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1st WEEK

1st day

Voracious – xarbi
Indiscriminate – ganurCeveli
Eminent - saxelganTqmuli
Steeped – gaJRenTili, Cafluli (to be steeped in)
Replete – piramde avsebuli; savse (to be replete with)

To gain in wisdom over –aRematebode vinmes WkuiT / sibrZniT / gonebiT

Coed – (informal) a student at a coeducational school; mowafe
He can get hands on – razec xeli miuwvdeba
To be replete with – iyos savse ramiT

Voracious appetite – xarbi mada

Warfare – omi
Combatant – meomari / mebrZoli
Innocent civilians – udanaSaulo mSvidobiani mosaxleoba

To eat humble pie – marcxis / Secdomis aRiareba; far-xmalis dayra

I had to eat humble pie – me iZulebuli viyavi Cemi Secdoma meRiarebina
Boastful - mkvexara

2nd day

To abound – uxvad / blomad qona, yola

Technology – teqnologia
To prognosticate – prognozireba, winaswarmetyveleba
Automaton – roboti, avtomati
Matron – gaTxovili qali

Science-fiction – fantastika
Wild dream – warmoudgeneli / auxdeneli ocneba
Kitchen appliance – samzareulo mowyobiloba
Suburban matron – gareubanSi mcxovrebi gaTxovili qali
Domesticated automaton – moSinaurebuli roboti
To contend with – SeWideba / SebrZoleba
To Scour – to rub hard with a rough material for cleaning ; gaxexva
Oven - Rumeli
Baked-on grime – Camjdari WuWyi
Easily disposed – advilad mosaSorebeli

Margin – zRvari
To slaughter – to kill (animals) for food
Backbreaking labor – welSi gamwyveti Sroma

A pig in a poke = an item you purchase without having seen; a disappointment

(It turned out to be a pig in a poke) (poke = (Dialect) a pocket or bag)

3rd day

Paradox – paradoqsi
Realm – samefo, samyaro
Annals – matiane, qronikebi
To compound – damateba, garTuleba
Tinge – elferi, gemo, natamali, nasaxi

Chef – Sef-mzareuli
Field – sfero
To compound the puzzle – am Tavsatexs isic emateba, rom
Tinge of rumor – Woris natamali / nasaxi
To cast doubts on = to make people feel less certain about something; eWvis Setana
Her documentary casts serious doubt on Gilligan's conviction.
Cuisine – samzareulo

To suffer injustice – ganicado usamarTloba

A flash in the pan = promising at the start but then disappointing

Rookie = (informal) a newcomer without much experience ; axalbeda
(He proved to be a flash in the pan)

4th day

To badger –gulis gawyaleba (TxovniT), “tvinis gaburRva”

To implore – mudara, xvewna
Drudgery – mZime samuSao, monuri Sroma
Interminable - dausrulebeli
Perceive – Secnoba, Cawvdoma, aRqma; = understand

Get off my back – Tavi damanebe! Tavidan momwydi

To plead interminably for something - sTxovo dausruleblad
To nag = to scold or find fault constantly; jujRuni, gulis gawyaleba

To badger somebody for something

To put the invention into practice – gamogonebis praqtikaSi danergva

To pour oil on troubled waters – mSvidobis damyareba, vinmes dawynareba

2nd WEEK
1st day

Laconic - lakonuri
Throng - brbo
Intrepid – uSiSari, mamaci, gabeduli
To accost – gamolaparakeba, mimarTva
Reticent – Cumi, sityvaZviri

An interminable sermon – dausrulebeli qadageba

A throng of newsmen – Jurnalistebis brbo
Sin – codva
Minister – mRvdeli

Rambling speech – daulagebeli, uTavbolo saubari

Surly = threatening in appearance; (surly weather; surly voice); pirquSi, civi
Panhandler = beggar; maTxovari
Corporal – policiis kaprali
Intrepid deeds – gabeduli sagmiro saqmeebi

The sword of Damocles – damokles maxvili (moaxloebuli saSiSroeba)

Subject - qveSevrdomi
(There was a sword of Damocles hanging over his head)

2nd day

Furtive – maluli, qurduli

Felon – sisxlis samarTlis damnaSave
Plethora - siuxve, siWarbe
Hapless – ubeduri, uiRblo
Irate – gabrazebuli, mrisxane

To cast a furtive glance – idumali mzeris srola

Supposedly secure prisons – viTomda daculi cixeebi
Embarrassed the hapless wardens – sagonebelSi Caagdes ubeduri zedamxedvelebi
To compound problems – problemebis garTuleba; (am problemebs isic daemata, rom)
To accept bribes – qrTamis aReba
Convict = 1. a person convicted of and under sentence of a crime;
2. a person serving usually a long prison sentence; misjili, msjavrdebuli, katorReli
Motto - devizi

Contest winner – konkursSi gamarjvebuli

In a furtive manner – malulad

Pyrrhic victory – pirosis gamarjveba, Zvirad Rirebuli gamarjveba

3rd day

Pretext – sababi, momizezeba

To fabricate – gamogoneba; SeTxzva
Adroit – marjve, moxerxebuli

To gesticulate – Jestikulacia, JestebiT laparaki
Vigilant – yuradRebiani, fxizeli

Under (on) the pretext – raRacis sababiT; im sababiT, rom

To gain entry to – Sesvlis uflebis mopoveba; SeRweva
To be adroit at doing something – iyo moxerxebuli ramis keTebaSi
Phony doctor - yalbi, gaiZvera, TviTmarqvia eqimi
To detect the fraud – TaRliTobis gamovlena, gamoaSkaraveba
In the annals of history – istoriis qronikebSi

To marvel = to be filled with surprise or wonder

To onrush = a forceful forward rush or flow; surge

A wet blanket - uJmuri

4th day

Avid - mowadinebuli, aqtiuri, xarbi

To cajole – moTafvla, Tavis moqonva, dayolieba; Cajole into doing
Rudimentary – elementaruli
To enhance – momateba, gadideba, gaZliereba
Nuance – niuansi

Intricate = Complicated, Complex; rTuli;

Grasp of algebra – algebras codna

Plot – siuJeti

To beard the lion in his den - SeewinaaRmdego vinmes Tavisive moedanze

To ask for a raise – Txovna xelfasis momatebaze

3rd WEEK
1 day

To loathe – siZulvili
To reprimand – sayveduri
Lackluster – usicocxlo, uRimRamo, Camqrali
Caustic – mwvave, gesliani
To wrest – mitaceba ZaliT, xelidan gamogleja

The pep talk = a short speech intended to encourage someone to work harder, win a game etc;
sabrZolo suliskveTebis asamaRlebeli saubari (to give sb a pep talk)
Quitter = one that quits; esp. one that gives up too easily ; dawyebuli saqmis mimtovebeli,
movaleobis ar Semsrulebeli
Lackluster performance – uRimRamo TamaSi
Caustic remarks – gesliani SeniSvnebi
To dash out = to move with sudden speed; ieriSze gadasvla; gavardna
To wrest control of – sadaveebis xelSi Cagdeba; kontrolis mopoveba

Lackluster address – uRimRamo mimarTva

To slaughter = (aq) to discredit or demolish completely; ganadgureba

Crocodile tears – niangis cremlebi (aragulwrfeli cremlebi )

(To weep crocodile tears)
Substitute - Semcvleli

2nd day

Infamous – samarcxvino, saZraxisi

To jostle – xelis kvra
Dupe – gulubryvilo, mimndobi adamiani
Incipient – axladdawyebuli, sawyisi, sawyis etapze myofi
Inadvertent – daufiqrebeli, uneblie

Handcuff - borkili
Confederate – mokavSire, Tanamzraxveli
To stammer = to speak or say (something) with involuntary pauses or repetition, as a result of a
speech disorder or through fear or nervousness; butbuti, enis borZikiT saubari
The incipient crimewave – axladdawyebuli danaSaulis talRa

Rumor = information, often a mixture of truth and untruth, told by one person to another; Wori
To consent = agree (to)
Missile sped (speed, sped, sped) out of control – raketa umarTavi gaxda

To carry the day – moipovo umravlesobis mxardaWera

Motion = a formal proposal to be discussed and voted on in a debate or meeting ; kenWisyraze
dayenebuli winadadeba (my motion carried the day)
To adjourn = to finish an activity and go somewhere - often used humorously:
The rest of us adjourned to a nearby pub for some refreshments.

3rd day

Ominous – avbediTi; avismomaswavebeli

Tremulous – akankalebuli; mTrTolvare
To repudiate – uaris Tqma, ukugdeba
Cessation – Sewyveta
To bristle – aburZgvna; yalyze dgoma

An ominous silence – avismomaswavebeli siCume

Jittery defendant = nervous, frightened defendant; ganerviulebuli braldebuli
In a tremulous voice – akankalebuli xmiT
Confession – aRiareba, aRsareba
Attorney = 1. a person legally appointed to act for another; 2. (US) a lawyer ; advokati
District attorney – raionis prokurori
To violate rights – uflebebis darRveva

To repudiate the testimony – Cvenebis uaryofa

Skid Row – qalaqis nawili, dasaxlebuli usaxlkaroebiT

Derelict = a social outcast (gariyuli) or vagrant (mawanwala)

4th day

Euphemism – evfemizmi (naklebad Seuracxmyofeli sityva)

Mundane – amqveyniuri, miwieri, banaluri
Incongruous - Seusabamo araSesatyvisi; Seuferebeli; uadgilo

Condolence – TanagrZnoba
To stipulate – pirobis wamoyeneba, gaTvaliswineba

Undertaker = a person whose job is to look after the bodies of people who have died and to
organize funerals; mesaflave
Counselor = an adviser

To repudiate the contract – uaris Tqma kontraqtze

The contract didn’t stipulate …– kontraqti ar iTvaliswinebda …

To go up in smoke – uSedegod damTavreba

His plans went up in smoke – misi gegmebi CaifuSa

4th WEEK

1st day

Alacrity – simkvircxle
Disdain - zizRi
Belligerent – agresiuli, meomari
To intimidate – daSineba, muqara
Feint – finti, cru ieriSi

A K. O. victim = a knock-out victim

With alacrity – mkvircxlad
To charge = rush against; attack; ieriSis mitana, Seteva; gavardna
Belligerent attitude – saomari damokidebuleba
Laid low – dabla dasca
Uppercut – aberkoti (qvemodan amortyma) boqsSi

In high places – maRal Tanamdebobebze

Disdain = a feeling of superiority and dislike; contempt
His face registered disdain – zizRi aRebeWda saxeze
The Allies – mokavSireebi

To throw down the gauntlet – gamowveva

To accept the challenge – gamowvevis miReba

2nd day

Pugnacious –CxubisTavi, agresiuli

To promulgate –sajarod gamocxadeba, gamoqveyneba
Brash –Tavxedi, utaqto, utifari
To scoff at – dacinva
To belittle – daknineba, umniSvnelod CaTvla

