Job Letter Assignement CS

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Khubab Hussain




Dear Hiring Manager

As a recent graduate of Oxford University with M.A in mass communication and business, I
believe I am an excellent candidate for Sr. Sub editor role at your XYZ agency. I’m passionate
about providing readers precised and detailed information in an engaging format. I want to
bring that passion to renowned XYZ agency .

While attending Oxford University , I spent four years on the staff of university and two years
as its Editor in chief. Under my leadership, our newspaper won the N-Awards for the best
university newspaper in the state for three years in a row. We also saved Oxford University
£100K by revealing an educational tuition scam as well as we increased the Oxford University
student’s off-campus circulation by 15%.

I along with my team also launched the online version of Oxford citizen, I held two positions in
electronic media while I was in high school. I was the head copywriter for the Oxford
university monthly podcast, and I also wrote some of freshmen news section of our school
page. Since graduating, I have continued to assist with several podcast and written op-ed
pieces published in XYZ agency.

Thank you for taking the time to review my attached resume and written samples. I am
confident that I can get a role as Sr. Sub editor at XYZ agency and immediately quality, in-depth
reporting. I look forward to talking with you about this opportunity.

Again thank you for your consideration.

Khubab Hussain


Job Position: Construction Manager

I am writing to apply for the construction manager position in Qatar. I enclose a complete job
application, my resume, my certification and three references as per demand.

The role for construction manager is very appealing to me and I believe I am a competent
candidate for this job because of my technical skills and education. My key strengths for this
position include:

* I have successfully designed and developed state of the art buildings.

* I am passionate about my field and look for perfection.

* I provide the best quality of services to my customers.

With BS in engineering, I have also great understanding of the construction sites and
material. I have also worked with some of companies as general manager and
provided perfection in many projects in the state. You can see my resume for
additional information on my experience.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to talking to you about this


Khubab Hussain

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