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Most Essential
Learning Competencies
with Corresponding CG Codes
and Instruction Strand

Photos courtesy of DepEd Philippines


Grade Level: 7

Subject: SPA – Music

Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration Code
The learner…
FIRST demonstrates understanding of illustrates examples of 1. explains how the different WEEK 1 SPA_MU7-Ia-1
QUARTER the different artistic the integrated art elements of artistic SPA_MU7-Ib-2
expressions; its elements, processes in the expression.
processes, principles, and different art forms. are used.
interrelations. 2. explains the principles of WEEK 2 SPA_MU7-Ic-3
artistic organization in the
different art forms.
3. develops the fundamental WEEK 3 SPA_MU7-Id-4
artistic processes in
expressing oneself.
4. explains the WEEK 4 SPA_MU7-Ie-5
characteristics of the
different art forms.
5. distinguishes clearly the WEEK 5 SPA_MU7-If-6
commonalities and
differences among the
different art forms.
6. analyzes elements and WEEK 6 SPA_MU7-Ig-7
processes of artistic
expression in the different
art forms.
7. demonstrates the WEEK 7 SPA_MU7-Ih-8
elements of artistic

expressions using
soundscapes in music using
the available resources in
your community.
8. evaluates the importance WEEK 8 SPA_MU7-Ia-j-9
of regular warm-up for
vocal and instrumental
SECOND demonstrates understanding of performs chants or 1. *describes the narratives WEEK 1 SPA_MU7-IIa-1
QUARTER local stories, legends and myths songs from stories, of local legends and myths SPA_MU7-IIb-2
as reflections of Filipino values, legends and myths in citing their place of origin.
ingenuity. their local context with 2. interprets stories, guided WEEK 2 SPA_MU7-IIc-3
clarity. by basic Filipino cultural
3. relates how these WEEK 3 SPA_MU7-IId-4
narratives reflect the Filipino
4. analyzes narratives in SPA_MU7-IIe-5
terms of literary and musical
5. expresses a set of values SPA_MU7-IIf-6
and insights relevant to
one’s life and community.
6. chants from stories, myths WEEK 4 SPA_MU7-IIg-7
and legends.
demonstrates understanding of applies musical 7.applies the use of music in WEEK 5 SPA_MU7-IIi-9
the importance of studying elements in performing the integrated arts in
music and its elements. chants, songs, myths, depicting the narratives.
and legends.

demonstrates understanding of executes the proper 8. identifies the different WEEK 6 SPA_MU7-IIa-j-10-
the instruments used. technique of playing the instruments used and their 11
instrument. parts .
9. applies the proper WEEK 7
techniques in playing the
demonstrates understanding of executes the proper 10. explains the anatomy of WEEK 8 SPA_MU7-IIa-12
the voice as an instrument. way of caring for one’s the vocal apparatus.
voice. 11. practices proper care of WEEK 9 SPA_MU7-Ib-j-13-14
the voice.
12. distinguishes the
classifications of voice
THIRD demonstrates understanding of reenacts festivals 1. describes rituals and WEEK 1 SPA_MU7-IIIa-1
QUARTER local rituals and festivals according to festivals citing their
reflective of Filipino values, local/regional traditions. history, place of origin,
ingenuity. and context.
2. observes cultural WEEK 2 SPA_MU7-IIIb-2
sensitivity to beliefs,
rituals, customs, and
demonstrates understanding of 3. analyzes significant use of WEEK 3 SPA_MU7-IIIc-3
music concepts and processes the arts and creative
as applied to the music of rituals expressions in rituals and
and festivals. festivals.

demonstrates understanding to 4. demonstrates the various WEEK 4 SPA_MU7-IIId-4

the use of different art forms artistic expressions present
and media to portray rituals and in the rituals and festivals.
festivals. 5. establishes the functions WEEK 5 SPA_MU7-IIIe-5
of rituals and festivals.
demonstrates understanding of performs activities that 6. recognizes the importance WEEK 6 SPA_MU7-IIIf-6
the importance of music. shows the importance of music.
of music.

demonstrates understanding of applies the elements of 7. analyzes the elements of WEEK 7 SPA_MU7-IIIa-j-7
the elements of music. music. music through listening.

executes skills required 8. sings/plays instruments. WEEK 8 SPA_MU7-IIIa-j-7

in solo and group
FOURTH demonstrates an understanding performs basic music 1. describes the elements of WEEKS 1 - 8 SPA_MU7-IVa-j-1
QUARTER of the elements of music. reading skills through music.
sight reading and
singing of their local 2. applies the elements of SPA_MU7-IVa-j-2
music (e.g.Harana- music through singing and
Bulacan). playing.
demonstrates understanding of applies aspects of the 3. analyzes musical elements SPA_MU7-IVa-j-3
the integrated arts approach in a integrated arts in epics, rituals, festivals
musical performance. approach in the staging meaningfully.
music performances. 4. analyzes meaningfully the SPA_MU7-IVa-j-4
dynamics of self and group
through music and the
integrated arts approach.

For 3rd and 4th Quarter: Teachers are free to choose what elements of music he/she think is necessary to apply to the student’s specialization.

 Rhythm (Beat, Meter, Note Values)

 Melody (Modes, Tonality, Scales)
 Harmony (Intervals & Triads)
 Tempo (Adagio, Moderato, Allegro, Presto, Vivace)
 Dynamics (piano, forte, mezzo piano, mezzo forte)
 Timbre (vocal, instrumental, environmental)
 Form (Cyclic, Phrases, Period, Section, Binary, Ternary, Rounded Binary, Rondo, Song Forms)
 Basic Music Reading: Notes, Rests, Time Signature, Clefs

Grade Level: 8
Subject: SPA – Music

Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration Code
The learner…
FIRST QUARTER demonstrates an creates a cultural map 1. describes the dimensions WEEK 1 SPA_MU8-Ia-1
understanding of depicting the music of society and applies them
heritage. heritage of one’s on an analysis of his
locality. community.

demonstrates an
understanding of the
different dimensions or
modalities of society as
applied in a community
and their various

demonstrates an assesses the music 2. conducts survey of the WEEK 2 SPA_MU8-Ib-2

understanding of basic resources of the music resources of the
cultural mapping community. community.
3. illustrates cultural maps WEEK 3 SPA_MU8-Ic-3
with clarity, analysis, and
demonstrates an performs music in solo 4. evaluates music applying WEEKS 4 - 6 SPA_MU8-Ia-j-4
understanding of the and with the basic musical elements
elements of music. accompaniment. and skills
5. explains how specific SPA_MU8-Ia-j-5
elements of music are
applied in particular music
6. Sight-reads music in SPA_MU8-Ia-j-6
singing and playing
SECOND QUARTER demonstrates an creates maps on the 1. identifies the different WEEK 1 SPA_MU8-IIa-1
understanding of the natural heritage of natural heritage of the
natural heritage of his/her community. community and gives its
his/her community and significance.
its different 2. conducts an inventory of WEEK 2 SPA_MU8-IIb-2
ecosystems. the natural heritage of the
community , ecosystems
and give their significance.
3. illustrates the varied WEEK 3 SPA_MU8-IIc-3
ecosystems in his/her
community through a

natural heritage map or

visual collage.
demonstrates performs music with an 4.creates soundscapes of WEEK 4 SPA_MU8-IId-4
understanding of the ecological content. human and ecological
relationship of music situations.
elements to the earth. 5. create a fusion of earth WEEK 5 SPA_MU8-IIe-5
music through
demonstrates performs music in solo 6. applies the elements of WEEKS 6 - 8 SPA_MU8-IIa-j-6
understanding of the and with music in voice and
elements of music accompaniment. instrument.
through ensemble 7. demonstrates aural skills. SPA_MU8-IIa-j-7
playing and group
singing. 8. reads music for ensemble SPA_MU8-IIa-j-8
playing and singing.
understanding of the
various methods and
techniques of singing
and instrument-playing.
THIRD QUARTER demonstrates an creates a map of the 1. classifies the tangible and WEEK 1 SPA_MU8-IIIa-1
understanding of the tangible and intangible intangible cultural
cultural resources of cultural resources of resources in his/her
his/her community, its their community. community and its
different types, and significance.
significance. 2. conducts an inventory of WEEK 2 SPA_MU8-IIIb-2
the cultural resources of

demonstrates an 3. illustrates the heritage WEEK 3 SPA_MU8-IIIc-3

understanding of basic icons in his/her community.
cultural research. 4. analyzes human and WEEK 4 SPA_MU8-IIId-4
socio-cultural situations
based on the cultural maps.
5. applies creative WEEK 5 SPA_MU8-IIIe-5
integrated arts approaches
in mapping tangible and
intangible heritage
demonstrates performs music pieces 6. selects a cultural icon for WEEK 6 SPA_MU8-III-a-j-6
understanding of with cultural heritage music performance.
elements of music as content. 7. analyzes the musical WEEK 7 SPA_MU8-III-a-7
applied to heritage characteristics of a short
pieces. heritage piece.

understanding of the
performance of music
pieces with cultural
heritage content drawn
from local community
FOURTH QUARTER demonstrates an stages a performance 1. analyzes the importance WEEK 1 SPA_MU8-IVa-1
understanding of with cultural heritage of good music
program using the content. programming, rehearsal
integrated arts preparation, and staging.
approach. 2.improvises music based WEEK 2 SPA_MU8-IVb-2
on local cultural heritage.

demonstrates an 3. employs acceptable WEEK 3 SPA_MU8-IVc-3

understanding of the rehearsal methods to good
staging process. program planning.
4. applies aspects of the WEEK 4 SPA_MU-IVa-j-4
integrated arts approach in
the staging music

Teachers are free to choose what elements of music he/she thinks is necessary to apply to the student’s specialization.
 Rhythm (Simple & Compound Meter, Syncopated, Ostinato, Drone)
 Melody (Key Signatures, Scale Degree names Types and Qualities of Intervals, Modes)
 Harmony (Chord Functions, Tonic, Dominant, Chord Progressions, Drone & Melody)
 Tempo (Grave, Lento, Prestissimo, Ritardando, Accelerando, Rubato)
 Dynamics(crescendo, decrescendo, diminuendo)
 Timbre (Hornböestel-Sachs Classification, Voice – SATB, Solo, Duet, Trio, Quartet, Bel Canto, Indigenous Vocal Styles)
 Form (Canon, Fugue, Sonata Allegro, Concerto, Symphony, Theme & Variations, Cyclic form, Indigenous Forms)
 Choral Harmony, Balance & Blending

Grade Level: 9
Subject: SPA – Music

Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Duration Code

The learner…
FIRST QUARTER demonstrates an performs Philippine 1. distinguishes the WEEK 1 SPA_MU9-Ia-1
understanding of cross- indigenous and different functions of
cultural comparison between Medieval/Renaissance music Indigenous music in
Philippine indigenous and based on its functions to Philippine and
Medieval/Renaissance music. daily life. western setting.

2. displays familiarity WEEK 2 SPA_MU9-Ib-2

in various
performance practice
of Philippine and
Western music.
3.outlines the WEEK 3 SPA_MU9-Ic-3
historical and
background of
Philippines and
Western countries.
4. analyzes how socio- WEEK 4 SPA_MU9-Id-4
cultural functions and
historical events
affect musical forms
across Philippine and
Western society.

5.distinguishes how WEEK 5 SPA_MU9-le-5

Philippine and
Western music
developed alongside
each other through
finding commonalities
and differences.
6. demonstrates skills WEEKS 6 - 8 SPA_MU9-lf-h-6
in playing actual or
simulated indigenous
and western
demonstrates an 7.applies musical skills WEEKS 1 - 8 SPA_MU9-la-h-7
understanding of music for voice and
reading, vocal techniques, instrument playing.
instrument playing
techniques, and sight reading
SECOND QUARTER demonstrates an performs music from the 1. describes the WEEK 1 SPA_MU9-IIa-1
understanding of cross- Spanish Colonial Period of different functions of
cultural comparison between the Philippines, Baroque, music in Philippine
Philippine and Western Classical and Romantic and Western setting.
musical development. Periods 2.distinguishes Sacred WEEK 2 SPA_MU9-IIb-2
from secular music.
3.identifies the WEEK 3 SPA_MU9-IIc-3
historical and
background of

Philippines and the

4. identifies major WEEK 4 SPA_MU9-IId-4
composers of the
Spanish Colonial
period in the
Philippines, Baroque,
Classical and Romantic
Periods in the West
5.analyzes how socio- WEEK 5 SPA_MU9-IIe-5
cultural functions and
historical events affect
musical forms across
Philippine and
Western society.
6.distinguishes how WEEK 6 SPA_MF9-IIf-6
Philippine and
Western music
developed alongside
each other through
finding commonalities
and differences.
7. applies appropriate WEEK 7 SPA_MU9-IIg-7
technical skills in
performing Philippine
and Western music.
demonstrates an 8. applies musical skills WEEKS 1 - 4 SPA_MU9-IIa-d-8
understanding of music for voice and
theory. instrument playing.

9. applies of the WEEKS 5 -8 SPA_MU9-IIe-h-9

elements of music
through the chosen
specialization: voice
and instrument-
THIRD QUARTER demonstrates an displays familiarity in various 1. describes the WEEK 1 SPA_MU9-IIIa-1
understanding of cross- performance practice of different functions of
cultural comparison between Philippine, American and music in Philippine,
Philippine, American and Japanese musical period. American and
Japanese musical Japanese setting.
development. 2. identifies the WEEK 2 SPA_MU9-IIIb-2
historical and
background of
Philippine, American
and Japanese period.
3.analyzes how socio- WEEK 3 SPA_MU9-IIIc-3
cultural functions and
historical events
affects musical forms
across Philippine,
American and
Japanese society.
4.distinguishes how WEEK 4 SPA_MU9-IIId-4
Philippine ,American
and Japanese music
developed alongside
each other through

finding commonalities
and differences.
demonstrates an 5. applies musical skills WEEKS 1 - 8 SPA_MU9-IIIa-h-5
understanding of music for voice and
theory. instrument playing.
FOURTH QUARTER demonstrates understanding stages a recital. 1. applies knowledge WEEKS 1 - 4 SPA-MU-IIIa-d-1
of program planning for a on music history to
recital. program planning.
2. displays knowledge WEEKS 5 - 8 SPA-MU-IIIe-h-2
in performing basic
musical performances .
demonstrates an demonstrates musical skills 3.employs acceptable WEEKS 1 - 4 SPA-MU-IIIa-d-3
understanding of basic in voice and/or instrument- rehearsal methods to
music reading, basic vocal playing. good program
techniques, instrument planning.
playing techniques, and sight 4.applies aspects of WEEKS 5 - 7 SPA-MU-IIIe-g-4
reading skills. the integrated arts
approach in the
staging music

Grade Level: 10

Subject: SPA – Music

Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Duration Code

Standards Competencies
The learner…
FIRST QUARTER Demonstrates Performs the genres 1. Identifies the genres and WEEK 1 SPA_MU10-Ia-1
understanding of of music (vocal / proponents of music from
Philippine music from instrumental) from Philippine Independence
Philippine Philippine to the present
Independence to the Independence to the
present present.

demonstrates employs knowledge 2.Outlines the different WEEK 2 SPA_MU10-Ib-2

understanding of issues on the different issues issues affecting the music
related to the music to one’s own music profession.
profession. practice.

3.Advocates intellectual WEEK 3 SPA_MU10-Ic-3

property rights.

demonstrates an composes music 4.Employs creativity in WEEK 4 SPA_MU10-Id-4

understanding of basic composition and
compositional concepts arrangements.
and techniques.
arranges music 5. familiarizes with various WEEK 5 SPA_MU10-Ie-5
performance having
diverse musical styles.

6. applies music WEEKS 6 TO 7 SPA_MU10-If-6

technology software in
notating, sequencing and
demonstrates an performs skills for 7. shows mastery of WEEKS 1 TO 8 SPA_MU10-Ia-h-7
understanding of music voice and instrument- musical elements through
reading, basic vocal playing varied musical
techniques, instrument performance.
playing techniques, and
sight reading skills
SECOND QUARTER demonstrates presents a simulated 1. distinguishes Philippine WEEK 1 SPA_MU10-lIa-1
understanding of performance of music from ASEAN music
Philippine music in the ASEAN music.
ASEAN context.
demonstrates an displays familiarity in 2. presents a simulated WEEK 2 SPA_MU10-Ilb-2
understanding of cross various performance performance of ASEAN
cultural comparison practice of ASEAN Music.
between Philippine and music.
demonstrates conducts interviews 3. outlines the different WEEK 3 SPA_MU10-Ilc-3
understanding of issues with local artists issues affecting the music
related to the music about the different profession.
profession. issues in the music
profession. 4. advocates intellectual WEEK 4 SPA_MU10-Ild-4
property rights.

demonstrates an creates basic music 5. develops creativity in WEEK 5 SPA_MU10-Ile-5

understanding of basic compositions or conceptualizing basic

compositional concepts music compositions or

and techniques arrangements.

demonstrates displays knowledge in 6. uses technology to WEEK 6 SPA_MU10-Ile-6

familiarity with music using music notate, transcribe, record
software for notation, technology software or sequence music
recording, and

demonstrates an performs skills for 7. displays mastery of the WEEKS 1 TO 4 SPA_MU10-Ila-d-7

understanding of music voice and instrument- musical elements through
reading, basic vocal playing musical performances
techniques, instrument applies appropriate 8. displays familiarity in WEEKS 5 TO 8 SPA_MU10-Ile-h-8
playing techniques, and technical skills in various performance
sight reading skills performing diverse practice of diverse musical
musical styles styles

THIRD QUARTER demonstrates an performs a musical 1.distinguishes each WEEK 1 SPA_MU10-Illa-1

understanding of genre for each region musical genre
globalization in music. of the world.
2. applies appropriate WEEK 2 SPA_MU10-Illb-2
displays familiarity in technical skills in
various performance performing diverse musical
practice of various styles
world music.
demonstrates conducts research 3.analyzes the reasons WEEK 3 SPA_MU10-lllc-3
understanding of issues about music behind the issues in the
organizations that musical profession.

related to the music deal with issues and 4.displays awareness in WEEK 4 SPA_MU10-llld-4
profession. music advocacy. music advocacy and issues

demonstrates an creates music 5.develops creativity in WEEKS 1 TO 3 SPA_MU10-llla-c-5

understanding of music compositions or conceptualizing basic
reading, basic vocal arrangements. music compositions or
techniques, instrument arrangements.
playing techniques, and 6. uses technology to WEEKS 4 TO 6 SPA_MU10-llld-f-6
sight reading skills. demonstrates musical notate, transcribe, record
skills in voice and/or or sequence music.
instrument-playing. 7. displays mastery of the WEEKS 7 TO 8 SPA_MU10-lllg-h-7
musical elements through
musical performances.
performs skills for
voice and instrument-
applies appropriate
technical skills in
performing diverse
musical styles.

FOURTH QUARTER demonstrate an demonstrate 1.identifies the various WEEKS 1 TO 4 SPA_MU10-IVa-d-1

understanding of the creativity in music professions, their
nature of the work of conceptualizing and training and nature of
various music careers. making music work.
compositions or 2.evaluates one’s aptitude, WEEKS 5 TO 8 SPA_MU10-IVe-h-2
arrangements. interest and abilities in
relation to the various
demonstrates basic music professions.
musical skills in voice

and/or instrument-

demonstrates an employs acceptable 3. displays familiarity in WEEKS 1 TO 4 SPA_MU10-IVa-d-3

understanding of rehearsal methods various performance
program planning, applicable to good practice of diverse musical
rehearsal preparation, program planning. styles.
and staging using the
integrated arts

demonstrates an performs skills for 4. displays mastery of the WEEKS 5 TO 8 SPA_MU10-IVe-h-6

understanding of music voice and instrument- musical elements through
reading, basic vocal playing . musical performances.
techniques, instrument uses technology to
playing techniques, and document music
sight reading skills. performances.
applies appropriate
technical skills in
performing diverse
musical styles.

