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Tarte Cosmetics

Paulina Piatek
IMC 202 Professor Brazeal
Piatek 2

Executive Summary:
The brand Tarte Cosmetics main target brand is young women who are interested in
looking beautiful without the fear of applying harmful chemicals to their face. Whilst also help
saving the animals from getting tested on. Tarte Cosmetics is all about being animal cruelty, it’s
our key component in showing our consumers that being animal cruelty free is the best way to
go personally and for our environment. Ours overall goal is to make sure young women can feel
beautiful and experience the use of makeup without having to worry about if animals were hurt
during the process of creating that new cosmetics product. Our main competitor would be
Urban Decay, due to them having similar products as us our biggest difference between the two
brands is that Tarte is an animal cruelty free brand whilst Urban Decay isn’t. Tarte makes sure
that every product is filled with non-animal tested / cruelty free, skin safe ingredients that are
very beneficial for the consumer to promote healthy and glowy skin without all the harsh
chemicals that other brands will put into their products. We have a great distribution set up so
our consumers can get our products hand on in our local stores such as Ulta, Sephora, and a
couple other local stores. Along with being able to get our products online from our brand
website, which many animal-cruelty free brands don’t have a lot of distribution around making
it hard for consumers to get the products right away. Not only with are we an animal cruelty-
free brand but we also promote eco-friendly saving, our packing is made up of 100% eco-
friendly material so when the consumer is finished using the whole product, they can recycle it
and help the world. We also love to donate a portion of our sales each year to many different
donation centers such as: Sea turtle sanctuary, Habitat for Humanity, March of Dimes, Step up,
and many other donation centers. We do this to empower our community and teacher our
consumers to feel good on the inside and outside when supporting and wearing our brand. We
also donate a portion of sales to environmental organizations. If we all start to put a stand on
cosmetics brands on what they should change then those changes could happen we just need
to show them what or how they should do it instead of helping them continue to test and harm
these innocent animals in the process just for their products to be created. Tarte Cosmetics is
all about being animal cruelty because we want all of our consumers to enjoy our products to
the fullest knowing that there helping themselves and the animals from being tested on.
Piatek 3

Situation Summary:
Tarte Cosmetics

-Product Variables:
- Advantages: The advantages in this makeup brand is that it is an Animal Cruelty Free
brand with a wide variety of products ranging from Foundation, Mascara, Concealer, Lips, and
many more makeup products that some brands might not have. This brand appeals to all ages,
genders any category you can think of most likely this brand can be used for. Have good sales/
coupons to attract customers to buy their products. The packaging and products are Eco-
Friendly. They also use beneficial / safe ingredients in their products.
-Disadvantages: Not available in a lot of stores other than Ulta, Sephora, Tarte Online
and a few other select sales places. Prices may be high for some costumers due to it being in
more selective store distribution. You wouldn’t find this product at a local Walmart, it’s more of
an obscure makeup brand that is found in certain distribution stores.
-Objective: This makeup brand is more objective than subjective due to it being
an actual item that many people know of and use on a daily basis. We have a different
manufacturing process than other non-animal cruelty cosmetic brands.
-Subjective: This makeup brand also creates some feels for the consumers to
feed off of and enjoy when using the products. This brand is more concerned with doing the
right thing than some of our competitors who don’t put care into not testing products on
-Most important ones: Animal Cruelty Free, any age can use these products, packaging
is appealing to the eye of customers to see. The packing is very eco-friendly along with it being
filled with safe, non-harmful ingredients that will benefit your skin and not worsen it.
-Pace of Change in the Category: The change of pace for this makeup brand would be
fast past due to many new products coming out on the market almost every day.

-Price Variables:
-Differences from Category: This brand has a wide variety of products at different prices
along with many coupons/ deals that will attract many customers to purchase. Along with in the
store distribution places like Ulta and Sephora they always have some customer promotions /
coupons to use and a point system that they could use to save more money when buying any
products there. As in the category as a whole Tarte is less expensive than most cosmetic brand,
but they are more expensive than drugstore makeup.
-Differences from Competitive Target: The difference between this makeup brand and
others if the pricing many be high for many drugstore brands but low for high end brands that
don’t work as good as this brand. Along with having a wide range in its price range that some of
the high-end brands might not have or could have but at a ridiculous price range that not many
will be able to afford. Tarte cosmetics has the same price range as there competitive brand
Urban Decay.
-Purchase Frequency: The purchase frequency for this makeup brand is all the time due
to makeup users/ artist who use makeup on the daily may run out of the product fast and will
need to repurchase the products in their daily use. Along with many people buying things from
Piatek 4

