BSBMGT517 Student Assessment Pack

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Student Assessment Pack

Ensure this cover sheet is attached to your work.

Student and Trainer/Assessor Details

Student ID
Student name
Contact number
Email address
Trainer/Assessor name

Course and Unit Details

Course code BSB51918
Course name Diploma of Leadership and Management
Unit code BSBMGT517
Unit name Manage operational plan.

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Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
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This is a modified document based on materials prepared by Eduworks Resources.

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Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

Student and Trainer/Assessor Details ..................................................................................................... 1
Course and Unit Details ......................................................................................................................... 1
Assessment Overview ............................................................................................................................. 4
About Your Assessments ................................................................................................................... 4
Assessment Plan .................................................................................................................................... 7
Assessment Task Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 1 ........................................................................... 9
Assessment Task 1: Develop Operational Plan ................................................................................... 11
Part A– Operational Plan Knowledge ......................................................................................... 12
Part B– Develop Operational Plan .............................................................................................. 14
Part C– Develop Contingency Plans ............................................................................................ 19
Part D– Consultation Process ..................................................................................................... 20
Part E– Gain Plan Approval and Distribute Information to Work Teams ................................... 21
Assessment Task Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 2 ......................................................................... 23
Assessment Task 2: Implement and Monitor Operational Plan ............................................................ 25
Part A – Implementation Planning ............................................................................................. 26
Part B – Implement Strategies .................................................................................................... 29
Part C – Evaluate Progress and Adjust Plans .............................................................................. 31
Part D – Negotiate Operational Changes.................................................................................... 33

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Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

Assessment Overview
This Student Assessment Booklet includes all your tasks for assessment of BSBMGT517 Manage
operational plan.

About Your Assessments

This unit requires that you complete two assessment tasks. You must complete all tasks to achieve
competency for this unit.

Assessment Task About This Task

Assessment Task 1: In this task you will be developing organisational operational and contingency
Develop Operational plans to address operational issues in consultation with staff members of an
Plan organisation.

Assessment Task 2: In this task you will be implementing operational strategies, evaluating their
Implement and Monitor outcomes, and making necessary adjustments to try and improve operational
Operational Plan performance.

Assessment Submission Guidelines

All assessments must be submitted by the due date specified by the Trainer/Assessor on the UIT
Learning Management System (Moodle). To log in to UIT Moodle visit
When submitting assessments students agree that it is their own work, except where acknowledged,
and has not been submitted for academic credit elsewhere.
If you miss an Assessment Deadline:
If you miss a scheduled assessment you are required to provide proof of legitimate absence within
three (3) working days after the official due date.
Proof must be provided to the Student Services Department and may be required to complete an
assessment extension application form.
If the proof is not provided within the time period, then the student will receive a ‘Not Yet Competent
(NYC)’ outcome.
No supplementary assessments will be scheduled without proof of legitimate absence.
If the proof of legitimate absence is rejected, the student can appeal to the VET Academic
For more information, please refer to the student handbook.

Students are permitted 2 attempts for each assessment task. If you are deemed Not Yet Competent
(NYC) for the unit, you must re-enrol and pay the required tuition fees for the unit.

Assessment Task and Unit Outcome

All individual assessment tasks are marked as either Satisfactory (S) or Not Satisfactory (NS).
Once all individual assessment tasks are marked Satisfactory (S) for a unit, the student can be
deemed Competent (C).
If the student does not achieve Satisfactory (S) results for all individual assessment tasks for a unit,
they will be deemed Not Yet Competent (NYC).

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Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

Reasonable Adjustment
At the Trainer/Assessors discretion reasonable adjustment, also known as reasonable
accommodation, may be applied. This means that 'reasonable' adjustments may be made wherever
possible; to meet the needs of a student with disability or with other learning needs. If you require
more details about reasonable adjustment, please refer to the student handbook.

Learning support
If you require further assistance in your learning, UIT encourages you to reach out to your Trainer to
discuss the areas that you believe you need further assistance with. If you require further support
after consulting your trainer, please see a Student Services Officer who can arrange a time to discuss
your concerns with the VET Academic department.

