Pace PSR 800 Plus 900 Plus

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User Manual




USING THIS MANUAL ..,.,,.,,,,.,,
Quick Start Instruclions ... 5
Product Variations

Prnn ra m moc


ourcK START TNSTRUCTToNS ......,.,.,,,.,,,,.6
Tuning In to a Channel .................... ... ..............6
Using Channel Scan to Tune In to a Channel ......... ..............6
Storing the UHF Tuning Information .............. ........., ,,,,..........6

HANDSET OVERVIEW .....,,.......7

Selecting Programmes ................7
Recalling the Previous Programme ..................7
Keys Used in Menus . . . .
' .'...'...,'' ........ 7
Function Mode ............ B

Other Key Operations ................. B

Changing the Batteries ............... B


Displaying the Programme Status ...................9
Permanently Displaying the Programme Status ................,.....,9
Displaying the Audio Mode ........,.. .....................9
Switching Between Terrestrial and Satellite Reception ...........9
Selecting an Auxiliary Programme ...................9

FUNCTIoN MoDE oPERATIoN ,.,,,..,,.,,...,...10

Using Favourite Programme Mode ............. .......................... 10
Locking Programmes ................ 10
Unlocking Programmes ........... 11

Skipping Programmes .........,.,.. 11

Setting the Sleep Timer ............ ......... ............ 11

Changing Programme Polarity .......... ........,,,. 12

Setting Up Blank Screen Radio Mode ...........12
Cancellino a Timed Event ................... ............................. 12
Cancelling a Plain Coloured .................12

ON.SCREEN MENU OPERATION ................12

ni^^r^"r^^ ^^' Moving Through the Menus
urDpray'rv o,
Moving Around Each Menu to Select an Option .................... 14

Abandoning a Menu Without Storing ...............14

Leaving a Menu but Staying in the Menu Slructure .............14

PARENTAL LOCK MENU .,.,.,.....15

......................... 28

ll^':::^: a Pace D sh Positioner .... ,..,,,,....,,,.

31"::: ^: a" Electromagnetic or Mechanical Polariser ..... .

This satellite receiver has been designed and built in the UK to provide years of
trouble-free service. The receiver has been manufactured to meet international
safety standards but, as with any electrical equipment, you must take care if you
want to obtain the best results and operate your receiver safely.
We recommend that your satellite system be installed by a qualified satellite TV
installation engineer; this manual does, however, contain instructions on how to
install your receiver in case you wish to do this yourself'
To obtain the best results from your receiver, it is Important that you read this
manual completely, especially the safety instructions below.
. Ensure that all electrical connections are properly made ih accordance with
the manufacturer's instructions (see below - Connection to the Mains Supply).


. Do not obstruct the receiver's ventilation slots; never stand the receiver on soft
furnishings or carpets.
. Do not use or store the receiver in excessively hot, cold, damp or dusty
. Always put the receiver into standby mode when it is not in use.
. lf you have any doubts about the installation, operation or safety of the
receiver, please consult your dealer.


This apparatus operates within the range of 220-240 V AC, 50 Hz mains supplies.
DO NOT CONNECT lT TO DC MAINS. The lead is supplied terminated at one
end with a connector to be inserted into the mains input socket on the rear panel


The mains lead supplied may or may not have a non-revlrireable (moulded) plug.
please see the section marked with an asterisk (.) if the supplied mains lead does
not have a non-rewireable plug fitted.
Non-Rewireable Plugs
Mains leads fitted with a non-rewireable (moulded) plug incorporate a fuse. the
value of which is indrcated on the prn face of the plug. Should the fuse need to be
replaced, an ASTA or BSI approved BS 1362 fuse must be used of the same
rating, marked as shown right.
lf the fuse cover is detachable always reflt the cover after replacing the fuse.
NEVER use the plug with the fuse cover omitted'
lf the fitted plug is not suitable for your socket outlets it should be cut off, after
having first removed the fuse, and an appropriate plug fitted in its place. lf this
new plug contains a fuse, its value should be the same as that removed from the
non-rewireable Plug.
The severed plug must be destroyed immediately to avoid the possible shock
hazard should it be inserted into a 13 A socket elsewhere.

Rewireable Plugs
lmportant: The wires in the mains lead are coloured in accordance with the
following code:
tsLUE - Neutral (N) BROWN - Live (L)
As these colours may not correspond with the coloured markings identifying the
terminals in your plug, proceed as follows:
The wire coloured BLUE must be connected to the tenninal marked with the letter
N or coloured BLUE or BLACK.
The wire coloured BROWN must be connected to the terminal marked with the
letter L or coloured BROWN or RED.
On no account connect either of these wires to the terminal marked E or col-
oured GREEN or GREEN and YELLOW.
Before replacing the plug cover, make certain that the cord grip is clamped over
the sheath of the lead, not simply over the two wires.
A fused plug must be fitted with a 3 A fuse complying with BS 1362. lf you are
using a non-fused plug, an external fuse must not exceed 5 A.


The mains lead is supplied already fitted with a 2-pin moulded plug. This mains
lead must not be used in the UK.


Your satellite system consists of several component parts, some of which are
optional. As a minimum it will comprise the following items:
' A dish aerial. This is outside your house and it contains the LNB (low noise
block converter) The LNB converts the satellite signal from its incoming fre-
quency of around 1 1 GHz to a signal at about 1 GHz. This lower frequency
srgnal t|ren passes through a cable to your satellite receiver indoors.
' The satellite receiver. This receives the satellite transmissions and allows
you to set up and select the satellite programmes you wish to watch. Several
pleces of equipment can be connected to your receiver, but only your televi-
ston rs essential. The front panel of your receiver contains push-buttons
(under the pull-down cover) which allow you to bring your receiver out of
standby mode and to select the programmes, but the handset allows you
much greater control.
' The television. So that you can view the transmissions, one of the TV chan-
nels needs to be allocated to satellite reception.
' The handset. This allows you to operate your satellite receiver and set up all
the required parameters. Some of these operations are carried out using a
system of menus (lists) which are displayed on your TV screen.
You can enhance your satellite system by connecting additional componenrs
SUUr I d5.

' A second dish aerial. lf your satellite receiver is a Cual input model, you can
connect a second antenna which is probably pointing towards a different
satellite. lf you live in a block of flats it may have a communal antenna which,
depending on the model of your receiver, can be the LNB 1 input. lt is also
possible to have two LNBs on one dish.
' A video recorder (VCR). This allows you to record satellite transmissions.
You may also wish to use the receiver's Timer Menu in conjunction with your
VCR to record programmes while you are out.
' Stereo equipment. Your satellite receiver is fitted with the PANDA 1rM noise
reduction system to enhance its audio performance. PANDA 1 is a trademark
of Wegener Communications lnc. To get the maximum performance from your
receiver. you can connect it to a stereo TV or a stereo amolifier.
' A decoder. You can connect an external decoder to the receiver via a rear
panel SCART socket. With a decoder you are able to receive satellite trans-
missions which have been scrambled, providing you have paid a subscription.
' A different polariser. Each satellite programme is transmitted in one of 4
different polarisations (polarities): left hand circular or right hand circular for
direct broadcast satellites, vertical (V) or horizontal (H) for others such as
Astra. The LNB in your dish aerial will probably swap between the options
using a method known as voltage switching. lt is also possible to change
polarity using an electromagnetic or mechanical polariser, which can bring
some advantages. Depending on the model of your receiver, you can use this
different kind of polariser via a connector on the rear panel of the unit.
' A dish positioner. You may have a dish aerial which is capable of being
moved around to receive transmissions from different satellites. A Pace ciish
positioner can be connected to your receiver vja the DECODER SCART con-
nector. You can still also connect an external decooer.

aaaooa oc
a'coooc oa,a @' PSR PI-US

a a,r a,) O (,) (l aoal a)

accaalal ooa (_) a-)

aocara)a-, CCC, ca)c

cooa,rcal, CCC, c (,r c i,,l
OC!)1'OCr CCO coa-rarc


'l' 1


2 4

1. STANDBY button 4. 3-character display

z. PROGRAMME DOWN button 5. lnfra-red receive window
3. PROGRAMME UP button

/' O

r[,_; llour
14/1aV DC
R /z\
l( )
-V --(r'--
\_-/ \--l

6. MAINS INPUT socket 11. DECODER SCART socket

7. TV/VCR coaxial socket 12. POLARISER connector
8. AERIAL coaxial socket 13. TV SCART socket
9. LNB input connectors 14. VCR SCART socket
10 AUDIO OUT L/R Phono sockets

NOTE: PSR800 Plus has only one LNB inPut.

A label giving the model number and other product information is on the base of the unit
Quick Start Instructions
These are given overleaf. You will find them very useful when you first
switch on your receiver and tune it in to your TV.
Product Variations
On the opposite page are drawings of the front and rear panels of the PSR800
Plus and PSR900 Plus receivers. The PSR800 Plus has a single LNB input; the
PSR900 Plus has a dual LNB input (for attaching two LNBs). There are also ver-
sioi-ts with a connector for an electromagnetic or mechanical polariser. Where
there are differences between the 800 and 900 products, these are made clear in
the text.

We recommend that a qualified satellite TV installation engineer carries out the
tnsiallation of your satellite system. For this reason, we describe the installation
procedures on page 29 towards the end of this manual. You are not likely to need
to use the Install Menu unless you install the system yourself , add to it or change
the way it is connected.

On-screen Menus
You can operate this receiver very easily using a simple menu structure which
yoLl access by pressing the MENU key on the handset. Brief instructions are
given on the screen. The whole structure and each menu are described in detail
in this manual.

Prog ram mes

lf you have a PSR900 Plus receiver, you can set up 250 "programmes", each
programme containing information about a particular satellite channel, such as its
name. f requency etc. The PSR800 Plus has 199 programmes. When it is new,
your receiver has many programme numbers already programmed with satellite
channels. See the list supplied separately You may like to attach this list to one
of the blank pages at the end of this manual. Using the Programme Edit and
Prograrnme Setup Menus you can alter the programrnes and set up new pro-
grammes for additional satellite transmissions that you tune in to.

Before you start to alter the programmes or set up new ones, we recommend that
you learn how to select the existing programmes and familiarise yourself with the
handset keys, so this information forms the first part of this manual. Several very
useful functions are carried out using the function (F) key cn the handset, as
described in a separate section starting on page 10.
Advanced Features
These satellite receivers contain some advanced features which will only need to
be used in certain, specific circumstances. These are therefore described in a
separate section on page 28 of this manual. For certain functions, such as locking
programmes and menus, you need to use a personal identification number (PlN).
This section contains the factory setting of this PIN and details on how to reset it
to this value if you have forgotten your PlN.


The recetver rs designed to be operated with your handset. Without it, you cannot
display the menus or seiect options on them. You can, however, put the recetver
in and out of standby mode by pressing the O button. You can also orowse
ihrough the programmes, one at a time. by pressing the A button (which incre-
ments ihe programme number by one) or the V button (which decrements the
You can operate this receiver very easily using a simple menu structure which
you access by pressing the MENU key on the handset. However, it is worth read-
ing the following instructions when you are using the receiver for the first time.


Generally. the receiver is in standby mode when you first power it on. Standby
mode is shown by a dash on the receiver's front panel display.
To bring it out of standby mode, press the O key; alternatively, select a pro-
gramme using the number (0 to 9) keys (see opposite - Selecting Programmes).
To put the receiver back into standby mode, press the q! key.