To demand a rematch – moiTxovo xelaxla Sexvedra

To promulgate the challenge – gamowvevis sajarod gamocxadeba
To lose one’s temper – moTminebis dakargva
To punch – muStis dartyma
Wheelchair – invalidis etli

To promulgate the requirements for – sajarod gamoacxado moTxovnebi

To outpunch – CxubSi moreva

He was feeling no pain – he was drunk

3rd day

Tangible – xelSesaxebi, nivTieri, materialuri, sagrZnobi

Laceration – Ria Wriloba
To castigate – dasja, gakicxva
Sordid – binZuri, sulmdabali
Octogenarian – 80-dan 90 wlamde adamiani

To press charges against somebody – saqmis aRZvra, Civili

To sue – sasamarTloSi Civili
Assault – fizikuri Seuracxyofa
Tangible evidence – nivTieri samxili, nivTmtkiceba
Stitches – nakerebi
Settlement = payment
To make a public apology – saxalxod bodiSis moxda

Medic = (informal abbrev. for) medical student

To openly castigate – sajarod gakicxva
Publicity stunt – sareklamo triuki
To pour forth – uwyvet nakadad moedineba

Hobson’s choice – arCevanis ar qona

A livery stable = a place where people can pay to keep their horses or can hire a horse ; Tavla
To give somebody Hobson’s choice = to give no choice at all

4th day

Solace – nugeSiscema
Aspirant - pretendenti, kandidati, maZiebeli
Dregs – leqi, narCeni; naZiralebi
Frenzy – sigiJe, gaafTrebaa; (state of great anxiety or excitement, in which you cannot control your
behaviour) To work oneself into a frenzy
Scurrilous = using violent words of abuse; damamcirebeli, Seuracxmyofeli; uwmawuri

He sought solace in whiskey – nugeSs viskSi eZebda

To trumpet scurrilous attacks on somebody – Seuracxmyofeli sityvebis yvirili
To attribute - miwera (Tvisebis da a.S.)

Censor – cenzura

To rule the roost – lideroba, ufrosoba

Lowly private – moridebuli rigiTi

5th WEEK

1st day

Rampant – farTod gavrcelebuli

Inane – uazro
Ethics – eTika
To concur (with) – daTanxmeba
Clandestine – maluli

Code of ethics – eTikis normebi; eTikis kodeqsi

So much was at stake – imdeni rame ido sasworze
Proctor – meTvalyure, damkvirvebeli gamocdebze

Plague – Savi Wiri

Stock in trade – aucilebeli atributi, mTavari iaraRi

Wit – Wkua

2nd day

Flagrant – aRmaSfoTebeli, saSineli

To admonish = (formal) to tell someone severely that they have done something wrong; gakicxva,
sayveduris gamocxadeba
Duress – iZuleba, Zaldataneba
– damnaSave, kriminali
Inexorable – Seubralebeli, ulmobeli
To crack down on = to take severe measures against
To proctor alertly – fxizlad Tvalyuris devneba
Under duress – ZaldatanebiT
Crib sheet – ‘Spargalka’
Tangible evidence – nivTieri samxili; nivTmtkiceba
To pay off – Sedegis gamoReba

To catch someone with his fingers in the cookie jar – damnaSavis faqtze ayvana
Sleuth = detective, investigator
Violation of the law – kanonis darRveva

To take down a peg – Tavisi adgilis miCena

Alumni = graduates of a school or college; (sing) alumnus or (fem) alumna; kursdamTavrebulebi
Varsity = short for university

3rd day

Egregious – gamousworebeli, saSineli
Distraught – gagiJebuli, Wkuadakarguli
Duplicity – gaiZveroba, sieSmake, cbiereba
Acrimonious - RvarZliani, gesliani
Paucity – mcirericxovani, mcire raodenobiT, simcire

Came to a head – piks miaRwia

Egregious mistake – gamousworebeli Secdoma
To suspend – diskvalifikacia
For his part – Tavisi monawileobis gamo
To overlook – Tvalis daxuWva
In an acrimonious fashion – geslianad, RvarZlianad

Bank teller – bankis molare

Furlough – Svebuleba jariskacebis

To pass the buck – pasuximgeblobisTvis Tavis arideba

To evade = avoid

4th day

To elicit– gamomJRavneba, gamoaSkaraveba

Pernicious – momakvdinebeli, ukurnebeli, mavne, saziano
To tolerate – atana
To construe – daskvnis gamotana, axsna-ganmarteba
Impunity – dausjeloba

To summon – moxmoba, Sekreba

To elicit their reactions to - maTi reaqciis garkveva
Suspension – diskvalifikacia
To discipline – Wkuis swavleba, mkacri dasja
With impunity – dausjelad
To salvage self-respect – gadarCena Rirsebis

Frontier – sazRvari
To lionize a person – Seqmna didi aJiotaJi vinmes gamo

6th WEEK

1st day
Affluent – mdidari
Feasible – ganxorcielebadi, SesaZlebeli (misaRwevad, Sesasruleblad)
Discern – garCeva (gaarCevs), SegrZneba (sunis da a. S.), aRqma
To sally – gamoxtoma, gamovardna, gavardna
Consternation – Tavzari, SiSis zari He looked at her in consternation

Brainstorm = sudden inspiration or bright idea

Featured = displayed, advertised or presented as a special attraction
As simply as the eye can discern – rogorc Tvali aRiqvams
To swing something open – raimes gaxsna
Clip – skrepi, samagri
Rigid – aradrekadi, myari
Elements – stiqia
To the consternation of – maT Tavzardasacemad
A brisk sale – swrafi, gamococxlebuli gayidva
A pernicious effect – mavne efeqti

Extension cord – damatebiTi zonari

I’m from Missouri – skeptikosi, Znelad dasarwmunebeli adamiani

2nd day

Precocious – naadrevad ganviTarebuli

Perfunctory – zerele, zedapiruli
Chagrin – wyena, imedgacrueba to one’s chagrin
Perverse – Tavneba, Wirveuli, jiuti, axirebuli, uzneo
To deride – sasacilod agdeba, gamasxaraveba

Patent pending – patentze gancxadeba Setanilia

Buddy = (informal) a friend; Zmakaci, megobari
Wizard – jadoqari
Curb – bordiuri
To roll into - Segoreba
To run the agency - saagentos marTva
To elicit his reaction – misi reaqcis garkveva
A perfunctory glance – zedapiruli Tvalis Sevleba
To snort – frutuni; Cacineba

A perfunctory examination – zerele gasinjva

Red-letter day – bednieri dRe

3rd day

To disparage – damcireba, ugulebelyofa, agdebulad laparaki

Laudable – saqebi, qebis Rirsi
Fiasco – marcxi
To masticate – ReWva, coxna
To eschew - Tavis arideba

To nourish – gamokveba, danayreba

A laudable achievement – saqebi, miRweva
Objectionable discovery – sakamaTo aRmoCena
To label – kvalifikaciis miniWeba, iarliyis miwebeba
Egregious blunder – gamousworebeli Secdoma
Anyone in his right mind – vinme saR gonebaze / srul Wkuaze myofi
To devour – Sesansvla, xarbad Wama
Crisp – xramuna, tkacuna
Chocolate sundae - naRebis nayini Sokoladis serofiT

Despicable – siZulvilis / zizRis Rirsi

Rivalry – metoqeoba, konkurencia
To aid in digestion – rom daexmaro monelebaSi
An acrimonious letter – RvarZliani werili
The limelight = glare of publicity; yuradRebis centri to be in the limelight

Let sleeping dogs lie – autkivar Tavs nu aitkivebo

4th day

To quell – CaxSoba, bolos moReba

Voluble – sityvauxvi, ybedi
Confidant – mesaidumle, ndobiT aRWurvili piri
Obsolescence – daZveleba, cveTa
Dubious – saeWvo, orazrovani

Persistent rumours – mudmivi Worebi

To wear out – gacveTa
To run dry – gaSroba
To market – bazarze gatana
Planned obsolescence – gegmazomieri cveTa
Life span – sicocxlis xangrZlivoba
I’m dubious about – eWvi mepareba

To quell the riot - amboxebis CaxSoba

Tear gas – cremlsadeni gazi
Duped consumer – gabriyvebuli momxmarebeli
To doze – Tvlema

To turn thumbs down on something – uaris Tqma

To condemn = to give someone a severe punishment after deciding they are guilty of a crime

7th WEEK
1 day

Implacable – ulmobeli, Seubralebeli, dauZinebeli

Paroxysm – Semoteva (risxvis, brazis, sicilis)
Reprehensible – dasagmobi, gasakicxi

Jurisdiction – iurisdiqcia, uflebamosileba
Skirmish – Sexla-Semoxla, Setakeba, paeqroba
Much ado about nothing = a humorous play by William Shakespeare. People sometimes use the
title as a phrase to describe a situation in which there has been a lot
of excitement about something that is not really important.
To have a showdown on = (Informal) a major confrontation that settles a dispute
An implacable foe – dauZinebeli mteri
Nonconformist = someone who does not accept the ways of thinking or behaving accepted by
most other people in their society or group; miRebuli sazogadoebrivi normebis
To go into the paroxysm of anger – brazis Semoteva
To spy somebody – Tvalis mokvra, SemCneva
To reprimand somebody for something – sayveduris gamocxadeba
Reprehensible appearance – dasagmobi, miuRebeli garegnoba
To overstep one’s jurisdiction – uflebamosilebis gadameteba
To take on the appearance of – miiRo Sexeduleba
Full-scale war - srulmasStabiani omi
Murder weapon – mkvlelobis iaraRi
In a paroxysm of rage – mZvinvarebis Semotevisas
An intellectual skirmish – inteleqtualuri paeqroba
Reprehensible conduct – dasagmobi qceva
Cause celebre – cnobili sasamarTlo saqme an dava

2nd day

To harass – Sewuxeba, tanjva-wameba

Monolithic – monoliTuri
Indigent – Rarib-Rataki
Arbitrary – TviTneburi, axirebuli, diqtatoruli
Fray – Cxubi
Tempest – qariSxali; a tempest in a teapot = (Am. English) an unimportant matter that
someone has become upset about
Delinquent – borotmoqmedi, damnaSave
Hood (full form HOODLUM) = a dangerous criminal; kriminali, xuligani,
Clean-cut – namdvili, naRdi
A false story circulated – cru ambavi gavrcelda
To jump into the fray with – Cxubis wamowyeba
Feuding families – moSuRle, danasisxlad gadakidebuli ojaxebi
To patch up the differences – uTanxmoebis mogvareba
To depict – aRwera
An unlisted number = not in the directory; nomeri, romelic cnobarSi ar aris Setanili
Whim – kaprizi
One swallow does not make a summer – erTi mercxali gazafxuls ver moitanso

3rd day

To stymie – xelis SeSla, dabrkoleba

Effigy – gamosaxuleba, portreti
To flout – arad Cagdeba, masxarad agdeba
Cognizant = aware, gaTviTcnobierebuli