this brand as gifts for others or new beginner makeup uses who want to learn how to use
makeup and might not know a lot about it all.
-Business or Personal: This makeup brand would be personal, due to it being a choice if
the user wants to buy this product whilst it is very well known still not many people buy from it.
It’s a choice whether the buyer wants to get things from this brand or from another one that
they might like better. The brand is very well known around social media and beauty which
would make it more of a personal choice than a business depending on what the customer is
looking for in a makeup product / brand.
-Consumption or Gift: This makeup brand is more of a consumption category due to
many people always repurchasing the products when they love it for their daily usage. Although
this can be also seen as a gift due to many people buying for their friends and family member
who love makeup or aren’t into makeup yet and want to try new things due to this brand being
for everyone and not just one specific age along with it being animal cruelty free many will
prefer to use unlike other brands.
-Product Visibility: I would say that this would be invisible due to it being makeup its not
written out on the person what they are wearing, someone would have to ask what products
they used.
-Social Class Effects: For this brand I don’t see any specific social class effects other than
some social classes may not be able to purchase the products whilst other may have the money
to buy it.

-Intensive/Selective: Tarte cosmetics makeup brand is more of a selective product
distribution due to it being in certain places such as: Ulta, Sephora, or Tarte Cosmetics online
store. So, for some people it may be harder to get although these stores are pretty popular and
around almost all neighborhoods.
-Effects on Brand Perception: This brands effects on perception would be that it can be
found in local neighborhood Ulta, Sephora, Macys, and many other convenient stores, so it isn’t
in specific big city places but also in most small towns. This brand isn’t found in local stores due
to its distribution being specific.
-Is increasing distribution a priority? I would say that for this brand increasing
distribution isn’t a priority anymore due to it being in pretty popular places that many people
can go to and get their hands on the products, although in the beginning of their brand
distribution was a big priority for them so that their name can be out there more.
-Online Percentage: The online percentage for this product is that this company is both
online and an instore product.
- With Tarte cosmetics donating 5% of its profits to charity every year
- These are found all over the globe and allow the Tarte community to
congregate in a similar setting, to test out and purchase Tarte products. Ultimately, over the
past decade Tarte’s sales have continued to grow and experience huge incremental increases,
due to the successful community they have formed.

-Competition: (Urban Decay= One of their biggest competitor)

-Category: Cosmetic Brands
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-Advantages: Bigger selection in eyeshadow palettes and color range, they have
a big more face products than Tarte cosmetics.
- Disadvantages: Isn’t Animal Cruelty Free, doesn’t use safe skin ingredients in
there products , along with then not having attractive / appeal packaging unlike Tarte
-Target: (Main Target = Makeup Artists or any makeup user)
-Advantages: This brand is very open to many ages and groups of peoples, not
specified to certain people, and since many of the users of this makeup brand are young, it’s
really good that this brand is very skin safe using eco-friendly packaging along with non-harmful
only beneficial ingredients.
-Disadvantages: Some disadvantages that this target could face is that they
might not have the money to purchase the items along with possibly not having the need to
buy things from this brand/ makeup in general.
-Relevant Previous Strategies and Campaigns:
-My brand: The different strategies that my brand has from the other is due to it
being vegan and safe ingredients it opens up to a wider audience and age group due to it being
safe and not harming like some makeup brand products can be, not only has makeup products
but also skincare products. They donate a portion of sales each year to charity which could
attract some customers who like to donate and help others for a good cause, along with their
packaging being eco-friendly so when the consumer finishes the product they know when
throwing out the products they won’t feel bad.
-Other brand: Wider selection of colors/ products due to it not being vegan /
safe, could have better pricing for the same type of products, only has makeup products and
nothing else.

