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Nama : Abdul Aziz

NIM : 0110219010
Kelas : 3TI04

Comparison Essay

Computer Science vs. Software Engineering

Computer science and software engineering may share some overlapping

commonalities, however, the principles behind each field of study can offer several
differences. One is that computer science deals with the science behind the
interaction between hardware and software systems and computational
applications, whereas software engineering typically deals with the engineering
principles of building, designing and testing software products. If you are
considering both fields, you might look into each aspect of computer science and
software engineering. In this article, we explain what computer science and
software engineering are and the differences between them.

What is computer science?

Computer science encompasses the study of computers and computational
systems. Computer scientists may generally theorize and calculate aspects of
software and software systems in the design and development phases.

Additionally, computer scientists may study and work in areas of the field that
focus on artificial and machine intelligence, computer networks, security networks
and monitoring systems, database systems, user interaction, mathematical
analysis, programming languages and theories regarding computing and processes.
While computer scientists may also study principles of software engineering, this
field of study is typically the only shared characteristic between computer science
and software engineering.

What is software engineering?

Software engineering applies the standards and principles of engineering to
design, develop, maintain, test and evaluate computer software. A software
engineer may also be referred to as a computer programmer, software designer or
software developer as the nature of software engineering can require knowledge of
programming languages, principles of software design and building.

Software engineers may also be the programmers who test and perform quality
assurance checks on new and developing software to ensure its efficacy and
efficiency in its real-world application. Software engineers may also be familiar with
theories surrounding software use, however, working with theories typically may
not fall under the job description, as computer scientists are the workers who
construct and test theories about programming and operation.
Similarities Between Computer Science and Computer Engineering

◆ Computer science and computer engineering have similarities as both have

overlapping study areas which work side by side. In many situations computer
scientist and computer engineer work side-by-side to design, maintain and
build computers, software and hardware.
◆ Computer science and computer engineering can be talked about without
touching software engineering.
◆ These two degrees are very similar in a way that both study computer as a
◆ Both computer scientist and computer engineer study inner working of the
computer as well as hardware and software aspects. They also learn to use
computer as tool of modern technology.
◆ Both these disciplines are based on good math skills.
◆ The job placement programs for both kinds of majors are almost same

Differences Between Computer Science and Computer Engineering

◆ Computer science is a broader term which is based on the study of
programming and hardware parts of the computer while computer engineering
is concerned with the application of engineering process for creation and
maintenance and design of software.
◆ Computer engineers focus on hardware implementation while computer
scientists focus on theories and algorithms.
◆ A computer engineering is a combination of electrical engineering and
computer science while computer science does not deal with the study of
circuits, physics but do study programming and theory behind it.
◆ Salary of a computer engineer in the United States ranges from $59000 to
$106000 annually which is higher than that of computer scientist which starts
from $39000 (Source: PayScale)
◆ For computer scientists job titles can be Programmer, System Analyst, Business
Analyst, Software Developer and Software Engineer. The job titles for the
computer engineers can be Hardware Engineer, Software Engineer, and
System Engineer.
◆ There is a difference in classrooms as students with computer science major
get more theory based classes while students with computer engineering
majors are not only theory based but also implications of engineering are
taught to them.
Disscussion Essay
10 key differences between computer science and
software engineering
Even though there may be some shared qualities between computer science
and software engineering, there are a variety of key differences that make these
two career fields separate from one another. One of the biggest differences lies in
the roles of these two positions. While software engineers might develop, build, test
and evaluate software and its applications, computer scientists use computer
languages, statistics and other mathematics to theorize on the most effective ways
to develop, program and apply software. The following aspects are other ways that
these two professions differ:

1. Core educational studies

Computer science and software engineering may share some overlapping core
studies, however, when studying computer science students may typically
complete courses that focus on the computing, analysis, storage and application of
data and data systems of computer programs and software. Software engineering
focuses on taking these principles and applying them to the product design,
interplay, performance and other functional aspects of computer programs.

For instance, the key difference here is that computer science education
program focuses on the science behind making computers work, while software
engineering applies those scientific and mathematical principles to the building,
designing and implementation of hardware and software programs.

2. Career paths
Another key difference between a computer science degree and a software
engineering degree is the variety of options in career paths. Generally, computer
science degrees may offer candidates a broad range of job options in the
informational technology industry, from computer programming for website design
and working in IT support roles to working as a game developer. Conversely, a
degree in software engineering can narrow a candidate's career path to specialized
roles in corporations, companies and even mid-sized businesses developing and
building applications and software programs.

3. Common tasks in the job

Typically, a computer scientist may complete daily tasks that analyze and
monitor the processes of new and developing computer applications, either
working for a software firm or independently contracting with different companies.
Computer scientists may be responsible for maintaining their company's security
networks, data systems or other computing systems that the business relies on to
operate. A software engineer might be an employee of a similar company, but they
may work to develop and design the specific software programs their organization
might need for its operations.

4. Hardware and software interaction

Computer science may deal with the interaction between software programs
with computer hardware. For instance, a computer scientist might determine ways
to create software programs that are compatible with computer hardware. A
software engineer, however, deals only with software programs, specifically
creating, maintaining, testing and producing software products.
5. Software design
Software design is another aspect where computer science and software
engineering can differ. When approaching software design, a computer scientist
may typically work with theories and algorithms for how a program works, how it
may be best designed and how to apply programming languages to the application.
When software engineers work with software design, they may use a computer
scientist's information and analyses to design the framework to build a specific

Furthermore, a software engineer can be given specific program requirements

to use when building a software design, whereas a computer scientist works with
the computer languages and mathematical calculations to make decisions about
how a program should be designed.

6. Programming and development

Another difference between computer science and software engineering is the
application of software programming and development. Computer science will
focus on computing and calculating the best ways to program software as well as
finding calculations that allow engineers and developers to build software programs
that meet product requirements. Software engineers essentially use the analysis
and outlines from computer scientists to aid in the full development and
construction of new frameworks and software programs.

7. Engineering concepts
While computer science majors may study aspects of mathematical
engineering as it applies to computers and computing systems, engineering
principles and concepts are generally paired with software engineering studies.
Computer science may require knowledge of engineering principles, such as
building entirely new frameworks for applications to run off of, however, software
engineering is where real-world engineering concepts are applied.

8. Scientific theories
Computer science is also different from software engineering because it
focuses heavily on scientific theories behind computer operations, computing and
data systems as well as how software is designed. Software engineering, however,
can use these theories to aid in the design and processes of building frameworks,
hardware and software programs and applications. So while computer science
studies and develops theories behind computer operations, software engineering
applies these theories to build real-world computer applications.

9. Product management
Computer science may typically focus on the complexity and algorithms of
software programs as well as other analytics like the computational science of
programming, structures of visuals and graphics and user interaction. The
approach an engineer takes in product management includes the design process,
application, evaluation, automation testing and quality assurance checks of a
software product.

10. Computer coding

Computer science and software engineering may both focus on computer
coding and languages, however, software engineering may focus more heavily on
learning coding to use it when developing and building software. A computer
scientist may focus on coding as it relates to computer languages, and they may
also use various computer coding to calculate compatibility between hardware and
software applications.

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