Turbulent – boboqari, mSfoTvare, mousvenari
To be stymied – gamouval mdgomareobaSi, CixSi moqceva
Public opinion was marshaled against them – sazogadoebrivi azri mis winaaRmdeg iyo mimarTuli
Wayward lads – axirebuli, Tavneba biWebi
Villainous – sazizRari, aramzaduli
To make a swipe (=a criticism of someone or something) – Zlieri dartyma
Samson = in the Old Testament of the Bible, a very strong man who is a great fighter. A woman
called Delilah finds out that his strength comes from his long hair, and she uses her
sexual power to trick Samson into having his hair cut off. This allows his enemies, the
Philistines (=in the Bible, a member of a race of people who lived in Palestine, and who
were the enemies of the Israelites), to make him a prisoner and blind him. His
strength returns when his hair grows again, and he destroys the Philistines' temple by
pulling down the pillars that hold the roof up, killing himself and his enemies.
To concur with = agree
Popular support – sazogadoebis mxardaWera
To be called for = to be required
To resolve the situation – situaciis mogvareba

Chamber – palata (parlamentSi, senatSi)

Unruly – urCi, daudgromeli

Agitated – aRelvebuli
To impede – dabrkoleba

A bitter pill to swallow – samarcxvino marcxi; wageba

To overwhelm – moreva, daZleva

4th day
To terminate – Sewyveta
Forthwith – dauyovnebliv
To exacerbate – gamwvaveba, gauareseba
To revert – dabruneba
To oust – gandevna, gamodevna
To bar – akrZalva, ar daSveba
Ruling – dadgenileba, gadawyvetileba
To take the sting out of the victory – gamarjvebas eSxi daaklda
To clip – SeWra (Tmis)
To breathe a sigh of relief – SvebiT amosunTqva
Things reverted to normalcy – yvelaferi kalapotSi Cadga

Usher = person who shows people to their seats in theatres , cinemas, etc; kapeldineri
Disorderly patrons - wesrigis damrRvevi mudmivi klientebi

To have an axe to grind – piradi angariSebis qona

8th WEEK
1st day

Emaciated – galeuli, sigamxdrisgan dauZlurebuli

To surge – talRasaviT miwola, gaWra (gaiWrnen)
Tranquil – wynari

Sanctuary – TavSesafari, savane (wminda adgili)
To ascend – asvla

Refugee – ltolvili
To scatter – mimofantva, gafantva
To assign to – daniSvna
Naval – samxedro-sazRvao
He volunteered for duty on a navy ship – nebayoflobiT gamoTqva survili emsaxura samxedro
The curtain was beginning to ascend – farda ixdeboda / iwyeboda

Firecracker – SuSxuna
To violate the sanctuary – wminda adgilis wabilwva, darbeva
To seize – daWera, xelSi Cagdeba
To exceed one’s jurisdiction = overstep one’s jurisdiction

Sour grapes – miuwvdomeli

To disparage – damcireba, daknineba

2nd day

Malnutrition – kvebis nakleboba, cudi kveba

To afflict – tanjva
To besiege – alyis Semortyma
Privation – gaWirveba
Sinister – avbediTi, avismomaswavebeli (= ominous)

His destiny took shape – misi bed-iRbali gamoikveTa

He became painfully cognizant of – man mtkivneulad gaacnobiera
Ignorance – umecreba
To spread propaganda – propagandis gavrceleba
To pitch in = set to work with energy; energiulad Seudge samuSaos
To comfort – damSvideba, nugeSiscema
A city fell to the powerful forces – qalaqi danebda Zlier jars
To endure privations – aitano gaWirveba
Deliver Us from Evil – gvixsen borotisagan
To alert sb to sth – gaafrTxilo vinme ramis Sesaxeb
Plight – gaWirveba, savalalo mdgomareoba
Sinister menace – avismomaswavebeli muqara

Stool pigeon = a person used by the police to trap a criminal

Confidant – ndobiT aRWurvili piri
Sinister plot – avismomaswavebeli SeTqmuleba
To run up a flag – droSis aRmarTva

To hem in - garSemotyma

To swap horses in midstream – azris Secvla da xmis micema sxva kandidatisTvis xelaxali
arCevnebis dros

3rd week

Ubiquitous – yvelgan myofi

Remote – Soreuli, daSorebuli
To thwart – xelis SeSla, damarcxeba
Harbinger – momaswavebeli niSani, ramis mauwyebeli
Malignant – RvarZliani, boroti, avTvisebiani

Extensive tour – xangrZlivi mogzauroba

To thwart enemy – mtris damarcxeba
To quell the spread of communism – komunizmis gavrcelebisTvis bolos moReba
Trained medical eye – eqimis gamocdili Tvali
Malignant cancer – avTvisebiani simsivne

Foul – wesebis darRveva sportSi

Fraternity – saZmo
Moat – Txrili
Malignant tumor - avTvisebiani simsivne

To cool one’s heels – alodino vinme

Shrewd – gamWriaxi, gonieri

4th week

Excruciating – autaneli, mtanjveli (tkivili)

Respite – Sesveneba, mosveneba
Reverberating – eqo, arekvla
Fretful – mousvenari, Sewuxebuli
To succumb – damorCileba, sikvdili

Excruciating pain - mtanjveli tkivili

Pain-killing drugs – tkivil-gamayuCebeli wamlebi
To bring relief – Svebis mogvra
To work without respite – imuSao Seusveneblad
On behalf of – saxeliT
The words kept reverberating in his mind – sityvebi eqosaviT ismoda mis gonebaSi
Stunned and grief-stricken – Tavzardacemuli da damwuxrebuli

To inch = make one’s way gradually

To give someone no respite – mosvenebis ar micema

A red herring – yuradRebis gadasatani saSualeba

Graft – korufcia, meqrTameoba

9th WEEK
1st day

Impresario – impresario
Extortion – gamoZalva
Adverse – mtruli, araxelsayreli, xelisSemSleli
Asset – aqtivi, kapitali
Bigot – fanati

Adverse criticism – mtruli kritika

To seek the limelight – ecado yuradRebis centrSi moxvedras
Rabble-rouser = one who stirs up the common people to discontent and violence, a demagogue;

Excruciatingly painful – autanlad mtkivneuli

To spill the beans – saidumlos gacema

He spilled the beans – man yvelaferi dafqva

2nd day

Blatant – myvirala, aSkara, nagli

Entourage – garemocva
Virulent – sasikvdilo, RvarZliani, gesliani, gadamdebi
Venom – Sxami, gesli
To spew – Rebineba, gadmonTxeva

Lunatic fringe – eqstremistebis dajgufeba

Hate-monger – provokatori
To attract publicity – sazogadoebis yuradRebis mipyroba
To give space – adgilis daTmoba (gazeTSi)
On the grounds – imis safuZvelze, rom
Newsworthy – gazeTSi ganTavsebis Rirsi
To extend a welcome to – sixaruliT migebeba
Controversial character - skandaluri pirovneba
Civic-minded organization – organizacia, romelic gamoirCeva moqalaqeobrivi valis SegrZnebiT
To demolish their guests – uaryon TavianTi stumrebis Teoriebi
To spew forth the venom – geslis gadmonTxeva

Plague – Savi Wiri

With blatant discourtesy – aSkarad uceremoniod, uzrdelurad
To harass – Sewuxeba, tanjva
Bereaved – daoblebuli

To keep a stiff upper lip – simxnevis, simamacis SenarCuneba

3rd day

Loath – uxaliso (to be loath to do something)

To solicit – Txovna, Suamdgomloba
Astute – gamWriaxi
To advocate – mxaris daWera
Ineffectual – araefeqturi, uSedego, unayofo

We cherish freedom of speech – veloliavebiT, vufrTxildebiT sityvis Tavisuflebas

To be loath to do something – ar gindodes ramis gakeTeba
To preach hatred– siZulvilis qadageba
To conduct a meeting – krebis Catareba
To solicit contributions – moiTxovo Sesawiri, Semweoba
Quarantine method – karantinis meTodi
– yuradRebis centri
Warped minds – damaxinjebuli azrovnebis mqone adamianebi

To have cold feet -Tavis Sekaveba, yoymani

Paratroops – saparaSuto-sadesanto jarebi

4th day

To scrutinize – dawvrilebiT gamokvleva

Nefarious – sazizRari
Amicable – guliTadi, megobruli
Vexatious – gamaRizianebeli, usiamovno, sawyeni
Malady – seni, avadmyofoba

To give someone the silent treatment – yuradRebis ar miqceva

To urge – daJinebiT moTxovna, darwmuneba
To furnish information to – informaciis miwodeba
To expose – mxileba, gamoaSkaraveba
Opinion-molders – is, vinc sazogadoebriv azrs qmnis
To induce – stimulis micema, Segulianeba
Immediate problem – gadaudebeli problema
To counteract – ganeitraleba, winaaRmdegobis gaweva
Sinister malady – avbediTi seni

To drive somebody insane – Wkuidan gadayvana

Malady had run its course – senma Tavisi dro moWama

Not to look a gift horse into the mouth – naCuqar cxens kbilebs ar usinjaveno

10th WEEK

1st day

Inclement – mkacri, susxiani (amindi, hava)

To peruse – yuradRebiT kiTxva
Premonition – winaTgrZnoba
To desist – Sewyveta, Tavis danebeba
To recoil – ukan daxeva

An uneasy feeling – usiamovno grZnoba, mousvenroba

Trouble was on the way – ubedureba axlovdeboda
Onset = beginning; dasawyisi

To detect = discover
To gnaw – RrRna
Calamity = great and serious misfortune or disaster
Premonition of calamity – ubedurebis winaTgrZnoba
To recoil with fear / in horror – SiSiT ukan daxeva

Promulgated a warning – sajarod gamoacxades gafrTxileba

To pay the piper = to have to pay heavily

2nd day

Pertinent – saqmesTan dakavSirebuli, saTanado

Mastiff– mastifi (ZaRlis jiSi)
To obsess – Sepyroba (Sepyrobili mag. SiSiT)
Doleful – mwuxare, naRvliani, melanqoliuri
Wan – avadmyofurad fermkrTali, gafiTrebuli

Disregard – uyuradReboba, arafrad Cagdeba

Foaming jaws – duJmoreuli ybebi
To force one’s way through – gzis ZaliT gakvleva

Was obsessed with the idea – azriT iyo Sepyrobili

Ruddy face – RaJRaJa saxe

On the carpet = being scolded

Called her on the carpet – galanZRa, datuqsa, miwasTan gaaswora

3rd day

Histrionics – emociebi, isterika

Elusive– mouxelTebeli, Znelad misaRwevi
To frustrate – CaSla, xelis SeSla
Symptomatic – simptomuri, niSandoblivi
To interject – SeniSvnebis CarTva, Careva

Rabies – cofi
To frustrate attempts – Zalisxmevis / mcdelobis CaSla
To undergo = experience
To administer vaccination– acris / vaqcinaciis daniSvna
It had been foaming at the mouth – piridan qafi sdioda
To growl – Rrena

Suspense = uncertainty
Wealth is easy to come by – simdidre advili saSovnelia

To show one’s hand – ganzraxvis gamJRavneba

4th day

Inert – uZravi
Salient – gamorCeuli, cnobili, TvalSisacemi, aSkara
Imminent – gardauvali
Squeamish – panikiori, dapanikebuli
Engrossed – Cafluli

