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3B UNIT TEST Imię i nazwisko: _______________________________

Grammar English in use

1 Przetłumacz na język angielski podane w 3 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z nawiasów we

nawiasach fragmenty zdań. W każdym zdaniu właściwej formie. Pamiętaj o dodaniu wszelkich
brakuje do czterech elementów. niezbędnych elementów zdania.

1 They’ve been ________(na wakacjach od 1 My car _______________(break down) again. Can

poniedziałku). you please help me take it to a garage?
2 Is Jackie still in town or ______________(już 2 Theresa __________(not/come) to office yesterday
wyjechała)? morning. It’s the third time she ______(be) absent
3 Can you wait a moment, please? _______(Nie this month. Perhaps she’s busy looking for another
znalazłem) my sunglasses yet. job.
4 Ella ____________________(ma tego psa) for five 3 She _______(go) home already, but we can surely
years. give her a ring, can’t we?
5 Mark ___________(wyszedł), but he should be back 4 Tom ________(cut) his finger badly while he was
any minute now. making a salad.
6 How _________________________(długo grasz) 5 Mary _______(not have) a single piece of cake since
tennis? she _________(stop) eating sugar a month ago.
7 (Oni nie czytali) ________any of Shakespeare’s plays 6 The journey _______(take) us almost ten hours, so
yet. we were absolutely exhausted when we finally
8 John is away on business. He ____(wyjechał do ______(arrive) at the hotel.
9 You started tidying your room a few hours ago!
________________________ (Czy już skończyłeś?) 4 Przetłumacz na język angielski podane w
nawiasach fragmenty zdań.
10 She hasn’t visited us ________________________
(od ostatnich świąt Bożego Narodzenia).
1 Paul (jest w szpitalu) since last Thursday.
2 (W końcu przestało padać) so we can go for a walk at
2 Uzupełnij zdania. Wykorzystaj podane w nawiasach last!
wyrazy w odpowiedniej formie i – jeśli to konieczne 3 I’ve loved Tolkien’s books (od kiedy byłam
– dodaj inne wyrazy. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać dzieckiem).
do czterech wyrazów.
4 Is Frank still at the office or (czy już wyjechał)?
5 Kate (jest o wiele szczęśliwsza) since she changed
1 I don’t remember the town very well. I haven’t been school last year.
there __________(few/years). 6 This is the first time (jem) snails.
2 _____________(they/bring) any souvenirs back from 7 (Nie skończyłam) reading this book yet.
their holiday in Japan?
8 (Nigdy nie byłam) to Japan, so I’m rather excited
3 The doctors are tired because
about going there.
4 I ____________(never/be) Japan, so I’d certainly like 9 My friend says that this is old-fashioned, but I don’t
to go there. mind _____________________ (mieszkać w domu
5 This backpack looks rather old. How long szeregowym).
_______________(you/have/it)? 10 The rooms upstairs are ready but we still
________________________ (musimy odnowić)
the kitchen.

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3B UNIT TEST Imię i nazwisko: _______________________________

Read the text and choose the correct option A, B or C.

Home on the Farm

Between 12,000 and 22,000 years ago, humans learnt how to grow crops to feed the increasing population. As a
result, they stopped living as nomads and built the first cities. While those early cities grew from agriculture,
these days most food is grown far from population centres. Now though, tiny new farms called Personal Food
Computers (PFC) could change all that.
The PFC looks a lot like a fish tank without water or fish. Instead, inside you'll see vegetables or herbs
growing under purple LED lights and a computer that controls the air, humidity and temperature. It’s basically a
very small farm that is plugged into the water and electricity supply in any house, office or classroom. The
controlled environment inside the box allows you to recreate any climate in the world, and this affects the size,
colour and flavour of the plants. In other words, you will be able to grow Mexican chilli peppers, Valencia
oranges, French grapes or Greek olives in your very own home. Inventor Caleb Harper calls these environments
'digital climate recipes'.
Harper explains, "After you grow something, the computer saves that particular digital climate recipe. So,
for example, if you grow basil, you can then email the recipe to your friends and they will be able to grow exactly
the same basil, or start playing around with it.”
The computers are all connected to a network and the environmental information is saved in a database.
Once the database is properly up and running, it will have collected thousands, and eventually millions of climate
recipes that anyone can download and share. Harper's goal is to develop the database and network of PFCs so
anyone around the world will be able to either order a PFC kit online, or just download the instructions and build
their own.
He calls it 'open-source agriculture' and believes that in the future it will not only provide food, but also
create jobs and a new generation of young farmers familiar with digital technology. He sees a world with a billion
tiny farms connected in a sort of global agricultural democracy.

1 Why did early humans start living in cities? 4 What can you email to a friend?
A The population was increasing. A digital climate recipes
B They discovered agriculture. B herbs and spices
C Their farms were too small. C the PFC database

2 What does a PFC have inside? 5 What is the word ‘goal’ in Paragraph 4 closest
A water in meaning to?
B plants A exhibit
C fish B experiment
C purpose
3 What does the controlled environment allow
you to do? 6 What will open-source agriculture do?
A Make a plant that comes from different A Teach people new ways to grow crops.
countries. B Make the farms of the future smaller.
B Change the look and taste of plants. C Create a billion new jobs for people.
C Create recipes for cooking various foods.

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