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yxþT×eà ØÁ‰§êE ÄþäK‰sþÃêE ¶pBlþK

ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È


xo‰ሦሥt¾ ›mT qÜ_R 05 bxþT×eà ØÁ‰§êE ÄþäK‰sþÃêE ¶pBlþK 13th Year No.15
xÄþS xbÆ yµtET 02 qN 09)(9 ›.M yÞZB twµ×C MKR b¤T «ÆqEnT ywÈ ADDIS ABABA- 19th February , 2007


xêJ qÜ_R 5)!5/09)(9 ›.M Proclamation No. 515/2007

yØÁ‰L mNG|T \‰t®C xêJ…gA 3¹þ5)#4 Federal Civil Servants Proclamation ……. Page 3534


xêJ qÜ_R 5)!5/09)(9

yØÁ‰L mNG|T \‰t®C xêJ q$_R WHEREAS, it is appropriate to address the problems
2)^2¼!9)(4 b|‰ §Y kêl b“§ yg-ÑTN identified during the implementation of proclamation
yxfÉiM CGéC l¥SwgD XÂ GL} ÃLçn# No. 262/2002 and give the later sufficient clarity;
x\‰éC GL} ¥DrG b¥Sflg#፤

ymNG|T \‰t®C mB¬cW y¸kbRbTN WHEREAS, it is necessary to strengthen the justice system
so as to give civil servants better protection and it is essential
ytq§-f yFTH SR›T l¥-ÂkR XÂ ys!v!L
to incorporate in a new law the changes occurring as a result
sRv!S ¥ššÃ PéG‰M bsW `YL xStÄdR of the implementation of the human resource management
¥ššÃ rgD õÿÄcWN lWõC bbqE h#n@¬ sub-program of the civil service reform program;
y¸ÃµTT ?G ¥WÈT b¥Sflg#፤
NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article
bx!T×ùà ØÁ‰§êE Ä!äK‰s!ÃêE ¶pBl!K ?g 55/1/ of the constitution of the Federal Democratic
mNG|T xNq{ %5¼1¼ m\rT y¸ktlW Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as
¬W©*LÝÝ follows:
-Q§§ General
1 x+R R:S
1. Short Title
YH xêJ ''yØÁ‰L mNG|T \‰t®C xêJ
ቁ_R 5)!5/!9)(9'' tBlÖ l!-qS YC§LÝÝ This proclamation may be cited as the "Federal
Civil Servants Proclamation No. 515/2007"
2 TRÙ»
2. Definitions
y”l# xgÆB l@§ TRg#M y¸Ãs-W µLçn
bStqR bz!H xêJ WS_½ In this Proclamation unless the context requires

ÃNÇ êU nU¶T Uz¤È ±.œ.qÜ ° ¹þ 1

Unit Price Negarit G. P.O.Box 80001
gA 3‫ְך‬5)#5 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3535

1/ ''ymNG|T \‰t¾'' ¥lT bØÁ‰L 1) "Civil Servant" means a person employed

mNG|T m|¶Ã b@T WS_ b̸nT permanently by federal government
tq_é y¸\‰ sW nWÝÝ çñM institution; provided, however, that it shall
y¸ktl#TN xY=MRM½ not include the following:

h/ ¸ኒSTR Áኤ¬ãCን MKTL ê ÄY a) government officials with the rank of

ÊKtéCN XNÄ!h#M btmœœY state minister, deputy director general
dr© XÂ kz!Ã b§Y yçn# and their equivalent and above;
b) members of the House of Peoples'
l/ y?ZB twµ×C MKR b@TNÂ Representatives and the House of the
yØÁÊ>N MKR b@T xÆlÖCN½ Federation;

/¼ yØÁ‰L FRD b@T Ä®CN c) federal judges and prosecutors;

x”b!Ãn ?GN½
d) members of the Armed Forces and the
m¼ ymk§kà \‰êET yØÁ‰L ±l!S Federal Police including other emplo-
xÆlÖCN XNÄ!h#M bmk§kà wYM yees governed by the regulations of the
b±l!S dNB y¸tÄd„ l@lÖC Armed forces and the Federal Police;
e) employees excluded from the coverage
\¼ xGÆB ÆlW l@§ ?G bz!H xêJ of this Proclamation by other appropriate
XNÄY¹fn# ytdrg# \‰t®CN½ laws.

2/ ''g!z@ÃêE \‰t¾'' ¥lT bmNG|T 2) “Temporary Civil Servant” means a person

m|¶Ã b@T WS_ yz§qEnT ÆH¶ who is employed in a government office for a
bl@lW S‰ wYM h#n@¬ãC s!ÃSgDÇ job which is not permanent in nature or
b̸ y|‰ mdB §Y bg!z@ÃêEnT where circumstances so require to a
tq_é y¸s‰ sW nWÝÝ çñM permanent position; however it shall not
y¸ktl#TN xY=MRM½ include, the following :

h¼ bqN £œB Xytkf§cW y¸\„ a) persons employed as daily labourers who

yqN \‰t®CN½ are paid on daily basis;

l¼ bmNG|T m|¶Ã b@T WS_ b) persons who are assigned for internship
lÑÃ mLm© wYM lSL-Â or training;
ytmdb# tl¥¥íCN½
c) persons who enter into a contract with a
/¼ kmNG|T m|¶Ã b@t$ UR bgb#T government office as an independent
WL êU Xytkf§cW b‰úcW contractor for consideration;
yNGD |‰ wYM yÑà `§ðnT
y¸s„ t̉ôCN½
d) persons who enter into a contract with a
government office due to their special
m¼ ƧcW L† XWqT ClÖ¬ MKN
skills and ability on part-time basis for
ÃT kmNG|T m|¶Ã b@t$ UR
b¸gb#T WL m\rT êU Xytk
f§cW bTRF g!z@ÃcW y¸s„
3) "Government Institution" means any
3/ ''ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T'' ¥lT ‰s#N federal government office established as an
ClÖ bxêJ wYM bdNB ytÌÌm autonomous entity by a proclamation or
Ñl# bÑl# wYM bkðL kmNG|T regulations and fully or partially financed by
b¸mdBlT bjT y¸tÄdR çñ government budget; included in the list of
y¸n!STéC MKR b@T b¸ÃwÈW government institutions to be drawn up by
ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@èC ZRZR WS_ the Council of Ministers.
ytµtt yØÁ‰L mNG|T m|¶Ã
b@T nWÝÝ
gA 3‫ְך‬5)#6 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3536

4/ ''KFl |‰'' ¥lT btGÆR b`§ðn¬ 4) "Class" Means the basic unit of position
cW tmœœYnT bx-”§Y ywL yçn classification in which a group of positions
m-¶Ã y¸sÈcW tmœœY TMH which are similar in duties and
RT፣ y|‰ LMD½ :WqT½ Cl֬ responsibilities are classified so that a
KHlÖT y¸-yQÆcW tmœœY bçn common class title can be used; the same
ydmwZ m-N½ KFÃÂ KLL WS_ general requirements as to education,
l!ÃRû y¸Cl# xND §Y ytsÆsb# experience, knowledge, ability and skill can
y|‰ mdïC ¥lT nWÝÝ be required and the same salary rate, range;
can be applied to the class.

5/ ''y|‰ mdB'' ¥lT bxND ymNG|T 5) "Position" means a set of current duties and
\‰t¾ Ñl# y|‰ g!z@ XNÄ!kÂwn# responsibilities assigned by a competent
SLÈN ÆlW xµL yts-# tGÆRÂ authority to be performed full time by an
`§ðnèC ÂcWÝÝ individual employee.

6/ ''ydr© :DgT'' ¥lT ymNG|T 6) "Promotion" means assigning a civil servant

\‰t¾N kÃzW y|‰ dr© kF wÄl to a higher grade;
y|‰ dr© ¥údG nWÝÝ

7/ ''x@jNs! '' wYM ''ê ÄYÊKtR'' ¥lT 7) "Agency or General Director" means the
XNd QdM tktl# yØÁ‰L s!v!L Federal Civil Service Agency or General
sRv!S x@jNs! wYM ê ÄYÊKtR Director, respectively;

8/ ''yb§Y `§ð'' ¥lT ymNG|TN m| 8) "Head of a Government Institution"

¶Ã b@T bb§YnT y¸m‰ wYM means a government official who directs the
MKTlÖc$ ÂcWÝÝ institution and includes his deputies;

9/ ''y?KMÂ ¥Sr©'' ¥lT bhgR WS_ 9) “A Medical Certificate” means a certificate

xGÆB ÆlW Æl|LÈN f”D kts-W that describes the health condition or
y?KMÂ tÌM y¸s_ wYM khgR prescribes sick leave of a civil servant and
W+ ytgß SlTKKl¾nt$ xGÆB ÆlW that is issued by a local medical institution
Æl|LÈN ytrUg-½ Sl mNG|T licensed by the appropriate authority or
\‰t¾W y-@ h#n@¬Â y?mM f”D where the certificate is acquired from abroad
y¸s_ y?KMÂ MSKR wrqT nWÝÝ it shall be verified by an authorized body .

0/ ''dmwZ'' ¥lT bxND y|‰ dr© 10) "Salary" means base pay and periodical
ltmdb# KFl |‰ãC ytwsn mnš increments authorized for a grade of a class.
KFàbyg!z@W y¸s_ +¥¶ nWÝÝ
11) "Conditions of Work” means the entire
01/ ''y|‰ h#n@¬'' ¥lT bmNG|T m|¶Ã b@t$ field of relations between government office
X bmNG|T \‰t¾W mµkL Ãl -Q§§ and government employee and shall also
y|‰ GNß#nT s!çN YHM y|‰ s›TN½ include hours of work, wage, leave, health
dmwZN½ L† L† f”ìCN½ y|‰ xµÆb! and safety, compensation to employment
-@NnTÂ dHNnTN½ ymNG|T \‰t®C
k|‰ y¸qns#bTN h#n@¬Â KFý
injury, dismissal, retrenchment and severance
yÄ!s!Pl!N xfÉiM yQʬ xq‰rB |n- pay, disciplinary and grievance procedure
|R›èCN X ymœ\l#TN ያጠ”L§LÝÝ and any other similar matters.

02/ ''DLDL'' ¥lT bz!H xêJ xNq{ # 12) "Redeployment" means assigning a civil
m\rT ydr© :DgT ¥S¬wqEÃ servant to a higher position without
úYwÈ xNDN ymNG|T \‰t¾ announcing the position for promotion
btmœœY dr©Â dmwZ wYM kF according to article 30 of this proclamation,
Æl dr©Â dmwZ wYM b\‰t¾W or to similar position of an equal grade and
SMMnT ZQ Æl dr© mDï ¥s‰T salary, or to a lower grade where the civil
nWÝÝ servant so agrees.
gA 3‫ְך‬5)#7 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3537

03/ ''xStÄd‰êE Wún@'' ¥lT bz!H xêJ 13) “Administrative Decision” shall mean for
bKFL 0 ltmlkt$T g#Ä×C s!ÆL the purpose of part (10) a decision given by
ym|¶Ã b@t$ yb§Y `§ð bQʬ s¸ the Head of a government institution, either
÷¸t& wYM bÄ!s!Pl!N ÷¸t& tÈR orally or in writing, on a recommendation by
tW bqrb# g#Ä×C §Y wYM bÄ!s!P disciplinary or grievance handling committee
l!N ÷¸t& m¬yT b¸gÆcW g#ÄዮC in accordance with the power conferred by
§Y |n |R›t$N úY-BQ wYM bq law or a decision given by the Head of a
_¬ b?G bts-#T l@lÖC g#ÄዮC §Y government institution without following the
b{/#F wYM b”L y¸s-W Wún@ required due process.

04/ ''YGÆ"'' ¥lT bm|¶Ã b@t$ yb§Y 14) “Appeal” means a procedure whereby
`§ð yts- xStÄd‰êE Wún@N bm” administrative decisions are to be reviewed
wM lxStÄdR FRD b@T y¸qRB by administrative tribunal upon complaints of
xb@t$¬ nWÝÝ employees aggrieved by decisions of the
head of a government institution.
3. ytfɸnT wsN
3. Scope of Application
YH xêJ ''ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T'' XÂ
''ymNG|T \‰t¾'' tBlÖ bts-W TR This proclamation shall be applicable on
g#M b¸¹fn# ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@èC “government institutions” and “civil servants”
ymNG|T \‰t®C §Y tfɸ YçÂLÝÝ covered by the definition given under article 2 of
this proclamation.
KFL h#lT
ym|¶Ã b@èC xdr©jT½ y|‰ãC Mz½ PART TWO
ydmwZ Sk@L XÂ L† L† xblÖC Position Classification, Salary Scale and Allowances

4 Slm|¶Ã b@èC xdr©jT 4. Organizational structure

1/ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T ytÌ 1) Any government institution shall undertakes
ÌmbTN ›§¥ Sk@¬¥ l¥DrG y¸ÃS studies and decide its own organizational
fLgWN xdr©jTÂ ysW `YL F§gÖT structure and staffing plan to enable it to
x_Nè YwSÂLÝÝ achieve its goals.
2/ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T mS¶Ã b@T bz!H 2) If the organizational structure and the staffing
xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ m\rT Ã-ÂW plan prepared under the authority given by
xdr©jT t=¥¶ bjT y¸-YqW sub article /1/ of this Article requires
kçn xdr©jt$N tGƉêE k¥Drg# additional budget, a government institution
bðT y¸ÃSfLgWN t=¥¶ bjT shall first obtain the approval of the Ministry
lgNzB x!÷ñ¸ L¥T ¸n!St&R xQRï of Finance and Economic Development
¥SfqD xlbTÝÝ before implementing it.
3/ x@jNs!W ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@èCN
3) The Agency shall issue detailed directives
xdr©jTÂ ysW `YL F§gÖ¬cWN regarding the preparation and implementation
Sl¸wSn#bT h#n@¬ ZRZR mm¶Ã of organization structure and staff planning
by government institutions.
5 Sl |‰ MdÆ
5. Classifications of Positions
1/ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T bK
Fl S‰ãC WS_ ytµtt$ l@lÖC tmœ 1) When a government institution creates new
œY y|‰ mdïC s!ÃU_ÑT tS¥¸ positions that are similar to positions that are
bçnW KFl |‰ WS_ b¥SgÆT tGÆ already classified under a class, it shall
‰êE ÃdRULÝÝ allocate the positions under such class and
implement the same.
gA 3‫ְך‬5)#8 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3538

2/ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T bK 2) Any government institution shall complete

Fl |‰ WS_ ÃLtmdb# xÄ!S y|‰ positions classification questionnaire and
mdïC s!ÃU_ÑT y|‰ MdÆ m- submit to the Agency for evaluation and
YQ äLè lx@jNs!W b¥QrB classification when a totally new job is
ÃSmZÂLÝÝ created.

6 Sl dmwZ Sk@L 6. Salary Scale

1/ x@jNs!W bx-”§Y ls!v!L sRv!s# y¸ 1) The Agency shall prepare a salary scale to be
ÃgLgL ydmwZ Sk@L XÃ-Â l¸n!S applicable to the Civil Service in general and
TéC MKR b@T lWœn@ ÃqRÆL½ s!f submits the same to the Council of Ministers,
qDM xfÉiÑN YöÈ-‰LÝÝ and supervises its proper implementation
upon approval.
2/ ydmwZ Sk@l# lXÃNÄNÇ dr© mnšÂ
mDrš dmwZ½ XNÄ!h#M byg!z@W 2) The salary scale shall contain the base,
y¸drgWN ydmwZ +¥¶ y¸Ãml maximum pay and step increments of each
Kt$ XRkñC Yñ„¬LÝÝ grade.

3/ yz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ DNUg@ 3) Notwithstanding Sub-Article 1 of this Article
b!ñRM ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@èCN and upon permission of the Council of
L† y|‰ Æ?¶ m\rT b¥DrG L† Ministers, the Agency based on the specific
L† ydmwZ Sk@lÖC XNÄ!-n# nature of a government institution shall
b¸n!STéC MKR b@T s!fqD undertake studies of salary scales and
x@jNs!W x_Nè lMKR b@t$ lWún@ submits the same to the council; and upon
ÃqRÆL½ s!fqDM xfÉiÑN YöÈ- approval, supervises their proper
‰LÝÝ implementation.

4/ x@jNs!W xSf§g! çñ s!ÃgßW byg!z@W 4) When necessary the Agency shall undertake
y¸drg# yx!÷ñ¸ lWõCN l@lÖC periodical revisions of salary scales based on
h#n@¬ãCN ÃgÂzb ydmwZ Sk@L economic changes and other relevant
¥ššÃ _ÂT Xõÿd l¸n!STéC MKR conditions and submit same to the decision
b@T Wún@ ÃqRÆL½ s!fqDM of the Council of Ministers.

7 Xk#L êU §§cW |‰ãC Xk#L dmwZ 7. Equal Pay for Equal Work
All positions of equal value shall have equal base
Xk#L êU çcW |‰ãC Xk#L mnš
salary .
dmwZ Yñ‰cêLÝÝ

8 ydmwZ KFÃ 8. Payment of Salary

¥N¾WM ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T byw„ Any Government office, shall, at the end of every
m=rš l\‰t®c$ wYM l?UêE month, make payments of salary to civil servants
wk!lÖÒcW ydmwZ KFÃ Yf{¥LÝÝ or their legal representatives.

9 SldmwZ +¥¶ 9. Increment of Salary

1/ ymNG|T \‰t®C ydmwZ +¥¶ 1) Periodical salary increments to be made to

y¸Ãgß#T b|‰ xfÉiM Mz W-@T civil servants shall be based on their
§Y bmmSrT YçÂLÝÝ performance evaluation results.

2/ x_Ub! kz!à b§Y y|‰ xfÉiM 2) Civil servants obtaining an evaluation result
ምዘና W-@T §gß# ymNG|T \‰t®C of satisfactory or above satisfactory shall be
y¸s-W ydmwZ +¥¶ byh#lT entitled to a salary increment to be made
›mt$ YçÂLÝÝ every two years.
gA 3‫ְך‬5)#9 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3539

0/ ydmwZ KFÃ SlmÃZÂ Slmq$r_ 10. Attachment and Deduction of Salary

1/ y¥N¾WM ymNG|T \‰t¾ dmwZ½ 1) The salary of a civil servant may not be
attached or deducted except in accordance
h¼ \‰t¾W SMMnt$N b{/#F s!gL{½ with:
a) a written consent of the civil servant;
l¼ bFRD b@T T:²Z½
b) court order; or
/¼ bHG btdnggW m\rT½
c) the provisions of the law.
µLçn bStqR l!ÃZ wYM l!ör_

2/ bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ 1¼l¼ wYM ¼/¼ 2. Monthly deductions from the salary of a civil
m\rT k\‰t¾ dmwZ byw„ servant to be made pursuant to Sub-Article
y¸ör-W kdmwz# xND ƒSt¾ (1) (b) or (c) of this Article shall not exceed
xYbL_MÝÝ one third of his salary.