Saliva [U] – nerwyvi

Spine = backbone; xerxemali
Numbness – gaSeSeba
Convulsion – krunCxva
To gasp = struggle for breath; sulis SexuTva, Zlivs sunTqva

To tilt at windmills – brZola warmosaxviT / moCvenebiT mtrebTan

To tilt – SubiT brZola

11th WEEK

1st day

Poignant – gulisamaCuyebeli
To inundate – datborva, wyliT dafarva
Fruitless – usargeblo, uSedego
Garbled – areul-dareuli, abdaubda
Sanguine – optimisti

Meanwhile – amasobaSi
To notify – Setyobineba
A poignant appeal for somebody – gulisamaCuyebeli Txovna
To come forward – gamoxmaureba
Lead – Cveneba, miTiTeba
To vanish = disappear

A poignant sermon – gulisamaCuyebeli qadageba

To bring tears to somebody’s eyes – cremlis mogvra Tvalze
Salient – TvalSisacemi
To wrest control of the government – mTavrobis xelSi Cagdeba / mmarTvelobis sadaveebis xelSi
Traitors were incarcerated – moRalateebi daapatimres
Skipper = captain

To feather one’s nest - isargeblo situaciiT da gamdidrde; xelis moTboba; cxovrebis mowyoba

2nd day

Phlegmatic – flegmaturi
To corroborate – dadastureba
Comprehensive – yovlismomcveli, srulyofili
Zealous – gulmodgine, mondomebuli
To coerce – daZaleba, Zaldataneba (to coerce sb into doing sth)

At the suggestion of some friends – ramodenime megobris winadadebiT

To fan = to spread like a fan (maraosaviT); gaSla
Empty-handed – xelcarieli
To be in great spirits – SesaniSnav gunebaze yofna
Vigil = the act of keeping awake at times when sleep is customary; sifxizle

Elusive fugitive – mouxelTebeli devnili

Swindler – TaRliTi, yalTabandi

Fair-weather friends – vai megobrebi

3rd day

To elapse = pass; gasvla (drois)

Meticulous = very careful about small details, and always making sure that everything is done correctly;
yuradRebiani, mowesrigebuli, pedanti
Domicile – saxli
Lax – daudevari, mouwesrigebeli
Sporadic = occasional; araregularuli, iSviaTi

Forty hours had elapsed – 40 saaTi miilia / miiwura

To pay off – Sedegis gamoReba
Meticulously – guldasmiT
To cross-check – gadamowmeba
Apologetic= regretfully acknowledging fault
Directed = told
Muzzled shepherd – alikapiani mecxvare ZaRli
To have a sporadic mean streak – xandaxan mouvlian xolme, Setevebi emarTeba

Inadvertently – Tavisdauneburad, daufiqreblad

Was punctuated = was interrupted
Mortar fire – naRmtyorcnis cecxli
Watchman – yarauli

To sow one’s wild oats – eweode uzrunvel cxovrebas

4th day

Rash – naCqarevi
Conjecture – varaudi
To obviate – Tavis arideba
Lurid – sensaciuri
Quip – xumroba

Rabid – cofiani
Summons = command to do something
To treat somebody to – gamaspinZleba
Double feature = a movie programme with two main films; ormagi seansi

Sheer = complete
Counterfeiter – falsifikatori
Coverage – mimoxilva, gaSuqeba (axali ambebis)
Exceedingly rash – metismetad naCqarevi
Longshoreman – portis muSa
Lusty quip – jansaRi iumori / xumroba

Windfall – moulodneli finansuri mogeba, gamarTleba

To strike oil = find oil in the ground

12th WEEK

1st day

Diatribe – mwvave kritika

Inhibition – TavSekaveba, kompleqsi
Fortuitous – SemTxveviTi
Incoherent – araTanamimdevruli, uTavbolo
Ilk – amnairi, amis msgavsi

To be convulsed with laughter – sicilsgan CabJireba

To launch into a diatribe on / to go into a diatribe on – mwvaved gakritikeba, nataciis
Ulcer – wyluli
To mutter = grumble in an indistinct voice, butbuti
Beatnik = a person who rejects mores (= customs) of established society (by dressing or
behaving unconventionally)
Others of that ilk – sxva am juris xalxi

To construe = interpret, axsna, daskvnis gamotana

To wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve – grZnobebis, gancdebis aSkarad gamoxatva

2nd day

Prestigious – prestiJuli
Placard – plakati
Integral – ganuyofeli, mniSvnelovani
Remuneration – anazRaureba
Nominal – minimaluri
All-round man = good at doing many different things; mravalmxrivi adamiani
Stock company (US) = a permanent repertory (provinciuli) company attached to a theatre
Props = stage properties = articles required on the stage; rekviziti
Spear – Subi
Walk-on role – epizoduri roli
Integral part – ganuyreli, ganuyofeli nawili
To fulfill a life-long ambition – aixdino mTeli cxovrebis ocneba

Looting – Zarcva
Ferocious = cruel

To wash dirty linen in public – piradi saqmeebis yvelas gasagonad ganxilva

3rd day
To expunge – waSla
Flamboyant – nairferi, kaSkaSa; = very energetic, lively in order to attract attention
Anathema – wyevla
Schism – ganxeTqileba
Utopia – utopia

Ledger – sabuRaltro wigni

Script – scenari

To perform a thousand and one odd jobs – aTasi wvrilmani saqmis gakeTeba
To perspire – oflis Rvra
To expunge something from one’s mind –mexsierebidan raimes amoSla
The schism widened – ganxeTqileba gaizarda
Press release = an official statement or report supplied to the press

To save face – sircxvilis arideba

4th day

Timorous – mSiSara
Truncated – Semoklebuli
Jaunty – mxiaruli
Fractious – moCxubari, Wirveuli
Ostentatious – myvirala, kaSkaSa, gamosaCeni, saCvenebeli

Apprentice – Segirdi, moswavle

Audition – mosmena
To cast = give an actor a part in a play
Tryout – gamocda
Rough competition – Zlieri konkurencia
The stage- struck accountant – scenaze gagiJebuli buRalteri

To strut – medidurad siaruli

Sprightly = lively

Indian summer – Semodgomis Tbili amindi

13th WEEK

1st day

To importune (sb. for sth.) – daJinebiT moTxovna

Incontrovertible – udavo
Surreptitious – maluli
Haven – TavSesafari
To subjugate – dapyroba, damorCileba

Distinguished = well-known
To importune somebody for authorization – daJinebiT moiTxovo sanqcia, ufleba
All-out = using all possible strength energy, etc.
All-out effort – maqsimaluri, yvelanairi mcdeloba / Zalisxmeva
Incontrovertible evidence – udavo faqtebi, samxili
Surreptitious experiment – maluli eqsperimenti
Speedy approval – saswrafo dasturi, Tanxmoba
Atomic supremacy – atomuri batonoba
To be sanguine about = to be optimistic about
Inclement weather = cold, stormy weather
Duplicity = deliberate deception; cbiereba, gaiZveroba
Meticulous bookkeeper = careful accountant
Incontrovertible testimony – udavo Cveneba
To corroborate – to confirm; dadastureba
To take the bull by the horns – gabedulad, Seupovrad moqmedeba; pirdapir SeebrZolo problemas

2nd day

Ultimate – saboloo
To eventuate in – saboloo Sedegis miReba
To emit – gamoyofa
Subterranean – miwisqveSa
Viable – gansaxorcieleblad SesaZlebeli, realuri, sococxlisunariani

Device – meqanizmi
Which could eventuate in a chain reaction – romlis saboloo Sedegic jaWvuri reaqcia iqneboda
Chunk = thick, solid piece
Rod = thin, straight piece of wood or metal
To speed up the production – warmoebis daCqareba
Atomic pile – atomuri reaqtori
Confinement = imprisonment
Subterranean dungeon – miwisqveSa dilegi
Wan = pale
To issue a diatribe against – mwvave gakritikeba
Smokestack – sakvamuri
Poisonous fume – momwamvleli gamonabolqvi
Zealous = enthusiastic; gulmodgine
The schism was healed = the schism was ended
The lion’s share – lomis wili

3rd day

Premise – safuZveli, winapiroba

To jeopardize – safrTxeSi Cagdeba
Incredulous (be incredulous about) – skeptikuri, urwmuno
To permeate – gavrceleba, gaJRenTva
Propitious – xelsayreli

Abandoned – mitovebuli
To proceed = go on
To ascend = to rise
Incredulous observer – skeptikuri damkvirvebeli
To mount the balcony – aivanze asvla
Unbearable tension permeated the atmosphere – autanelma daZabulobam gaJRinTa atmosfero
(At a) propitious moment – xelsayreli momenti
Lineup – ganlageba
To be squeamish about – be easily shocked about
To expunge = to erase
Skunk = small, bush-tailed American animal able to send out a strong evil smell as a defence when
attacked; skunsi, myrala
Handler = person who trains and controls an animal, e.g. a police dog

Out of the frying pan into the fire – vais gaveyare uis Seveyareo (ufro uaresi damemarTa)

4th day

To surmise – fiqri, varaudi

To curtail – Semokleba, Sekveca
To repress – CaxSoba, Sekaveba
Cryptic – daSifruli, saidumlo
Inchoate – sawyisi etapi

Reserved - TavSekavebuli
To repress excitement – aRelvebis CaxSoba, damalva
Soberly = seriously
To relay – gadacema, translireba
Navigator – Sturmani
Natives – adgilobrivi macxovreblebi
Lurid magazine = sensational magazine
Pertinent = appropriate; saqmesTan dakavSirebuli
To repress desire – survilis CaxSoba
To interject = to insert, CarTva
Nominal = slight; minimaluri
Inchoate state – sawyisi mdgomareoba

To keep the pot boiling – interesis gaRviveba

Uncertainty and suspense – gaurkvevloba da molodini

14th WEEK

1st day

To aspire (to) – miswrafeba

To inveigh (against) – lanZRva, gineba
To nettle – gaRizianeba
Overt – aSkara, daufaravi, Ria
To relegate (to) – daqveiTeba

Mess = messhall = the room, etc in which the meals are eaten (especially in the Armed Forces)
Messman = messhall servant
Fighting fleet – sabrZolo floti
To be nettled by = to be irritated by; iyo gaRizianebuli
Overt prejudice – aSkara, daufaravi crurwmena, mikerZoeba

Quip = joke
Premonition – winaTgrZnoba
To curtail = to cut short
To curtail freedom – Tavisuflebis SezRudva
Overt acts of violence – Zaladobis aSkara qmedeba
Parole – TavdebiT gaSveba

To bury the hatchet – zavis dadeba

Hatchet – najaxi

2nd day

Supine – zurgze wola

Mammoth – uzarmazari
To repulse – mogerieba
Havoc – ganadgureba, zarali
To raze – ganadgureba

