DCS 304

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Paper Code : DCS-304

Roll No :..................................
Examination : DECEMBER 2020
3rd Year
Section A-Artificial Intelligence
Section B-Neural Network
Time : 1 Hours ] [ Max. Marks : 60

Instructions :-
Attempt All Questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Fill the 'Bubble' available in OMR Sheet to mark your Answer.
Only one option is correct out of all available option.
There is 1 mark for correct answer.
There is No Negative marking for incorrect answer.

1. Which of the following is true ? (i) On average, neural networks have higher computation rates than
conventional computers. (ii) Neural networks learn by example (iii) Neural networks mimic the way the
human brain works
(A) (ii) and (iii) are true
(B) (i),(ii) and (iii) are true
(C) All of them are true
(D) None of these
2. Perceptron can learn:
(C) Both A and B
(D) None of these
3. What are models in neural networks?
(A) mathematical representation of our understanding
(B) representation of biological neural networks
(C) both way
(D) none of these
4. Match the following : (i) OLAP (a) Regression (ii) OLTP (b) Data Warehouse (iii) Decision Tree (c) RDBMS
(iv) Neural Network (d) Classification
(A) (b) (c) (a) (d)
(B) (b) (c) (d) (a)
(C) (c) (b) (a) (d)
(D) (c) (b) (d) (a)
5. Which of the following neural networks uses supervised learning? (A) Multilayer perceptron (B) Self
organizing feature map (C) Hopfield network
(A) (A) only
(B) (B) only
(C) (A) and (B) only
(D) (A) and (C) only
6. Back propagation is a learning technique that adjusts weights in the neural network by propagating weight
(A) Forward from source to sink
(B) Backward from sink to source
(C) Forward from source to hidden nodes
(D) Backward from sink to hidden nodes
7. In which of the following slots and facets are used?
(A) Semantic Networks
(B) Frames
(C) Rules
(D) All of these
8. Different learning method does not include:
(A) Memorization
(B) Analogy
(C) Deduction
(D) Introduction
9. Which of the following related to perceptron?
(A) Feed-forward neural network
(B) Back-propagation alogorithm
(C) Back-tracking algorithm
(D) Feed Forward-backward algorithm
10. The fundamental unit of network is
(A) brain
(B) nucleus
(C) neuron
(D) axon
11. What are dendrites?
(A) fibers of nerves
(B) nuclear projections
(C) other name for nucleus
(D) none of the mentioned
12. A neuron with 3 inputs has the weight vector [0.2 -0.1 0.1]^T and a bias θ = 0. If the input vector is X =
[0.2 0.4 0.2]^T then the total input to the neuron is:
(A) 0.2
(B) 1
(C) 0.02
(D) (-1.0)
13. Signal transmission at synapse is a?
(A) physical process
(B) chemical process
(C) physical & chemical both
(D) none
14. In hopfield model with symmetric weights, network can move to?
(A) lower
(B) higher
(C) lower or higher
(D) lower or same
15. Which of the following can be used for clustering of data ?
(A) Single layer perception
(B) Multilayer perception
(C) Self organizing map
(D) Radial basis function
16. What is shape of dendrites like
(A) oval
(B) round
(C) tree
(D) rectangular
17. Which of the following is the body of neuron and thus cant be at ends of it so cant receive & transmit
(A) dendrites
(B) axon
(C) synapses
(D) nucleus
18. Which of the following are correct ? (a) Dendrites are tree like projections whose function is only to
receive impulse. (b) Cell is said to be fired if & only if potential of body reaches a certain steady threshold
(A) (a) only
(B) (b) only
(C) (a) and (b)
(D) none
19. What are the issues on which biological networks proves to be superior than AI networks?
(A) robustness and fault tolerance
(B) flexibility
(C) collective computation
(D) all of these
20. How does the transmission/pulse acknowledged ?
(A) by lowering electric potential of neuron body
(B) by raising electric potential of neuron body
(C) both by lowering & raising electric potential
(D) none
21. What is effect on neuron as a whole when its potential get raised to -60mv?
(A) it get fired
(B) no effect
(C) it get compressed
(D) it expands
22. What is the function of neurotransmitter ?
(A) they transmit data directly at synapse to other neuron
