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aL B.A 16in. square column is reinforced with four No. 14 (No. 43) bars, one in euch ‘omer, with cover distances 3 i. tthe tel centri each direction, Merial Stenghs ate f= SOO0 psi and, 60000 ps. Construct the interaction diagram relating axial strength Pn Nlexural Seng My Bening wil be out an axis parallel 0 one face’ Calculate the coordinate fr P,P. and at least three other representative points onthe curve Ucn cud da 8 iid on cet ait Na tc Ser cmiens ta eras aeseaemaccn see Gemaulsson soit = colso Wag Conangaldagemasemerecongee istonl esac scan laterals een Len econ pect Pose cae Coaiincarmtspaty ptm pepe Sey aon nesne org retinue ts ‘caphin nen ddan ny de ett hf oeshSetSeasas5)- 4S) pale ‘an ben 3S SRN fA 4 casino asssoasaes tf -s a ence ‘acu et sg ce Coton eeatnbt catenin! Wnnretona mie socal) oachenan east psoneraaan syasvens Cede bee nay ce aedeagus a emt yang neon ms etanatoa( foment notated at-O)-4Se aad socom 8 senate asant Saeki pase org oom tmdt edie rested sg nem so ah-aisase-nas) Stamm, HsDhra inn Aan f nan io sy edo am moans )eucle-o)-9(c-092) Soa Sf, 52a te AS 4A J geass sasa-oe)-45s04-855) (0.1590) 28,1053) 1000 Paps 0 (616,368) Gas,97) 10209” aha sani) 8.2. Starting with the column in Problem 8.1, perform enough additional calcu- lations to determine the effects of increasing f; from 5000 to 8000 psi on column capacity at both high and low axial loads. Assuming that a com- pressive strength of 8000 psi is appropriate for the lower stories of a high-rise structure, would you recommend using concrete with f7 = 8000 psi for the columns supporting all stories within the building? Use your analysis to sup- port your answer. 8.2 Comenzando con la columna del problema 8.1, realice suficientes célculos adicionales para determinar los efectos de aumentar f. de 5000 a 8000 psi en capacidad de columna tanto con cargas axiales altas como bajas. Suponiendo que una resistencia a la compresidn de 8000 psi es apropiada para los pisos inferiores de una estructura de gran altura, ¢recomendaria usar concreto con f! columnas que apoyan todos los pisos dentro del edificio? Utilice su andlisis para soportar 8000 psi para el puerto de su respuesta. (ye 0.85% o(162-Ft Ix60 = z2eewkss Compared ts probhen &4, Thies BZPLt2s “S99 . repre sats a 20 239.61, jeeater oval Loe cf Capon ty £1 Leow Posbban C4 - d Ce Tiber, Aa Bevan, F.+fs shoon. an (eh bn Ch O sang or ark as Por = OB Su FR LEME A45 (40:3 —0.8Tn8) —4 5x60 22776 277-/77 cF7y Man =O8S KF «x BGG (F- 2ey J 44 TU¥D, 8 -ONSKB XT HES ¥ bo zYo yg Gass = PI7 aA S37-S26 Ge = 3 ¥ 326 a 70 fle (8 amet CE Comore da Jf ber Asher {loons becajse trierense an Lb alk Capuaty (3 ramet fe = Sooo ssi «Ss Just feSo~ 4, whore fuss hep veal Leal Capon ty as aceteS. KBD = HO Jy ame ta te 8.3. Plot the design strength curve relating ¢P, and ¢M, for the column of Problem 8.1. Design and detail the tie steel required by the ACI Code. Is the column a good choice to resist a load P, = 540 kips applied with an eccen- tricity e = 4.44 in.? 8.3. Trace la curva de resistencia de disefio que relaciona pP y pM, para la columna del problema 8.1. Disefie y detalle el acero de amarre requerido por el Cédigo ACI. éEs la columna una buena opcién para resistir una carga P, = 540 kips aplicada con una excentricidad e = 4,44 pulg.? Step to ‘btn the interaction elagram relating axel strength nd flexural strengh fom the esut of