Grade Level: 7


Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
The learner…
defines dance SPA_BD7-Ia-1
 As an emotional
demonstrates WEEK 1
understanding of the
 As an artistic expression.
basic concepts,
discusses the functions of dance. SPA_BD7-Ia-j-
characteristics and exhibits skills on
WEEK 2 2
functions of dance, the different
movement dance
identifies the nature and characteristics of SPA_BD7-Ib-j-
QUARTER 1 vocabularies, forms/genres.
each dance form/genre WEEKS 3-4 3
forms/genres and its
relationships for the
explains the relationships of the different SPA_BD7-Ib-j-
enhancement of
dance forms/genres. WEEK 5 5
individual aesthetic
executes dance movements of some genres SPA_BD7-Ib-j-
using the basic concepts, characteristics and WEEKS 6-8 6
functions of the dance.
demonstrates performs basic defines the meaning of dance SPA_MD7-IIa-
understanding of the dance movement movements. WEEK 1 1
concepts of dance combinations
movement and (locomotor and explains the importance of body as a SPA_MDIIa-2
space in relationship non-locomotor) in medium of communication for dance.
to dance. relation to space. communicates ideas and expressions SPA_MDIIa-j-
through simple body movements using WEEKS 3-4 3
locomotor and non-locomotor movements.

explores movement combinations SPA_MDIIa-j-

(locomotor and non-locomotor) in relation WEEKS 5-6 5
to personal and general space.
executes dance movements combinations SPA_MDIIa-j-
(locomotor and non-locomotor) in relation WEEKS 7-8 4
to personal and general space.

QUARTER 3 demonstrates creates basic describes the elements of dance. WEEK 1 SPA_D-PED7-
knowledge and movement IIIa-1
understanding of the combinations
basic elements of using the correlates relationship among the different WEEK 2 SPA_D-
dance and elements of movement patterns. PEDIIIa-j-2
movement dance in
framework of accordance with performs movement combinations in WEEKS 3-4 SPA_D-
Rudolph Laban. the movement relation to- PEDIIIa-j-3
framework of Rhythm
Rudolph Laban. Force
relates one’s movement to a partner or WEEKS 5-6 SPA_D-
group. PEDIIIb-j-4

performs simple movement patterns WEEKS 7-8 SPA_D-

applying the basic elements and principles PEDIIIb-j-5
of dance

QUARTER 4 develops creates explains various dances of the WEEK 1 SPA_D-MCI7-

understanding of movement locality/region. IVa-1
movement combinations

combinations inspired by the differentiates movement characteristics of WEEK 2 SPA_D-MCI7-

inspired by the local local cultural the local and/or /regional dances. IVa-f-2
cultural experiences experiences creates short movement phrases inspired by WEEKS 3-4 SPA_D-MCI7-
and/or a regional and/or a regional local cultural experiences IVa-j-3
dance. dance.
communicates ideas and expressions of the WEEKS 5-6 SPA_D-MCI7-
local culture through short movement IVa-j-4
performs movement combinations through WEEKS 7-8 SPA_D-MCI7-
a mini-production. IVa-j-5

Grade Level: 8


Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
The learner…
demonstrates performs skillfully executes the correct technique of the WEEKS 1-2 SPA_D-PF8-
knowledge, selected local/ regional fundamental positions of hands and feet. Ia-1
understanding and /national dances from
appreciation of the Luzon, Visayas and executes the different hand /arm SPA_D-PF8-
significant historical Mindanao, based on movements in folkdance. WEEKS 1-2 Ia-j-2
context of dance literature.
local/regional/ explains different terminologies, the nature SPA_D-PF8-
national dances. and characteristics, historical background Ia-j-3
and basic dance steps of selected Philippine

performs basic dance steps in SPA_D-PF8-

2, 3, 4 time signatures used in the dances WEEK 4 Ib-j-4
4 4 4
demonstrates dance sequence of the SPA_D-PF8-
selected dances. WEEKS 5-6 Ib-j-6

incorporates the elements of dance such as SPA_D-PF8-

time, rhythm and space and movements in WEEKS 5-6 Ib-j-8
local dances
promotes the preservation of local dances SPA_D-PF8-
through performance. WEEKS 7-8 Ib-j-9

recognizes National Artists in Dance and SPA_D-PF8-

their contributions to the development of WEEKS 7-8 Ib-j-10
Philippine dances
develops showcases and skillfully describes the parts, types, and functions of SPA_D-SPF8-
understanding of the performs selected local stage. WEEK 1 IIa-1
basic concepts of and national dances.
staging Philippine defines dance staging SPA_D-SPF8-
Folkdances for WEEK 2 IIa-2
productions and/or
performances. explains the importance of staging SPA_D-SPF8-
Philippine folkdance (local/national). WEEK 3 IIa-j-3

illustrates how the stage is effectively used SPA_D-SPF8-

for the enhancement of performance. WEEK 4 IIa-j-4

enumerates the process on how to stage a SPA_D-SPF8-

folkdance. IIa-j-5

recognizes the importance of quality SPA_D-SPF8-

performance. WEEK 6 IIa-j-6

showcases the Philippine dances through a SPA_D-SPF8-

mini-recital. WEEKS 7-8 IIj-7

demonstrates performs at least 3 Asian describes the nature and characteristics of WEEK 1 SPA_D-DAC-
knowledge, dances based on Asian dances. IIIa-j-1
understanding and published dance
appreciation of the literature. discusses the origin/location of Asian folk WEEK 2 SPA_D-SPF8-
different Asian dance through its costume/music. IIa-j-2
dances and their
relation with gives the meaning of dance movements WEEK 3 SPA_D-SPF8-
Philippine Dances. and gestures of the selected dance. IIa-j-3

demonstrates basic steps used in Asian WEEK 4 SPA_D-SPF8-
dances. IIa-j-4

performs Asian dances with respect to its WEEKS 5-6 SPA_D-SPF8-

culture IIa-j-5

compares and contrasts the characteristics WEEKS 7-8 SPA_D-SPF8-

of Philippine Dances with Asian Dances in IIa-j-6
terms of basic steps, music, costumes, etc.
develops knowledge and showcases and skillfully explains the importance of staging ASIAN WEEKS 1-2 SPA_D-SAD8-
QUARTER 4 understanding of the basic performs selected ASIAN dances. IVa-j-1

concepts of staging ASIAN illustrates how the stage is effectively used WEEKS 3-4 SPA_D-SAD8-
dances for production/ for the enhancement of the performance. IVa-j-2
recognizes the importance of quality WEEKS 5-6 SPA_D-SAD8-
performance. IVa-j-3

showcases ASIAN dances. WEEKS 7-8 SPA_D-SAD8-


Grade Level: 8


Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
The learner…
QUARTER 1 demonstrates performs correctly some discusses the history and development of WEEK 1 SPA_D-CBC8-
understanding of the basic ballet steps and classical ballet. Ia-1
concepts and terminologies movements using the
in classical ballet. principles of classical ballet. identifies distinguishing characteristics of WEEK 2 SPA_D-CBC8-
classical ballet. Ia-j-2

analyzes the different dance elements in WEEK 3 SPA_D-CBC8-

classical ballet. Ia-j-3

executes classical ballet movements with WEEKS 4-8 SPA_D-CBC8-

ease and facility. Ia-j-4
QUARTER 2 demonstrates executes floor, barre and describes the proper body placement in WEEK 1 SPA_D-CBT8-
understanding of the center/corner exercises. classical ballet. IIa-1

fundamental ballet .
technique in: floor, barre, identifies classical ballet technique. WEEK 2 SPA_D-CBT8-
centerwork, and corner IIa-j-2
performs classical ballet technique. WEEKS 3-8 SPA_D-CBT8-

analyzes the application of ballet technique WEEK 8 SPA_D-CBT8-

to other dance genres. IIa-j-4

QUARTER 3 demonstrates performs contemporary discusses the history/development, WEEK 1 SPA_D-CD8-

understanding and dance movements using movement and principles of contemporary IIIa-j-1
appreciation of the different the Cunningham dances.
concepts and principles of technique. differentiates contemporary dance from WEEK 2 SPA_D-CD8-
contemporary dance. classical ballet. IIIa-j-2

executes Cunningham contemporary dance WEEKS 3-8 SPA_D-CD8-

technique. IIIa-j-3

QUARTER 4 develops understanding of showcases and skillfully explains the importance of staging classical/ WEEK 1 SPA_D-CDT8-
the basic concepts of performs selected contemporary dances. IVa-j-1
staging classical/ classical/contemporary
contemporary dances for dances illustrates how the stage is effectively used WEEK 2 SPA_D-CDT8-
production/performances. for the enhancement of the performance. IVa-j-2

recognizes the importance of quality WEEKS 3-8 SPA_D-CDT8-

performance. IVa-j-3
showcases classical/ contemporary dances

Grade Level: 9


Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
The learner…
QUARTER 1 demonstrates performs at least three describes the nature, characteristics and WEEK 1 SPA_D-DW9-
understanding and (3) dances from the historical background and/or basic dance steps Ia-j-1
appreciation of the different countries. of the selected foreign folkdances.
different dances of the
world as they relate to demonstrates the dance sequence of selected WEEKS 2-3 SPA_D-DW9-
Philippine dances. foreign dances. Ia-j-2

compares the characteristics of foreign dances WEEK 4 SPA_D-DW9-

to Philippine folkdances. Ia-j-3

performs selected foreign dances incorporating WEEKS 5-8 SPA_D-DW9-

the elements of dance such as time, rhythm and Ia-j-4
space, and movements.
QUARTER 2 demonstrates executes the different describes the nature, characteristics, historical WEEK 1 SPA_D-BD9-
understanding and ballroom/ dance sport background, and basic elements of Ballroom IIa-j-1
appreciation of the nature, movements with Dance/Dance Sports.
characteristics, principles, precision.
and technique of explains the function and value of ballroom and WEEK 2 SPA_D-BD9-
ballroom/dance sports dance sport. IIa-j-2

executes the basic dance steps of selected WEEKS 3-8 SPA_D-BD9-

ballroom dances either Standard or Latin. IIa-j-3

performs the basic ballroom or dance sports WEEKS 3-8 SPA_D-BD9-

movements with grace and precision according IIa-j-4
to the nature of the selected dance.
QUARTER 3 demonstrates interprets at least one analyzes the basic dance steps in WEEK 1 SPA_D-DI9-
understanding of dance (1) Philippine or foreign 2, 3, and 4 time signatures. IIIa-c-1
interpretation dance literature. 4 4 4
enumerates the steps in dance interpretation. WEEK 2 SPA_D-DI9-

interprets dance literature following the steps in WEEKS 3-8 SPA_D-DI9-

dance interpretation. IIIa-j-3

performs the interpreted dance. WEEKS 3-8 SPA_D-DI9-


QUARTER 4 demonstrates conducts discusses the basic concepts of research. WEEK 1 SPA_D-RD9-
understanding of the documentation of IVa-1
concept of dance selected local dances
research. through videos and explains the importance of conducting research WEEK 1 SPA_D-RD9-
other multi-media documentary for dance IVa-2
identifies the process of conducting research WEEK 1 SPA_D-RD9-
documentary for dance IVa-j-3

views samples of video dance documentations WEEK 2 SPA_D-RD9-


selects possible topics for research. WEEK 2 SPA_D-RD9-


classifies types of dance research documentary WEEK 2 SPA_D-RD9-


outlines concepts of proposed dance research WEEKS 3-6 SPA_D-RD9-

documentary IVa-j-7

finalizes the research documentary of local WEEKS 7-8 SPA_D-RD9-

dance performances IVa-j-8

Grade Level: 9


Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
The learner…
QUARTER 1 demonstrates performs a outlines the evolution of ballet history. WEEK 1 SPA_D-CB9-
understanding and choreographed ballet Ia-1
appreciation of the movement phrases.
famous classical ballet identifies advance ballet technique and skills, WEEK 2 SPA_D-CB9-
pieces and the famous ballet pieces and their choreographers. Ia-j-2
contribution in the executes varied floor, barre, and centrework WEEKS 3-8 SPA_D-CB9-
development of dance. exercises. Ia-j-3

choreographs ballet movement phrases in WEEKS 3-8 SPA_D-CB9-

accordance with the principles and technique Ia-j-4
using local dance materials (myths, legends,

QUARTER 2 demonstrates creates dance pieces discusses the history and development, WEEK 1 SPA_D-MD9-
understanding of the utilizing the modern fundamental movements, and principles of IIa-j-1
history and development, dance technique. modern dance.
fundamental movements, explains the function and value of modern WEEK 1 SPA_D-MD9-
and technique of modern dance. IIa-j-2
explores dance literature to improvise dance WEEKS 2-8 SPA_D-MD9-
movements in modern dance compositions. IIa-j-3

creates modern dance pieces based from the WEEKS 2-8 SPA_D-MD9-
different proponents utilizing local dance IIa-j-4
materials (myths, legends, folklores).
performs the created modern dance pieces WEEKS 2-8 SPA_D-MD9-
based from the different proponents. IIa-j-5

evaluates the application of modern dance WEEKS 7-8 SPA_D-MD9-

techniques through a performance showcase. IIa-j-6

QUARTER 3 demonstrates creates a collaborative discusses choreographic process in ballet WEEK 1 SPA_D-CP9-
understanding of ballet dance production. IIIa-1
concepts-building and/or composition according
idea-generation in creating to a “thematic analyzes different choreographic technique in WEEK 2 SPA_D-CP9-
simple dances as material concepts.” the improvisation of a dance composition. IIIa-j-2
for dance production
applies choreographic technique in movement WEEKS 2-8 SPA_D-CP9-
exploration. IIIa-j-3

composes dance movements into a ballet piece WEEKS 2-8 SPA_D-CP9-

according to the thematic concepts. IIIa-j-4

explains the importance of quality dance WEEKS 7-8 SPA_D-CP9-

performances and productions. IIIa-j-5

QUARTER 4 demonstrates conducts research and discusses the basic concepts and importance of WEEK 1 SPA_D-RD9-
understanding of the documentation of ballet dance researches. IVa-1
concept of dance research productions/
and documentation. performances through identifies the process of conducting research WEEK 1 SPA_D-CP9-
videos and other multi- documentary for dance. IVa-j-2
media facility.
classifies types of dance research documentaries WEEK 2 SPA_D-CP9-

lists down possible topics for research. WEEK 2 SPA_D-CP9-


views samples of video dance documentations. WEEK 2 SPA_D-CP9-


outlines concepts of proposed dance research WEEKS 3-6 SPA_D-CP9-

documentary. IVa-j-7

finalizes the dance research documentary for WEEKS 7-8 SPA_D-CP9-

ballet performances. IVa-j-8

Grade Level: 10


Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code

The learner…
QUARTER 1 Demonstrates prepares a design in defines the meaning of production and its WEEKS SPA_D-DP10-Ia-j-1
understanding of the mounting a dance components. 1-2
concepts in mounting production. enumerates the elements of production design. WEEKS SPA_D-DP10-Ia-j-2
dance productions. 2-3
analyzes the relationship among the production WEEKS SPA_D-DP10-Ia-j-3
components/ elements for the enhancement of 4-8
QUARTER 2 develops understanding creates a plan for the recognizes the importance of effective planning WEEKS SPA_D-PP10-IIa-j-1
of production planning ballet and folkdance in mounting dance productions. 1-2
and designs for ballet and production. formulates standards for production planning WEEKS SPA_D-PP10-IIa-j-2
folkdance productions. and design. 3-4
analyzes the importance of planning the WEEKS SPA_D-PP10-IIa-j-3
repertoire, production design, budget, 3-4
production staff, and rehearsal schedule.
identifies the roles of production staff in the WEEKS SPA_D-PP10-IIa-j-4
production. 5-6
determines rehearsal schedule. WEEKS SPA_D-PP10-IIa-j-5
QUARTER 3 develops understanding organizes appropriate organizes dance rehearsals for quality and WEEKS SPA_D-PR10-IIIa-1
of conducting systematic production rehearsal for artistic dance production. 1-7
rehearsal processes for a the dance production. observes performance etiquette during dance WEEKS SPA_D-PR10-IIIa-j-2
quality performance. rehearsals. 1-8

practices the do’s and don’ts during dance WEEKS SPA_D-PR10-IIIa-j-3

rehearsals and performances 1-7
recognizes the importance of quality rehearsals. WEEKS SPA_D-PR10-IIIa-j-4
QUARTER 4 develops understanding develops understanding shows artistic excellence as a result of dance WEEKS SPA_D_P10-IVa-1
of quality dance of quality dance trainings and exposure. 1-8
production. production. demonstrates dances applying the elements, WEEKS SPA_D_P10-IVa-2
principles, and technique through a dance 1-8
formulates performance standards and criteria WEEKS SPA_D_P10-IVa-j-3
for evaluation. 5-6
critiques the whole production through a set of WEEKS SPA_D_P10-IVa-j-4
criteria. 7-8
gives suggestions and recommendations as WEEK 8 SPA_D_P10-IVa-j-5
basis for improvement of future performances.
utilizes evaluation results for the improvement WEEK 8 SPA_D_P10-IVa-j-6
of future performances.

Grade Level: 7

Subject: SPA – Theater

Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration Code
The learner…

FIRST demonstrates performs creative pieces 1. translates his personal WEEKS 1 - 2 SPA_TA-AE7-Ia-b-1
QUARTER understanding of the using body movements experiences to creative
language of artistic and vocal improvisations expression.
expression in all the in the integrated arts
2. evaluates the level of meanings WEEK 3 SPA_TA-AE7-Ic-2
art forms and process that exhibit inherent in shared stories.
principles of artistic understanding of the
organization common different elements of
in the arts. artistic expressions and 3. utilizes the body and the voice WEEKS 4 - 5 SPA_TA-AE7-Id-f-3
principles of as tools for exploring the
organization. principles of artistic
4. utilizes the elements of artistic WEEKS 6 - 7 SPA_TA-AE7-Ig-i-4
expression and the principles
of artistic organization
common to all the arts through
creative release and
exploration exercises.
5. gives importance to one’s WEEK 8 SPA_TA-AE7-Ij-5
background / orientation in the
creative expression.

SECOND demonstrates produces creative 1. enumerates local forms of WEEK 1 SPA_TA-CE7-IIa-1

QUARTER understanding of the outputs using the cultural performance from
language of creative integrated process family and community.
expression in involving elements from 2. describes cultural performances WEEK 2 SPA_TA-CE7-IIb-2
Philippine culture different art forms and in their localities.
(Folklore, Rituals and drawing from cultural 3. relates the links between the WEEKS 3 - 4 SPA_TA-CE7-IIc-d-3
Festivals). performances and performance practice and their
traditions in his/her life stories.
locality. 4. executes the various artistic WEEKS 5 - 6 SPA_TA-CE7-IIe-g-4
expressions present in the re-
enactments and establishes
their functions.
5. mounts re-enactments of WEEKS 7 - 8 SPA_TA-CE7-IIh-j-5
cultural performances
demonstrating the use of the
different modes of expressions
or art forms.
THIRD demonstrates evaluates the elements of 1. analyses the elements of WEEKS 1 - 2 SPA_TA-CE7-IIIa-b-1
QUARTER understanding of the theater and drama in dramatic arts in theater
elements of theater short plays from production.
and drama using Philippine theater. 2. selects scenes from Philippine WEEKS 3 - 4 SPA_TA-CE7-IIIc-d-2
examples from traditional and contemporary
Philippine theater. drama in creative

3. describes the playwriting and WEEKS 5 - 6 SPA_TA-CE7-IIIe-f-3

directing principles present in
the play.

