Lecture 1 Introduction To Probability and Statistics

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Introduction to Probability

and Statistics

Introduction to Statistics

Saira Javed

Statistics is a branch of science, in which we
‫اإلحصاء هو فرع من فروع العلم ونحن فيه‬

➢ Collect ‫تجميع‬

➢ Observed ‫مالحظ‬

➢ Analyze ‫حلل‬

➢ Interpret ‫تفسر‬

Numerical facts and figures.

‫حقائق وارقام عدديه‬


➢ Collect

➢ Observed


➢ Analyze

➢ Interpret

"‫"من امللخص ذاكريه‬

:‫وظائف اإلحصاء‬
Functions of Statistics:
Statistics has the following major functions(uses).

➢ Statistics helps in collecting and presenting data in a systematic and

meaningful form i.e., summarizes the larger set of data into an easily
understand form. e.g., there is a lot of students in a particular college
does not give an exact information as the statement that 480 students
studying in the college i.e., numerical facts give more precise
information than facts expressed in general terms.

➢ Statistics facilitates comparisons of data e.g, the price indices of a

given year easily compare with the price indices of previous years.

" ‫"من امللخص ذاكريه‬


➢ Statistics assists in highlighting the important features of

data and studied relationships among different facts

➢ Statistics helps in prediction or forecasting.

➢ Statistics help in formulations of suitable policies also

sound and effective planning in any field of inquiry.

➢ Statistics helps in formulating and testing of hypothesis

through observed data.

:‫أهمية اإلحصاء في املجاالت املختلفة‬
Importance of Statistics in different fields:

➢ State Management. .‫إدارة الدولة‬

( Budget, Unemployment, Census etc)
(‫ التعداد إلخ‬، ‫ البطالة‬، ‫)امليزانية‬

➢ Pure Science. .‫العلوم البحتة‬

➢ Mathematical Science. .‫العلوم الرياضية‬

➢ Psychology, Education and Sociology. .‫علم النفس والتربية وعلم االجتماع‬

➢ Business. ‫اعمال‬

Importance of Statistics in different fields:
➢ Banks.
:‫يتبع أهمية اإلحصاء في املجاالت املختلفة‬

➢ Insurance Companies. .‫شركات التأمني‬

➢ Economic & Economic Development Companies.

.‫شركات التنمية االقتصادية واالقتصادية‬
➢ Agriculture. ‫الزراعة‬

➢ Research. ‫ابحاث‬

" ‫" ذاكريه من امللخص‬

Statistics is also defined as, it is a science of collecting data, processing,
organizing and interpreting also taking more effective decisions on the basis of
sample information.
There are two categories of statistics:

➢ Descriptive Statistics
➢ Inferential Statistics

Descriptive statistics: It consists of procedures used to summarize and

describe the important characteristics of a set of measurements (population) like
mean, median, standard deviation etc.
Inferential statistics: It consists of procedures used to make inferences
about population characteristics from information contained in a sample drawn
from the population.
The objective of inferential statistics is to make inferences (that is, draw
conclusions, make predictions, make decisions) about the characteristics of a
population from information contained in a sample.
"‫"ذاكريه من امللخص‬


Achieving the objective of inferential statistics: The necessary steps

➢ Specify the questions to be answered and identify the population of


➢ Decide how to select the sample.

➢ Select the sample and analyze the sample information.

➢ Use the information from step 3 to make an inference about the


➢ Determine the reliability of the inference.

🤷 !‫و‬ ‫وﺿﻌﮭﺎ‬ ‫وش‬ ‫ﻣﺪري‬

Keys for successful learning

As you begin to study statistics, you will find that there are many new terms and
concepts to be mastered. Since statistics is an applied branch of mathematics,
many of these basic concepts are mathematical—developed and based on
results from calculus or higher mathematics. However, you do not have to be
able to derive results in order to apply them in a logical way. In this text, we use
numerical examples and commonsense arguments to explain statistical
concepts, rather than more complicated mathematical arguments.
In recent years, computers have become readily available to many students and
provide them with an invaluable tool. Some of the more common statistical
packages available at computer
facilities are MINITABTM, SAS (Statistical Analysis System), and SPSS
(Statistical Package for the Social Sciences); personal computers will support
packages such as MINITAB, MS Excel, and others. There are even online
statistical programs and interactive “applets” on the Internet.

Population: Total area under discussion is called population.
The number of observations in a finite population is called
size of the population and is denoted by N.



Sample: An enough and representative part of population

is called sample. The number of observations in a sample is
called size of the sample and is denoted by n.
:‫هناك نوعان من السكان‬
There are two types of population:

➢ Finite population ‫عدد السكان املحدود‬

➢ Infinite population ‫عدد ال حصر له‬

Population which consists of countable or fixed number of

values is called finite population. Examples?
‫ أمثلة؟‬.‫يُطلق على السكان الذي يتكون من عدد قابل للعد أو عدد ثابت من القيم عدد محدد من السكان‬

whereas population which consists of infinite number of

values is called infinite population. Examples?
‫ أمثلة؟‬.‫بينما يسمى السكان الذي يتكون من عدد ال حصر له من القيم بالسكان الالنهائي‬