Plagiarism Policy
All student work must be written in their own words, except where acknowledged through quotations
and referencing. Plagiarism is a serious offence; Universal Institute of Technology may impose severe
penalties on students who plagiarise.
For more information on Plagiarism and Cheating, visit UIT’s policy and procedures on the website.

If you are not satisfied with the decision made by a member of UIT staff, you can appeal that decision.
For more information on Complaints and Appeals please see the Appeals policy and procedures on
the UIT website.

Course Credits
If you have been deemed competent in this unit as part of a prior qualification, you may eligible for
credit transfer. For more information on course credits please see the Course Credits policy and
procedures on the UIT website.
If you believe you have sufficient experience and knowledge in this area of study, you may be eligible
for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). For more information on applying for RPL please see the
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) policy and procedure on the UIT website.

Feedback to student
Feedback on students’ assessment performance is a vital element in their learning. Its purpose is to
justify to students how their competency was assessed, as well as to identify and reward specific
qualities in their work, to recommend aspects needing improvement, and to guide students on what
steps to take.

Feedback defines for students what their trainer/assessor thinks is important for a topic or a subject.
At its best, feedback should:
Be provided for each Unit Assessment Task (UAT)
Guide students to adapt and adjust their learning strategies.
Guide trainers/assessors to adapt and adjust teaching to accommodate students’ learning needs.
Be a pivotal feature of learning and assessment design, not an add-on ritual.
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Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

Focus on course and unit learning outcomes!

Guide students to become independent and self-reflective learners and their own critics.
Acknowledge the developmental nature of learning.

If students have not received proper feedback, they must speak to VET department/administration
department in UIT/person responsible for looking after the VET department/administration of UIT.

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Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

Assessment Plan
The following outlines the requirements of your final assessment for this unit. You are required to
complete all tasks to demonstrate competency for BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan.
Your assessor will provide you with the due dates for each assessment task. Write them in the table

Assessment Requirements Due Date

1. Project Please refer to Moodle

for Due Dates
2. Project


Read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign the agreement below. Make sure
you sign this before you start any of your assessments.
Have you read and understood what is required of you in terms of assessment?  Yes  No

Have you read and understood the RTO’s policies and procedures related to  Yes  No

Do you understand the requirements of this assessment?  Yes  No

Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed?  Yes  No
Do you have any special needs or considerations to be made for this assessment?  Yes  No
If yes, what are they?


Do you understand your rights to appeal the decisions made in an assessment?  Yes  No

Student name: ____________________________________________________________________

Student signature: _______________________________________________ Date: ____________

Assessor name: ___________________________________________________________________

Assessor signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________

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T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

Assessment Task Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 1

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of
your work.


Date of submission:

 BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan

Assessor to complete

Was this a
Satisfactory/ resubmission?
Assessment Task Not satisfactory Date Y/N




I _________________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own


 None of this work has been completed by any other person.

 I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.
 I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
 I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against

Student signature: _________________________________________________________________

Student name: ____________________________________________________________________

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T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.
A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.

Assessor signature: ________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: ___________________________________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________________________________________________

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T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

Assessment Task 1: Develop Operational Plan

The following assessment tasks use a simulated business called Complete Business Solutions
Australia (CBSA). In order to complete the assessment tasks, you will need to access information,
templates, policies and procedures associated with CBSA. This can be done in one of two ways:
either your assessor will provide you with copies of the appropriate documents, or they will
provide you with login details for CBSA’s website. Navigate to, select ‘Log in’
and enter your username and password prior to completing your assessment tasks.
For this assessment you will play the role of Business Compliance Specialist for CBSA. CBSA is a
consultancy service providing assistance with compliance, finances, human resources,
information technology and other business needs to ensure that businesses have the expertise
and support they need to survive and prosper. You should familiarise yourself with what CBSA
does, its services and history, the organisational structure of the business and its employees.
Ensure that you read the Business Plan to understand CBSA’s mission, vision, and business

In this task you will be developing organisational operational and contingency plans to address
operational issues in consultation with staff members of an organisation. This task is divided into five
 Part A: In this part, you will be displaying your knowledge of operational plans
 Part B: In this part, you will be developing an operational plan to address operational issues
 Part C: In this part, you will be developing contingency plans for the operational plan
 Part D: In this part, you will be leading a consultation session in regards to your plans with staff
members and clients
 Part E: In this part, you will be presenting your approved plans to work teams
The instructions for each part are provided below.


