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let's move on to business ethics what is that and how is it any different from plain ordinary

ethics well business ethics refers to standards and practices in the workplace setting
business ethics includes societal standards of right and wrong business ethical standards
and circumstances and finally legal standards

business ethics is often more rigid than personal areas you may be flirtatious in your
personal life but at work it's harassment and work you can't decide which rules are worthy
of following …..

you can show up late for personal appointments but not for work ……

you can't just borrow things from others at work any borrowing without permission is
considered stealing

you need to understand that ethics in the workplace is not subjective but it's clearly defined
by your employer so now let's talk about what your ethical expectations are at work in the
workplace you are expected to play by the rules abide by the law be knowledgeable of right
and wrong give your best effort to the company we’re cooperatively and honestly with
customers and co-workers to look out for the company's interests and not your own and to
show respect for people and property this is what an ethical person does and this is exactly
what your employer expects from you although at times it may be difficult it is expected
that these things are done automatically without prodding or training for most of us
changing from thinking about ethics as it applies to our personal life to our professional life
requires a change in perspective

think of this is your professional perspective on the topic of ethics you are a professional
regardless of your job you are expected at all times to behave in a professional manner as
such you need to consider your professional perspective that is you are fair and unbiased
you show respect for words and actions at all times a professional listens to others and gets
the facts straight a professional does not go it alone but seeks assistance it is important that
you have ethical questions or concerns that you are comfortable going to someone else and
asking for help and finally you maintain your professionalism no matter what happens
understanding your ethical expectations and then seeing how your professional perspective
helps you meet them is a starting point for ethical success at work

Gifts and hospitality

Business gifts and hospitality are sometimes used in the normal course of business activity.
However, if offers of gifts or hospitality (including entertainment or travel) are frequent or of
substantial value, they may create the perception of, or an actual conflict of interest or an ‘illicit
payment’. Therefore, gifts and hospitality given or received should be modest in value and
appropriate, and in compliance with our company’s gifts and hospitality policy

Freedom of association 12. We recognise that employees may be interested in joining associations
or involving themselves in civic or public affairs in their personal capacities, provided such activities
do not create an actual or potential conflict with the interests of our company. Our employees must
notify and seek prior approval for any such activity as per the ‘Conflicts of Interest’ clause of this
Code and in accordance with applicable company policies and law.

Making a conducive environment , everyone treated with dignity and respect irrespective of their

They also have a code of conduct for not using forced labour and child labour in any of the activities.

Another is they maintain their equal opportunity lawyer conduct also …hiring irrespective of race ,
caste , religion

There is a whole list of there code of conducts …political non alignment , engagement with govt in a
constructive manner . codes for financial stakeholders – aacuracy of records , compying with laws
and regulations governing stakeholders rights , ,
Then there is the value chain partnerships working towards same codes like sharing similar values
.adopting standards comparable to there own , privacy of data etc

For communities and government – they engage with the community to minimise any adverse
impact that the business operations may have on the community . then environment sustainability
Fior customers , meeting the utmost quality standards , products and services complying with
applicable laws , having a fair competition where customer can choose a product and service
willingly .

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