01. Sl L† L† xblÖC 11. Allowances

1/ ¥N¾WM xbL y¸kflW ymNG|TN 1) Any allowance shall be paid only for the
|‰ l¥kÂwN xSf§g! çñ s!g" BÒ purpose of carrying out the functions of the
nWÝÝ civil service.

2/ x@jNs!W yL† L† yxbL xYnèCN XÂ 2) The Agency shall undertake studies on the
KFÃãCN XÃ-Â l¸n!STéC MKR types and payment of various allowances and
b@T lWún@ ÃqRÆL½ s!fqDM submit the same to the Council of Ministers
xfÉiÑN YöÈ-‰LÝÝ and, upon approval, supervise their


Sl sW `YL :QD½ Sl \‰t¾ SM¶T XÂ Human Resource Planning, Staffing and
|‰ xfÉiM Performance Evaluation
\‰t¾ SlmmLmL½ mMr_Â mQ-R
Selection and Recruitment
02. Sl sW `YL :QD
12. Human Resource Planning

1/ ysW `YL :QD ›§¥ ¥N¾WM ymN 1) The purpose of Human Resource Planning
G|T m|¶Ã b@T bST‰t&©!ክAêE shall be to enable a government institution to
:QD §Y ytqm-#TN ›§¥ãC take measure to meet the objective specified
l¥úµT ysW `YL F§gÖT lmtNbY½ in the strategic plan, to forecast its human
y¸ÃSfLgWN ysW `YL b›YnT resource demand, to acquire human resource
bB²T l¥à§T½ l¥L¥T½ bxGÆb# in the right number and type, to develop and
lm-qM y¸ÃGz# XRM©ãCN properly utilize it, monitor and evaluate its
lmWsDÂ W-@t$NM byg!z@W result and make corrective measures from
Xygmgm ¥ššÃ l¥DrG nWÝÝ time to time.

2/ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T 2) Any government institution based on its

ST‰t&©!K :QÇN m\rT b¥DrG strategic plan shall prepare and implement
yx+R½ ymµkl¾Â yrJM g!z@ ysW short, medium and long term human resource
`YL :QÇN x_Nè tGƉêE ¥DrG plan.
gA 3‫ְך‬5)$ ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3540

3/ KFT yS‰ mdïCN b\‰t¾ ¥SÃZ 3) Vacancies may be filled through recruitment,
y¸ÒlW ysW `YL :QDN m\rT promotion, transfer or deployment on the
b¥DrG bdr© :DgT wYM bQ_R basis of the human resource plan.
4) The Agency shall issue detailed guidelines on
4/ x@jNs!W ysW `YL :QDN btmlkt human resource planning.

03 KFT yS‰ mdïCN b\‰t¾ Sl¥SÃZ 13. Filling of vacancies

1/ bB/@rsB½ bò¬½ b/Y¥ñT½ b±l 1) There shall be no discrimination among job

tEµ xmlµkT½ bxµL g#ÄT½ bx@C. seekers or civil servants in filling vacancies
xY.v!¼x@DS ወይም bl@§M h#n@¬ b|‰ because of their ethnic origin, sex, religion,
f§g!ãCM çn bmNG|T \‰t®C political outlook, disability, HIV/AIDS or
mµkL L†nT ¥DrG ytklkl nWÝÝ any other ground.

2/ bKFT y|‰ mdB §Y \‰t¾ y¸m 2) A vacant position shall be filled only by a
dbW l|‰ mdb# y¸-yqWN tf§g! person who meets the qualification required
ClÖ¬ y¸Ãà§Â kl@lÖC twÄĶãC for the position and scores higher than other
UR twÄDé BLÅ ÃlW çñ s!g" candidates.

3/ yz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ XÂ ¼2¼ 3) Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-
DNUg@ãC ቢኖሩም ymNG|T \‰t®C Articles (1) and (2) of this Article, in
Q_R½ dr© :DgT XÂ DLDL s!fiM recruitment promotion and deployment
bWDDR W-@¬cW Xk#L wYM tq‰ preference shall be given to:
‰b! lçn#½
a) female candidates;
h¼ s@T xmLµÓC½ b) candidates with disabilities; and
l¼ xµL g#Ät®C½ c) members of nationalities comparatively
/¼ bxNɉêE h#n@¬ bmNG|T m| less represented in the government
¶Ã b@t$ WS_ xnSt¾ B/@‰êE office,
tê{å §§cW B/@rsïC½ having equal or close scores to that other
QD¸Ã YsÈLÝÝ candidates.

4/ xGÆB ÆlW yxµL g#Ät®C y|‰ 4) The definition of disability applicable in the
SM¶T xêJ Sl xµL g#Ät¾ ytsጠW appropriate law relating to disability shall
TRÙ» lz!H xNq{ tfɸ YçÂLÝÝ also apply for the purposes of this Article.

04 bmNG|T \‰t¾nT lmq-R y¥ÃSCl# 14. Eligibility

1) The following shall not be eligible to be civil
1/ y¸ktl#T ymNG|T \‰t¾ çnW servants:
l!q-„ xYCl#M½
a) a person under the age of 18 years;
h¼ :D»W k08 ›mT b¬C yçn½ b) any person who has been convicted by a
l¼ yXMnT ¥g#dL½ ySRöTÂ y¥+ court of competent jurisdiction of breach
bRbR wNjL f{ä SLÈN ÆlW of trust, theft, or fraud;
FRD b@T ytfrdbT ¥N¾WM c) any person who is unwilling to take oath
sW½ fidelity according to Article 18 of this
/¼ bz!H xêJ xNq{ 08 m\rT ”l Proclamation
m/§ lmfiM f”d¾ ÃLçn
gA 3‫ְך‬5)$1 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3541

m¼ yz!H N;#S xNq{ ðdL t‰ ¼l¼ d) Without prejudice to Sub-Article (1) (b)
XNdt-bq çñ k¥N¾WM m| of this Article a civil servant who has
¶Ã b@T bÄ!s!Pl!N g#DlT MKN been dismissed on grounds of
ÃT kS‰ ytsÂbt \‰t¾ k|‰ disciplinary offence, before the lapse of
ktsÂbtbT g!z@ jMé xMST five years from the date of his dismissal.
›mT kmѧt$ bðTÝÝ
2) Notwithstanding Sub-Article (1) (a) of this
2/ yz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ ¼h¼ DNUg@ Article, the Agency may issue directives on
b!ñRM XD»ÃcW kx|‰ x‰T circumstances in which young persons above
›mT b§Y yçÂcW x|‰ SMNT the age of 14 under 18 may be appointed as
›mT ÃLä§cW wÈèC Sl¸q-„b civil servants and on the conditions of service
TÂ Sl |‰ h#n@¬cW x@jNs!W mm applicable to them.
15. Employment of foreigners
05 Sl W+ xgR z@¯C Q_R
Without prejudice to the provisions of Article
የኢُዮጵያ ‫ـ‬ወֶጅ የֲኑ የውጭ ዜጎ٤ን በُ 5(2) of the proclamation providing foreign
ውָድ አገ‫ْף‬ው የ‫ֳـ‬ያዩ ‫א‬ብِ٤ ‫ـ‬ጠቃ‫ג‬ Nationals of Ethiopian Origin with certain rights
ֳ‫ד‬ድ‫ף‬ግ የወጣው አዋጅ ‫שּׁ‬ጥ‫ ץ‬2)&/!9)(4 to be exercised in their country of Origin
አን‫שׂ‬ፅ 5 /2/ እና yz!H xêJ xNq{ @2 ¼2¼ Proclamation No 270/2002 and Article 22(2) of
XNdt-bቁ çነው z@Gnt$ x!T×ùÃêE ÃLçn this proclamation, a person who is not an
sW bmNG|T \‰t¾nT l!q-R Ethiopian national may not be eligible to be a
xYCLMÝÝ Civil Servant.

06. ¥S¬wqEÃ Sl¥WÈTÂ lQ_R Sl¸s_ 16. Vacancy Announcement and Examination
ft for Recruitment

1/ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T KFT 1) Government institutions shall advertise every
y|‰ ï¬ s!ñrW ¥S¬wqEà b¥W vacant position to be filled by a new civil
ÈT xmLµÓCN mUbZ xlbTÝÝ servant.

2/ yz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ DNUg@ 2) Notwithstanding Sub-Article /1/ of this Article,
b!ñRM ¥N¾WM ymNG|T m|¶Ã whenever there is shortage of professionals in the
b@T bgbà §Y X_rT ÆlÆcW Ñà labour market, a government institution may
ãC kkFt¾ TMHRT tÌäC UR solicit graduates of higher educational institutions
GNß#nT bmF-R M„”NN bmUbZ for recruitment in cooperation with the
xwÄDé Q_R mfiM YC§LÝÝ institutions.

3) The Agency shall issue directives with regard to

3/ Sl ¥S¬wqEà xwÈ_½ ft xzg© advertising vacant positions, and the preparation
jT½ x\È_Â W-@T xg§l{ x@jN and conducting of examinations and disclosing the
s!W mm¶Ã ÃwÈLÝÝ results thereof.

07 Sl ?KMÂ XÂ kwNjL nÉ SlmçN 17. Medical Certificate and Police Record

y¸qRb# ¥Sr©ãC
Without prejudice to Article 13/3/ of this
bz!H xêJ xNq{ 03 ¼3¼ ytmlktW Proclamation, the candidate who has scored the
XNdt-bq çñ ftÂWN µlûT mµkL highest mark from among the competitors and
kFt¾ W-@T ÃgßW twÄĶ tmRõ passed the examination, shall submit medical
bmNG|T |‰ tq_é l¥gLgL Bq$ certificate except HIV/AIDS test to prove his
lmçn# kx@C.xY.v!¼x@DS MRm‰ bStqR fitness for service and written testimony to prove
y-@NnT ¥rUgÅ y?KMÂ MRm‰ XÂ that he has no police record with regard to crimes
bz!H xêJ xNq{ 04 N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ referred to in sub-Article/1/ /b/ of Article 14 of
ðdL t‰ ¼l¼ kt-qs#T wNjlÖC nÉ this proclamation.
mçn#N y¸ÃrUG_ y±l!S ¥Sr©
y¥QrB GÁ¬ xlbTÝÝ
gA 3‫ְך‬5)$2
3‫ְך‬5)$2 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3542

08. \‰t¾N SlmQ-RÂ Sl ”l m/§ 18. Appointment and Oath of Fidelity

1/ ytmr-W XŒ y|‰ mdb#N m- 1) A newly appointed civil servant shall be

¶Ã½ ytmdbbTN dr©½ dmwz#N served with a letter of probational
|‰WN y¸jMRbTN qN y¸gL{ appointment, signed by the Head or any other
bxs¶W m|¶Ã b@T yb§Y `§ð wYM authorized official of the government
\‰t¾N lmQ-R WKLÂ bts-W institution, stating the title and grade of his
y|‰ `§ð ytfrm yÑk‰ yQ_R position, his salary and date of
dBÄb@ k¸ÃkÂWnW y|‰ ZRZR commencement of his appointment, together
mGlÅ UR Ys-êLÝÝ with job descriptions of his position.

2/ ytq-rW ymNG|T \‰t¾ |‰ 2) The appointed civil servant shall, before

kmjm„ bðT y¸ktlWN ”l m/§ commencement of his work, take the
Yf{¥LÝÝ following oath of fidelity:

''Xn@ ((((((((((((((((((((((( bmNG|T \‰ "I being a civil servant solemnly and

t¾nt& kh#l#M b§Y xDRg@ bXWnTÂ sincerely swear to faithfully serve the people and
b¬¥"nT ?ZBN l¥gLgL½ b¥N¾ execute government policy, and to respect at all
WM g!z@ ?g mNG|St$NÂ yxg¶t$N times the Constitution and the laws of the
?gÖC l¥KbR b|‰ü MKNÃT Country and not to disclose to any party
ÃwQh#TNÂ b?G wYM bx\‰R b¸S information that is revealed to me by reason of
_RnT ytmdb#TN ll@§ l¥N¾WM my duties and is classified as secret or
wgN §lmGl{ XNÄ!h#M ymNG|TN confidential by law or standard transparent
±l!s!ãC lmfiM ”L XgÆlh#ÝÝ'' procedure "

09. Sl mq-¶Ã dmwZ xwúsN 19. Determination of Starting Salary

1/ ¥N¾WM xÄ!S tqȶ ymNG|T 1) Any newly appointed civil servant shall be
\‰t¾ bmNG|T \‰t®C ydmwZ paid the base salary as fixed by the civil
Sk@L m\rT y¸mdBbT y|‰ service salary scale for the position he has
mdB l¸g"bT KFl |‰ ytwsnW been appointed.
mnš dmwZ YkflêLÝÝ
2) The agency shall issue detailed directives on
2/ x@jNs!W ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@èC the circumstances in which government
kmnš dmwZ gÆ BlÖ bmKfL lmQ institutions may decide to pay a higher base
-R Sl¸Cl#ÆcW y|‰ mdïC½ y¸ salary to new recruits and the directives may
kfLbTN dr©½ mrUg_ y¸gÆcWN include the types of position, the extent of
QDm h#n@¬Â l@lÖCNM h#n@¬ãC departure from the base salary, the eligibility
xSmLKè ZRZR mm¶Ã ÃwÈLÝÝ criteria and other relevant matters.

@. yÑk‰ g!z@ 20. Probation

1/ yÑk‰ g!z@ ›§¥ xÄ!S ytq-r ymN 1) The purpose of probation shall be to prove
G|T \‰t¾ Sl |‰ xfÉiÑ KT the competence of a newly appointed civil
TL Xytdrg B”t$N l¥rUg_ servant through follow-up of his
YçÂLÝÝ performance.

2/ y\‰t¾W yÑk‰ g!z@ btq-rbT 2) The period of probation of a civil servant on

y|‰ mdB §Y lSDST wR çñ the position of his appointment shall be for
y|‰ xfÉiM W-@t$ kx_Ub! W-@T six months; provided however, if the
b¬C çñ ktgß yÑk‰ g!z@W performance result is below satisfactory, it
lt=¥¶ ƒST wR Y‰z¥LÝÝ may be extended for an additional period of
three months.
gA 3‫ְך‬5)$3 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3543

3/ bt‰zmW yÑk‰ g!z@ \‰t¾W x_ 3) The service of a probationary civil servant

Ub! y|‰ xfÉiM W-@T µ§gß k|‰ shall be terminated where the performance
YsÂb¬LÝÝ evaluation result is below satisfactory for the
extended period of probation.
4/ yz!H xêJ xNq{ %3 N;#S xNq{ ¼2¼
XÂ ¼3¼ DNUg@ãC XNdt-bq$ çnW 4) Where the civil servant on probation is absent
bÑk‰ §Y Ãl ymNG|T \‰t¾ from his work due to employment injury and
k|‰ bmÈ ?mM wYM kS‰W UR without prejudice to the provisions of sub-
btÃÃz bdrsbT g#ÄT MKNÃT k|‰ Articles (2) and (3) of Article 53 of this
yqr XNdçn ÃL=rsWN yÑk‰ g!z@ proclamation, he shall be allowed to
k?mÑ wYM kg#Ät$ kÄnbT g!z@ complete the remaining probation period
xNSè XNÄ!=RS YdrULÝÝ following the date of his recovery.

5/ bÑk‰ §Y y¸g" ymNG|T \‰t¾ 5) Where the civil servant on probation period is
kxQM b§Y bçn MKNÃT kxND wR absent due to force majeure for a period less
b¬C b|‰W §Y µLtgß b|‰W §Y than one month, the performance evaluation
ytgßbT g!z@ BÒ ¬Sï y|‰ xfÉiM will cover only the period in which he was
Yä§l¬LÝÝ present at work.

6/ yz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼5¼ DNUg@ 6) Notwithstanding the provision of sub-Article (5)
b!ñRM bwl!D MKNÃT kxND wR of this Article, a civil servant on probation is
b§Y bmdb¾ |‰ê §Y ÃLtgßC absent due to maternity leave, for a period of more
yÑk‰ \‰t¾ ywl!D f”Ä* XNdt- than one month, she shall be allowed to complete
the remaining probation period following the end
Âqq q¶WN yÑk‰ g!z@ XNDT=RS
of her maternity leave. However, that if her
YdrULÝÝ çñM b|‰ §Y ÃLtgßC absence is less than a month, her evaluation will
bT g!z@ kxND wR b¬C kçn y|‰ cover only the period in which she was present at
xfÉiM Mz W-@a b|‰ §Y böyC work.
bT g!z@ ¬Sï Y䧧¬LÝÝ
7) Unless otherwise provided in this
7/ bz!H xêJ bl@§ xµ*“N µLtdngg bSt proclamation, a civil servant shall have
qR bÑk‰ §Y Ãl ymNG|T \‰t¾ during the probation period, the same right
yÑk‰ g!z@WN y=rs ̸ ymNG|T and obligations that a civil servant who has
\‰t¾ ÃlW mBT GÁ¬ YñrêLÝÝ completed his probation.

@1. ̸ ymNG|T \‰t¾ SlmçN 21. Permanent Appointment

1/ bÑk‰ g!z@W x_Ub! wYM kz!Ã b§Y 1) Where the civil servant on probation has
yçn y|‰ xfÉiM ምዘና W-@T recorded satisfactory or above satisfactory
ÃSmzgb ymNG|T \‰t¾ ̸ performance result, a letter of permanent
mçn#N y¸Ã rUG_ dBÄb@ Ys-êLÝÝ appointment shall be issued to a civil servant.
2/ bÑk‰ §Y y¸g" \‰t¾ y|‰ 2) If performance evaluation result of the civil
xfÉiM Mz W-@T g!z@WN -Bö servant on probation is not evaluated before the
µLtä§lT y¸mlktW `§ð y¸ñ expiry date of the probation period and without
RbT t-ÃqEnT XNdt-bq çñ bxND prejudice to the responsibility of the official
wR g!z@ WS_ y|‰ xfÉiM XNÄ!ä concerned, the performance evaluation shall be
§lT YdrULÝÝ carried out within one month following the
probation period.
@2. g!z@ÃêE \‰t¾ SlmQ-R 22. Temporary employment

1/ yz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼2¼ DNUg@ XNdt- 1) Without prejudice to Sub- Article 2 of this Article,
bq çñ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T a government institution may appoint a temporary
g!z@ÃêE \‰t¾ l!q_R y¸ClW yz§qEnT civil servant only for a job which is not of a
Æ?¶ bl@lW |‰ §Y nWÝÝ çñM h#n@¬ãC permanent nature, provided, however, that a
s!ÃSgDÇ b̸ y|‰ mdB §Y g!z@ÃêE government office may, where circumstances so
\‰t¾ mQ-R YC§LÝÝ require, appoint a temporary civil servant to a
permanent position.
gA 3‫ְך‬5)$4 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3544

2/ xND ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T kFt¾ 2) A government office may appoint a foreign
ÆlÑà l¸-YQ ¥ÂcWM KFT y|‰ national on temporary bases, where it is
mdB bdr© :DgT½ bZWWR wYM proved that it is impossible to fill a vacant
bQ_R x!T×ùÃêE ÆlÑÃ l¥GßT position that requires high level professional
xlmÒl#N b¥rUg_ yW+ xgR z@U by an Ethiopian through promotion, transfer
bg!z@ÃêEnT l!q_R YC§LÝÝ or recruitment.