 Three (or more) additional students for role play activities
 Access to textbooks and other learning materials
 Access to a computer with the Internet and email
 Access to Microsoft Word or a similar program.
 CBSA Policies and Procedures (accessible via the CBSA website)
 CBSA Business Plan (accessible via the CBSA website)
 Operational Plan template (provided in Part B)
 Contingency Plan template (accessible via the CBSA website)


 Your assessor will give you the due date for this assessment.

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Create by: VAM, Approved by: TAC
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920


If you get something wrong you will need to resubmit that part of the task or the related document that
has not been completed correctly or fully. Your assessor will provide you with guidance as to what
needs to be resubmitted and how.


Complete all parts of the assessment below.


To begin this part, read the following email and its attachment, then complete the tasks that follow:

To: You

From: Henry Thomas (

Date/time: Monday 12:08PM

Subject: Operational Plan Knowledge

Attachment: Knowledge Questions.docx

To You,

I want you to investigate the organisation’s current processes to determine what operational adjustments
should be made to ensure the continued success of the business. Prior to doing this, I need to understand
what your current knowledge of CBSA is and operational planning. Please provide answers to the questions I
have asked in the attached document. You will need to refer to the CBSA Business Plan and its
organisational policies and procedures to help with your answers.

Kind Regards,

Henry Thomas

Governance Manager
300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000
Phone: 1800 111 222

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Create by: VAM, Approved by: TAC
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

Knowledge Questions.docx
Please answer the following questions:
1. Describe three models and/or methods for developing operational plans:
Model/Method Description of model/method

2. Explain what the role of an operational plan is in achieving the organisation’s objectives.
3. Explain what the different stages of the budgeting process are.
4. List three different approaches that could be used to develop key performance indicators to
meet business objectives.
5. Outline three legislative and/or regulatory requirements that CBSA would need to adhere to
when implementing its operational plan.
6. Outline five of CBSA’s policies and procedures that directly relate to the operational plan.

Refer to the CBSA Business Plan and its policies and procedures (all accessible via the CBSA
website) to get an understanding about the organisation and its processes. Then using a word
processor, create a document to record your answers to the questions contained within the email
attachment (Knowledge Questions.docx) ensuring you provide answers to each of the six questions.

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Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920


To begin this part, read the following email and its attachment, then complete the tasks that follow:

To: You

From: Henry Thomas (

Date/time: Tuesday 11:02AM

Subject: Operational Plan

Strategic Plan Overview.docx, Operational Performance

Data.docx, Strategic Plan Template.docx

To You,

Thanks for providing the answers to the questions I posed. I’m now ready for you to look at developing an
operational plan for CBSA. Some background information is provided below.
At a recent CBSA board meeting the organisational strategic goals progress and operational performance
were discussed. The board is very unhappy with the current state of its operations and the performance
measurements against the strategic goals.
I have attached the strategic plan overview including this year’s strategic objectives, and the latest
operational performance data. Can you please review and analyse these to determine three operational
issues? You should then research and identify strategies to address these three issues so that operational
performance can get back on track and CBSA can reach its strategic goals.
Based on the strategies you identified, please develop an Operation Plan using the provided template.

Kind Regards,

Henry Thomas

Governance Manager
300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000
Phone: 1800 111 222

Strategic Plan Overview.docx

Mission statement: ‘Helping businesses to help themselves.’

