Narrative Writing Test Write A Story Which Includes The Sentence: You Want Me To Lead The Group But I Don't Think I Have The Right Qualities'

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Narrative Writing Test 

Write a story which includes the sentence: ‘You want me to lead the group but I don’t
think I have the right qualities’.

What damage could have possibly been done if he would have told us before about this? My
frustration made my eyes water as a few ran down my face. Roger continued with a smirk as he
said sarcastically, “You want me to lead the group but I don't think I have the right qualities.”

“And you think telling us all of this right now is beneficial?” I said with my voice cracking slightly.
He turned towards me with annoyance written across his face as he replied, “It’s not like you
guys would have listened to me earlier.”

That’s it. I got up from my seat as I stumbled up to him. Grabbing him by the collar and cried
into his face, “If you would have told us before, we would have left you and come up with
something! And you have the audacity to tell this right now! The day of the audition!”

How could I have been so stupid to rely on someone I knew could have been a potential enemy!
I knew he had something against us the day he started to show up late at the band rehearsals
and hung out with our opponents.

It’s all my fault! I wished I would have never asked him to lead us in the first place. But how
could I possibly not? He was one of the best singers in our camp!

Regaining control of myself, I wiped my tears. Roger left quickly, leaving us completely

Crying was not the answer to this and it’s not like I would have won a fist fight against him.

“We were doing High Hopes by Brandon Urie, right?” I quietly questioned Adan and Hashir, my
fellow teammates, plugging the cord into the guitar. This is going to be a hell of a night. 

Well, maybe it was better if we would just have quitted this competition.

I stood there on the stage completely frozen as I viewed the audience before me. I could hear
some people laughing and snapping pictures as Hashir dug holes in my head from behind, yet I
couldn’t seem to snap out of my daze.

I opened my mouth then closed it a few times just like a goldfish but I couldn't hear my own
voice. And to worsen it all, I could feel the sudden urge to go to the bathroom kicking in. I
squinted my legs together to stop myself from making a mockery of my band but my actions
didn't go unnoticed which gifted me a good number of snickers from the audience. 

And in one sudden movement, I found myself walking towards the end of the stage with a force
dragging me with it. I sighed quietly. It was Hashir. I was glad he had taken over, but the
embarrassment didn't help me process any of it as I heard Adan mutter a sorry to the audience.

Maybe Roger was right. I’m a failure.

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