After the equipment has been installed, you will need to tune in your receiver to a
particular TV channel if it is connected to the TV using coaxial cable. lf it is UHF TUNING MENU
connected using the SCART connector this will not be necessary.
To perform this UHF tuning, press the F key followed by the UHF (5) key to put
Press F then LEFTIRIGHT to
the receiver into UHF tuning mode.
start scan.
It is unlikely that you will be able to see the UHF Tuning Menu (shown right) on
Press F then UHF for fine
the screen initially, this will appear as tuning progresses. You will see a channel
number, preceded by the letter C, on the front panel of the receiver.
The receiver is shipped with the channel number set to 38, therefore channel 38
is an appropriate TV channel to choose. Channel 38 may, however, already be
assigned to something else (e.9. your VCR), in which case you must set your TV
to a different channel number and adjust your receiver accordingly. The TV chan-
nel that you choose must be clear of any other broadcasting.
You can switch on a channel scan at the menu;this will save you having to set up
the TV channel number. You simply press the numeric key on your TV handset
which you wish to assign to satellite programmes and then use the channel scan
feature on the satellite receiver to tune into the channel represented by that TV
handset key.
You can also fine tune at the menu, but as this feature is not often required, it is
described in the Advanced Features section on oaoe 28.
Tuning In to a Channel IMPORTANT:
Menu Language
Set your TV to the required channel number (in the range 21 to 69).
With the receiver in UHF tuning mode (see above), key in this channel number
The On-Screen Menus for this
using the numeric keys or use the { or } key to go through the channel num-
receiver can be in English or
German. lf you need to alter the
bers one at a time until a good quality picture of the UHF Tuning Menu can be
language, do the following:-
seen on the screen.
. Press the MENU key on your
NorE: lf you set your TV to channel 38, the menu would have appeared
handset, to get the Main Menu
on screen.
Using Channel Scan to Tune In to a Channel . Press 7 to get to the Lan-
Press the numeric key on your TV handset which you wish to assign to satellite guages Menu (shown below).
programmes. Choose one which is clear of any other broadcasting. . Use the
WiththereceiverinUHFtuningmode,preSStheFkeyfo||owedbythe{or> the language.
. Press STORE. The On-Screen
The channel number on the front of the receiver will keep changing and the pic- Menus will now be in the lan-
ture on the screen will be distorted until the correct channel number is reached. guage you have selected.
When a good quality picture of the UHF Tuning Menu appears on the screen, (See also the section starting on
press the F key to stop the scan. You may need to use the { or } key if you did
not stop the scan at exactly the correct channel to give the best picture.
page 12 On-Screen Menu
Storing the UHF Tuning Information
When you have set the required values for all of the options in the UHF Tuning
Menu. press the STORE key. LANGUAGE ENGLISH
The handset works by sending an infra-red beam to your receiver,
therefore be
sure to point it towards the infra-red receiver window on the front
of the recerver.
Dc not place any objects which may block *le beam between
the window and the

Selecting Programmes _

You can browse through the programmes one at a time by pressing
key. The ) key increments the programme number bv one;
the {
L. I
-/ - -

@ 'G.
the { key dec-
rements it by one. l-1-l
Direct Access Mode FAV LOCK SKIP

This receiver alrows quick and easy programme serection. Simpry 456
type in the SLEEP UHF
programme number you require using the number keys (0 HIV
to 9) on-yolr handset
this is called "Direct Access Mode". The programme number will
-shown on the front panel display and the progr"rrl will be displayed
then be -7 _8 ,
on your TV
For example:- Fux/o I l .1 @
To select programme B, just press the g key on your handset.
I -
To select programme 37, press the 3 key, then the 7 key. -Elt I Ivrruu lll--
To select programme 120, press 1, then press 2, then press
0. :
NoTE: The P- - key does not have any function when used with
the psRg00/g00
| +l
ary_41 trlqp_l
Plus range. Programmes are selected using the Direct Access
Mode as described
above. Elarlr i@ trlra
Recalling the Previous programme IR REMOTE CONTROL
Press the RECALL key to restore the programme you were viewing
before you
selected your current programme. This key can iherefore be
used to switch
Oetween two programmes.

Keys Used in Menus

MENU key: used to enter the Main Menu i.e. dispray it on your TV
screen; used to move back to the previous menu in the
meitu structure
0-9keys used to move down to the next menu in the menu
structure; if in one of the lowest menus, used to select
an option in the menu; sometimes used to enter
numerical values in the menu
A key: used to move up through the options within a menu;
NOTE: The L key is above the MENIJ key; it has the
L label above the key and the word RECALL on the key
V key: used to move down through the options within a menu;
NOTE: The y key is below the MENU key; it has the y
label below the key and the word TV/SAT on the key
{ and } keys: used to select the values of each option in the menus;
F key: used to start certain actions in the menus
NORM key: used to leave a menu without storing any of the
information you may have just altered in that menu; the
recetver returns to normal viewing mode
STORE key: used to store information you have just altered in a
menu, so that this information becomes valid, and will
be visible when that menu is re-entereo
NOTE: The L. y .

the last optron rn a menu wrtl select the first option, o,r if
the possible values are 1, 2
and 3, and you keep pressing the ) key, r, 2, 3, r, 2....etc
wiil be dispraveo).
Function Mode
F ltott' used to put the receiver into function mode; it has a blue
border to show that those keys with blue coloured labels
below them are valid in function mooe
The following are the keys which are valid in function mode. when they are
mentioned in the text, their blue label will be given first, with their-normal key label
given in brackets afterwards
FAV key: used to show your list of favourite 10 programmes and
to enter favourite programme mode
LOCK key: used as a quick rnethod of locking programmes. as an
alternative to using the Parental Lock Menu
SKIP key: used to skip a programme so that it is bypassed when
you browse through the programmes using the {
and ) keys
SLEEP key: used to put the Sleep Timer Menu on screen:this is a
useful way of switching off trre receiver at a later time or
as an rnstant record feature in conjunction with your
UHF key: used to put the receiver into UHF tunino mode
H/V key: used as a rapid method of changing the polarity of a
programme, as an alternative to using the Tuning Menu
JtS, key: used to put the receiver into blank screen radio mode
r"y, used to cancel an event that has been set up in the
Timer Menu, while the event is occurrrng
STORE key: used to store functions set up in function mode.
also used to disablei'enable the plain, coloured screen
which results when a signal is too weak to give a picture
(see page 12)
Other Key Operations
AUX key: used to serect the auxiriary programme, via which
programmes from an external receiver can be viewed
RECALL key: used to recall the last programme you were vrewrng
[- +l key: this is the status key, used to display, at the top of the
screen, the status of ihe programme you are currently
TV/SAT key: used to switch between terrestrial and satellite
reception when the TV and receiver are connected
using a SCART lead
RADIO key: used to select satellite radio channels;when pressed,
the current audio mode is displayed;this mode can then
be changed to any of the preset options, some of which
may provide TV commentary in different languages,
rather than radro channels. See also opposite _
Displaying the Audio Mode
MUTE key: used to mute the sound (the word MUTE is displayed on
screen); if the sound is muted, used to restore the sound
to its previous level
Changing the Batteries
The handset runs from two AA batteries located under a cover on the underside
of the handset. These batteries will need replacing from time to time. you should
do this as soon as the handset fails to operate from the normal viewing distance.
Pressing down slightly on the ridged part of the battery cover. slide the cover in
the direction marked V. Remove the old batteries and put in the new ones in the
orientation shown in the figure. Slide the cover back into position.
NOTE' Never leave flat batteries in the handset. as they may leak and corrode
the metal contacts.
These instructions assume that
all the equipment has been properly
powered on' consult the Installation installed and
section starting on page 2g otthis
NoTE: when you have to press several manual.
keys in succession, you must press
successive key within a certain (short) each
tim'e, otherwise the receiver will
normal viewing mode. revert to
Displaying the programme Status
The progrurr^",^rtltu-s ii the programme
number-and name (if it is named),
this can be displayed at the top and
oi t'e TV screen for approximatery
crock has been set, the time is 4 seconds. rf
::"*r""r*,"er's arso disprayed at the bottom of
To display the programme status,
press the [-+] key.
NOTE: rf the programme has not
been given a name then onry
the programme
y,r:;;{:!::,l:y:#l i",
not been ,"t, rrasiins tiie
:,,13::,i::j,; 'ro,r "
Permanenily Displaying the programme
Press tne [- *r
the prosramme name permanenrv
of the screen' For programmes *hicr, huuJ not at the top
tion will be displayed. o""n named, no status informa-
permanent programme name
from the screen, press the
;:J;ffJ:.the [-T) key
N)TE" lf the receiver is in favourite programme
mode (see overreaf), pressrng the
fr' t"v twice {;nrals tn" iitl oi rlvotlite projirres,
so in this mode you need
to press tne f-l key three times to display
tnJ p,rotgramme status permanenily.
Displaying the Audio Mode
current audio mode of the programme
Iijlff'trrthe you are viewing, press the
The name of the mode and its frequency MODE STEREO A
manual - the Audio Menu section are disprayed. (See page 21 0f this FREO
where the modes and frequencies LEFT 7.O2
arned in detait; Different audio are expr- RIGHT 7.2O
modes sometimes provide commentary
:;ln:[fftXXt:'$'#;,Uis thev u'" ,"t.ilite'raoio channers ir". il,. pios,-
To change to the next avairabre mode. press the RADro
pressing the RADro key to go key again. Keep
through a, the uuu,rul,. audio
N)TE" You can disptay blank screen
radio mode if you are merely r6tening
vrewrng a transmission. Refer to,
:;::;,J"n to the iunction Mode operation section

switching Betv,reen Terrestriar and

sateilite Reception
lf your receiver
has been connected to your TV
be able to switch between terrestrrai using a SOART lead, then you will
and satellite"reception providing your
pin B of the SCART socket. TV
Press the TV/SAT key to switch
between terrestriar ano sateilite reception.
Selecting an Auxiliary programme
P.essing the AUX/, key serects
the auxiriary programme. shown as AU on the
recelver's front panel display' This
action causes *hat"u", signar is
the receiver's DECoDER scAnil'nnector coming in at
forces the externai video and to be routed through to the TV, i.e.
audio source to be disprayed. rn practrce
used to view programmes from this is
an external receiver which is-connected
are PAL receivers. the externar receiver P|US ANd PSRSOO PIUS
might" typicariy be a MAC receiver.
Press the AUX 0 key' then use
the handset/f'ont paner controls
recetver to select the required of the external
satellite transmission.
N)TE' You can cnly perform certain functions
selected i'e' the sleep tinter' recall while the auxrliary programme is
and favourite prog,rirr" mode. you
the menus from AIJ'Y' but you cannot enter
can sett ALJX to be oie-ir yo* favourite programmes.
. ln these instructions, the keys are described firstly by their blue
label and then
the label on the key itself is given in brackets afterwards'