Vision statement: ‘To become Australia’s largest business advocate.’
Core values
Our commitment is to:
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Create by: VAM, Approved by: TAC
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

 Implement innovation and excellence

 Provide ways to help customer grow so they are successful
 Empower and inspire our customers
 Behave honesty with respect for all individuals
 Act professionally with our customers, and each other
 Continually pursue new knowledge and share this openly with others
Strategic plan 20XX
Strategic objectives for this year include:
 Acquiring five new clients per month
 Maintain 90% retention rate of our existing customers
 Grow our business financially by 25%
 Implement three new services for our clients
 Grow our workforce to support new services and expected growth

Operational Performance Data.docx

Strategic goal performance measures

Business data is gathered every quarter and reported to Managing Director for review. The first two
quarter’s results of strategic goals performance are provided below:

Performance measurement

Goal 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter

Acquire 5 new clients per month 2 new clients per month 2 new clients per month

Maintain 90% customer 80% retention rate 75% retention rate

retention rate

Grow business by 25% Financial growth of 5% Financial growth of 15%

Implement three new services No new services implemented No new services implemented

Grow workforce to 32 Workforce numbers stable at 29 Workforce numbers increased to

employees 30

Service delivery issues

 An average of five client complaints are received each month.
 Complaints generally relate to the following themes:
− Customer service staff are unable to provide adequate service advice
− Customer service staff are not friendly at times
− Lengthy wait times on the telephone to discuss services or chase up appointment
− Differences between appointment stated and actual appointment time staff member is
turning up on
 There also appears to be some further issues relating to the time in responding to complaints
and identifying and implementing procedures to address issues identified through complaints.

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Create by: VAM, Approved by: TAC
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

Staff turnover analysis

For the previous year:
 At the start of the year there were 27 employees
 At the end of the year there were 29 employees
 Two new roles at the organisation were created
 There were two employees that left throughout the the year
Annual staff turnover ratio: 2 / 29 * 100 = 6.89%
Reasons for leaving for the 2 employees were given as follows:
 Moved interstate.
 Left to raise family
For the current year:
 At the start of the year there were 29 employees
 At the end of the year there were 29 employees
 There were six employees that left throughout the the year
Annual staff turnover ratio: 6 / 29 * 100 = 20.69%
Reasons for leaving for the 6 employees were given as follows:
 Low pay – got a higher paying job at a competitor
 High workload expectations – feeling overwhelmed and stressed
 Feeling undervalued and not being listened to by management
 Job did not meet expectations
 Growth opportunities not available
 Moved with family overseas.

Strategic Plan Template.docx

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Create by: VAM, Approved by: TAC
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

Operational Plan XX/XX/20XX

<<Insert CBSAs mission statement here>>
<<Insert CBSAs vision statement here>>
Core values
The organisations core values are:
 <<insert CBSAs core values here in bullet form here>>
Strategic goals
The organisation has the following strategic goals for the 20XX year:
 <<insert strategic goals for CBSA in bullet form here>>
Operational strategies
<<Use the following table to detail the strategies that will be employed to address the operational
issues you have identified>>

Strategy Priority Actions Resources Responsibility Date to be Perfo

steps required completed indic

Review the CBSA Business Plan (accessible via the CBSA website) and the attached documents with
the email (Strategic Plan Overview and Operational Performance Data) to identify THREE operational
issues that need to be addressed.
Based on your analysis of these three operational issues, you should undertake research from a
variety of information sources to determine strategies that can be implemented to address these three
issues. This can include both online resources, offline resources, and from specialists as necessary.
Once you have identified possible strategies, develop an Operational Plan using the template
supplied with the email.
 Documents the mission statement for the organisation
 Documents the vision statement for the organisation
 Documents the core values for the organisation
 Documents CBSA strategic objectives for the organisation
 Documents three strategies (one for each issue) where for each:
− document a priority (High, Medium, Low)
− document actions to ensure that the innovation is implemented successfully. Each strategy
will likely require multiple actions. Common actions might include planning, implementation
and training, though others may also be applicable. You must ensure adherence to
organisational policies when determining actions especially the organisation’s Health & Safety
Policy & Procedures, and Staff Management Policy & Procedures. Your actions must also
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Create by: VAM, Approved by: TAC
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

meet the minimum requirements of ensuring one strategy action involves the recruitment of a
new staff member, and one most involve the procurement of a new/modified physical
− document the resources required for each strategy. These should include both physical
resources and human resources as appropriate. You should use the Org Chart as a guide in
the CBSA Business Plan when determining what human resources may be appropriate.
− document responsibility for the action steps. You should use the Org Chart as a guide in the
CBSA Business Plan when determining who should be assigned responsibility based on their
job title.
− document a date when the strategy is to be finalised by
− document a performance indicator for each which can be measured with to determine
success (or failure)

