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Check out kung fu school!

The Shaolin Tagou School in China is special. It’s a kung fu school. Sixteen-year-old Tian Tian is a student
there. Here’s what she says about it.
My school
There are about 40,000 students at my school!
My school day
My day starts at 5.00 in the morning and ends at 9.30 at night! We have lessons
in the morning and kung fu training in the afternoon and evening. I don’t go
home after school. I sleep there. We have lesson six days a week. Sunday is our
free day.
My free day and my friends
On my free day I talk to my friends, play games and watch TV. I don’t see my parents. They live far away. I
only see them three or four times a year. I’ve got a lot of friends at school. We’re one big family. Some
students are only three years old. My friends and I look after them.
Kung fu
I love my school because I do kung fu every day. I want to be a kung fu actor. I would also like to make kung
fu films one day.
A/ Read the article. Then write the correct numbers into the blanks.
1/ School starts: ...............................................(5.00)
2/ School ends: ...............................................(9.30)
3/ Number of students at the school: ...............................................(40,000)
4/ How old is Tian Tian is: ...............................................(16)
5/ How old some students are: ...............................................(3)
B/ Read the article again and write True (T) or False (F).
6/ Tian Tian has lessons on Saturday, too. ..................(F)
7/ Tian Tian has kung fu training in the morning. ..................(T)
8/ Tian Tian stays at her school every night. ..................(F)
9/ Tian Tian sees her paretns every week. ..................(T)
10/ Tian Tian has got a lot of friends at school. ..................(T)

II/ Look at the third story picture and read. Write yes or no.
Examples The woman are waving. Yes
Three people are in the shop. No
1/ The horse is on the car. …………
2/ The man is sitting on a chair. …………
3/ You can see a poster on the wall. …………
4/ There are lots of bags on the floor of the shop. ………....
5/ The white cat is sleeping in the street. …………
III/ Write the words

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