Sweet Little Lauren 1

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Sweet Little Lauren 1

(How it all started!)

Written by Darles Chickens

I'd lived next door to 7 year old Lauren now for a little while. She
lived with her Mum and older brother, there was no Dad on the scene; it
seemed he'd disappeared from the scene a few years ago. My wife and her
Mum got on well, doing the neighbourly thing with 'just popping next door
for a quick chat' That 'quick chat' lasting a couple of hours... huh
women! Still I didn't mind as Lauren was the cutest little thing, and I'd
fallen for her since we first met. Often my wife and I had babysat her and
her brother when their Mum had to go out, although it wasn't that often,
and definitely not often enough for my liking anyway!

I'd always known I like children - in a sexual way I mean. Right from
when I was in my early teens and got my first helping of pre-teen pussy,
compliments of 6 year old Rosie who lived nearby. Oh she was special, and
you never forget your first! After I'd had that prime roast beef, I
decided there and then I would never be satisfied by just a bit of scrag
end. I liked boys too,; I'd had my fair share of them as well. Lauren's
brother was 10, but he wasn't my cup of tea really. Arrogant to almost
ignorant, and a bit overweight I would have to be in a desperate state to
chase him,but oh Lauren....sweet Lauren was in a different league. With
her blue eyes and long brown mousey hair, she had a sweet nature and
personality to match her pretty looks, and I knew I just had to have her,
and that I would. It was just a matter of playing the game right. I was
halfway there without really trying to be honest. Whenever her Mum came in
for a cuppa and a chat, she would make a bee line for my lap, much to the
annoyance of my own daughter who at 2 1/2 saw me as HER Daddy, and as such
had a god given right to sit on my lap any time she choose, and she'd give
hell to anyone who thought they could just plonk themselves down on her
Daddy's lap. So it was that I'd try my best to explain to her that she
could have Daddy's lap anytime she wanted, and Lauren was just borrowing it
as she had no Daddy's lap of her own to sit on. She kind of understood
this, and as Lauren was her friend who often came in just to play with her,
accepted it in her own little way.

What I also liked about Lauren was she was kind of a 'touchy feely' sort
of girl - just my type! ;) When she sat on my lap, the T.V was generally
on and she cuddled into me. The women where too busy chatting to take much
notice of us and what we might or might not be up to, which was fine by me
(and, as it turned out, Lauren). Her brother, Anthony, tended to stay in
their own flat next door, which again was fine by me. It was children's TV
and even Lauren found it boring, and my own daughter, Marie was whining.
'I'll take the girls in the other room' I said to my wife'

The women were so deep in conversation they didn't even acknowledge what
I said.

Lauren jumped off my lap and I picked tiny Marie up and we went into
Maries bedroom where all the toys were.

I gently threw my daughter onto her bed making her bounce which I knew
she loved, and that cheered her up making her giggle. I then done the same
to Lauren. She was dressed in an old white t-shirt and blue trousers; you
know those with an elastic waistband that little girls wear. They were old
clothes as the trousers seemed a little short, and the t-shirt had seen
better days. I assumed they were 'play' clothes after having changed out
of her school uniform when she got home, as she was always dressed quite
well, except when playing, and even then more often than not.

Marie became quite bored with that little game quite quickly, so I put
her into her play pen with lots of toys and she seemed happy with that, so
I was able to focus my attention on Lauren for a while. I noticed that
where I'd play-thrown Lauren onto the bed, and played tickling and
wrestling games with her, her t-shirt had become untucked from her

'Come here scruff pot' I said to Lauren, 'let's tuck you in' She came
closer to me and as i tucked her in, it suddenly struck me that I had a
golden opportunity here, and quickly formulated my cunning plan of action.

Once she was tucked in we continued our little games; throwing her onto
the bed, tickling, all that sort of thing. I made sure that there was
plenty of physical contact which Lauren didn't seem to mind in the
slightest. However, in doing so, I made sure that I tugged at her t-shirt
to make sure it became untucked each time, which wasn't too difficult as
that too was a bit short on her and only just about tucked in anyway. I
don't think Lauren noticed what I was doing - if she did she didn't say

'Come here' I said trying to make it sound like I was surprised, 'you've
come all untucked again!'
This time I tucked her in differently.