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Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920


To begin this part, read the following email and then complete the tasks that follow:

To: You

From: Henry Thomas (

Date/time: Thursday 9:01AM

Subject: Contingency Plan

To You,

To prepare for implementation, I would like you to identify one risk for each operational strategy and develop
a contingency plan for each risk to ensure that we are prepared in case one or more of the strategies runs
into issues when implemented.

Kind Regards,

Henry Thomas

Governance Manager
300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000
Phone: 1800 111 222

Use the Contingency Plan Template (accessible via the CBSA website) to document contingency
plans for each operational strategy (those that you recommended for implementation in the previous
assessment part). You must use the Risk Management Policy and Procedures to detail possible
consequences and likelihood levels. Within the plan you must:
 Document a business risk for each strategy
 Document the consequence for that risk
 Document the likelihood for that risk
 Document a possible mitigation strategy for each risk to minimise its impact
 Document a contingency plan for each risk which should be enacted when the risk occurs

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Create by: VAM, Approved by: TAC
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920


To begin this part, read the following email and then complete the tasks that follow:

To: You

From: Henry Thomas (

Date/time: Thursday 9:01AM

Subject: Consultation Process

To You,

Thanks for identifying operational strategies to address operational issues, and for developing contingency
plans around these.
Can you please present the operational and contingency plans to representatives from our internal staff and
our clients to get their feedback on whether they believe the strategies can improve operational performance.

Kind Regards,

Henry Thomas

Governance Manager
300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000
Phone: 1800 111 222

Review the CBSA Communication Policy & Procedures (accessible via the CBSA website) for the
delivery of presentations, and then undertake a consultation session with representatives of CBSA’s
staff and important clients (role played by your assessor and classmates) in line with workplace
procedures. The presentation should be no longer than 15 – 20 minutes and you will need to:
 Provide an outline of the three operational issues you have identified and your strategies to
address these issues.
 Provide an overview of the three risks you have identified and the contingency plans to manage
these risks.
 Seek feedback by asking questions and using active listening skills to identify improvement
opportunities with your strategies, and contingency plans.

During the consultation session, your assessor will be looking to see that you can:
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Create by: VAM, Approved by: TAC
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

 Led the consultation and document feedback from attendees in relation to possible improvements to the
operational plan and contingency plans
 Identify and use appropriate conventions and protocols when communicating with colleagues and clients
 Present information to a range of audience members using appropriate register, vocabulary and
paralinguistic features
 Gather feedback using questioning techniques and active listening
 Collaborate with others to achieve joint outcomes, playing an active role in facilitating effective group
interaction, influencing direction and taking a leadership role on occasion


To begin this part, read the following email and then complete the tasks that follow:

To: You

From: Henry Thomas (

Date/time: Monday 7:58AM

Subject: Plan Approval and Communication

To You,

Thanks for undertaking the consultation session the other day in regard to the plans. Based on the feedback
received, can you modify the plans as appropriate and submit these to myself for approval? Once approved I
would like you to lead a meeting explaining the operational plan to those affected employees.

Kind Regards,

Henry Thomas

Governance Manager
300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000
Phone: 1800 111 222

Based on the email complete the following tasks:
1. Modify the Operational Plan and/or Contingency Plans based on feedback received from the last
assessment task.
2. For the purpose of this task, you are to operate under the impression that your plans have had
official approval from the previous task. You are then to lead a meeting with representatives of the

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Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

staff members affected by the plans explaining the plan’s details. Review the CBSA
Communication Policy & Procedures (accessible via the CBSA website) for the delivery of
meetings, and then undertake a meeting with representatives of CBSA’s staff in line with
workplace procedures. The meeting should be no longer than 10 minutes and you will need to:
 Provide an outline of the three operational issues you have identified and your strategies to
address these issues including:
− The priority for each strategy
− The actions for each strategy
− what they are
− the resources required
− the responsibility for each action
− the date when it must be finalised
− the required performance indicator

