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Galactic Cycles Intergalactic Cycles

Interplanetary Cycles Stellar Cycles Interstellar Cycles the rotation of the Milky Way the spins, orbits, beats, and
Global Waves the orbits of planets, satellites, sunspots, solar flares, and the oscillating paths, orbits, Galaxy or other galaxies; the lifecycles of gas clouds, galaxies,
circulation patterns in a Geological Cycles Biospheric Cycles asteroids, meteorites, comets about faculae caused by stellar and lifecycles of gas and dust oscillating paths, orbits, and galactic groups, clusters, super-
planetary atmosphere Oceanic Cycles glacial and interglacial periods, biological, ecological, social, the sun or other stars magnetic forces on the Sun clouds, galactic nebulae, lifecycles of stars, star clusters clusters
the rise and fall of sea level in the periods of volcanic and seismic economic, and cultural cycles or other hot stars; stellar within the Milky Way or
Years hydrosphere of the Earth or other activity, polar reversals, continental which occur within the planetary
Interplanetary Conjunctions
rotation other galaxies Intergalactic Conjunctions
Global Cycles planets; the 'el niño' current growth and decay, etc. biosphere Spiral Density Waves
1 - millions the 'southern oscillation' planetary and satellite caused by instabilities in the Macroacoustic Waves
in the Earth's atmosphere conjunctions; solar and lunar Stellar Tides Interstellar Conjunctions gravitational field of spiral in large gas clouds caused by the
eclipse cycles galaxies galactic wind, stellar explosions

Global Waves Seasonal Cycles Seasonal and Lunar Cycles Seasonal Cycles Photospheric Waves
circulation patterns in a exchange of warm/cool water, solstices/equinoxes; expansion and gestation periods of large circulation patterns in the Macroacoustic Waves
Months planetary atmosphere Indian Ocean currents contraction of the Earth or other mammals Shock Waves
caused by solar flares on
Sun or other hot stars in gas and dust clouds caused
terrestrial bodies due to solar heating by turbulence due to various
1 - 12 Seasonal Cycles Cirannual Cycles Cirannual Cycles the Sun or other hot stars Stellar Rotation instabilities within a galaxy
exchange of warm/cool air, of upwelling and downwelling Planetary Cycles of flora and fauna, mating,
precipitation including monsoons planetary or satellite rotation migration, etc. Variable Star Cycles (Mira)

Global Waves Global Waves Planetary Cycles Variable Star Cycles

circulation patterns in the circulation patterns in the Earth's the rotation of the Earth and Moon Stellar Cycles
Earth's atmosphere including oceans including the gulf stream, or other planets or satellites; Gestation and Menstrual Cycles outflow cycles of the solar
Days prevailing westerlies, polar equatorial currents and counter- light-dark periods of various species wind caused by the rotation
F 1 - 30 easterlies, trade winds, Rossby
waves (jet stream)
current, local currents driven by
global circulation patterns in the
of the Sun or other hot stars Stellar Cycles
the rotation of the Sun or

r atmosphere Planetary Tides other small stars

e Cyclones and Anticyclones

high and low pressure systems; Planetary Tides Circadian Rhythms
tropical cyclones including tidal motions of the Earth's of plants and animals Shock Waves Shock Waves
q Hours hurricanes, typhoons; circulation
patterns caused by vertical effects Ocean Tides
lithosphere or other planets
due to gravitational forces
Trapped Waves
within the interior of the
caused by a stellar explosion
within the Milky Way or
caused by a giant stellar
explosion, or by a series of
1 - 24 Sun or other hot stars explosions in the galactic core
u Global Cycles
atmospheric tides, cloud cycles,
Thermal Cycles
expansion and contraction of solids
Diurnal Rhythms
of plants and animals
other galaxies

e sea/land breezes, hill/valley flows due to fluctuations in temperature

n Trapped Waves
between layers of the Earth's
Trapped Waves
within the Earth’s liquid
atmosphere or other planets core Thermal Cycles Circadian Rhythms Electroacoustic Waves Helioseismic Waves Electroacoustic Waves Electroacoustic Waves
c Minutes
Mountain Waves Tsunamis (tidal waves)
expansion and contraction of solids
due to fluctuations in temperature
of plants and animals caused by local turbulence
within the solar wind
at the surface and within
the interior of the Sun or
caused by local turbulence
within the stellar wind of hot
caused by local turbulence
within the galactic wind
1 - 60
y Island Waves
caused by seismic activity
beneath the ocean floor
other hot stars stars