'Turn round' I told her, and Lauren done as she was told. I pulled the
back of her waistband out towards me and looked down them. That was the
first time I saw Lauren's cute little bum. White, and silky smooth. I got
her t-shirt and started tucking it in at the back, pushing my hand right
down on the pretext of 'tucking her right in'. In reality I was copping a
feel of her sweet little arse. Oh heaven! I didn't spend too long doing
it, as I didn't want Lauren's suspicions aroused just yet as to what I was
really up to. I had to time it just right. 'Turn round' I instructed, and
Lauren turned herself around. I then done exactly the same at the front;
pulled the waistband out together with her little white knickers, and
looked down to see her sweet little virginal pussy. Oh man what a lovely
sight! Again, milky white, silky smooth, no trace of hair anywhere of
course. Just how I liked them. On the pretence again of tucking her right
in, I had a quick feel of her sweet pussy. Lauren squirmed a little as she
realised I'd touched her.

'Ooh' she squealed, 'you touched my minnie'

'Ssh! I whispered 'we don't want your Mum or Sarah (my wife by the
way!) to hear!' She looked at me apologetically and then whispered again
'you touched my minnie'

'Sorry' I lied, 'It was an accident. I was tucking you in!'

She sort of believed me I think and we continued on with the game.

Again, I discreetly tugged her t-shirt out whilst playing.

'Oh look' she said, 'my t-shirt's out again!' she said quietly to me.
It seemed she was getting right into this 'tug the t-shirt out' game. 'you
better tuck me back in'

She stood up, and I went to tuck her in normally, like I'd done the very
first time, but she turned round so her back was to me.

'No!' She said quietly, 'do it like before. Tuck me right in so it

doesn't come out again!'
'Why?' I asked

'Cos I want you to' she replied. Not only was Lauren cute and sexy, but
she was intelligent as well for her age, and I got the feeling she'd
twigged exactly what MY game was. So I repeated what I'd done before, only
this time I looked and felt her sweet little pussy and bum for a bit
longer. This went on for about 5 mins; untucking, look, feel retuck.

Then Lauren said 'I like that'

'Oh'I said, playing innocent 'do you?'

'I REALLy like it when you tuck me in' she informed me.

'Why's that?' I asked her. She became a little shy then, and still
standing on the bed looked up at me and said 'you know'

I continued to pretend I didn't know what she was talking about as I

wanted to hear her say it, which is a great turn on when a cute little 7
year old says it.

'cos..well ..you know..' she started.

'I don't know..' I pretended.

'I like the way you tuck me in'

'What way?'

She leaned in and whispered in my ear in a barely audible voice.

'Cos you touch my Minnie and my bottom'

'Eh?' I pretended I couldn't quite hear her. 'Whisper a little louder
darlin' I can hardly hear you, but not too loud, we don't want them hearing
us in there' Not that there was much chance of that as the conversation was
still going.

'I said..' she whispered a little louder with her hand to her mouth the
way kids do when they've got an important secret, 'cos you touch my Minnie
and my bum'

'Oh' I said sounding nonchalant, 'you like that then?' Lauren nodded. I
pulled her close and gave her a hug, my hands cupping her cute little bum
and giving it a squeeze as I did so. Then I kissed her briefly on the
lips. Did you like that?' I asked

She nodded again.

'How about round the front?' I asked

'My Minnie?' she asked. I nodded. She didn't seem too sure and was
giving it a little thought.

Then she said 'yeah okay' I moved my hand round to the front of her
trousers and gave her little pussy a rub through her trousers.

'Open your legs a little sweetheart' I whispered to her, mindful that

anyone could walk in on us. I looked round to check on Marie as she'd gone
quiet during all this time, and noticed she had fallen asleep. Lauren
opened her legs as I'd requested and my hand cupped her through the
material and I rubbed her. My other hand rubbed her little bum.

'Nice?' I whispered to her, all the time caressing her young tender

'Uh-huh' she said back, 'it feels really nice'

'I tell you what would feel even better' I told her

'What?' she asked interested.

'If you let me do it properly' I said

'What you mean?' she asked

'Inside' I said.

'You mean in my knickers?' she asked.

'Yeah' I said, it will feel even nicer' She was thinking about this for
a couple of seconds. 'If you don't like it' I continued, 'just tell me and
I'll take my hand out and stop' She looked at me. 'I promise, I will NEVER
do anything you don't want, and I'll NEVER hurt you darling...EVER!
Anytime you want me to stop, you just say and I will, no matter what we're
doing ok?' And I meant it. Lauren was like an additional daughter and I'd
never knowingly hurt her. I loved her and it was clear she loved me.

'Okay' she finally agreed.

I slipped my hand down the back first to feel her bum. I wanted to take
things nice a slowly with her, as I found it best if you don't rush little
ones. Her skin was so smooth as I caressed and kneaded her two little
round globes. I could almost fit both of her cheeks in one hand, and she
felt oh so good. I the slipped my other hand down the front of her
knickers, tracing her tightly closed little slit with my finger.