problem 91 es fllaing below (0, 1590) 1500 (243, 1053) 1000 P(kips) 500 (376, 368) (326,197) 100 200-300-400 M(ft-kips) Step? Cbiain the maximum vale fr P and minimum value of fom the graph. M = 247 kips Calculate the valu of Pas fon below Here, the value of ¢ 1s 0.65 fortied columns Subsituto 1590 Kis for Pand 0.85 or 4 1034 kips elevate the design strength a9 following below Hore, the value of a i 0.8 for tod columns. Subsite 0.8 fr «0.65 for ¢, and 1880 kips for P Step oi Calculate the gY 25 flowing below Horo, he vali of ¢ 190.9 forfoxure Subsitts 247 ips for Mand 0.9 for g $M =09%247 Lips Plot the graph between gP and gi with the values of (222, 0) (0, 1034) as following bslow: (0, 1590) 1500 (243, 1053) OP = 1034 kips 1000 P{kips) 500 (376, 368) OM = 222 ft-kips Q 100 200-300-400 M@t-kips) From he graph the value of design stents 627 kip ard the appod la is 540 kp, Here, the appeconis es than he desig stengh; hence the columns geed choice o resis he apple oad Trereiore, this column is [good choice] to resist he applied lad ee eee en eae ee casing ual! bending about he Yani, Mate strength ej, = 0k ond =a lasing no fever tan fve pons, inciing tose coespoding 0 Pa ‘bending pur aaa st and balanced alr (@) Compare be cll rales with the obained axing Graph A10 ia ‘Appondls A (o.Show om the same drawing the design strength curve cained tough {ntoducion of the ACI air. (4 Design he ate ceifoctnet forthe olum, ving key mensions foc. ty 20. ‘Ae= Bo, 10180 2) a! a ty + +] | ate ode Poctrtnstoncc an ato teach mended pals) ‘oltre ‘soma mpPoacbeset ety Step 47 of 4 Determine the design moment capacity fr exial thrust (compression) (\M,), using ¢ factors; (M,), =O (Ma), ‘Suibsthute 0.65 for # and 270.92 f-kips for (Mf, (,), =0.65%270.92 =176.09 A-kips Hence, the design moment cepacity fr axil thrust (compression) is step 48 050 Dotermine tho dosign strength for concontc leading condition. (P,), using ¢ factors; (P), -08x9%R, ‘Substiuts 0.65 for ¢ and 1,460.4 kips for P, (Py 08«065x1,4604 =1594kips Hence, the design strength for concentic loading condition is [7594s] Step 49 015 Deteimine the design momen! capacily for concenivc loading condition (IM,), using ¢ factors, (M,),= Ma Substtuta 0.65 for # and 0 for Mf, (a4,),=06ss0 -0 Hence, the design moment capaci for concentric loading condtion [rao Step 50 15. Determine the design strength for pure bending condition. (7), using ¢ fectors; (0).=0%?, Substtuta 065 for ¢ and for P, (F) p= 0.650 =o Hence, the design strength for pure bending conditon is stop 51 ci 54 Detarmino tho dosign moment capacity for pure bending condition (M,), using ¢ factors; (M,),=6x(M,), Substitute 0.9 for # and 262.68 fkips for (M,), (u,), =09% 262.68 2364 fRkips Hence, the design moment capacity for pure bending condition is [3364 Rips Stop 62.0154 Diaw the design sirength curve with strength interaction curve as in Figure (5). 1600 Sot maptone Pekin persis \ 300 500 (gue B00 My= 22.68 Me ies Step 53 01 54 4) Determine the transverse reinforcements as per the ACI code provision; Use No. 3,No 10)barfor ts wth arse of Sn, nN. 9 (No, 23)longhutnal bars th dlameter of 1128 ‘Condition fortis spacing east of (6(4,),,48(4, Least dimensionof thecolumn) Calculate the centre to centre spacing of ties using the relation Spacing ~#8(¢,), Here, (d,), isthe ciameter ofthe te ber subsite Bn () 3 spacings? spacings =Kin step 54154 Cae the centro cent spacing fies using th elation, Spacing=16(4,), Here, (q,), is the diameter of the longitudinal bar Substitute 1.128in. for (4), Spacing=16x1,128 =1805in, Least dimension of the eoluran is 15 in. Take the least value of (10 in. 10.05 in., and 15 in] Hence, provide No. 3 (No. 10) tie bars with the spacing of 15 in. centre to centre. 