Cyclonic Storm Cycles Surface Waves Surface Waves

tornadoes, waterspouts 'ring' waves, 'breaking' waves, snow, sand, and dust waves Surface Waves
i storm waves, 'rollers', seichs
Seismic Waves
waves of grain and grass, etc.
Electroacoustic Waves
Cyclonic Minicycles Tsunamis (tidal waves) generated on the surface crust of the Electroacoustic Waves Pulsars caused by local turbulence Electroacoustic Waves
n Seconds
1 - 60
caused by vertical effects,
wind, and turbulence Tidal Bores
Earth or other terrestrial bodies Biomechanical Cycles
heartbeat, respiration, metabolic
caused by local turbulence
within the solar wind
the rotation of high velocity
neutron stars (pulsars, x-ray
within the stellar wind of hot
caused by local turbulence
within the galactic wind
Seismic Waves and other biomechanical rhythms stars)
Internal Waves generated within the interior of the internal to humans and other
Caustics Earth or other terrestrial bodies species

C caused by boundary interactions Trapped Waves

y Internal Waves
caused by turbulence Caustics Pulsars Intracloud Waves Intracloud Waves
Normal caused by complex Biochemical Oscillations the rotation of high velocity in large gas clouds caused by
c Radial Waves boundary interactions Surface Waves
circular waves, eliptical waves,
spontaneously generated within
humans and other living systems
neutron stars (pulsars, x-ray
in gas and dust clouds
caused by instabilities in the
Milky Way or other galaxies
fluctuations of temperature and
density within a cloud

l Sound
Shock Waves
Deep Channel Waves
cymatic patterns generated on the
surface of a solid body
Wind and Whistle Traveling Waves
e Tones
Internal Waves Mechanical Oscillations
spontaneously generated within
living systems Intracloud Waves
Intracloud Waves
in large gas clouds caused by
Internal Waves caused by acoustic generated on or within a solid in dense molecular clouds interaction with the galactic
s Range
caused by spontaneous
boundary interactions
cavitation body
Internal Waves
caused by instabilities in the
Milky Way or other galaxies
wind or with intergalactic or
intercluster gas from a stellar
caused by acoustic cavitation explosion
Acoustic Whistlers Internal Waves Normal Sound Waves
(including the caused by spontaneous which are transmitted through a
Range of Human Hearing) Cylindrical and boundary interactions solid Normal Sound Waves Electroacoustic Waves
Conical Waves which are transmitted through caused by local turbulence Electroacoustic Waves
organic substances Electroacoustic Waves within the stellar wind of hot caused by local turbulence
1 - 100,000 cps Normal Sound Waves Normal Sound Waves caused by local turbulence within the galactic wind
in air and other gas in water and other liquids Ion Waves within the solar wind

Microthermal Waves Microthermal Waves Stress Waves Microthermal Waves Microacoustic Waves Electroacoustic Waves Microcycles Electroacoustic Waves Microcycles Microcycles
trapped within normal trapped within normal in crystalline structures trapped within normal sound in a superconductor caused by local turbulence the oscillation of particles caused by local turbulence the oscillation of particles and the oscillation of particles and
sound waves sound waves in liquids waves in organic substances within the solar wind and subparticles within the stellar wind of hot subparticles subparticles
and fluids Microcycles Magnetoacoustic Waves stars
Microacoustic Opticoacoustic Waves the oscillation of particles and Ultrasound Waves Magnetoacoustic Waves
Microcycles subparticles Ion Waves caused by the interaction Microcycles
100,000 - millions cps Microcycles the oscillation of particles and Microcycles of the solar wind with the the oscillation of particles
the oscillation of particles and subparticles the oscillation of particles and Electroacoustic Waves magnetic fields of various and subparticles
subparticles subparticles in a semiconductor planets and satellites

Electron Waves Microcycles

the oscillation of particles and
Drift Waves subparticles

Air and Other Gas Liquids and Fluids Solids Organic Substances Plasmas Interplanetary Space Stars Interstellar Space Galaxies Intergalactic Space
© 1997 by John Holland
Traveling Wave Standing Wave Internal Wave Surface Wave Trapped Wave Thermal Wave Shock Wave Plasma Wave

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