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A School Nurse's Delight

Annie sat with her friends in the high school cafeteria. She was
pleased with her progress on the social scene. She'd come to the
school in September after her father had been transferred to a
field office by his company. Here it was only October and she had
already been accepted by the in crowd. She sat munching her
sandwich only half listening to the school girl chatter. Then
Britney said something that commanded her full attention.
"Miss Crawford is a dyke!" Britney spat the words out. She was
referring to Mary Crawford the school's nurse.
"How do you know?" Emily questioned.
"Remember a week ago when I had that cough? I couldn't stop
hacking in Mr. Pearson's class, so he sent me down to see her.
She made me take everything off the top, including my bra. She
said she wanted to listen to my breathing but as she was moving
the stethoscope around she kept rubbing against my boobs."
"Ah that could have been an accident." Emily rejoined.
"Yeah, maybe but I was talking to Sarah about it and she said
last year she had a stomach ache one day and went down to see
her. Miss Crawford asked her all these questions about her
period, and then she made her take off her skirt and her
"No way!" Emily exclaimed.
"Yes, way. Why would she make something like that up? She told me
Miss Crawford made her lay on the examination table while she
rubbed all over her tummy. She even opened her legs and looked at
her kitty!" Annie felt the pangs of arousal stirring in her
loins. She had decided over a year ago that she was a lesbian.
There was simply no denying how turned on she got in the showers
on gym day. Unlike her friends, boys held very little interest
for her and her masturbation fantasies all involved attractive
women she knew. The problem was she couldn't figure out how to
get a partner. She was afraid to approach any of her friends,
because if they weren't into it she'd wind up an outcast.
Britney's reaction to what might have been a pass by Miss
Crawford proved her point and validated her fear. Now the wheels
were really turning in Annie's young head. How could she find out
for sure if Mary Crawford was actually into girls?
As the friends headed for their afternoon classes a plan was
being developed. Annie quickly discarded the idea of faking an
illness. She settled instead on a straight forward approach.
She'd go and see the nurse after class on Friday. Miss Crawford
was always there until four; classes finished at three fifteen so
she'd have over half an hour to hatch her plan. Friday afternoon
was a good time because very few people hung around. By three
thirty the school was usually all but deserted, reducing the
chances of interruption. With her mind set Annie tried to put the
idea aside. It wasn't easy! Every time she thought about the
possibilities she felt the familiar tingle between her legs.
Friday morning Annie woke with a throb in her pussy and
butterflies in her stomach. Concentrating on her classes was out
of the question and by the afternoon she was completely consumed
with anticipation. She saw Sarah when she was at her locker
carelessly tossing her books in. They were all going to the park
to watch the macho boys play baseball; did she want to come? No
Annie replied she had an errand to run for her mother, she added,
lying. Making a quick stop in the washroom on her way to relieve
herself it was hard not to notice how moist she already was when
she wiped. Don't get your hopes too high she reminded herself.
Miss Crawford's sexual orientation was still just a rumor. This
whole gambit might turn out to be a huge disappointment. Exiting
the washroom the girl walked very quickly to the short hallway
off the main corridor where the nurse's office was located. The
"Nurse is in" sign was on display beside the door. Annie, her
butterflies swarming, rapped lightly on the closed door. A
melodic voice from inside said "come in". Standing in the doorway
the young woman took in the small office and its lone occupant.
Mary Crawford R.N. sat at a small desk; she pushed her wheeled
chair away and faced her visitor. There was a vinyl chair beside
the desk, on the opposite side of the office, a counter top with
a sink and cupboards below and above, also a curtained off alcove
with an adjustable cot. The curtain was open so Annie could see
that the cot was adjusted to its maximum height which allowed it
to be used as an examination table; it could also be lowered down
to the height of a standard bed. Annie found the faint antiseptic
smell was a turn on. After her quick survey of the space she cast
her eyes down at the floor. There was no need for her to" act"
nervous, that was coming quite naturally. The nurse waited
expectantly for the young woman to declare herself.
