (10- 4/8
1/23/2021 Basics of designing MATV/community antenna systems
star topology (active and passive elements located in a small number of nodal points) - from small- (10-
15 outlets) to medium-size installations (100-200 outlets), guarantying small differences of signal levels
among outlets;

Star topology

distributed bus (with tap-off branches) - medium-size installations (100-200 outlets) - easy to build and
guarantying good isolation among subscriber outlets;

Distributed bus with tap-off branches

Line topology - pass-through network

line topology - not used these days, with 100-200 outlets, no possibility of using program packages. The
old installations often used outlets with resistors, and their frequency range was limited to 230 MHz or
606 MHz

tree topology (two levels) - two amplifiers connected in cascade - up to 1000 outlets. 5/8
1/23/2021 Basics of designing MATV/community antenna systems

Tree topology - two levels

hybrid topologies - they combine two or more topologies - used in large systems.

Classification of amplifiers used in MATV systems:

- according to frequency ranges:

channel amplifier - amplifies one TV channel or the FM band

band amplifier - amplifies one TV band
multi-band amplifier - amplifies two or more TV bands
broadband amplifier - amplifies at least two TV bands and has continuous frequency characteristics
within the bands

- according to gain control:

no gain adjustment
manual gain adjustment
automatic gain control (AGC)

- according to location in the network:

input amplifier (or preamplifier)

line/end amplifier

- according to powering:

local powering
remote powering (usually via the signal line)

Classification of terminal/subscriber outlets based on application in specific kind of distribution


pass-through outlet - characterized by high tap-off attenuation, used as intermediate element in vertical
line section
terminal outlet - characterized by high tap-off attenuation, used as the last element in the series in vertical
line section, equipped with terminating resistor
low-loss terminal outlet (no loop) - characterized by low attenuation, used e.g. at the end of line in star-
shaped network.

Channel conversion - shift of the original channel to any suitable one, e.g. from 28 to 10.


the way of escaping from channels occupied by terrestrial TV transmitters, which lowers interferences
and reflections in the network
the way of utilizing low channels - the only available in older installations - within I, II, III (and sometimes
IV) TV bands

in SMATV systems - change of frequency of programs from the first satellite IF (signals from LNB to sat
receiver: 950 MHz - 2150 MHz) in order to organize the structure of received channels, as well as to
eliminate possibility of collision (the same frequency) of programs from different satellites and
polarizations in one-cable installation built without multiswitches. 6/8
1/23/2021 Basics of designing MATV/community antenna systems

Channel conversion allows for:

grouping some programs in order to form program packets (solution used in bigger networks or cable TV
systems offering various sets of programs for different prices). Usually the basic set includes terrestrial
increasing maximum range of the network through use of lower channels

AM radio programs are not distributed in cable installations, unless some of them are converted (from AM into
FM modulation, and shifted into FM band). That's why the networks are capable of providing return channel
(below 50 MHz) for data transmission.

Channel conversion


PN 79/T-05210 Community antenna installations. General requirements and examination methods.

PKNMiJ Warsaw 1980
Annex No. 21 to directive of Minister of Communications from October 4, 1997: Technical specifications
of components used in cable TV; Warsaw 1997

Examples of calculations

| Basic requirements on signal parameters | Stages of designing distribution network |

| Design recommendations | Basic terms | Examples of calculations |

Distributed bus with tap-off branches

minimum level in subscriber outlet: 62 dBuV (incl. reserve)

reserve: 3 dB
pass-through attenuation of subscriber outlet:2 dB
attenuation of cable linking tap's output and subscr. outlet: 10m*0.2 dB/m=2 dB
tap-off attenuation: 16 dB
pass-through attenuation: 2*1.5 dB=3 dB
pass-through attenuation: 3*1 dB=3 dB
attenuation of cable in vertical line section: 30m*0.2 dB/m=6 dB

attenuation of splitter: 4 dB 7/8
1/23/2021 Basics of designing MATV/community antenna systems
attenuation of splitter: 4 dB
attenuation of distribution cable: 5 m*0.2 dB/m=1 dB
minimum level in amplifier's output: 102 dB
due to 8 channels (from Table 1) and 7 dB reserve,
and 3 dB reserve:

The required maximum output level of the amplifier is 112 dBuV


Star-shaped network

reserve: 3 dB
pass-through attenuation of subscriber outlet:2 dB
attenuation of cable linking tap's output and subscr. outlet: 10m*0.2 dB/m=2 dB
tap-off attenuation: 20 dB
attenuation of lower splitter: 5 dB
attenuation of cable in vertical line section: 30 m*0.2 dB/m=6 dB
attenuation of upper splitter: 4 dB
attenuation of distribution cable: 5 m*0.2 dB/m =1 dB
minimum level in amplifier's output: 105 dB
due to 8 channels (from Table 1) and 7 dB reserve,
and 3 dB reserve:

The required maximum output level of the amplifier is 115 dBuV

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