4. conducts scene studies from WEEKS 7 - 8 SPA_TA-CE7-IIIg-j-4

the selected plays.

FOURTH demonstrates produces collaborative  demonstrates an awareness of WEEKS 1 - 2 SPA_TA-IDT7-IVa-b-1

QUARTER understanding of the short plays applying basic the capacities and limits of the
Basic Improvisational improvisation and / or actor’s tools.
and Devised Theater devising techniques
Techniques, using the based on individual  identifies the various theater WEEKS 3 - 4 SPA_TA-IDT7-IVc-d-2
actor’s tools, experiences and stage craft and their
implements and stage community exposures. contributions to theater
craft. production.
 improvises scenes using WEEKS 5 - 7 SPA_TA-IDT7-IVe-g-3
devising techniques based on
community narratives.

 appraises the specific creative WEEK 8 SPA_TA-IDT7-IVh-4

contributions of individual’s
shared experiences in a
collective scene making

Grade Level: 8
Subject: SPA – Theater

Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration Code
The learner…
FIRST demonstrates applies the techniques 1. shares personal life stories as WEEK 1 SPA_TA-AP8-Ia-1
QUARTER understanding of the of realism in creative primary sources of creative
Analysis and outputs that respond to expression.
Production of realistic local issues on the 2. analyzes the significant features WEEKS 2 - 3 SPA_TA-AP8-Ib-c-2
plays on environment environment and of environmental issues and the
and heritage. cultural heritage. importance of cultural heritage.
3. uses one’s shared experiences to WEEKS 4 - 6 SPA_TA-AP8-Id-g-3
create mini showcases
highlighting environment and
cultural heritage.
4. analyzes key texts in world drama WEEKS 7 - 8 SPA_TA-AP8-Ih-j-4
in relation to aesthetic
characteristics of realistic play.
SECOND demonstrates produces creative 1. acts a role/s from selected plays WEEK 1 SPA_TA-AP8-IIa-1
QUARTER understanding of outputs following the (monologues and dialogues)
analysis and styles of acting, 2. directs scenes from selected WEEKS 2 - 3 SPA_TA-AP8-IIb-c-2
production of realistic directing, and designing plays.
plays on environment in the mode of realism. 3. designs scenery, costume and WEEK 4 SPA_TA-AP8-IId-3
and heritage. makeup for a selected play.
4. builds a scale WEEKS 5 - 6 SPA_TA-AP8-IIe-g-4
model for a selected plays.
5. utilizes foreign materials (stories, WEEKS 7 - 8 SPA_TA-AP8-IIh-j-5
issues, and physical resources) to

suit the pieces in the local


THIRD demonstrates writes a short realistic 1. explains the qualities of a good WEEK 1 SPA_TA-TPRI8-IIIa-1
QUARTER understanding of play, individually or in a realistic play.
playwriting in the group, based on 2. enumerates the steps in WEEK 2 SPA_TA-TPRI8-IIIb-2
mode of realism. personal stories and playwriting.
community narratives 3. writes scenes for the short play WEEKS 3 - 6 SPA_TA-TPRI8-IIIc-f-3
on environment and on life sources and cultural
cultural heritage heritage with solid and clear use
of characters, dramaturgy, and
4. determines the importance of WEEKS 7 - 8 SPA_TA-TPRI8-IIIg-h-4
other people’s opinion in
improving the skill in playwriting.

FOURTH demonstrates showcases a short 1. evaluates the dramatic texts. WEEK 1 SPA_TA-TPRII8-IVa-1
QUARTER understanding of realistic play based on 2. analyzes characters and their WEEK 2 SPA_TA-TPRII8-IVb-2
staging a realistic individual experiences motivations.
play. and issues that relate
with environment and
cultural heritage. 3. plots the dramatic action of the WEEKS 3 - 4 SPA_TA-TPRII8-IVc-d-3
4. creates a short realistic play using WEEKS 5 - 6 SPA_TA-TPRII8-IVe-g-4
the process of playwriting and
the elements of play production.
5. presents a one-act play and WEEKS 7 - 8 SPA_TA-TPRII8-IVh-5
discuss the process with an

Grade Level: 9

Subject: SPA – Theater

Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
The learner…
FIRST demonstrates presents a research 1. describes specific Philippine theater WEEKS 1 - 2 SPA_TA-CFPT9-Ia-b-1
QUARTER understanding on paper on the forms, its qualities, sources, and
the significance of circumstances of the influences in a historical timeline.
Philippine Theater as emergence and 2. enumerates local theater icons , WEEKS 3 - 4 SPA_TA-CFPT9-Ic-d-2
part of cultural development of a their biographies, works and
heritage. theater practice, significance to the community.
worldviews, changes in 3. describes the world view on Filipino WEEK 5 SPA_TA-CFPT9-Ie-f-3
the manner of image based on the forms of the
production and Philippine theater in different
audience reception over periods
a period of time 4. explains the factors which establish WEEK 6 SPA_TA-CFPT9-Ig-h-4
theater as a cultural process and
5. reports the significance of the local WEEKS 7 - 8 SPA_TA-CFPT9-Ii-j-5
theater assets of his community
following the standards of basic
NCCA Cultural Mapping principles
and mechanics
SECOND demonstrates performs an 1. utilizes various modes of research WEEKS 1 - 2 SPA_TA-MLT9-IIa-c-1
QUARTER understanding on impersonation of a in studying assigned Philippine
the Image of Filipino chosen national/local theater forms.
and Philippine icon based on study 2. enumerates the basic themes and WEEK 3 SPA_TA-MLT9-IId-2
conducted conventions of the forms.

Society in Local 3. analyzes the changes of the forms WEEK 4 SPA_TA-MLT9-IIe-f-3

theater. through various historical periods.
4. describes the changes of forms and WEEK 5 SPA_TA-MLT9-IIg-4
world view per period.
5. conducts a research on national/ WEEKS 6 - 7 SPA_TA-MLT9-IIh-i-5
local theater icons, life works,
practices, and organization and
their contribution to Philippine
theater .
6. presents the result of creative WEEK 8 SPA_TA-MLT9-IIj-6
research reports on the icons,
practices, and organizations.

THIRD demonstrates mounts creative 1. Identifies the characteristics of WEEKS 1 - 2 SPA_TA-NPT9-IIIa-b-1

QUARTER understanding of the showcase inspired by different performance practices.
Image of Individual various non-Philippine 2. analyzes some of the performance WEEK 3 SPA_TA-NPT9-IIIc-2
and Society in Non- theater practices practices in non-Philippine theater.
Philippine Theater 3. compares the different non- WEEKS 4 - 5 SPA_TA-NPT9-IIId-e-3
Practice (Asian, Philippine theater performance
European, American practices.
Theater) 4. designs a plan for a creative WEEKS 6 - 7 SPA_TA-NPT9-IIIf-h-4
showcase of the various theater
FOURTH demonstrates presents a production of 1. produces appropriate production WEEKS 1 - 7 SPA_TA-PTP9-IVa-g-1
QUARTER understanding of a chosen genre/ style elements for the selected play
producing a chosen from Philippine theater. genre drawn from the original
genre from aesthetics of the Philippine
Philippine theater. theater form

2. conducts a post-performance WEEK 8 SPA_TA-PTP9-IVh-2

discussion on the merits of their
production with clarity, respect,
and confidence

Grade Level: 10
Subject: SPA – Theater

Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
The learner…
FIRST demonstrates produces a play using 1. explains what is the role of theater WEEK 1 SPA_TA-TST10-Ia-1
QUARTER understanding of applications of theater in sustainable development.
theater and its and drama for different
application in the developmental goals in 2. presents theatrical examples and WEEKS 2 - 7 SPA_TA-TST10-Ib-i-2
contemporary world society with emphasis illustrations on theater for various
for social on the role of the developmental messages.
transformation director and different 3. articulates reflection and synthesis WEEK 8 SPA_TA-TST10-Ij-3
through the artistic tasks in a generated from theatrical
principles of play production presentations on development and
directing. social transformation.

SECOND demonstrates performs tasks and 1. maps possible content and forms WEEK 1 SPA_TA-TPCP10-IIa-1
QUARTER understanding of activities in the pre- as sources for full length
the essential production phase based production.
elements and on the criteria set. 2. analyzes selected pieces for WEEKS 2 - 3 SPA_TA-TPCP10-IIb-c-
principles of acting, production using playwriting tools d-2
playwriting, design, and dramaturgical approaches.

and direction as 3. generates a production concept WEEK 4 SPA_TA-TPCP10-IIe-3

applied in the pre- articulated through a production
production. scenario board, treatment notes
and a Marquette
4. finalizes the production concept WEEKS 5 - 6 SPA_TA-TPCP10-IIf-h-4
and generates the following:
 Play Analysis
 Directorial Notes
 Actors Notes
 Design Sketches and
 Music Score Samples
 Movement Lab Samples
 Lights Design Notes
 Sound Design Notes
5. describes the various tasks of the: WEEKS 7 - 8 SPA_TA-TPCP10-IIi-j-5
 Producer
 Production Manager
 Stage manager
 House Manager
 Stage Crew
 Marketing and Promotions
THIRD demonstrates produces a full length 1. performs tasks during rehearsals: WEEKS 1 - 6 SPA_TA-TPRP10-IIIa-f-
QUARTER understanding of play on developmental (actor, director, artistic or 1
the principles and messages as thesis management staff).
processes of play production with
production. emphasis on the key 2. executes the tasks of the various WEEKS 7 - 8 SPA_TA-TPRP10-IIIg-h-
behavior of a member of roles related to thesis production: 2
a. Stage Management

a well- knit ensemble of b. Technical

performers. c. Production Management
d. Managing the Performance
e. Mobile Theater Management
FOURTH demonstrates produces the final 1. explains the importance of WEEK 1 SPA_TA-TCI10-IVa-1
QUARTER understanding of production book consolidating materials from the play
the process of that may serve as a production book.
evaluating resource for future
production projects, endeavors. 2. assesses the production process. WEEKS 2 - 3 SPA_TA-TCI10-IVb-c-2
audience feedback 3. explains the importance of WEEKS 4 - 5 SPA_TA-TCI10-IVd-e-3
audience feedback
demonstrates appraises various 4. conducts research on the various WEEKS 6 - 7 SPA_TA-TCI10-IVf-g-4
understanding of theater applications in Philippine creative industries that
possible career different creative integrate aspects of the theatrical
opportunities in professions/career paths arts.
theater industry. 5. analyzes strengths weaknesses WEEK 8 SPA_TA-TCI10-IVh-5
threats and opportunities of
possible career paths available in
the creative professions.

Grade Level: 7


Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
The learner…
demonstrates explores the different pre-historic arts specifically SPA_VA-PH7-Ia-1
understanding of Pre- the traditional arts and designs.
historic arts used by early understands the way principles of arts work SPA_VA-PH7-Ia-2
Filipinos to transmit together to create an artwork.
ideas. identifies the characteristics of elements and SPA_VA-SA7-Ib-4
creates artworks using WEEK 3
principles of art.
Philippine pre-historic
produces a catalogue of art and designs SPA_VA-SA7-Ib-3
QUARTER 1 subjects in the context WEEKS
determining the purpose and meaning of early
of the present Visual 4-5
traditional arts and symbols.
demonstrates analyzes the way some Filipino artist put principles SPA_VA-EA7-Id-8
understanding of the of arts together.
prominent features of draws varied compositions applying the elements SPA_VA-EA7-Ic-5
Philippine arts. and principles of arts highlighting the diverse
cultural traditions in the locality.
demonstrates creates 2D and 3D recognizes the different traditional artifacts. SPA_VA-TA7-IIa-
understanding of tools, artworks/items or WEEK 1 1
sources and techniques replica of artifacts like
in traditional artifacts clay modeling, wire identifies the functions and meanings of each of the SPA_VA-TA7-IIa-
QUARTER 2 production and its sculptures, pottery traditional artifacts. 2
significance in the local and wood sculptures
culture. that are meaningful determines the tools and techniques needed in SPA_VA-TA7-IIa-
and functional, using production of replicas of artifacts. 3
varied colors.

assembles 3D artworks or mock-up of artifacts that SPA_VA-TA7-IIb-

are functional using varied materials and mediums. 4
points out the elements and principles of arts used
in each artifacts. SPA_VATA7-IIc-5

demonstrates creates varied identifies the tools and materials in freehand SPA_VA-FS7-IIIa-
understanding the basic artworks in pencil sketching WEEK 1 1
principles of freehand rendering using
sketching as the elements and practices the different pencil techniques. SPA_VA-FS7-IIIa-
foundation in drawing principles of designs in 2
Philippine arts, culture the composition of draws traditional objects applying the basic forms SPA_VA-FS7-IIIb-
and structures. structures and in sketching 4
landscapes in various draws still life forms applying the different pencil SPA_VA-FS7-IIIb-
positions and different techniques. WEEK 4 5
analyzes the importance and function of elements SPA_VA-FS7-IIIb-
and principles of arts in freehand sketching WEEK 5 6
draws structures and landscapes in different SPA_VA-FS7-IIIc-
perspective views with varied positions. (Philippine 7
demonstrates Creates designs on discovers art in different household items and SPA_VA-EL7-IVa-
understanding of the households items, handicrafts WEEK 1 1
elements, principles, and festivals, attires and
the fusion of arts and props based on local appraises the designs found in household items and SPA_VA-EL7-IVa-
designs motifs and theme handicrafts WEEK 2 2
in festivals/ceremonies draws essential designs on household items and SPA_VA-EL7-IVa-
and in the creation of handicrafts 3

household items for

everyday life. makes sketches on festival attires based on local SPA_VA-LF7-IVb-
motifs and themes 4
constructs props, costume and stage design for SPA_VA-LF7-IVc-
festivals or other celebrations 5

Grade Level: 8


Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
The learner…
creates art compositions determines the relationship of visual elements SPA_VA-VP8-Ia-1
with Asian motifs in the creation of meaning using any visual WEEK 1
adapting the Gestalts medium.
theory explains the principles of visual perceptions to SPA_VA-VP8-Ia-2
enhance the organization of visual elements
organizes visual perception to create meaning SPA_VA-VP8-Ia-3
Demonstrates WEEK 3
to visual compositions.
understanding of visual
creates perceptual elements using symbols, SPA_VA-VP8-Ib-4
perception, color
QUARTER 1 size and space, clutter and order and visual WEEK 4
theories, principles and
painting techniques
creates varied outputs identifies the color theories. SPA_VA-WC8-Ic-5
used in Asian arts. WEEK 5
on colored mediums
based on the theories of determines the tools and materials needed in SPA_VA-WC8-Ic-6
colors pondering on colored drawings.
painting techniques and applies different painting techniques in SPA_VA-C8-Id-7
meaning of color to creating compositions with Asian art motifs
Asian people that express different ideas.

develops the visual experiments on different coloring media to SPA_VA-C8-IIa-1

space organization by produce impressions. WEEK 1
replicating Asian arts .
with the observance of creates dominance and subordination of SPA_VA-C8-IIa-3
the elements and images through color combinations and tones. WEEK 2
principles of arts
distinguishes patterns, designs and color on SPA_VA-C8-IIb-5
Asian traditional costumes, crafts, sculptures
and architecture
- China
understanding of
- Japan WEEK 3
elements and principles
- Malaysia
QUARTER 2 of arts in the creates artworks on
- Indonesia
composition of Asian Asian art and culture
- India
arts and culture. particularly on the
- Philippines
traditional costumes,
produces traditional costumes, crafts, or SPA_VA-C8-IIc-7
crafts, sculptures and
sculptures depicting Asian motifs while WEEKS
incorporating illusions of distance defining 4-5
volume, organization and visual space.
explores on the positive and negative space in SPA_VA-C8-IIe-12
presenting the dominance and/or WEEK 6
subordination in an artwork.
draws traditional Asian architectures WEEKS SPA_VA-C8-IIf-14
demonstrates creates varied outputs determines the different traditional Asian arts SPA_VA-AA8-IIIa-1
QUARTER 3 understanding on the or compositions (icons, pictograms, textile designs, writings,
meanings, symbols and conveying traditional accessories, hand puppets and shadow plays)

functions of icons, Asian art by using makes decorative craft designs, and textile SPA_VA-AA8-IIIb-c-2
pictograms, textile symbols in shadow designs and patterns exploring on different
designs, writings, plays/puppetry. mediums.
accessories, hand appraises the meanings and symbols of text or SPA_VA-AA8-IIId-3
puppets and shadow Asian writings such as Calligraphy, scripts and
plays of Asian arts. others.
designs puppets or shadow play props in WEEKS SPA_VA-AA8-IIIe-4
collaboration with other disciplines. 7-8
demonstrates exhibits multiple identifies the Asian characteristics of design in WEEKS SPA_VA-DF8-IVa-1
understanding on the artworks like paintings, different festivals. 1-2
meanings and concepts sculptures, logos and Illustrates Asian festivals using different WEEKS SPA_VA-CD8-IVb-c-3
found on the different illustrations, festival mediums. 3-5
QUARTER 4 designs, paintings, designs, props and produces assorted paintings, sculptures and SPA_VA-S8-IVd-e-5
sculptures and costumes. illustrations exploring on different mediums
illustrations observing including locally available and indigenous
the elements and materials.
principles of designs.

Grade Level: 9


Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
The learner…
demonstrates creates designs based on reviews the different Pre-Colonial arts SPA_VA-PS9-Ia-1
understanding of the traditional patterns and considering the function and traditional WEEK 1
QUARTER 1 elements and principles of icons, on Pre-Colonial art designs.
arts used in traditional that still exist. constructs traditional designs and replicas SPA_VA-PS9-Ib-2
of vessels, sculptures and weapons.

designs of the Pre-Colonial draws traditional icons or structures SPA_VA-PS9-Ic-3

art. erected during the Colonial period.
creates 3D artworks or real images to SPA_VA-SA9-Id-4
recreate traditional artworks by adding
textures and patterns using locally
available materials and media.
demonstrates produces artworks of recognizes the anatomy of a figure and its SPA_VA-CG9-IIa-1
understanding of the human figure based on proportions.
processes and parameters in the Greco-Roman human describes the human forms of Classic SPA_VA-CG9-IIa-2
drawing the human figures forms standards on Greco-Roman art.
based on the Greco-Roman different European styles. draws posters showing the importance of SPA_VA-CG9-IIe-6
QUARTER 2 standards. religious symbols and images.
illustrates different human figures, SPA_VA-CG9-IIb-3
compositions from live models using WEEKS 4-5
Greco-Roman style
produces paintings portraying European SPA_VA-CG9-IId-5
influences and styles.
QUARTER 3 demonstrates creates visual identifies the kinds of commercial arts. SPA_VA-IR9-IIIa-1
understanding of the compositions based on WEEK 1
development of style and modern concepts of art
art movements brought making using utilizes computer software in creating SPA_VA-IR9-IIIb-2
about by the introduction of cartoons/comics, graphic monogram design, poster design and other WEEK 2
new technologies. designs and advertisements
advertisements. creates comic strips and simple animation SPA_VA-IP9-IIIc-3
demonstrates . using computer graphics software
understanding of techniques identifies materials for printing SPA_VA-IP9-IIIe-7
and materials in the (photography, printing or WEEK 4
production of different silkscreen/stencil/stamp printing).

visual materials as a major operates camera in applying basic rules and SPA_VAIP9-IIId-5
component in principles in photography
communication. communicates ideas and expression through SPA_VAIP9-IIId-6
performs printing process using available SPA_VAIP9-IIIe-f-8
demonstrates exhibits artworks utilizing identifies equipment needed in digital art. WEEK 1 SPA_VA-NM9-IVa-1
understanding of the the various media like
application of new media in high quality photographic
modern art movement and images using digital converts photographs into computer WEEK 2 SPA_VA-NM9-IVa-2
its relevance to the modern technology, computer graphics or cartoons
society. aided images, 3D, characterizes the different visual forms WEEK 3 SPA_VA-NM9-IVc-6
installation arts.
QUARTER 4 evaluates art functions WEEK 4 SPA_VA-NM9-IVc-7

prepares designs for develops installation art ideas using varied WEEK 5 SPA_VA-NM9-IVe-9
various activities and mediums and materials
events using the modern composes varied installation art WEEK 6 SPA_VA-NM9-IVc-5
visual media.
produces artworks combining the different WEEKS 7-8 SPA_VA-NM9-IVd-8
visual forms reflecting its functions.

