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Suicide is a result of biopsychosocial disturbances.

These disturbances may occur from family,

peers, school, and work or within a toxic environment as a whole. It has no face, age or gender but has a
transparent symptoms; anxiety, depression, pressure and abuses as for example.

In relation, there are countries that normalize or consent suicide as part of their culture- literally
to escape their problems or to end their agony. However, discussing suicide will take a thorough time as
it has a really wide scope. As per suggest by the argument which is “Teenage Suicide”, my stand will only
be limited within the current situation and why teenagers?

This argument tend to raise the issues of teenage suicide associated with the new normal which
is I’m sure in our academic changes. To specify, the conflict is only about the students’ responses or
their coping mechanisms and the educational demands of the new curriculum which we are all
undergoing transition period/adjustments. This should not be a blame game of who really is responsible
to its effect. However, I strongly believe that before implementing a decision especially if it involves the
majority, there must be a proper and well-prepared STRATEGIC PLANS before its approval- which is I
think the cause. Since, it has already been made and done, as a result, a voice from afar wept with a
suffering tone saying, “I’ve already had enough, I’ve tried my best, I can’t handle it this way, it is better
to end it all, like anyone else, I think this is what I also deserve!” There now appears the involvements of

I am a teenager and we share the same situations but we only differ to our level of sensitivity.
Thus, prior to our Christian country, I am made bigger than my problems, I can survive, I can resist and I
can move forward through a strong foundations which I have- God, family and indeed myself. These
three foundations will never be gone, nurture it and you will see how positive life is. It is hard to give a
stand to those who think, “You don’t know how it feels for you haven’t experience anything like these,
it’s easy to show sympathy or empathy but you haven’t felt the same thing.” Well, I don’t need to
experienced what you have been through, I have my own battle to fight and we should be glad that
there is someone who hears and gives us attention. Remember, suicide is NOT our culture and if it
exists, now is the time that it must be stopped by just being safe and taking care of this temporary body
in a temporary world. Be brave!

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