-Economic Variables:
-Economic Sensitivity of Category: Cosmetics as a whole mainly benefits when during
tough times due to the costumer going out to buy a low prices makeup item that might make
them feel better during the tough times.
-Economic Sensitivity of Target: The target teens and adults as a whole might not
benefit in high economic times due to them not having the money to buy the makeup products,
whilst during the low times of economics they could go out and buy things from lower priced or
from this brand due to it being in the middle of price ranges from other similar brands.
-Trend Variables:
-Category Trends: Cosmetics brands as a whole are usually always changing the trends
and new / improved things are always coming out in the market almost every day. Some of the
time the trend can be towards a social benefit of finding new skin safe cosmetics along with
possibly connecting with new people who have the same interests as you.
-Target Trends: Teens and adults, the targets of this brand are always the ones to be
leading a new trend for other brands to notice their wants/ needs in the beauty community.
Along with always making creative new ideas / makeup looks that the beauty brands could hop
into the train and create something similar to their ideas or even better so that they can catch
the targets attention, so they buy from them. Another target trend would be social aspect such
as not testing on animals due to it not being a method used by other brands.
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-Style Issues: This makeup brand most of the time I would say is following many of the
popular makeup trends but once in a while they will be the ones leading a new trend that will
set high standards for most of the makeup brands
-Technology Issues: The brand as a whole is doing very well and it doesn’t seem like
they are having any problems and are always on the lookout for improvements that costumers
will suggest along with what new things costumers would like to see/ use in the future. They
are very open to opinions and thoughts that customers can give them to become a better
brand/ company
Piatek 7

Positioning Statement

The category is cosmetics Tarte Cosmetics is the brand that provides customers with
animal cruelty products to target all age and gender groups. It’s better because, not all brands
are animal cruelty free.
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Communication Objective:

Tarte wants to build awareness to everyone that they are the type of brand people
should support more on due to it truly helping out the consumer themselves and the
environment we all live in. If we all start to put a stand on cosmetics brands on what they
should change then those changes could happen we just need to show them what or how they
should do it instead of helping them continue to hurt animals for testing’s and the environment
with there non eco-friendly packaging.
Piatek 9

Strategy Selection Outline

Competitive Target: Strategy

What brands, companies,
behaviors, attitudes. Who Urban Decay, the makeup brand
should we compete with?
Where will sales come from?

Target Group: Young women who are interested in looking

Whom do we want to reach? beautiful without the fear of applying
harmful chemicals to their faces.

Message Element: Tarte cosmetics is all about

What is the one thing we animal cruelty and filled
Want to say? beneficial ingredients.

Why is this strategy a good Available in more stores that is local for
Idea? many customers than other vegan/
animal cruelty free brands who have a
selective distribution.
Piatek 10

Explanation and Justification of Strategy Idea:

Competitive Target: The main competitive target for Tarte Cosmetics would be the brand
Urban Decay due to them having similar products but the main difference between the two
brands would be due to Tarte Cosmetics being all animal Cruelty. Tarte is also filled with many
beneficial ingredients that help the skin unlike Urban who doesn’t have good ingredients in
their products. Overall Tarte has a wider variety of products in their line along with a sports
makeup like for when you work out, skincare, and cosmetics. Unlike their competitor Urban
Decay who only has a cosmetics line with not a lot of variety. This brand and company is always
growing for the better and finding new way to help others whilst also not harming animals or
the environment around them, because it’s important to also care about the animals that get
hurt in the process of making new makeup that other brands test on. They shouldn’t be treated
like that just for us to get a new makeup item in the line.

Message: The message behind Tarte Cosmetics is that all these products are animal-cruelty
free, meaning that they don’t harm any animals when creating new things in their labs unlike
most cosmetic brands who test on animals. They make sure to use only skin safe ingredients
and with most of them even being very beneficial for the skin to promote healthy /glowy skin
without the harsh chemicals that some brand will use in their products. They also use eco-
friendly packaging to help spread awareness and stop hurting the environment anymore. The
positive thing about this brand is that a percentage of the money that they earn each year is
donated to environmental organizations. The message behind this brand is different from the
other due to amount of care that they put into their customers and the environment around
the, they donate for a good cause to help better the plant along with having lower pricing than
some all-natural cosmetics brand. They are more on the high-end side of makeup but to an
affordable point where it’s worth adding a couple extra bucks to get a skin beneficial product
that isn’t over-priced like some all-natural brands. Tarte has better pricing than most of these
vegan / animal-cruelty brands along with it having a better distribution center to where their
products are easy for the customer to access and due to them being in many local stores like
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Ulta, Sephora, and Online. Unlike there competitor 100% Pure whose store is located in certain
areas and online.