Grade Level: 10

Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
The learner…
QUARTER 1 demonstrates creates contemporary identifies Asian influences on various art WEEKS 1-2 SPA_VA-AC10-Ia-1
understanding of Asian art artworks reflecting the forms both local and international
influences on varied art contribution of Asian
forms utilizing different countries using different creates contemporary arts and designs WEEKS 3-4 SPA_VA-AC10-Ib-3
media in the creation of media. depicting Asian arts and styles.
contemporary Asian art explains practices of Asian artists and WEEKS 5-6 SPA_VA-AC10-Ic-4
and its relevance to artisans.
contemporary Philippine produces jars, vessels, and sculptures WEEKS 7-8 SPA_VA-AC10-Id-5
arts. using different styles adapted from
other Asian countries.
QUARTER 2 demonstrates creates artworks based identifies western influences in artworks WEEK 1 SPA_VA-WA10-IIa-1
understanding of Western on the Western art
art influence in the movements, using analyzes the development of Western WEEK 2 SPA_VA-WAI0-IIb-3
production of different media and art and its effect to Philippine society.
contemporary arts in the technology in drawing. paints contemporary pieces patterned WEEK 3 SPA_VA-WA10-IIa-2
Philippines using after the western styles.
appropriate technologies. explains conceptual art WEEK 4 SPA_VA-WA10-IIb-4

makes varied paintings on conceptual WEEK 5 SPA_VA-WA10-IIc-5


demonstrates creates artworks incorporating new WEEKS 6-8 SPA_VA-WA10-IId-6

understanding on the media and technology (photography,
functions of visual images digital art making, installation art).
as a major means of
expressing ideas.

demonstrates creates diverse master identifies the different art forms that can WEEKS 1-3 SPA_VA-PC10-IIIa-1
understanding of the pieces of new styles be adapted in the creation of master
changes and development responding to global pieces
of art as a tool for opinion changes and social  Fauvism
making, media  Cubism
marketing/advertising  Expressionism
using new styles and  Abstract
technology as a means to  Realism
contend global and social  Surrealism
odds.  Pop Art
 Bauhaus
appreciates the aesthetic characteristics WEEK 4 SPA_VA-PC10-IIId-4
of the works of art that symbolizes social
demonstrates creates designs of explores the different art forms using WEEKS 5-6 SPA_VA-PC10-IIIb-c-2
understanding on the practical functional different mediums.
relationship of form and objects (household
creates artworks expressing essential WEEKS 7-8 SPA_VA-PC10-IIId-3
function. tools)
messages on social and global issues
through discovering new styles
QUARTER 4 demonstrates produces innovative identifies the different innovations in art WEEKS 1-2 SPA_VA-IA10-IVa-1
understanding of new artworks using digital

media and its role to art in publications, makes varied artworks using new WEEKS 3-4 SPA_VA-IA10-IVb-c-2
industrialization and the fashion design, video technologies that provide
techniques and processes art, and product design communication and information
in creating design that promote or give -digital art (creative software)
concepts in different information about the -animated designs/ads
components of technology Philippine society. -illustrated publications
and development. creates fashion designs reflecting status WEEKS 5-6 SPA_VA-IA10-IVd -3
and condition of the country.
Introduces innovations in the production WEEKS 7-8 SPA_VA-IA10-IVe-4
of local products and crafts.

Grade Level: 7


Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Duration Code

Standards Competencies
The learner…
QUARTER 1 demonstrates creates *electronic defines the meaning of Art, elements, WEEK 1 SPA_MA-AF7-Ia-1
understanding of Art as visual presentations principles, its significance and uses.
portrayed by Filipino showing appreciation
artists in their works of art works of the relates popular works of Filipino artists WEEKS 2-3 SPA_MA-AF7-Ib-2
through visual Filipino artists as with current events and realities. SPA_MA-AF7-Ic-3
communication. reflective of the
Filipino culture. recognizes the six art disciplines. WEEK 4 SPA_MA-AF7-Ic-d-4

develops a meaningful interpretation WEEKS 5-8 SPA_MA-AF7-Ie-h-5

of the art disciplines and the artists’ SPA_MA-AF7-Ij-6
popular works.

QUARTER 2 demonstrates creates various visual discusses the origin and evolution of WEEK 1 SPA_MA-PF7-IIa-1
understanding of the communication Philippine festivals.
Philippine festival culture projects based on
and concepts of visual one’s local socio- explains how images, sound, and text WEEK 2 SPA_MA-PF7-IIb-c-2
communication through cultural contexts (e.g. are used to communicate the message
still (photos, paintings, local customs, rituals, of festivals.
etc.) and moving images festivals, etc.). relates the significance of festivals in WEEK 3 SPA_MA-PF7-IId-c-3
(film, animation, their lives
presentations, etc.).
combines images and text to create WEEKS 4-6 SPA_MA-PF7-IIe-g-4
artistic visual presentations

incorporates sound to enhance the WEEKS 7-8 SPA_MA-PF7-IIh-j-5

presentation of visual communication
QUARTER 3 recognizes local and interprets folklore and identifies the *different forms of WEEK 1 SPA_MA-RF7-IIIa-b-1
regional contexts of rituals rituals through various media
and folklores as seen or media art forms explains the basic principles and WEEK 2 SPA_MA-RF7-IIIc-d-2
portrayed in various media theories of communication
forms discusses the principles of media WEEKS 3-4 SPA_MA-RF7-IIIe-f-3
analyzes rituals and folklores and how WEEKS 5-6 SPA_MA-RF7-IIIg-h-4
elements are used in various media

evaluates the depiction of the rituals WEEKS 7-8 SPA_MA-RF7-IIIi-j-5

and folklores in the media or a media
QUARTER 4 understands concepts and produces a story that identifies the storytelling principles, WEEKS 1-2 SPA_MA-ST7-IVa-c-1
principles of storytelling utilizes *visual tools to structures and styles
using images and visuals effectively describes story elements from local WEEKS 3-4 SPA_MA-ST7-IVd-e-2
from festivals, rituals and communicate a stories, rituals, and folklores.
folklores as applied in a message, idea or creates a story using graphics and WEEKS 5-8 SPA_MA-ST7-IVf-j-3
local and regional context. emotion of festivals, photographs
rituals and folklores.

Grade Level: 8


Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
The learner…
demonstrates captures images that explains the principles, theoretical, WEEK 1 SPA_MA-BP8-Ia-1
understanding of the can effectively historical and aesthetic aspects of
concepts and principles of communicate an idea, photography.
photography. message or emotion
while utilizing the basic identifies the terminologies, techniques WEEK 2 SPA_MA-BP8-Ib-2
shooting techniques and processes of photography

distinguishes the different types of WEEK 3 SPA_MA-BP8-Ic-3

cameras (film and digital), its evolution,
features, and capabilities

operates the camera, its functions and WEEK 4-5 SPA_MA-BP8-Id-4

proper handling SPA_MA-BP8-Ie-5

applies the rules for effective WEEKS 6-7 SPA_MA-BP8-If-6

composition and production in taking SPA_MA-BP8-Ig-h-7
digital photos.

curates a presentation of one’s SPA_MA-BP8-Ii-j-8

collection of photographs based on
principles and techniques

demonstrates mounts an exhibit of identifies the techniques, processes WEEK 1 SPA_MA-AP8-IIa-b-1

understanding of more photos using the and principles of advanced
advanced principles and manual settings of a photography
concepts of photography camera by employing uses simple lighting to illustrate the WEEKS 2-3 SPA_MA-AP8-IIc-2
advanced techniques in different effects of light on a subject.
demonstrates color, tone and WEEKS 3-4 SPA_MA-AP8-IId-e-3
temperature through photographs

identifies ways to improve the quality WEEKS 5-6 SPA_MA-AP8-IIf-4

of the photo.

utilizes photo manipulation software to WEEKS 7-8 SPA_MA-AP8-IIg-j5

enhance photos.

QUARTER 3 demonstrates creates a functional outlines the history of the internet and WEEK 1 SPA_MA-VC8-IIIa-1
understanding of website applying the evolution of online media and
principles and concepts of specific and communication
the internet and online appropriate techniques identifies the elements and aspects of WEEK 2 SPA_MA-VC8-IIIb-c-2
media platforms of online the internet and world wide web
communication in real applies the best practices of a WEEKS 3-4 SPA_MA-VC8-IIId-3
world. responsible netizen SPA_MA-VC8-IIIe-g-4
utilizes available online media through WEEKS 5-8 SPA_MA-VC8-IIIh-j-5
blogging, *vlogging, *podcast and
*photosharing as a marketing tool

develops understanding of creates a website on utilizes the parts and elements of a WEEK 1 SPA_MA-OP8-IVa-1
the principles of web *life sources and website or online platform
design and development culture by way of a describes the creative process in WEEK 2 SPA_MA-OP8-IVb-c-2
and combines this with series of online images integrating text, images, and media
visualization. meant to relate a story online
or theme. applies the principles of web design WEEKS 3-6 SPA_MA-OP8-IVd-g-3
using wysiwyg platforms
summarizes creative process through WEEKS 7-8 SPA_MA-OP8-IVh-j-4
blogging, vlogging and podcasts

Grade Level: 9


Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
The learner…
QUARTER 1 develops understanding of crafts an online defines print and online media, its WEEKS 1-2 SPA_MA-PM9-Ia-1
the history and principles magazine that adheres history, traditional functions, and how SPA_MA-PM9-Ia-2
of print and online media to the process of it changes peoples’ way of life and SPA_MA-PM9-Ia-3
production. beliefs
discerns the values system as described SPA_MA-PM9-Ib-4
by media
explains basic copyright and intellectual SPA_MA-PM9-Ib-5
property laws including concepts of fair WEEK 4 SPA_MA-PM9-Ib-6
use and creative commons
identifies the typographic SPA_MA-PM9-Ic-d-7
considerations for various types of WEEK 5
printed materials and medium
explains the different layout principles SPA_MA-PM9-Id-f-8
and color theory of graphics in print WEEK 6 SPA_MA-PM9-Ig-9
develops a material promoting local SPA_MA-PM9-Ih-j10
and cultural heritage sites or icons
QUARTER 2 develops understanding of interprets principles of discusses the history of radio, its WEEK 1 SPA_MA-IR9-IIa-1
the history and principles broadcasting into characteristics, and elements of sound SPA_MA-IR9-IIa-2
of radio broadcasting actual recordings and explains the laws in media and ethics in WEEK 2 SPA_MA-IR9-IIb-3
various forms of radio radio
programs for relates the basic principles in writing WEEK 2 SPA_MA-IR9-IIb-c-4
broadcasting for radio

writes script for a radio drama and WEEKS 3-4 SPA_MA-IR9-IId-5

news items SPA_MA-IR9-IIe-6
demonstrates the proper modulation WEEK 5 SPA_MA-IR9-IIf-7
and enunciation in radio
demonstrates the proper way in WEEK 6 SPA_MA-IR9-IIg-8
conducting an interview
explains the programming procedure in WEEK 7 SPA_MA-IR9-IIh-9
campus radio and radio broadcasting
produces different forms of radio WEEK 8 SPA_MA-IR9-IIi-j10
production outputs
QUARTER 3 demonstrates produces a “Live” discusses the evolution of television WEEK 1 SPA_MA-IT9-IIIa-1
understanding of the *Telemagazine that discusses the Broadcast Code of the WEEK 2 SPA_MA-IT9-IIIb-2
history and principles of features a variety of Philippines, television practices and
television broadcasting. topics censorship.
evaluates the portrayal of culture and WEEK 3 SPA_MA-IT9-IIIc-3
impact of television in the society
demonstrates public speaking WEEK 4 SPA_MA-IT9-IIId-4
writes relevant TV scripts based on WEEK 5 SPA_MA-IT9-IIIe-g-5
broadcasting standards.
discusses the business of television WEEK 6 SPA_MA-IT9-IIIh-6
such as advertising, block time and
produces technical quality TV WEEKS 7-8 SPA_MA-IT9-IIIg-j-7
QUARTER 4 develops understanding of develops an online explains the Philippine Cybercrime Law WEEK 1 SPA_MA-MB9-IVa-1
the modern portal containing links, and forms of exploitations such as
communication graphics, articles, and cyber bullying and pornography in the
technologies that led to the online world

convergence of media rich media using an presents examples of intellectual WEEK 2 SPA_MA-MB9-IVa-2
formats. online webpage editor property infringement and plagiarism SPA_MA-MB9-IVb-3
translates relevant issues concerning WEEK 3 SPA_MA-MB9-IVb-c-4
new media through blogs. SPA_MA-MB9-IVd-e-5
utilizes different online media WEEK 4 SPA_MA-MB9-IVf-6
platforms for different purposes
applies the principles of new media WEEK 5 SPA_MA-MB9-IVf-g-7
literacy through various media
explains the principles in online writing WEEK 6 SPA_MA-MB9-IVh-8
produces a webpage with Integrated WEEKS 7-8 SPA_MA-MB9-IVi-j-9
images, graphics, and video

Grade Level: 10


Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
The learner…
QUARTER 1 demonstrates illustrates the distinct identifies key figures in Philippine WEEK 1 SPA_MA-FA10-Ia-b-1
understanding of film qualities, aspects, and cinema and their significant works or
history and cinema and performance of the contributions
comprehends the cinematic arts and outlines the history of global and local WEEK 2 SPA_MA-FA10-Ic-d-2
principles and concepts as culture as evident in cinema
they are applied in the the film media. analyzes mainstream and independent WEEK 3 SPA_MA-FA10-Ie-f-3
form. Filipino films
compiles significant works and WEEKS 4-5 SPA_MA-FA10-Ig-h-4
masterpieces in
Philippine cinema and broadcast arts

identifies cinematic technique using WEEK 6 SPA_MA-FA10-Ii-j-5

cinematic language
evaluates film as art and form of WEEKS 7-8 SPA_MA-FA10-Ii-j-6
QUARTER 2 recognizes a story and relates the evaluates films, film genres and the WEEKS 1-2 SPA_MA-DS10-IIa-b-1
understands the genre, characteristics, factors directors' styles
messages, and emotions and performance of the outlines basic film sequence treatment WEEKS 3-4 SPA_MA-DS10-IIc-d-2
conveyed. Western arts with the of his own story.
narratives of a film. writes basic screenplay WEEK 5 SPA_MA-DS10-IIe-f-3
utilizes the basic shots and composition WEEKS 6-8 SPA_MA-DS10-IIg-h-4
of cinematography
operates the basic equipment for WEEKS 6-8 SPA_MA-DS10-IIi-j-5
film/video production
QUARTER 3 relates arts perspectives to creates an insightful develops a critical eye for non-fiction WEEKS 1-2 SPA_MA-DF10-IIIa-1
issues of the contemporary and engaging works of media
world as documented in nonfiction film project identifies famous Philippine WEEKS 3-4 SPA_MA-DF10-IIIb-c-2
films. on contemporary documentaries
reality and society. systematizes shooting processes and WEEKS 5-6 SPA_MA-DF10-IIId-f-3
research aspects of the documentary
creates a series of short film/video WEEKS 7-8 SPA_MA-DF10-IIIg-j-4
exercises that show knowledge of
documentaries, filming techniques,
sound and editing
QUARTER 4 demonstrates produces a short film practices the whole pre-production, WEEKS 1-2 SPA_MA-FT10-IVa-b-1
understanding of the role that integrates the production and post- production
of film as a vehicle to various techniques and processes
innovate and transform principles of filmmaking produces a short film that shows WEEKS 3-4 SPA_MA-FT10-IVc-e-2
human lives creativity and command of technical
creates films for exhibition WEEKS 5-6 SPA_MA-FT10-IVf-3
evaluates own works and those of WEEKS 7-8 SPA_MA-FT10-IVg-j-4

Grade Level: 7


Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
The learner…
QUARTER 1 demonstrates creates art pieces that explains the commonality and WEEK 1 SPA_CW-EL7-Ia-1
understanding of the showcase the integration distinguishing elements of artistic
elements and of artistic expression. expression in all the arts.
principles of artistic analyzes the commonality and WEEK 2 SPA_CW-EL7-Ib-c-2
composition common distinguishing principles of artistic
in all the arts organization common in all the arts.
associates literature to art, culture and WEEK 3 SPA_CW-LM7-Id-e-3
writes a narrative drawn from or inspired by WEEKS SPA_CW-LM7-If-g4
a chosen artwork. 4-5
demonstrates writes an essay on a identifies the elements of essay. WEEK 6 SPA_CW-LM7-Ih-i-5
understanding of the chosen topic that allows recognizes the value of one’s origin and WEEKS SPA_CW-LM7-Ih-i-6
elements and creative expression of experiences as source/s of inspiration in 7-8
principles of essay one’s self their literary works/outputs.
QUARTER 2 demonstrates creates literary works that recognizes the different local and regional WEEK 1 SPA_CW-RF7-IIa-1
appreciation and apply the rituals and festivals.
understanding of local features/elements of identifies the evident features/elements of WEEK 2
rituals and festivals as ritual and festival. ritual and festival as language of creative SPA_CW-RF7-IIb-c-2
reflections of Filipino expression.
values, ingenuity and analyzes the narratives and symbols of WEEKS SPA_CW-RF7-IId-f-3-4
world views. ritual and festival in terms of their social 3-4
and cultural contexts.

understanding of
literary criticism as a
tool for literary
demonstrates produces an essay which analyzes the narratives and figurative WEEKS SPA_CW-AIRF7-IIg-i-4
appreciation and expresses appreciation of language of ritual and festival in terms of 5-8
understanding of the ritual and festival. their social and cultural contexts.
value of analyzing and
interpreting ritual and

QUARTER 3 demonstrates produces his/her own recognizes existing local/regional legends, WEEKS SPA_CW-FML7-IIIa-b-1
appreciation and literary works applying the myths and folktales. 1-2
understanding of local features/ elements of identifies the evident features/elements of WEEKS SPA_CW-FML7-IIIc-e-2
folktales, myths and folktale, myth and legend. folktale, myth and legend as language of 3-5
legends as reflections creative expression.
of Filipino values,
ingenuity and world
demonstrates creates an analytical/ analyzes the narratives and figurative WEEKS SPA_CW-FML7IIIf-h-3
appreciation and critical essay emphasizing language of folktale, myth and legend as 6-8
understanding of the the value of folktales, reflections of a person’s image in a given
value of analyzing and myths and legends. social context.
interpreting folktales,
myths and legends.
QUARTER 4 demonstrates an Creates short stories, explains the elements of each of the WEEKS SPA_CW-SPD7-IVa-b-1
understanding of the poems and dramas literary genres: 1-2
elements of short 1.1 short story

story, poetry and exemplifying their 1.2 poetry

drama. respective elements. 1.3 drama.
identifies the similarities and differences of WEEKS SPA_CW-SPD7IVc-e-2
the elements of story, poetry and drama. 3-5

demonstrates an produces a literary utilizes the elements of creative non-fiction WEEKS SPA_CW-LT7IV-If-g-3
appreciation of various travelogue. through a literary travelogue. 6-8
forms of creative non-

Grade Level: 8

Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
QUARTER 1 demonstrates creates literary works identifies the different natural resources WEEKS 1-2 SPA_CW-E8-Ia-c-1
understanding of the which deal and and ecosystems found in the local
ecological realities of the suggest solutions on community.
community. the present ecological
realities of the recognizes the evident cultural values of WEEKS 3-4 SPA_CW-E8-Id-f-2
community. the local community.
discusses how one’s natural heritage is WEEKS 5-6 SPA_CW-N8-Ig-3
shaped by his/her perspective of values
and meanings.

demonstrates composes a narrative identifies what make/s narratives logical WEEKS 7-8 SPA_CW-N8-Ig-i-4
understanding of how in different forms. and coherent.
narratives are shaped
coherently and logically.