To knock somebody flat on the back – daagdo vinme zurgze

Supine position – mwoliare mdgomareoba
Powerfully-built – Zlieri aRnagobis
Headed for the deck – gaemarTa gembanisken
To repulse the attack – Setevis mogerieba
To feed ammunition to a machine gunner – miawodo sabrZolo masala (yumbarebi) artilerists

To repulse request – moigerio Txovna

Populace – mosaxleoba

Philadelphia lawyer – gamorCeuli niWis mqone advokati

To set someone free – vinmes gaTavisufleba

3rd day

Lethal – sasikvdilo
To scurry – gaqceva
Incisive – mwvave
To precipitate – daCqareba
Stereotype – stereotipi

To drag somebody to safety – gaaTrio vinme usafrTxo adgilas

To train the gun on – damizneba
He was credited with destroying four bombers – mis angariSze oTxi bombdamSenis
ganadgureba iyo
To dodge the bullets – tyviebis Tavidan acileba
Incisive blow – mwvave dartyma

To castigate – mkacri gakritikeba

Inert body – usicocxlo sxeuli
A lethal kick – sasikvdilo dartyma
Fractious = quarrelsome

To gild the lily – xotbis Sesxma

4th day

Stentorian – mquxare
Singular – iSviaTi, uCveulo, gamorCeuli
Valor – simamace
Bias – crurwmena, mikerZoeba
Sinecure – ioli samuSao, “Tbili adgili”

To preside over a ceremony – iyo ceremoniis Tavjdomare

Award – jildo
To commend = praise
Singular act of valor –iSviaTi, gamorCeuli simamace
To disregard for his own personal safety – arad Caagdo piradi usafrTxoeba
To shatter the bias against Africans – daamsxvrio crurwmena afrikelebis Sesaxeb
Combat zone – sabrZolo zona

In his customary stentorian tones – misTvis damaxasiaTebeli mquxare toniT

Fistfight – muStebiT Cxubi

To steal one’s thunder – daswreba

My cousin stole my thunder – Cemma biZaSvilma damaswro (Cemi koziri gamoiyena )

15th WEEK

1st day

Complicity – Tanamonawileoba
Liquidation – likvidacia
Accomplice – Tanamzraxveli, Tanamonawile
To recant – naTqvamis ukan waReba
Culpable – damnaSave
To confess to complicity in – aRiaro Tanamonawileba
To establish oneself as an accomplice – warmoadgino Tavi Tanamzraxvelad
To recant confession – aRiarebis ukan waReba
He was found culpable – is damnaSaved cnes
Hoodlum = (sl.) a dangerous criminal
Nobody raised an eyebrow over - warbic aravis Seuxria
Hapless felon = unlucky criminal
Swindle –TaRliToba
Surreptitiously = secretly
Mammoth = huge
A mammoth conflict arose – uzarmazari konfliqti wamoiWra
Incontrovertible evidence – udavo samxili
A servant was held culpable = a servant was found culpable
Isolated parish – izolirebuli samrevlo
He is engaged in woolgathering - is ocnebiTaa dakavebuli (RrublebSi dafrinavs)

2nd day

To abrogate – darRveva, Selaxva

Alleged – eWvmitanili
Access – daSveba
To invalidate – anulireba
To preclude – xelis SeSla
To take an interest in – interesis gamoCena
To abrogate the rights – uflebebis Selaxva
Alleged accomplice – TanamonawileobaSi eWvmitanili
He had been denied access to an attorney – uari uTxres daeSvaT masTan advokati
To invalidate the conviction – ganaCenis gauqmeba
To entitle – uflebis micema
To question a suspect – eWvmitanilis dakiTxva
On the grounds that – im mizeziT, rom
To uphold a law = to support a law
To play havoc with – areulobis Setana
Slugger = heavy-weight boxer
Court-martial – tribunali
Pep pills = pills that stimulate the nervous system
To whitewash – damnaSavis umankod warmoCena
Virtuous = (formal) behaving in a very honest and moral way [≠ wicked]

3rd day

To persevere – Seupovrad gagrZeleba

Landmark – istoriuli mniSvnelobis
Extrinsic – gareSe, ucxo
To declaim – sityviT gamosvla
To fetter – dabrkoleba, xelis SeSla

To persevere in the defense of – Seupovrad gaagrZelo dacva

The case was argued – saqme gaasaCivres
The Supreme Court – uzenaesi sasamarTlo
A landmark decision – istoriuli mniSvnelobis gadawyvetileba
To reverse conviction – ganaCenis Secvla

Law enforcement – samarTalgamoyeneba
In the long run – bolos da bolos
Extrinsic evidence is secured – gareSe faqtebi, samxili moZiebulia
A justice = judge of a supreme court
Ill-conceived = not planned well and not having an aim that is likely to be achieved;
Legitimate methods of criminal enforcement – sisxlis samarTlis sferoSi kanon aRsrulebis
legitimuri meTodebi
Avidly – gulmodgined
Ostentatious fabrics – TvalSisacemi qsovili

To break the ice – situaciis ganmuxtva (yinuli daiZra); navsis gatexva

4th day

Paragon – gansaxireba, srulyofilebis nimuSi

Nomadic – moxetiale
Asperity – ukmexoba, uxeSoba
Epithet – epiTeti
Controversial – sakamaTo, sadavo

Release from prison – cixidan gaSveba

Inmate – patimari
To begin suits for freedom – sasamarTlo saqmis wamowyeba Tavisuflebis mosapoveblad
To violate the rights – uflebebis Selaxva
On its merits = according to the rights and wrongs of the case, without being influenced by
personal feelings; samarTlianad
To be convicted of the offense - damnaSaved cnoba
A paragon of virtue – Rirsebis gansaxiereba
To lead a nomadic existence – eweode moxetiale cxovrebas
With asperity – ukmexad
Police harassment – Zaladoba, devna policiis mier
To endure privation – gaWirvebis atana
Display of asperity – ukmexobis gamomJRavneba
They hurled vile epithets at each other – isini bilw epiTetebs esrodnen erTmaneTs
The grapevine – kuluaruli Worebi

16th WEEK

1st day

Indigenous (to be indigenous to) – mkvidri

Gregarious – megobruli, gulRia, gundurad mcxovrebi
Habitat – sacxovrebeli adgili, samSoblo (cxovelis, mcenaris), samyofeli
Cursory – naCqarevi, zerele (= perfunctory)
Interloper – gareSe piri, daupatiJebeli stumari

That is indigenous to all parts of the globe – romelic globusis yvela nawilSi mkvidrobs
Colony = number of animals or plants, living or growing together
A cursory study – zerele Seswavla
Hive – ska
Distinct odor – gansakuTrebuli, gamorCeuli surneli
To repulse invasion – Semotevis mogerieba

He took a cursory glance – man zereled gadaxeda

Cryptic message – daSifruli mesiji
To decode a message – mesijis gaSifvra
To be replete with – iyos savse ramiT
To scurry from group to group – gaiqce erTi jgufidan meorisken

In a bee line – umoklesi gziT

To make a bee line for – waxvide sadme umoklesi gziT

2nd day

Prolific - nayofieri
Bulwark – dacva, burji, sayrdeni
Sedentary (to) – mjdomare, uqnara, umoqmedo
Frugal – ekonomiuri, momWirne, yairaTiani
Antithesis (of) – sapirispiro, sawinaaRmdego, kontrasti

Sedentary drone – uqnara mamali futkari

To mate with – Sewyvileba / Sejvareba
Eggs that hatch into thousands of female workers – kvercxebi, saidanac iCekeba aTasobiT
muSa dedali futkari
The antithesis of the lazy drone – zarmac mamal futkarTan sruli kontrastia
In effect = in fact
To starve to death – SimSiliT sikvdili

To come up with a good plot – moigono kargi siuJeti

Reticent – sityvaZunwi
To shake off the fetters (of) – moiSoro borkilebi
To badger = continually nag; gulis gawyaleba

The world, the flesh, and the devil – cTuneba, amqveyniuri siamovneba

3rd day

Altruistic – Tavdauzogavi, sxvebze mzrunveli, altruisti

To embellish – Selamazeba, morTva
Cache – samalavi, sacavi
Coterie – saerTo interesebis mqone adamianTa jgufi, saZmo
Cupidity – sixarbe, gaumaZRroba

Waterproof honeycomb – wyalgaumtari fiWa

Beeswax – Taflis sanTeli
In search of nectar and pollen – neqtarisa (yvavilis wveni) da yvavilis mtvris saZebnelad
Hind legs – ukana fexebi
Is entrusted with – evaleba
Welfare of the queen – deda futkris keTildReoba

Through a fortuitous remark – SemTxveviTi replikis wyalobiT

His reprehensible cupidity would eventuate in a loss of all his friends – mis gasakicx sixarbes
Sedegad yvela megobris dakargva mohyveboda
Irate = angry

To make bricks without straw – wamoiwyo uimedo saqme

4th day

Virtuosity - virtuozoba, ostatoba

Temerity – windauxedaoba, uazro simamace, gambedaoba
Amorous – sasiyvarulo
Progeny - STamomavloba
To saturate – gavseba, gajereba, gaJRenTva

Saga = story
Larva – matli (larvae – matlebi)
Royal jelly = a substance secreted (romelic gamoiyofa) by worker bees and fed to all larvae
when very young and to larvae destined to become queens throughout their growth.
Pupa (pl. pupas or pupae) – Wupri
To hatch – gamoCekva
To challenge – gamowveva
Progeny saturate the hive – STamomavloba avsebs skas
Scouts are dispatched – mzveravebs agzavnian
To swarm = (of bees) move or go in large numbers round a queen bee for emigration to a new
Beatnik = a young person in the late 1950s who rebelled against conventional attitudes and styles of
To be noted for valor – iyo cnobili simamaciT

To have the upper hand – upiratesobis mopoveba

I had him at my mercy – is Cems xelSi iyo

17th WEEK
1st day

To perpetrate – Cadena, Sesruleba, ganxorcieleba

Consummate – srulyofili
Subterfuge – xriki, eSmakoba, fandi
To concoct – SeTxzva, mogoneba
Fallacious – mcdari, yalbi

Ruse = trick; xriki, eSmakoba, oini

Allied troops – mokavSire Zalebi, armia
Bold – gabeduli
Ingenious = clever
To concoct an ingenious subterfuge – Wkvianuri xrikis mogoneba
To plant sth on / upon sb = (informal) to hide stolen or illegal goods in someone's clothes,
bags, room etc in order to make them seem guilty of a crime
Fallacious documents – yalbi dokumentebi
To observe the effects of the plan – daakvirde gegmis Sedegebs

To give a cursory attention to –zerele yuradRebis miqceva

To surmise = to guess
Controversial – kamaTis moyvaruli; controversial issue – sakamaTo sakiTxi
To give a consummate attention to – mTeli yuradRebis mipyroba
To concoct a convincing story – damajerebeli ambis SeTxzva
To perpetrate the swindle – TaRliTobis Cadena
Confidence man = conman, TaRliTi
To adopt an amorous approach – sasiyvarulo urTierTobis damyareba