During the meeting, your assessor will be looking to see that you can:
 Led the meeting explaining the operational plan components
 Identify and use appropriate conventions and protocols when communicating with colleagues and clients
 Present information to a range of audience members using appropriate register, vocabulary and
paralinguistic features
 Gather feedback using questioning techniques and active listening
 Collaborate with others to achieve joint outcomes, playing an active role in facilitating effective group
interaction, influencing direction and taking a leadership role on occasion


 Answers to questions for Part A
 Operational Plan for Part B
 Contingency Plans for Part C
 Modified Operational Plan and/or Contingency Plans for Part E

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Create by: VAM, Approved by: TAC
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

Assessment Task Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 2

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of
your work.


Date of submission:

 BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan

Assessor to complete

Was this a
Satisfactory/ resubmission?
Assessment Task Not satisfactory Date Y/N



I _________________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own


 None of this work has been completed by any other person.

 I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.
 I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
 I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against

Student signature: _________________________________________________________________

Student name: ____________________________________________________________________

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Create by: VAM, Approved by: TAC
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.
A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.

Assessor signature: ________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: ___________________________________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________________________________________________

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Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

Assessment Task 2: Implement and Monitor Operational Plan

In this task you will be implementing operational strategies, evaluating their outcomes, and making
necessary adjustments to try and improve operational performance. This task is divided into four
 Part A: In this part, you will be developing performance systems
 Part B: In this part, you will be implementing operational strategies
 Part C: In this part, you will be reviewing and evaluating performance results and making
adjustments to operational plans.
 Part D: In this part, you will be negotiating adjustments you have made to the operational plan
with affected parties.
The instructions for each part are provided below.


 Three (or more) additional students for role play activity
 Access to a computer with the Internet and email
 Access to Microsoft Word or a similar program.
 CBSA Policies and Procedures (accessible via the CBSA website)
 CBSA Business Plan (accessible via the CBSA website)
 Operational Plan (created in previous assessment task)
 Policy & Procedure Template (accessible via the CBSA website)
 Coaching Support Plan template (provided in Part A)
 Induction checklist (accessible via the CBSA website)
 Procurement Management Plan (accessible via the CBSA website)
 Develop a Request for Quote (accessible via the CBSA website)


 Your assessor will give you the due date for this assessment.


If you get something wrong you will need to resubmit that part of the task or the related document that
has not been completed correctly or fully.
Your assessor will provide you with guidance as to what needs to be resubmitted and how.


Complete all parts of the assessment below.

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Create by: VAM, Approved by: TAC
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920


To begin this part, read the following email and its attachment, then complete the tasks that follow:

To: You

From: Henry Thomas (

Date/time: Tuesday 6:32PM

Subject: Implementation Planning

Attachment: Coaching Support Plan Template.docx

To You,

Prior to implementing the strategies in the operational plan, you must develop:
 A procedure for monitoring and reviewing operational performance against goals, including a template
form that can be used for each project
 A support plan so that staff can be coached during the changes

Kind Regards,

Henry Thomas

Governance Manager
300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000
Phone: 1800 111 222

Coaching Support Plan Template.docx

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Create by: VAM, Approved by: TAC
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

Coaching Support Plan

Who developed this plan

When was it developed?