Using Favourite Programme Mode

Using favourite programme mode saves you having to do
a lot of key pressing to P1 F1 SKY1
select those progrJttes you view most often' lt also allows you'to group to-
P2 F2 SKY2
getner programmes covering common topics e.g. sports, films etc'
by the FAV (1) key'
P41 F3
To enter favourite programme mode, press the F key followed
P12 F4
A list of the ten favourite programmes, like that shown right' appears onnum-
The first column gives the actual programme P5 F5 SKYs
screen for about 25 seconds.
bers; the second gives the favourite programme numbers; the third gives the P7 F6 ESPORT
programme name,"if it has one. lf the programme is locked, the word P9 F7 MTV
appears in the fourth column. P11O F8 RTL LOCKED
programmes '1 to
ln a new re6elver, the factory set favourite programmes will be P3 F9
10. You can customise this favourite programme list via the on-Screen
(see page 17 Favourite Programmes Menu)' P6 FO
press the
To select one of the programmes in the favourite programme list, .
appropriate numeric key (i to 0) from the second column. The receiver's front
will show the favourite programme number preceded by an F'
panel display
mooe' you
When you use the { and } keys to browse rn favourite programme
will just cycle through the 1O programmes in the list rather than all
lf you wish to see your favourite programme list on screen, press tfre E key

mode' press the
NOTE:To disptay the status permanently in favourite programme
@ key three times.
While you are rn favourite programme mode, you Can still select a
your favourite programme list, but you will need to use the relevant
that is not in
numeric keYs to do so.
press the
To return to normal viewing mode from favourite programme mode'

key followed by the FAV (1) key again'

Locking Programmes
personal identifi-
This provides a quick way of locking programmes usrng a 4-digit
progtatme is locked, it can only be viewed by first
cation number (PlN). When a
keying in the PlN. This facility might be used, for example, to prevent children
watching unsuitable Programmes'
your PIN'
ln the Parental Lock Menu (see page 15), you can customise
IMPORTANT NOTE: We recommend that you customise your PIN' rather than
value. The factory set PtN (as in a new receiver) and details
use the factory set
to it are given in the Advanced Features section on page 28'
on how reset
followed by the
To lock the programme you are currently viewing, press the F key
LOCK (2) keY
message TO LOCK PROGRAMME ENTER PIN: appears on
when the
screen, keY in Your PIN'
lf you have entered the correct PlN, the message PROGRAMME LOCKED
ears on tne Screen; if you have entered an incorrect PlN, the message NOT
you can
The programrne you have just locked will remain on S6reen so that
you this programme and go to another' you will not
continue viewing, but if leave
to returito your locked programme unless you key in your PIN'
be able
lf you try to select a locked programme, the message PROGRAMME LOCKED
Kev rn vour valid PIN and the programme will appear on the screen'
Unlocking Programmes
To unlock a programme, key in the programme number.
When the message PROGRAMME LOCKED ENTER PIN: appears, key in your
You have now temporarily unlocked the programme.
To unlock it permanently, press the F key followed by the LOCK (2) key.
When the message TO UNLOCK PROGRAMME ENTER PIN: appears on the
screen, key in your PlN.
The programme will be permanently unlocked and the rnessage PROGRAMME
UNLOCKED is displayed.

Skipping Programmes
NOTE You cannot use the skip function rf the menus are locked.
You can use the skip function to designate specific prograrnmes as having "SKlP
ON'. These programmes will then be skipped when you use the { and } keys to
browse tnrough the programmes. The only way you can enter a skipped progr-
amme is to use the numeric keys
To put skip onto a programme. select it, then press the F key followed by the
SKIP i3i key. To confirm the skip, press the STORE key.
To remove the skip from a progranrme, select it. then press the F key followed by
the SKIP r3) key. To confirm the reinoval. press the STORE key.
Setting the Sleep Timer
NOTE. Ycu can use the sleep timer even if the receiver's clock has not been set.
Setting tne sleep timer is a useful way to switch off your receiver at a later time
and is a handy method to use when you instantly record with your VCR. SLEEP TIMER MENU
Press the F key followed by the SLEEP (4) key. SUN OO:25:24
The menu shown right will appear on the screen. The time of the receiver's clock STOP: OO:55
ts dtsp aSred under the menu title and this will be flashing if it has not been set
slnce the receiver was powereo up (see page 26 - Clock Set Menu). Even if the Press F to add 3O mins.
ciock has not been set, its current value will increment everv second and the Press STORE to confinm.
receiver assumes that this is the actual time.
The stop time displayed when you first enter the menu is the receiver's current
ttme pius 30 minutes. lf you want the receiver to switch off after a length of time
other than 30 minutes, use the A or V key to move between the hours and min-
utes valures and use the { and } keys, or the numeric keys, to change the
values of the hours and minutes. You need to set the stop time as a24-hour clock
(e.9. Bpm is 20.00) and put in zeros as appropriate. lf yoLr just want to add
multiples of 30 mins. press the F key.
Press the STORE xey ro store this sleep timer information.
l-he ntessage SLEEP TIMER ON will be displayed briefly. The programme you
were viewing will remain on the screen until the receiver's clock reaches the same
value as the stcp time you set. then the receiver will go into standby mode. While
the sleep timer is set, the timer display (as the letter t) on the receiver's front
r-ranel will be lit.
lf you wish to leave the Sleep Tinrer lv4enu before storing, press the NORM key.
NOTE. When the receiver's sleep trmer functron has been set, all other handset
commands will be rgnored.
lf you want to return to norrnal operation before the stop time. press the F key
followed by the SLEEP (a) key ilgain
The message SLEEP TIMER OFF will appear briefly on the screen.
The sleep timer can be used to instantly recorci in conjunction with your VCR.
Start recording with your VCR. then carry out the instructions above to set the
stop time for the recei,rer.
You wiil need to set your VCR to stop recording at the sarne stop time, otherwise
it will continue to record a blank (or distorted and noisy) screen after the receiver
has gone into standby mode. For further information on recordinq satellite
programmes. see the Timer Menu section on page 16.

UhlF Tuning
NOTE. You cannot use this function if the menus are locked.
Press the F key followed by the UHF (5) key to select UHF tuning mode Full
dertails are given in the Quick Start Instructions on page 6"
Changing Programme Polarity
NOTE: You cannot use this function if the menus are locked.
This function provides a quick method of changing the polarity. You may want to
do this if there is a transmission, at a particular frequency and in one polarity,
from one satellite and there is another transmission, at the same frequency but
the opposite polarity, from a different satellite. A dish positioner will swing the
aerial to the correct location to receive the new transmission, and the polarity can
be changed using the H/V key as follows.
Press the F key followed by the H/V (6) key to change the polarity from horizontal
(H) to vertical (V), or vice versa.

Setting Up Blank Screen Radio Mode

NOTE: This facility cannot be used if the menus are locked.
To listen to satellite radio channels without having to view a picture on the screen,
firstly set up the required audio mode using the RADIO key or Audio Menu (see
page 21), then press the F key followed by the ! (RADIO) key.
The screen goes blank and the word RADIO appears. As long as you are listen-
ing to this radio channel, the screen will remain blank.
To ensure that the programme has a blank screen whenever you select it, press
the STORE key to confirm the blank screen mode.
To remove the blank screen, press the F key followed by the ! (RADIO) key
again and press STORE to confirm.

Cancelling a Timed Event

lf you wish to cancel a timed event that you set up at the Timer Menu while that
event is occurring, press the F key followed by the Y& (O) key

Cancelling a Plain Coloured Screen

Received signals need to be of a certain strength to give a picture on the screen.
lf they are not strong enough, there will be a plain, coloured screen. To cancel
this plain screen, press the F key followed by the STORE key. You may wish to
do this when tuning in to weak signals. Press F, STORE again to redisplay the
plain screen.


Many of the functions of your receiver can be set up using on-screen menus,
most of which are contained in the menu structure spreading out from the Main MAIN MENU
Menu as shown on the opposite page. The Main Menu is also shown right.
This short section describes the general features of the menu system. The subse-
quent sections then give a detailed description of each menu in turn. The Install
Menu is described last, because, if, as we recommend, a qualified satellite TV 3 FAVOURITE PROGRAMMES
installation engineer has installed your satellite system, then he/she will have 4 PROGRAMME EDIT
used this menu to set up the system parameters. You should not, therefore, need 5 PROGRAIVIME SETUP
to use it unless you install the system yourself, add to it or need to correct any
information in this menu which has be altered from its correct value. You may 6 INSTALL
have difficulty using the other menus if the Install Menu contains the wrong 7 LANGUAGE (SPRACHE)

Menu Background
Most of the menus are displayed on a plain, coloured background, but some
(those where you need to see the programme or picture quality) are displayed on
top of the current programme.
Displaying and Moving Through the Menus
To put the Main Menu on the screen, press the MENU key.
To select the next menu down the menu structure, press the appropriate numeric
key. (for example, if you press the 2 key, the Tinrer Menu will appear on the
The numeric keys are therefore used to move down the menu structure.
To move back up the structure, one menu at a time, press the MENU key.
To move out of any of the menus and back to normal viewing mocje at any time,
press the NORM key, but note that this will not save any of the information you
have iust altered at that menu.
NOTE: You cannot enter the menus from the auxiliary programme (see page g).
Menu Structure

MON 1O:15155
START 10.30
slop 11.15

P41 F3
P1? F4 OR



Press STORE to confirm

1 FREO <SCAN> 11.318
5 BAND LO\r'/
Press F then LEFTIRIGHT to start



Use UPInOWN ro adjust position

and LEFT,/RIGHT to adlust characten




Press F ihen LEFTIRIGHT ro
siaft scan
Press F tnen UHF for frne tune

--jffi , |
DAy r,RS
suN ro r-=

j | | srone
"'oo' I Use UC DOWN Lo adrusr Do\rrron T--
,, L e ff RTGHT Lo ddjusr day :rne
| " I

Download COMpLETE

Press STORE tc contr ,u, or NORM

to end
NOTE. Dependtng on the model o! your recetver
some ot OR
the opttons i. thrs Menu structure nay not be present
Downtoad ERROR
NCTE. Factory selttngs are shown where apprapriate. Pfess STORE to contrnue on NORM
to end

Moving Around Each Menu to Select an Option

When you are in any of the lowest menus in the structure, each
of the menu
options (the items listed in the menu) generally has a vatue associated
with it.
The menu options can be selected in two ways.
Press the appropriate numeric key to select an option or press
the A or v key to
move through the options one at a time (A to move up; v to
move down).
When an option is selected, its value flashes. The only exceptions
to this are the
frequency and channel scan modes where the option itself flashes.
Changing the Value of Each Menu Option
When an option is selected and its value is flashing, there are
sometimes several
ways in which this value cair be altered.
Generally, to select each of the available values in turn, press
the) key' With each press of the ) key, the value displayed on the the { or
screen will
ous available value and both keys "wrap'' when they reach the
end of the range. lf
you hold down the { or } key. the receiver will go through
the varues more
For some menu options you can enter values using the numeric
keys. In some
menus you need to use the F key to start actions. This will
be described in the
approprtate menu (see later). Generally. any special instructions
are snown on
the screen.

Storing the Information

Although, in most menus, the values become current as soon
as you alter them,
you need to store_the values you have set so that they
remain cuirent when you
leave the menu. The Timer Menu is an exception, here the information
rs stored
Press the sroRE key to store the information at a menu.
In some cases, for example in the programme Edit Menu, pressing
the sroRE
key actually starts the action you have specified on tne screen.
In the Programmg s9t!p Menu, pressing the SToRE key will put
wHlcH PROGRAMME, followed by the current programme number,message
screen' This gives you the option of changing the programme
on the
number at which
you store the information before you press the STORE key
again to store the

Abandoning a Menu Without Storing

I, d " menu, you want to abandon the changes you have made, don,t press the
STORE key but press the NORM key instead.
This action will take the receiver out of the menu structure and
back to normal
viewing mode. When you re-enter the menu you abandoned,
the options you had
altered will have returned to their previous (last stored) values.
NOTE' This is not the case with the Timer Menu; here, pressing
the NORM key will
not cause the options to revert to their previous values becauie
any changes you
make are stored immedrately.

