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Kindly answer this activity in a separate document and submit here for checking and record purposes.

Let’s Check True or False. Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.

T1. Attendance during the research orientation is just optional.

T 2. The students may schedule their own oral defense with the subject teacher.

T 3.A standard routing form must be accomplished at all times when transacting with the designated
research personnel.

F 4. In terms of manuscript format, the students may have the liberty to choose whatever they prefer.

F 5. A group defense fee of P 1, 500.00 needs to be paid by every Research group.

T 6. Plagiarism is one ground for rejecting a proposal or paper submission.

F 7. Raw data are not required to be brought by the researchers during final defense.

T 8. Researchers should observe ethical considerations at all times.

T 9. The Research Coordinator schedules the oral defense.

T 10. Once the paper has been successfully defended and booked, the researchers transfer the
ownership of the paper to the College where they belong.

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