(B) they modify conductance of post synaptic membrane for certain ions
(C) cause polarisation or depolarisation
(D) both polarisation and modify conductance of membrane
23. An artificial neuron receives n inputs x1, x2, x3............xn with weights w1, w2, ..........wn attached to the
input links. The weighted sum_________________ is computed to be passed on to a non-linear filter Φ
called activation function to release t
(A) Σ wi
(B) Σ xi
(C) Σ wi + Σ xi
(D) Σ wi* xi
24. Consider the following statements: (a) If primal (dual) problem has a finite optimal solution, then its dual
(primal) problem has a finite optimal solution. (b) If primal (dual) problem has an unbounded optimum
solution, then its dual (primal) has no feas
(A) (a) and (b) only
(B) (a) and (c) only
(C) (b) and (c) only
(D) (a), (b) and c
25. What is hebb’s rule of learning?
(A) the system learns from its past mistakes
(B) the system recalls previous reference inputs & respective ideal outputs
(C) the strength of neural connection get modified accordingly
(D) none of the mentioned
26. What is the critical threshold voltage value at which neuron get fired?
(A) 30mv
(B) 20mv
(C) 25mv
(D) 10mv
27. Why can’t we design a perfect neural network?
(A) full operation is still not known of biological neurons
(B) number of neuron is itself not precisely known
(C) number of interconnection is very large & is very complex
(D) all of these
28. Operations in the neural networks can perform what kind of operations?
(A) serial
(B) parallel
(C) serial or parallel
(D) none of these
29. How can states of units be updated in hopfield model?
(A) synchronously
(B) asynchronously
(C) synchronously and asynchronously
(D) none
30. Which action is faster pattern classification or adjustment of weights in neural nets?
(A) pattern classification
(B) adjustment of weights
(C) equal
(D) either of them can be fast, depending on conditions
31. What is the feature of ANNs due to which they can deal with noisy, fuzzy, inconsistent data?
(A) associative nature of networks
(B) distributive nature of networks
(C) both associative & distributive
(D) cummulative
32. What was the name of the first model which can perform wieghted sum of inputs?
(A) McCulloch-pitts neuron model
(B) Marvin Minsky neuron model
(C) Hopfield model of neuron
(D) Micky neuron model
33. Who proposed the first perceptron model in 1958?
(A) McCulloch-pitts
(B) Marvin Minsky
(C) Hopfield
(D) Rosenblatt
34. What is the contribution of Ackley, Hinton in neural?
(A) perceptron
(B) boltzman machine
(C) learning algorithms
(D) Error correction
35. What is ART in neural networks?
(A) automatic resonance theory
(B) artificial resonance theory
(C) adaptive resonance theory
(D) adaptive resultant theory
36. In Delta Rule for error minimization:
(A) weights are adjusted w.r.to change in the output
(B) weights are adjusted w.r.to difference between desired output and actual output
(C) weights are adjusted w.r.to difference between input and output
(D) none of the above
37. Where does the chemical reactions take place in neuron?
(A) dendrites
(B) axon
(C) synapses
(D) nucleus
38. When both inputs are 1, what will be the output of the pitts model nand gate ?
(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) either 0 or 1
(D) z
39. What was the 2nd stage in perceptron model called?
(A) sensory units
(B) summing unit
(C) association unit
(D) output unit
40. What is adaline in neural networks?
(A) adaptive linear element
(B) automatic linear element
(C) adaptive line element
(D) automatic line element
41. who invented the adaline neural model?
(A) Rosenblatt
(B) Hopfield
(C) Werbos
(D) Widrow
42. When the cell is said to be fired?
(A) if potential of body reaches a steady threshold values
(B) if there is impulse reaction
(C) during upbeat of heart
(D) none
43. What was the main point of difference between the adaline and perceptron model?
(A) weights are compared with output
(B) sensory units result is compared with output
(C) analog activation value is compared with output
(D) all of the mentioned
44. In neural how can connectons between different layers be achieved?
(A) interlayer
(B) intralayer
(C) both interlayer and intralayer