Leaving a Menu but staying in the Menu structure

To do this, press the MENU key to move back to the previous
menu in the
You can then move back further (using the MENU key) or into
another menu
(using the appropriate numeric key).
Any menu options which you had changed before you moved
back up the struc-
ture will not necessarily revert to their old values; ii depends
on which menu you
were at and where you are moving to.
As an example, if you have changed programme information
at any of the
Setup sub-menus. but have not stored it, you can store it later
you press the SToRE key at, for example, the Install
You will be able to see that you have changed but not stored
the programme
information because the message wHlcH pnbcnnuME
will be displayed. (Nor-
mally at the Install Menu you do not get this message wnen you
store, as the
settings there are "global".)
NoTE: lf you enter the Favourite Programmes Menu before you store the new
programme information, it will revert to its old settinos.
' The menuit tl?Y1ii.gltr lf the programme/menus are currenly unlocked,
menu wirr read LocK pRoGRAMME/MENUS; the
if tney are currenly rocked, it PARENTAL LOCK
will read uNLocK pRoGRAMME/MENUS. There
MENUS LocKED at the bottom of the Parental
wiil be the- message 1 (UN)LOCK PROGRAMME
Lock Menu and the Main
. lf. at any time, you key in the wrong PlN, 3 CHANGE PIN
the message NOT VALID plN
appears and you will have to try agatn.
. The value of the factory set plN is given
in the Advanced Features section on
page 28.

Locking and Unlocking a programme

To lock or unlock a programme, select the programme,
display the parental Lock
Menu, then press the 1 key. TO IUN)LOCK PROGRAMME
You can then rock and unrock as described ENTER PIN:
on pages 10 and 1 1 respectivery.
Locking and Unfocking the Menus
lf you lock the menus. the Main y9n, comprises
onry the pARENTAL LocK,
option.. vo, are not abre to enter the
Programme Edit, programme Setup and
Install Menus. ENTER PIN:
To lock the menus, dispray the parentar Lock
Menu, then press the 2 key.
when the message To LocK MENUS ENTER prN:
appears. key in your prN.
lf you have entered the prN correcty, the
message MENUS LocKED appears.
To unlock the menus, dispray the parentar
Lock Menu, then press the 2 key.
when the message To uNLocK MENus ENTER prN
appears, key in your prN.
lf you have entered the prN correctry, the message

Changing the plN

NorE' we recommend that you customise the PlN. rf you forget it, consutt the
Aduanced Features section on page 28
for details on how to restore the factory
To change the prN, dispray the parentar
Lock Menu and then press the 3 key.
Key in the existing PIN (note that you only ENTER PIN:
have about 4 seconds to do this and
for a new receiver you will need to t ry in
the factory ser plN).
The message NEW plN: appears.
Key in four numbers of your choice.
The message CONFIRM plN; appears.
Key in again the four numbers which make
up your new prN.
Providing you have typed in the same prN
at the coNFrRM prN message as
the NEW PrN message, your new prN wiil now ar
CONFIRMED is disptayed briefty.
be varid and the message
lf there is a discrepancy between the PlNs you
keyed in, the new plN will not be
accepted. The message FATLED wiil
yo, wiil need to repeat the
whole procedure. "pp"", "ni

' The Timer Menu is shown right. The current day and time, as given by the
receiver's clock, is shown beneath the menu title. lf the clock has not been
set, a flashing time will be displayed, and as soon as you use the menu, the MON 10:15:55
message CLOCK NOT SET appears at the bottom of the screen. You must
set the receiver's clock for the Timer Menu to be effective (see page 26 - START 1 O.3O
Clock Set Menu). sToP 11 .15
' You use the menu to record satellite programmes in conjunction with your DAY zND-MON
VCR while you are out. You can record without using this menu, but in that PROG 23 FILMNT
case you could only record transmissions on one programme number and you
would have to leave your receiver running on that programme while you were
out. Using the Timer Menu you can record several different programmes and
leave your receiver in standby when you go out.
' The clocks in your receiver and your VCR must be set to the same time, and
the start and stop recording times that you set at this Timer Menu must be the
same as those that you set on your VCR.
' lf you have connected your VCR using a SCART lead, in order to record from
the receiver you will need to select AUX or AV on the VCR as the programme
to record. When replaying the VCR through the receiver, you will need to
switch the receiver to standby mode or select TV using the TV/SAT key; this
method of replaying is, however, only possible if the TV is also connected
using a SCART lead. See also the Installation section on page 29.
' When you are using the timer function. pin B of the receiver's TV SCART
connector will not force the TV into AUX mode. Therefore to watch the pro-
gramme while you are recording it you either need to use the coakial cable
method of rV connection, or use a scART connection and manuallv select
AUX on the TV. See also the Installation section on page 29.
' You cannot record one satellite programme while you are watching a different
one. lf you are watching a different programme from the one you intend to
record, at the start time a flashing clock symbol will appear at the bottom of
the screen and the timer (t) display on the receiver's front panel will flash. I
After one minute the receiver will automatically switch to the programme you
have set to record. After the recording has finished, the receiver will go into f--
standby mode.
' To record instantly with your VCR, you can use the Sleep Timer function (see
page 11 - Setting the Sleep Timer).
' When you first enter the Timer Menu, the event number will be 1. the pro-
gramme will be the programme you were viewing and the start time will be
flashing. lf the programme has been grven a name, this is shown to the right
of the programme number.
' lf the programme is locked. the message LOCKED will be displayed adjacent
to the programme number. lf you want this prograrnme to be recorded, re-
member to unlock it.
' With your PSRBOO Plus or PSR900 Plus receiver you can preset up to 8
events up to 28 days in advance.
' You must specify all the times in terms of a 24-hour clock e g 8 pm is 20.00
' ln the Timer Menu any values that you change are stored immediately when
you move to the next option on the menu. Pressing the NORM key will not
return the menu to its previous settings. To leave the menu you shouid press
the STORE key.
Setting Up Event 1

Key in the required start and stop times.

lf you use the numeric keys, movement to the next option will occur automatically;
if you use the { and } keys to set the times, use the A and V keys to move be-
tween options. When you have set the start time, the stop time will change
automatically to a time two hours later than the start time, but vou can alter this if
you wish.
NOTE. lf the stop trme is earlrer than the start time. the stop ttme is assumed to
be on the next day.
Use the '( and ) keys to go through the weeks and days one at a time until the
correct day is displayed.
The current day is shown as TODAY. Subsequent days are shown by the day of
the week prefixed by 1ST or 2ND or 3RD or 4TH to show the relevant weeK.
Key in the programme number. To do this, press the required number Kevs on
your handset. You can also use the { and } keys.
As soon as you altered the start or stop times, the EVENT option chanqed to
show the word ON rather than OFF.
You have now done all that is required to set up EVENT 1. lf you want to
programme more than one event, do not leave the menu by pressing the STORE
key, but continue as described below.

Setting Up Further Events

) key to give EVENT 2.
Select the EVENT option and press the 2 key or the
Key in the start and stop times, day and programme information for the second
Continue in this manner until you have set up all the events you require and then
press the STORE key to leave the menu.
When you leave the menu and put the receiver into standby mode, the timer (t)
display on the receiver's front panel will be lit until the recording has finished.
lf any of the recording times conflict with each other, they are detected and the
message EVENT ovERLAp is displayed on the screen for a short time.
lf you wish to rectify the overlap, re-enter the menu and correct the appropriate
start and/or stop times. lf you do not rectify it, the end of the overlapped event will
be lost.

Cancelling Events
lf you decide you no longer want to record one of the events that vou set uo in
the Trmer Menu, you can turn the event off.
Enter the Timer Menu and select the event you wish to cancel. press the V key
so that the word oN is flashing. then press the { or } key to change it to oFF.
To cancel a timed event while the recording of that event is taking place, press
the F key followed by the *& (O) key


' The Favourite Programmes Menu is shown right. You use it to set up the 10
programmes which yoLl can access quickly when you are in favourite P1 F1 SKYI
programme mocie (see page 10 - Function Mode operation).
P2 F2 SKYz
' All 1O favourite programme numbers must contain rnformation but if you do P41 F3
not want to cycle through all 10 options when you are in favourite programme
mode, you can always put a "skrp" on those you do not require. (See paqe 10 P12 F4
- Function lr/ode Operation.) P5 F5 SKYs
' The auxilrsly programme (shown as pO) can be one of the favourite pro- P7 F6 ESPORT
grammes. but if this auxiliary programme option is setected at thrs menu, you P9 F7 MTV
carno: take the receiver back io ihe lvlain Menu by pressrng the MENU key
setting up and storing the Favourite programrnes List P3 F9
select 1he favoLrrite programme numbers in turn and key in the programme P6 FO
number you wish to assign io each. You can use the { ancj } keys to alter the
programme number or alternatively. type in the number directly using
the 0 to 9
When you have assrgned the required programmes to all the favourite pro-
gramme numbers, press the STORE key.
. The Programme Edit Menu and its three sub-menus are shown right. You use
them to change the satellite channel information assigned to each of the 1 SWAP
programme numbers. 2 INSERT
. You can also "copy" the channel information from one programme number to 3 DELETE
another so that this new information overwrites any information which was on
that programme number. This is, however, done from the Main Menu, as STARTING POINT
described opposite in the Copying a Programme section.
. lt is important to take account of the fact that when the information is deleted Pnog No. Channel Info.
or inserted, the channel information "moves" to fill up the "empty" programme 1 SKY1
numbers, as shown in the examples on the right (where example programmes 2 SKY NEWS
1 to 6 are listed). For each example, the starting point is the first list headed
. Be careful before you delete a programme (i.e. delete the satellite channel
information from a programme number). lf you later want to restore this pro- 5 SKY MOVIES GOLD
gramme and do not have the same channel information on another 6 SKY SPORTS
programme number (so that you can insert or copy it from there), you will
have to set up the programme again from scratch using the Progranrme Setup
. When you are keying in tl,'e programme numbers in these menus, use the SWAP PROGRAMME 2
number keys (0 to 9). You can also use the { and } keys.
. As you change the programme numbers, the relevant programme will be GIVES
displayed as the background to the menu (unless the programme is locked, in
which case the existing programme remains displayed). Prog No. Channel Info.
Swapping Programmes
1 SKY1
At the Swap Menu, key in the required programme numbers and press the
The information is stored so that when you browse through the programmes you 4 THE MOVIE CHANNEL
will find that the satellite channel which was at one programme number is now at 5 SKY NEWS
the other programme number and vice versa, as shown in the example. All other 6 SKY SPORTS
programmes remain unchanged.

