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The following points to be written in the exercise book.

No of words: 50 (one word in each grid)

Grid to be made as shown below:

1 2 3 4 5

[No of words : 50]

● Don’t begin to write at once, give yourself some time.

● Read the passage minimum twice.

● Make a note of the important characters, events, places, the different aspects in the

● Look at the question asked.

● They always quiz you on anyone of the aspects of the Comprehension.

● Make short and simple sentences.

● Avoid conjunctions.

● Use Active voice (as we have to use more words in the passive voice).
● Use one word for (a person who lies abroad for the good of his country-an

● Use prefixes (not able-unable).

● Put the punctuation marks in the same box where the sentence ends.

● Make a rough grid using pencil.(Optional) Then write the fair grid ( grid in pencil and
words in pen)

SAMPLE for your understanding (Just read. No need to copy)

We all know what we mean by a "good" man. The ideally good man does not drink or
smoke, avoids bad language, converses in the presence of men only exactly as he would if
there were ladies present, attends church regularly and holds the correct opinion on all
subjects. He has a wholesome horror of wrong-doing and realizes that it is our painful duty
to castigate sin. He has a still greater horror of wrong thinking, and considers it the
business of the authorities to safeguard the young against those who question the wisdom of
the views generally accepted by middle-aged successful citizens. Apart from his
professional duties, at which he is assiduous, he spends much time in good works: he may
encourage patriotism and military training; he may promote industry, sobriety and virtue
among wage earners and their children by seeing to it that failures in these respects receive
due punishment; he may be a trustee of a university and prevent an ill-judged respect for
learning from allowing the employment of professors with subversive ideas. Above all, of
course, his "morals" in the narrow sense must be irreproachable.
(189 words)
Bertrand Russell

Qs 1)Write a precis in 50 words stating who is a good man according to Bertrand Russel.

Sample Answer
1 2 3 4 5

A good man is intensely

religious and avoids bad habits.
He does not use obscene
or indecent language and has
the fear of wrong doing.
He is professionally dutiful and
takes active interest in promoting
virtues among workers and their
children. He prevents the employment
of professors with subversive ideas.
Total no of words: 50


Comprehension passage : “The Mahatma”


Preci: In not more than 50 words, state how Gandhiji inspired the members of the
Sabarmati Ashram and ensured that they remained a close knit-family

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