8.5. The column shown in Fig. P8.5 is subjected to axial load and bending moment, causing bending about an axis parallel to that of the rows of bars. What moment M,, would cause the column to fail if the axial load P, applied simul- taneously was 1250 kips? Material strengths are f; = 4000 psi and f, = 60 ksi. pe bel 25h Ast = 12.No. 10 (No. 32) 8.5. La columna que se muestra en la figura P8.5 esta sujeta a una carga axial y un momento flector, lo que provoca la flexién alrededor de un eje paralelo al de las filas de barras. EQué momento M, haria que la columna fallara si la carga axial P, aplicada simultneamente, fuera de 1250 kips? Las resistencias del material son f. = 4000 psi yf, = 60 ksi. sop 4 Determine the ates of steel (,) using the relation Here, date dlamater ofthe se8 Substate 32 om fort sm 00390 mm siep20%6 Determine the vohumetic rai ofthe clara (p) using the relation Horo, 4, isthe area of loo, sho length ofthe id, fis the wich ofthe column, and, Ite gross area of te column, Substitute 12232? for 4,12 fr, 25in forh, and 25 in fr 8 ‘Step30r Determine the center to center spacing between the to end see bas (e using he elation sob-2e Here, xis the space betneen column side and the ste! bar Subsiute 25 in. for band. in. for Step 45 Sulstite 20 n for sane 25 infor © sep Determine the loc onthe esluren (i) using the elation Fxbh Horo, P, the avalload and” ithe compressive strength of concreta Subsite 1250 kip for 7, 4000 por p',25ln far, end 25 in for 8 pie te =05kipe Refer Graph, "Column strength interacon diagram for rectangular section uith bars on fourfecea and 0.4" fom the techaok When XK, 150.5 psi and 7 0.8, the vale of moment rom graph (R.) 0.1875 n-ps. steps Detennine the moment (\f,) using he relation: = asl ‘Substile 0.1875 in-hips for R400 psifor 4°, 25in.forb, and 25 in for 2M, =(0.185in-ips 4000p HS 7 Wn Ha r167sin ipo 977 fine ‘Therefor, the moment that would eause the colin ofallwhan axial load ie applied simwhaneously s [FTIR 8.6. What is the strength M, of the column of Problem 8.5 if it was loaded in pure bending (axial force = G) about one principal axis? 8.6. éCual es la resistencia M de la columna del problema 8.5 si se cargo en flexidén pura (fuerza axial = 0) alrededor de un eje principal? Step 1 of 1 Fr ow Graph A.7 Peo, Kurd i = O27 Pty = O.2975 e¥¥ bE ST e2S = LS VEG 2. lhe = (289 {t-b2s 8.7. Construct the interaction diagram relating P,, to M, for the building column shown in Fig. P8.7. Bending will be about the axis a-a. Calculate specific coordinates for concentric loading (e = 0), for P,, and at least three other points, well chosen, on the curve. Material strengths are f’ = 8000 psi and Ff, = 60,000 psi. |e 6 > | 20” |e 4 et ¢t sty 30” Agt = 10 No. 14 (No. 43) - - 4 oh 8.7. Construya el diagrama de interaccion que relaciona P con M para la columna del edificio que se muestra en la figura P8.7. La flexién sera sobre el eje a-a. Calcular coordenadas especificas para carga concéntrica (e = 0), para P, y al menos otros tres puntos, bien elegidos, en la curva. Las_ resistencias del material son f! = 8000 psi yf = 60.000 psi. Cows Lwregscros Dueicass RE CHLIOM, 0145500 Trews (owner, Rrossirab + ThA. Due to UsRee AMOUNT OF LONE TODIMAL *BSnb (1P55n7ZO 4 61d. 4 52 TATY BEIMFORceMeNT; $60, WIS = B84 eer, Herst5e (Agha) oat My 7.88Scab(8-2)* E542 +5297 une * ratte 229-24 ASA 92S Paves depen. $UC ey 780l2 * VB4V IPE. Cys sect veces #270 *16.