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DS-1® Fifth Edition, Volume 3, Drill Stem Inspection

1.  Introduction 3 addresses the inspection of drill string equipment consist-

ing of a single piece with no component pieces. Examples
Since 1992, Standard DS-1 has worked to prevent drill include drill pipe, drill collars, subs, and pup joints. Volume
stem failures. It was first sponsored by members of the 4, first published with Fourth Edition, addresses drilling
Drilling Engineers Association (DEA) and other parties specialty tools, which are defined as a device that:
as DEA Project 74. Originally an industry-standard set
of inspection procedures for used drill pipe, the scope of • can be run in a drill string or casing string and
the standard and its acceptance in the industry has grown perform some function;
dramatically through four previous editions. • is assembled from two or more components, and;
This Fifth Edition of Standard DS-1 consists of six • is complete in itself with no additional equipment
Volumes: needed for its function except possibly some

• Volume 1 covers the manufacture of various drill external power or pressure source.
stem elements. Examples of drilling specialty tools include mud motors,
• Volume 2 provides resources and calculations to MWD, LWD, underreamers, and safety valves.
design and operate a drill string successfully.

• Volume 3—this book—gives inspection pro- 1.3  Sponsorship

cedural control and acceptance criteria for Sponsorship of DS-1 is open to any company or institution
generic components such as drill pipe, drill collars, having an interest in the field. The sponsorship group in-
HWDP, subs, etc. cludes oil and gas operating companies, drilling contractor
companies, rental companies, inspection companies, and oil
• Volume 4 outlines a quality control structure for field service companies. Sponsorship fees are paid to Bureau
the maintenance processes of specialty tools. Veritas and are used to conduct research, to recommend
• Volume 5 covers the inspection of new and used content, and to write, update, and maintain the standard.
bits for oilfield drilling. For sponsorship information contact:

• Volume 6 provides the inspection procedures and DS-1 Engineering

acceptance criteria for used aluminum drill pipe. Bureau Veritas
16800 Greenspoint Park Drive, Suite 300S
Houston, Texas 77060
1.1  Bureau Veritas and T H Hill (281) 671-5700 (phone)
In March 2012, Bureau Veritas acquired T H Hill (email)
Associates, Inc. With the acquisition, the process of
integrating T H Hill service lines and Standard DS-1
development work with Bureau Veritas’s service portfolio 1.4  Copyright Notice
was initiated. On September 1, 2016 the integration This standard is copyrighted and is the property of Bureau
process was advanced by merging T H Hill Associates Veritas. Anyone who wishes to use this standard may
with Bureau Veritas’s North America operating company do so, but no part of the standard may be photocopied,
(Bureau Veritas North America, Inc). This step has enabled electronically duplicated, entered into a computer, or
expansion of the global footprint of Standard DS-1. It has otherwise reproduced without prior written permission
also provided access to an extensive network of engineering from Bureau Veritas.
support which helps to accelerate the technical content
development efforts.
1.5  Content
The content of this standard is determined by a commit-
1.2  Coverage tee of technical representatives from sponsor companies.
In the Fifth Edition of Standard DS-1 (as was introduced However, suggestions for improving this standard are
in the Fourth Edition), inspection and qualification of drill welcomed from any source. Suggested changes should be
string components is specified in Volumes 3 and 4. Volume sent to the address above.

Copyright TH Hill Associates, Inc.
Provided by IHS Markit under license with TH HILL Licensee=NOV - 16 - Etten-Leur, The Netherlands/5909681251, User=Koops, Gert
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 09/02/2020 01:59:56 MDT
T H H I L L A S S O C I AT E S ( A B U R E A U V E R I TA S C O M PA N Y )

Revisions and corrections of the DS-1 Standards are the purchase or use of this standard shall be deemed an
published from time to time. Before using the standard, unconditional acceptance of these terms and conditions
be sure to contact us (see information above) or visit by the user. to make sure you have the
latest edition.
1.10  Proprietary Products
Users of this standard are advised that certain dimensions
1.6  Significant Changes from DS-1 and properties of proprietary products are listed in this
Fourth Edition standard. These dimensions and properties have generally
To assist the user in identifying changes between Standard been provided by the manufacturers of the products in
DS-1 Fourth Edition and Fifth Edition, Table A.1 is question, and are listed herein solely for the convenience
provided (located in the Appendix). Table A.1 lists some of users who may be using or contemplating the use of
of the new inspection procedures and methods added and such products. Bureau Veritas, its officers and directors,
some of the key changes made to the inspection procedures the editorial committee members and their companies,
and methods previously covered in Fourth Edition and now and the sponsor companies have not verified the service-
continued in Fifth Edition. The goal is to familiarize DS-1 ability of these products nor the reliability of the data
users with these changes. However it is not meant to be an furnished, nor do they make any representation whatever
exhaustive list that requires no further investigation. Table as to the accuracy of the data or reliability of the product.
A.1 serves as a reference to be reviewed prior to examining Furthermore, a listing in this standard does not constitute
a license to manufacture any product. Such license can only

the contents of Standard DS-1 Fifth Edition, Volume 3.
be obtained from the owner of the product in question.
Anyone contemplating manufacture of any product listed
1.7  Assumptions herein is cautioned to verify that such manufacture will not
This standard is written and published solely for the violate any right or patent of the holders of the proprietary
convenience of the user. The data presented herein is based product in question.
on assumptions about material properties and operating
conditions which will not apply in all circumstances. Since 1.11  Proprietary Technology and
actual properties and conditions cannot be foreseen, each
user must first ascertain how local equipment or operating License Agreement
conditions deviate from the assumptions herein, then The methods of calculating Curvature Index, Stability
employ sound engineering and technical judgment in Index, Reactive Torque, and Connection Fatigue Index
deciding when to employ any part of this standard. are and remain the exclusive property of Bureau Veritas.
The values given in this standard for Curvature Index,
Stability Index, Reactive Torque, and Connection Fatigue
1.8  Limitations Index are and remain the exclusive property of Bureau
This standard is not a training manual, nor should it be Veritas. License is hereby granted to persons who purchase
used by untrained or inexperienced personnel, or people and register this standard to use the values given herein
who are not qualified in drilling engineering, threading for Curvature Index, Stability Index, Reactive Torque,
technology, inspection technology, quality assurance, or and Connection Fatigue Index for the sole purpose of
applicable codes, standards, and procedures. This standard designing drill strings or setting inspection intervals.
is not intended to meet the duties of employers to properly No person or organization may use these values, curves,
train and equip their employees in any of the above fields. formulas, or methods of calculation for any other purpose,
including developing training material or training others
in drill string design or inspection. These values, curves,
1.9  Terms and Conditions for Use and formulas may not be retyped, hand copied, redrawn,
The terms and conditions stated in paragraphs 1.9 through scanned, photocopied, or employed in the production or
1.12 are the sole and exclusive terms and conditions by use of any computer program or software, except with the
which this Standard DS-1 is offered for sale or use, and prior written permission of Bureau Veritas.

Copyright TH Hill Associates, Inc.
Provided by IHS Markit under license with TH HILL Licensee=NOV - 16 - Etten-Leur, The Netherlands/5909681251, User=Koops, Gert
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 09/02/2020 01:59:56 MDT

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