(D) either interlayer or intralayer
45. Correlation learning law is special case of?
(A) Hebb learning law
(B) Perceptron learning law
(C) Delta learning law
(D) LMS learning law
46. What is true regarding backpropagation rule?
(A) it is a feedback neural network
(B) actual output is determined by computing the outputs of units for each hidden layer
(C) hidden layers output is not all important, they are only meant for supporting input and output layers
(D) none of the mentioned
47. How can learning process be stopped in backpropagation rule?
(A) there is convergence involved
(B) no heuristic criteria exist
(C) on basis of average gradient value
(D) none
48. In which year Marvin Minsky developed the first learning machine in which connection strengths could
be adapted automatically and efficiebtly.
(A) 1951
(B) 1964
(C) 1954
(D) 1959
49. What is the objective of backpropagation algorithm?
(A) to develop learning algorithm for multilayer feedforward neural network
(B) to develop learning algorithm for single layer feedforward neural network
to develop learning algorithm for multilayer feedforward neural network, so that network can be trained to
capture the mapping implicitly
(D) to develop learning algorithm for only one layer backforward neural network
50. Why is the XOR problem exceptionally interesting to neural network researchers?
(A) Because it can be expressed in a way that allows you to use a neural network
(B) Because it is complex binary operation that cannot be solved using neural networks
(C) Because it can be solved by a single layer perceptron
(D) Because it is the simplest linearly inseparable problem that exists
51. A perceptron adds up all the weighted inputs it receives, and if it exceeds a certain value, it outputs a 1,
otherwise it just outputs a 0.
(C) Sometimes – it can also output intermediate values as well
(D) Can’t say
52. The network that involves backward links from output to the input and hidden layers is called as ____.
(A) Self organizing maps
(B) Perceptrons
(C) Recurrent neural network
(D) Multi layered perceptron
53. How many types are available in machine learning?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
54. What is meant by generalized in statement “backpropagation is a generalized delta rule” ?
(A) because delta rule can be extended to hidden layer units
(B) because delta is applied to only input and output layers, thus making it more simple and generalized
(C) it has no significance
(D) because delta rule can be extended to double layer units
55. Why are linearly separable problems of interest of neural network researchers?
(A) Because they are the only class of problem that network can solve successfully
(B) Because they are the only class of problem that Perceptron can solve successfully
(C) Because they are the only mathematical functions that are continue
(D) Because they are the only mathematical functions you can draw
56. Neural Networks are complex ______________ with many parameters.
(A) Linear Functions
(B) Nonlinear Functions
(C) Discrete Functions
(D) Exponential Functions
57. Having multiple perceptrons can actually solve the XOR problem satisfactorily: this is because each
perceptron can partition off a linear part of the space itself, and they can then combine their results.
(A) True – this works always, and these multiple perceptrons learn to classify even complex problems
False – perceptrons are mathematically incapable of solving linearly inseparable functions, no matter what
you do
(C) True – perceptrons can do this but are unable to learn to do it – they have to be explicitly hand-coded
(D) False – just having a single perceptron is enough
58. Which of the following is an application of NN (Neural Network)?
(A) Sales forecasting
(B) Data validation
(C) Risk management
(D) All of these
59. John hopfield was credited for what important aspec of neuron?
(A) learning algorithms
(B) adaptive signal processing
(C) energy analysis
(D) none of these
60. In LISP, the function returns the list that results after the first element is removed (the rest f the list), is
(A) car
(B) last
(C) cons
(D) cdr

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