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7/5/2020 Apache Airflow on Docker for Complete Beginners - Justin Gage - Medium

Apache Air ow on Docker for Complete Beginners

Justin Gage
Feb 10, 2019 · 12 min read

Airflow — it’s not just a word Data Scientists use when they fart. It’s a powerful open
source tool originally created by Airbnb to design, schedule, and monitor ETL jobs. But
what exactly does that mean, and why is the community so excited about it?

Background: OLTP vs. OLAP, Analytics Needs, and Warehouses

Every company starts out with some group of tables and databases that are operation
critical. These might be an orders table, a users table, and an items table if you’re an e-
commerce company: your production application uses those tables as a backend for
your day-to-day operations. This is what we call OLTP, or Online Transaction
Processing. A new user signs up and a row gets added to the users table — mostly
insert, update, or delete operations. 1/12
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As companies mature (this point is getting earlier and earlier these days), they’ll want
to start running analytics. How many users do we have? How have our order counts
been growing over time? What are our most popular items? These are more complex
questions and will tend to require aggregation (sum, average, maximum) as well as a
few joins to other tables. We call this OLAP, or Online Analytical Processing.

The most important differences between OLTP and OLAP operations is what their
priorities are:

OLTP’s priority is maintaining data integrity and processing a large number of

transactions in a short time span

OLAP’s priority is query speed, and transactions tend to be batched and at regular
intervals (ETL Jobs, which we’ll look at later)

A great diagram from MarkLogic explaining the di erences between OLTP and OLAP

Accordingly, OLTP related queries tend to be simpler, require little aggregation and few
joins, while OLAP queries tend be larger, more complex, and require more aggregations
and joins.

In your e-commerce app, you might want to insert a new row into the orders table
when a user makes a new order. These queries are pretty simple: they’ll probably boil
down to something like INSERT INTO users VALUES x,y,z .

Answering those analytics-type OLAP questions is a different story though: they tend to
involve much more data (aggregating order value over an entire table, for example)
and require more joins to other database tables. If we wanted to see the total order 2/12
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value for users who live in New York, we’d need to use both an aggregation (sum of
order value from the orders table) and a join (filter for New York addresses from the
users table).

Early on in the company lifecycle, OLAP type queries and OLTP type queries will be run
on your normal production database — because that’s all you have. But over time,
OLAP usually starts to become too burdensome to run on your production tables:

OLAP queries are more computationally expensive (aggregations, joins)

OLAP often requires intermediate steps like data cleaning and featurization

Analytics usually runs at regular time intervals, while OLTP is usually event based
(e.g. a user does something, so we hit the database)

For these reasons and more, Bill Inmon, Barry Devlin, and Paul Murphy developed the
concept of a Data Warehouse in the 1980’s. A warehouse is basically just another
database, but it’s not used for production (OLTP) — it’s just for analytics (decision
support, in their language). It’s designed and populated with all of the above analytics
concerns instead of the OLTP requirements for running your app.

ETL Jobs and Cron

Where things get interesting is how you actually get data into your warehouse. A typical
modern warehouse setup will have many different types of data, like for example:

Daily snapshots of production tables (to lessen the load on production)

Product lifecycle events (consumed from some stream like Kafka)

Dimension and fact tables (from the Star Schema)

These all come from different places, and require unique jobs to get the data from the
source (extract), do whatever you need to get it ready for analytics (transform), and
deposit it in the warehouse (load). This process is called ETL (Extract, Transform,
Load), and each individual job we need is called an ETL job. So how exactly do we build

The classic approach (other than expensive vendors) has usually been Cron Jobs. Cron
is a utility that runs in your terminal and lets you run programs at specific intervals
(say, 2AM every other day). The code required for the ETL job is packaged into a file
and scheduled on Cron. The problem, though, is that Cron wasn’t built for this type of 3/12
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work, and it shows. Some of the major issues that data teams face scheduling ETL jobs
with Cron:

ETL jobs fail all the time for a million reasons, and Cron makes it very difficult to
debug for a number of reasons

ETL tends to have a lot of dependencies (on past jobs, for example) and Cron isn’t
built to account for that

Data is getting larger, and modern distributed data stacks (HDFS, Hive, Presto)
don’t always work well with Cron

Unsurprisingly, data teams have been trying to find more sophisticated ways to
schedule and run ETL jobs. Airflow is one of the things we’ve come up with, and it’s
pretty great.

Introduction to Airflow and Its Core Concepts 4/12
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Now we can go back to our original definition of Airflow, and it should make more
sense. Airflow lets you:

Design complex, sophisticated ETL jobs with multiple layers of dependencies

Schedule jobs to run at any time and wait for their dependencies to finish, with the
option to run distributed workloads (using Celery)

Monitor all of your jobs, know exactly where and when they failed, and get detailed
logs on what the errors were

It’s important to note that Airflow is not an ETL tool, even though that happens to be
what it’s used most for. It’s a general purpose workflow scheduler, and that will become
clearer as we delve into different Airflow concepts.