Target: The target audience for Tarte Cosmetics is young women who are interested in looking
beautiful without the fear of applying harmful chemicals to their faces. They make sure that all
their products are usable for any age, gender, basically everything. They want to help provide
good products for anyone who uses the brand and make sure that they customer is helping
their skin and not harming it from any harsh chemicals or ingredients. Their target group would
be eco-friendly, skin safe product users / customers who support these kinds of believes in
beauty brands. All whilst still making sure everything is animal Cruelty free with not animals
hurt or tested on, that is there main idea and message.
Piatek 12

Tarte Cosmetics Work Plan:

Product Description:
Tarte Cosmetics is an all-natural and animal-cruelty free make up brand who cares
about what you put on your face to help benefit it instead of harming it more with harsh animal
tested chemicals.

Best Prospects:
Young women who are interested in looking beautiful without the fear of applying
harmful chemicals to their faces.

This brand is animal cruelty free and many people can enjoy/use.

Happy that you’re not harming your skin with harsh ingredients and knowing that no
animals were harmed in the making of that product.

This brand has a lot of competition amongst other brands, one of the bigger ones being
Urban Decay, due to it not have the same benefits or beliefs as Tarte.

Obstacle to the Sale:

Pricing may be high for some, might already have a product similar from another brands
name that the customer may be enjoying better.

Message Objective:
Tarte Cosmetics has better stand in cosmetics unlike there competitor Urban Decay.
They believe in being animal cruelty is a very important key component in cosmetics. Showing
others that being animal cruelty free is the best way to go and help the community.
Piatek 13


Paulina Piatek

Maureen Kelly
Tarte Cosmetics Founder


Simple, clean, eco-friendly, and not tested on animals. We donate a portion of our profit
to Sea Turtle Conservancy and forests to give back into the environment.

CHICAGO, IL, March 23, 2019 The beauty community and makeup industry is filled with
many brand that aren’t so good or beneficial, that’s why Tarte Cosmetics is the best beauty
brand out there and being all about animal cruelty free and donating a portion of our yearly
profit to conservancy’s.
We create many different products with a wide variety of colors from eyeshadow to
foundation. All whilst making sure is animal cruelty free along with having our packaging
being environmentally friendly so when your finished using the product it’s safe to throw it
away without harming the environment.

-End -

Public Relations Tactics:

Piatek 14

Tactic #1: Media Events

For this tactic we are going to set up a media event where people can come check out
our products get some samples to test them out and see how our cosmetics work, along with
having some makeup artists there to do little make overs on customers giving a life time
experience seeing what the brand is all about. This event will be open to the public so anyone
can come and enjoy the event. We will make sure to have a sign that shows our brand is animal
cruelty free along with some eco-friendly things to also show our products are made from eco-
friendly packaging. There will also be a lot of workers from the brand there to help customers
out when picking items that they want to purchase explaining how things work or what that
products ingredients are filled with, so the consumer know that they are getting in their items.
We will have a whole area full of games that anyone can play to win prizes of our products,
along with having lots of areas to take pictures for influencers to post on their social media and
get out name brand out there more to the public. There will also me some makeup artists who
will have a booth for the customers or influencers to get their makeup and hair done
professionally using our products so that the person getting their makeup done knows how our
products works and then they can go purchase some if they like how it looks/ works. We can
even do a little collaboration with big influencers who can get a code for their followers to use
at the event when purchasing items to get a discount off of them.
Goal: Raise awareness of animal cruelty makeup, increase consumer awareness /
interest in our brand
Execution: Focus on making sure our message of being all about animal cruelty is getting
across to every consumer and other cosmetic brands.
Post it all over our social medias and website to tell customers about our event and
when / where is will be held.
Piatek 15