What is the purpose of this


What need to be Who needs to be Who will do the When mu

coached? coached? coaching? coachin

Based on the email you are to complete the following tasks:
1. Using the Policy & Procedure Template, develop an Operational Performance Monitoring and
Review procedure that can be used as a guide to monitor and review operational performance
against the desired outcomes. It must detail:
 Why performance monitoring is important.
 A step-by-step process for monitoring and evaluating the performance used for the
procedure. You should specify a particular model you wish to use, and then provide a
breakdown of each of the stages that need to be undertaken. At the very least it should
include stages around the following.
− Gathering the required data
− Analysing the gathered data against the necessary performance indicators
− Communicating the analysis and taking action as required
 The procedure should reference a Performance Monitoring and Review recording form that
can be used to control the gathering and evaluation of performance data for each project.
This must be referenced in the procedure steps and include relevant areas where details of
the data to be collected can be entered including what, where, who, and when. You should
refer to the requirements in the next task to help with development of this form.
 The procedure should also detail how performance documentation will be stored. This should
include a reference to the organisation’s Document Management Policy & Procedures.
2. Develop a recording form template for the Performance Monitoring and Review form (specified in
the previous task) and then complete it for this project. You must document:
 When the form was developed and by whom
 How data will be monitored including:
− What performance indicators the data needs to be collected against
− What data needs to be collected
− Who will be collecting the data (this might be a person or an automated system)

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Doc #: DOC5142,Revision: 1.0, Revision Date: 01 Feb 2021, Next Review: 01 Feb 2022
Create by: VAM, Approved by: TAC
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

− When the data will be collected

 How outcomes of data evaluation will be communicated including:
− What needs to be communicated
− What format the communication should take
− Who needs to send the communication
− Who needs to receive the communication
− When the communication need to be sent
3. Develop coaching support plan using the template provided with the email. This plan is designed
to ensure that appropriate coaching of necessary skills/knowledge is undertaken with those
employees that will be affected by the operational strategies being implemented. Within the plan
you must document:
 Who developed the plan
 When it was developed
 What the purpose of the plan is
 At least three things that staff will need to be coached on as part of the operational strategies
being implemented. This should include:
− What needs to be coached
− Who needs to be coached
− Who will do the coaching?
− When the coaching must be completed by

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Create by: VAM, Approved by: TAC
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920


To begin this part, read the following email and then complete the tasks that follow:

To: You

From: Henry Thomas (

Date/time: Friday 4:18PM

Subject: Implementation

To You,

I’m happy with the implementation plans that you have developed. As such, can you begin the
implementation process for the three strategies? They must be monitored throughout to ensure they remain
on target. I also want you to look into how the Confidentially Policy and Procedure can be integrated into
some of our policies and procedures to ensure protection of intellectual property during the implementation.

Kind Regards,

Henry Thomas

Governance Manager
300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000
Phone: 1800 111 222

Based on the email you are to complete the following tasks:
1. Protecting intellectual property.
The following two tasks require acquiring a new staff member and a new physical resource using
organisational policies and procedures. Currently there is no provision in either of the following
policies/procedures in regard to intellectual property rights and responsibilities. Based on the
organisation’s Confidentiality Policy, and using a word processor, document how you could
update each of the following policies/procedures to secure the intellectual property rights and
responsibilities of CBSA during these processes:
 Staff Management Policy & Procedures
 Procurement Policy & Procedures
You should submit your answer in the word document as evidence for this task.

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Create by: VAM, Approved by: TAC
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

2. Human resource acquisition.

Based on the operational plan you have developed in the previous assessment task, select one
action that needs to be completed in relation to acquiring a new staff member. For the purpose of
this task, you will be role playing the person who has been assigned responsibility for this action.
Using the organisation’s Staff Management Policy & Procedures as a guide, you must complete
any one of the following activities:
 Develop a job application for the new job role
 Develop a position description for the new job role
 Develop an induction checklist for the new role
You should submit one of these documents as evidence for completing this step of the
operational plan.
3. Physical resource acquisition
Based on the operational plan you have developed in the previous assessment task, select one
action that needs to be completed in relation to acquiring a new physical resource. For the
purpose of this task, you will be role playing the person who has been assigned responsibility for
this action. Using the organisation’s Procurement Policy & Procedures as a guide, you must
complete either of the following activities:
 Develop a Procurement Management Plan
 Develop a Request for Quote
You should submit one of these documents as evidence for completing this step of the
operational plan.