3/ x@jNs!W Slg!z@ÃêE \‰t®C xqÈ-R½ 3) The agency shall issue detailed directives on
Sl¸ñ‰cW mBèC GÁ¬ãC XNÄ! recruitment, right and duties as well as work
h#M Sl¸-bq$§cW y|‰ h#n@¬ãC conditions of temporary employees.
M:‰F h#lT Promotion
ydr© :DgT

@3. ydr© :DgT ›§¥ 23. Objectives

ydr© :DgT y¸s-W ymS¶Ã b@t$N Promotion shall be given for the purpose of
y|‰ W-@T l¥ššL \‰t¾N enhancing the performance of government
l¥br¬¬T nWÝÝ institutions and to motivate the employees.

@4. Sl dr© :DgT xsÈ_ 24. Selection for Promotion

1/ yÑk‰ g!z@WN Ã-Âqq ymNG|T \‰t¾ 1) Any civil servant who has completed his
bdr© :DgT ZRZR xfÉiM mm¶Ã WS_ probation, may compete for promotion,
lWDDR y¥Ãbq$T h#n@¬ãC kl@l# bmN unless he is prohibited by relevant directives
G|T m|¶Ã b@t$ WS_ lwÈ KFT y|‰
on promotion.
mdB bdr© :DgT lmwÄdR YC§LÝÝ
2) The Agency shall issue detailed directives on
2/ x@jNs!W ydr© :DgT Sl¸s_bT
the promotion of Civil Servants.
h#n@¬ ZRZR mm¶Ã ÃwÈLÝÝ

@5. ydr© :DgT Sl¸srZbT h#n@¬ 25. Revocation of Promotion

yhsT ¥Sr© b¥QrBM çn bl@§ b¥Â A promotion obtained on the basis of fraudulent
cWM h#n@¬ ?GN bmt§lF ytgß ydr© evidence or granted in contravention of the law
:DgT bÄ!s!Pl!N bwNjL y¸ÃSkTlW shall, with out prejudice to disciplinary and
t-ÃqEnT XNdt-bq çñ ts_è ynbrW criminal liability, be revoked any time.
ydr© :DgT b¥ÂcWM g!z@ Ysr²LÝÝ


ZWWRÂ DLDL Transfer and Reassignment

@6. yWS_ ZWWR 26. Internal Transfer

1/ xND ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T l|‰W 1) A government institution may, whenever

xSf§g! çñ s!ÃgßW GL{ yçn necessary, based on a transparent procedure,
x\‰RN bmktL xNDN ymNG|T transfer a civil servant to another similar
\‰t¾ bz!ÃW m|¶Ã b@T WS_ position of an equal grade and salary or to
Xk#L bçn y|‰ dr©Â dmwZ another place of work within the government
tmœœY wdçn y|‰ mdB wYM institution.
kxND y|‰ ï¬ wdl@§ y|‰ ï¬
b¥²wR l!Ãs‰ YC§LÝÝ
gA 3‫ְך‬5)$5 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3545

2/ bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ ytdnggW 2) Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-
b!ñRM bm|¶Ã b@t$ §Y xdU Article (1) of this Article, a civil servant may,
XNÄYdRS lmk§kL wYM xdUW without affecting his salary, be temporarily
ÃdrsWN g#ÄT l¥StµkL xNDN assigned to another position, for not more
ymNG|T \‰t¾ dmwz# úYqnS½ than a year, irrespective of the grade or type
dr©W wYM y|‰W ›YnT úY-bQ of functions where it is required to prevent
kxND ›mT §Lbl- g!z@ bg!z@ÃêEnT the occurrence or rectify the damage of any
x²Wé ¥\‰T YÒ§LÝÝ disaster to the government institution.

3/ yÑk‰ g!z@WN Ã-Âqq ymNG|T 3) Where it is proved by a medical certificate that a

\‰t¾ b-@Â m¬wK MKNÃT bÃzW civil servant who has completed his probation is
y|‰ mdB wYM ÆlbT y|‰ ï¬ unable to carry out the functions of his position or
§Y l!s‰ xlmÒl# b/k!M ¥Sr© to reside in his place of work due to his health
condition, he shall be transferred to another
suitable position or place of work with:
h¼ btmœœY dr© l!mdBbT y¸ a) the same grade where such vacant
CL KFT y|‰ mdB µl bÃzW position is available; or
dr©½ wYM b) a lower grade where a vacant position of
l¼ btmœœY dr© l!mdB y¸CLbT the same grade is not available and he is
KFT y|‰ mdB kl@l \‰t¾W ZQ
Æl dr© §Y lm|‰T f”d¾ kçn willing to be transferred to a position of
dr©W tqNî½ wd ¸S¥¥W y|‰ lower grade.
mdB wYM y|‰ ï¬ Y²w‰LÝÝ
4) Where the position of a civil servant is
4/ yxND ymNG|T \‰t¾ y|‰ mdB abolished, he shall be transferred to another
ytsrz XNdçn bm|¶Ã b@t$ WS_ position of an equal grade within the
tmœœY dr© wÄlW y|‰ mdB government institution.

@7. bt-ÆÆqEnT Sl¥\‰T 27. Acting- Assignment

1/ h#n@¬ãC s!ÃSgDÇ xNDN ymNG|T 1) Where circumstances so require a civil

\‰t¾ kxND ›mT §Lbl- g!z@ kF servant may be assigned to a higher position
Ãl dr© ÆlW y|‰ mdB §Y bt- in an acting capacity for not more than a
ÆÆqEnT XNÄ!\‰ ¥DrG YÒ§LÝÝ year.

2/ yz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ DNUg@ b!ñ 2) Notwithstanding the provision of sub-Article
RM kxND ›mT b§Y l¸fJ TMH (1) of this Article a civil servant may be
RT wYM SL-Â yÿdN ymNG|T assigned to higher position in acting capacity
\‰t¾ lmtµT yTMHRt$ wYM to replace a civil servant who is on education
y|L-ÂW g!z@ XSk!-ÂqQ DrS y|‰ or training program, that lasts more than a
mdb#N bt-ÆÆqE \‰t¾ ¥s‰T year.
3/ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T \‰t¾ bt-ÆÆqE 3) Any civil servant assigned in an acting
nT XNÄ!\‰ s!drG yt-ÆÆqEnT xbL capacity shall be entitled to acting allowance.
YkflêLÝÝ Sl¸kflW yt-ÆÆqEnT The Agency shall issue directives on the
xbL m-N x@jNs!W mm¶Ã ÃwÈLÝÝ amount of such allowance.

@8. kl@§ m|¶Ã b@T y¸drG ZWWR 28. Transfer from Another Government Institution

1/ xND ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T l|‰W 1) A government institution may, whenever

xSf§g! çñ s!ÃgßW §k! tqÆY necessary and the recipient and sender
m|¶Ã b@èC XNÄ!h#M \‰t¾W s!S government institutions as well as the civil
¥Ñ xNDN ymNG|T \‰t¾ Xk#L servant so agree, transfer a civil servant to a
bçn dr©Â dmwZ tmœœY wd çn similar position of equal grade and salary
y|‰ mdB x@jNs!WN b¥úwQ x² from other government institution by
Wé ¥\‰T YC§LÝÝ notifying the Agency.
gA 3‫ְך‬5)$6 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3546

2/ \‰t¾W½ yKLl# ymNG|T m|¶Ã 2) Where the concerned civil servant, regional
b@T X yØÁ‰L mNG|T m|¶Ã government institution and the recipient
b@T s!S¥Ñ XNÄ!h#M bKLl# ZWWRN federal government institution so agree and
l¥{dQ SLÈN yts-W xµL s!Ãi when the appropriate authority in the region
DqW xNDN ymNG|T \‰t¾ kK approves it, a civil servant may be transferred
LL wd ØÁ‰L ymNG|T m|¶Ã from the regional government institution to
b@T Xk#L bçn dr©Â dmwZ tmœ the federal government institution to similar
œY wd çn y|‰ mdB x²Wé ¥\ position of equal grade and salary.

3/ bz!H xNq{ m\rT y¸²wR \‰t¾ 3) A civil servant transferred under this article
yØÁ‰L s!v!L sRv!S ?g# b¸ÃzW shall not lose the salary and benefits acquired
m\rT bÃzW y|‰ dr©Â bxgLG by virtue of his grade and service before the
lÖT zmn# MKNÃT Ãg" ynbrW dm transfer.
wZÂ mBèc$ xYqns#bTMÝÝ
29. Secondment
1) A civil servant may, where it is necessary and
1/ xSf§g! çñ s!g" §k!W ymNG|T m|¶Ã the government institution and the civil
b@T \‰t¾W s!S¥Ñ xNDN ymNG|T servant so agree, be seconded to another
\‰t¾ bl@§ ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T wYM government institution or regional
yKLL mNG|T m|¶Ã b@T wYM
government institution or public enterprise or
mNG|¬êE wdxLçn# DRJèC kxND non-governmental organizations to perform a
›mT l¥YbL_ g!z@ bTWST t²Wé specific duty for a period not exceeding one
XNÄ!\‰ ¥DrG YÒ§LÝÝ year.

2/ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T xSf 2) Where it is necessary, any government

§g! çñ s!ÃgßW kmNG|T L¥T DR institution may second an employee from
JT wYM kKLL mNG|T m|¶Ã public enterprise, regional government
b@T wYM mNG|¬êE µLçn DRJT institution or non-governmental organization
xNDN \‰t¾ kxND ›mT l¥YbL_ for a period not exceeding one year.
g!z@ bTWST x²Wé ¥s‰T YC§LÝÝ

3/ bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ ytdnggW 3) Notwithstanding Sub-Article /1/ of this
b!ñRM yØÁ‰l# mNG|T bhgR wYM Article , upon the decision of the federal
b?ZB §Y xdU XNÄYdRS lmk§kL government a civil servant may, without
wYM xdUW ÃdrsWN g#ÄT l¥St µkL
affecting his salary ,be assigned to another
s!ÆL xNDN ymNG|T \‰t¾ bÃzW
dmwZ kxND yØÁ‰L ymNG |T government institution or based on the
m|¶Ã b@T wd l@§ yØÁ‰L mNG|T request of a regional state to a government
m|¶Ã b@T wYM bKLl# mNG|T _Ãq& institution of such state , for a period not
m\rT wd l@§ yKLL mNG|T m|¶Ã exceeding one year.
b@T kxND ›mT l¥YbL_ g!z@ x²Wé
4) Where a civil servant is seconded in
4/ bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ m\rT
accordance with Sub-Article /1/ of this
bTWST yt²wr \‰t¾½ Article:
h¼ dmwZÂ ¥N¾WM _QÑ bZWW„
a) his salary and other benefits shall not be
affected because of his assignment;
l¼ y|‰ xfÉiM ምዘና W-@ቱ bx\¶W
b) his performance shall be evaluated by the
m|¶Ã b@T täLè lqȶW government institution to which he is
m|¶Ã b@T Yt§lÍL½ seconded;
/¼ yÄ!s!Pl!N _ÍT yfim XNdçn yÄ! c) he shall be subjected to disciplinary
s!Pl!N XRM© y¸wስDbT qȶW measures to be taken by his employer
m|¶Ã b@T YçÂLÝÝ whenever he commits disciplinary
gA 3‫ְך‬5)$7 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3547

#. DLDL 30. Redeployment

1/ b¥N¾WM ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T y¸ 1) The filling of a vacant position in any government
g" KFT y|‰ mdB kl@§ ymNG|T institution through redeployment of a permanent
m|¶Ã b@T b¸dldL ymNG|T civil servant from another government institution
\‰t¾ XNÄ!ÃZ y¸drgW m|¶Ã shall be made only where the government
institution is closed or it has redundant manpower
b@t$ ytzU wYM TRF ysW `YL
or the position of the civil servant is abolished and
s!ñrW wYM y|‰ mdb# ytsrz the Agency so decides.
kçn DLDl#N x@jNs!W s!wSN nWÝÝ
2) Any government institution may redeploy its
2/ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T xÄ!S
employees on the basis of competition where
xdr©jT x_Nè tGƉêE s!ÃdRG \‰ it implements a new organizational structure.
t®c$N b¥wÄdR dLDlÖ ¥\‰T
3) A civil servant redeployed under this Article
3/ bz!H xNq{ m\rT y¸dldL \‰t¾
shall be entitled to his previous salary and
qdM s!L YøT bnbrW dr©Â bxgL
benefits acquired by virtue of his grade and
GlÖT zmn# MKNÃT Ãg" ynbrW
dmwZÂ mBèc$ xYqns#bTMÝÝ
M:‰F x‰T
Performance Evaluation
y|‰ xfÉiM
31. Performance Evaluation
#1. y|‰ xfÉiM MzÂ
1) The purpose of performance evaluation shall be:
1/ y|‰ xfÉiM Mz x§¥½
a) to enable civil servants to effectively
h¼ \‰t®C |‰cWN b¸-bqW discharge their duties in accordance with
m-N½ y_‰T dr©½ g!z@ XÂ wÀ the expected level, quality standards and
btৠh#n@¬ XNÄ!ÃkÂWn# l¥ time and expense;
b) to evaluate civil servants on continuous
basis and identify their strengths and
l¼ tk¬¬Y y|‰ xfÉiM Mz b¥µ
weaknesses with a view to improve their
ÿD y\‰t®CN -Nµ‰Â dµ¥
future performance ;
¯ñC bmlyT qȆ y|‰ xfÉi
¥cW XNÄ!ššL b¥DrG W-@¬¥
c) to identify training needs of employees;
XNÄ!çn# l¥B”T½
/¼ y\‰t®CN ySL-ÂÂ ymššL
F§¯T bTKKL lYè l¥wQ½ d) to give reward based on result;
m¼ bW-@T §Y ytm\rt ¥Tg!Ã
lmS-T½ e) to enable management to make its
\¼ y|‰ xm‰„ bt=Æ+ mr© §Y administrative decisions based on
tmSRè xStÄd‰êE Wún@ãC concrete evidence.
XNÄ!s_ l¥SÒL½

2/ y|‰ xfÉiM Mz GL{ yçn |R›TN 2) Performance evaluation shall be carried out
bmktL y¸fiM YçÂLÝÝ in a transparent manner.

3/ x@jNs!W y|‰ xfÉiM Mz mm¶Ã 3) The Agency shall issue directives on
ÃwÈLÝÝ performance evaluation.
gA 3‫ְך‬5)$8 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3548


y|‰ s›T L† L† f”ìC Working Hours and Types of Leave
Sl |‰ s›T Working Hours

#2. mdb¾ y|‰ s›T 32. Regular Working Hours

ymNG|T \‰t®C mdb¾ y|‰ s›T Regular working hours of civil servant shall be
XNdy|‰W h#n@¬ y¸wsN çñ bœMNT determined on the basis of the conditions of their
k39 s›T mBl_ ylbTMÝÝ work and shall not exceed 39 hours a week.

#3. y|‰ mGb!ÃÂ mWÅ s›T 33. Office Hours

ymNG|T \‰t®C y|‰ mGb!ÃÂ The time when the office hours of civil servants
mWÅ s›T y¸n!STéC MKR b@T begins and ends shall be determined by
b¸ÃwÈW dNB YwsÂLÝÝ Regulations of the Council of Ministers.

#4. yTRF s›T |‰ 34. Overtime Work

1/ yTRF s›T |‰ ls‰ ¥N¾WM 1) Any civil servant who has worked overtime
ymNG|T \‰t¾ b\‰t¾W MRÅ is entitled to compensatory leave or over time
m\rT y¥µµš XrFT wYM yTRF pay based on his preference.

2/ yTRF s›T |‰ Sl¸fqÇÆcW h#n@ 2) The Agency shall issue directive on the
¬ãC½ SlKFÃW m-N y¥µµš conditions of overtime work, amount of
XrFT Sl¸s_bT h#n@¬ x@jNs!W payment and compensatory leave.

#5. Sl ?ZB b›§T X yœMNT y:rFT qÂT 35. Public Holidays and Weekly Rest Day

1/ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T \‰t¾ b?ZB 1) Any civil servant shall incur no reduction in
b›L½ búMNT yXrFT qÂT wYM his regular pay on account of having not
bmNG|T Wún@ m|¶Ã b@èC ZG worked on public holiday or weekly rest day
çnW b¸Wl#bT qN ÆlmS‰t$ or on a day offices are closed by the order of
mdb¾ ydmwZ KFÃ xYqnSbTMÝÝ the government.

2/ y|‰W h#n@¬ xSgDì b?ZB b›L 2) Any civil servant ordered to work on a public
wYM bmNG|T Wún@ m|¶Ã b@èC holiday or on a day government institutions
ZG çnW b¸Wl#bT qN XNÄ!\‰ are closed by the order of the government,
y¬zz ymNG|T \‰t¾ MRÅWN due to compelling circumstances, shall be
m\rT b¥DrG yTRF s›T KFÃ entitled to overtime pay or compensatory
wYM y¥µµš XrFT Ys-êLÝÝ leave based on his preference.

3/ yz!H xêJ xNq{ #4 ¼1¼ DNUg@ b!ñRM 3) Notwithstanding the provision of Article
y|‰W h#n@¬ xSgDì bœMNT yXr 34/1/ of this Proclamation a civil servant
FT qÂT XNÄ!\‰ y¬zz ymNG|T ordered to work on a weekly rest day, due to
\‰t¾ btk¬† œMNT y|‰ qÂT compelling circumstances, shall be granted a
WS_ y¥µµš XrFT XNÄ!s-W compensatory leave during working days of
YdrULÝÝ the next week.
gA 3‫ְך‬5)$9 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3549


y›mT :rFT f”D Annual Leave

#6. y›mT :rFT f”D m\rt ¦œB 36. Objectives

1/ y›mT :rFT f”D y¸s-W ymNG 1) The purpose of annual leave is to enable a
|T \‰t¾W ltwsn g!z@ b¥rF civil servant get rest and resume work with
xgLGlÖt$N b¬ds mNfS XNÄ!q_L renewed strength.