Tactic #2: Create your own Media

For this tactic we will be focusing more on makeup artist/ consumers who purchase
cosmetic items products on a weekly/daily basis. This will focus our audience on one specific
group instead of wasting time and trying to reach out to non-cosmetic users who don’t use or
know about make-up. We will post on all our social medias and those make-up lovers who
follow us will get the information about this small event that can be held to pull new customers
into our brand along with those followers sharing our posts to other people creating a broader
reach to customers who might love make-up but don’t know about our brand allowing them to
try us out. We will make sure to include our main focus in our brand which is all about being
animal cruelty free unlike most brands to show our consumers how we stand out more than
other brands. Through this we might get a sponsor from a bigger brand which could be outside
of the cosmetics company allowing more new consumers to notice our brand and give it a try
since the other brands/ sponsors will shout us out. Along with our other social media we can
create a whole blog for new customers and returning customers to come in and put in reviews
of our products that they used for others to read about and see how the product works. Along
with each week we can give out special coupons for those who join the blog so that they can
come back every week and get the coupon to buy more products from our brand. On the blog
we can also make sure to keep everyone updated on the specials, sales and discounts that are
going to happen ahead of time so that they can get that exclusive offers that only those who
join the blog could know about. Along with that we could set up a points system/ reward
system where after a certain amount of genuine reviews that the customer leaves they can get
very limited and exclusive coupons that only they could get due to their contribution to our
blog and helping spread out our brand more.
Piatek 16

Tactic #3: Sponsorship

We can create a little sponsor event and invite some well-known influencers so that
they can come and grab some of our products to show off on their pages and followers to hear
about our brand along with possibly becoming interested to try out the brand themselves. We
can have makeup artists, beauty bloggers, and a few other big social media stars be invited so
that their fans see them with our brand logo. Give out a lot of samples and some even full-size
products for the people at the event to take home and try so that they could possibly talk about
it to their fans. Along with our brand we can try to find some other well-known brands to join
our sponsor event so it’s not just our brand trying to show off but other known ones to reach a
broader audience of new people. This would be a great idea due to us exposing popular
influencers to our brand so that they could reach out to their fans and try us out also, along
with possibly doing a Collab giveaway with the influences that their fans could enter to win
some of our products and get us out there in the open more. At our sponsorship we can create
a small limited time pop up shop for customers to come in and purchase limited edition / new
items that haven’t been released for everyone to buy. At this small event we will have
professional makeup artist and hairstylist in booths so that customers can get a free make over
when they spend $50 on our products. Along with the makeup artists we will have fun mini
makeup games with our products such as: makeup contests, contests on best design for a new
cosmetic product, raffle to win a big bag filled with cosmetics items and other items from the
other sponsorships, and a whole area with tons samples for everyone to grab some and test out
at home. That way when they like the small sample they will come back and buy the full-size
Piatek 17

Content Tactic:

Tactic #4: Instagram

We will continue to use our Instagram page and promote our brand through is using
pictures of our products. Along with giving the customers a sneak peak of new coming items,
which will make them want to follow us and check back on the daily to see what the item is and
when it will come out. Along with the new Instagram update on the photos of the makeup
product we can put a link that will take the consumer directly to the website with the item to
purchase it so that way it’s easier for them to buy the item. On our Instagram we will also have
short videos of how to do certain makeup looks that customers can do at home using our
products. This will also be a great way to show our consumers how to use our products or
where they should be used. On our Instagram our followers will be the first to know when deals
or sales will be happening before they come out.
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Tactic #5: Website

For our website we will refresh/ renew it and make it look more appealing/ attractive
for consumers to enjoy looking at whilst shopping, along with that we will make sure that the
website is easy to navigate when looking for certain items. Our main message about our brand
will be on the front and opening of the website so that the consumer knows exactly what our
brand focus is about and our main ideas in the company. Due to our main selling point is on our
main website this is important that it looks the best and the experience is amazing because
then that will bring back the customer every time. We want to also make sure to include an
area for customer service incase if anyone needs to contact us so that they can get all the
information and help that they need without having to worry where to find the contact
information to our company.
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Sales Promotion Tactics:

1) Spend $50 on one purchase and get free shipping

When the consumer does a purchase of a minimum of $50, they will then
receive free shipping due to them putting in a big purchase during our deal.
2) Mobile E-mail
If the consumer sign’s up for mobile email alerts they will then receive
coupons, special offers and will get to know about special deals ahead of
time before everyone else knows about them just by signing up for email
3) Charity Event
When a consumer purchase items during this Charity event assigned for
only specific days a portion of the sales will be donated to an animal shelter
or an animal sanctuary. Or will we do a deal where if you buy one item then
another will be donated to a women’s shelter who may not have makeup
but would like to try and use some.
4) Free gift with Purchase
Spend about $50 on a single purchase you will receive a free makeup bag
that will be filled with lots of makeup, skincare, and other things from our
cosmetic brand. Along with a coupon for a couple of the sample items that
you can save some money for an actual size item.
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Social / Digital Tactics:

