Sale Agreement: Between

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This SALE AGREEMENT is made and executed at Karachi,

on this 14th day of December 2009.

Mr. Salman Ali son of Hidayat Mallah, Muslim, adult, Holding
CNIC No. AAAAA-BBBBBBB-C, R/o House No. 72, St. No. 4, Near
Shaheen Dairy, Kandhkot, hereinafter referred to as the VENDOR
(which wherever the context so permits shall mean and include his
legal heirs, executors, administrators, successors, attorneys,
representatives and assigns) first Party of the ONE PART.

Mr. Asim Hussain s/o Shafquat Hussain, Muslim, Adult, holding
CNIC No. XXXXX-YYYYYYY-Z, R/o House No. 651, Block 15, Old
Colony, Ranipur, Khairpur Mirs, hereinafter referred to as the
VENDEE (which expression wherever the context so permit shall
mean and include their legal heirs, executors, administrators,
successors, attorneys, representatives, nominees and assign)
Second Party of the OTHER PART.
Page No. 2
WHEREAS the Vendor aforesaid is lawful owner of the two
properties Viz. Flat R30, Near Abbassi House, Korangi Crossing,
Karachi, hereinafter referred to as the “THE SAID PROPERTY”.

AND WHEREAS the First Part is ready to sell and the Second Party
is agree to purchase the said both properties for a lump sum price
of Rs. 50,00,000/- (Rupees Fifty Lac Only) on the terms and
conditions hereinafter appearing:


1. That the Vendee paid an amount of Rs.10,00,000/-
(Rupees Ten Lac Only) in Cash to the Vendor, as, Part
Payment, settlement of sale agreement. Receipt whereof
issued by the Vendor to the Vendee.

2. That it has been settled between the parties that the

Second Party will pay Rs40,00,000/- (Rupees forty Lac
Only) to the First Party within four months i.e. till the
End of month of March 2010 .

3. That the Vendor will handover peaceful possession of

the said both properties to the Vendee at the time of
payment of Rs. 40,00,000/- (Rupees forty Lac Only).

4. That Vendor is responsible to make the properties

clear from all other sorts of liens, demands, claims,
charges, mortgage, all Govt. taxes, and any other
encumbrances and disputes, whatsoever nature prior to
the date of handover the possession of the said Properties.

5. That the Vendor shall cooperate with the Vendee in

future in respect of the transfer of the properties in
question to the Vendee and such cooperation shall be on
personal basis and no amount whatsoever on any account
shall be paid by the Vendor to the Vendee and / or to any
person, authority, office or agency in respect of the
property in question in any court of law.

6. That the First Party has assured to the party of the

Second Part that he has not executed any kind of
agreement with any other party prior to this sale agreement.
7. That the terms and conditions of this Agreement have
been read over and explained to the parties which they
admit to be correct and as per their instructions and
agree to abide by the same.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF both the parties have set and subscribed

their respective hands at this Sale Agreement at Karachi on the
day, month and year first above mentioned.


__________________ ____________________
Salman Ali s/o Hidyat Mallah, Asim Hussain s/o.
. Shafquat Hussain
CNIC No. 42301-6318405-7, CNIC No. 42101-8283678-5


1.______________________ 2.___________________
Name__________________ Name________________
S/o____________________ S/o__________________
CNIC No. ______________ CNIC No. ______________

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