Inserting a Programme INSERT MENU

At the Insert Menu, key in the required programme numbers and press the INSERT PROGRAMME 2
The information is stored so that when you browse through the programmes you
will find that the satellite channels assigned to several of the programme numbers GIVES
will have changed.
Prog No. Channel Info.
Consider the example shown right, where programme 2 is inserted at programme
5. The satellite channel (SKY NEWS) which was at programme 2 is now at 1 SKYI
programme 5. The satellite channels at programme numbers 3 and 4 have also 2 SKY MOVIES
changed (effectively shifted along by one programme number) with the result that 3 THE MOVIE CHANNEL
the channel (SKY2) which was at 2 is npw after the channel (SKY MOVIES 4 SKY MOVIES GOLD
GOLD) which was at 5. lf , insteaci, programme 5 had been inserted at programme
2, SKY MOVIES GOLD would be before SKY NEWS in the list All proqramme 5 SKY NEWS
information before 2 and after 5 remains unchanged. 6 SKY SPORTS
lf you find that you have "miscalculated by one" when inserting programmes, you
can always use the SWAP option to rectify the problem. ' DELETE MENU
Deleting a Programme DELETE PROGRAMME 2
At the Delete Menu, key in the required programme number and press the
STORE key to cause the deletion.
It is important to realise that you do not actually delete the programme, as there Prog No. Channel Info'
are always .199 (PSRBOO Plus) or 250 (PSR9OO Plus) programmes. You are 1 SKY 1
deleting the satellite channel information from a particular programme number. Z SKy MOVIES
This does not leave that programme number "empty"; all the channel information
assigned to the subsequent programrnes will effectively be shifted alonq by one,
as shown in the example right. For this reason the deletion process i.luy tut r 4 SKY MOVIES GOLD
some time, and the handset will remain inoperable during this period. 5 SKY SPORTS
(NICKELODEON was previously at
oroqramme 7)
Copying a Programme
You can copy the satellite channel information from one programme number
to a Copying Programme 2 to
different programme number, as shown in the example rigfrt. tn this case the
programme you are copying from remains the same and the programme you Pnogramme 5
copying to is overwritten with the new information, so that the two programme GIVES
numbers end up containing the same satellite channel. All other programmes
Pnog No. Channel Info.
remain unaffecteo.
To copy a programme, view the programme you wish to copy in normal viewing 1 SKY 1

mode and then press the MENU key to display the Main Menu. 2 SKY NEWS
Press the STORE key. 3 SKY MOVIES
The message wHlcH PROGRAMME, followed by the current 4 THE MOVIE CHANNEL
number (flashing), appears on the screen. 5 SKY NEWS
lf, at this stage, you press the SToRE key again, you are simply copying the 6 SKY SPORTS
satellite channel information back onto the current programme number.
To copy the satellite channel to a different programme numoer, change the pro-
Eramme number then press the STORE kev.
A copy of the information at the programme you were viewing then overwrites
new programme number you specified.


' The Programme Setup Menu is shown right. From this menu you can open
various sub-menus, all of which are concerned with setting up individual pro- PROGRAMME SETUP MENU
grammes on your receiver.
' When your receiver is new, you will find that many of the programmes 1 TUNING
contain satellite channel information. A separate list of the preset programmes 2 AUDIO
is provided with this manual. 3 EXT DECODER
' You will need to use the Programme Setup Menu to tune in to and specify 4 CHANGE NAME
new programmes, or to alter the existing settings on a per programme basis.
You may wish to look up satelltte transmission information in the current issue
of a satellite TV magazine while you are using the Programme Setup Menu
and its sub-menus.
' If you leave a'y of these menus by pressing the MENU key (so that you
in the menu structure) , any information you have changed at the menus
not necessarily be lost. lt can be stored when the STORE key is pressed in
different menu. This is explained in detail on page 14 of the On-Screen Menu
Operation section.
' In any of these menus, you can see the current programme number
on the
receiver's front panel display.

' The Tuning Menu is shown right. The word scAN appears in option
1 only
when the frequency scan mode is switched on. The help message at the TUNING MENU
bottom of the screen is only present when option 1 is selected.
' The SATELLITE option is always present, but is only relevant if you have 1 FREO <SCAN> 11 .319
installed a Pace dish positioner. 2 POLARITY V
' The LNB option is only present if you have a dual input receiver (r.e.,
' The BAND option is only present if you have a receiver which has a rear panel SLNB 1
connector for an electromagnetic or mechanical polariser and BAND
has been 6 BAND LOW
26 _
selected for the PoLARoToR option at the LNB Install Menu (see page
Using an Electromagnetic or Mechanical polariser). Press F then LEFTIRIGHT ro
start scan
Setting the Frequency
Set the required frequency value either by using the { and } keys to go through
the frequency values one at a time, or by directly entering the value using the
numeric keys.
NOTE: You cannot enter the CBAND frequency value directly; you must use the

NOTE: lf the frequency value shown in this menu does not seem to correspond
with the frequency value given in a satellite TV magazine for the satellite
transmission you are viewing, then the LNB option in the LNB lnstall Menu is
probably set to the incorrect value (see page 24 - the LNB lnstall Menu).
NOTE: lf you have entered the correct frequency but see a plain coloured screen
rather than a picture, the signal may be too weak to disabte this plain screen
(perhaps because your dish is out of alignment). To help you to tune in to this
weak signal, you can disable the plain screen by pressing the F key then the
STORE key, but you must leave the menu structure to do this, then re-enter the
Tuning Menu.

Scanning the Frequencies to Find New Programmes

lf you want to set up a new programme, but do not know its frequency, you first
need to locate the required satellite channel, and to do this you turn on the
frequrency scan.
Select option 1 then press the F key followed by the ( or ) key.
The frequency value will keep changing and then stop when the next satellite
transmission frequency is reached. The background to the menu will be a solid
colour until the transmission frequency is reached. then a programme appears as
the menu's background.
lf this is a transmission frequency you wish to allocate to a programme number,
exit the scan by pressing the F key.
This frequency may, however, be one which is already allocated to an existing
programme number, or it may be a transmission that you are not interested in, so
you can continue the scan by pressing the { or } key.

Scanning the Frequencies to Position a Dish Aerial

You can use a speeded up version of the frequency scan to assist you while you
adjust the position of your dish aerial in order to find the transmissions from a
particular satellite.
Select frequency scan mode by pressing the F key followed by the { or } key at
option 1, then press the AUX/0 key.
The receiver will scan quickly through the whole frequency range and there will
always be a picture (although this will sometimes be noisy and distorted) as the
menu's background, rather than a plain coloured background.
This feature is very useful when you first align your dish aerial and the signal is
too weak to disable the plain background in normal scan mode. When you have
aligned the dish sufficiently to obtain a stronger signal, press the AUX/O key again
to return to normal scan mode.
Setting the Polarity
The range of polarity values depends on what sort of polariser you have. lf you
have a receiver with a rear panel connector for an electromagnetic or mechanical
polariser, you have the possibility of setting polarotor (polariser) options in the
LNB Install Menu (see page 26 - Using an Electromagnetic or Mechanical Polar-
Transmissions from a satellite are either Horizontally polarised (H) or Vertically
polarised (V). You can specify at the Tuning Menu whether a particular pro-
gramme is for H or V transmissions.
For the voltage-switching polariser used in this receiver. there are two possible
polarity values: H (for Horizontally polarised) and V (for Vertically polarised).
Use the { or } key to set the required polarity' Alternatively. use the F key
followed by the H/V key to "toggle" the polarity - if the polarity is currently H. it will
be changed to V. and vice versa.

Setting the Satellite

lf you do not have a dish positioner, it does not matter what value you set at this
lf you do have a Pace dish positioner, you can set it up to pornt the aerial at
difierent satellites. The SATELLITE option in the Tuning Menur allows you to
specify these aerial positions on a per-programme basis, so tlrat when the re-
ceiver and positioner are connected together via a SCART lead, the aerial can
move when programmes are selected at the receiver.
The SATELLITE option can have any value between 1 and 128. but the relevant
values depend on the settings on your dish positioner.
Find out which satellite transmits the programme, check on your dish positioner
which position this satellite has, then set this value at option 3 using the
{ and } keys. You cannot directly enter the number using the numeric keys.

Setting the l.F. Bandwidth

For this receiver, the l.F. Bandwidth can be set to NORMAL (27MHz) or
NARROW (18 MHz) on a per-programme basis. Setting this to I.IARROW may
reduce "sparklies" (speckles on the picture). Use the { or } key to set the
reouired value.

Setting the LNB

lf you have a dual input receiver and two LNBs, this option allows you to specify
which LNB receives the programme and can have value 1 or 2.
Use the { or } key to set the required LNB.

Setting the Band

See the section on page 26 - Using an Electromagnetic or Mechanical Polariser.

Storing the Programme Tuning Information

When you have set the required values for all of the options in the Tuning Menu,
press the STORE key.
The message WHICH PROGRAMME, followed by the current programme
number (flashing), is displayed.
Alter the programme number, if required, using the { and ) keys or the number
keys, then press the STORE key again.

. The Audio Menu is shown right. lt is used to set the audio mode for each
programme. Some modes provide commentaries in different languages; some AUDIO MENU
orovide satellite radio stations. Consult a channel listino in a satellite TV 1 MODE STEREO A
magazine for details. 2 FREO LEFT 7.O2
. There is also a short-cut method of selecting the preset audio modes (see RIGHT 7.20
page 9 - Further Handset Operations).
. The values for options 1 and 2 are interdependent. lt is also possible to DE-EMPHASIS PANDA
customise an audio mode.
. Stereo modes always have PANDA de-emphasis, therefore the DE-
EMPHASIS ootion cannot be selected for these modes. althouoh it will remain
(without a preceding number) on the screen. FSS, DBS and T-COM Bands
. '1 Stereo A7.OZ & 7.20 MHz (PANDA 1l
All the mono modes exceot MONO are oreset to have PANDA de-emphasis;
MONO '1 is preset to 50 frs You can change the de-emphasis if you Stereo B7.38 & 7.56 MHz r'
customise a mono mode, therefore when the mono modes are selected the Stereo C 7.74 & 7.92 t'/lHz
DE-EMPHASIS option gains a preceding number and can therefore be Stereo D 8.1O & 8.28 MHz r'

selected, Mono'l 6.50 MHz fWideband, SOus

or J17)
Setting the Audio Mode
Mono 2 7.O2 MHz (PANDA 1)
Use the { or } key. or the RADIO key, to go through the available values one at
a time until the required mode is displayed.
Mono 3 7.2O MHz
Mono 4 7.38 MHz
The mode can have any of the preset values STEREO A to D or MONO 1 to 9
(see the table right)
Mono 5 7.56 MHz
Mono 6 7.74 MHz
SettinE the Audio Frequency Mono 7 7.92 MHz
As you change the audio mode at option 1, the frequency shown in option 2 will Mono I 8.'lO MHz
automatically change to the appropriate value. Therefore, if you select option 2 Mono I 8.28 MHz
and change the frequency value there using the RADIO key, the mode value in
option 1 will change. The audio frequencies are given in megahertz (MHz).
NOTE: Using the 1 or ) key to change the f requency will customise it (see below).

Customising the Audio Frequency

At option 2, press the { or } key to change the frequency by 0.01 MHz at a
time, or directly enter the required frequency value (in the range 5.00 to 9.00)
using the numeric keys.
As soon as you customise the frequency, the mode value (whether MONO or
STEREO) will have the suffix V rather than a letter or number. For stereo modes,
as you customise the left frequency, the right frequency will change accordingly,
so that their frequency difference is always 0.18 MHz (180 kHz).

Selecting Blank Screen Radio Mode

Press the { or }
key to toggle the blank screen radio mode ON or OFF.
NOTE: You can also set up blank screen radio mode using the F key (see page
12 of the Function Mode Operation section).