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Create by: VAM, Approved by: TAC
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920


To begin this part, read the following email and then complete the tasks that follow:

To: You

From: Henry Thomas (

Date/time: Tuesday 9:20AM

Subject: Operational Performance Evaluation

To You,

Now that the operational strategies are being introduced to address operational issues, I have attached the
latest operational performance data for the third quarter for your review. I want you to review the results to
determine whether the strategies you have proposed are working to achieve CBSA’s strategic goals.
Can you please review the results for the first and second quarter against the results of the third quarter to
determine whether the strategies you have proposed are sufficient or not. If not, I would like you to make
necessary modifications to the Operational Plan and the Coaching Support Plan you have developed to
ensure the strategic goals are achieved.

Kind Regards,

Henry Thomas

Governance Manager
300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000
Phone: 1800 111 222

Operational Performance Data.docx

Strategic goal performance measures

Business data is gathered every quarter and reported to Managing Director for review. The first two
quarter’s results of strategic goal performance are provided below:

Performance measurement

Goal 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter

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Create by: VAM, Approved by: TAC
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

Acquire 5 new clients 2 new clients per 2 new clients per 3 new clients per
per month month month month

Maintain 90% 80% retention rate 75% retention rate 70% retention rate
customer retention

Grow business by 25% Financial growth of 5% Financial growth of Financial growth of

15% 15%

Implement three new No new services No new services One new service
services implemented implemented implemented

Grow workforce to 32 Workforce numbers Workforce numbers Workforce numbers

employees stable at 29 increased to 30 increased to 31

Based on the email you are to complete the following tasks.
1. Review the operational performance data for the third quarter to determine how effective the new
strategies have been. Based on the results and the strategies in your Operational Plan, you need
to modify the operational plan to try and ensure that the performance data will be improved for the
fourth quarter. This could involve:
 Modifying existing strategies and action steps
 Creating new strategies and actions steps
Review the operational performance data for the third quarter to determine how effective the new
strategies have been. Based on the results and the current coaching support that is being
implemented, you need to modify the Coaching Support Plan to try and ensure that the
performance data will be improved for the fourth quarter. This could involve:
 Modifying existing coaching support plan tasks
 Creating new coaching support plan tasks

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Create by: VAM, Approved by: TAC
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920


To begin this part, read the following email and then complete the tasks that follow:

To: You

From: Henry Thomas (

Date/time: Thursday 10:57AM

Subject: Negotiate and Agree on Plan Changes

To You,

Thanks for reviewing the performance data for the third quarter and adjusting your plans as necessary. Can
you please present the modified plans to representatives from our internal staff who will be affected by these
changes? I would like you to get their feedback on whether they believe these changes will be effective or
not, and negotiate the changes until all parties are satisfied.

Kind Regards,

Henry Thomas

Governance Manager
300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000
Phone: 1800 111 222

Review the CBSA Communication Policy & Procedures (accessible via the CBSA website) for the
delivery of presentations, and then undertake a consultation session with representatives of CBSA’s
staff in line with workplace procedures. The consultation session should be no longer than 15 – 20
minutes and must cover:
 An outline of the changes you have made to the operational plan
 An outline of the changes you have made to the coaching plan
 Negotiation of the changes with the consultation session audience until al parties are in
You should submit the modified and agreed upon changes to the plans as evidence of this task.

During the consultation session, your assessor will be looking to see that you can:

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Create by: VAM, Approved by: TAC
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

 Lead the consultation session and negotiate any changes to finalise the Operational Plan with support
from affected parties
 Identify and use appropriate conventions and protocols when communicating with colleagues
 Present information to a range of audience members using appropriate register, vocabulary and
paralinguistic features
 Gather feedback using questioning techniques and active listening
 Collaborate with others to achieve joint outcomes, playing an active role in facilitating effective group
interaction, influencing direction and taking a leadership role on occasion


 Performance Monitoring and Review procedure for Part A
 Performance Monitoring and Review recording form for Part A
 Coaching Support Plan for Part A
 Written answer for how intellectual property rights and responsibilities will be adhered to for Part B
 Document evidence for implementing human resource acquisition for Part B
 Document evidence for implementing physical resource acquisition for Part B
 Modified Operational Plan for Part C
 Modified Coaching Support Plan for Part C
 Modified Operational Plan for Part D

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Create by: VAM, Approved by: TAC

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