2/ ¥N¾WM xÄ!S tqȶ ymNG|T 2) Any newly appointed civil servant shall not
\‰t¾ yxS‰ xND w‰T xgLGlÖT be entitled to annual leave before serving for
kmS-t$ bðT y›mT :rFT f”D eleven months.
y¥GßT mBT ylWMÝÝ

3/ y›mT :rFT f”D bgNzB xYlw_M½ 3) There shall be no payment in lieu of annual
çñM y\‰t¾W xgLGlÖT bmÌr-# leave; provided, however, that payment may
ÃLtwsd y›mT :rFT f”D bgNzB be made for unused annual leave due to
XNÄ!lw_ YdrULÝÝ termination of appointment.

#7. y›mT :rFT f”D qÂT 37. Duration of Annual Leave

1/ xND ›mT Ãglgl ymNG|T \‰t¾ 1) A civil servant shall be entitled to annual
@ yS‰ qÂT y›mT :rFT f”D leave of 20 working days for his first year of
Ãg¾LÝÝ service.

2/ kxND ›mT b§Y Ãglgl \‰t¾ lXÃ 2) A civil servant having a service of more than
NÄNÇ t=¥¶ ›mT xND y|‰ qN a year shall be entitled to additional leave of
Xy¬klbT y›mT :rFT f”D Ãg one working day for every additional year of
¾L½ çñM y¸s-W yxND ›mT service; provided, however, that the duration
y:rFT f”D k# y|‰ qñC mBl_ of annual leave shall not exceed 30 working
ylbTMÝÝ days.

3/ bl@§ ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T Eና የክልል 3) Previous service rendered in any government
መንግሥት መሥሪያ ቤት qdM s!L yts- institutions and regional government
xgLGlÖT lz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼2¼ institutions shall be considered for the
xfÉiM y¸¬sB YçÂLÝÝ application of Sub-Article (2) of this Article.
#8. y›mT :rFT f”D xsÈ_ 38. Granting of Annual Leave
1/ y›mT :rFT f”D ym|¶Ã b@t$N 1) Annual leave shall be granted within the budget
:QD m\rT b¥DrGÂ btÒl m-N year in accordance with a leave made known to
y\‰t¾WN F§¯T b¥m²zN b¸zU the civil servants and leave made and prepared on
jWÂ \‰t¾WM XNÄ!ÃWqW b¸d the basis of due consideration of the interest of the
rG PéG‰M m\rT bbjT ›mt$ government office and, as much as possible, the
WS_ YsÈLÝÝ preference of each civil servant.

2/ \‰t¾W f”ÇN b¸wSDbT g!z@ b:r 2) A civil servant shall be entitled to advance
FT §Y y¸öYbTN wR dmwz#N bQD payment of his monthly salary at the time of
¸Ã l!wSD YC§LÝÝ taking his annual leave.

3/ yz!H xêJ xNq{ #6 ¼2¼ XNdt-bq 3) Without prejudice to the provisions of Article
çñ xND ymNG|T \‰t¾ xS‰ 36/2/ a civil servant after the completion of
xND w„N µ-Âqq b“§ btq-rbT 11 months shall be granted annual leave
bjT ›mT ls-W xgLGlÖT y›mT based on the service rendered.
:rFT f”Ç bxgLGlÖt$ m-N tsLè
gA 3‫ְך‬5)% ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3550

4/ bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ m\rT yb 4) A civil servant who resigns after taking his
jT ›mt$ km-Âqq$ bðT f”D wSì annual leave in accordance with Sub Article
xgLGlÖt$N bg² f”Ç ÃÌr- ymNG|T /1/ of this Article before the end of the budget
\‰t¾ xgLGlÖT ÃLs-bT g!z@ ¬Sï year shall be liable to pay back part of the
bf”D §Y XÃl ytkflWN dmwZ advance salary for which he has not rendered
XNÄ!mLS YdrULÝÝ service.

#9. y›mT :rFT f”D Sl ¥St§lF 39. Postponement of Annual Leave

1/ yz!H xêJ xNq{ #8 ¼1¼ DNUg@ 1) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article

b!ñRM y|‰W h#n@¬ b¥SgdÇ MKN 38(1) of this Proclamation, the head of a
ÃT m|¶Ã b@t$ l\‰t¾W y›mT government institution may authorize the
:rFT f”ÇN bbjT ›mt$ WS_ postponement of annual leave for two budget
l!s-W ÃLÒl XNdçn ym|¶Ã b@t$ years, where the government office, due to
yb§Y `§ð kh#lT ybjT ›mT compelling reasons, is unable to grant a civil
§Lbl- g!z@ l!ÃSt§LfW YC§L½ servant his annual leave within the same
çñM ÃLt-qmbT y›mT :rFT budget year; provided however, that the
f”D bƒStኛW bjT ›mT l\‰t accumulated leave shall be granted to the
¾W ms-T xlbTÝÝ civil servant in the third budget year.

2/ yz!H xêJ xNq{ #6 ¼3¼ DNUg@ b!ñRM 2) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article
¥N¾WM ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T bz!H 36(3) of this Proclamation, a civil servant
xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ m\rT y›mT whose annual leave is postponed for two
f”Ç l¸t§lFbT f”Ç bgNzB years in accordance with sub-Article (1) of
tlWõ XNÄ!s-W l¸-ይQ \‰t¾ this Article, may claim payment, and the
bjT bQD¸Ã b¥SÃZ kt§lfW government institution shall make the
y›mT f”D WS_ ymjm¶ÃWN payment for the first year of the accumulated
yxNÇN ›mT y|‰ qÂèC BÒ b¥ annual leave from a budget allocated for such
sB bgNzB tlWõ XNÄ!s-W ¥DrG purpose.
40. Unused Annual Leave
$. Sl xLtwsd y›mT :rFT

1/ y\‰t¾W xgLGlÖT bmÌr-# bz!H 1) Where the appointment of a civil servant is

xêJ xNq{ #9 ¼1¼ m\rT t§LælT terminated, the payment shall be made for the
ÃLtwsd y›mT :rFT f”D y|‰ number of working days of unused annual
qÂèC BÒ ¬SbW bgNzB tlWõ leaves which are postponed as specified
Ys-êLÝÝ under Article 39/1/ of this Proclamation.

2/ yz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ DNUg@ bz!H 2) The provision of Sub Article /1/ of this
xêJ xNq{ @8 lt²wr wYM በxN Article shall not apply to the civil servant
q{ # ltdldl ymNG|T \‰t¾ transferred under Article 28 of this
tfɸ xYçNMÝÝ çñM \‰t¾W Proclamation or redeployed under Article 30
bnbrbT ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T bz!H of this Proclamation. However, unused leave
xêJ xNq{ #9 ¼1¼ m\rT that had been postponed as specified under
yt§lflT y›mT :rFT f”D wd article 39 /1/ of this Proclamation will be
t²wrbT wYM wd tdldlbT transferred to the government institution to
ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T Yt§lFl¬LÝÝ which he is transferred or redeployed.


L† L† f”ìC Other Leaves

$1.ywl!D f”D 41. Maternity Leave

1/ nFs-#R yçnC ymNG|T \‰t¾½ 1) A pregnant civil servant shall be entitled to:
gA 3‫ְך‬5)%1 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3551

h¼ kXRGZÂê UR ytÃÃz MRm‰ l¥ a) paid leave for medical examination in

DrG /k!M b¸ÃzW m\rT dm accordance with a doctor’s recommend-
wZ y¸kfLbT f”D YsȬL½ dation;
l¼ kmWlÄ* bðT :rFT XND¬dRG b) paid leave before delivery if recommended
/k!M µzz dmwZ y¸kfLbT by a doctor.

2/ nFs-#R yçnC ymNG|T \‰t¾ 2) A pregnant civil servant shall be entitled to a

mWl©ê s!dRS XwLÄlh# B§ kgm period of 30 consecutive days of maternity
tCbT qN bðT # tk¬¬Y qÂT leave with pay preceding the presumed date
yQDm wl!D f”D½ XNÄ!h#M STw of her confinement and a period of 60
LD kwldCbT qN jMé ^ tk¬ consecutive days of maternity leave after her
¬Y qÂT bx-”§Y ( tk¬¬Y qÂT confinement.
dmwZ y¸kfLbT ywl!D f”D
3) If the pregnant civil servant deliver on before
3/ bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ 2 m\rT the completion of prenatal leave which is
\‰t¾ê ytsÈT yQDm wl!D f”D granted under sub-article 2 of this Article ,
k¥lq$ bðT kwldC ÃLt-qmCbTN the unused prenatal leave will granted after
q¶ yQDm wl!D f”D kwldC b“§ her confinement.

4/ \‰t¾ê ywsdCW yQDm wl!D f”D 4) If the pregnant civil servant does not deliver
s!ÃLQ ÃLwldC XNdçn XSkMT on the presumed date, the days subsequently
wLDbT qN DrS bxl#T y|‰ qÂT taken before her confinement shall be
yMTöYbT :rFT bbjT ›mt$ µ§T replaced by the annual leave she is entitled to
y›mT :rFT f”D wYM bbjT within the budget year or that of the
›mt$ y›mT :rFT f”D yl@§T XN following budget year if no annual leave is
dçn k¸q_lW ybjT ›mT y:rFT left.
f”Ä* YtµLÝÝ

5/ \‰t¾ê bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼2¼ 5) The civil servant shall be entitled to sick
ytwsnWN ywl!D f”D k=rsC b“§ leave in accordance with Article 42(1) of this
BT¬mM t=¥¶ f”D y¸ÃSf Proclamation, if she becomes sick after
LUT mçn# b/k!M ktrUg- bz!H completion of her maternity leave under sub-
xêJ xNq{ $2 ¼1¼ btdnggW m\ Article (2) of this Article.
rT y?mM f”D mWsD TC§lCÝÝ

6/ ymNG|T \‰t¾W yTÄR Ùd¾ 6) Any civil servant shall be entitled a paternity
kwl!D UR btÃÃz b@tsb#NÂ Ælb@t$N leave with pay for five working days at the
lmNkÆkB dmwZ y¸kfLbT xMST time of his wife’s delivery.
y|‰ qN f”D Ys-êLÝÝ
42. Sick Leave
$2. y?mM f”D
1) Any civil servant shall be entitled to sick
1/ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T \‰t¾ b?mM leave where he is unable to work due to
MKNÃT |‰ m|‰T ÃLÒl XNdçn sickness.
y?mM f”D Ys-êLÝÝ

2/ bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ m\rT 2) The duration of sick leave to be granted to a
yÑk‰ g!z@WN §-Âqq ymNG|T permanent civil servant in accordance with
\‰t¾ y¸s_ y?mM f”D Sub-Article (1) of this Article shall not
btk¬¬Y wYM btlÃy g!z@ b!wSDM exceed eight months in a year or twelve
?mÑ kdrsbT ymjm¶Ã qN xNSè months in four years, whether counted
ÆlW xS‰ h#lT wR g!z@ WS_ consecutively or separately starting from the
kSMNT wR wYM bx‰T ›mT WS_ first day of his sickness.
kx|‰ h#lT wR xYbL_MÝÝ
gA 3‫ְך‬5)%2 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3552

3/ bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼2¼ m\rT 3) Sick leave to be granted in accordance with
y¸s_ y?mM f”D lmjm¶Ããc$ Sub-Article (2) of this Article shall be with
ƒST w‰T kÑl# dmwZ UR½ full pay for the first three months, half pay
l¸q_l#T ƒST w‰T kG¥> dmwZ for the next three months and without pay for
UR XÂ lm=ršãc$ h#lT w‰T Ãl the last two months.

4/ yÑk‰ g!z@WN ç-Âqq ymNG|T 4) A Civil Servant on probation shall be entitled

\‰t¾ y/k!M ¥Sr© y¸qRBbT to one month sick leave with pay.
yxND wR y?mM f”D kdmwZ UR
5) Where any civil servant is absent from work
5/ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T \‰t¾ s!¬mM½ due to sickness:

h¼ kxQM b§Y yçn MKNÃT µ§U- a) he shall, as soon as possible, notify the
mW bStqR btÒl F_nT government institution unless prevented
?mÑN lm|¶Ã b@t$ ¥úwQ by force majeure;
b) he shall produce a medical certificate in
l¼ btk¬¬Y kƒST qN wYM bxND case of absence for three consecutive
ybjT ›mT WS_ kSDST qN days or for more than six days within a
b§Y b?mÑ MKNÃT k|‰ yqr budget year.
XNdçn lm¬mÑ y?KMÂ ¥Sr©
¥QrB xlbTÝÝ
43. Leave for Personal Matters
$3. lGL g#ÄY y¸s_ f”D
Any civil servant shall be entitled leave for
¥N¾WM ymNG‫ם‬T ‫ט‬‰t¾ ֳּzN፣ personal matters such as mourning, wedding,
ֳUBÒ፣ ֳft X lmœ‫ִר‬T bxND examination and the like for a maximum of seven
የbjT ›mT WS_ ysÆT qN fቃD days within a budget year.
kdmwZ UR YsጠêL፡፡

$4. kdmwZ UR Sl¸s_ L† f”D 44. Special Leave With Pay

¥N¾WM ymNG|T \‰t¾½ Any civil servant shall be entitled to special leave
with pay where:

1/ kFRD b@T wYM kl@lÖC SLÈN 1) he is summoned by a court or any other

ktsÈcW xµ§T m_¶Ã s!dRsW competent authority, for the time utilized for
yt-‰bT g#ÄY l¸-YqW g!z@½ the same purpose;

2/ b?ZB MRÅ SLÈN y¸Yz# ymN 2) he participates in the election of government

G|T `§ðãCN lmMr_ s!çN officials, for the duration of the voting.
MRÅW l¸wSDbT g!z@½
kdmwZ UR L† f”D Ys-êLÝÝ
45. Special Leave without Pay
$5. Ãl dmwZ Sl¸s_ L† f”D

1/ yÑk‰ g!z@WN Ã-Âqq ymNG|T 1) A civil servant who has completed his
\‰t¾ bbqE MKNÃT dmwZ y¥Y probation, upon sufficient ground, applies for
kfLbT L† f”D XNÄ!s-W s!-YQÂ a special leave without pay; the head of the
ym|¶Ã b@t$N _QM y¥Y¯Ä s!çN government institution may authorize the
ym|¶Ã b@t$ yb§Y `§ð l!fQDlT grant of such leave if it does not adversely
YC§LÝÝ affect the interest of the institution.
gA 3‫ְך‬5)%3 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3553

2/ yÑk‰ g!z@WN Ã-Âqq ymNG|T \‰ 2) A civil servant who has completed his
t¾ b?ZB MRÅ lmwÄdR twÄĶ probation period and runs for election shall
çñ s!qRB yMRÅ QSqú b¸µÿDbT be entitled to leave without pay during the
wQT XÂ MRÅW b¸kÂwNbT g!z@ election campaign and for the duration of the
Ãl dmwZ f”D XNÄ!s-W YdrULÝÝ voting.

$6. y?KMÂ xgLGlÖT 46. Medical Benefit

1/ yÑk‰ g!z@WN Ã-Âqq ymNG|T 1) A civil servant who has completed his
\‰t¾ bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼2¼ probationary period as specified under Sub-
m\rT byw„ k¸kflW dmwz# §Y Article 2 of this Article: -
b¸ÃdRgW mêô½
a) shall have the right to get all medical
h¼ t=¥¶ yxgLGlÖT KFà úY-yQ services in government medical
bmNG|T y?KMÂ tÌäC y¸s- institutions without incurring additional
WN ¥N¾WNM y?KMÂ xgLGlÖT costs;

l¼ yTÄR Ùd¾NÂ lxµl m-N b) shall have the right to get medical
ÃLdrs# Líc$N bmNG|T y?K services, with half pay, in government
MÂ tÌäC WS_ bG¥> KFÃ medical institutions for his spouse and
?KMÂ XNÄ!Ãgß# y¥DrG½ minor children.

2/ bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ m\rT 2) The Agency jointly with other relevant
yÑk‰ g!z@WN Ã-Âqq ymNG|T government institution shall undertake
\‰t¾ l¸ÃgßW y?KM xgLGlÖT studies regarding the amount of monthly
byw„ y¸ÃdRgWN ygNzB mêô contribution to be made by civil servants
m-N x@jNs!W k¸mlk¬cW ymN towards the medical benefits they are entitled
G|T xµ§T UR b¥_ÂT l¸n!STéC to under Sub Article (1) of this Article and
MKR b@T Wún@ ÃqRÆL½ s!fqDM submit the same to the Council of Ministers
xfÉiÑN YöÈ-‰LÝÝ for approval and supervise its implementation
up on approval.
y|‰ xµÆb! dHNnT -@NnT PART FIVE
Occupational Safety and Health
$7. b|‰ §Y Sl¸dRS g#ÄT
47. Employment Injury
1/ ''b|‰ §Y y¸dRS g#ÄT'' ¥lT b|‰
§Y y¸dRS xdU wYM b|‰ MKN 1) "Employment Injury" means employment
ÃT y¸mÈ b>¬ nWÝÝ accident or occupational disease.