"If you have a moment I'd like to discuss my, um, uh, physical,
uh, development."
Mary scanned the girl from head to toe and was very pleased with
what she saw. The young woman standing in her doorway was average
height, maybe a little on the thin side. She had natural looking
strawberry blonde hair styled in that tussled look and a very
pretty face. If there was anything unusual at all it would be
that the girl's bust was somewhat larger than average but not
disproportionately so. Mary felt an all too familiar stirring
between her legs; sitting there looking at her would be patient
who was apparently focusing on her shoes.
"Certainly" the nurse replied "come in and just close the door
behind you." Annie stepped forward into the office and turned to
shut the door. "Please pull that latch at the top across so we
won't be interrupted." Annie reached up and slid the wide bar,
like a dead bolt, into position. It seated with a satisfying
little clunk. Annie knew this caused a red sign to be displayed
on the outside of the door, indicating that the nurse was busy.
Turning back toward the nurse she looked at her briefly before
casting her gaze toward the floor again. Mary Crawford wore a
crisp white coat over her flower print dress. Though she could
have passed for ten years younger the very attractive woman was
thirty years old. Annie knew this from the information she had
pried out of Sarah a couple of days ago. Annie had tracked her
friend down to find out more about what had happened the day
Sarah had gone down to see the nurse with a stomach ache; the
episode Britney had told her about.
"That's right" Sarah told her "she made me take off my skirt and
panties, I'm sure she's queer. She's thirty years old and still
not married. Did you know that?" The fact finding was necessary
before she tried to seduce the young nurse. Britney's experience
with her boobs being touched could have very easily been
accidental and Britney just over reacting. Annie wanted to be as
sure as possible that there was some substance to the rumor her
friends had started.
"Please have a seat" Miss Crawford encouraged "just relax and
tell me what's troubling you."
Annie sat down in the chair beside the desk. Wringing her hands
in her lap she kept her head down, but had her eyes turned upward
to catch the nurse's reaction to what she was saying.
"Well, uh, I just want to make sure that I'm developing, uh, you
know, uh, normally." The girl stammered.
"You certainly look OK" Miss Crawford observed "Is there anything
specific you're concerned about?"
"Yeah, for one thing there's my breasts." Annie said sneaking a
look at Mary Crawford's face as she said it. Annie had to
suppress a victory smile when she saw the nurse's eyes light up
and get wider at the statement.
"What about your breasts, are they painful?"
"No," the girl continued with a little more confidence, "it's
just that they are so much bigger than most of the other girls'."
The statement gave Mary license to openly stare at her young
visitor's boobs, which didn't disappoint either woman.
"There is certainly a normal range of development" the nurse
commented "from what I can see yours appear to be in the range."
"Are you sure?" Annie pleaded now looking her target directly in
the eye. A knowing smile crossed Mary's face.
"I'd be happy to check them further for you, if you want." Annie
detected the grin on the nurse's face.
"I think I'd feel better if you did." Annie replied still
watching Mary's face. She could see the uncertainty there. The
nurse broke the eye contact and looking down at the desk she
"I'll need you to remove your blouse," then after a pause "and
your bra as well."
Mary Crawford felt the heat of arousal rising in her. What was
this sweet young thing up to? It was hard for Mary to believe
that she was actually concerned about her body; as beautiful as
it was. But if the girl wasn't being truthful, just what was her
motive? Did this gorgeous young woman know how turned on she was,
Mary wondered. Keep your professional demeanor Mary thought. You
can enjoy yourself but don't get carried away. Looking back up,
Annie was shrugging the white blouse off her shoulders. Mary
looked at Annie's face again searching for a clue. What did she
see there? Nervousness certainly, but there was something else,
arousal, maybe, Mary just couldn't be sure. The girl deposited
her top on the chair. The nurse enjoyed the view of the simple
white bra with anticipation. Annie reached behind herself with
that awkward arm and hand position that was reserved exclusively
for unfastening your own bra. In spite of the fact that her hands
were shaking she was pleased at how smoothly she was able to
release the hooks. Lowering her arms to a normal position, the
girl paused a moment, absorbing the erotic tension she felt. Mary
realized she was holding her breath. Annie thought she saw the
anticipation on Mary Crawford's face as she reached up and
grasped the shoulder straps. She pulled the undergarment
downward, feeling the cups cling and then release from her
tingling boobs all the while observing the nurse's reaction. As
her breasts came into view she saw the nurse's eyes widen. Annie
stood naked to the waist, her bra hanging from her left hand.