Airflow Operators are different types of things that you can do in workflows. If you
want to run some Python, you’d use the Python Operator, and if you want to interact
with MySQL you’d use the MySQL Operator. You can also define your own Operators by
extending Airflow’s Base Operator class (or any of the others).


Once you actually create an instance of an Operator, it’s called a Task in Airflow. Tasks
are what make up workflows in Airflow, but here they’re called DAGs.


DAG stands for a Directed Acyclic Graph — it may sound scary, but a DAG is basically
just a workflow where tasks lead to other tasks. Tasks can be upstream or downstream
of other tasks, which sets a sort of order for how they need to get executed.

(A sample DAG from my Sneaker Data Pipeline) 5/12
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The “Directed” part means that order matters, like in the above example: we need to
create a staging table before we can insert into it, and we need to create a target table
before we can insert into it. DAGs are “Acyclic” — that means that they are not cyclical,
and have a clear start and end point.

DAGs are the main way you interact with Airflow: you build them from a bunch of
different tasks (we’ll get there), and Airflow executes them in order. It’s relatively


Airflow doesn’t really want you to communicate between Tasks, but if you need to you
can use Airflow’s XComs, an abbreviation for cross communication. An XCom is sort of
like a centralized Key / Value repository: you can push to it from a Task, and and pull
from it from a Task. Airflow automatically populates values like which DAG and which
Task an XCom belongs to, which makes it easier to use than just storing data in a table.


Airflow Variables are like XComs, but they’re global and not designed for
communicating between tasks. Variables make the most sense for settings and
configuration, but you can even upload JSON files as variables.


Airflow Operators let you create Tasks, which you organize into DAGs. You can
communicate between Tasks with XComs, and set global state with Variables. That’s
most of what you need to know. Here’s a simple version of what a DAG might look like:

1 from airflow import DAG

2 from airflow.operators import PythonOperator
3 from datetime import datetime
5 dag = DAG(
6 dag_id = 'my_first_dag',
7 start_date = datetime(2019,1,15),
8 schedule_interval = '0 2 * * *')
10 def print_hello():
11 return "hello!"
13 def print_goodbye(): 6/12
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14 return "goodbye!"
16 print_hello = PythonOperator(
17 task_id = 'print_hello',
18 #python_callable param points to the function you want to run
19 python_callable = print_hello,
20 #dag param points to the DAG that this task is a part of
21 dag = dag)
23 print_goodbye = PythonOperator(
24 task_id = 'print_goodbye',
25 python_callable = print_goodbye,
26 dag = dag)
28 #Assign the order of the tasks in our DAG
29 print_hello >> print_goodbye hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

Practical Needs for Running Airflow

Assuming you already know what your DAGs will look like and what you want them to
accomplish, there are a few things you’ll need to understand and get running first.


If you’re using Airflow for ETL (as you probably are), you’ll need to connect your
Airflow deployment to whatever databases you intend to work with. Airflow
Connections are, well, connections to your databases.

Creating Connections in Airflow is relatively simple, and just involve your typical
username, password, host, and port setup. You can use the Airflow UI to add
Connections, or create them (more) automatically through environment variables. If
you export AIRFLOW_CONN_MY_DB and pass a database URI, that will create a
connection called MyDB. 7/12
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The Air ow Connections UI


Airflow Hooks are — ready for this — connections to your Connections. They’re pretty
much identical to the conn object you might be familiar with if you use Python with
SQL, but Airflow makes it simpler by allowing you to just pass it a Connection ID. If you
want a Task to insert data to a Postgres Database, for example, you’d create a
PostgresHook from your Postgres Connection, and use the built in methods like
insert_rows .

The Airflow Database

Airflow uses its own internal database to store credentials and your Airflow history
(which DAGs you ran, when you ran them, etc.). It ships with SQLite, but you can use
whatever you want. You usually get this initialized by running airflow initdb .


One of Airflow’s awesome-est features is the Webserver, which is the front end GUI that
it provides to end users. Running airflow webserver will get it started (it usually runs
on your localhost’s port 8080), and it’s got a ton of cool stuff. Some really clutch
features that you might find yourself using:

Seeing the structure of your DAG in a graph format

Checking on all of your DAG runs and seeing when they failed

Adding and editing Connections

Looking at how long your tasks typically take in one of your DAGs

The Webserver definitely gives Cron a run for its money, and is probably the most
compelling feature Airflow has to offer over Cron for beginners.

Scheduler 8/12
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The Airflow Scheduler is what takes care of actually running all of the DAGs that you’ve
created: making sure things run in order, quickly, and how you want them to. The
interesting part of the Scheduler though — which you’d normally run with airflow

scheduler — is how Airflow actually executes your tasks. They’re called Executors, and
they’re (surprise!) configurable.

The default Executor for Airflow is the Sequential Executor, which (gasp!) just executes
your Tasks locally in order. But if you want to scale out Airflow to something more
production ready, especially using multiple workers, Airflow has other options. The
Celery Executor uses Python’s Celery package to queue tasks as messages, and the Dask
Executor lets you run Airflow Tasks on a Dask Cluster. There’s also a Mesos Executor.