Customising the De-emphasis for Mono Modes

lf you have selected a MONO mode at option 1, you can customise the de-
At the DE-EMPHASIS option, press the { or } key to go through the available
De-emphasis can be PANDA 1 (75 ps), 50 ps or J17.
As soon as you change the de-emphasis from the preset value, the mode will
become MONO V. (The "V" stands for "variable".)
Storing the Programme Audio Information
When you have set the required values for all of the options in the Audio Menu,
press the STORE key.
The message WHICH PROGRAMME, followed by the current programme
number (flashing), is displayed.
Alter the programme number, if required, using the { and } keys or the numeric
keys, then press the STORE key again.


lm portant:
. The External Decoder Menu is shown right. Attaching an external decoder to
the PSRB00/900 Plus will allow you to view scrambled transmissions. EXT DECODER MENU
. The PSR800 Plus and PSR900 Plus are PAL satellite receivers, but an exter- 1 BASEBAND PAL
nal MAC decoder will allow you to watch MAC as well as PAL transmissions.
You will, however, need to set the baseband provided by this DECODER

SCART connector to the correct value and select the source of the audio and
video signals.

Setting the Baseband

At the BASEBAND option, press the { or } key to set PAL or MAC.

Setting the Audio and Video Source

At the AV SOURCE option, press the <'or ) key to go through the three avail-
able values until the required one is displayed.
AUTO is automatic audio and video loop-through to the receiver's TV SCART
connector, which will occur if the decoder recognises pin B of the receiver's
DECODER SCART connector.
lf your decoder does not control pin B of the receiver's DECODER SCART con-
nector, you need to set the audio and video source to one of the external values
EXT-V or EXT-AV. These force a loop-through from the receiver's DECODER
SCART connector to its TV SCART connector; EXT-V loops only the video signal,
whereas EXT-AV loops the audio and video signals.
NOTE: lf you select one of the EXT values and you do not have an external
decoder fitted, the picture will disappear from your screen.
NOTE. You can attach an external receiver, instead of a decoder. ln this case you
can press the AUX/O key to loop the external audio and video signals from this
external receiver through your receiver to the TV. You then use the handset of the
external receiver to select the required programme there.
Storing the External Decoder Information
When you have set the required values for all of the options in the External
Decoder Menu, press the STORE key.
The message wHlcH PROGRAMME, followed by the current programme
number (flashing), is displayed.
Alter the programme number, if required, using the { and } keys or the numerrc
keys, then press the STORE key again.


' lI, when you entered this menu, the programme you were viewing already had
a name, this will be shown in the menu. CHANGE NAME MENU
' The name can be up to 6 characters long: it can contain spaces, but each NAME .SKY 1
space counts as one character.
Use UP/DOWN to adjusr
Changing the Name or Entering a Name position and LEFT,/RIGHT to
When you enter the Change Name Menu, the first character of the name will be adjust character.
flashing, or there will be a flashing cursor at the position for the first characrer.
Press the <( or ) key to go through all the available characters, until the required
first character is displayed.
During this process, the numbers O to 9, followed by the letters of the alphabet
and finally a space are shown, one at a time.
Press the V key to move to the position of the second character and con.,inue the
process until all of the required characters have been changed or entered.

Storing the New Name

when you have entered the required name, press the sroRE key.
The message wHlcH PROGRAMME. followed by the current programme
number (flashing). is displayed
Alter the programme number. if required, using the { and } keys or the numenc
keys. then press the STORE key again.
' The Install Menu is shown right. From this menu you can open up sub-menus,
all of which are used to set up system (rather than programme) parameters. INSTALL MENU
' You can also download (transfer) all of the stored information in one recetver 1 LNB INSTALL
to a second receiver of the same kind using the Download Facility Menu.
Refer to the Advanced Features section on page 28. 2 CONTRAST

' Note that some menus are displayed on top of a programme rather than 3 UHF TUNING
on a
plain coloured background. 4 BACKGROUND COLOUR
' The LNB Install Menu is shown right. lt is always displayed on top of a
programme, and you can use the numeric keys to change the displayed
' lf you have a single input receiver (i.e., a psRBOO plus), the LNB 1 powER 1 OFFSET 1(21 AFC
and LNB 2 options will not be present.
' The POLAROTOR and V(H)-POL BASE options will onty be present if ypu
3 LNB 1
have a receiver which has a rear panel connector for an electromagnetic or 9.750 FSS A
mechanical polariser (see page 26 Using an Electromagnetic or Mechanical
- 4 LNB 2 1O.75O DBS
Polariser). 5 POLAROTOR 1 BAND
' Before making adjustments at the LNB Install Menu, leave the receiver pow- 6 POLAFIOTOR 2 VOLT
ered up for a few minutes to ensure the LNB has reached its operating 7 V(H)-POL BASE 1s
Press F for AFC ON,/OFF
Setting the LNB Offset
lf you have a single input receiver, option 1 will simply be oFFSET.
lf you have a dual input receiver, option 1 will be either OFFSET '1
or OFFS ET 2,
depending on whether the programme you are viewing has LNB 1 or LNB
assigned to it (see page 19 - Tuning Menu).
LNB offset is adjusted to correct for variations in the LNB output frequency.
practical terms, it is used to optimise the picture to get it as free from ',sparklies,'
as possible. The factory setting for the LNB offset rs nfC (automatic frequency
control) as the receiver can compensate automatically for variations in the LNB's
f requency.
Occasionally you may need to set an actual value for OFFSET, if you do not see
a good quality picture with AFC. To do this, proceed as follows.
Select a programme which has LNB 1 assigned to it (so that option 1 reads
At option 1, press the F key to turn AFC off , then press the <( or ) key to go
through the available values one at a time until you get the clearest picture
on the
The offset can have any value between -15 a.nd 15.
lf you have a dual input receiver, select a programme which has LNB 2 assigned
to it and repeat the above procedure to get the clearest possible picture for
Turning LNB 1 power On and Off
The LNB 1 POWER option will only be present for dual input receivers. you
to have the power ON unless your LNB 1 is on a communal dish aerial. In this
case you must prevent a voltage being applied to LNB 1, as this will
alreadv be
powereo on.
At the LNB 1 PowER option, press the < or ) key to change to oN or oFF.
Setting The LNB
You can use this receiver with an LNB which covers one of the band
below. Check to see which LNB has been supplied (Enhan,-ed or Standaro
the LNB ldentification Table) and set the appropriate ba,rd using the receiver,s

LNB Install Menu.

At this menu, the receiver's LNB can be set to one of the following frequency
Band Setting Local Oscillator Freq.'Range (GHz) Typical Satellite
Frequency (GHz)
FSS A 9.750 10.700 - '1
1 .800 Astra 14, B, C. D/lntelsat/
Eutelsat (Enhanced LNB)
FSS B 10.000 10.920 - 11.700 Astra 'lA, B, C/lntelsat/
Eutelsat (Standard LNB)
DBS 10.750 11.700 - 12.500 TDF/TVSATiHISPASAT
T-COM 11 47tr 12 500 12.750
- TELECOM 2A, 28, 1C
CBAND 5.1 50 3.700 - 4.200 Asiasat (lnverted Video)
The numbers shown before the band names at the LNB Install Menu are the
frequencies (in GHz) of the local oscillator in your LNB.
(Note that you can actually set frequencies outside the above ranges, but this is
not recommended as performance cannot be guaranteed.)

At the LNB option, press the { or ) key to go through the frequency band op-
tions until the band which corresponds to your installed LNB is displayed (see
LNB ldentification Table below). For dual-input receivers, set LN82 as well.
IMPORTANT: lt is very important that the LNB option in this menu is set to
correspond with your LNB.
lf you set the wrong value, it can cause problems as follows:
' if you sot FSS B at the LNB Install Menu and your LNB is not suitable for FSS
B (or, conversely, you have an FSS B LNB, but set a different value at the
menu) then the receiver will select the wrong frequency, so that you will see a
different programme or even no programme at all on the screen.

LNB IDENTIFICATION TABLE (Continental Microwave Technology LNBs)

LNB Label Cap Colour Freq. Range (GHz) Local Oscillator Freq. (GHz)
EAP Series (Enhanced) Grey 10.700 - 1 1 .800 9.750 FSS A
AS Series (Standard) White 10.950 - '11.700 10.000 FSS B

Setting the Other Options in this Menu

Any further options in this menu are concerned with using an polariser (see page
26 Using an Electromagnetic or Mechanical Polariser).
Storing the LNB Installation Information
When you have set the required values for ali of the options in the LNB Install
Menu. press tne STORE key.

Setting and Storing the Contrast Value
The Contrast Menu is shown right. Possible values are 1 to 8; factory setting is 4. CONTHAST 4
View the picture on the screen a.nd press the { or } key' to go through the val-
ues until you get the cptimum contrast. Press the STORE key.
This is used to tune your satellite receiver into the chosen channel on your TV, if Press F then LEFTIRIGHT to
your receiver and TV are connected vra coaxial cable. The menu is reached via
start scan.
the menu structure or by pressing the F key followed by the UHF (5) key. Initially,
however. the menu is not likeiy to be seen; it becomes visibie as tuning Press F then UHF for fine
progresses. tune.
Hefer to the Qurck Start Instructrons on page 6. where tJHF tuning is described in
Setting and Storing the Background Colour 1 Red
This receiver allows you to specify the background colour for the on-screen 2 Khaki Green
menus. The colour can have any value between 1 and B, as shown in the table 3 Bottle Gneen
right. Tne factory setting is 4 (blue)
4 Blue
5 Violet
Press the { or } key to go through the values until you get the colour required. 6 Brown
then press the STORE key. 7 Moss Green
Note that some menus are normally displayed on top of a programme, although I Purple
you can force a plain coloured background by pressing the f3 key
lm portant:
' lf you turn off the power to your receiver the clock information will be lost,
therefore you should turn off your receiver by placing it in standby mode.
' lf the clock is not set, you will see a flashing time when you press ttre [-T) key DAY HRS MIN
or enter the Timer Menu. You do not need to set the clock for the sleep timer.
. SUN 1O:15
The clock must be set as a 24-hour clock (e.g. 8 pm is 20.00).
Use UP/DOWN to adjust
Setting and Storing the Current Time position and LEFT,/RIGHT to
when you enter the clock Set Menu (shown right), the day will be flashing. adjust day/time
Press the { or ) key until the correct day is displayed.
Press the V key to move to the hours value and press the numeric keys to enter
the value directly, then enter the minutes value.
You can use the { or } key to set the hours and minutes, in which case you will
need to use the A or V key to move between them.
Press the STORE kev to activate the clock.


lm portant:
' You can only use an electromagnetic or mechanical polariser if your LNB has
one and your receiver has a rear panel connector to attach these types of
polariser (see right). The LNB Install Menu will then contain options for settino lr\
the polarotor(s). See the menu, shown below. I\\
' The polarotor can be set to VOLT (voltage switching), MAGN (electromagnetic
or mechanical) or BAND.
' The setting BAND is for electromagnetic or mechanical polarisers and in this 5V -I L GND MAG MAG

case voltage switching is used to set the LNB's frequency band to LOW or
HIGH on a per-programme basis.
Electromagnetic and mechanical polarisers can have some advantages over
the more usual voltage switching type, as you can compensate for the polari-
sation offset by "skewing" the polarisation to optimise your picture.
Polarisation offset occurs when the polarisation of the signals from the satel-
lite does not line up exactly with the polarisation of your dish antenna.
' The amount of skew needed is not only different for horizontal and vertical
polarities, but also varies with the frequency of the incoming signal. For this
reason, the polarity base value is set at the LNB Install Menu (where it can be
set separately for H and V polarities), but the fine tuning skew from this base
value is set on a per-programme basis at the Tuning Menu.
' Unless you are using your receiver with a dish positioner, it should not be
necessary to adjust the skew on a per-programme basis; setting the H and V
polarity bases at the Install Menu should be sufficienr.