Tactic #1: Contest

With this tactic we can create a big contest where the winner can win a Tarte Cosmetics
gift card which then they can use to purchase items from our store along with some other
items/ clothing from other brands who would like to work with us in this contest. We could also
do a huge bag full of our product’s and put a contest on that, so whoever wins will get a big bag
full of Tarte Cosmetic s items which then they could do whatever they want with. This would
sort of work like a Giveaway that some other brands do to help get there name out there they
make cool prizes for people to win so when they win, they will mention our brand name to
others who might then come and bring new people towards our company. In order to join the
contests consumers will need to send in makeup looks using our products and we will pick a
couple winners whose makeup look we loved the most, or we could do one where the
customers need to take a picture of any of our products in the most creative way possible and
we will pick a couple winners of whose picture was the most creative. Winners will win a big
bag full of our cosmetics and a coupon code that they could use to get some money off on their
next purchase.
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Tactic #2: Email Marketing

For this tactic we can set up a system, where when you go to our website you can sign up for
emails from us which will include: coupons, events, sales, giveaways, and any other new things
that we come up with. Along with in each email will we make sure it is as personalized to the
consumer as possible, so they feel special as if the email was only sent to them to make it feel
like we want them to know we care about them. Each email will have the clients/ consumers
name along with contact information on the bottom in case if they would like to speak with us
regarding any information about an item or our brand. During special holiday we can send out
emails with a big deal event or coupons for that holiday for the consumer to go use during their
time off.
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Tactic #3: Mobile Text Messages:

We could also set up an option with phones, where if you enter your phone number
then you can get mobile text coupons instead of on your email or both, that way the consumer
is really getting hands on with our brands and getting good deals for them to buy more from us.
Some of the coupon/ deals could be set up where there is a time limit for the consumer to use
it that way they will have to quickly go to the store and use that coupon before it ends. It would
be a quicker way for the consumer to see what events or deals are going on due to everyone
nowadays being on their phones and texting all the time so this would be an easy transition for
them to get mobile text coupons right away instead of them having to search in there emails for
the codes, deals, or events that we would have going on in the moment. This tactic will also
help spread our brand name out faster due to everyone always texting and talking to friends
about products that they enjoy, that way it’s easier for them to share about our brand due to
the quick text messages that we can send out with mobile offers, this will bring us brand
awareness and consumer engagement due to use improving our marketing into the new
technological advancements.
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Tactic #4: Creating Survey’s

We could create a personal survey were our consumers could take online or in the store
giving us feedback on what we should improve / change along with what kinds of new products
would they wants us to create that we might not have our already. This will help us improve our
customer bond and improve our brand for the better due to us getting feedback straight from
the consumers themselves. We could also create a survey which allows asks personal questions
about the consumer themselves to see what kind of things people have in common so that we
know what we should create for those people or what we should change.
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Direct Marketing Tactic:

The List: It would consist of people who have previously donated or contributed to the
animal cruelty corporation PETA due to those people already supporting that kind idea of
fighting for animal rights they would be interested in using makeup products that support them

The Offer: We would supply each consumer with a bag filled with lots of makeup
samples from our brand for them to try out all of our products, along with the free gift with
purchase we will give them a coupon that will take a certain amount of money off if they would
be interested in buying the full-size product. All the consumer has to do it fill out a survey about
themselves and what kinds of products they use for their skin so that way we get a feedback of
what products we should create or improve. Along with in that survey it will ask a couple
questions about our brand so we can find new ways to improve and become a better brand.

Headline: Help out today and get a free bag full of makeup/ skincare samples.
Piatek 25

Closing summary:

Tarte is building awareness to everyone that they are a brand people should support
more due to them helping our consumers by not testing on animals whilst not putting harmful
chemicals in our products. We target beautiful young women who are interested in looking
beautiful without having fear of applying harsh chemicals and helping save animals. This is the
best strategy due to younger generations being the voice of our future and always influencing
our society. Younger generations are the ones who help brands be known due to the young
generation always being on trend, they are our source of brand growth.

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