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Name: Austin D. Carandang

Grade And Section: Grade 8 Sampaguita
Subject: English
Teacher: Mr. Aaron Blay

What I Know
Directions: Read each sentence carefully. Use context clues to determine
the word’s meaning. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Rice is the shaper of other foods and tastes. Filipinos not only like
sour, but also salty flavors because they think that blandness of rice
suggests the desirability of sharp contrast.
Blandness as used in the context means "​A.delicious​_.
a. delicious b. sour c. tasteless d. sweet
2. Filipinos cook a variety of foods influenced by Spanish, American,
Japanese, Indian, Chinese and more than a hundred distinct ethno-
linguistic groups. However, a majority of mainstream Filipino dishes that
compose Filipino cuisine are from the cuisines of the various ethnolinguistic
groups and tribes.
Variety as used in the sentence means ___​B.many​.
a. diverse b. many c. change d. same
3. Philippine culture was heavily influenced by Spain and Spanish culture.
Despite this, the Filipino people maintained their own culture.
Maintained means __​B.kept​.
a. established b. kept c. ignored d. lost
4. Most Filipino couple tend to be frugal because they wanted to save
enough money to buy a house.
Frugal as used in the context means ___​D.extravagant​.
a. economical b. wasteful c. interested d. extravagant
5.To have an extended family living in the same house is normal for the
culture of an African family. Filipino practices this culture also. ​___C.neglects.
a. follows b. conforms c. neglects d. uses

6. African tradition is expressed through many different art forms, such

as music, dance, art, and sculpture. These traditions are deeply ingrained
into the whole African culture. ​D.rooted.
a. assumed b. dislodged c. showed d. rooted

What I know
Let’s have a recall of your past lessons in context clues. Study them
and try to connect them to the next activity. Then answer the activities
below one at a time before proceeding to the next task.
Context Clues
Directions: Choose the meaning of the underlined words through context
clues. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Adobo is identified as the Philippine stew in foreign cookbooks, unlike
sinigang which is cooked only for a short time in a moderate fire.
Stew means to_​d. boil slowly​. for a period of time.
a. set aside b. freeze c. cool d. boil slowly
2. Filipinos like the lightly boiled and slightly soured dish that includes
fish/meat, vegetables and broth.
broth means ___​b. a simmered soup with meat or fish​.
a. a frozen soup with meat or fish
b. a simmered soup with meat or fish
c. a delicious soup with meat or fish
d. a thin soup of concentrated meat or fish stock.
3. Rice is ubiquitous, for it is easy to plant and harvest and it allows
more than one crop a year.
ubiquitous means __​B.common​.
a. rare b. common c. expensive d. whitened
4. What group of words in sentence 3, give you the clue to the meaning
of the underlined word ubiquitous? ​C.both a and b

a. It is easy to plant and harvest.

b. It allows more than one crop a year.
c. Both a and b.
d. None of the above.
5. Sinigang is commonly served in the most expensive restaurants and to
gleaming ilustrado table.
The Spanish word ilustrado means ​C.educated​.
a. rich b. famous c. educated d. uneducated

What is it
1. What are the different kinds of “sinigang” that can be served on the
Filipino table?
a.​ Shrimp Sinigang.________
b.​Bangus Sinigang.​________
c.​Pork Sinigang.​__________
2. Which of those kinds do you enjoy the most?
The kind of Sinigang that I like the most is the Shrimp Sinigang​.
Why? ​Because it have the texture that is mouth watering​.
3. What do they represent? ​B.Filipino Dish​.
a. Filipino dish c. Philippine Culture
b. Filipino trait d. Filipino tradition
4. In the sentence, “walang talong, mahal ang gabi, kangkong na lang,”
implies that Filipinos are ​D.adaptable​. by nature
a. creative b. resourceful c. resilient d. adaptable
5. What Filipino trait is dominant in the sentence, “If you don’t like shrimp, then
bangus, or pork to all classes and budgets, even ayungin, in humble little piles,
find their way into the pot.
a. hospitality c. resiliency
b. adaptability d. honesty
6. In the sentence, “Walang talong, mahal ang gabi, kangkong na lang.”
implies that Filipinos are ____​b.resourceful​ by nature.
a. creative b. resourceful c. resilient d. adaptable
7. What time of day is referred to by the last sentence of Paragraph 2? ​C.sunset
a. morning b. noontime c. sunset d. sunrise
8. The author’s purpose in writing the selection is to ​C.Filipino culture.
a. promote sinigang c. describe a Filipino Culture
b. teach how to cook sinigang d. describe a Filipino tradition

