BSC109 Week 2 Lab Report

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BSC109 Week 2 Virtual Microscope Lab Report

Part I: Images

1. Screenshot of 400X Letter ‘e’ Image:

2. Screenshot of 40X onion cell image:

3. Screenshot of 100X onion cell image:

4. Screenshot of 400X onion cell image:

Part II: Questions

1. Why did you have to use a microscope to view the onion cells?
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2. What happened to your view through the microscope as you increased the
magnification of the onion root tip? Did you have to adjust any of the microscope
controls as you zoomed in? If so, how/why?
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3. What was the general shape of the onion cells? Why do they have this shape?
How does this differ from the shape(s) of other eukaryotic cell types (such as
human cells)?
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4. What was the dark circular structure in the middle of most cells?
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5. Are there organelles visible in your images? If so, identify which one(s). If not,
explain why they were not visible.
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6. Speculate as to how prokaryotic (bacterial) cells might have looked when viewed
under this microscope.
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