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Time frame is most essential ingredient in justice delivery system that aims to have a quick and right

''Justice delayed is justice denied'' is a legal maxim. It means that if legal redress or equitable relief to an
aggrieved party is available but it is not forthcoming timely, it is in effect the same as having no remedy
at all.

The statement above portrayed to the situation of the most pending cases in the highest courts due to
the complexity of cases, the system, over burdened Judiciary and shortage of Judges.

Non-disposal of cases, admission of new cases, frequent contempt proceedings or without necessary
discussion on the maintainability can also cause the pendency and added burden on courts that might
demotivates the litigants, lawyers, and sometimes judges to work on cases.

In Philippines we do have many instances of this ''Justice delayed is justice denied'' issues. Most are
from the rights of the citizens who was neglected to have his or her justice on time due to the
"Professional Misconduct" of those people who delivered the justice to the people or citizens they want
to protect. The other example is the election controversy of Vice-Presidency in this current
administration. It is the battle between Bongbong Marcos and VP Leni Robredo in which the Associate
Justice of Supreme Court of the Philippines Alfredo Benjamin Caguioa continues to willfully delay the
resolution of BBM election case, as he continues to favor VP Leni Robredo and her legal team.

Though it is really a big discouragement to all of us not just to our country but to all justice system who
continuously doing it but we must also remembered that a good jusstice is when we finally realize the
real significance of it in every individual in when the impartial, independent and active judiciary became
a protector of democratic rights, life and liberty of the people.

2. Miscarriage justice is an outcome in a judicial proceeding that is unjust especially to an error made in
a court of law that results in an innocent person being punished or a guilty person being free. These
conviction is a miscarriage justice. The Causes of miscarriages of justice is the plea bargains that offer
incentives for the innocent to plead guilty, sometimes called an innocent prisoner's dilemma.

Miscarriage justice is the mistake or the error made by court in giving an order of consequences to the
accused. While the "Justice delay is Justice denied" is the situation where the accused can't have his or
her Justice on the exact period of time due to many circumstances. In this maxim there is a justice but it
is not offered or available when it is needed.

The example of Miscarriage Justice is the G.R Nos. 138874-75 of July 21, 2005.

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