2/ ''b|‰ §Y y¸dRS xdU'' ¥lT ymN 2) "Employment Accident” means any organic
G|T \‰t¾W mdb¾ |‰WN b¥k injury or functional disorder suddenly
ÂwN §Y XNÄl wYM k|‰W UR sustained by a civil servant during or in
btÃÃz MKNÃT bxµl# wYM bxµl# connection with the performance of his work,
ytf_é tGÆR §Y bDNgT y¸dRS and shall include the following:
g#ÄT s!çN y¸ktl#TN Y=M‰L½
a) injury sustained by a civil servant
h¼ ymNG|T \‰t¾W kmdb¾ outside of his regular work, or outside of
|‰W wYM mdb¾ y|‰ ï¬W his regular working place or hours, while
wYM s›T W+ SLÈn# b¸fQD carrying out orders by a competent
lT sW yts-WN T:²Z bmfiM authority;
§Y XÃl ydrsN g#ÄT½
gA 3‫ְך‬5)%4 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3554

l¼ SLÈn# b¸fQDlT sW yts-W b) injury sustained by a civil servant

T:²Z ÆYñRM ymNG|T \‰t during or outside of working hours while
¾W bm|¶Ã b@t$ WS_ ydrsN attempting to save his work place from
DNgt¾ xdU wYM _ÍT lmk destruction of imminent danger, though
§kL b|‰ s›T wYM k|‰ s›T without order by a competent authority;
W+ b¸f{mW tGÆR MKNÃT
ydrsN g#ÄT½
c) injury sustained by a civil servant while
/¼ ymNG|T \‰t¾W wd |‰ he is proceeding to or from his place of
ï¬W wYM k|‰ ï¬W m|¶Ã work in a transport service vehicle
b@t$ l\‰t®C xgLGlÖT XNÄ!s_ provided by the government institution
bmdbW ymÙÙÏ xgLGlÖT wYM which is available for the common use of
m|¶Ã b@t$ lz!H tGÆR btk its employees or in a vehicle hired and
‰yWÂ bGL{ bmdbW ymÙÙÏ expressly destined by the office for the
xgLGlÖT bmÙZ §Y bnbrbT g!z@ same purpose;
ydrsN g#ÄT½
d) any injury sustained by a civil servant
m¼ ymNG|T \‰t¾W k|‰W UR before or after his work or during any
btÃÃz GÁ¬ ytnú k|‰W bðT interruption of work, if he is present in
wYM b“§ wYM |‰W lg!z@W the work place or the premises of the
tÌRõ bnbrbT g!z@ b|‰W ï¬ undertaking by reason of his duties in
wYM bm|¶Ã b@t$ Gb! WS_ bm connection with this work;
gßT ydrsbTN ¥N¾WNM g#ÄT½
e) any injury sustained by a civil servant as
\¼ ymNG|T \‰t¾W |‰WN b¥k a result of an action of the employer or a
ÂwN §Y ÆlbT g!z@ bx\¶W wYM third person during the performance of
bƒSt¾ wgN DRg!T MKNÃT his work.
ydrsbTN g#ÄTÝÝ

3/ "b|‰ MKNÃT y¸mÈ b>¬" ¥lT 3) "Occupational Disease" means any pathological
ymNG|T \‰t¾W k¸s‰W y|‰ condition of a civil servant which arises, as a
›YnT wYM |‰WN k¸ÃkÂWNbT consequence of the kind of work he performs or
xµÆb! ytnú b>¬N l¸ÃSkTl# h#n@¬ because of the agent that causes the disease for a
ãC tULõ bmöyt$ MKNÃT ydrs certain period prior to the date in which the
y-@ m¬wK s!çN |‰WN b¸Ã disease became evident; provided, however, that it
kÂWNbT ï¬ y¸²mt$ y¸Yz# nê¶ does not include endemic or epidemic disease
wYM t§§ð b>¬ãCN xY=MRMÝÝ which are prevalent and contracted in the area
where the work is done.
4/ b|‰ MKNÃT y¸mÈ b>¬Â yxµL
4) The extent of disability and disease caused by
g#ÄT m-N ymNG|T \‰t®C
an employment injury shall be determined
-#r¬ xêJ q$_R 3)$5/!9)(5
under Article 24 of civil servant pension
xNq{ @4 b¸wÈW \N-r™ m\rT
Proclamation no. 345/2003.

5/ bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ ytmlk

5) Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-
tW b!ñRM \‰t¾W çn BlÖ btl
Article (1) of this Article, any injury
YM bm|¶Ã b@t$ xSqDä bGL{
sustained by the deliberate act of the civil
yts-#TN ydHNnT m-bqEà mm¶Ã
servant, in particular, by his non-observance
ãC bmÈS wYM xµl#N wYM xXM
éWN lmöÈ-R b¥YCLbT h#n@¬ of express safety instructions or by reporting
bm-_ wYM bxdN²™ :} sKé b|‰ to work in a state of intoxication shall not be
§Y bmgßt$ ydrsbT g#ÄT b|‰ deemed an employment injury.
MKNÃT XNddrs g#ÄT xYö-RM፡፡
gA 3‫ְך‬5)%5 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3555

$8. Sl xdU mk§kà XRM©ãC 48. Safety Measures

1/ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T½ 1) Any government institution shall have the
responsibility to:
h¼ y|‰ ï¬W b\‰t®C dHNnTÂ
-@NnT §Y xdU y¥ÃSkTL mç a) ensure that the work place does not cause
n#N y¥rUg_½ hazard to the health and safety of civil
l¼ yxdU mk§kà mœ¶ÃãCN q$ú
q$îCN l\‰t®C y¥QrBÂ Slx- b) provide civil servants with protective
”q¥cW mm¶Ã ymS-T½ devices and materials and give them
`§ðnT xlbTÝÝ instructions on their usage.

2/ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T \‰t¾½ 2) Any civil servant shall have the obligation to:

h¼ dHNnTNÂ -@NnTN lm-bQ yw-# a) observe directives issued in relation to

mm¶ÃãCN y¥KbR½ safety and health;

l¼ yts-#TN yxdU mk§kà mœ¶Ã b) properly use safety devices and marteri-
ãCNÂ q$úq$îCን bxGÆb# ym- als; and
qM½ XÂ

/¼ xdU l!ÃSkTl# y¸Cl# h#n@¬ãC c) promptly inform the concerned official of

mñ‰cWN s!gMT l¸mlktW any situation which he may have reason
ym|¶Ã b@t$ `§ð wÄ!ÃWn# to believe could present a hazard.
GÁ¬ xlbTÝÝ

3/ x@jNs!W bmNG|T m|¶Ã b@èC 3) The Agency shall supervise occupational

WS_ y|‰ xµÆb! dHNnT -@NnT safety and health in government institutions
tGƉêE mçn#N YöÈ-‰L½ yxdU and shall issue directives regarding safety
mk§kà XRM©ãCN btmlkt mm¶Ã precaution measures.

4/ x@jNs!W y|‰ xµÆb! dHNnT -@NnT 4) The Agency shall undertake studies on the
ym-bqEàymk§kà zÁãCN Ã-ÂL½ occupational safety and health of work places
ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@èC |‰ §Y and facilitate training for its implementation
XNÄ!ÃWl#T SL-Â Sl¸s_bT h#n@¬ in the government institutions.
49. Principle of Disability
$9. yxµL g#ÄT m\rt húB

1/ ''yxµL g#ÄT'' ¥lT ym|‰T ClÖ¬ 1) "Disablement" means any employment injury
mqnSN wYM ¥ÈTN b¸ÃSkTL as consequence of which there is a decrease
h#n@¬ b|‰ §Y y¸dRS g#ÄT nWÝÝ or loss of capacity to work.

2/ b|‰ §Y ydrs yxµL g#ÄT g!z@ÃêE 2) The effects of disablement are temporary
yxµL g#ÄT½ z§qE kðL yxµL g#ÄT½ disablement, permanent partial disablement,
z§qE Ñl# yxµL g#ÄT XÂ äTN permanent total disablement and death.
y¸ÃSkTl# W-@èC Yñ„¬LÝÝ

%. g!z@ÃêE yxµL g#ÄT 50. Temporary Disablement

''g!z@ÃêE yxµL g#ÄT'' ¥lT \‰t¾W “Temporary disablement” means the reduction for
|‰WN ltwsn g!z@ bÑl# wYM bkðL a limited period of time of the worker's capacity
l¥kÂwN XNÄYCL y¸ÃdRgW yxµL for work partially or totally.
gA 3‫ְך‬5)%6 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3556

%1. z§qE kðL yxµL g#ÄT 51. Permanent Partial Disablement

''z§qE kðL yxµL g#ÄT'' ¥lT g#ÄT ydr "Permanent partial disablement" means incurable
sbTN \‰t¾ ym|‰T ClÖ¬ y¸qNS employment injury decreasing the injured
y¥YDN b|‰ §Y y¸dRS g#ÄT nWÝÝ worker's capacity.

%2. z§qE Ñl# yxµL g#ÄT 52. Permanent Total Disablement

''z§qE Ñl# yxµL g#ÄT'' ¥lT g#ÄT ydr "Permanent total disablement" means incurable
sbTN \‰t¾ ¥ÂcWNM dmwZ y¸ÃS employment injury, which prevents the injured
g" |‰ lm|‰T y¸klKlW y¥YDN worker from engaging in any kind of remunerated
b|‰ §Y y¸dRS g#ÄT nWÝÝ work.
%3. k|‰ bmÈ g#ÄT MKNÃT Sl¸s_ ?KMÂÂ 53. Medical Benefits and Injury Leave
1) The government institution shall cover the
1/ b|‰W MKNÃT g#ÄT ydrsbT ymNG
following medical expenses incurred by a
|T \‰t¾ l¸ktl#T y?KMÂ xgL
civil servant due to employment injury:
GlÖèC y¸ÃSfLgWN wÀ m|¶Ã
b@t$ YC§LÝÝ
a. general and special medical treatment
h¼ y-Q§§Â yL† ?KM XNÄ!h#M
and surgical care expenses,
yqì ?KMÂ wÀãC½
b. hospital and pharmaceutical care
l¼ yçSpE¬LÂ ymD`n!T wÀãC½
/¼ y¥N¾WM xSf§g! sW s‰> MTK
wYM t=¥¶ xµlÖC yx_NT c. any necessary prosthetic or orthopedic
_g wÀãCÝÝ appliance expenses.

2/ b|‰ MKNÃT g#ÄT ydrsbT ymN 2) Any civil servant who has sustained an
G|T \‰t¾ kg#Ät$ Dñ wd |‰W employment injury shall be entitled to injury
XSk¸mlS wYM bg#Ät$ MKNÃT lzl leave with pay until he recovers and resumes
q&¬ m|‰T y¥YCL mçn# b?KMÂ work or until it is medically certified that he
¥Sr© XSk¸rUg_ DrS y?mM is permanently disabled; however, on the
f”D kÑl# dmwZ UR Ys-êLÝÝ event of medical determination that the
çñM lzlq&¬W mS‰T ÃlmÒl# employee is unable to work permanently, he
b?KMÂ ¥Sr© ktrUg- bz!H xêJ shall be entitled to the benefits provided for
xNq{ %4 ytdngg#T _QäC Y-bቁ under Article 54 of this Proclamation.
3) Where the civil servant intentionally delays
3/ \‰t¾W ?KMÂWN bxGÆb# Ælmk his recovery by not following the treatment
¬tl# wYM b/k!M yts-WN T:²Z properly or by his non-observance of doctor’s
Æl¥Kb„ ?KMÂWN ÃÙtt XNdçn instructions, his entitlement of medical
bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ XÂ ¼2¼ benefits and leave under Sub- Articles /1/ and
m\rT y¸s-W ?KMÂÂ f”D /2/ of this Article shall cease.

%4. Sl g#ÄT -#r¬ xbL XÂ yg#ÄT Är¯T 54. Disability Pension and Gratuity

1/ k|‰ bmÈ yxµL g#ÄT MKNÃT z§qE 1) Any civil servant who has sustained
Ñl# wYM kðL ym|‰T ClÖ¬WN permanent total or partial disability due to
ÃÈ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T \‰t¾ bmN employment injury shall be entitled to
G|T \‰t®C y-#r¬ ?G yts-#T benefits provided for in the public servant's
mBèCÂ _QäC Y-bq$l¬LÝÝ pension law.
gA 3‫ְך‬5)%7 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3557

2/ kÆD yxµL wYM kÆD ymLK mb§¹ 2) Injuries which, although not resulting in
TN ÃSktl g#ÄT ym|‰T ClÖ¬ incapacity for work, cause serious mutilation or
¥ÈTN ÆÃSkTLM lg#ÄT µœ disfigurement of the injured civil servant, shall be
xkÍfLÂ ll@lÖC _Q¥_QäC x\È_ considered permanent partial disablement ,for the
purpose of payment of compensation and other
s!ÆL XNd z§qE kðL yxµL g#ÄT

3/ bmNG|T \‰t®C y-#r¬ xêJ 3) The assessment of the extent of employment

injure under Article 28 of Public Servant's
q$_R 3)$5/!9)(5 xNq{ @8 §Y
Pension Proclamation No. 345/2003 shall
ytqm-W yxµL g#ÄT m-N xwúsN
also apply for the implementation of Sub-
lz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼2/ xfÉiM
Article /2/ of this Article.
4) Where an employment injury resulted in the
4/ ymNG|T \‰t¾W bdrsbT g#ÄT
death of the civil servant the survivors shall
MKNÃT yät XNdçn½ xGÆB ÆlW receive gratuity provided in the relevant
y-#r¬ ?G m\rT y-#r¬ xbL
pension law.
lttk!W Ykf§LÝÝ
55. Exemption from Tax
%5. kGBR nÉ SlmçN
Any payment to be made pursuant to Article 54 of
bz!H xêJ xNq{ %4 m\rT y¸drG
this Proclamation shall be exempt from taxation
KFà kGBR nÉ YçÂL½ XNÄ!h#M b:Ä
and may not be attached, deducted by way of set
l!kbR wYM b¥ÒÒÃnT l!qnS wYM
off or assigned by the beneficiary.
ÆlmBt$ l!ÃSt§LfW xYCLMÝÝ
56. Claims of Compensation from Third Party
%6. kƒSt¾ wgN Sl¸-yQ yµœ KFÃ
1) Where the injury sustained by the civil
1/ b\‰t¾W §Y ydrsW g#ÄT bƒSt¾
servant is caused by the fault of a third party,
wgN _ÍT MKNÃT ydrs XNdçn
the government institution shall be entitled to
ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@t$ bg#Ät$ MK
claim compensation from the third party an
NÃT l\‰t¾W ÆwÈW wÀ m-N
amount equal to the expenses, which it has
g#Ät$N µdrsW wgN µœ ym-yQ
incurred due to the injury.
2) In the event that the civil servant receives
2/ \‰t¾W g#Ät$N µdrsbT wgN µœ compensation from the third party who caused
ytqbl XNdçn m|¶Ã b@t$ bz!H injury, the government institution may deduct
xêJ xNq{ %3 N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ XÂ from the salary of the civil servant the expenses
¼2¼ m\rT ÃwÈWN wÀ k\‰t¾W incurred pursuant to Article 53 Sub-Articles (1)
dmwZ §Y YqNúLÝÝ çñM \‰t¾W and (2) of this Proclamation. Where the amount of
ytqblW yµœ m-N m|¶Ã b@t$ compensation received by the civil servant is less
µwÈW wÀ Ãns kçn L†nt$N m|¶Ã than the cost incurred by the government
b@t$ kƒSt¾W wgN m-yQ YC§LÝÝ institution, the institution can claim the difference
from the third party.


ymNG|T \‰t®C |L-Â
Training of Civil Servants

57. Objectives
%7. y|L- ›§¥
A Civil servant shall be trained to improve his
ymNG|T \‰t¾ XNÄ!sl_N y¸drgW
capability and attain better performance or to
y|‰ ClÖ¬WN xš>lÖ btmdbbT |‰
§Y ytšl y|‰ W-@T l¥SgßT XNÄ! prepare him for higher responsibility based on
CL wYM bÑÃ ms§L §Y tmSRè lb career development.
l- `§ðnT ZGJT XNÄ!ñrW l¥DrG
gA 3‫ְך‬5)%8 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3558

%8. ymNG|T \‰t®CN y¥sL-N `§ðnT 58. Responsibility to Train Civil Servants

1/ XÃNÄNÇ ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T lm 1) A government institution shall have the duty
|¶Ã b@t$ X l\‰t¾W y¸ÃSfL to identify the training needs of the institution
gWN |L-Â b¥_ÂT½ :QD b¥W and the civil servants and to prepare plans
ÈTÂ bjT b¥SfqD \‰t®c$ xSf and budget for training and thereby ensure
§g!WN |L-Â XNÄ!Ãgß# y¥DrGÂ that civil servants receive the necessary
lx@jNs!W y¥úwQ `§ðnT xlbTÝÝ training and furnish information thereon to
the Agency.
2/ x@jNs!W ymNG|T \‰t®C |L-Â
W-@¬¥ XNÄ!çN l¥DrG bxgR WS 2) The Agency shall, with a view to make the
_Â bW+ xgR y¸sl_n#bTN h#n@¬ training of civil servants effective, prepare a
b¸mlkT ±l!s! xzUJè l¸n!STéC policy with regard to conditions of training
MKR b@T ÃqRÆL½ s!fqDM xfÉፀ locally and abroad and submit the same to the
ÑN YöÈ-‰LÝÝ Council of Ministers and supervise its
implementation upon approval.
ymNG|T \‰t®C ymr© xÃÃZ PART SEVEN
Managing Information Profile of Civil Servants
%9. yGL ¥^dR
59. Personnel Records
1/ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T XÂ
x@jNs!W SlXÃNÄNÇ Ì¸M çn 1) Any government institution and the Agency
g!z@ÃêE \‰t¾ xGÆBnT çcWN shall keep personnel records containing all
mr©ãC y¸YZ yGL ¥HdR XNÄ!ñR relevant information regarding each civil
ÃdRUl#ÝÝ servant as well as temporary employees.

2/ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T \‰t¾ bGL ¥H

d„ WS_ y¸gß#TN ¥Sr©ãC ymm 2) Any civil servant shall have access to all
LkT wYM Q©!WN ymWsD mBT information contained in his personnel
YñrêLÝÝ records or to have a copy thereof.
3/ k¸mlk¬cW yxStÄdR \‰t®C bS
tqR ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@t$ yb§Y 3) Any person other than the concerned
`§ð úYfQD ¥N¾WM sW ymNG administrative staff shall not have access to
|T \‰t¾WN yGL ¥ህdR ¥yT personnel records unless authorized by the
xYCLMÝÝ head of the government institution.

4/ ymNG|T \‰t¾W XNÄ!ÃWqW ÃLt 4) It is prohibited to deposit any document in

drg wYM ÃLtglilTN y{/#F ¥S the personnel records of a civil servant
r© bGL ¥Hd„ WS_ ¥Sqm_ without his knowledge.

5/ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T b?G 5) Any government institution shall be

SLÈN yts-W xµL b¸ÃwÈW mm responsible for keeping personnel records of
¶Ã m\rT ltwsn g!z@ ymNG|T civil servants for a period determined in the
\‰t®CN ¥HdR -Bö y¥öyT directives issued by the government
`§ðnT xlbTÝÝ institution authorized by law.

^. ymNG|T \‰t®CN mr© y¥d‰jT 60. The Responsibility of Organizing Profile of

`§ðnT Civil Servants

1/ x@jNs!W½ 1) The Agency shall have the duty to:

h¼ bxgR xqF dr© ysW `BT |‰ a) implement uniform human resource

xm‰R mr© |R›T bw_nT management information system at a
XNÄ!tgbR ÃdRUL½ national level ;
gA 3‫ְך‬5)%9 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3559

l¼ hg‰êE ymNG|T \‰t®CN ysW b) organize civil servants human resou-

`BT mr© ÌT Ãd‰©L½ rce data base at national level;

/¼ ymNG|T \‰t®CN y¸mlkt$ c) collect and compile statistical data

S¬TStEµêE mr©ãCN YsbSÆL½ relating to civil servants.