Settings at the LNB Install Menu

At the POLAROTOR 1 option, press the { or } key to set the required value. LNB INSTALL MENU
lf you select VOLT, you will be using voltage switching and therefore you will not
be taking advantage of your electromagnetic or mechanical polariser. 1 OFFSET (21
Set the POLAROTOR 2 option, if required, in the same way. 2 LNB 1 POWER ON
lf you have set either of the POLAROTOR options to MAGN or BAND. then the V 3 LNB 1 FSS
(or H) POL BASE option will appear at the bottom of the menu. This will be V if 4 LNB 2 DBS
you are currently viewing a programme which is vertically polarised or H if it is 5 POLAROTOR 1 BAND
horizontally polarised. This is the base value. which you set for all programmes of
a particular polarity. 5 POLAROTOR 2 VOLT
At the V (or H) POL BASE option, press the { or } key until the required value
7 V(H)-POL BASE 15
is displayed. Press F for AFC ON/OFF
This base can have any value between 0 and 63, but is typically set to around 15
for the V-polarity base and 45for the H-polarity base.
Use the numeric keys to select a programme of the opposite polarity, then repear
the above procedure to set the second polarity base.
Polarity Settings at the Tuning Menu
This menu is shown right. lf (at the LNB Install Menu) you have
set the polarotor
of the LNB shown in this menu to MAGN or BAND, then the value TUNING MENU
at option Z can
have a number in front of the V (or H). This number is the
amount of polarisation
skew which you apply to the V (or H) polarity base value that you 1 FREO <SCAN> 11 .319
set in the LNB
Install Menu. 2 POLARIry V
lf you have set the polarotor to BAND then there will also be
a BAND optron at 3 SATELLITE 2
the bottom of the menu. 4 IF BANDWIDTH NORM
At the POLARITY option, press the ( or ) key to go through the skew varues sLNB 1
until you get the best quality picture on the screen.
The skew value can be any number between -.15 and i5. For zero sKew, no
number is shown. The skew value is added to the base value, Press F then LEFTIRIGHT ro
therefore if you are start scan
viewing a V polarised programme and you set a base value
of 15 at the LNB
Install Menu, then setting a value of -10 at option 2 in the Tuning
Menu grves a
total polarisation skew of 5 [i.e. 15 + (_10)].
NOTE: The values "wrap" at both ends, therefore if you set a
base of l0 and set a
skew value of -13, the total porarisation skew witt oe oo.
To change from V to H or vice versa, press the F key foilowed
by the H/V (6) key.
Band Settings at the Tuning Menu
lf the BAND option is present, select it then press the { or } key to display the
required value (LOW or HIGH).
The following table shows the relationships between the "global"
band setting made
at the LNB option of the Install Menu, the setting of LOW
or HIGH at the Tuning Menu
and the band that is thereby selected for the individuat programme.
LNB at Install Menu BAND at Tuning Menu Band for programme

This receiver is suitable for C-band. lt has the followrng preset
audio mooes.
c-band signals are horizontaily porarised and there is no band switching.
Preset Stereo Subcarriers Stereo A 5.58 & 5.76 MHz (PANDA j
StereoB 5.94&6.1ZMHz

Stereo C 6.30 & 6.48 MHz

Stereo D 6.66 & 6.84 MHz
Preset Mono Subcarriers Mono 1 6.60 MHz (50 ps)
Mono 2 6.65 MHz
MOnO 3 6.80 MHz
Mono 4 5.94 MHz (PANDA 1)
vrono5 6.12 MHz
Mono 6 6.30 MHz
Mono 7 6.48 MHz
Mono B 6.66 MHz
Mono 9 6.84 MHz
This section contains information on advanced features of the receiver which only
need to be used in certain, specific circumstances.

Fine Tuning at the UHF Tuning Menu

Having first displayed the UHF Tuning Menu, press the F key followed by the
UHF (5) key.
A second option will appear on the menu, with its value flashing. CHANNEL 38
Press the { or } key to go through the values one at a time until the best quality Press F then LEFT,/RIGHT to
picture of the menu can be seen on the screen. start scan.
Fine tune can have any value between -15 and
'15. As you fine tune, the value will Press F then UHF for fine
also be displayed on the receiver's front panel. tune.

Download Facility Menu

. The Download Facility Menu is shown right. You use it to "program" another DOWNLOAD FACILIry
receiver, i.e. to transfer all of the information stored in the receiver's internal
memory. This includes all the settings you made at the menus except those at
1 Power OFF the receiver to
be programmed
the Timer Menu and the clock setting.
. The two receivers must be of the Same type; you cannot, for example, 2 Connect a Scant lead
download the information from a PSR900 Plus to a PSR800 Plus, but you can
between the decoder
transfer it from a PSR9O0 Plus to a PRD900 Plus.
Scart on each receiven
. When using the Download Facility Menu, you must follow the on-screen in- Press STORE to continue or
structions exactly, otherwise errors may occur.
NORM to end.


Carefully follow the instructtons given on the screen.
Power ON the receiver to be
During the download, the "global" information is transferred first, then all the programmed
programme information. Messages will appear on the screen to inform you which
programme is currently being transferred. The download takes about'15 seconds DOWNLOAD FACILITY
and then the ressage Download COMPLETE should appear. When this mes-
sage has appeared, you can disconnect the second receiver. lf the download fails Ready to download
for any reason. the message Download ERROR will appear. Press STORE to continue or
When the download is complete, press the STORE key to return to the Install NORM to end.
Menu or the NORM key to return to normal viewing mode. lf, at any stage before
the final pressing of the STORE key, you wish to stop the download, press the DOWNLOAD FACILIry
NORM kev. Downloading Pnog. 1

Pness STORE to continue or
NORM to end

Download ERROR
Press STORE to continue or
NORM to end

Resetting the Factory Set PIN

lf you wish. you can cut this section from the manual to prevent children (for example) from
learning the factory setting of the PIN and how to reset this factory value. lf they do not know this
PIN they will be unable to view programmes you have locked because you consider them unsuit-
able for chilcjren. Neither will they be able to access menus you have locked. You can lock menus
to prevent chrldren from altering receiver and programme settings.
setting for the PIN is 1?"34. lf you have customised your PIN (see Parental Lock Menu
The factorvt """"':
on naoe .15) and then forget what it is. you can reset the PIN to its factory value as follows. Turn off
the mains power to your receiver, then press and hold down ttre O key while you turn on the mains
power agarn. You need to hold down the key as long as the characters DP are displayed on the
front panel. Note that this action will also unlock any programmes you had locked and will unlock
the menus if you had locked them.
' Do not turn on the power to your receiver, TV, VCR etc. until you have made the necessary cable
' lf you want to connect a SMATV communal aerial, connect it to the LNB 1 connector of a dual input receiver; you
should not connect it to a single input receiver, as on this type of receiver you cannot turn off the LNB 1 power.
' These instructions and diagrams show the UHF (TV) aerial connected to the receiver (i.e. looped-through the
receiver). lf you install it in this way, you should put the receiver into standby, rather than power it off, when it is not in
use, otherwise you will not be able to view terrestrial rV programmes.
' You can connect your UHF aerial directly to the TV or VCR if you connect your TV to your receiver using a full
SCART lead.
' When you have carried out one of the installation schemes described below, refer to the Install Menu section on page
24 of this manuai, specifically the UHF Tuning Menu and the LNB Install Menu. The Tuning Menu in the programme
Setup Menu contains a frequency scan option which can be used to help in the positioning of the dish aerial.
' lf the receiver is connected to the TV/VCR using coaxial cable, stereo sound will not be available from your TV.
' lf there is a short-circuit in the cable which connects the LNB to your receiver, the receiver will not work and mav
generate clicking noises.

Connecting to a TV Using Coaxial Cable

Connect the cable(s) from the dish aerial(s) to the LNB socket(s) on the rear panel of the receiver.
connect the UHF (TV) aerial to the AERTAL socket on the receiver.
Connect a coaxial cable from the TV/VCR socket on the receiver to the aerial socket on your TV.


Connecting to a TV and a VCR Using Coaxial Cable

Connect the cable(s) from the dish aerial(s) to the LNB socket(s) on the rear panel of the receiver.
connect the UHF (TV) aerial to the AERIAL socket on the receiver.
Connect a coaxial cable frorn the TV/VCR socket on the receiver to the aerial socket on your VCR.
Oonnect a coaxial cable from the TV socket on your VCR to the aerial socket on vour TV,

sI N.*u,
ii F.,,,,

I \-/l ,fl) DECoDER vcR

*. 0
^y^Gd'm Hffiffi ffilHffil ,:


Connecting to a TV and VCR Using SCART Leads
The use of SCART leads is the recommended method for connecting up your satellite receiver to external
equipment. Please ensure that you use full SCART leads for this purpose.
Connect the cable(s) from the dish aerial(s) to the LNB socket(s) on the rear panel of the receiver.
Connect the UHF (TV) aerial either by looping it through the receiver and VCR (as shown on the previous page) or by
connecting it to the TV or VCR directly (as shown below).
Connect a SCART lead from the TV SCART connector on your receiver to the SCART connector on your TV.
Connect a SCART lead from the VCR SCART connector on your receiver to the SCART connector on your VCR.
NOTE: lf you have connected your TV using a SCART lead, then you can use the TV/SAT key on your handset to switch
between terrestrial and satellite reception, providing your TV recognises pin 8 of the SCART socket.
NOTE: lf you have connected your VCR using a SCART lead, to record from the receiver you will need to select AUX or
AV on the VCR as the programme to record. When replaying the VCR through the receiver, yoLt will need to switch the
receiver to standby mode or select TV using the TV/SAT key; this method of replaying is, however, only possible if the
TV is also connected using a SCART lead.
NOTE: When you are using the timer function (see the Timer Menu section on page 16) pin B of the receiver's TV
SCART connector will not force the TV into AUX mode. Therefore to watch the programme while you are recording it you
either need to use the coaxial cable method of TV connection, or use a SCART connecticn and manually select AUX on
the TV.

e N,-n,,,
(Back View)


o g VCR

-l r:1
EE rnorr,r TV SocKEr K- \ coNNEcr ro rv qeaFlr
rFcr rn SocKET
ScARr qoeKFT ( -)


(-----r-) (---.-T--I-D



Connecting an External Decoder

The PSR800 Plus and PSR900 Plus models have an integral decoder for viewing VideoCrypt transmissions, but you can
also connect an external decoder to view transmissions which have been scrambled using a different system.
Connect the decoder to the receiver's DECODER SCART connector.
Refer to the External Decoder Menu under the Programme Setup Menu to set the baseband and the audio and video
source for each programme you receive via the external decoder. lf the decoder does not recognise pin 8 of the
DECODER SCART, then you need to set up the audio and video source to be external.