My God they're even more beautiful than I imagined, Mary thought,
as she boldly inspected the girl's bussom. Despite their size
they stood proudly out from the chest with little upturn at the
end. They were capped with pink pebbly mushroom cap nipples.
Annie could clearly see the appreciation in Mary's eyes and
wondered how much further than appreciation she could make it go.
In the cool air of the tiny office Annie felt her nipples begin
to stiffen, partly from the temperature but probably more from
the sexual tension that was steadily enveloping her. The nurse,
struggling to control her breathing took the two steps needed to
position herself directly in front of the half naked young woman.
Concentrating on steadying her shaking hands Mary asked;
"May I touch you?"
"Yesss." Annie breathed out and managed not to say pleeese!
Barely waiting for the reply Mary's hand's cupped the underside
of her `patient's' breasts. Annie stiffened at the feel of the
small, soft, warm hands on her tits which now felt a little cool.
The nurse's hands were warm but to the young girl they felt like
fire. Both of her breasts immediately began to over heat, and the
heat spread with startling speed downward to meet the fire that
had been rising from below almost since she'd left home that
morning. Annie closed her eyes and bit her lip trying to suppress
a moan but a soft "Mmmm." still escaped. Mary was applying a
gentle but steadily increasing pressure upward, and slightly
inward. She marveled at the firm resilience of the nubile flesh.
Closing her hands to add a squeezing motion the nurse thrilled at
her new playthings. She was looking intently at the beautiful
boobs wishing she could suck on the ever hardening pretty pink
nipples. She still needed to be very careful.
"Have you had your breasts examined before?" she said in the most
professional tone she could summon.
"Uh, no" came a breathless croak.
"The exam I'm doing is different than the more common one. I'm
not really checking for lumps, I'm just getting a feel for the
density of your breast tissue." The nurse continued to squeeze
and `play' with her breasts; Annie had opened her eyes and was
studying the expression on her fondler's face. She was quite sure
now that Miss Crawford was very much enjoying herself; so was
"I'll also be checking your nipples." Annie felt her knees go
weak at the matter of fact statement.
"It's important that they become properly erect and that there is
no discharge. Have you ever noticed any staining in your bra or
on your night clothes, anything like that?"
"No,oh,oh,oh" Annie replied with her voice rising a couple of
octaves as Mary's thumbs were now making contact with the semi
stiff points of the young girl's tits. The nurse pushed sideways
on each nipple until it sprung from under thumb and then repeated
with a stroke in the opposite direction; back and forth she
tweaked the pretty pink nipples as they got harder and longer.
Annie's head was swimming with the wonderful sensations the nurse
was coaxing from her breasts.
Satisfied that the rigid tips had reached their full extension,
the nurse grasped each nipple between her thumb and fore finger
simultaneously pulling and squeezing. "Ahh, ughh" came the
guttural sound that Annie didn't recognize as her own. The nurse
continued to work the sensitive tips of the girl's boobs;
"They're quite sensitive, aren't they?" Mary asked unnecessarily.