‫تعاريف ذاكريهم من امللخص‬

‫ ويتم اإلشارة إلى كل هذه القيم بأحرف يونانيه كل القيم العددية املحسوبة من السكان‬.‫ تسمى املعلمة‬:‫معامل‬

Parameter: All numerical values calculated from

population is called parameter. And all these values are
denoted by Greek letters.
e.g mean and standard deviation are denoted by μ and σ
respectively ‫ و على التوالي‬μ ‫ يُشار إلى املتوسط واالنحراف املعياري بواسطة‬، ‫على سبيل املثال‬
Statistic: All numerical values calculated from sample is
called statistic. And all these values are denoted by small
letters. ‫جميع القيم‬. ‫العينة ويتم اإلشارة إلى كل هذه القيم بأحرف صغيرة‬
.‫ تسمى اإلحصاء‬:‫اإلحصاء‬
‫العددية املحسوبة من‬
e.g mean and standard deviation are denoted by ӯ and s
respectively. If we study the total population of fish in
pond which is 100 then it is called as parameter but if we
study specific (20 fish) then it is called as statistic.
‫ العينه‬s ‫ و‬ŷ ‫يتم االشاره الى املتوسط واالنحراف املعياري بواسطه‬ 14
‫تعاريف ذاكريهم من امللخص‬

‫املتغيرات والبيانات‬
Variables and Data

• A variable is a characteristic that changes or varies over

time and/or for different individuals or objects under
‫ هو خاصيه تتغير او تتغير بمرور الوقت الفراد او كائنات مختلفه قيد الدراسه‬: ‫املتغير‬

Examples: Hair color, white blood cell count, time to

failure of a computer component.
.‫ وقت فشل أحد مكونات الكمبيوتر‬، ‫ عدد خاليا الدم البيضاء‬، ‫ لون الشعر‬:‫أمثلة‬

‫تعاريف ذاكريهم من امللخص‬


• An experimental unit is the individual or object on

which a variable is measured.
• A measurement results when a variable is actually
measured on an experimental unit.
• A set of measurements, called data, can be either a
sample or a population.


– Hair color
•Experimental unit
– Person
•Typical Measurements
– Brown, black, blonde, etc.



• Variable
Time until a
light bulb burns out

• Experimental unit
Light bulb

• Typical Measurements
1500 hours, 1535.5 hours, etc.

How many variables have you measured?

• Univariate data: One variable is measured on a single

experimental unit.
• Bivariate data: Two variables are measured on a
single experimental unit.
• Multivariate data: More than two variables are
measured on a single experimental unit.

Types of Variables

Qualitative Quantitative

Discrete Continuous

Types of Variables

•Qualitative variables measure a quality or characteristic

on each experimental unit.
• Hair color (black, brown, blonde…)
• Make of car (Dodge, Honda, Ford…)
• Gender (male, female)
• State of birth (California, Arizona,….)

Types of Variables

•Quantitative variables measure a numerical quantity

on each experimental unit.
✓ Discrete if it can assume only a finite or countable
number of values.
✓ Continuous if it can assume the infinitely many
values corresponding to the points on a line interval.


• For each orange tree in a grove, the number of oranges

is measured.
Quantitative discrete

• For a particular day, the number of cars entering a

college campus is measured.
Quantitative discrete

• Time until a light bulb burns out

Quantitative continuous

Exercise (page 14-15)

Q: 1.1 Experimental Units Identify the experimental

units on which the following variables are measured:
a. Gender of a student
Ans: Student
b. Number of errors on a midterm exam
Ans: Midterm exam
c. Age of a cancer patient
Ans: Patient
d. Number of flowers on an azalea plant
Ans: Azalea plant
e. Color of a car entering a parking lot
Ans: Car
Exercise (page 14-15)
Q: 1.2 Qualitative or Quantitative? Identify each
variable as quantitative or qualitative:

a. Amount of time it takes to assemble a simple

Ans: Quantitative
b. Number of students in a first-grade classroom
Ans: Quantitative
c. Rating of a newly elected politician (excellent,
good, fair, poor)
Ans: Qualitative
d. State in which a person lives
Ans: Qualitative
Exercise (page 14-15)
Q: 1.3 Discrete or Continuous? Identify the following
quantitative variables as discrete or continuous:
a. Population in a particular area of the United States
Ans: Discrete
b. Weight of newspapers recovered for recycling on a
single day
Ans: Continious
c. Time to complete a sociology exam
Ans: Continious
d. Number of consumers in a poll of 1000 who consider
nutritional labeling on food products to be important
Ans: Discrete
Exercise (page 14-15)
Q: 1.4 Discrete or Continuous? Identify each
quantitative variable as discrete or continuous.
a. Number of boating accidents along a 50-mile stretch
of the Colorado River
Ans: Discrete, because the number of accidents is an

b. Time required to complete a questionnaire

Ans: Continuos, because time can take on decimal values
( 1.5 hrs)

c. Cost of a head of lettuce

Ans: Continuos, because time can take on decimal values
($1.75, $0.95) 27
Exercise (page 14-15)
Cont. Q: 1.4 Discrete or Continuous? Identify each
quantitative variable as discrete or continuous.

d. Number of brothers and sisters you have

Ans: Discrete, because the number of siblings is an

e. Yield in kilograms of wheat from a 1-hectare plot in

a wheat field
Ans: Continuos, because the yield can take on decimal
values ( 1.5 kg)


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