What's more
Use Context Clues to Understand Word Meanings
Directions: Find unknown words from the reading selection. Use context
clues to determine the meaning.
1.)formica a laminated,heat-resistant thermosetting
plastic used for table and sink tops

Directions: Write your answers in your notebook.
1. The persona in the selection is a/an ​C.african​.
a. American b. Filipino c. African d. Thai
2. Is the speaker proud of his race?​ A.yes
a. yes b. no c. maybe d. does not say
3. How does he describe his land? ​D.abundant
a. barren b. deserted c. rich d. abundant
4. What kind of life does he want to enjoy as reflected in stanza 5?
A life that’s ​ to do whatever he wants​___________.
a. free to do whatever he wants c. free to travel
b. free in his own land d. rich and powerful
5. According to the speaker, how is he going to achieve the kind of future
he wants? He can achieve this if? ​D.He is given the opportunity
a. He will study
b. He will build a wing mill
c. He will work hard
d. He is given the opportunity
6. William Kamkwamba, an African inventor built an electricity-
producing windmill for his community using spare parts and scrap
materials that he collected from a local scrap yard. What character
trait is described? ​__D.all of the above.
a. determined b. resourceful c. clever d. all of the above
7. In what point of view is the poem told? ​C.Second Person
a. First person
b. Third Person Limited
c. Second Person
d. Third Person Omniscient
8. What is the message of the poem? ​The message of the poem is to become proud to the land
where you came from and appreciate the freedom you have ​.

What’s More

Directions: Read and analyze the meaning of the underlined words through
context clues. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
_​C.​_1. African worked day and night to prove to everyone that his success is not
confined​ to donations – and he proved himself right.
a. open c. limited
b. free d. abundant
_​D.​_2. He earns a living by making use of ​discarded​ soft drink bottles, empty
cans, old newspapers and magazines.
a. acquire c. avail
b. cherished d. disposed
_​D.​_3. He experienced extreme difficulties in life, but these did not stop him
from pursuing his goal. Driven by his ambition and determination he
eventually ​thrived​.
a. failed c. ceased
b. declined d. succeeded
What I Have Learned
Use Context Clues to Understand Word Meanings
Directions: Find unknown words from the poem. Use context clues to
determine the meaning.
1.)articulate having or
showing ability
to speak Fluently,
Additional Activities
1. In what way are the Filipinos and Africans similar in facing challenges
in life?
Filipinos and Africans are both ​experience attacked by other country and both dream to have
freedom of their own.​_

2. Like the Africans who are proud of their race and identity, Filipinos are
also proud of their nationality. As a citizen of this country, what makes
you proud as a Filipino? ​I am proud because our country still standing again and again and I am
also proud of our country being a Christian country.

3. As a Filipino child, think of your skills and talent and explain how you
will make use of them to contribute to your personal improvement and
your country’s progress. Copy the template in your notebook and
accomplish your task.

I can

I can do I can do I can do

share The Word of God things like supporting ​ ​teach others the
t​ he project of our community​ ​the good deeds

I am going to ​use all of this talent to improve myself and to serve others so they can
improve too.and to use this talents only for good and for the improvement of others of
our country,for the whole world.

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