2/ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T 2) Every government office shall send

bx@jNs!W l¸d‰jW ysW `BT information on timely basis to Agency's
mr© ÌT mr©ãCN wQt$N -Bö human resource database.
ym§K GÁ¬ xlbTÝÝ
3) Any government office shall have a duty to
3/ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T send information on time to the human
y\‰t®c$N ZRZR mr© lx@jNs!W resource data base established by the Agency.
m§K xlbTÝÝ


ymNG|T \‰t¾ GÁ¬ãC |n(MGÆR Obligations and Ethics of Civil Servants

^1. ymNG|T \‰t¾ GÁ¬ãC 61. Obligations of Civil Servants

¥N¾WM ymNG|T \‰t¾½ Any civil servant shall:

1/ l?Zb# l?g mNG|t$ ¬¥" mçN½ 1) be loyal to the public and the Constitution;

2/ m§ g#Lbt$NÂ ClÖ¬WN l?Zb# xgL 2) devote his whole energy and ability to the
GlÖT ¥êL½ service of the public;

3/ b|‰ ZRZ„ m\rT y¸s-#TN y|‰ 3) discharge the functions specified in his job
XQìC XÂ l@lÖC b?UêE mNgD y¸s description and accomplish other tasks
-#TN T:²øC mfiM½ ordered legally;

4/ ymNG|TN |‰ y¸mlkt$ ?¯C½ 4) observe laws, regulations and directives

dNïC mm¶ÃãCN ¥KbR½ related to the civil service;

5/ ymNG|TN ±l!s! bB”T mfiM½ 5) have a duty to perform government policy

xlbTÝÝ efficiently.

^2. ymNG|T \‰t¾ |n(MGÆR 62. Ethical Conduct of Civil Servants

በዚֱ አዋጅ በአን‫שׂ‬ፅ ^1 የተደነገገው Eንደ Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 61
ተጠበቀ ሆኖ የመንግሥት ሠራተኞች የሚተዳ of this proclamation, the Council of Ministers
ደሩበትን ዝርዝር የስነ-ምግባር ደንብ የሚኒስት shall issue detailed code of conduct Regulations
ሮች ምክር ቤት ያወጣል፡፡ of the Civil Servanst.

^3. l?KM MRm‰ ymQrB GÁ¬ 63. Compulsory Medical Examination

1) Any civil servant shall have the obligation to

1/ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T \‰t¾ kx@C.
take medical examination, with the exception
xY.v!¼x@DS MRm‰ bStqR k|‰W
for HIV/AIDS, when required by the
government institution on sufficient grounds
MRm‰ XNÄ!ÃdRG bmNG|T m|
¶Ã b@t$ s!-yQ lMRm‰ ymQrB related to the service.
GÁ¬ xlbTÝÝ
gA 3‫ְך‬5)^ ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3560

2/ bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ m\rT 2) Expenses incurred pursuant to Sub-Article
l¸drG y?KM MRm‰ y¸ÃS (1) of this Article shall be covered by the
fLgWN wÀ ymNG|T m|¶Ã government institution.
b@t$ YC§LÝÝ

^4. yNBrT xÃÃZÂ x-”qM 64. Handling and Use of Property

¥N¾WM ymNG‫ם‬T ‫ט‬‰t¾ l‫ם‬‰W ¥k Any civil servant shall have the responsibility to
Âw¾ ytsጡTN mœ¶ÃãC mgLgÃãC properly handle and use the equipment and
bxGÆቡ# ymጠbQ ymጠqM `§ðnT materials provided to him for the carrying out of
xlbT፡፡ his duties.

^5. b:Ä ym-yQ `§ðnT 65. Extent of Liability

¥N¾WM ymNG|T \‰t¾ l|‰W Any civil servant shall be liable for the damage or
¥kÂw¾ bts-#T mœ¶ÃãC mgLgÃãC loss of equipment and materials provided to him
§Y b¸dRS g#ÄT wYM _ÍT b:Ä t- for the carrying out of his duties, where such
ÃqE y¸çnW g#Ät$ wYM _Ít$ b\‰t¾W damage or loss is caused by his negligence or
cLt"nT wYM çN tBlÖ btfim DR intentional act.
g!T MKNÃT ydrs XNdçn nWÝÝ


yÄ!s!Pl!N XRM©ãC yQʬ xq‰rB Disciplinary Measures And Grievance Procedure

^6. yÄ!s!Pl!N QÈT ›§¥ 66. Objectives of Disciplinary Penalties

yÄ!s!Pl!N QÈT ›§¥ ymNG|T \‰t The objectives of disciplinary penalty shall be to
¾W bfimW yÄ!s!Pl!N g#DlT t[{è rehabilitate a delinquent civil servant when he can
XNÄ!¬rMÂ Bq$ \‰t¾ XNÄ!çN l¥SÒL learn from his mistakes and become a reliable
wYM y¥Y¬rM çñ s!g" l¥sÂbT nWÝÝ civil servant or to discharge him when he
becomes recalcitrant.

^7. yÄ!s!Pl!N QÈT ›YnèCÂ xmÄdB 67. Types and Classification of Disciplinary Penalties

1) Depending on the gravity of the offence, one

1/ yÄ!s!Pl!N g#DlT yfim ymNG|T
of the following penalties may be imposed on
\‰t¾ XNd_Ít$ KBdT k¸ktl#T
a civil servant for breach of discipline:
QÈèC xNÇ l!wsNbT YC§L½

h¼ y”L ¥S-NqqEý a) oral warning;

l¼ y{/#F ¥S-NqqEý b) written warning;

/¼ XSk xND wR dmwZ y¸dRS c) fine up to one month’s salary;


m¼ XSk ƒST wR dmwZ y¸dRS d) fine up to three moth’s salary;


\¼ XSk h#lT ›mT DrS l¸dRS g!z@ e) down grading up to the period of two
k|‰ dr©Â dmwZ ZQ ¥DrG½ years ;

r¼ kS‰ ¥sÂbTÝÝ f) dismissal.

2/ bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ ¼h¼(¼/¼ 2) The penalties specified under Sub-Article (1)
ytzrz„T q§L yÄ!s!Pl!N QÈèC (a)-(c) of this Article shall be classified as
tBlW YmdÆl#ÝÝ simple disciplinary penalties.
gA 3‫ְך‬5)^1 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3561

3/ bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ ¼m¼(¼r¼ 3) The penalties specified under Sub-Article (1)
ytzrz„T kÆD yÄ!s!Pl!N QÈèC (d) – (f) of this Article shall be classified as
tBlW YmdÆl#ÝÝ rigorous penalties.

4/ bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ ¼\¼ m\ 4) A civil servant who is demoted in accordance
rT k|‰ dr©Â dmwZ ZQ b¥DrG with Article (1) (e) of this Article and upon
ytqÈ ymNG|T \‰t¾ yQÈT the lapse of his period of punishment, shall
g!z@WN s!Ã-ÂQQ½ be reinstated:

h¼ kmqÈt$ bðT YøT knbr y|‰ a) to a similar available vacant post,

mdB UR tmœœY KFT y|‰ without any promotion procedures;
mdB µl ÃlMNM t=¥¶ ydr©
:DgT |n(|R›T½

l¼ kmqÈt$ bðT YøT knbr y|‰ b) in absence of a vacant post, he shall be

mdB UR tmœœY yçn y|‰ reinstated to a similar post without any
mdB µLtgß KFT y|‰ mdB promotion procedures when it
btgßbT g!z@ ÃlMNM t=¥¶ becomes available at a later time.
ydr© :DgT |n(|R›T½
b|‰ mdb# §Y XNÄ!mdB YdrULÝÝ
5) After a disciplinary measure has been taken
5/ xND \‰t¾ bÄ!s!Pl!N ktqÈ b“§ on a civil servant, such measure shall remain
QÈt$ b¶÷RDnT l!öY l!-qSbT in his record:

h¼ q§L yÄ!s!Pl!N QÈT kçn QÈt$ a) for two years, where the penalty is
ktwsnbT qN jMé lh#lT simple;

l¼ kÆD yÄ!s!Pl!N QÈT kçn QÈt$ b) for five years, where the penalty is
ktwsnbT qN jMé lxMST rigorous.

^8. kÆD yÄ!s!Pl!N QÈT y¸ÃSkTl# _ÍèC 68. Offences Entailing Rigorous Penalties
y¸ktl#T _ÍèC kÆD yÄ!s!Pl!N QÈT Rigorous disciplinary penalties may be imposed
y¸ÃSkTl# ÂcWÝÝ for the following offences:
1/ T:²Z Æl¥KbR½ bcLt"nT½ bmlgM 1) to undermine one’s duty by being
wYM çN BlÖ yx\‰R |n(|R›T disobedient, negligent or tardy or by none-
wYM ymNG|TN ±l!s! ÆlmktL observance of working procedures;
b|‰ §Y bdL ¥DrS½
2) deliberate procrastination of cases or
2/ g#Ä×CN çN BlÖ ¥zGyT wYM mistreatment of clients;
Ælg#Ä×CN ¥g#§§T½

3/ |‰ XNÄYs‰ çN BlÖ ¥wK wYM 3) to deliberately obstruct work or to collaborate

k¸ÃWk#T UR mtÆbR½ with others in committing such offence;

4/ bq§L yÄ!s!Pl!N QÈT XRM©ãC 4) unjustifiable repeated absenteeism or non-

Ælm¬rM ÃlbqE MKNÃT btdUU¸ observance of office hours in spite of being
k|‰ mQrT wYM y|‰ s›T penalized by simple disciplinary penalties;
gA 3‫ְך‬5)^2
3‫ְך‬5)^2 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3562

5/ bS‰ ï¬ b-B xŶnT mdÆdB½ 5) to initiate physical violence at the place of


6/ bL¥ÄêE SµR wYM bxdN²™ :} s#S 6) neglect of duty by being alcoholic or drug
bmmrZ |‰N mbdL½ addict;

7/ g#ï mqbL wYM XNÄ!s-W m-yQ½ 7) to accept or demand bribes;

8/ b|‰ ï¬ l?ZB ä‰L t”‰n! yçn 8) to commit an immoral act at the place of
DRg!T mfiM½ work;

9/ yl@BnT wYM yXMnT ¥g#dL DRg!T 9) to commit an act of theft or breach of trust;

0/ y¥¬lL wYM y¥+bRbR DRg!T 10) to commit an act of misrepresentation or

mfiM½ fraudulent act;

01/ bm|¶Ã b@t$ NBrT §Y çN BlÖ 11) to inflict damages to the property of the
government due to an intentional act or
wYM bcLt"nT g#ÄT ¥DrS½
02/ bSLÈN xlxGÆB m-qM½
12) abuse of power;
03/ b|‰ ï¬ §Y ò¬êE _”T mfiM½ 13) to commit sexual violence at the place of work;

04/ bz!H xNq{ ktzrz„T UR tmœœY 14) to commit any breach of discipline of equal
KBdT ÃlW l@§ yÄ!s!Pl!N g#DlT gravity with the offences specified under this
mfiMÝÝ Article.
^9. yÄ!s!Pl!N XRM© xwúsD 69. Taking Disciplinary Measures

1/ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T y\‰ 1) A government institution shall establish a

t®c$N yÄ!s!Pl!N KS xÈRè yWún@ disciplinary committee which shall investigate
húB l¸mlktW y|‰ `§ð y¸Ã disciplinary charges brought against civil servants
qRB yÄ!s!Pl!N ÷¸t& ¥ÌÌM xlbTÝÝ and thereby submit recommendations to the
concerned officials.

2/ yÄ!s!Pl!N QÈT y¥N¾WNM FRD b@T 2) Disciplinary measures may be taken

Wún@ úY-BQ wYM úYktL l!wsN irrespective of any court proceedings or
YC§LÝÝ decision.

&. \‰t¾N k|‰ xGì Sl¥öyT 70. Suspension from Duty

1/ ¥N¾WNM ymNG|T \‰t¾ k|‰ 1) Any civil servant will be suspended from
xGì ¥öyT y¸ÒlW½ duty if it is presumed that:

h¼ kt-r-rbT g#ÄY UR xGÆBnT a) he may obstruct the investigation by

çcWN ¥Sr©ãC b¥b§¹T½ bm concealing, damaging or destroying
dbQ wYM b¥_ÍT MRm‰WN evidence related to the alleged offence;
ÃsÂK§L½ wYM or
l¼ bmNG|T NBrT §Y t=¥¶ b) he may commit additional offence on the
g#ÄT ÃdRúL½ wYM property of the government institution;
/¼ ktkssbT _ÍT KBdT xNÉR yl@ or
lÖCN \‰t®C ä‰L y¸nµ wYM c) the alleged offence is so grave as to
tgLU† ?ZB bm|¶Ã b@t$ §Y demoralize other civil servants or
l!ñrW y¸gÆWN XMnT òÆL½ negatively affect the public trust towards
wYM civil servants;
gA 3‫ְך‬5)^3 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3563

m¼tfim y¸ÆlW _ÍT k|‰ d) the disciplinary offence may lead to

ÃSwÈL½ dismissal.
tBlÖ s!gmT nWÝÝ
2/ bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ m\rT 2) A civil servant can be suspended from duty
xND \‰t¾ k|‰Â kdmwZ ¬Gì and may not get his salary according to Sub-
l!öY y¸ClW kh#lT wR l¥YbL_ article (1) of this Article only for a maximum
g!z@ nWÝÝ period of not exceeding two months.

3/ bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼2¼ m\rT 3) The decision given in accordance with Sub-
k|‰ ¬Gì XNÄ!öY y¸drG article (2) of this Article shall be notified to
ymNG|T \‰t¾ kmdb¾ |‰W the civil servant in writing, with the grounds
¬Gì y¸öYbT g!z@Â k|‰ y¬gdbT and duration of his suspension signed by the
MKNÃT bm|¶Ã b@t$ yb§Y `§ð Head of the government institution.
wYM btwµ† b{/#F XNÄ!gl{lT
4) Unless a decision of dismissal is rendered
4/ ymNG|T \‰t¾W btkssbT yÄ!s! against a suspected civil servant, the salary
Pl!N _ÍT MKNÃT k|‰ XNÄ!sÂbT withheld at the time of suspension shall be
µLtwsnbT bStqR bXGÇ wQT paid to him without interest.
úYkflW yqrW dmwZ ÃlwlD
5) The suspension of a civil servant shall not
5/ ymNG|T \‰t¾W k|‰ m¬gD deprive him of other rights and duties that
kXGÇ UR ÃLtÃÃz# l@lÖC mBèc$NÂ are not affected by the suspension.
GÁ¬ãc$N tfɸnT xÃSqRMÝÝ

&1.Sl YRU g!z@ 71. Period of Limitation

1/ q§L yÄ!s!Pl!N QÈT y¸ÃSkTL _ÍT 1) Disciplinary measure shall not be taken against a
yfim ymNG|T \‰t¾ yfimW civil servant who has committed an offence
_ÍT k¬wqbT qN jMé XSk SDST entailing simple disciplinary penalty unless such
wR XRM© µLtwsdbT bÄ!s!Pl!N measure is taken within six months, from the time
the commission of the offence is known; provided
t-ÃqE xYçNMÝÝ çñM btqm-W
, however, that the official who has failed to take
yg!z@ gdB WS_ XRM© ÃLwsdW the disciplinary measures within the time limit
y|‰ `§ð t-ÃqE YçÂLÝÝ shall be held responsible .

2/ bwNjL +MR y¸ÃS-YQ kÆD yÄ! 2) No disciplinary charge shall be brought against a
ሲPl!N QÈT y¸ÃSkTL _ÍT yfim civil servant who has committed an offense
ymNG|T \‰t¾ ywNjl#N KS entailing rigorous disciplinary penalty and such
l¥QrB bwNjL Hg# btqm-W offense also subjected to criminal liability,
yYRU g!z@ WS_ bÄ!s!Pl!N µLtkss Unless the disciplinary charges is brought within
the time limit provided in the criminal code for
b_Ít$ t-ÃqE xYçNMÝÝ
such criminal offense.
3/ bwNjL y¥ÃS-YQ kÆD yÄ!ሲPl!N 3) No disciplinary charge shall be brought against a
QÈT y¸ÃSkTL _ÍT yfim civil servant who has committed an offense
ymNG|T \‰t¾ ydNB mt§lF entailing rigorous disciplinary penalty and such
KSN l¥QrB bwNjL Hg# btdnggW offense is not subjected to criminal liability,
yYRU g!z@ WS_ bÄ!ሲPl!N µLtkss Unless the disciplinary charges is brought within
b_Ít$ t-ÃqE xYçNMÝÝ the time limit provided in the criminal code for
petty offenses.
4/ bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼2¼ XÂ ¼3¼
4) Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-
ytdngg#T yÄ!ሲPl!N KS ¥Qrb!Ã Articles /2/ and /3/ of this Article the official,
yYRU g!z@ÃT b!ñ„M yÄ!ሲPl!N KS who has failed to take the measures within a
l¥QrB `§ðnT ÃlbT y¸mlktW peiod of one year , shall be held responsible.
yS‰ `§ð bxND ›mT WS_ Ks#N
µ§qrb bÄ!ሲPl!N t-ÃqE YçÂLÝÝ
gA 3‫ְך‬5)^4 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3564

5/ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T \‰t¾ kgNzB 5) Any claim by a civil servant for payment of
UR ytÃÃz# mBèc$N l¸mlktW money shall be barred by limitation after six
xµL bSDST wR WS_ µ§qrb bYRU months from the date it becomes due.

&2. yQʬ xȶ ÷¸t& Sl¥ÌÌM 72. Establishment of Grievance Handling Committee

¥N¾WM ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T \‰t Any government institution shall establish a
®c$ y¸ÃqRb#TN yQʬ xb@t$¬ Xytq grievance handling committee that conducts
bl b¥È‰T yWœn@ xStÃyT lm|¶Ã grievance inquiry, and submits recommendation
b@t$ yb§Y `§ð y¸ÃqRB yQʬ xȶ to the Head of the government institution.
÷¸t& ¥ÌÌM xlbTÝÝ

&3. bQʬ xȶ ÷¸t& y¸¬† g#ĆC 73. Duties of Grievance Handling Committee

yQʬ xȶ ÷¸t&½ The grievance handling committee shall investigate

complaints lodged by civil servants and submit
recommendations relating to:-
1/ k?gÖC mm¶ÃãC xtrÙgÖM wYM
xfÚ[M½ 1) interpretation and implementation of laws
and directives;
2/ kmBèCÂ _QäC x-ÆbQ½
2) protection of rights and benefits;
3/ k|‰ xµÆb! -@NnT d^NnT
h#n@¬ãC½ 3) occupational safety and health;

4/ k|‰ MdÆÂ dr© xsÈ_½

4) placement and promotion;
5/ k|‰ xfÚ[M Mz½
5) performance appraisal;
6/ bS‰ `§ð k¸fiÑ tgb! ÃLçn#
6) undue influence exerted by supervisors;

7/ bz!H xêJ xNq{ ^7 N;#S xNq{ 1

7) disciplinary measures provided under Article
k¼h¼ XSk ¼/¼ btmlkt$T yÄ!ሲP
l!N XRM©ãC½

8/ y|‰ h#n@¬ãCN k¸mlkt$ l@lÖC 8) other issues related to conditions of service.