The Best Way to Actually Get Airflow Started

You can install Airflow pretty simply through pip , but there’s a lot of configuration to

do upfront. The standard way companies get Airflow going is through Docker, and in
particular this image from some user named puckel. If you’re not familiar with Docker,
check out FreeCodeCamp’s conceptual introduction and DigitalOcean’s tutorial on how
to get it going.

Puckel’s docker-airflow repo has everything you need to get Airflow up and running,
and some basic templates for expanding it out to multiple containers with Docker 9/12
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Compose. The getting started guide isn’t exactly comprehensive, and it can be really
frustrating for beginners to get Airflow working. Here are a few things you’ll need to
do, and issues you might run into.

1. Read and understand the Dockerfile and script

Docker Images (like this Airflow one) are built with a Dockerfile, which is sort of like a
blueprint for what your Docker Image (and eventual containers) should look like.
Dockerfiles will run shell commands, create environment variables, install packages,
and all that good stuff you need to create the Container of Your Dreams™.

A pain point for beginners using this Airflow Docker Image is that a lot of the
interesting configuration doesn’t actually happen in the Dockerfile: it happens in this
little script called . An entrypoint script is just a series of commands that

you can have your container run when it starts up, and you put it in the Dockerfile as
ENTRYPOINT [“”] . A bunch of very important variables and configurations

are defined there (like Fernet Keys, which we’ll look at in a bit). It also tells the
container to immediately run airflow initdb , airflow webserver , and airflow

scheduler , so you don’t have to run those manually.

You’re going to run into issues setting up Airflow: there’s no way around it. But you’ll be
able to debug much faster if you understand how the Docker Image is being created
and what’s being run on your container(s).

2) Decide on how you want to deploy and test

The typical structure for building the Airflow Docker Image, which is also how this repo
is designed, is two fold:

A bunch of local files exist that are your “source of truth”

When Docker Images are built, all of the local data and files are copied over to

What this means that you’d make edits to any local files like script/ or
config/airflow.cfg , and then build your image. The Dockerfile will automatically copy

all of those local files over, so the new versions will be the only ones that appear in your
containers. Since you’ll constantly be running the same Docker Build and Docker Run
commands, it’s convenient to create a Makefile as a shortcut. 10/12
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There are other ways to do this though. If you want to run Airflow on multiple
containers, you can use the Docker Compose files included in the repo. For testing and
configuration, that might be overkill, but it also can help you avoid some of the issues

3) Create a COPY command in the Dockerfile so your DAGs will appear

When you build your Docker Image using the Dockerfile from puckel/docker-airflow ,

it copies over the local stuff (your script, your airflow config files, etc.)
into the eventual container.

If you build manually and don’t use the included docker-compose files, the Dockerfile
in this repo is missing an important COPY statement: you need to copy your dags

directory into the container too. It’s as simple as adding COPY dags

${AIRFLOW_HOME}/dags to your Dockerfile, where dags is your local directory and

${AIRFLOW_HOME}/dags is the target directory in your containers.

4) Address Fernet Key issues

When you add Connections to Airflow, it stores your credentials in that internal SQLite
database we mentioned above. Airflow encrypts those credentials using Fernet
Encryption, and you need to generate a key for it to work. You then point Airflow to
that key in your airflow.cfg file, and all is well. Here’s the way that puckel/docker-

airflow does it:

The Fernet Key is generated with a Python command and exported as an

environment variable in

In the airflow.cfg file, the fernet_key parameter is set to $FERNET_KEY , which is

the name of the environment variable exported above

There’s an open issue (created by yours truly) with this process, though: if you build
your Docker Image through plain old Docker Build and Docker Run commands, it
doesn’t work. The commands as they exist in aren’t correctly exporting
the Fernet Key for whatever reason (I haven’t figured it out yet), and so your
Connections will not work without the properly encrypted credentials.

The error message will be binascii.Error: Incorrect padding , but that’s actually the

wrong error — the key doesn’t exist. Someday I’ll create a pull request to fix the 11/12
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message. Someday.

You can create a simple workaround in the meanwhile by exporting your Fernet Key
manually when you create a container (this likely won’t work if you’re using Docker
Compose). Just copy the command from that’s supposed to work —
export FERNET_KEY = python -c “from cryptography.fernet import Fernet; FERNET_KEY

= Fernet.generate_key().decode(); print(FERNET_KEY) — and run it in your container. I

run this through a Docker Exec command in my Makefile so I don’t need to do it
manually each time I build.

(Note: I’m pretty new to Docker, so there’s a good chance I’ve made some errors above. Send
some feedback on Twitter!)

Next Steps
These are the basics, from the conceptual to the practical parts of deployment. If you’re
planning on getting started with Airflow and want more information, there a few other
tutorials that will take you deeper in the Airflow lifecycle (past setup). Check out:

Get started developing workflows with Apache Airflow — Michal Karzynski

(doesn’t use Docker, so stay on your toes)

Understanding Apache Airflow’s Key Concepts — Dustin Stansbury (gets deeper

into dependencies and sensors)

Airflow: Lesser Known Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices — Kaxil Naik

Dynamically Generating DAGs in Airflow —

Docker Apache Air ow Python Data Engineering Data Science

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