'Ooh' Lauren whispered, 'that feels funny'

'Nice funny?' I asked her. Lauren nodded. After tracing her slit for a
couple of minutes, the tip of my finger searched for her little clit. As I
found it she let out a little gasp of delight. I didn't need to ask her if
that felt nice.
I listened out intently all the time and found the two women were STILL
at it in the other room. My ears were on red alert for a break in their
talking or approaching footsteps. I stopped what i was doing briefly and
said to Lauren 'Can I pull them down so I can see? It'll feel nicer too as
I'll have more room'. Almost immediately Lauren nodded. 'If I tell you
someone's coming , you have to pull 'em up real quick and act like
nothing's happening okay? Think you can do that?' I asked.

Yet again Lauren nodded, 'and' I added very quietly, 'this has to be our
little secret, you mustn't tell ANYBODY, not Mummy, Anthony, or friends,
NO-ONE' I emphasised, 'otherwise we'd get in a big load of trouble' I told
her. Actually it would only be me really,but she wasn't to know that. It
just added to the need for secrecy.

'I won't tell anyone' she replied 'I promise'.

gently I tugged at the waistband of her trousers and knickers which were
a bit tight. I pulled then down to just above her knees, her gusset
getting caught between her legs. I freed them and got her to open her legs
as much as she could.

'Turn out sweetie' I told her. She done as instructed and I had my
first proper look at her cute little 7 year old bum. Gorgeous! Then I got
her to turn back round and I admired her sweet little pussy. It was
perfect. Two perfectly symmetrical little lips with a slit in the middle.
Silky smooth, and naturally being only 7, no hair. Absolutely perfect.
Again my hand went between her legs, and I played with both her slit and
her little love button. Automatically, she tried to open her legs as wide
as she could, squirming and giving out little pleasurable moans.

'That nice?' I asked her.

'Yeah' she replied, really really nice.

'Can I show you something even nicer?' I asked

'Okay' she replied. It seemed like she was really into it now.
I sat on the bed and Lauren was still standing on it. Again I checked
the conversation was still going. My face was level with Lauren's crotch
and I took in not only the beautiful sight, but the delightful little girl
smell. I pulled her towards me with both hands on her bum, and started to
lick her slit.

'Mmm' Lauren moaned. I flicked my tongue across her little clit and I
thought sweet little Lauren was going to go through the ceiling
'aah..ooh..mmm' she gasped. I could hear the conversation drawing to a
close between the women, so I stopped.

Lauren looked at me disappointed.

'Sorry sweetheart' I told her 'pull 'em up now'

'Lauren had obviously rehearsed this in her head, and in a flash her
trousers and little white knickers were back up and she looked once again
like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. I had grabbed a book in the
meantime from my daughters shelf.

'Sit down' I told her 'we'll make out I've been reading with you. Don't
forget what I said though about OUR secret' I reminded her with a wink,
kissing the top of her head. Lauren done as instructed and winked back 'I
won't' she said. 'Can we do it again next time?' Something about the way
she said it made me believe she wouldn't mention it to anyone.

'Course we will sweetheart, I don't know when that will be though' I

told her. She was satisfied with that and began reading aloud from the
book. I had one arm around her and was pointing to each word as she read

A minute or so later her Mum came through the bedroom door.

'Bloody hell Lauren!' her Mum said, 'talk about me and my shadow! If
you want to find Lauren, just look for Keith!' she joked.

'Sorry' she said to me, I hope she hasn't been a pain!'

'Not at all' I replied 'you're always a good girl with me ain't 'cha?' I
said looking at Lauren.

'Always!' she said. I'm sure I picked up a wicked little grin from her
when she said that. I hoped no-one else did.

'C'mon madam' her Mum said 'time for tea, otherwise your brother will be
phoning social services saying I starve the pair of ya! Give him a kiss'

Lauren kissed and hugged me like she always did, and I craftily squeezed
her bum, and managed to whisper in her ear without anyone noticing.

'Our secret!' She winked back at me in acknowledgement, and then I said


'Luv ya!'

'Luv ya back!' It was our standard departing shot.

My wife then said to me, 'you don't mind if they all come back later
after tea do you?'

'No not at all' I replied.

In my mind I knew Lauren was mine now, and SHE was welcome back ANY


** Although the 'Sweet Little Lauren' series are all self continued
stories, they will follow on from one another.
Coming very soon..Sweet Little Lauren 2 (Lauren goes for a ride)

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