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AMOS COMENIUS (1592 – 1670)

-the father of modern education-

The Czech evangelic priest, one of the creators of modern educational science,
AMOS COMENIUS (1592-1670) advocated for universal education, that, as he
thought, would make the world’s disagreements and conflicts disappear.

PURPOSE: During his life, disappointed by the fragmentation of European

institutions and pained by the political and religious fights that poisoned the
seventeenth-century Europe, Comenius wrote more than 200 works concerning
methods of soothing human suffering through uniting all people and religions
through a common appreciation of God and education.
 systematization of knowledge, which is bound up with the co-ordination of
universal currents of ideas;
 establishing international organizations in all fields, but especially in the
educational one;
 recognizing the ancient tradition as an important part of our European
 international collaboration in spreading education, that will help unite the
European countries;
 establishing universal textbooks, schools, and a pansophic college that would
utilize a common language in order to include all prominent European

In this way, Comenius was one of the first scholars who viewed the universal
spread of education as a method of overcoming hostility and establishing peace among
nations, cultures, religions and faiths.

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