QUARTER 2 demonstrates produces creative defines “talinghagang bukambibig.” WEEK 1 SPA_CW-H8-IIa-b-1

understanding of the fictions or non-
indigenous knowledge fictions using different
(lore) in looking at the examples of local
environment as the source “talinghagang identifies the different “talinghagang WEEK 2 SPA_CW-H8-IIa-b-2
of life. bukambibig.” bukambibig” in the local community.

analyzes samples of local “talinghagang WEEK 3 SPA_CW-H8-IIc-d-3

bukambibig” that reflect the community’s
perception of their role in
preserving/protecting the source of life.
describes the relationship of heritage and WEEK 4 SPA_CW-H8-IIe-4
ecology from the indigenous perspective
and values.

demonstrates creates literary works Cites examples of the basic figures of WEEK 5 SPA_CW-MF8-IIf-5
understanding of the basic by using local speech.
figures of speech as figurative language.
tangible expressions of the
community’s values and explores ways of using and tapping local WEEKS 6-8 SPA_CW-MF8-IIg-i-6
worldviews. figures of speech in writing new literary

QUARTER 3  demonstrates develops literary distinguishes the tangible from the WEEKS 1-2
understanding of the pieces that showcase intangible cultural heritage in the SPA_CW-CM8-IIIa-c-1
cultural resources of the the cultural resources community.
of the community.

community and their compares the roles of a literary artist and WEEKS 3-4 SPA_CW-CM8-IIIa-c-2
significance in creating an environmentalist as stewards of
resource-based literature. cultural heritage.

 demonstrates composes short identifies the different elements and WEEKS 5-8 SPA_CWCM8-IIId-h-3
understanding of the stories, poems and features of short story, poetry and drama.
commonality and plays based on the
distinguishing elements of results of the cultural
the various literary genres, mapping.
particularly short story,
poetry and drama.
QUARTER 4 demonstrates  recites a poem illustrates how life becomes meaningful WEEKS 1-2 SPA_CWPA8-IVa-b-1
understanding of how through literary production.
literature operates as a  uses storytelling
presentational act. techniques in sharing
a story. explains how the use of expressive WEEKS 3-4 SPA_CWPA8-IVa-b-2
language draws meaning to an act.

demonstrates stages a literary piece. interprets the different written literary WEEKS 5-8 SPA_CWPA8-IVc-g-3
understanding of how a genres into dramatic staging and
written literary work is performance.
translated into a dramatic

Grade Level: 9


Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code

The learner…
demonstrates how literature composes short stories, describes the emergence and WEEK 1 SPA_CW-LH9Ia-h-1
re-interprets different poems and plays based development of literary practices in the
notions and interpretations on his/her own Philippines.
of major events in the interpretations of major trans-creates literary works from short WEEKS
QUARTER 1 community. events in the story to poem or vice versa. 2-8

demonstrates understanding creates short stories, describes how the indigenous, WEEK 1 SPA_CW-F9-IIa-h-1
of the fundamentals of poems and plays based traditional and historical Philippine
Filipino images conveyed by on and using the literature re-interprets and translates
indigenous, traditional and indigenous, traditional into Filipino images
QUARTER 2 historical literature. and historical literature trans-creates literary works from short WEEKS SPA_CW-F9-IIa-h-2
and approaches. story/ poem into drama, or vice versa. 2-8

demonstrates appreciation produces short stories, writes literary works patterned after WEEKS SPA_CW-FPL9-IIIa-d-1
of the major literary works in poems and plays using foreign literature. 1-4
the world. the structures of the
literary works in the
foreign country of
his/her choice.


demonstrates Transforms literary translates excerpts of foreign literary WEEKS SPA_CW-FPL9-IIIe-h-2

understanding of the works written in works into local language/dialect. 5-8
translation and English into local
popularization of non- language/dialect.
Philippine literature.

demonstrates understanding performs poetry trans-creates selected literary works WEEKS SPA_CW-CP9-Iva-c-1
of how a written work is reading and storytelling into different genres. 1-4
trans-created into different using materials formerly creates his/her original literary works. WEEKS SPA_CW-CP9-IVd-g-2
QUARTER 4 genres. crafted using another 5-8
literary genre.

Grade Level: 10

Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
The learner…
demonstrates produces literary writes literary works based on Western WEEKS SPA_CW-IWL10-Ia-d-1
understanding of the works inspired by literature. 1-4
influences of Western Western literature.
literature on Philippine
literary practices
QUARTER 1 demonstrates researches on the conducts a research on the distinct features WEEKS SPA_CW-IWL10-Ie-i-2
understanding of the development of of Western literature. 5-8
development of Philippine Western literature
literary works in English. and its impact on
demonstrates composes short produces literary works combined with WEEKS SPA_CW-DLP10-IIa-d-1
understanding of the stories, poems and digital technology. 1-3
digital media technology plays using
QUARTER 2 in the development of conventional writing
Philippine literature vis-a- with the aid of digital
vis the modern society production.

demonstrates develops literary publishes his/her creative outputs thru WEEKS

understanding of the works using the digital technology. 4-6 SPA_CW-DLP10-IIe-2
production of a combination of
masterpiece which local/traditional and
combines a literary genre digital-based literary
with another art discipline. styles.

demonstrates documents effects of digitalization of WEEKS SPA_CW-DLP10-IIf-i-3

understanding of how to literary productions to social relationship 7-8
tap digital technology in and creative communication.
the production and
popularization of
Philippine literature.

demonstrates creates literary works compiles literary works that show WEEKS SPA_CW-LST10-IIIa-d-1
understanding of ethical that spur social experiences and/or issues concerning 1-2
practices in the production transformation. ethical practices (e.g. “An Enemy of the
of literature for social People,” an issue of corruption in various
transformation. forms).

QUARTER 3 utilizes interdisciplinary Philippine WEEKS SPA_CW-LST10-IIIe-h-2

style/genre in producing literary works for 3-4
social change.

writes literary outputs that convey WEEKS SPA_CW-LST10-IIIe-h-3

developmental goals of the society. 5-8

demonstrates launches publication executes the identified tasks and activities WEEKS SPA_CW-P10-IVa-g-1
understanding of the and/or exhibit of in the pre-publication and production 1-8
different aspects of artistic his/her literary works. phases.
and managerial tasks in
the publication and
performance of literary

Grade Level: GRADE 7


Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
1st Quarter The learner The learner uses the Recognizes the sound of every given Week 1 to Week 3 SPFL7LAP-Ic-3
understands the language in simple letter
background of the conversation. Recognizes the letters of the alphabet Week 4 to Week 6 SPFL7LAP-Id-4
target language and through pictures
culture. - Read letter given
- Read basic words correctly
Recognizes the correct pronunciation of Week 7 to Week 8 SPFL7LAP-Ie-5
the alphabet
2nd Quarter The learner The learner uses the Introduces oneself (name, age, Week 1 SPFL7LAP-Ia-1
understands the language in simple address)
background of the conversation. *Communicates using basic greetings Week 2 to Week 5
target language and and expressions related to:
culture. - the self
- family and home
- friends
- school and community
*Recognizes numbers 1-100 Week 6 to Week 8
- Recognize numbers 1 to 100 in
a text
- Identify cardinal and ordinal
3rd Quarter The learner The learner Names different body parts, commonly Week 1 to Week 4 SPFL7BCT-IIa-1
understands basic understands basic used objects, and places through
concepts and listening

information about the concepts and terms in - Recognize adjectives

target language. the target language. - Describe people, places and
things using common
- Describe objects using:
• colors
• quantity
• position
• shapes
Recognizes the words that express daily Week 5 to Week 8 SPFL7BCT-IIe-5
routine and habitual actions in a
reading text
- Recognize words that express
daily routine and habitual
actions in a text
- Recognize time (seconds,
minutes, hours)
- Recognize days in a week
- Recognize months in a year
4th Quarter The learner The learner uses short Talks about one’s interests Week 1 to Week 2 SPFL7LAC-IIIb-2
understands culturally sentences, learned - Ask questions about people
acceptable behavior in words, simple phrases and common objects
the origin country of and simple questions - Express views and opinions
the target language. Uses short sentences to Week 3 to Week 7 SPFL7LAC-IIIc-3
- Express directions
- Ask basic questions and
- Respond to different

- Express likes and dislikes

- Express feelings and emotions
The learner knows the The learner The learner constructs sentences Week 8 SPFL7BWS-IVe-6
basic writing system of understands the basic following the given sentence pattern
the target language. writing system of the - Construct sentences based
target language. on given picture clues

Grade Level: GRADE 8


Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
1st Quarter The learner The learner engages in Recognizes signs and other symbols Week 1 to Week 5 SPFL8SAC-Ia-1
understands basic meaningful used in/for
symbols used in conversation, and - Streets and transport system
different places. interprets different - Buildings
symbols and signs used - Safety signs
in different places. - Stores and hospitals
- Maps
- Other public places
Talks about one’s likes and dislikes Week 6 to Week 8 SPFL8SAC-Id-4
- Talk about one’s activities and
- Answer yes or no and wh-
- Construct yes or no and wh-

- Construct answers to yes or no

and wh- questions
2nd Quarter The learner The learner engages in Gives simple instructions, directions or Week 1 to Week 5 SPFL8SAC-Ie-5
understands basic meaningful commands
symbols used in conversation, and - Write simple commands in
different places. interprets different negative form
symbols and signs used
in different places. Listens to identify cause and/or effect Week 6 to Week 8 SPFL8SAC-IIg-7
3 Quarter The learner The learner engages in Uses polite expressions Week 1 to Week 3 SPFL8SAC-IIh-8
understands basic meaningful - Answer questions
symbols used in conversation, and - Use basic terms
different places. interprets different - Respond to questions
symbols and signs used Shares basic information Week 4 to Week 8 SPFL8SAC-IIi-9
in different places. - Identify names of grocery items
(food, drinks, etc.)
- Name basic places in a clinic or
- Respond to basic questions
- Express emotions positively
- Provide information needed in
a hospital
4th Quarter The learner The learner engages in *Writes about recent actions or Week 1 to Week 4
understands basic meaningful experiences using simple sentences
symbols used in conversation, and
different places. interprets different
symbols and signs used
in different places.

The learner The learner writes Narrates an experience in the past Week 5 to Week 8 SPFL8INT-IIIh-8
understands basic words, phrases and using simple sentence constructions
symbols used in basic sentences.
different places.

Grade Level: GRADE 9


Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
1st Quarter The learner The learner identifies Uses common expressions used in a Week 1 to Week 5 SPFL9NAI-Ib-2
demonstrates the main point in short conversation
understanding of and clear messages - Expresses one’s thoughts and
phrases and and announcements of feelings
expressions related to everyday matters. - Expresses one’s personal
areas of most experiences
immediate priority Identifies personal information in a Week 6 to Week 8 SPFL9NAI-Ic-3
such as very basic dialogue
personal and family - Expresses personal information
information, shopping, in a simple dialogue and
local geography, and friendly conversation
2nd Quarter The learner The learner identifies Describes pictures and other non-prose Week 1 to Week 6 SPFL9NAI-Ie-5
demonstrates the main point in short materials
understanding of and clear messages - Formulates wh- and yes or no
phrases and and announcements of questions following the correct
expressions related to everyday matters. syntax of grammar from simple
areas of most texts

immediate priority - Connect groups of words or

such as very basic phrases with conjunctions or
personal and family simple connectors
information, shopping,
local geography, and
The learner The learner describes *Presents a short simple conversation Week 7 to Week 8
demonstrates the and answer questions - Express oneself showing an
ability to give simple about familiar people, acceptance or rejection in an
descriptions or places, activities, invitation using appropriate
presentations of events, and expressions
people, living or possessions in simple
working conditions, terms.
daily routines, and
likes and dislikes using
simple phrases and
3rd Quarter The learner The learner identifies *Makes suggestions or Week 1 to Week 5
demonstrates specific information in recommendations and give advice on a
understanding of simple everyday topic/issue of interest
short, simple texts on material such as *Develops new vocabulary dealing with Week 6 to Week 8
familiar matters of a advertisements, food, occupation, leisure, and other
concrete type. menus, reference lists everyday situations by associating
and timetables. pictures with words
4th Quarter The learner The learner identifies Identifies the main idea of a reading Week 1 to Week 8 SPFL9DRT-IIId-4
demonstrates specific information in passage and its supporting details
understanding of simple everyday - Summarize events in an excerpt
short, simple texts on material such as and create a possible
familiar matters of a advertisements, continuation of events
concrete type.

menus, reference lists - Develop new vocabulary by

and timetables. identifying unfamiliar words
from assigned reading texts
- Determine whether statements
are true or false based on a
reading text

Grade Level: GRADE 10


Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
1st Quarter The learner The learner identifies Understands simple passages about: Week 1 SPFL10MSP-Ia-1
understands phrases correctly the phrases - one’s self and others
and expressions and expressions - family and home
- friends
- school and community
Talks elaborately about Week 2 SPFL10MSP-Ib-2
- one’s self and others
- family and home
- friends
- school and community
Writes simple compositions about Week 3 SPFL10MSP-Ic-3
- one’s self and others
- family and home
- friends
- school and community

Extracts important details from Week 4 SPFL10MSP-Ih-8

listening texts of different genres with
simple vocabulary and sentence
- Describe the current weather
- Note vocabularies related to
the weather and its forecast
Narrates experiences or incidents in Week 5 to Week 6 SPFL10MSP-Ij-10
one’s life
Extracts important details from texts of Week 7 to Week 8 SPFL10MSP-Iq-17
different genres using a variety of
reading strategies
2nd Quarter The learner The learner identifies Expresses one’s ideas in writing Week 1 to Week 4 SPFL10SEV-IIh-9
understands phrases correctly the phrases through creative means such as
and expressions and expressions advertisements or fliers
Writes and respond to letters and Week 5 to Week 8 SPFL10SEV-IIi-10
3rd Quarter The learner interprets The learner notes Prepares schedule of daily activities Week 1 to Week 4 SPFL10APK-IIIk-11
short, simple texts on important details from with descriptions and illustration
familiar matters of a short and simple Writes appropriate greetings and Week 5 to Week 8 SPFL10APK-IIIn-14
concrete type which materials such as wishes for specific celebrations and
consist of high advertisements, events
frequency every day, prospectuses, menus,
including a proportion reference lists and
of shared international timetables, etc.
vocabulary items or
job-related language.

4th The learner writes The learner writes a *Interprets simple instructions from Week 1 to Week 4
short, simple formulaic short text closely text such as recipes, travel blogs, etc.
notes relating to related to personal, *Makes a list of do’s and Week 5 to Week 8
matters in areas of academic, and don’ts/reminders for a specific place or
technology. functional purposes. activity

Grade Level: 7
Subject Title: Journalism

Grade Level Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the basic principles and legal and ethical standards of journalism by producing a newsletter
responsive to individual, school, community, societal, and national needs.

Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration Code
Q1 The learner demonstrates The learner writes a clear, Discuss the types and functions of
understanding of the basic accurate, and meaningful news journalism
principles of journalism, legal and story. Discuss specific provisions of RA SPJ7MDL-Ib-4
ethical standards of journalism, 7079 or the Campus Journalism Act
and news writing. of 1991
Evaluate newspaper articles and SPJ7ETH-Ic-7
ethical dilemmas or scenarios based
on ethical standards
Observe intellectual property rights SPJ7MDL-Ic-8
through proper
attributions/citations of sources
Establish the angle of a news story SPJ7NEW-Id-
by focusing on (a) specific element(s) 11

Write conventional and novelty

Observe proper techniques and
standards in writing a straight news
and a news feature about a school or
community event

Compose a news story based on the SPJ7NEW-Ig-

gathered facts from a speech 22
Q2 The learner demonstrates The learner produces a Observe specific style guides in SPJ7EDT-IIb-
understanding of the basic portfolio of well-edited articles editing journalistic articles 29
principles, guidelines, and with appropriate headlines, Use the appropriate words,
techniques of print journalism with well-written editorials, and expressions, and patterns in writing
focus on copyediting and headline effective cartoons. headlines
writing, editorial writing, and Distinguish the duties and SPJ7RJJ-IId-34
editorial cartooning. responsibilities of the editorial board
Write different types of editorial
based on a school, community, or
national issue observing different
techniques and standards
Employ the components (e.g., lines,
shapes, shades) and universal
symbols in drawing editorial
Q3 The learner demonstrates The learner writes interesting, Write a human interest feature and
understanding of the basic factual, and meaningful a character sketch using different
principles, practices, and feature, science, and sports styles
techniques of print journalism with stories. Write feature articles about a
focus on feature, science, and process and a place using different
sports writing. styles
Use appropriate styles in writing a
science news
Write an informative and interesting
science feature
Write a science editorial based on a
school, community, or national issue

Write an effective sports story with

an appropriate lead and using the
appropriate language and other
technical terms, proper tenses of
verb, transitional devices
Q4 The learner demonstrates The learner produces an eight- Compare and contrast SPJ7VST-IVab-
understanding of the basic page quality newsletter. photojournalism and photography 85
principles, practices, and Create an effective photo essay with
techniques of journalism with appropriate captions
focus on photojournalism, page Differentiate the parts of a SPJ7PMP-IVd-
layout, and online media. broadsheet, tabloid, and school 93
Make a dummy sheet of a front page SPJ7PMP-IVe-
of a newsletter 96
Design news, opinion, features, and
sports pages

Grade Level: 8
Subject Title: Journalism

Grade Level Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the advanced and broader applications of the principles, techniques, and ethical standards
of journalism by producing an eight-page print and online news publication responsive to individual, school, community, societal, national, and global needs.

Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration Code
Q1 The learner demonstrates The learner composes various Write different types of news
understanding of advanced and journalistic articles observing (composite, in-depth, and
broader applications of the the principles, techniques, and investigative) based on any recent
concepts and practices of print ethical standards. happenings in school or community
Write a film or book review SPJ8SJW-Id-
Write a sports feature SPJ8SPO-Ie-
Write a column based on a school, SPJ8OPW-If-
community, national, or 20
international issue
Write a science article based on data SPJ8SCW-Ih-
collected about health and 24
environmental issues
Q2 The learner demonstrates The learner creates an Apply the ethics and principles in SPJ8ETH-IIc-
understanding of advanced and attractive and appropriate photo editing 30
broader applications of page layout design of several pages for a
and design. publication. Design the pages of the various
sections of a newspaper (front page,

news, opinion, features, science,

Q3 The learner demonstrates The learner produces attractive Create an 8-page layout of SPJ8PMP-IIIa-
understanding of desktop and appropriate print and web newsletter using the available 42
publishing and web page design. page designs. software application
Create infographics on a current SPJ8VST-IIIbc-
school or national issue 44
Write articles for a magazine SPJ8SJW-IIIef-
observing proper attribution 48

Design a magazine SPJ8PMP-

Design a web page SPJ8OMP-
Q4 The learner demonstrates The learner produces an eight- Write news stories of local, SPJ8NEW-IVa-
understanding of the styles and page print and online news community, national, and 53
techniques in print and online publication. international concerns observing the
publications. techniques and ethical standards
Write opinion articles based on SPJ8OPW-
current social, political, and IVb-56
economic issues observing the
techniques and ethical standards
Write interesting and timely feature SPJ8FTR-IVc-
stories observing the techniques and 59
ethical standards

Write science stories on health, SPJ8SCW-IVd-

technological, and environmental 62

concerns observing the techniques

and ethical standards

Write sports stories based on a game

watched on TV
Write appropriate captions for SPJ8VST-IVf-
photos 70
Design for print and online

Grade Level: 9
Subject Title: Journalism

Grade Level Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the principles, techniques, and ethical standards of journalism by producing radio news
programs in response to individual, school, community, societal, national, and global needs.

Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration Code
Q1 The learner demonstrates The learner produces a Explain the principles of radio SPJ9RDB-Ia-2
understanding of the styles and comprehensive news script for broadcasting
techniques in writing a quality a radio broadcast. Evaluate samples of radio scripts SPJ9RSW-Id-9
radio script. focusing on format and content

Create a station ID, OBB/CBB, and SPJ9RDB-Id-

intro/extro for their own radio news 14
Observe technical rules in radio news SPJ9RSW-Ie-
writing 16

Observe technical rules in writing SPJ9SJW-If-20

advertorial, advocacy, and
developmental communication

Compose stingers, flash reports,

teasers, and bumpers using
appropriate and convincing words
and expressions and observing the
ethical standards in writing

Write a 5-minute radio news

broadcast script observing ethical
Q2 The learner demonstrates The learner delivers a radio Explain the duties and SPJ9RDB-IIb-
understanding of a proficient broadcast proficiently. responsibilities of the staff in a radio 30
broadcast delivery through news program using the
appropriate voice projection and organizational chart
techniques, and suitable technical Read orally news stories by
support (e.g., sound effects, observing appropriate pace, rate,
music) for production. and speed, pitch, intonation, and
Use appropriate tools and available SPJ9RDB-IIf-
software or mobile apps effective for 39
editing news reports
Use prior skills in producing sound SPJ9RDB-IIg-
effects and music for a radio news 41

Deliver a radio broadcast simulation SPJ9RDB-IIh-

with technical applications 44
Q3 The learner demonstrates The learner designs a Write illustrative examples of SPJ9NEW-IIIa-
understanding of the styles and comprehensive radio program. breaking news and flash reports 46
techniques in writing a
comprehensive radio news Compose a commentary based on
program. school, community, national, and
international issues observing ethical
Construct announcements based on SPJ9SEG-IIIc-
school and community programs and 54

Compose a feature story for radio SPJ9FTR-IIId-

based on current issues or 58
interesting phenomena
Deliver a live report about school SPJ9RDB-IIIf-
and community events 62
Conduct interviews with certain SPJ9DTG-IIIh-
authorities for stories in a radio news 67
program applying the guidelines and
Write a comprehensive radio news SPJ9RSW-IIIh-
program 68
Q4 The learner demonstrates The learner produces an Choose and edit appropriate sound SPJ9RDB-IVb-
understanding of the various informative and entertaining effects and music to be used in each 71
forms of radio broadcasting over segment of a radio news program

the internet through application of radio broadcast via podcasting Compose infomercials and/or SPJ9SEG-
appropriate and accessible and/or live streaming. advertisements for a 5-minute radio IVcd-73
technology. news program
Develop a complete, correct script SPJ9RSW-
for a 5-minute radio broadcast IVcd-74

Simulate a comprehensive 5-minute SPJ9RDB-

radio broadcast IVcd-75
Produce a radio news program
through podcasting and/or live
streaming using the available
technical software or mobile apps
while observing ethical standards

Grade Level: 10

Subject Title: Journalism

Grade Level Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the principles, techniques, and ethical standards of journalism by producing TV news
programs in response to individual, school, community, societal, national, and global needs.

Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration Code

Q1 The learner demonstrates The learner produces a TV Discuss the principles, features, and
understanding of the history, broadcast script. process of TV broadcasting
principles, legal and ethical
Explain the legal and ethical SPJ10ETH-Ia-3
standards, and processes of TV
standards of TV broadcasting
broadcasting and the various
forms and guidelines in writing for Explain the terms used in TV SPJ10TVB-Ic-5
TV. Broadcasting

Write different forms of stories for SPJ10TVSW-

TV broadcast Ief-8

Observe guidelines and rules in SPJ10NEW-Ig-

writing headlines and news for TV 9

Write a TV broadcast script SPJ10TVSW-


Q2 The learner demonstrates Create advertorial and advocacy SPJ10SEG-IIa-

understanding of the styles and campaigns 15

techniques in writing special The learner produces a Create TV announcements and

segments for a TV broadcast. comprehensive TV broadcast advertisements
script with special segments.
Identify the elements of the various
segments for a TV broadcast

Write various segments for a TV


Write a comprehensive TV SPJ10TVSW-

broadcast script with special IIh-32

Q3 The learner demonstrates The learner effectively Explain the duties and SPJ10TVB-IIIb-
understanding of the roles and performs in a TV broadcast responsibilities of TV anchors, 34
functions of a TV broadcasting according to one’s role reporters, and other on-cam and
team and the elements of and off-cam personnel
techniques for an effective
Play various roles in a TV broadcast SPJ10TVB-IIIc-
broadcast delivery and
Use appropriate verbal and non-
verbal communication for effective
broadcast delivery

Deliver a live/field report observing

the appropriate techniques

Manipulate the equipment in a TV SPJ10TVB-IIIg-

mock studio 44

Demonstrate various techniques

(directing, camerawork, light and

Deliver a TV broadcast observing the SPJ10TVB-IIIh-

essentials and standards 49

Q4 The learner demonstrates The learner produces a live TV Create a station ID, an opening SPJ10TVB-
understanding of the technical broadcast through appropriate billboard, and a closing billboard for IVab-51
aspects in TV broadcasting and online platforms. a TV broadcast
Apply stingers, teasers, and sound SPJ10TVB-
effects IVab-53

Enhance videos and soundbites SPJ10OMP-

using appropriate software or IVc-59
mobile apps for videography,
editing, and broadcasting fit for
uploading to YouTube and other
social media platforms

Use appropriate technical SPJ10TVB-

application in simulating a TV IVd-60

Produce a TV broadcast through SPJ10OMP-

appropriate online platforms IVgh-64

Baitang: 7
Pamagat ng Aralin: Pamamahayag

Pamantayan sa Bawat Baitang: Naipakikita ng mag-aaral ang pag-unawa at pagpapahalaga sa pangunahing batayan, kinagawian, at pamamaraan ng pasulat
na pamamahayag gayundin ang kasaysayan, legal, at etikal na pamantayan sa pamamagitan ng pagbuo ng pahayagang pangmag-aaral bilang tugon sa
pangangailangang pansarili, pampamayanan, panlipunan, at pambansa.

Markahan Pamantayang Pangnilalaman Pamantayan sa Pagganap Mga Pinakamahalagang Duration Koda

Kasanayang Pampagkatuto

Q1 Naipamamalas ang pag-unawa sa Nakasusulat nang malinaw, Naipaliliwanag ang iba’t ibang uri at SPJ7TPM-Ia-2
pangunahing batayan, legal at kawili-wili, makatotohanan at tungkulin ng pamamahayag
etikal na pamantayan ng pasulat makabuluhang balita
Naisa-isa ang tiyak na nilalaman ng SPJ7BPM-Ib-4
ng balita.
‘RA 7079’ o’ Campus Journalism Act
of 1991’ at Bill of Rights seksyon 4 at

Nasusuri ang mga artikulo sa SPJ7ETK-Ic-7

pahayagan sa pamamagitan ng
etikang pamantayan

Nakasusunod sa tamang pagbanggit SPJ7BPM-Ic-8

ng sanggunian

Nakasusulat ng halimbawa gamit SPJ7BLT-Id-11

ang mga elemento sa pagbabalita
mula sa anggulo ng istorya

Nakasusulat ng kombensyonal at
nobelti na pamatnubay

Nakasusulat ng tuwirang balita at

balitang lathalain tungkol sa
paaralan o pangyayari sa

Naisusulat ang epektibong balita SPJ7BLT-Ig-19

gamit ang mga detalyeng mula sa

Q2 Naipamamalas ang pag-unawa sa Nakabubuo ng portfolio ng Nakasusunod sa tiyak na gabay at SPJ7PWT-IIb-

pangunahing batayan, gabay at mga naiwastong artikulo na estilo sa pagwawasto ng iba’t ibang 29
teknik sa pasulat na may epektibong ulo ng balita, artikulo sa pahayagan
pamamahayag na nakatuon sa nakapupukaw na editoryal at
Nasusunod ang tiyak na alituntunin SPJ7PWT-IIc-
pagwawasto at pag-uulo ng sipi, epektibong kartun
sa pagbuo ng ulo ng balita 32
pagsulat ng editoryal at pagguhit
ng kartun Nakasusulat ng iba’t ibang uri ng
editoryal tungkol sa isyung
pampaaralan, pampamayanan,
panlipunan, at pambansa

Nagagamit ang mahahalagang linya,

hugis, shades at simbolong
pandaigdig upang makabuo ng iba’t
ibang kartun

Q3 Naipamamalas ang pag-unawa sa Nakasusulat nang kawili-wili, Nakasusulat ng lathalaing human

pangunahing batayan, kinagawian makatotohanan at interest at character sketch gamit
at pamamaraan sa pasulat na ang iba’t ibang estilo

pamamahayag na nakatuon sa makabuluhang lathalain, Nakasusulat ng isang lathalain sa

pagsulat ng lathalain, agham at agham, teknolohiya at isports paglalakbay at lathalain sa isang
isports proseso gamit ang iba’t ibang estilo

Nakasusulat ng lathalaing pang- SPJ7SPA-IIId-

agham nang epektibo at kawili-wili 73

Nakasusulat ng editoryal na pang- SPJ7PSA-IIIe-

agham ukol sa isyung pampaaralan, 78
pampamayanan, panlipunan, at

Nakasusulat ng epektibong balitang

isports gamit ang tamang aspekto
ng pandiwa, mga salitang
transisyunal, tamang wika at iba
pang isports lingo

Q4 Naipamamalas ang pag-unawa sa Nakabubuo ng apat na Natutukoy ang mga tungkulin at SPJ7TPM-IId-
pangunahing batayan, kinagawian pahinang dekalidad na pananagutan ng patnugutan 33
at pamamaraang pampahayagan pahayagan
Natutukoy ang pagkakaiba at SPJ7BPK-IVa-
na nakatuon sa pagkuha ng
pagkakatulad ng larawang 86
larawan, pag-aanyo ng pahina at
pamahayagan at potograpiya
online media
Nakabubuo ng kawili-wiling
larawang sanaysay na may mga
angkop na caption

Nailalarawan ang natatanging SPJ7PRM-IVd-

katangian ng bawat pahina ng 93

Nakabubuo ng dummy sheet para SPJ7PRM-IVe-

sa mukha ng isang pahayagan 97

Nakapagdidisenyo ng pahinang
balita, opinyon, lathalain at isports

Baitang: 8
Pamagat ng Aralin: Pamamahayag

Pamantayan sa Bawat Baitang: Naipakikita ng mag-aaral ang pag-unawa at pagpapahalaga sa pinaunlad at pinalawak na mga konsepto at pamamaraan ng
pasulat na pamamahayag sa pamamagitan ng pagbuo ng walong pahinang pahayagan, pasulat at online, bilang tugon sa pangangailangang pansarili,
pampaaralan, pampamayanan, panlipunan, pambansa, at pandaigdig.

Markahan Pamantayang Pamantayan sa Pagganap Mga Pinakamahalagang Kasanayang Duration Koda

Pangnilalaman Pampagkatuto
Q1 Naipamamalas ang pag- Nakabubuo ng Nakasusulat ng komposit na balita tungkol SPJ8BLT-Ia-
unawa sa pinaunlad at komprehensibong artikulong sa pangyayari sa paaralan at pamayanan 3
pinalawak na mga konsepto pampahayagan gamit ang Nakasusulat ng balitang nagsisiyasat SPJ8BLT-Ib-
at pamamaraan sa pasulat tamang sanggunian tungkol sa mga usaping sosyal, politikal o 6
na pamamahayag pang-ekonomiya sa lokal man o
Nakasusulat ng komposit na balita,
balitang nagsisiyasat at Balitang May
Lalim tungkol sa pangyayari sa paaralan at

Nakasusulat ng isang suring pelikula at SPJ8NPP-Id-

suring basa 12
Nakasusulat ng isang isports lathalain at SPJ8ISP-Ie-
editoryal 16
Nakasusulat ng isang kolum tungkol sa SPJ8OPY-If-
isyung pampaaralan, pampamayanan, 20
pambansa o pandaigdig

Nakasusulat ng artikulong agham batay sa SPJ8SPA-Ih-

mga impormasyong nakalap sa isyung 25
pangkalusugan at pang-kapaligiran

Q2 Naipamamalas ang pag- Nakabubuo ng makatawag- Nagagamit ang etika at batayan sa pag- SPJ8ETK-IIc-
unawa sa pinagyaman na pansing disenyo para sa mga eedit ng larawan 32
paggamit ng Pag-aanyo at pahina ng pahayagan Nakapagdidisenyo ng pahinang balita at
Pagdidisenyo ng Pahina opinyon, lathalain, agham at isports

Q3 Naipamamalas ang pag- Nakabubuo ng makawatag- Nakabubuo ng walong pahinang SPJ8PRM-IIIa-44

unawa sa Desktop pansing disenyo ng pahayagan
Publishing at Web Page pahayagan at web page
Design Nakabubuo ng infographics SPJ8BPK-IIIbc-46
Nakasusulat ang iba’t ibang uri ng artikulo
sa isang magasin
Nakapagdidisenyo ng isang magasin SPJ8PRM-IIIef-50
Nakapagdidisenyo ng Web Page SPJ8POM-IIIgh-52
Q4 Naipamamalas ang pag- Nakasusulat ng balita tungkol sa SPJ8BLT-IVa-55
unawa sa mg aistilo, at pamayanan, bansa, at daigdig

pamamaraan sa paglalathala Nakasusulat ng mga artikulong nagbibigay SPJ8OPY-IVb-58

ng mga artikulo pasulat o opinyon sa mga isyung pang-sosyal,
online politikal at pang-ekonomiya

Nakasusulat ng mga kawili-wiling SPJ8LTH-IVc-61

artikulong pang-lathalain

Nakasusulat ng mga artikulong pang- SPJ8SPA-IVd-64

Nakabubuong ng walong (8)
agham tungkol sa mga isyung pang-
pahinang pahayagan na
kalusugan, pang- teknolohiya at pang-
pasulat o online

Nakasusulat ng mga artikulong pang- SPJ8ISP-IVe-67

isports tungkol sa napanood na laro
Naisusulat ang angkop na caption para sa SPJ8BPK-IVf-72
Nakapagdidisenyo ng ilalathalang pasulat
at online

Baitang: 9
Pamagat ng Aralin: Pamamahayag

Pamantayan sa Bawat Baitang: Naipakikita ng mag-aaral ang pag-unawa at pagpapahalaga sa mga kinagawian, pamamaraan, at batayan ng pasalitang
pamamahayag sa pamamagitan ng pagbuo ng programang panradyo bilang tugon sa pangangailangang pansarili, pampaaralan, pampamayanan, panlipunan,
pambansa, at pandaigdig.

Markahan Pamantayang Pangnilalaman Pamantayan sa Pagganap Mga Pinakamahalagang Duration Koda

Kasanayang Pampagkatuto

Q1 Naipamamalas ang pag-unawa sa Nakabubuo ng isang Naipaliliwanag ang kahalagahan ng SPJ9PPR-Ia-2

mga estilo, at pamamaraan sa komprehensibong balitang mga batayan sa pamamahayag
pagsulat ng isang iskrip na iskrip na panradyo panradyo
Naipaliliwanag ang kahalagahan,
kalikasan, at anyo ng pamamahayag
sa radyo

Nasusuri ang pormat at nilalaman SPJ9PBR-Id-

ng mga halimbawa ng iskrip 10

Nakabubuo ng sariling ID ng SPJ9PPR-Id-15

istasyon at OBB para sa balitang

Nagagamit ang tamang salita at SPJ9AKP-Ie-

pagpapahayag sa pag-uulo at 16
pagsulat ng mga balita

Nakasusulat ng mga infomercial SPJ9NPP-If-22

batay sa mga isyung panlipunan,

pam-pulitikal, pang-ekonomiya ,
pang-kapaligiran at pang-kalusugan

Nakabubuo ng mga angkop na SPJ9PPR-Ig-24

stingers, dagliang balita, teaser at

Nakasusulat ng iskrip para sa SPJ9PBR-Ih-

limang minutong balitang panradyo 29

Q2 Naipamamalas ang pag-unawa sa Nakapaghahatid nang Nababasa ang mga balitang SPJ9AKP-IIab-
kasanayang mag-broadcast sa mahusay na pamamahayag panradyo ng may angkop na 33
pamamagitan ng tamang paggamit panradyo tiyempo, lakas at bilis
ng boses, pamamaraan at angkop
na suportang teknikal tulad ng
tunog at musika para sa Naipaliliwanag ang mga gampanin SPJ9PPR-IId-
produksyon at pananagutan ng mga taong 36
bahagi ng programang panradyo

Nagagamit ang angkop na tools at SPJ9PPR-IIf-

software sa pag-eedit ng tunog 40

Nagagamit ang mga dating SPJ9PPR-IIg-

kasanayan sa pagbuo ng tunog at 42
musika para sa pamamahayag

Naisasagawa ang isang programang SPJ9PPR-IIh-

panradyo na may kumpleto, tamang 45
iskrip at aplikasyong teknikal

Q3 Nagpapamalas ang pag-unawa sa Nakabubuo ng Nakasusulat ng mahalagang SPJ9PBR-IIIa-

mga estilo at pamamaraan sa komprehensibong programang halimbawa ng breaking news at 47
pagsulat ng komprehensibong panradyo flash report
balitang panradyo
Nasusunod ang pamantayang etikal SPJ9ETK-IIIb-
sa pagbibigay ng opinyon 50

Nakasusulat ng isang komentaryo

tungkol sa mga isyung pampaaralan,
pampamayanan, pambansa at
pandaigdig gamit ang pamantayang

Nakabubuo ng mga anunsiyo batay SPJ9NBB-IIIc-

sa mga pangyayari at gawain sa 54
paaralan at pamayanan

Nakabubuo ng mga patalastas gamit SPJ9NBB-IIIc-

ang wastong pamamaraan ng 56

Nakasusulat ng lathalaing panradyo SPJ9LTH-IIId-

tungkol sa kawili-wiling pangyayari 58

Nakapaghahatid ng field report SPJ9PPR-IIIf-

batay sa mga pangyayari sa 62
paaralan at pamayanan

Nakapaghahatid ng aktuwal na pag- SPJ9PPR-IIIg-

uulat tungkol sa mga pangyayari sa 64
paaralan at pamayanan

Nakapagsa-sagawa ng panayam sa SPJ9PND-IIIh-

mga personalidad na kasapi sa mga 67
balitang panradyo

Nakabubuo ng komprehensibong
programang panradyo

Q4 Naipamamalas ang pag-unawa sa Nakabubuo ng makatotohanan Napipili ang tamang tunog at SPJ9PPR-IVb-
iba’t ibang anyo ng pamamahayag at nakalilibang na musikang gagamitin sa bawat 71
panradyo sa internet sa pamamahayag panradyo sa bahagi ng balitang panradyo
pamamagitan ng angkop at pamamagitan ng podcasting o
Nakabubuo ng mga informercial o SPJ9NBB-IVc-
madaling paraan ng paggamit ng live streaming
patalastas para sa limang minutong 73
balitang panradyo

Nakagagawa ng kumpleto at tamang SPJ9PBR-IVc-

iskrip para sa limang minutong 74
balitang panradyo

Naisasagawa ang isang SPJ9PPR-IVd-

komprehensibong limang minutong 75
balitang panradyo

Nakabubuo ng balitang panradyo sa

pamamagitan ng podcasting at live
streaming gamit ang angkop na

Baitang: 10
Pamagat ng Aralin: Pamamahayag

Pamantayan sa Bawat Baitang: Naipakikita ng mag-aaral ang pag-unawa at pagpapahalaga sa mga kinagawian, pamamaraan, at pamantayan ng
pamamahayag sa pamamagitan ng pagbuo ng programang pantelebisyon bilang tugon sa pangagailangang pansarili, pampaaralan, pampamayanan,
panlipunan, pambansa, at pandaigdig.