Connecting an External Receiver

Instead of an external decoder, you can connect an external receiver to your receiver's DECODER SCART socket. For
example, you might want to connect a MAC receiver so that you can view MAC programmes (as the PSR800 Plus and
PSR900 Plus are PAL receivers). You then press the AUX/0 key to provide an auxiliary programme via rvhich you can
view the programmes you set up at the external receiver. Pressing the AUX/0 key causes the external audio and video
signals from this external receiver to be routed through to your TV.
Connecting a Pace Dish Positioner
Connect the dish positioner to your receiver's DECODER SCART socket and refer to the Tuning Menu on page 19 to set
up the SATELLITE option on a per-programme basis.
lf you wish to connect an external decoder or receiver as well as the dish positioner, connect the dish positioner to your
receiver's DECODER SCART socket and the external decoder/receiver to one of the decoder SCART sockets on the
dish oositioner.
Connecting an Electromagnetic or Mechanical Polariser
You can connect an electromagnetic or mechanical polariser if your receiver has the appropriate rear panel connector.
Connect the lead from the electromagnetic or mechanical polariser to this connector and then consult the section starting
on page 26 - Using an Electromagnetic or Mechanical Polariser.
Connecting Stereo Equipment
To obtain the maximum performance from your receiver, we recommend that you connect your receiver to a stereo TV or
to a stereo amplifier (for example, in a hi-fi system).
To connect a stereo TV, connect your receiver to your TV (and VCR, if required) using a SCART lead, as described
opposite, then select AV or AUX on your TV.
To connect to a stereo amplifier, firstly connect your receiver to your TV (and VCR, if required) using either a SCART
lead or a coaxial cable, as described earlier in this section. Place the speakers either side of the TV and connect the
phono leads from the AUDIO OUT sockets on your receiver to the appropriate audio input sockets on your amplifier.
Switch your amplifier to Auxiliary Input.


rn O
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lvj o

AERIAL ffiffi'ffi
Number of Programmes (PSRB00 Plus) 199

Number of Programmes (PSR900 Plus) 250

Front Panel Indicators 3-character, 7-segment display for Standby, Timer and
Programme/Channel No.
Front Panel Control Buttons Standby, Programme Up, Programme Down, Authorise
UHF Modulator CCIR PAL System l, Ch. 21 to 69, preset to Ch. 38
Operating Voltage 198 - 264V AC, 50 Hz
Power ConsumPtion 35 W (max.)
Dimensions H = 66 mm, W = 360 mm, D = 210 mm

Weight 2.5 kg (typical, when Packed)

DECODER scART (Baseband output, Audio/video Input/Output, RGB In)

AUDIO OUT Phono (L and R)

MAINS INPUT 2-pin reversible
LNB Single or dual F-tyPe

Receiving FrequencY Range 950 - 2050 MHz
Polarity Switching Vertical 11 .8 - '14.0 V, Horizontal 17.0 - 19.6 V, 0 - 250 mA
Input lmpedance 75A
t. F. 479.5 MHz
l. F. Bandwidth 27 MHz
Input Level -60 dBm to -30 dBm
lmage Rejection 40 dB (typically)
Static Threshold 6 dB (typically)
Energy Dispersion Removal 35 dB (min.)

Video Output Level 1 V p-p (t2 dB)

Video Output lmPedance 75O

Video Frequency Range 25 Hz 4.8 MHz (t1 .5 dB)
Video De-emphasis (PAL) to CCIR 405.1 (625 lines)

i:::ili:i:l:l Baseband OutPut Level 1V p-p (t2 dB)

Baseband FrequencY Range 25 Hz - 10.5 MHz (t1 .5 dB)

Baseband De-emPhasis PAL/MAC, software selectable
Audio Frequency Range 30 Hz - '15 kHz
Audio Output Level 500 mV RMS into 600 A


Operating TemPerature Range 5-40"c
Operating HumiditY Range 20 - 80% non-condensing at 25
Storage Temperature Range -20 to +50
Storage Humidity Range 10 - 90% non-condensing
Audio Bandwidth
150 kHz narrow bano
(mono de-emphasis: pANDA
1 or 50 us)
280 kHz wideband
(mono de-emphasis: J1 7)
Tuning Frequency Range
Preset Stereo Subcarriers
5.00 - 9.00 MHz in 1O kHz steos
Stereo A 7 02 &!?o^y.|., 75ps (pANDA 1)
Stereo B 7.39 & 7.56 MHz

Stereo C 7.74 &7.g2MHz ,,

Stereo D 8.10 & g.2B MHz ,,

Preset Mono Subcarriers
Mono 1 6.50 MHz Wideband (28OkHz), 50ps or J17
Mono 2 7.02 MH,z
75prs (pANDA
Mono 3 7.20 MHz ' ,,

Mono 4 7.38 MHz

Mono 5 7.56 MHz
Mono 6 7.74 MHz
Mono Z 7.92 MHz
Mono 8 8.10 MHz
Mono g B.Zg MHz
NOTE: For C-Band preset audio
modes see page 27.


1 R Audio Out
R Audio Out R Audio Out
z R Audio In N/C R Audio In
? L Audio Out
L Audio Out L Audio Out
4 Audio Ground Audio Ground Audio Ground
Blue Ground Blue Ground Ground
6 L Audio In N/C
7 L Audio ln
Blue In Blue Out N/C
8 Ext. Decoder Status In AV Status Out AV Status In
9 Green Ground Green Ground Ground
10 NiC N/C N/C
1'1 Green In Green Out N/C
12 Serial Data l/O port N/C N/C
13 Red Ground Red Ground Ground
14 N/C N/C NiC
15 Red In Red OuI/SVHS Chroma SVHS Chroma
16 RGB Status In RGB Status Out N/C
17 Video Grouno Video Ground Video Ground
1B Ground Ground Ground
19 Baseband Video Out Video Out Video Out
20 Video In N/C Video
21 Ground (Casing) Ground (Casing)
Ground (Casing)
' Equipment supplied: receiver, mains lead,
UHF lead, handset with batteries, (possibly
also a satellite dish).
' Information suppried: this start-up guide,
user manuar, programme rist.
' You also need: scART cables (recommended)
or coaxial cable(s), and a dish aerial.
Your receiver has been preset at the
factory to receive r?ny satellite programmes.
you wish to see them, you wiil need some of these are scrambred, so if
to pay a subscription to get a viewing card.


' lf vou connect onlv one dish, attach it
to the!1 connector. Make sure your dish
5"tjr::orL'5i,; is pointing at the
How to connect up using scART reads
' For this connection method you can
ignore the section on UHF tuning overleaf.

? $
(Back View)

f a'

W ffi"Hffi wfu'wfu



How to connect up using onry coaxiar

cabre (uHF connection)
' For this connection method you must perform
UHF tuning _ see overreaf.


| | r---T---i---f---


,, ::*ow,',t$,,.,$wic*.,sru,:YauiR REsEIv,,En,,
#H,#: l ffiHlll,ll,lltll::i:lll:lil,il',i,t,t--
lgnore this section if you have used the
When you plug your receiver into the mains it is in SCART connection method.
standby mode. To bring it out of standby, press the O key
on your handset or select a programme using the number It is important that the UHF channel you
keys. To put it back into standby, press the O key again. choose for satellite TV is not being used
for your VCR and is free of any other
broadcasting (i.e. there is no picture and
the screen is displaying "snow").
Provided it is free of any other broadcasting,
,'fJdru,lT$:. U$.E .,..ONt$C.H:EE:$.: Hnfi.U$ we recommend that you use UHF channel 38,
because your receiver has been preset to
channel 38 at the factory. You can simply set
Many of the functions of your receiver can be set up your TV to channel 38 and it will be tuned to
using the On-Screen Menus. These are shown in the your satellite receiver. For any other channel
menu structure diagram in your User Manual. you need to tune your receiver to your TV.
Menu Language How to tune your receiver to your TV
The On-Screen Menus for this receiver can be in English Plug your receiver into the mains and bring it
or German. lf you need to alter the language, do the out of standby mode.
Press the number key on your TV handset
. Press the
MENU key on your handset, to get the Main which you wish to use for satellite TV.
Menu on screen.
Use the receiver handset to put the receiver
. Press 7 to get to the Languages Menu (shown below). into channel scan mode as follows:
. Use the
. Press STORE. The On-Screen Menus will now be in @@@
the language you have selected. A(\A'(\
The channel number displayed on the front
panel (e.9. CH38) will keep changing.
(SPRACHE) IDEUTSCH] The picture on the TV screen will display only
snow until the receiver reaches the correct
channel number (e.9. channel 51).
When a good quality picture of the UHF
Menu Navigation Tuning Menu (see below) appears on the
To gain access to the on-screen menu system, press the screen, stop the scan as follows:
MENU key on your handset. The Main Menu will be
displayed (see below.)
. Select one of the options from a menu by pressing the @
appropriate key on your handset. (For example, press 2 A
to go into the Timer Menu.)
. To move back to the previous menu level, press the zT
I Menu \
UHF Tuning Menu

MENU key.
t-l scan
Channel scan 51 |
To get out of the on-screen menus and back lnto normal I
viewing mode at any time, press the NORM key. Note
I Fine Tune o
that this will not save any of the information you have tlc.u". scan.
Press F to stop scan.
entered. I\_/ I

MAIN MENU lf you did not stop the scan at exactly the
correct channel to put the menu on the screen,
1 PARENTAL LOCK press the { or } key until you do see the menu.
2 TIMER Store the UHF channel as follows:
lf your receiver and TV are connected by a
7 LANGUAGE ISPRACHEI coaxial (UHF) cable, you must use the TV
handset to switch between satellite and
terrestrial TV.

R EM,OJE .,:gOilTRO:L . fI,A{ES ET

Key(s): Use:
To put the receiver into and out of standby
tP-/- l This key does not have any function

F l t- --'_=]
a- ---_l

To select programmes; to move between

FAV to
menus (sometimes to change menu values)
t''.] tE_--l fn__l

[7-l l-
e ] f-q -..l
To select external audio/video (AV) sources

: To recall the last programme
I l

f-<ltl I
I I ll[-=l
F (function) key - used with the other keys
to give "short-cut" methods for certain
l(-1 l t-v/sAil tRApnl functions: functions are shown on the labels
- below the number keys (e.g. LOCK)
Er€ tNoRMl [-nruril
To display the Main Menu on screen; to
move back up the menu tree to previous

With F key to scan through programmes;to

AV select menu options (move within a menu)

To select the adjacent programme in normal

viewing mode; to change values in menus

To display programme information (number

and/or name)

To switch between terrestrial TV, satellite

TV and VCR if your receiver, TV and VCR
are connected by SCART leads
How to change the batteries (size AA)
To select satellite radio programmes

To store changes and leave menu to return

to normal viewing mode

To leave menu without storing changes and

return to normal viewing mode

To mute the sound

3 fitiiltfiffi-Tffitt||fiilFffiflfl
How to key in a programme number (e.g. programme 35)

@BO?O @
You must key in the numbe/s digits quickly (while the dash
is still on the screen and front panel display).
The programme number is displayed briefly on the TV screen
and receiver's front panel, then the programme,s name is
displayed on the front panel.
lf the programme is from a satellite not covered by your
dish antenna, the message ,,No slGNAL,,will appear on the TV
To make sure your receiver is set up correctly, we suggest
that you look at the programme list and key in the number
for sKY NEWS (usually 2) and check that you .un
see sxy rurws.
lf you see cNN, display the LNB Menu and change".t-uully
the LNB option from g.750 FSS A to 10.000 FSS B.
lf you see GALAVISION, display the LNB Menu and change
the LNB option from 1o.0oo FSS B to 9.750 FSS A.
(For further information, see the section in the manual
about LNB installation.)
How to select an adjacent programme

How to use the favourite programmes feature

P1 F1 SKY1
P2 F2 SKY2 This feature allows
F3 you to display a list
Satellite P12 F4
of your 10 favourite
TV picture

cc P5
These are set up
using the Favourite
P3 F9 Programmes Menu.

How to select radio programmes

Keep pressing the
FREO RADIO key to go
TV picture @o LEFT 7.O2
RIGHT 7.2O through the available
c audio modes.

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