"Uh, oh, uh huh." Annie managed to choke out finding she was
incapable of forming even the simplest word. The nurse brought
each of her hands, in turn, to her mouth, wetting her fingers
before returning to the girl's stiff little pegs. By now she had
added a twisting motion to the pulling and squeezing. She
repeated the licking of her fingers a couple of times; each time
returning them to their nipple play. Annie didn't know how much
more of this she could take. The pulsations from her crotch were
getting stronger and deeper by the second. "I can't really tell
if there's any discharge for sure." The nurse lowered her head,
taking the end of her patient's right breast in her mouth and
sucked hard. Annie felt the orgasm hit her like a hammer. Her
pussy seemed to explode and the shockwave spread from her
pleasure center to envelope her whole body. She would have
collapsed back into her chair if the nurse hadn't slipped her
arms around the heaving girl's waist; holding her up and mashing
Mary's face into the soft tit flesh. Mary stayed latched to the
soft boob, sucking the rigid tip and lashing it with her tongue
through the young woman's convulsions. As the gyrations began to
subside the nurse lifted her head and very casually said, "That
one seems OK." She moved over to the left breast and repeated her
performance. Annie felt as limp as a wet cloth. Her body bathed
in the warm after glow of the orgasm. The only thing between her
and total collapse was the nurse's firm grip under her ribs.
Something she had never experienced before was happening. A new
arousal was building on the smoldering embers of her recent
climax. Her afterglow was flaring into a new fire as the nurse
sucked and teased her left nipple.
Mary meanwhile was thoroughly enjoying the feel of the girl's
firm tit cap in her mouth. Running her tongue over the pebbly
surface of the areole and flicking the bullet hard center. The
nurse alternated this with firm suck. Mary's panties were long
since saturated and she longed to reach under her dress to stroke
her bubbling pussy. At that moment both women were having the
exact same thought. The difference was Annie couldn't resist. The
girl put her hand on the front of her skirt and pushed hard on
her mound releasing a dizzying sensation. The pressing caused her
wetness to seep through the material of her skirt. Somewhat
reluctantly the nurse stood up and pronounced;
"Well there doesn't seem to be any discharge." She put her hands
back on her young patient's breasts and again ran her thumbs over
the erect and now slick nipples. Annie was still pressing firmly
on her mound through the skirt and panties.
"Is there anything else you wanted me to check?" Mary asked
breathlessly. Annie stammered but failed to say any real words.
Mary tried with little success to control her breathing. Her
chest was rising and falling as she panted causing her bra to
stimulate her own stiff nipples; fueling the fire between her
legs. Looking down she put her hand on top of the hand Annie was
pressing against her throbbing cunt.
"Do you want me to check down here?" Mary asked.
The girl quickly responded with a nod.
"OK, I need you to sit up on the table for me"
Annie felt very unsure she could manage to walk the three or four
steps it would take to reach the examination cot. The nurse,
whose own legs weren't feeling especially steady, took hold of
her patient's elbow saying:
"Here, let me help you."
Arriving at the table Mary turned her around.
"OK these will have to come off" she said, reaching under the
short pleated skirt and pulling the startled girl's panties down.
"There we go, just step up on the little platform and sit up on
the table." She instructed.
Accomplishing the simple pivot maneuver the girl sat naked,
except for the meager covering of her little skirt, on the end of
the examination table.
"Open a little for me" Mary cooed putting her hands on the inside
of Annie's knees and applying a firm outward pressure. There was
a reflex to resist having her legs spread.
"Just relax" the nurse said pleasantly. Annie looked into Mary's
smiling flushed face; the nurse was licking her lips! The nurse
grasped a short stool on wheels that was near by and sat down on
it. Mary felt the cool vinyl through her dress and saturated
panties. She pressed herself into the padded top of her seat. The
pressure on her aching pussy felt great.
"I need you to move your hips right to the edge of the table."
The nurse instructed, as she pulled the girl's hips forward. Now
positioned so her butt was about halfway off the cot, the nurse
"You'll be more comfortable if you just lay back."
Following orders, Annie reclined on the thin padded top of the
table, supporting her weight on her elbows. She was now looking
down between her own breasts, past the crumpled skirt at the very
attractive face of Mary Crawford R. N. about a foot from her
steaming pussy. Mary folded the hem of the skirt back above the
waist band exposing the adolescent womanhood. The only pubic hair
be found was a very small patch right on top of the pubic bone.