Markahan Pamantayang Pangnilalaman Pamantayan sa Pagganap Mga Pinakamahalagang Duration Koda

Kasanayang Pampagkatuto
Q1 Naipapamalas ang pag-unawa sa Nakabubuo ng isang Naipaliliwanag ang pamantayang SPJ10BMP-Ia-
kasaysayan ng pamamahayag komprehensibong iskrip ng legal at etikal ng pamamahayag 3
pantelebisyon,batayan, pamamahayag pantelebisyon pantelebisyon
pamantayang legal at etikal, at Naipaliliwanag ang kalikasan,
mga gabay sa pagsulat para sa katangian at proseso ng
pamamahayag pantelebisyon. pamamahayag pantelebisyon
Naipaliliwanag ang mga termino na SPJ10PTB-Ic-7
ginagamit sa pamamahayag
Nakasusulat ng iba’t ibang pormat SPJ10BTB-Ief-
ng ulat pantelebisyon 10
Q2 Naipamamalas ang pag-unawa sa Nakabubuo ng Nakabubuo ng palatastas na SPJ10NBB-IIa-
mga istilo at kapamaraanan sa komprehensibong iskrip ng advertorial at panawagang 16
pagsulat ng natatanging segments pamamahayag pantelebisyon kampanya
para sa pamamahayag na may natatanging segments Nakabubuo ng mga anunsiyong SPJ10NBB-IIb-
pantelebisyon pantelebisyon batay sa mga gawain 18
sa paaralan at pamayanan
Natutukoy ang mga elemento ng
ibat’t ibang segment para sa
pamamahayag pantelebisyon

Nakasusulat ng iba’t ibang segment

para sa pamamahayag

Nakasusulat ng isang SPJ10BTB-IIh-

komprehensibong iskrip ng 33
pamamahayag pantelebisyon na
may natatanging segments
Q3 Naipamamalas ang pag-unawa sa Naisasagawa nang epektibo Naipaliliwanag ang tungkulin at SPJ10PTB-
mga tungkulin at pananagutan ng ang tungkuling ginagampanan pananagutan ng TV anchor, IIIbc-35
bawat kasapi ng pangkat sa sa pamamahayag tagapagbalita, at iba pang on-cam at
pamamahayag pantelebisyon, pantelebisyon off-cam na manggagawa
mga elemento at kapamaraanan Nagagampanan ang iba’t ibang SPJ10PTB-
para sa epektibong paghahatid ng tungkulin sa pamamahayag IIIbc-36
pamamahayag pantelebisyon pantelebisyon
Nagagamit ang angkop na
komunikasyong berbal at di berbal
sa epektibong paghahatid ng
pamamahayag pantelebisyon
Naisasagawa ang isang live/field na SPJ10PTB-IIIf-
pag-uulat gamit ang angkop na 43
Naimamanipula ang mga kagamitan SPJ10PTB-IIIg-
sa isang mock studio 45
Naipakikita ang iba’t ibang
pamamaraan/teknik (directing,
camerawork, paggamit ng ilaw at
paglalapat ng tunog)
Nasusunod ang mga pamantayan sa SPJ10PTB-IIIh-
pagsasagawa ng isang 49
pamamahayag pantelebisyon

Q4 Naipamamalas ang pag-unawa sa Naisasagawa ang live na Nakabubuo ng station ID at opening SPJ10PTB-
mga teknikal na aspeto ng pamamahayag pantelebisyon billboard para sa isang IVab-51
pamamahayag pantelebisyon at gamit ang angkop na online pamamahayag pantelebisyon
produksyon platforms Nagagamit ang stingers, teasers at SPJ10PTB-
sound effects sa isang IVab-53
pamamahayag pantelebisyon
Nakabubuo ng station ID, Opening
Billboard at Closing Billboard para sa
isang pamamahayag pantelebisyon
Napagyayaman ang videos at SPJ10POM-
soundbites gamit ang tamang IVc-59
software o mobile apps para sa
videography, editing, at
broadcasting na angkop para sa
uploading sa You Tube at iba pang
social media platforms
Nagagamit ang angkop na technical SPJ10PTB-
application sa pagsasagawa ng isang IVd-60
simulated na pamamahayag
Nakabubuo ng isang pamamahayag SPJ10POM-
pantelebisyon gamit ang angkop na IVgh-64
online platforms

Grade Level: 7

Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
Q1 The learner The learner critiques and analyzes The learner…
demonstrates movement and assesses muscular  defines basic biomechanical terminology Week 1 SPS_BM7-Ia-1
understanding of strength and function.  understands fundamental movements Week 1 SPS_BM7-Ia-2
basic biomechanical and their applications in their daily lives
terminology and  differentiates motion across the different Week 2 SPS_BM7-Ib-3
assesses one’s planes
muscular movement  differentiates the types of muscular Week 3 SPS_BM7-Ic-4
to enable them to contraction
function better.  evaluates performance in upper body Week 4 SPS_BM7-Ie-6
muscular movement
 evaluates performance in lower body Week 5 SPS_BM7-If-7
muscular movement
 demonstrates basic muscular Week 6 SPS_BM7-Ih-9
 demonstrates basic static stretching Week 7 SPS_BM7-Ii-10
 demonstrates dynamic stretching Week 8 SPS_BM7-Ig-11
Q2 The learner The learner designs a conditioning The learner…
demonstrates program that will develop health-  explains the principles of exercise Week 1 SPS_EP7-IIa-12
understanding of related fitness components (i.e. training
various methods of aerobic capacity, strength, and  summarizes training adaptations of the Week 2 SPS_EP7-IIb-13
conditioning that flexibility). cardiovascular system
develops health-  describes methods of aerobic training Week 3 SPS_EP7-IIc-14
related fitness

components for  differentiates continuous, interval, and Weeks 4 and 5 SPS_EP7-IId-e15

efficient fartlek training
performance.  differentiates the adaptations of slow Weeks 6 and 7 SPS_EP7-IIf-g-16
twitch, fast twitch, and intermediate
muscle fibers to resistance training
 recognizes the importance of performing Week 8 SPS_EP7-IIi-18
both aerobic and resistance training in
every sports.
Q3 The learner The learner demonstrates The learner…
demonstrates healthful practices in order to  explains the terminologies in sports Week 1 SPS_SI7-IIIa-20
understanding of prevent and control acute and injury
the value in chronic injuries  explains the difference between acute Week 1 SPS_SI7-IIIa-21
recognizing and and chronic injuries
preventing sports  recognizes the signs and symptoms of Week 2 SPS_SI7-IIIb-22
injuries (Acute and acute and chronic injuries
chronic injuries) to  discusses how to recognize and prevent Week 2 SPS_SI7-IIIb-23
improve oneself. acute and chronic sports injuries
 identifies ways of preventing acute and Weeks 3 and 4 SPS_SI7-IIIc-25
chronic injuries
 applies decision-making skills in giving
first aid to a victim of accident. Week 5 SPS_SI7-IIIe-28
 follows the appropriate preventive
measures for athletes who suffer acute Weeks 5 and 6 SPS_SI7-IIIh-31
injury or chronic injury.
 practices ways to recognize and prevent Weeks 7 and 8 SPS_SI7-IIIj-33
sports injuries
Q4 The learner The learner designs personal meal The learner…
demonstrates plan before, during, and after  identifies factors that affect nutrition Week 1 SPS_SN7-IVa-34
understanding of competition  identifies components of a balanced diet Week 1 SPS_SN7-IVa-35

meal planning  identifies necessary food and nutrients Week 2 SPS_SN7-IVb-36

before, during, and The learner analyzes and modifies from Food Pyramid
after competition meal plans for self and others  identifies individual dietary requirements Week 2 SPS_SN7-IVb-37
and its effect on depending on individual characteristics
nutrition, fitness,  explains the importance of nutrition to Week 3 SPS_SN7-IVc-38
and optimal athletic performance
performance  analyzes dietary requirements of athletes Week 4 SPS_SN7-IVc-39
in various sports
 evaluates athlete’s actual food intake Week 5 SPS_SN7-IVd-40
based on Food Pyramid, components of a
healthy diet and individual dietary
 analyzes hydration practices of athletes Week 6 SPS_SN7-IVd-41
 develops awareness in meal planning
before, during, and after competition Week 7 SPS_SN7-IVf-44
 evaluates meal planning before, during,
and after competition specific to sports Week 8 SPS_SN7-IVj-50

Psychosocial/Behavioral Skills

Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
Grade 7 The learner The learner realizes the The learner...
Q1-Q4 demonstrates significance of motivation in  defines motivation Integrated SPS_P/BS7-I-IV-
understanding of relation to one’s athletic during 52
the significance of participation and performance  lists various motivation for participation Practicum SPS_P/BS7-I-IV-
motivation in the in sports 53
pursuit of athletic  differentiates intrinsic from extrinsic SPS_P/BS7-I-IV-
excellence motivation 54
 identifies factors influencing motivation SPS_P/BS7-I-IV-
in sports 55
 discusses consequences of intrinsic SPS_P/BS7-I-IV-
versus extrinsic motivations in sports 56
 practices different strategies to enhance SPS_P/BS8-I-IV-
one’s motivation in sports such as goal 58
setting, positive self-talk, and imagery

Grade Level: 8

Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
Q1 The learner The learner performs, analyzes The learner…
demonstrates and corrects one’s performance in  identifies skill-related parameters of Week 1 SPS_BM8-Ia-1
understanding of the different skill-related tests. physical fitness
different movement  identifies proper technique and form Week 2 SPS_BM8-Ib-2
patterns and skill- when performing balance, agility, speed,
related parameters and power exercises

and their  understands the concepts of acceleration Week 3 SPS_BM8-Ic-3

applications to and deceleration and their applications in
sport. sport
 understands the concepts of force and Week 4 SPS_BM8-Id-4
power and their applications in sports
 identifies errors in performance and is Weeks 5 and 6 SPS_BM8-Ig-h-7
able to correct technique.
 performs and evaluates one’s balance, Weeks 7 and 8 SPS_BM8-Ii-j-8
agility, speed and power using different
methods of testing
Q2 The learner The learner designs a conditioning The learner…
demonstrates program that will develop skill-  discusses the importance of skill related Week 1 SPS_EP8-IIa-9
understanding of related fitness components (i.e. components of fitness in athletic
various methods of agility, balance, coordination, performance
conditioning that power, reaction time, and speed).  compares the changes in the muscle fiber Weeks 2 and 3 SPS_EP8-IIc-d-11
develops skill- as a result of aerobic training and
related fitness resistance training
components for  demonstrates exercises that will improve Weeks 3 to 5 SPS_EP8-IIf-h-13
efficient speed, agility, and quickness.
performance.  justifies the importance of including core Week 6 SPS_EP8-IIi-14
training in improving balance and
 discusses the impact of functional Weeks 7 and 8 SPS_EP8-IIj-15
training on coordination
Q3 The learner The learner evaluates the survey The learner…
demonstrates conducted inside school campus  discusses the common sports injuries of Week 1 SPS_SI8-IIIa-16
understanding of in preventing sports specific specific sports
recognizing, injuries  identifies ways of preventing sports Week 2 SPS_SI8-IIIb-17
evaluating and specific injuries

preventing sports  describes the effects of sports specific Week 3 SPS_SI8-IIIc-18

specific injuries injury to performance of an athlete.
 formulates excellent ways on how to Week 4 SPS_SI8-IIId-20
recognize, evaluate, and prevent sports
specific injuries
 performs first aid to specific sports injury Week 5 SPS_SI8-IIIe-21
 conducts survey of preventing sports Week 6 SPS_SI8-IIIf-22
specific injuries inside school
 evaluates survey results made by the Week 7 SPS_SI8-IIIg-23
groups inside school/community
 familiarizes with potential life-
threatening injuries for sport specific Week 8 SPS_SI8-IIIj-26
Q4 The learner The learner designs personal meal The learner…
demonstrates plan for endurance and power  identifies individual dietary requirements Week 1 SPS_SN8-IVa-27
understanding of sports in endurance and power sports
meal planning for  explains the importance of nutrition to Week 1 SPS_SN8-IVa-28
endurance and The learner analyzes and modifies athletic performance in endurance and
power sports and its meal plans for self and others power sports
effects on nutrition,  identifies necessary nutrients and Week 2 SPS_SN8-IVb-29
fitness, and optimal recommendations for endurance and
performance power sports
 analyzes dietary requirements of athletes Week 3 SPS_SN8-IVc-31
in endurance and power sports
 analyzes hydration practices of athletes
in endurance and power sports Week 4 SPS_SN8-IVd-33

 distinguishes the difference in meal Week 5 SPS_SN8-IVe-35

planning for endurance and power sports
 develops awareness in meal planning for Week 5 SPS_SN8-IVf-36
endurance and power sports
 recognizes the importance of different Week 6 SPS_SN8-IVg-37
nutrients and their recommendations for
endurance and power sports
 applies healthy eating strategies to
promote optimal performance in Week 7 SPS_SN8-IVi-41
endurance and power sports
 evaluates meal planning for endurance
and power sports Week 8 SPS_SN8-IVi-j-42

Psychosocial/Behavioral Skills

Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
Q1-Q4 The learner The learner demonstrates The learner…
understands the cooperation, effective  defines teamwork Integrated SPS_P/BS8-I-IV-
significance of a communication, and positive during 44
teamwork in sports social interaction which  describes characteristics of an effective practicum SPS_P/BS8-I-IV-
contributes to teamwork team 45
 lists different roles of members in a SPS_P/BS8-I-IV-
sports team 46
 examines the different roles and SPS_P/BS8-I-IV-
responsibilities of each team members 47
 identifies factors affecting teamwork SPS_P/BS8-I-IV-

 analyzes the effects of teamwork on SPS_P/SB8-I-IV-

one’s sports participation and 49
 recognizes the value of teamwork on SPS_P/BS8-I-IV-
one’s sports participation and 50
 practices cooperation, clear SPS_P/BS8-I-IV-
communication, and positive social 51
interaction to enhance teamwork
 applies different strategies to enhance SPS8P/BS8-I-IV-
teamwork in one’s sport or team 52

Grade Level: 9

Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
Q1 The learner The learner identifies proper The learner…
demonstrates technique in selected sports skills  understands proper mechanics needed Week 1 SPS_BM9-Ia-1
understanding of the and is able to correct errors in to perform skills effectively
technique and performance.  identifies errors in sports skills’ Week 2 SPS_BM9-Ib-2
mechanics of techniques and corrects errors in
different sports skills. mechanics
 develops understanding of internal Week 3 SPS_BM9-Id-4
biomechanics and motor learning in
mechanical aspects of human exercise,
sport, and play
 practices throwing, striking, and kicking Week 4 SPS_BM9-Ie-6
techniques and understands their
applications to sport.
 practices swinging and rotating exercises Week 5 SPS_BM9-If-7
and their applications to sport
 practices preparatory actions needed for Week 6 SPS_BM9-Ig-8
each skill to be effective.
 demonstrates proper jumping technique Week 7 SPS_BM9-Ii-10
and differentiates types of jumps
 performs a qualitative analysis of sports
skills Week 8 SPS_BM9-Ij-11
Q2 The learner The learner designs a The learner…
demonstrates comprehensive conditioning  explains the importance of the principle Week 1 SPS_EP9-IIa-12
understanding of the of specificity

principle of specificity program that is specific to a  enumerates the skill related fitness Week 2 SPS_EP9-IIb-13
and its impact on sport. components to be included in the
designing a conditioning program of a specific sport
comprehensive  identifies the ideal method of Week 3 SPS_EP9-IIc-14
conditioning conditioning in athletics
program.  identifies the ideal method of
conditioning in throwing events in Weeks 4 and 5 SPS_EP9-IIe-f-16
 identifies the ideal method of Week 6 SPS_EP9-IIg-17
conditioning in racquet sports
 Identifies the ideal method for
conditioning in specialized sports. Weeks 7 and 8 SPS_EP9-IIi-j-19

Q3 The learner The learner creates and conduct The learner…

demonstrates a mini conference about the  identifies the different factors affecting Week 1 SPS_SI9-IIIa-20
understanding of the effectiveness of the different the recovery of specific injury from
process of recovery process of recovery from Sports specific sports
from sports specific Specific Injury  realizes the importance of different Week 1 SPS_SI9-IIIa-21
injury processes of recovery from sports
specific Injuries
 identifies step by step Process of Week 2 SPS_SI9-IIIb-22
Recovery from sports specific injuries
 identifies the different healing process Week 3 SPS_SI9-IIIb-23
which contributes to the recovery of
athletes from sports specific injury
 explains the importance of recovery time Week 4 SPS_SI9-IIIc-26
from sports specific injury

 recognizes the effectiveness of Week 5 SPS_SI9-IIIg-32

psychological recovery which contributes
to the recovery of athletes from sports
specific injury
 manifests awareness in the effectiveness Week 6 SPS_SI9-IIIh-33
of recovery time that may contribute to
the recovery of athlete from sports
specific injury
 evaluates the different aspect of Week 7 SPS_SI9-IIIh-34
recovery time as one process of recovery
from sports specific injury
 conducts a mini conference about the Week 8 SPS_SI9-IIIi-35
importance and effectiveness of
different process of recovery from sports
specific injuries
Q4 The learner The learner prepares personal The learner…
demonstrates nutritional strategy for adequate  identifies the role of nutrition to athletes Week 1 SPS_SN9-IVa-37
understanding of nutrition  identifies benefits and effects of fads and Week 2 SPS_SN9-IVa-38
nutrition fads and supplements to athletic training and
supplements The learner analyzes and performance
modifies nutritional strategy for  analyzes effects of common supplements Week 3 SPS_SN9-IVb-39
others to the body
 distinguishes difference of dietary Week 4 SPS_SN9-IVd-42
supplements and ergogenic aids
 distinguishes fads from healthy ones Week 5 SPS_SN9-IVe-43
 develops awareness in nutritional Week 6 SPS_SN9-IVg-46
strategy for adequate nutrition

 formulates personal goals and Week 7 SPS_SN9-IVh-47

nutritional strategy for adequate
 applies nutritional strategies to Week 8 SPS_SN9-IVi-48
promote good health and optimal