To draw in one’s horns – Tavis Sekaveba gabrazebisgan, Tavis xelSi ayvana

2nd day

Manifold – mravalricxovani
Assiduous – gulmodgine
Impeccable – umwikvlo, unaklo
Fraught (to be fraught with) – savse
Resourceful – moxerxebuli, sazriani, marjve

Escapade = a mischievous act or adventure; oini, eSmakoba; gamoxtoma

To encounter manifold problems – waawyde mravalricxovan problemebs
To conduct an assiduous search for – ganaxorcielo gulmodgine Zebna
Authenticity – utyuaroba, WeSmariteba
Personal effects – piradi nivTebi
Schemer = deviser of impracticable (ararealuri) schemes

Burdened by – datvirTuli
To preclude – xelis SeSla
Crippled airplane – dazianebuli TviTmfrinavi
To be razed = to be destroyed
A paragon of mercy – gulmowyalebis gansaxiereba
To put the cart before the horse – ukuRma / Tavdayira gakeTeba

3rd day

Murky – mRvrie, bundovani, gaurkveveli

Component – komponenti
Hoax – tyuili, eSmakoba
Labyrinth – labirinTi

To evaluate – Sefaseba

Submarine – wyalqveSa gemi

Embassy – saelCo
To scrutinize – dawvrilebiT / guldasmiT Seswavla
To reseal – beWdis Tavidan dadeba
To swallow the bait – ankesze wamogeba

Motion picture – kinofilmi

To wander – xetiali
To come face to face with – waawyde
Incisive (= caustic) comments – mwvave, gesliani komentarebi
Murky quality – gaurkveveli, bundovani xarisxi

To turn the tables (on sb.) – situaciis Secvla Sens sasargeblod

4th day

To exult – gaxareba, zeimi

To attest (to) – dadastureba
Gullible (be gullible about) – mimndobi
To deploy – ganlageba
Enigma – gamocana, Tavsatexi

All evidence attested to the fact – yvela samxili adasturebda faqts

Inconsequential – logikurad gaumarTlebeli, alogikuri
Subsequently – SemdgomSi
Allied casualties – mokavSireTa msxverpli
Citation = an official commendation (Seqeba) or award, esp. for bravery
A genuine enigma – namdvili Tavsatexi

A gullible dupe – mimndobi gulubryvilo adamiani

To deploy chess pieces – ganalago Wadrakis figurebi
To attest to the authenticity – daadasturo utyuaroba, namdviloba
To exhibit cupidity – gamoamJRavno siZunwe

A chip off the old block – gavde mamas; kvici gvarze xtiso; ali-kvali mama

18th WEEK
1st day

Abortive – warumatebeli, uSedego

To modify – Secvla
To accommodate – Sewyoba, morgeba
Spontaneous – spontanuri
Innate – bunebrivi, Tandayolili
Resourceful – marjve, sazriani
Abortive attempt – uSedego mcdeloba
To persevere – Seupovrad gagrZeleba
To hit upon - migneba
Extensive vocabulary – didi leqsika

Innate cunning – Tandayolili moxerxebuloba

To see through the spy’s subterfuge – gaSifro, amoicno jaSuSis xriki
Diver – myvinTavi
To admonish = scold, warn; gakicxva
Incoherent – araTanamimdevruli
Fallacious statement – mcdari gancxadeba
To accommodate the patient’s special needs – pacientis gansakuTrebuli moTxovnebis dakmayofileba
Under the wire – swored droze, bolo wuTSi
Term paper – sakurso naSromi

2nd day

Veneer (of) – moCvenebiTi, garegnuli

Myriad – uTvalavi, auracxeli
Urbane – daxvewili
To crave – survili, miswrafeba
Irrelevant – Seusabamo, uadgilo

A veneer of intelligence – moCvenebiTi inteleqti

That are familiar to – romelic nacnobia
Index finger – saCvenebeli TiTi

To practice cupidity - gamoamJRavno siZunwe

To concoct the hoax – tyuilis mogoneba
Urbane humor – daxvewili iumori
Sophisticated playwright – daxvewili dramaturgi
A veneer of ignorance – moCvenebiTi umecreba

To be at large – iyo Tavisufali (gaTavisuflebuli cixidan)

3rd day

To deem – CaTvla, miCneva

Inherent – Tandayolili
Buff – gulSematkivari, moyvaruli
To romp – xtunva, celqoba
Latent – damaluli, faruli

Ape = tailless monkey (gorilla, chimpanzee, orang-outan, gibbon); primati

To embark on = start
To rear = bring up; aRzrda
Inherent ability – Tandayolili niWi
Cinema buffs – kinos moyvarulebi
Latent intelligence – damaluli inteleqti
To cajole into doing sth – vinmes dayolieba
Intercity competition – saqalaqTaSoriso Sejibri
To romp over = to win easily; advilad gamklaveba
Hapless rival – uiRblo metoqe
To become cognizant of - mixvedra
Inherent alertness – Tandayolili sifxizle

To go against the grain – gaRizianeba, nervebis moSla

It goes against my grain – es me nervebs miSlis

4th day

Tortuous – mixveul-moxveuli, CaxlarTuli

Itinerant – moxetiale, mogzauri
Peregrination – mogzauroba
Conjugal – saqorwino, colqmruli
Barometer – barometri

Maze – labirinTi
Lever – berketi
Nomadic – moxetiale
To swing (swung, swung) – gadaadgileba, gaqaneba
Loyal – erTguli
To be nettled about – iyo gaRizianebuli
To ascend – asvla
Conjugal havoc = conjugal destruction; ojaxis dangreva
Sedentary – uqnara, mjdomare
Lobby – vestibiuli
Beggar – maTxovari
Others of that ilk – sxva misnairebi
May be construed = may be interpreted

To wink at – Tvalis daxuWva rameze (TiTqos ver amCnev)

Plethora of – siWarbe
Illegal shipment – aralegaluri gadazidva

19th WEEK
1st day

Megalomania – didebisken swrafva, gandidebis mania

Profligate – TavaSvebuli, mflangveli
Strife – uTanxmoeba, konfliqti, ganxeTqileba
Legion – uamravi
Coup –amboxeba, saxelmwifo gadatrialeba

Was afflicted with megalomania – gandidebis maniiT iyo Sepyrobili

Profligate rule – mflangveli mmarTveloba
Treasury – xazina
Rampant = growing and spreading uncontrollably; gavrcelebuli
Domestic strife was mounting – Sida areuloba izrdeboda
To be incarcerated = to be imprisoned
Bloodless coup – usisxlo gadatrialeba
Took command of the poor nation – gaRatakebuli eris saTaveSi movida
Singular disregard for = extraordinary indifference; gansakuTrebuli uyuradReboba
Spouse = husband or wife; meuRle
To be culpable for – iyo damnaSave
To execute - sikvdiliT dasja
To obviate = to avoid; Tavidan acileba
Veneer – niRabi
Feelings of inferiority – arasrulfasovnebis SegrZneba
To play possum – Tavis momkvdaruneba / mokatuneba
In jeopardy – safrTxeSi
Voracious = very hungry or greedy

2nd day

Amnesty – aministia
Expatriate – emigranti
To exonerate – reabilitacia, Sewyaleba
Fiat – dadgenileba, brZaneba
Mendacious – matyuara, cru

To declare an amnesty for – aministiis gamocxadeba

To abrogate oppressive fiats – despoturi dadgenilebebis gauqmeba
Predecessor – winamorbedi
Things began to look up temporarily – saqmeebi droebiT ukeTesobisken midioda

Myriad of law suits – uTvalavi procesi

To deliberate – mofiqreba, awon-dawonva
To exonerate the culprit – damnaSavis Sewyaleba
Obvious feint = obvious pretence; aSkara TvalTmaqcoba
It’s an ill wind that blows nobody good = (spoken) used to say that every problem brings an
advantage for someone; sxvisi ubedurebiT sargebloba; zogi Wiri margebeliao; нет худа без добра.
Quarterback – mcveli
Rookie – axalbeda
To mumble – Cabutbuteba

3rd day

Parsimonious – Zunwi
Pecuniary – finansuri
To dismantle – daSla, demontaJi, dangreva
Sumptuous – uxvi, mdidruli
To underwrite – dafinanseba

Pecuniary powers – finansuri Zalaufleba

To get the little country back on its feet – patara qveyana isev fexze daeyenebina
To slash all the waste from the budget – amoiRo yvela zedmeti xarji biujetidan
To underwrite a substantial loan – mniSvnelovani sesxis gamoyofa
To be in desperate trouble = to be in serious trouble

Sumptuous feast – mdidruli nadimi
To modify one’s parsimonious attitude – Secvalo Zunwi damokidebuleba
Fractious = quarrelsome; anCxli

To know the ropes – icode yvela procedura; ramis zedmiwevniT codna; saqmis kursSi yofna

4th day

Restrictive – SemzRudveli, mkacri

To balk – Tavis Sekaveba, uaris Tqma ramis gakeTebaze
Blunt – utaqto, ukmexi
Nostalgia – nostalgia
Rife – farTod gavrcelebuli

Ration = a fixed allowance of something that is scarce, such as food or petrol in wartime
Food rationing – kvebis norma
Graft = the practice of obtaining money by taking advantage of one's position; meqrTameoba
Under Andre – andres mmarTvelobis dros
Everybody got his slice of the pie – yvela Tavis lukmas iRebda

Decree – dadgenileba
To crave freedom = to desire freedom
Urbane = refined in manners; daxvewili

Behind the eight ball = in trouble

She found herself behind the eight ball – mas problemebi Seeqmna

20th WEEK
1 day

Reviled – galanZRuli, saZulveli

Derogatory – Seuracxmyofeli, damamcirebeli
To indict – bralis wayeneba
Nebulous – bundovani, gaurkveveli
Pesky – abezari, gamaRizianebeli

Cockroach – tarakana
On the face of the earth – dedamiwis zurgze
Fiction = literary works invented by the imagination, such as novels; mxatvruli literatura
Nonfiction = writing that deals with facts or real events
Derogatory references to – damamcirebeli moxsenieba vinmesi an raimesi
Ubiquitous – yvelgan myofi, yvelgan modebuli

Careers of viruses – virusis matareblebi
Yellow fever = an acute infectious tropical disease causing fever and jaundice, caused by certain
mosquitoes; yviTeli cieb-cxeleba
Polio = short for poliomyelitis
To contribute to asthma – xeli Seuwyos asTmis Camoyalibebas

Expatriate poet – emigranti poeti

Mobster = (US) a member of a criminal organization; gangster
To exonerate = to clear (someone) of blame or a criminal charge; Sewyaleba, braldebis moxsna
To be blunt with someone – iyo uxeSi vinmesTan
Columnist = a journalist who writes a regular feature in a newspaper

Left holding the bag – gadabraleba; vinmeze xelis Sewmenda

Profligate – mflangveli

2nd day

Redolent – suniT gaJRenTili

Repose – simSvide, dasveneba
Omnivorous – yvelafris mWameli
Disparate – gansxvavebuli
Abstemious – TavSekavebuli Wama-smaSi