% A> Bor Sale 05H, TE GMLOu. as iza5ie, 2p Faz ZOO ee M191 Meer, | E,,2.cez0 €,: ecoos f= 800m Beciina 25 14 B o.ccon =6,'zeleoni] Tat FORE Mays 82S wears a Co enone tn mo £28. anceu.) Ree eeu ashen Ben u gS FSer errs Firosstiabs GEA + EE As NET VALS, Bost CAA BELLE TO eee ab aas CotertLet TAGE. Py Meter, Rei os5fiabla-2)+ 6sesA,,Cile) + + Ey EgAag (240-4 Foe, (ED 2 35\7 @* O37 er + 264d ys ec -l2us = Weddua, M, + te x “8 2053 ar-er Ones Hours zJe] cI re] tf eccce [ecco [ocors | oceze, ~p[_e [zewo [szzee [vocoo if 4 w 4, 3 jloceis | c.coco]o,coi3 [0.0825 [zac | O | 27200 | wo ("0.6044 |o.c022 | 0.0000 |o0eez_ voces [goes] © | ecto [eon [e.cwo | eccko |e. cece ecco [weeo [wo xo sb 8.8. A short rectangular reinforced concrete column shown in Fig. P8.8 is to be a part of a long-span rigid frame and will be subjected to high bending moments combined with relatively low axial loads, causing bending about the strong axis. Because of the high eccentricity, steel is placed unsymmetrically as shown, with three No. 14 (No. 43) bars near the tension face and two No. 11 (No. 36) bars near the compression face. Material strengths are f; = 6 ksi and f, = 75 ksi. Construct the complete strength interaction diagram, plotting P,, vs. M,, relating eccentricities to the plastic centroid of the column (not the geometric center). é to plastic centroid + o + Mg. 14" > + _ ly 20" 3 No. 14 (No. 43) 2 No. 11 (No. 36) S 3 FIGURE P8.8 8.8, Una pequefia columna rectangular de hormigén armado que se muestra en la Fig. P8.8 formara parte de un marco rigido de gran luz y estard sujeta a altos momentos de flexién combinados con cargas axiales relativamente bajas, lo que provocara la flexién alrededor del eje fuerte. Debido a la alta excentricidad, el acero se coloca asimétricamente como se muestra, con tres barras No. 14 (No. 43) cerca de la cara de tensidn y dos barras No. 11 (No. 36) cerca de la cara de compresién. Las resistencias del material son f '= 6 ksi yf, = 75 ksi, Construya el diagrama de interaccion de fuerza completo, trazando Pm vs. M, relacionando las excentricidades con el centroide plastico de la columna (no el centro geométrico). 8.9. The square column shown in Fig. P8.9 must be designed for a factored axial load of 130 kips. Material strengths are f? = 4000 psi and f, = 60,000 psi. (a) Select the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement for an eccentricity é, = 2.7 in. (b) Select the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement for the same axial load with e, = e, = 2.7 in. (c) Construct the strength interaction diagram and design strength curves for the column designed in part (6), given that the column will be subjected to biaxial bending with equal eccentricities about both prin- cipal axes. 2" e =|—, 4 + 4f— | FIGURE P8.9 10” 8,9. La columna cuadrada que se muestra en la Fig. P8.9 debe disefarse para una presion axial factorizada de 60.000 psi. carga de 130 kips. Las s del material son f! (a) Seleccione el refuerzo longitudinal y transversal para una excentricidad ey = 2,7 pulg. (b) Seleccione el refuerzo longitudinal y transversal para la misma carga axial con e, = e, = 2,7 pulg. (c) Construya el diagrama de interaccién de resistencia y curvas de resistencia de disefio para la columna disefiada en el inciso b), dado que la columna estara sujeta a flexién biaxial con excentricidades iguales alrededor de ambos ejes principales. 