UR btÃÃz ymNG|T \‰t¾ y¸ÃqR
bWN Qʬ xÈRè yWún@ ¦úB y¥QrB
`§ðnT xlbTÝÝ

yxStÄdR FRD b@T
Administrative Tribunal
&4. yxStÄdR FRD b@T Sl¥ÌÌM
74. Establishment of the Administrative Tribunal
1/ ymNG|T \‰t®C bz!H xêJ xNq{
1) An Administrative Tribunal, which hears,
&5 m\rT y¸ÃqRb#TN y|‰ KR litigates and decides cases brought to it on
KR xYè y¸wSN yxStÄdR FRD
the basis of Article 75, is hereby established.
b@T bz!H xêJ tÌq$àLÝÝ

2/ yxStÄdR FRD b@t$ y¸qRBlTN

2) The Administrative Tribunal shall have
YGÆ" mRMrW Wœn@ y¸s-# chambers, which examine and decide on
appeal cases.
gA 3‫ְך‬5)^5 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3565

3/ XÃNÄNÇ ClÖT bê ÄYÊKt„ 3) Each chamber shall have a chairperson and
y¸syÑ xND sBúb! h#lT xƧT two members designated by the General
Ãl#T Ä®C Yñ„¬LÝÝ Director.

4/ xStÄdR FRD b@t$ y¸s-WN Wún@½ 4) The Administrative Tribunal shall have a
BYN½ T:²Z l¥SfiM XÂ yFRD b@t$N power, given to an ordinary court under civil
yClÖT |n(|R›T l¥SkbR bFT/ procedure code, to execute its own decision,
B/@R |n(|R›T ?g# lmdb¾ FRD decree , order and the court procedure .
b@T yts-W |LÈN ts_è¬LÝÝ
5) The Agency may issue directives relating to
5/ yxStÄdR FRD b@T Ä®C |‰cWN
the way the judges perform their functions,
Sl¸s„bT½ m-bQ Sl¸gÆ*cW the code of ethics they should observe, and
|n(MGÆR l@lÖC h#n@¬ãC btml other related matters.
kt x@jNs!W mm¶Ã ÃwÈLÝÝ
75. Jurisdiction of the Administrative Tribunal
&5. bxStÄdR FRD b@T Sl¸¬† g#Ä×C
The Administrative Tribunal shall have the power to
yxStÄdR FRD b@t$½ hear and decide on appeals brought by a civil servant
relating to:

1/ k?G WÀ k|‰ m¬gD wYM 1) unlawful suspension or termination of

xgLGlÖT mÌr_½ service;

2/ kÆD yÄ!s!Pl!N QÈT ytwsnbT 2) being penalized by rigorous disciplinary

bmçn#½ penalty;

3/ k?G W+ dmwz# wYM l@lÖC 3) an illegal attachment or deduction of his

KFÃãC ytÃzbT wYM ytör-bT salary or other payments;

4/ b|‰W MKNÃT kdrsbT g#ÄT UR 4) infringement of his rights arising from an

btÃÃz mBt$ bmÙdl#½ employment injury;

5/ bz!H xêJ xNq{ &3 N;#S xNq{ 7 5) except provided in Article 73/7/ of this
ktmlktW bStqR bQʬ xȶ Proclamation ,cases investigated and decided
÷¸t& ¬YtW Wún@ yts-ÆcWN upon by grievance handling committee ;

6/ b|‰ mLqqEÃÂ xgLGlÖT ¥Sr© 6) matters arising from his request for
§Y y¸ns# g#Ä×CN½ termination letters and testimonials of
tmLKè Wún@ ymS-T |LÈN service.

&6.የAስተዳደር ፍርድ ቤት ውሳኔ 76. Decision of the Administrative Tribunal

1/ yxStÄdR FRD b@t$ YGÆ" ytÆl 1) The Administrative Tribunal may, after
bTN xStÄd‰êE Wún@ kmrmr hearing the appeal, confirm or reverse the
b“§ Wún@WN l¥{ÂT½ lmšR decision or vary the decision in favor of the
wYM l¥ššL YC§LÝÝ appellant.

2/ FRD b@t$ bFÊ ngR KRKR y¸s-W 2) The decision of the Administrative tribunal
Wún@ ym=rš YçÂL½ çñM on question of facts shall be final; provided,
yxStÄdR FRD b@t$ Wún@ y?G however, that any one of the parties may
SHtT xlW BlÖ y¸ÃMN wgN appeal to the Federal Supreme Court on
FRD b@t$ Wún@ bs- b\§œ qN question of law within 30 days from the date
WS_ YGÆß#N lØÁ‰L -Q§Y FRD of the decision of the Administrative
b@T ¥QrB YC§LÝÝ Tribunal.
gA 3‫ְך‬5)^6 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3566

&7. yWœn@ xfÉiM 77. Execution

1/ ¥N¾WM Wún@ yts-bT ymNG|T 1) Any government institution against which a

m|¶Ã b@T yxStÄdR FRD b@t$ decision is given by the Administrative
ys-WN Wún@ wÄ!ÃWn# ymfiM Tribunal shall have the obligation to
GÁ¬ xlbTÝÝ immediately execute the decision.

2/ bz!H xêJ xNq{ &6 m\rT FRD 2) Where the beneficiary of a decision pleaded
b@t$ ys-W Wún@ XSk \§ú qN that the decision of the Administrative
xLtfimL"M b¥lT yWún@W t- Tribunal given in accordance with Article 76
”¸ s!ÃmlKT xStÄdR FRD b@t$ of this Proclamation is not executed within
¥mLkÒWN tqBlÖ Wún@WN ÃSf 30 days, the Administrative Tribunal shall
{¥LÝÝ execute the decision.

3/ yxStÄdR FRD b@t$N Wún@ ÃLf 3) The Head of the government institution who
imW m|¶Ã b@T yb§Y `§ð failed to execute the decision of the
bm|¶Ã b@t$ X b\‰t¾W §Y Administrative Tribunal shall be liable for
l¸dRsW g#ÄT t-ÃqE YçÂLÝÝ the damage sustained by the institution and
the civil servant.


xgLGlÖT Sl¥Ìr_ Sl¥‰zM Termination and Extension of Service

&8. bg² f”D k|‰ msÂbT 78. Resignation

1/ b?G wYM bWL ytqm-# GÁ¬ãC 1) Without prejudice to the obligations provided
XNdt-bq$ çnW ¥N¾WM ymN in laws and contracts any civil servant may,
G|T \‰t¾ b¥N¾WM g!z@ yxND by giving a one month prior notice, resign at
wR QD¸Ã ¥S¬wqEà bmS-T any time.
|‰WN bg² f”Ç l!lQ YC§LÝÝ

2/ bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ ytmlktWN 2) Any civil servant , who has terminated his
yxND wR yQD¸Ã ¥S-NqqEà úYs_ service without giving a one month prior
xgLGlÖt$N ÃÌr- ymNG|T \‰t¾ notice , provided in Sub- Article /1/ of this
GÁ¬WN ÆlmwÈt$ l¸dRsW g#ÄT Article , may be subjected to civil and
XNdtgb!nt$ bFT/B/@R XÂ bwNjL criminal liability.
?G m\rT t-ÃqE YçÂLÝÝ
3) Where the service of the civil servant is
3/ ymNG|T \‰t¾W l|‰W XJG
indispensable and he could not be replaced
xSf§g! bq§l# lmtµT y¥YÒL
easily, the Head of the government institution
çኖ s!g" ym|¶Ã b@t$ yb§Y `§ð may delay his release for a period not
ymLqqEÃWN _Ãq& \‰t¾W µml exceeding three months including the date of
ktbT qN jMé kƒST wR l¥ application.
YbL_ g!z@ l!ÉZmW YC§LÝÝ
79. Termination Due to Illness
&9. b?mM MKNÃT xgLGlÖT Sl¥Ìr_
1) Where a civil servant is unable to resume
1/ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T \‰t¾ bz!H work with in the time specified under
xêJ xNq{ $2 N;#S xNq{ ¼2¼ XÂ Article 42/2/ and /4/ of this Proclamation,
¼4¼ btmlktW g!z@ WS_ wd S‰ he shall, be deemed unfit for service and
lmmlS µLÒl b?mM MKNÃT be discharged.
xgLGlÖt$ XNÄ!Ìr_ YdrULÝÝ
gA 3‫ְך‬5)^7 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3567

2/ yz!H xêJ xNq{ %3 N;#S xNq{ ¼2¼ 2) Without prejudice to the provisions of
DNUg@ XNdt-bq çñ b|‰W Article 53/2/ of this Proclamation, where
MKNÃT g#ÄT ydrsbT ymNG|T a civil servant who has sustained
\‰t¾ lzlq&¬W m|‰T xlmÒl# employment injury is medically
b?KMÂ ¥Sr© s!rUg_ k|‰ determined to be permanently disabled,
XNÄ!sÂbT YdrULÝÝ his service shall forthwith be terminated.

3/ yÑk‰ g!z@WN Ã-Âqq ymNG|T 3) If a civil servant who has completed his
\‰t¾ bz!H xêJ xNq{ @6 ¼3¼ ¼l¼ probation period does not agree on the transfer
m\rT b¸fimW ZWWR that could be undertaken in accordance to
Article 26/3/b/ of this Proclamation, his
µLtS¥¥ k|‰ YsÂb¬LÝÝ
service shall be terminated.
* bClÖ¬ ¥nS MKNÃT k|‰ SlmsÂbT 80. Termination on Grounds of Inefficiency
1/ yÑk‰ g!z@WN Ã-Âqq ymNG|T 1) The service of a civil servant who has
\‰t¾ ÃlWN :WqTÂ ClÖ¬ Xyt completed his probation period may be
-qm btmdbbT |‰ §Y y|‰ terminated due to inefficiency where his
xfÉiM ምዘና W-@t$ btk¬¬Y performance evaluation result is below
lh#lT g!z@ kx_Ub! b¬C kçn satisfactory for two successive evaluation
bClÖ¬ ¥nS MKNÃT k|‰ ¥sÂbT periods despite exerting all his knowledge
YÒ§LÝÝ and ability to accomplish his work.
2/ yz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ DNUg@ 2) Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-Article/1/
b!ñRM ltk¬¬Y xMST ›m¬T of this Article, a civil servant whose performance
kFt¾ y|‰ xfÉiM ምዘና W-@T evaluation result is above satisfactory for five
s!Ãg" ynbr yÑk‰ g!z@WN Ã-Âqq successive years may not be dismissed on grounds
ymNG|T \‰t¾ y|‰ xfÉiM of inefficiency unless his performance result
ምዘና W-@t$ btk¬¬Y lƒST g!z@ becomes below satisfactory for the following three
successive evaluation periods.
kx_Ub! b¬C µLçn bStqR k|‰
3) The termination of service of a civil servant
3/ bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1 XÂ ¼2¼
under Sub-Article/1/ and /2/ of this Article
m\rT ymNG|T \‰t¾WN k|‰
shall only be effected for the achievement of
¥sÂbT y¸ÒlW XNdxSf§g!nt$
the purpose of performance evaluation under
bz!H xêJ xNq{ #1 §Y ytqm-
Article 31 of this Proclamation where it is
WN y|‰ xfÉiM Mz ›§¥
deemed necessary.
bmktL YçÂLÝÝ
81. Termination due to Force Majeure Situations
*1. kxQM b§Y bçn MKNÃT kS‰ SlmsÂbT
1) A civil servant who has completed probation
1/ yÑk‰ g!z@WN Ã-Âqq ymNG|T
and is absent from work due to force
\‰t¾ kxQM b§Y bçn MKNÃT
majeure, shall inform the situation within one
b|‰ gb¬W §Y µLtgß MKNÃt$N
month to the respective government
bxND wR g!z@ WS_ lm|¶Ã b@t$
¥úwQ xlbTÝÝ
2) The government institution that has received
2/ bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ m\rT
the reasons of absence of a civil servant in
¶±RT ytdrglT ymNG|T m|
accordance with sub-Article (1) of this
¶Ã b@T \‰t¾W k|‰ gb¬W §Y
Article shall, after verifying the validity of
ytlybT MKNÃT ym|¶Ã b@t$
the reason, keep the post of the civil servant
yb§Y `§ð wYM twµ† kxQM b§Y
vacant for six months. Provided, however,
mçn#N µrUg- ymNG|T \‰t¾W
YøT ynbrWN y|‰ mdB lSDST that the service of a civil servant may be
wR KFT xDRgÖ m-bQ xlbTÝÝ terminated if he is unable to resume work
çñM ymNG|T \‰t¾W bSDST within the six months.
wR g!z@ WS_ wd |‰W µLtmls
k|‰ ¥sÂbT YÒ§LÝÝ
gA 3‫ְך‬5)^8 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3568

3/ yz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ DNUg@ 3) Without prejudice to the provision of Sub-
XNdt-bq çñ yÑk‰ g!z@WN Ã-Â Article (1) of this Article, when a civil
qq ymNG|T \‰t¾ ÆL¬wq MK servant who has completed his probation is
NÃT ltk¬¬Y x|R qÂT kmd absent from his work for ten consecutive
b¾ y|‰ ï¬W §Y ktly byxSR workings days due to unknown reasons the
qÂT L†nT btk¬¬Y lh#lT g!z@ government institution may terminate the
b¥S¬wqEà t-Rè lm|¶Ã b@t$ employment after calling him in two notices
¶±RT µ§drg k|‰ YsÂb¬LÝÝ in ten days’ interval.

4/ yz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼3¼ DNUg@ 4) Notwithstanding the Provisions of Sub-
b!ñRM \‰t¾W k|‰ ktsÂbt Article (3) of this Article, a government
b“§ k|‰ kqrbT qN jMé bSD institution may reinstate the civil servant to
ST wR yg!z@ gdB WS_ k|‰ yqr his job if the civil servant applies for his job
bT MKNÃT kxQM b§Y lmçn# bqE within six months after the termination of his
¥Sr© µqrb bm|¶Ã b@t$ WS_ employment, produces sufficient evidence to
tmúúY yçn KFT y|‰ mdB prove that his reasons of absence was due to
ktgß ymS¶Ã b@t$ yb§Y `§ð wYM force majeure and there exists a similar
twµ† s!fQD wd|‰ l!mlS vacant position within the institution.

5/ bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼3¼ m\rT 5) A civil servant who responded to the notices
b¥S¬wqEÃ _¶ ytdrglT ymNG made in accordance with Sub-Article (3) of
|T \‰t¾ k|‰ ktlybT qN this Article within a month from the first day
jMé xND wR kmѧt$ bðT wd of absence shall be placed on his job and the
|‰W lmmlS lm|¶Ã b@t$ Head of the government institution shall
¶±RT µdrg wd|‰W XNÄ!mlS decide afterwards on the case after examining
tdRgÖ ym|¶Ã b@t$ yb§Y `§ð the reasons and the supporting evidence
\‰t¾W k|‰ yqrbTN MKNÃTÂ causing the absence.
¥Sr© bmmRmR Wœn@ YsÈLÝÝ
6) The service of a civil servant who has not
6/ yÑk‰ g!z@WN ç-Âqq ymNG|T completed his probation shall be terminated
\‰t¾ kxQM b§Y bçn MKNÃT without any additional formality, where he is
kxND wR b§Y b|‰ gb¬W §Y absent from work for one month due to force
µLtgß Ãlt=¥¶ |n(|R›T k|‰ majeure.

*2. Q_RN Slm\rZ 82. Nullification of Appointment

y/sT yTMHRT wYM y|‰ LMD Any appointment obtained on the basis of false
¥Sr© b¥QrB wYM |LÈN bl@lW sW representation regarding educational qualification
wYM YHN xêJ wYM xê°N l¥SfiM or work experience or made by unauthorized
ywÈWN dNB mm¶Ã wYM l@§ ¥Âc person or in contravention of this Proclamation,
WNM ?G bmt§lF ytfim Q_R bm regulations and directives issued hereunder or any
|¶Ã b@t$ yb§Y `§ð wYM bx@jNs!W other law shall be nullified by the decision of the
Ysr²LÝÝ head of the government institution or the Agency.
*3 \‰t¾N SlmqnS 83. Retrenchment
1/ ¥N¾WNM ymNG|T \‰t¾½ 1) Any civil servant shall be retrenched where:
h¼ y|‰ mdb# s!srZ½ a) his position is abolished;
l¼ m|¶Ã b@t$ s!zU½ b) the government office is closed; or
/¼ TRF ysW `YL s!ñR½ c) redundancy of man power is created;
gA 3‫ְך‬5)^9 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3569

bz!H xêJ xNq{ # ¼1¼ m\rT and where it is not possible to reassign him in
lmdLdL µLtÒl wYM ymNG|T accordance with Article 30/1/ of this
\‰t¾W ZQ Æl y|‰ dr© §Y Proclamation or where he is reluctant to
lm|‰T f”d¾ µLçn k|‰ accept a position of a lower grade.

2/ bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ ¼/¼ m\rT 2) Retrenchment of a civil servant in accordance
Qnú y¸drgW ymNG|T \‰t¾W with Sub-Article (1) (c) of this Article shall
bm|¶Ã b@T WS_ btmœœY y|‰ be made when it is proved that his
mdB §Y µl# l@lÖC ymNG|T \‰ performance and qualification are lower
t®C UR s!wÄdR b|‰ W-@t$Â when compared with other civil servants
ÆlW ClÖ¬ ZQt¾ mçn# s!rUg_ holding the same position.