Psychosocial/Behavioral Skills

Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
Q1-Q4 The learner The learner demonstrates The learner
understands understanding of ways of coping  defines stress and anxiety Integrated SPS9P/SB-I-IV-
mechanisms to cope with stress and anxiety in sports during 50
with stress and participation and performance  enumerates sources of stress and anxiety practicum SPS9PSB-I-IV-
anxiety in sports (in sports and in life/general) 51
 differentiates various sources of stress SPS9P/BS-I-IV-
and anxiety into internal and external 53
 explains the effects of these internal and SPS9P/BS-I-IV-
external factors of stress and anxiety on 55
sports performance
 examines one’s sources of stress and SPS9P/BS-I-IV-
anxiety in sports and in life 56

Grade Level: 10

Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
Q1 The learner The learner identifies errors in The learner…
demonstrates technique and is able to correct  understands how biomechanics is used to Week 1 SPS_BM10-Ia-
understanding of errors confidently. improve technique 1
movement analysis  explains how movement analysis can be Week 2 SPS_ BM10-
and its applications to used to prevent injuries Ib-2
improve technique,  understands how technology can be used Week 3 SPS_ BM10-
improve training and to analyze movement Ic-3
reduce injury.  develops a movement analysis plan that Week 4 SPS_ BM10-
can be integrated in training Id-4
 evaluates errors in performance of Week 5 SPS_ BM10-
different skills Ie-f-5
 conducts a qualitative analysis on Weeks 6 and 7 SPS_ BM10-
different sports skills Ig-h-6
• creates a movement training plan to be Week 8 SPS_ BM10-Ii-
used during physical training sessions j-7
Q2 The learner The learner designs a The learner…
demonstrates comprehensive conditioning  discusses the importance of periodization Week 1-2 SPS_EP10-II-
understanding of the program that is specific to a in the long-term preparation for athletic a-b-8
principle of specificity sport. competitions
and its impact on  identifies the ideal method for Week 3 SPS_EP10-IId-
designing a conditioning in basketball 10
comprehensive  identifies the ideal method for Week 4 SPS_EP10-IIe-
conditioning program. conditioning in volleyball 11
 identifies the ideal method for Week 5 SPS_EP10-IIf-
conditioning in football/futsal 12

 identifies the ideal method for Week 6 SPS_EP10-IIg-

conditioning in sepak takraw 13
 identifies the ideal method for Week 7 SPS_EP10-IIh-
conditioning in baseball/softball 14
 identifies the ideal method for Week 8 SPS_EP10-II-i-
conditioning in combative sports j-15
Q3 The learner The learner formulates and The learner…
demonstrates presents a research about  explains the importance of rehabilitation Week 1 SPS_SI10-IIIa-
understanding of the rehabilitation that may from sports specific injury 16
classification of contribute for the fast recovery  classifies the different rehabilitation Week 1 SPS_SI10-IIIa-
rehabilitation from of athletes from sports specific program and services for sports specific 17
sports specific injury injury injury
 identifies the rehabilitation exercise Week 2 SPS_SI10-IIIb-
programs for sports specific injury 19
 identifies the different rehabilitation Week 3 SPS_SI10-IIIb-
therapy for specific injury from sports 20
specific injury
 explains the importance of rehabilitation Week 4 SPS_SI10-IIIb-
conditioning to regain athletic 21
 gives examples of rehabilitation program Week 4 SPS_SI10-IIIc-
and services for sports specific injury 23
 analyzes the different rehabilitation
conditioning that helps athlete to recover Week 5 SPS_SI10-IIIe-
from sports specific injury 27
 classifies the comprehensive
rehabilitation exercises needed in sports Week 6 SPS_SI10-IIIf-
specific injury 28

 determines the effects of rehabilitation Week 7 SPS_SI10-IIIf-

exercises program suitable for specific 29
sports injury to regain athletic
 presents a research work about the Week 8 SPS_SI10-IIIi-
effectiveness of rehabilitation exercises, 32
therapy and conditioning for sports
specific injury
Q4 The learner The learner prepares case study The learner…
demonstrates on doping  explains the importance of ethical Week 1 SPS_SN10-
understanding of behavior in sports IVa-34
doping as a serious  identifies effects of doping on athletic Week 2 SPS_SN10-
issue in sports performance IVa-35
 analyzes cases of doping in local and/or Week 3 SPS_SN10-
international sports IVb-36

 evaluates athletic and societal factors Week 4 SPS_SN10-

that lead to doping IVc-37
 distinguishes the difference of legal and Week 5 SPS_SN10-
illegal drugs IVe-39
 develops awareness of ethical issues Week 6 SPS_SN10-IVf-
concerning doping 40
 demonstrates ability to make ethical Week 7 SPS_SN10-
choices as an athlete IVg-41
 applies ethical strategies to promote Week 7 SPS_SN10-
optimal performance IVh-42
 evaluates case studies on doping Week 8 SPS_SN10-IVi-

Psychosocial/Behavioral Skills

Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration CG Code
Grade The learner The learner demonstrates fair The learner…
10 Q1- understands positive play and sportsmanship in  identifies positive and negative behaviors Integrated SPS_P/BS10-I-
Q4 and negative behaviors sports participation, as well as in sports during IV-45
in sports (and the healthy lifestyle to support  describes fair play, sportsmanship, Practicum SPS_P/BS10-I-
benefits of overall one’s pursuit of athletic aggression, and cheating in sports IV-46
healthy lifestyle) excellence  examines the effects of positive and
negative behaviors in sports participation SPS_P/BS10-I-
and performance IV-47
 identifies factors influencing positive and
negative behaviors in sports SPS_P/BS10-I-
 analyzes the effects of positive/negative IV-48
behaviors on one’s sports participation and SPS_P/BS10-I-
performance IV-49
 recognizes the value/importance of fair
play and sportsmanship in sports SPS_P/BS10-I-
participation and performance IV-50
 adheres to principles of fair play,
sportsmanship, and ethical behaviors in SPS_P/BS10-I-
sports (and in life) IV-51
 practices fair play and sportsmanlike
behaviors in-and-out of sports



STANDARDS The learner…
Q1 The learner The learner - observes shop safety rules and practices Weeks 1-2 SPTVE_EXPL7-PBTO-Ia-b-
demonstrates an independently 1
understanding on the performs basic trade - explains the use of basic tools according Weeks 2-3 SPTVE_EXPL7-PBTO-Ib-c-
different concepts and operations to job specification 2
principles of basic - maintains hand tools Week 4 SPTVE_EXPL7-PBTO-Id-3
trade operations - performs simple technical sketching Week 5 SPTVE_EXPL7-PBTO-Ie-4
according to the task requirements
- performs basic benchwork operation Week 6 SPTVE_EXPL7-PBTO-If-5
- implements basic connection Weeks 7-8 SPTVE_EXPL7-PBTO-Ig-h-
troubleshooting in accordance with the 6
task requirement
Q2 The learner The learner efficiently - observes proper hygiene and good Week 1 SPTVE_EXPL7-PDHB-IIa-7
demonstrates an performs proper grooming
understanding in the draping for head and - cultivates a pleasing personality Week 2 SPTVE_EXPL7-PDHB-IIb-8
different concepts of body based on industry - practices and maintains professional Week 2 SPTVE_EXPL7-PDHB-IIb-9
beauty-care and standards attitudes towards clients
wellness technology - performs proper draping for head and Week 3 SPTVE_EXPL7-PDHB-IIc-
body 10
The learner The learner efficiently - practices safe steps in food handling and Week 4 SPTVE_EXPL7-PFHP-IId-11
demonstrates an performs different food food preparation
understanding of handling and basic - observes sustainable food consumption Week 5 SPTVE_EXPL7-PFHP-IIe-12
concepts and preparations observing and production
underlying principles in health and safety - describes quality of meat, poultry, fish, Weeks 5-6 SPTVE_EXPL7-PFHP-IIe-f-
food technology practices fruits and vegetables 13

- identifies non-meat ingredients and their Week 6 SPTVE_EXPL7-PFHP-IIf-14

- performs different food preparation and Weeks 7-8 SPTVE_EXPL7-PFHP-IIg-h-
techniques 15
Q3 The learner The learner - identifies hand tools and parts of sewing Week 1 SPTVE_EXPL7-PSHS-IIIa-
demonstrates independently machine 16
understanding in the produces simple - performs basic hand stitches Week 2 SPTVE_EXPL7-PSHS-IIIb-
basic concepts and projects by hand 17
principles of garments sewing and using - produces simple project Weeks 3-4 SPTVE_EXPL7-PSHS-IIIc-d-
technology sewing machine 18
The learner The learner - discusses the basic theories and principles Week 5 SPTVE_EXPL7-PMST-IIIe-
demonstrates an independently of electronic technology 19
understanding of the produces material - explains the basic functions of a resistor Week 6 SPTVE_EXPL7-PMST-IIIf-
underlying principles in applying soldering 20
in electronics techniques observing - produces basic output using appropriate Weeks 7-8 SPTVE_EXPL7-PMST-IIIg-
technology and its the safety procedures soldering techniques h-21
Q4 The learner The learner explains - explains the basic principles and theories Week 1 SPTVE_EXPL7-BFAC-Iva-
demonstrates an the basic fundamentals in Agriculture 22
understanding of in agricultural crop and - explains the basic fundamentals of Week 2 SPTVE_EXPL7-BFAC-IVb-
underlying theories, animal production Agricultural Crop Production 23
and principles in - explains the basic fundamentals of Animal Week 3 SPTVE_EXPL7-BFAC-IVc-
agriculture Production 24
The learner The learner explains - explains the basic concepts of aquaculture Week 4 SPTVE_EXP7-BCPA-IVd-25
demonstrates an the basic concepts and - explains the definition, history, scope, Week 4 SPTVE_EXPL7-BCPA-IVD-
understanding of principles in importance, and phases of aquaculture. 26
concepts and aquaculture - explains the basic morphology of the fish Week 5 SPTVE_EXPL7-BCPA-IVe-
underlying principles in 27
fishery arts The learner produces a - discusses the basic principles and theories Week 6 SPTVE_EXPL7-PSFN-IVf-
simple fishing net in fish capture 28

according to weaving - identifies the kinds of fishing gears used in Week 6 SPTVE_EXPL7-PSFN-IVf-
procedures municipal fishing grounds 29
- performs basic net weaving according to Weeks 7-8 SPTVE_EXPL7-PSFN-IVg-h-
established weaving methods 30

These competencies shall be embedded in the learning activities.

Q1-Q4 The learner The learner - works in team environment SPTVE_EXPL7-SPCP-I-IV
demonstrates independently - integrate personal objectives ith
understanding in the demonstrates the organizational goals
basic concepts and fundamental skills on - maintain professional growth and
principles of career practice career development
professionalism professionalism - practice career professionalism



STANDARDS The learner…
Q1 The learner The learner - performs different lettering styles and Weeks 1-3 SPTVE_MTDR7-PDFD-Ia-
demonstrates independently techniques c-1
understanding on the performs different - sketches basic shapes following the Weeks 4-5 SPTVE_MTDR7-PDFD-Id-
concepts and freehand drawings principles of good proportion e-2
principles on with satisfactory - performs freehand sketches applying Weeks 6-8 SPTVE_MTDR7-PDFD-Ig-
performing freehand workmanship based on shading and rendering techniques h-3
drawing. industry standards.
Q2 The learner The learner constructs - bisects lines, arc, circle and angles Weeks 1-2 SPTVE_MTDR7-CGFA-IIa-
demonstrates an geometrical figures b-4
understanding on the with accuracy based on - constructs regular polygons Weeks 3-5 SPTVE_MTDR7-CGFA-IIc-
concepts and industry standards. e-5
principles of - constructs regular solids Weeks 6-8 SPTVE_MTDR7-CGFA-IIf-
constructing h-6
geometrical figures.
Q3 The learner The learner - constructs orthographic projection Weeks 1-8 SPTVE_MTDR7-COPR-IIIa-
demonstrates independently - applying proper dimensioning h-7
understanding of constructs
concepts and orthographic
principles of projection with
constructing precision and accuracy
orthographic based on industry
projection. standards.
Q4 The learner The learner - constructs isometric drawings Weeks 1-3 SPTVE_MTDR7-CIVD-IVa-
demonstrates independently c-8

understanding of constructs isometric - constructs oblique drawings Weeks 4-5 SPTVE_MTDR7-CIVD-IVd-

concepts and views of a given object e-9
principles of based on industry - constructs perspective drawings Weeks 6-8 SPTVE_MTDR7-CIVD-IVf-
constructing pictorial standards. h-10



STANDARDS The learner…
Q1 The learner The learner - performs basic exploded assembly Weeks 1-8 SPTVE_MTDR8-PWDR-Ia-
demonstrates independently drawings h-11
Q2 understanding of performs a working - constructs assembly drawings Weeks 1-2 SPTVE_MTDR8-PWDR-IIa-
concepts and principles drawing of a given b-12
in performing working object with accuracy - constructs detailed drawings Weeks 3-4 SPTVE_MTDR8-PWDR-IIc-
drawings. based on industry d-13
standards. - prepares notes and specifications of Weeks 5-8 SPTVE_MTDR8-PWDR-IIe-
working drawings h-14



STANDARDS The learner…

Q1 The learner The learner explains - explains the concepts of entrepreneurship Weeks 1-2 SPTVE_MENT9-EDEC-Ia-
demonstrates different b-1
understanding of entrepreneurial - identifies and differentiates behavioral Weeks 2-5 SPTVE_MENT9-EDEC-Ib-
concepts and principles concepts. indicators in Personal Entrepreneurial e-2
in entrepreneurship. Competencies (PEC) clusters

The learner The learner discusses - assesses the types of business plan Weeks 5-7 SPTVE_MENT9-DFPB-Ie-g-
demonstrates the fundamentals of 3
understanding of planning a business. - explains the steps in preparing a business Weeks 7-8 SPTVE_MENT9-DFPB-Ig-
concepts and principles plan h-4
in planning a business.

Q2 The learner The learner identifies - analyzes the existing problems and needs Weeks 1-2 SPTVE_MENT9-IBUO-IIa-
demonstrates business opportunities. in the community where there are b-5
understanding of business opportunities
concepts and principles - selects appropriate business opportunities Weeks 2-4 SPTVE_MENT9-IBUO-IIb-
in identifying business based on the needs of the community d-6

The learner The learner assesses - differentiates the forms of business Week 5 SPTVE_MENT9-AMOF-IIe-
demonstrates management and organization 7

understanding of organizational - discusses the organizational structure of a Weeks 5-7 SPTVE_MENT9-AMOF-IIe-

concepts and principles functions of a business. business g-8
in assessing
- designs an organizational chart based on a Weeks 5-7 SPTVE_MENT9-AMOF-IIe-
management and
given structure using appropriate g-9
computer applications
functions of a business.
The learner The learner simulates - explains the steps/ procedures in making Weeks 7-8 SPTVE_MENT9-SPLB-IIg-
demonstrates the process of the business legal h-10
understanding of legalizing a business.
concepts and principles
in legalizing a business.

Q3 The learner The learner simulates - formulates production/service flow and Weeks 1-4 SPTVE_MENT9-SPLB-IIIa-
demonstrates the process of schedule d-11
understanding of legalizing a business. - prepares layout of production/service Weeks 4-5 SPTVE_MENT9-SPLB-IIId-
concepts and principles area e-12
in legalizing a business.

The learner The learner determines - identifies project cost including the Weeks 5-6 SPTVE_MENT9-DFSB-IIIe-
demonstrates financial soundness of percentage share of the members in f-13
understanding of a business. relation to the investment.
concepts, principles - determines profitability of the business Weeks 6-7 SPTVE_MENT9-DFSB-IIIf-
and processes in g-14
analyzing the financial
soundness of a

The learner The learner - conducts a survey to gather data using the Weeks 7-8 SPTVE_MENT9-CADB-IIIg-
demonstrates creates/crafts an instruments made h-15
understanding of - organizes the main parts of a business

concepts, principles acceptable detailed

and processes in business plan.
developing a business

Q4 The learner demonstrates The learner evaluates a - presents and defends the business plan Weeks 1-6 SPTVE_MENT9-EVBP-IVa-
understanding of business plan. with reviewers f-16
concepts, principles and - evaluates the business plan according to a Weeks 1-6 SPTVE_MENT9-EVBP-IVa-
processes in evaluating a set of criteria f-17
business plan.

The learner The learner finalizes a - finalizes the business plan manuscript Weeks 6-8 SPTVE_MENT9-FBUP-IVf-
demonstrates business plan. h-18
understanding of
concepts, principles
and processes in
finalizing a business



STANDARDS The learner…

Q1 The learner The learner finalizes - finalizes product or service design Weeks 1-2 SPTVE_MENT10-FPSD-Ia-
demonstrates an product or service specification based on the market b-1
understanding of the design specification, feedback
processes and simulate business
methodologies in registration and
performing steps recruitment of
needed to set up small applicants; and source-
business (simulation out funds for capital
only) requirement of the

The learner The learner performs - manages product or service development Weeks 3-4 SPTVE_MENT10-PSMF-Ic-
demonstrates simulated managerial, production d-2
understanding of the marketing and financial
- introduces product or service to the Weeks 5-6 SPTVE_MENT10-PSMF-Ie-
theories, principles and assessment tasks in
market according to marketing plan and f-3
standards in operating a small
clients’ feedback
production business competently.
- assesses small business profitability Weeks 7-8 SPTVE_MENT10-PSMF-Ig-
management, h-4
liquidity based on the evaluation of sales,
marketing, and costs, income and cash flows and financial
financial performance ratio analysis
of a small business

Q2 The learner The learner applies - applies prevailing pricing structures and Weeks 1-3 SPTVE_MENT10-APMP-
demonstrates principles, methods, methods in determining production cost IIa-c-5
understanding of and procedures in and price of products or services.
principles, methods identifying suppliers,
and procedures in and in conducting and
identifying suppliers, managing inventory of
and in conducting and supplies and resources.
managing inventory of
supplies and resources.
The learner The learner prepares, - conducts product or service trial run Weeks 3-6 SPTVE_MENT10-PDCB-IIc-
demonstrates describes, and creates based on the operational plan of the f-6
understanding of business model to business.
conceptualizing, operationalize and
formulating and launch trial-run period
implementing business of the business’
models to product or service.
operationalize a
Q2 The learner The learner conducts - sets target market and project sales of Weeks 7-8 SPTVE_MENT10-CMBG-
demonstrates marketing, product and/or services IIg-h-7
understanding of benchmarking, goal - applies sales management based on
underlying theories setting, and sales standard recording and reporting
principles, and projecting; prepares procedures.
practices in setting a and presents results for
target market and business decisions.
projecting sales.

Q3 The learner The learner conducts - performs actual selling of products or Weeks 1-8 SPTVE_MENT10-CASP-
Q4 demonstrates actual selling of services applying the marketing strategies Weeks 1-8 IIIa-h-IVa-h-8
understanding of products or services, and sales management based on the
theories principles, and applies marketing and marketing plan component of the
practices in conducting management business plan
actual selling of strategies, documents
products or services as the actual activity,
contained in the prepares and presents
business plan. results for business
Q3 The learner The learner prepares, - prepares and maintains financial records Weeks 1-8 SPTVE_MENT10-PAFR-
Q4 demonstrates analyzes, interprets and reports Weeks 1-8 IIIa-h-IVa-h-9
understanding of the and presents financial
theories, principles, reports of the business
and practices in simple operations, and
bookkeeping demonstrates safe-
keeping and
maintaining business
Q3 The learner The learner prepares, - assesses business operation Weeks 1-8 SPTVE_MENT10-PARR-
Q4 demonstrates analyzes, interprets, - recommends actions to be taken based on Weeks 1-8 IIIa-h-IVa-h-10
competence in presents results and the results of the monitoring and
applying tools and recommends action to evaluating of business operation
reporting results of be taken based from
monitoring and data on monitoring
evaluating business and evaluating
operations. business operations.

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