4000 psi y f. 8.10. The square column shown in Fig. P8.10 is a corner column subject to axial load and biaxial bending, Material strengths are f, = 60,000 psi and f’ = 4000 psi. (a) Find the unique combination of P,, M,,, and M,,, that will produce incipi- ent failure with the neutral axis located as in the figure. The compressive zone is shown shaded. Note that the actual neutral axis is shown, not the equivalent rectangular stress block limit; however, the rectangular stress block may be used as the basis of calculations, (6) Find the angle between the neutral axis and the eccentricity axis, the latter defined as the line from the column center to the point of load. Ast = 4.No. 14 (No. 43) Neutral axis 8.10. La columna cuadrada que se muestra en la figura P8.10 es una columna de esquina sujeta a una carga axial = 4000 psi. y flexion biaxial. Las resistencias del material son f, = 60,000 psi yf' (a) Encuentre la combinacion unica de P, Ms y My que producira una falla incipiente con el eje neutro ubicado como en la figura. La zona de compresién se muestra sombreada. Tenga en cuenta que se muestra el eje neutro real, no el limite del bloque de tension rectangular equivalente;_sin embargo, el bloque de tensién rectangular se puede utilizar como base de los calculos. (b) Encuentre el angulo entre el eje neutro y el eje de excentricidad, este ultimo definido como la linea desde el centro de la columna hasta el punto de carga. EBL AL ec «19.2.8 0085.0 [0g + 8633.0 + TK ns ne (aes 48 veg sah +(e yo8 1 MeL LES = RA LTS B.S | sate sae sae 8.11. For the axial load P,, found in Problem 8.10, and for the same column, with the same eccentricity ratio ¢,/e,, find the values of M,, and M,, that would produce incipient failure, using the load contour method. Compare with the results of Problem 8.10. Take @ = 1.30, and use the graphs in Appendix A, as appropriate. 8.11. Para la carga axial P, encontrada en el problema 8.10, y para la misma columna, con la misma razon de excentricidad e, /e,, encuentre los valores de M y My que producirian una falla incipiente, usando el método de contorno de carga. Compare con los resultados del problema 8.10. Tome a= 1.30 y use las graficas del Apéndice A, seguin corresponda. n xu,% 3! Pi GT 1 eee &n = $71 = 0, 746 Brees y? + =0,6 vse anew AT Pray = fy Oy = ET ay p Atmz = Peg = 2.389 (uty = (ho3e, Fite Chap Atl fea, 2 ©2083 ef Es zor Kas 746 Hk VU mys = Mmgo = B.2ok eS e 22S ues ST = B7YPO 43 { a 6He,\ "5, (ieee \ 00 zie 2740 1a ese nig" — w : " 2,2 438" by = 329 THis, Tht “2éd,c rts CAVAC1 TY 65 SCILHTLY LESS Thaw of rpessn 1 Atchtius BF_ 8.12. For the eccentricities e, and e, found in Problem 8.10, find the value of axial load P,, that would produce incipient failure, using the reciprocal load (Bresler) method. Use the graphs in Appendix A, as appropriate. Compare with the results of Problems 8.10 and 8.11. 