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The Text is a travel webpage for a holiday spot and its purpose is to persuade the reader to celebrate

their holiday in Antigua or Barbuda. The text is intended for richer people looking for a unique holiday
spot and this becomes clear in the following phrases: “Upscale resorts for the very rich” and “the Tony K
club that serves the rich and famous.” In order to be more persuasive, the webpage includes layout,
color and photos.

To start with, the webpage uses a distinguished layout to appeal to webpage audience. First, the link to
the webpage at the top of the text is in larger font and is in a blue and yellow color than the rest of the
text. These four words “Where to” immediately catch the audience’s eye. These colors may
symbolize summer and thus audience who are looking for a summer vacation will be interested. If the
reader likes beaches and luxury, Antigua and Barbuda are the best places to go and the repetition of
“beaches, beaches, beaches” again persuades the reader to head to the islands. Moreover, the text is
divided into clear short paragraphs which makes for easier skimming and everything that is related is
together making the text easier to read. Another feature is the background of the text which is blue. The
blue being the color of the sea and therefore indirectly connected to the sea contributing to the overall
image. The background contains no larger picture and there is an effective use of negative space to keep
the reader focused on the important information. Thus, the author’s choice of layout is very audience

Second of all, Photography is also present in the text and used as well as means of web paging.
Five photographs are placed on the very last section of the text. Each photo shows the highlights
of Antigua and Barbuda. These highlights are mentioned throughout the text. Each photo would
then create an imagery of how it looks like, but it also gives the reader a feeling on how it would
be like if they would go to the country and have a first-hand experience. The photos make the
text become linked to the target audience. The second photo basically describes the ecosystem of
the island. This shot illustrates to the reader that its probably very special to be there and the reader
would probably like to go there as well. The bird pictured has been mentioned in the text “… majestic
frigate birds” The attractions are not only described to the reader but seen as well. If you read about it,
then see it as well it creates a longer lasting image and thus more involvement by the reader, this is of
course the intention of the web page. The authors use of photography keeps audience concerned about
going to either places.

Third of all, the author uses rhetorical appeals to successfully reach and persuade audiences to
come to either islands. First, the title of the text is “Why Antigua and Barbuda?” Immediately it is
very clear that the title is a hypophora. This makes the reader of the text to take a moment and
think. Think about what the text could be about and think about why should he/she read the text.
That hypophora also makes the reader feel as if the text just wants the reader to lean in and read
whatever is written down. The answer to this question is basically under it “Beaches, beaches,
beaches, Antigua Sailing Week, The Museum of Antigua & Barbuda, Luxury hotels”. Second, the phrase
‘’ Home to most of the nation's better-known hotels, Antigua is the larger of the two islands at about
108 square miles’’. The author appeals to logos in order to show evidence such as statistics and factual
information about the island in order to give the visitors a clear image about the place. Another is
example is’’ About 1,000 inhabitants reside in Codrington, and beyond town are beautiful stretches of
uninhabited beach accessed by rutted roads surrounded by scrub brush and cacti”. He also appeals to
logos by showing and describing facts about the environment of the island. The authors use of rhetorical
appeals gives the audience a clearer image about the islands.
After reading this web page and looking through the information, then accessing the links to view all the
great things to see do, I would probably choose to go on this holiday if it were in my budget. The
descriptions of the island’s attractions and the use of photos combined with the links made me feel as if
it would be the perfect holiday destination. The feeling that the islands had something for everyone and
that there were lots of choices from “wild and wooly” to the luxury of upscale resorts closed the deal.

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