To menace = to threaten
To be redolent with = smelling of; (aq) ayrolebuli
Odor = a particular and distinctive smell
Foul = stinking or dirty; ayrolebuli, WuWyiani
In repose – mosvenebul mdgomareobaSi
Atop = on top of
Disposition - ganwyobileba
To feast upon = to eat a large amount of
Upholstery = covering of a chair or sofa
To begin in earnest = to begin seriously
To issue a fiat – dadgenilebis gamoSveba
A lick and a promise – saqmis zereled gakeTeba, mifuCeCeba

3rd day

Extant – arsebuli; Cvenamde moRweuli

Vicissitudes –cvalebadoba, sirTule
Edifice – Senoba
Sultry – papanaqeba, mgznebare
Trenchant – mwvave, gamWriaxi, zedmiwevniTi

To endure the vicissitudes of weather – gauZlo amindis cvalebadobas

To reside = (Formal) to live permanently (in a place)
Frigid climate = very cold climate
To persevere = to continue to make an effort despite difficulties
Trenchant analysis – guldasmiT gakeTebuli analizi
To make the point – daskvnis gakeTeba
Forthcoming – moaxloebuli
Sultry scenes = passionate scenes
Latent strength – faruli Zala

Tongue in cheek – aragulwrfelad, gaiZverulad

To speak with one’s tongue in cheek

4th day

Puissant – Zlieri
Unabated – daucxromeli
Maudlin – sentimentaluri
Levity – araseriozuloba, Tavqarianoba
Lugubrious – sevdiani

Admits to frustration – aRiarebs rom CaeSala

To breed a resistant strain – gamZle STamomavlobis gamravleba
Descendant - STamomavloba
Extermination = destruction a group or type of people, animals, or plants completely; sruli
To continue unabated = to continue without any reduction in force;
To become maudlin – sentimentalur xasiaTze dadgoma
Persecution - devna
To make a lugubrious plea – sevdiani TxovniT mimarTva

Rebuttal = prove to be false

Reunion = a gathering of people who have been apart
Alumnus (pl. alumni) or (fem) alumna (pl. alumnae) = (Chiefly US & Canad) a graduate of a school or
To admonish = to reprimand sternly; sayveduri
To take the wind out of one’s sails = (informal) to make someone lose their confidence,
especially by saying or doing something unexpected;
To voice = to express verbally

21st WEEK

1st day

Scion – STamomavali
To indoctrinate – damoZRvra, ganswavla
Opulence – simdidre, fufuneba
Obsequious – pirferi
Fulsome – gadaWarbebuli

Ivory – spilos Zvali

To assume throne – taxtis memkvidreobiT miReba
To be shielded from the cruel realities of the world – iyo daculi samyaros mkacri realobisgan
To cater to one’s desire – daakmayofilo vinmes survili
To lavish = to give or to spend very generously or in great quantities
To lavish fulsome praise upon – miuZRvna gadaWarbebuli qeba

Edifice = building
Vicissitudes of life – cxovrebis sirTuleebi
Gullible – miamiti, mimndobi
To revile = to scold; galanZRva
Trenchant criticism – mwvave kritika

Two strings to one’s bow – ori gza miznis misaRwevad

To appear in person – piradad gamocxadeba

2nd day

Lush – mdidruli
Destitution – siRatake
To ponder – Cafiqreba, awon-dawona
Supplication – xvewna, mudara
Decadence – daknineba, dacema

Lush surroundings – mdidruli garemo

Misery – ubedureba, tanjva
To plead with somebody – vedreba, Txovna
To come forth – gamoxmaureba, (aq) xmis gacema
To make amends – cvlilebebis Setana

Buffs = fans
Strife – uTanxmoeba
Rife = widespread

On tenter hooks – daZabul, aRelvebul mdgomareobaSi

To keep someone on tenter hooks – amyofo vinme daZabul, aRelvebul mdgomareobaSi

3rd day

Penance (n) – codvebis monanieba

Ascetic – asketuri
Desultory – uTavbolo, umizno, amao
Disciple – mimdevari
Metamorphosis – metamorfoza, gardaqmna

Garments = clothes
Monk - beri
Robe – mantia
To do penance for - codvebis monanieba
To cleanse – ganwmenda
Desultory wandering – uTavbolo xetiali
A handful of disciples - erTi muWa mimdevrebi
Torment – satanjveli
To undergo a metamorphosis – ganicado metamorfoza
Enlightened – ganaTlebuli, gabrwyinebuli

Lugubrious – sevdiani
Levity – araseriozuloba
Mendacity – sicrue
To impose a penance upon someone – codvebis miteveba
Sinner – codvili

The fat is in the fire – ukve gvianaa, mosaxdeni moxda

To desist = stop

4th day

Bona fide – WeSmariti

Salvation – xsna
Materialism – materializmi
To nurture – aRzrda, swavleba
Nirvana – nirvana, budistebis samoTxe

Worldly pleasure – amqveyniuri siamovneba

Self-torment - TviTgvema
To reject self drives – uari Tqva pirad miswrafebebze
To preach – qadageba
To shape one’s own destiny – Seqmna sakuTari bediswera
Good deed – keTili saqmeebi
Pure – wminda
Religious worship – religiuri kulti
To idolize – gaRmerTeba

To accommodate needs – moTxovnebis dakmayofileba

To find solace in – ipovo Sveba
Conviction – rwmena

Like Caesar’s wife – umwikvlo, ucodveli

22nd WEEK

1st day

To juxtapose – Sedareba, Sepirispireba

Plight – mZime mdgomareoba
Covert – faruli, maluli
To cope – Tavis garTmeva
Incompatibility – SeuTavsebloba

To cope with life’s vicissitudes – Tavi gaarTva cxovrebis sirTuleebs

With asperity – ukmexad

Disparate personalities – gansxvavebuli xasiaTis mqone adamianebi
In a desultory fashion – uTavbolod
To move to tears – Tvalze cremlis mogvra

Plea bargain – garigeba aRiaro danaSauli im mizniT, rom Tavidan airido braldeba ufro seriozuli
To agree to a plea bargain
Offense – danaSauli
Assault = a violent attack, either physical or verbal

2nd day

Incapacitated – mwyobridan gamosuli, uunaro

To fabricate – SeTxzva
Connubial – col-qmruli
To demur at – winaaRmdegobis gaweva, Sepasuxeba
Appellation – saxelwodeba, saxeli

Socially – erTad TavSeyrisas

To conceal = to cover and hide, to keep in secret
To attribute sth to = to explain; miawers

Maudlin = foolishly or tearfully sentimental, esp. as a result of drinking

She grew maudlin – mas guli auCuyda
To reminisce = to talk or write about old times or past experiences; mogoneba
Connubial bliss = connubial happiness; col-qmruli bedniereba
Pesky = (US & Canad: informal) troublesome; nervebis momSleli, problemuri
Skin rash – gamonayari kanze

In apple pie order - dalagebuli, dawkrialebuli

The house was in apple pie order – saxli dawkrialebuli iyo

3rd day

Escalation – masStabebis zrda, eskalacia

Indifference – indiferentuloba
Potential – potenciuri, SesaZlo
Cumulative = growing in amount, strength, or effect by small steps; dagrovili
Recondite – bundovani. Mmaluli

Aside from - garda

To indict - dabraleba
Contributory factors – xelSemwyobi faqtorebi
To taper off = diminish gradually; TandaTanobiT Semcireba

Derogatory = expressing or showing a low opinion of someone or something; Seuracxmyofeli

Escalation of the conflict – konfliqtis gamwvaveba
Puissant = adj (Archaic or poetic) powerful
When destitution grips – (aq) rodesac siRatake batonobs;
To grip = grasp; xelis taceba
Sultry weather – papanaqeba
To shorten someone’s temper – moTminebidan gamoyvana
To preclude – xelis SeSla

Apple polishing – pirferoba

Advancement - dawinaureba

4th day

To palliate – dayuCeba, Semsubuqeba

To delude – SecdomaSi Seyvana, motyueba;
To delude someone about something
Prelude to – dasawyisi, Sesavali
Chimerical – qimeriuli, auxdeneli; warmosaxviTi
To acknowledge – aRiareba

To be cognizant of = be aware of
Medication = treatment with drugs

Extrinsic = originating or acting from outside; gareSe

To do penance for his sins – codvebis monanieba

The Draconian Code - mkacri kanonebi

Counselor = an adviser; (US) a lawyer who conducts cases in court

23rd WEEK

1st day

Heterogeneous – sxvadasxva Semadgenlobis, gansxvavebuli (≠homogeneous)

Gamut – gama, diapazoni, masStabi, speqtri, siRrme
Perspicacious – gamWriaxi, SorsmWvreteli
Analogous – analogiuri, msgavsi
Maladjusted – Znelad aRsazrdeli

Metropolitan = of or characteristic of a metropolis (the main city of a country or region)

High school = a secondary school
Disparate = utterly different
IQ = intelligence quotient (koeficienti)

Scurrilous = untrue or unfair, insulting, and designed to damage a person's reputation;


The distaff side = the female side of a family; qalebi

To spin - Zafis darTva
Porch – veranda

2nd day

Phenomenon – fenomeni (pl. phenomena)

Mortality – sikvdilianoba
Decade – dekada, aTwleuli
Susceptible – mgrZnobiare, midrekili
Neurotic – nerviuli

To pursue = to continue to discuss or argue (a point or subject); gagrZeleba, miyola

To corroborate – dadastureba
Finding = the conclusion reached after an inquiry or investigation; daskvna, mokvleva
Life expectancy - sicocxlis xangrZlivoba
To contract = to become affected by (an illness)
To contract ulcers – daavadde wyluliT
To be susceptible to sth – iyo mgrZnobiare / midrekili ramis mimarT

Acrimony – RvarZli
Querulous = complaining; buzRuna

On the qui vive – fxizlad yofna, iyo dadarajebuli

To be on the qui vive for something

3rd day

Pedagogue – pedagogi
To enunciate – sajarod warmoTqma, gamocxadeba
Inordinate – gadaWarbebuli, metismeti, zedmeti
Irascible – ficxi
Introspective – gulCaTxrobili

Peril = great danger or jeopardy; safrTxe

To dismiss = to allow (someone) to leave
To recite = to repeat (a poem or passage) aloud from memory before an audience; zepirad
Jittery - nervebaSlili, gaRizianebuli

Profligate – mflangveli
Parsimonious - Zunwi
Crank = eccentric person; axirebuli adamiani
Gregarious = enjoying the company of others; megobruli
Assiduous = hard-working; gulmodgine

To get one’s back up – gabrazeba

4th day

To perpetuate – ukvdavyofa, mudmivad SenarCuneba

Mandate = an official or authoritative command to carry out a particular task; uflebamosileba, mandati
Compensatory - sakompensacio, makompensirebeli
To neutralize – ganeitraleba
Catastrophic – katastrofuli