8.12. Para las excentricidades e, ye, encontradas en el problema 8.10, encuentre el valor de la carga axial P, que produciria una falla incipiente, utilizando el método de carga reciproca (Bresler). Utilice las graficas del Apéndice A, segun corresponda. Compare con los resultados ce los problemas 8.10 y 8.11. eye 4g" 5- 3.56” = 7 4.66 X 7 yea OS 120 GLADH AG, Bo = bdeS ¥FREBS = 127G AE Rng = Pax rH¥ O.seyxio "Ay ts ee Rang s Pe *tSh o oO. 2677 m07% 4, Peles ury rz t i _— te t+ = Pou Pane frye Fo Thy Pore E20EPS pon PAnkiime LF Ray = e09dt hana = LIGOR HH ZEL HOPS feng = O07 b9 Fe Puga = OPE Sey H ZEAE = RAF 7 alt 4 1 i = AS - 27,2700 Puu 4005 779 (277 Tity P= 63s HPS Ries Or eTse o> Pane t GRFC =/Sert fnwge Orgel Png = Oyyrngeo= 760 . Ai ge MPS 2 | pecaesme Pa > ess ee TAG UAL chan Pt THe Ate. PROGAL boas mierda (5S SéraHrey GAARA TER , BOT Lines 2% Cf TAT Of tween 1 FRA vEe BiG-_ THE Secsrs C86 DH cody Coord masHoh Foe ms Pte BeBe 65 Som eit PICLE COISEL UAT VE— OvéeRAce , WHE Becoeacr 1S QUITE ADZQ vAre - 8.13. A 20 in. square lower-story interior building column must be designed for maximum and minimum factored axial loads P, of 880 and 551 kips, respec- tively. For both values of P,, the column will be subjected to simultaneous factored bending moments M,, of 295 and 24 ft-kips about the Y and X axes, respectively (Fig. P8.13). Material strengths are f, = 60,000 psi and f¢ = 4000 psi. Using equal reinforcement on all sides, design the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement for this column. 20" —+ X 8.13. Una columna de edificio interior de piso inferior de 20 pulgadas cuadradas debe disefarse para cargas axiales factorizadas maximas y minimas P, de 880 y 551 kips, respectivamente. Para ambos valores de P, la columna estara sujeta a momentos flectores factorizados M simultaneos, de 295 y 24 pies-kips alrededor de los ejes Y y X, respectivamente (Fig. P8.13). Las resistencias del material son f, = 60.000 psi y f. 4000 psi. Usando el mismo refuerzo en todos los lados, disefie el refuerzo longitudinal y transversal para esta columna. u% 3D Be cuase oa 202, dessn Le Umioned badeng — Assume v.10 (02,32) bers + 20 3(Wore) Lees = 2o- Ute -2*%%3 -1 - y= SSreie eee ere zp = 98D sags At wera ’ em O. 6S ¥ ¥¥ Yeo hu = ZGS «2 = O17 SOPH ex VOd XZ Ure Grephe Ab (yee) end 474-09) yror 74% yros er Bb? vse Ge BEN Ast= 0.0380 reo = 15,2 <5* iz Me. 7o (ates Lars ,Ast = S.C fa ~ use : _ st =asz Chuchannifa Bont iis yee? e724 7, 3 Ok grove = 2074 Ose Ao. 3 Cees S/ wees S7bxi77= 2034+ © EPx0.37T 7 (Gam HK © £ Zn ct Use atBeot z= Crosstces 8.14. A 16 in. square lower-story corner column in the building described in Problem 8.13 will be subjected to maximum and minimum factored axial loads P,, of 209 and 130 kips, respectively. For both values of P,, the columns must be designed for simultaneous factored bending moments M, of 110 and 104 ft- kips about the Y and X axes, respectively. Using equal reinforcement on all sides, design the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement for this column. 8.14. Una columna de esquina de un piso inferior de 16 pulgadas cuadradas en el edificio descrito en el problema 8.13 estara sujeta a cargas axiales factorizadas maximas y minimas P, de 209 y 130 kips, respectivamente. Para ambos valores de P_,, las columnas deben disefnarse para momentos flectores factorizados M simultaneos, de 110 y 104 pies-kips alrededor de los ejes Y y X, respectivamente. Usando el mismo refuerzo en todos los lados, disefe el refuerzo longitudinal y transversal para esta columna. sé yro7 7 * “ey =O9F Dot 1 ata dessa for brewal bendens — Ay = 76%2 206en* k= 229 Ob S¥% HTT = O.3/ Rnps Oo say 0.6 0y xt Tb & Us Geazh A6Cyee.7) ,C

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