*4. bÄ!s!Pl!N MKNÃT k|‰ SlmsÂbT 84. Termination of Service on Disciplinary Grounds

1/ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T \‰t¾½ 1) The service of a civil servant shall be

terminated where:
h¼ bz!H xêJ xNq{ ^7 N;#S xNq{
¼1¼ ¼r¼ m\rT yÄ!s!Pl!N QÈT a) a disciplinary penalty under Sub-Article
ytwsnbT½ XÂ 1/f/ of Article 67of this Proclamation is
imposed on him; and
l¼ YGÆ" -Yö bz!H xêJ xNq{ &6
N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ m\rT QÈt$ b) the penalty is not revoked on appeal
ÃLt\rzlT½ made under Article 76 of this
XNdçn xgLGlÖt$ YÌrÈLÝÝ Proclamation.

2/ ymNG|T \‰t¾W yt§lfbT Wún@ 2) Where the penalty is mitigated or revoked on

bYGÆ" ktššllT wYM ktsrzlT appeal the civil servant shall be entitled to
Wún@W kt§lfbT g!z@ jMé úYkf without interest, the payment of his unpaid
lW yqrW dmwZ ¬Sï Ãl wlD salary withheld during the appeal.

*5. b:D» MKNÃT xgLGlÖT Sl¥Ìr_ 85. Retirement

1/ yÑk‰ g!z@WN Ã-Âqq ymNG|T 1) The service of a civil servant whose service
\‰t¾ bz!H xêJ xNq{ *9 m\rT is not extended beyond retirement age
xgLGlÖt$ µLt‰zm bStqR b?G pursuant to article 89 , shall be terminated on
ktwsnW ymõ¶Ã :D» kdrsbT the last date of the last month in which he
ym=rš wR ym=rš qN jMé attained the retirement age determined by
Ãlt=¥¶ |n(|R›T xgLGlÖt$ law.
XNÄ!Ìr_ mdrG xlbTÝÝ

2/ yÑk‰ g!z@WN Ã-Âqq ymNG|T 2) The civil servant shall be notified of his
\‰t¾ -#r¬ kmWÈt$ kîST wR retirement in writing three months prior to his
bðT b{/#F XNÄ!ÃWqW mdrG retirement.

*6. bäT MKNÃT xgLGlÖT Sl¥Ìr_ 86. Termination on the Ground of Death

1/ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T \‰t¾ kätbT 1) The service of a civil servant shall be

qN jMé xgLGlÖt$ YÌrÈLÝÝ terminated on the day of his death.

2/ xgLGlÖt$ bäT MKNÃT ytÌr-bT 2) The full salary for the month in which a civil
ymNG|T \‰t¾ yätbT wR Ñl# servant has passed away shall be paid to his
dmwz# lTÄR Ùd¾W wYM lHUêE spouse or legal heir.
w‰ëc$ Ykf§LÝÝ
gA 3‫ְך‬5)& ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3570

*7. yxgLGlÖT yMSKR wrqT 87. Certificate of Service

¥N¾WM ymNG|T \‰t¾ b|‰ §Y Where the service of a civil servant on service is
XÃl wYM b¥ÂcWM MKNÃT xgLGlÖ terminated for any reason or where he so requests,
t$N s!ÃÌR_ y|‰ LMD ¥Sr© k-yq he shall be provided with a certificate of service
s!ÃkÂWN ynbrWN y|‰ ›YnT½ yxgLG indicating the type and duration of service as well
lÖT zmn#Â s!kflW ynbrWN dmwZ y¸ as his salary.
gL{ yxgLGlÖT yMSKR wrqT Ys-êLÝÝ

*8. xgLGlÖT s!Ìr_ Sl¸fiM KFÃ 88. Severance Pay

1/ yÑk‰ g!z@WN Ã-Âqq ymNG|T 1) Any civil servant who has been retrenched
\‰t¾ bz!H xêJ xNq{ *3 m\rT under Article 83 of this Proclamation and is
bQnú MKNÃT k|‰ kt\Âbt not entitled to pension allowance on the date
የ‫ ףם‬ውִ በ‫נהּـ‬ጠበُ ዕֳُ y-#r¬ of the termination of the employment
xbL y¥YkflW kçn½ contract. shall be paid:

h¼ lmjm¶Ã xND ›mT yƒST wR a) his salary of three months for the first
dmwZ½ year of his service; and

l¼ bt=¥¶ lxglglbT lXÃNÄNÇ b) one-third of his monthly salary for each

›mT ywR dmwz# xND ƒSt¾ additional year of his service provided,
Xy¬kl YkflêLÝÝ çñM y¸s- however, that such payment shall not
W KFÃ k\‰t¾W yxS‰ h#lT exceed his salary of 12 months.
wR dmwz# mBl_ ylbTMÝÝ

2/ yÑk‰ g!z@WN l=rs kxND ›mT 2) A civil servant who has completed his
b¬C §glgl ymNG|T \‰t¾ probation and served for less than one year
y¸fimW KFÃ kxgLGlÖt$ UR shall be entitled to severance pay in
Xyts§ YçÂLÝÝ proportion to his service.

3/ xGÆB ÆlW y-#r¬ ?G ytdnggW 3) Without prejudice to the provisions of the relevant
XNdt-bq çñ ¥N¾WM ymNG|T pension law, where the service of a civil servant is
\‰t¾ bäT MKNÃT xgLGlÖt$ terminated due to death an amount equivalent to
s!Ìr_ l¸\‰bT m|¶Ã b@T his three month’s salary shall be paid to his spouse
b{/#F §úw”cW yTÄR Ùd¾W or dependent who have been made known to the
wYM bS„ YtÄd„ lnb„ b@tsïc$ government institution in writing. Where the civil
servant died without notifying the name of his
yƒST wR dmwZ bxND g!z@ spouse or dependants in writing payment will be
Ykf§LÝÝ çñM yTÄR Ùd¾WN made when the spouse or the dependant(s)
wYM bS„ y¸tÄd„ b@tsïc$N produce a valid title of succession from the
úÃSmzGB yät XNdçn |LÈN competent court or authority.
µlW xµL wYM FRD b@T b¸s_
¥Sr© m\rT KFÃW Yfi¥LÝÝ

4/ bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼3¼ m\rT 4) Any payment to be made pursuant to Sub-
y¸s-W KFÃ kGBRÂ k-#r¬ Article (3) of this Article shall be exempt
mêô nÉ YçÂLÝÝ XNÄ!h#M bXÄ from taxation and may not be attached or
l!kbR wYM b¥ÒÒÃnT l!ÃZ deducted.

*9. xgLGlÖT Sl¥‰zM 89. Extension of Service

1/ yÑk‰ g!z@WN Ã-Âqq ymNG|T 1) The service of a civil servant who has
\‰t¾ ymõ¶Ã :D»W kdrs b“§ completed his probation may be extended
bxND g!z@ XSk xMST ›mT b- beyond his retirement age for a period up to
Q§§W kxSR ›mT l¥YbL_ g!z@ five years at a time and for a period not
xgLGlÖt$N ¥‰zM YÒ§LÝÝ exceeding ten years in total.
gA 3‫ְך‬5)&1 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3571

2/ bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ m\rT 2) The service of a civil servant may be
yxNDN yÑk‰ g!z@WN Ã-Âqq extended under Sub-Article (1) of this Article
ymNG|T \‰t¾ xgLGlÖT ¥‰zM where:
a) his qualification, special skill and ability
h¼ y\‰t¾W TMHRT½ L† :W is found to be essential to the
qT ClÖ¬ lm|¶Ã b@t$ |‰ government institution;
-”¸ çñ s!g"½
b) it is not possible to replace him by
l¼ bdr© :DgT½ bZWWR wYM another civil servant through promotion,
bQ_R ttk! \‰t¾ l¥GßT transfer or recruitment;
xlmÒl# s!rUg_½
c) he is proved fit for service by medical
/¼ \‰t¾W l|‰W Bq$ mçn# certificate;
b?KMÂ ¥Sr© s!rUg_½
d) he has agreed to the extension of his
m¼ \‰t¾W xgLGlÖt$N lmq-L service; and
s!S¥¥½ XÂ
e) the extension is approved by the Agency.
\¼ yxgLGlÖt$ m‰zM lx@jNs!W
qRï s!fqD½
KFL xS‰ h#lT Miscellaneous Provisions
L† L† DNUg@ãC

(. yQ_R½ ydr© :DgT½ ydmwZ +¥¶ X 90. Effects of Nullification of Appointment, Pro-
l@§ _QM m\rZ y¸ÃSkTlW W-@T½ motion, Salary Increment and Other Benefits

1/ yQ_R½ ydr© :DgT½ ydmwZ +¥¶ 1) Without prejudice to his criminal liability, a
wYM l@§ _QM ytsrzbT ymNG|T civil servant whose appointment, promotion,
\‰t¾ bwNjL ?G m-yq$ XNdt- salary increment or other benefits has been
bq çñ ym\rz# XRM© XSktwsdbT nullified may not be requested to pay back
g!z@ DrS ytkflWN dmwZÂ l@lÖC the salary and other benefits he has received
_QäC XNÄ!mLS xY-yQMÝÝ up to the date of the nullification measure.
2/ k?G W+ Q_R½ ydr© :DgT½ 2) An official or member of a committee who
ydmwZ +¥¶ wYM l@§ _QM intentionally or negligently authorizes
XNÄ!s_ çN BlÖ wYM bcLt"nT unlawful appointment, promotion, salary
yfqd y|‰ `§ð wYM y÷¸t& xÆL increment or other benefits shall be liable
xGÆB ÆlW bÄ!s!Pl!N½ bwNjL ?G under the relevant criminal and civil law.
XÂ bFT/B/@R ?G DNUg@ãC
m\rT t-ÃqE YçÂLÝÝ
3) Where the Agency finds out the commitment
3/ bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼2¼ m\rT yt of the fault specified under Sub-Article 2 of
-qsW _ÍT mfiÑN x@jNs!W kdr this Article, it may submit the case with
sbT _Ít$N l¥rM wYM `§ðWN pertinent evidence to the relevant government
wYM xÆl#N bwNjLÂ bFT/B/@R body that has the power to initiate criminal or
?G t-ÃqE l¥DrG |LÈN §lW civil proceedings against the persons
ymNG|T xµL ytfimWN DRg!T
responsible for the fault.
b¥Sr© xSdGæ l¥QrB YC§LÝÝ
gA 3‫ְך‬5)&2 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3572

(1. y|LÈN WKLÂ SlmS-T 91. Delegation of Power

x@jNs!W ys!v!L sRv!s#N xStÄdR The Agency may delegate its powers and duties
qLÈÍ W-@¬¥ l¥DrG xSf§g! çñ under this Proclamation to government institu-
s!ÃgßW bz!H xêJ yts-WN SLÈNÂ tions where it deems it necessary for the
`§ðnT lm|¶Ã b@èC bWKL ¥St§lF efficiency and effectiveness of the civil service.

(2. yxê°N xfÉiM SlmöÈ-R 92. Supervision of Implementation of the Procla-


1 x@jNs!W YHN xêJÂ bxê°M m\rT 1) The Agency shall have the powers and duties
y¸w-#TN dNïC mm¶ÃãC bTK to supervise the implementation of this
KL b|‰ §Y mê§cWN ymöÈ-R Proclamation and regulations and directives
|LÈN `§ðnT YñrêLÝÝ issued hereunder.

2 x@jNs!W bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼1¼ 2) The Agency, in exercising its powers and
yts-WN |LÈN `§ðnT tGƉêE duties under Sub-Article (1) of this Article,
l¥DrG b¥ÂcWM g!z@½ may at any time:

h¼ bm|¶Ã b@èC bmgßT wYM XNÄ! a) examine files and other records by
§k#lT b¥zZ ¥HdéCNÂ l@lÖC sending inspectors to government
mr©ãCN mmRmR½ XÂ institution or by ordering them to submit
such files and records; and

l¼ g#Ć y¸mlktW y|‰ `§ð wYM b) require the concerned official or other
l@lÖC ymNG|T \‰t®C b”L civil servants to give oral or written
wYM b{/#F XNÄ!ÃSrÇ m-yQ½ explanation.
3) Where the Agency, through its investigation
3 x@jNs!W bz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ ¼2¼ under Sub-Article (2) of this Article or
m\rT b¸ÃdRgW MRm‰ wYM otherwise, discovers that the law is infringed
bl@§ b¥ÂcWM mNgD ?G mÈs#N or a discriminatory act is committed, it shall
wYM xDlÖ mfiÑN kdrsbT½ have the power to:
h¼ TKKL ÃLçnW x\‰R XNÄ!St a) order the rectification of the
µkL y¥zZ½ irregularities;
l¼ g#Ć Wún@ XSk!Ãg" DrS xfÉi
b) suspend the execution of the matter
ÑN y¥gD½
until decision is made thereon;
/¼ lDRg!t$ t-ÃqE bçnW y|‰ `§ð
c) cause the taking of administrative
wYM ymNG|T \‰t¾ §Y tg
measures against the official or the
b!W xStÄd‰êE XRM© XNÄ!ws
civil servant responsible for the act.
DbT y¥DrG½

m¼ bz!H xêJ xNq{ ( ¼3¼ m\rT d) enforce powers entrusted under article
lmfiM½ 90/3/ of this proclamation.

(3. dNB mm¶Ã y¥WÈT SLÈN 93. Power to Issue Regulations and Directives

1 YHN xêJ l¥SfiM y¸ÃSfLg# dN 1) The Council of Ministers may issue

ïCN y¸n!STéC MKR b@T l!ÃwÈ regulations necessary for the proper
YC§LÝÝ implementation of this Proclamation.
gA 3‫ְך‬5)&3 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3573

2 x@jNs!W YHN xêJÂ bxê° m\rT 2) The Agency may issue directives necessary
y¸w-#TN dNïC l¥SfiM y¸ÃS for the proper implementation of this
fLg# mm¶ÃãCN l!ÃwÈ YC§LÝÝ Proclamation and Regulations issued
pursuant to the Proclamation.
3 s!v!L sRv!s#NÂ ysW `BT x-”q
MN y¥ššL x§¥ çcWN täKéãC 3) The Agency may waive the application of some of
lmft> PéG‰äCN lmtGbR the provisions of this Proclamation and directives
s!ÆL BÒ x@jNs!W bz!H xêJ XÂ issued under its authority for the purposes of
xê°N tkTlW b¸w-# mm¶ÃãC undertaking reform programs that aim at
y¸dngg# h#n@¬ãCN l!Ú>l# y¸Cl# improving the utilization of human resources and
implementing government programs for the same
xÄÄ!S yx\‰R |R›èCN ¦úïCN
purpose and as such may also pilot test new
y¸n!STéC MKR b@TN b¥SfqD concepts and procedures developed there under in
bmNG|T m|¶Ã b@èC §Y yÑk‰ government institutions after approval by the
TGb‰ l!ÃdRG YC§LÝÝ Council of Ministers.

(4.. ym¹Ug¶Ã DNUg@ãC 94. Transitory Provisions

1/ bz!H xêJ xNq{ 5¼1¼ m\rT 1) Government institutions, in accordance with

x@jNs!W ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@èCN Article 4/2/ Proclamation No.262/2002, shall
y|‰ Mz mm¶Ã XSk¸ÃwÈ DrS submit to the Agency’s approval their
¥N¾WM ymNG|T m|¶Ã b@T organizational structure and jobs for
bØÁ‰L mNG|T \‰t®C xêJ evaluation and classifications until the
q$_R 2)^2¼09)(4 xNq{ 4¼2¼ m\rT Agency issues directives on job grading
y|‰ mdB ZRZR mGlÅ lx@jNs!W pursuant to article 5(1) of this Proclamation.

2¼ bz!H xêJ xNq{ @2 m\rT x@jNs!W 2) Temporary civil servant shall be governed by
g!z@ÃêE \‰t®CN b¸mlkT ytৠmm the relevant provisions of Federal Civil
¶Ã XSk¸ÃwÈ DrS bØÁ‰L mNG|T
\‰t®C xêJ q$_R 2)^2¼09)(4 m\rT
Servants Proclamation No.262/2002 until the
Sl g!z@ÃêE \‰t®C mBT GÁ¬ btlY Agency issues directives concerning them
ytdngg#T xNqòC tfɸn¬cW Yq_§LÝÝ pursuant to Article 22 of this Proclamation.

3/ ymNG|T \‰t®C y|‰ MdÆÂ yd 3) The relevant provisions of Legal Notice No

mwZ dr© dNB q$_R 2 y?G KFL 419 of 1972 Public Service Position
¥S¬wqEÃ q$_R 4)09¼09)^4 XÂ x@j Classification and Scale Regulations N0.2
Ns!W ÃwÈcW L† L† mm¶ÃãC and other directives, in so far as they are
yz!HN xêJ DNUg@ãC XSµLt”rn# consistent with this proclamation, shall
XÂ bz!H xêJ xNq{ (3 m\rT remain enforce until replaced by regulations
b¸w-# dNïC wYM mm¶ÃãC XSk and directives issued in accordance with
¸tk# DrS tfɸn¬cW Yq_§LÝÝ article 93 of this proclamation.

(5. የ‫ סָךـ‬ሕጎ٤ 95. Repealed Laws

1/ የዚֱ አዋጅ አን‫שׂ‬ፅ (4/1/ እና /2/ 1/ Without prcjudice to the provisions of Article
እንደ‫ـ‬ጠበ‫ֲ שּׁ‬ነው የፌዴ‫א ָף‬ንግ‫ُם‬ 94(1) and (2) of this proclamation, Federal
‫ـףט‬ኞ٤ አዋጅ ‫שּׁ‬ጥ‫ ץ‬2)^2/!9)(4 Civil Servants Proclamation No.262/2002 is
‫ָקֹּלـ‬፡፡ hereby repealed.

1) No law, directive or practice shall, in so far

2/ ይֱን አዋጅ የ‫ג‬ቃ‫נ‬ን ‫ד‬ናْው‫ ו‬ሕግ፣
as it is inconsistent with this Proclamation,
‫עאא‬ያ፣ የአ‫וָ ץףט‬ድ በዚֱ አዋጅ
have effect in respect of matters provided for
ውስጥ የ‫ـ‬ደነገጉُን ጉዳዮ٤ በ‫ֳאג‬ከُ in this Proclamation.
‫ـ‬ፈፃ‫ג‬ነُ አይኖ‫נ‬ው‫ו‬፡፡
gA 3‫ְך‬5)&4 ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. 05 yµtET 02 qN 09Í·9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007… Page 3574

(6. xê° y¸iÂbT g!z@ 96. Effective date

YH xêJ bØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È ¬Tä This Proclamation shall come in to force up on
kwÈbT qN jMé y{ YçÂL”” Publication in the Federal Negarit Gazeta.

xÄþS xbÆ የካቲት 02 qN 09)(9 ›.M. Done at Addis Ababa, this 19th day of February, 2007



yxþT×eà ØÁ‰§êE ÁäK‰sþÃêE ¶pBlþK

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