It was remarkably the same strawberry color as the hair on the
girl's head. Mary took her time making a thorough visual
inspection. The entire vulva had the distinct rosy glow of
arousal; the labia minora were apparent protruding through the
thicker outer lips and everything glistened wetly under the
fluorescent lights. Where the inner labia came together at the
top, Mary saw the deep pink of the pea sized clitoris peeking
from under its protective hood.
"I'm going to touch you now," the nurse warned as she placed her
hands on either side of the girl's groin, and then using her
thumbs gently separated the delicate folds. Annie had managed to
calm herself somewhat during the respite from stimulation. The
girl never imagined she could cum just from having her titties
sucked but she certainly knew that it didn't take much contact
with her kitty to produce that result. A low hum escaped her
throat at the erotic contact.
"Your labia certainly appear to be developing very nicely" the
nurse commented as she continued to pull the slippery folds apart
exposing the entrance to the girl's virginal orifice.
"You have a larger than average clitoris, and it appears to be
very engorged." There was a pause as Mary slid her thumbs up the
slick, sensitive flesh of the girl's wide open pussy. "I'm going
to examine your clitoris for rigidity" the nurse announced as her
thumbs reached the top of the slit and began pulling upward,
retracting the prepuce over the pulsating love button. Annie
could feel her clit being coaxed from its hiding place. She could
feel the rumbling beginnings of the orgasm building in her
uterus. Mary slid her right thumb up over the rigid nub. Annie's
hips heaved off the table in a violent upward thrust. Mary
slipped her arms under the girl's thighs wrapping them around and
pulling the convulsing pussy to her face. She fastened her lips
around the bulging clit and began sucking. Annie, who thought she
had reached her peak, found that it was a false ceiling that she
crashed through on her way to oblivion. Every fiber of her body
was tingling and vibrating. Inside her head, lights flashed and
bells rang. Mary maintained her grip on the gyrating pelvis;
alternately sucking the clit, lashing it with her tongue and
ramming her long tongue as deeply into the flooded love tunnel as
she could. Time had lost all meaning during the orgasmic
explosion. Neither woman would have been able to say if it lasted
seconds or minutes.
The girl's convulsions began to subside. Mary released her full
nelson hold on her patient's pelvis and reaching under her dress
yanked the crotch of her panties aside. Briefly she stroked the
puffy wetness before driving three fingers deep into her flooded
quim. The back of her thumb hammered against her clit as she
pumped in and out. She brought her other hand up to squeeze her
tit, gasping the nipple and twisting. Her orgasm came in a mighty
rush; filling her palm with sweet cum. Standing there bow legged
at the foot of the table, her fingers still buried deep inside
she shuddered and shook at the ultimate release of the pent up
sexual tension that had been building for nearly an hour.
Annie, meanwhile, lay motionless; occasionally moaning or
twitching. Her mind was beginning to function to some extent but
the only thought she could manage was amazement at the incredible
sensations she had just experienced. She had imagined that having
sex with Miss Crawford would be like masturbating, only a little
better. How wrong she had been! The explosive climax she felt
when the nurse sucked her clit was like nothing she'd ever felt
in her life. Now as she lay on the cot totally spent, Miss
Crawford was standing over her with her hand near Annie's parched
lips. Annie caught the musky sweet scent of the nurse's hand.
"Taste this, my darling" Mary said as she brought her cum
drenched hand to the girl's lips. Annie licked the sweet nectar
from her fingers and palm, drinking in the nurse's delicious
juice. As the girl lapped greedily at her hand, Mary Crawford
stroked the young woman's sweat dampened hair away from her face.
"I think you are developing very very nicely" she pronounced "but
I think you need to come back on a regular basis; just so I can
keep a close eye on your progress."
"Can I come back next Friday?" Annie panted; her breathing was
still not back to normal.
"That would be wonderful!" Mary replied

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