To badger - tvinis gaburRva

To bring about changes – cvlilebebis ganxorcieleba
A compensatory factor – makompensirebeli faqtori
To earn the appellation of – moixveWo saxeli
Unabated = without any reduction in force; daucxromlad
To incapacitate = to deprive (a person) of strength, power, or ability, disable

To bring home the bacon – ojaxis rCena

Incompatibility - SeuTavsebloba

24th WEEK

1st day

Anthropologist – anTropologi
Bizarre – ucnauri
Inanimate – usulo
Fetish – kerpi, avgarozi, amuleti
Artifact – xelnakeTi

Average American – Cveulebrivi amerikeli

Pebble – kenWi
To derive power from – Zalis miReba
Carving – CuqurTma

Beating a path to his door – mis kars miawydeba

To get down off a high horse – moeSva ampartavnebas (miwaze daSveba)

2nd day

Taboo – tabu
Imprudent – gaufrTxilebeli, windauxedavi
Prohibition – akrZalva
Imperative – gadaudebeli, saswrafo, savaldebulo
Taint – samarcxvino daRi, laqa (v. dabinZureba)

Outgrowth = a natural development or consequence; Sedegi, bunebrivi gagrZeleba

To lend something magic – jadosnuri Zalis miniWeba
Imprudent native – windauxedavi mkvidri
To violate the prohibition – akrZalvis darRveva
It becomes imperative – savaldebulo xdeba
Offender – damnaSave
To remove the taint - samarcxvino daRis moSoreba
To die through one’s fears – SiSiT sikvdili

To place a prohibition on – akrZalvis daweseba

To win the case – saqmis mogeba sasamarTloSi
To accept charity – miiRo mowyaleba
To lay off from the job = to sack

The first water – saukeTeso, udidesi

3rd day

Universal – universaluri
Contemptuous – damcinavi
Absurd – absurdi
Bigot – fanati
To abhor – zizRi

To be contemptuous of – abuCad agdeba, zizRiT yureba

Superstition – crurwmena
Dyed-in-the-wool – namdvili, naRdi
Yearning – miswrafeba, ltolva

To feel contemptuous of someone – gagiCndes zizRis grZnoba vinmes mimarT

Notorious = well-known for some bad reason; cudi saxelis mqone
On the basis – imis safuZvelze, rom

Dyed-in-the-wool – namdvili, gamousworebeli

4th day

Vulnerable – daucveli
Entreaty – xvewna, mudara
Tradition – tradicia
To originate in – saTavis aReba, warmoSoba
Inviolable – urRvevi, xelSeuxebeli

Propitious moment – xelsayreli momenti

To make an entreaty to – xvewna
Ignorance – umecreba
To continue inviolable – ucvlelad gagrZeleba

Adolescence – siymawvile
To make an entreaty to someone for a pardon – Txovna SewyalebisTvis
Inexorable torture – Seubralebeli wameba
Armor – javSani

Blue chip – Zvirad Rirebuli aqcia an qoneba

25th WEEK

1st day

Awesome – sazareli
Eruption – amofrqveva
Puny – susti, uRono, uZluri (puny attempts)
Debris – nangrevebi, namsxvrevebi
Dispersed – mimofantuli

Singularly – araCveulebrivad
To dwarf = to cause (someone or something) to seem small by being much larger; umniSvnelod
gamoCena, daCrdilva
To blow up - afeTqeba
Tidal wave – moqcevis talRa
To scatter – mimofantva
Startlingly beautiful – saocrad lamazi

To be stunned by = to be shocked or astonished so that he or she is unable to speak or act;

Secbunebuli, Sokirebuli
To put up the puny resistance to – uRono winaaRmdegobis gaweva
Capture – nadavli
Fluffy = being light or soft; fumfula, fafuki
Milkweed – rZiana

As broad as it is long – mniSvneloba ara aqvs

2nd day

To obliterate – mospoba, ganadgureba

Deplorable – savalalo, samwuxaro
To initiate – wamowyeba
Conflagration – didi xanZari
To rue – sinanuli

To obliterate life – sicocxlis mospoba

Deplorable prospect – samwuxaro perspeqtiva
On a scale far beyond our imagination – im masStabiT, romelic Cvens warmosaxvas scildeba
Envelop the world = to cover, surround the world; moicavs mTel samyaros
To consider something mandatory – raimes savaldebulod miCneva
To seek agreement on – ecado miiRo Tanxmoba
We may rue the day – Cven SeiZleba vinanoT is dRe

Bizarre – ucnauri
Umpire = referee; msaji

Blow hot and cold – meryeoba

He is blowing hot and cold on it – is amaze meryeobs

3rd day

Congenial – Sesaferisi, mimzidveli
To hoard – dagroveba, Senaxva
Sage – brZeni, brZnuli
Aegis – mfarveloba, dacva, egidiT, xelSewyoba
Detriment (to) – ziani

Congenial condition – xelsayreli mdgomareoba

To sink measurably – dakleba Sesabamisad
To conserve water – wylis SenarCuneba
Dry spell – mSrali periodi
To heed = to pay close attention to (a warning or piece of advice)
Sage advice – brZnuli rCeva
To limit the wasteful use of – SezRudo araekonomiuri moxmareba
Under the aegis of – xelSewyobiT
Imprudent waste – windauxedavi flangva
To the detriment of all – yvelas sazianod

Square = (informal) someone who is considered boring and unfashionable [= nerd]

Dubious – saeWvo
Fortuitous – SemTxveviTi

In the doldrums – depresiaSi yofna

4th day

Longevity – xangrZlivi sicocxle, dRegrZeloba

To imbibe (of) – daleva, STanTqma
Virile – mamakacuri
Senile – daZabunebuli, daCaCanakebuli
Doddering – mocaxcaxe, mobarbace, mofamfalebuli

Every so often – drogamoSvebiT, dro da dro

To what do these people owe their longevity – ras umadlian es xalxi TavianT xangrZliv sicocxles
Robust = very strong and healthy; axovani, zorba
Sturdy = (of a person) healthy, strong, and unlikely to tire or become injured; Zlieri
Specimen – nimuSi
Hardy humanity – amtani, gamZle
Folk = relatives, people

With the aid of a cane – xeljoxis daxmarebiT

Burn the midnight oil - SuaRamemde muSaoba / swavla

26th WEEK

1st day

Lethargic – indiferentuli, uenergio

Prevalent – gabatonebuli, farTod gavrcelebuli
Paramount – umaRlesi, umniSvnelovanesi
Remiss – ugulisyuro, uyuradRebo
Hostile – mtruli, agresiuli

To be susceptible to an influence – moeqce gavlenis qveS

To shape public opinion – sazogadoebrivi azris Seqmna
To be remiss in one’s duty – iyo ugulisyuro movaleobis SesrulebaSi
Hostile comment – mtruli / agresiuli komentari
To level against – mimarTva (mimarTuli)
Opinion-molder –sazogadoebrivi azris Semqmneli

To be susceptible to – midrekilebis qona

To split hairs – dava wvrilmanebze

To argue about the hair-splitting question – idavo wvrilmanebze

2nd day

To rebuke – sayveduri
Aversion (to) – antipaTia, arakeTilganwyoba
To evince – gamomJRavneba
Vogue – moda
Superficial – zedapiruli

To devote space to foreign items – dauTmo adgili ucxour sakiTxebs

To claim – damtkiceba (amtkiceben)
To evince interest in – interesis gamomJRavneba
To the point of distortion – damaxinjebamde

Imperative – savaldebulo, aucilebeli

To give a rebuke for something – usayveduro ramis gamo
To imbibe – daleva
To be in vogue – modaSi yofna

To strike while the iron is hot – isargeblo situaciiT

Allowance = an amount of money given at regular intervals

3rd day

To jettison – Tavidan moSoreba, gadayra (tvirTis)

Inevitable – gardauvali, aSkara, eWvgareSe
Lucrative – momgebiani
Tussle – brZola, Cxubi
Intrinsic – Tandayolili, bunebrivi, damaxasiaTebeli

To endanger a lucrative business – safrTxeSi Caagdo momgebiani biznesi

Constant tussle – mudmivi brZola
To offend – wyenineba
It is intrinsic to the operation of mass media – damaxasiaTebelia masmediis muSaobisTvis
News coverage – axali ambebis gaSuqeba
Editorial = an article in a newspaper expressing the opinion of the editor or publishers;
mewinave statia

Conscience – sindisi
Yearning – ltolva
To set the price of – fasis daweseba
Imprudent – windauxedavi

Once in a blue moon – Zalian iSviaTad

4th day

Acute (= incisive) - mwvave

Gist – arsi, deda azri
Transient – xanmokle, wuTieri, warmavali
Terse (= succinct) - mokle, lakonuri
Cogent – damajerebeli

Acute problems – mwvave problemebi

When it comes to – roca saqme exeba
Broadcast - gadacema
To transmit the gist of a story – ambis / movlenis arsis gadmocema
If his attention wanders – Tu yuradReba gaefanteba
Cogent presentation of news – axali ambebis damajerebeli warmodgena

To get the gist of the message – mesijis arsis gageba

To make a terse statement – lakonuri gancxadebis gakeTeba
A contemptuous accusation – damcinavi braldeba

Sleep on it = (spoken) to not make a decision about something important until the next day ;
gadawyvetilebis miReba mxolod dafiqrebis Semdeg

27th WEEK

1st day

Pinnacle – piki, mwvervali

Array – wyeba, mwkrivi, rigi
Obscure – ucnobi, Znelad gasagebi, SeumCneveli
Ardent – mgznebare, Tavgamodebuli
To culminate (with) – kulminaciis miRweva

To reach one’s pinnacle – miaRwio piks, mwvervals

Bewildering = confusing, puzzling; gamaognebeli, gansacvifrebeli
To come into one’s own – miiRo raime damsaxurebis mixedviT
Field – sfero
To become paramount in = become supreme, gaxde saukeTeso

Imposing – STambeWdavi
Transient – xanmokle
Ardent love – mgznebare siyvaruli
Obscure artist – SeumCneveli mxatvari
Inevitable day of recognition – is gardauvali dRe, rodesac aRiarebas moipoveb

To break the ice – yinulis galRoba, situaciis ganmuxtva

Stiffness – daZabuloba

2nd day

To constrict – SezRudva, SekumSva

Prodigy – saswauli, fenomeni
Bereft (of) – warTmeuli, moklebuli
To falter (in) – waborZikeba, yoymani, meryeoba, Seferxeba
Exultation – zeimi, lxena, sixaruli

A child prodigy – vunderkindi

To hold a post – Tanamdebobis dakaveba
His health began to fail – misma janmrTelobam daiwyo gauareseba
He turned to composing – is miubrunda musikis SeTxzvas
Bereft of hearing – smenas moklebuli
To reflect – asaxva
To evince exultation about – gamoamJRavno sixaruli

To be filled with exultation – sixaruliT savse

To appear on the stage – scenaze gamoCena
Knight – raindi

Loaded for bear – kargad momzadebuli

The defenders were loaded for bear – mcvelebi kargad momzadebulebi iyvnen

3rd day

Vitriolic – gesliani, sarkastuli

Invective – lanZRva-gineba
To besmirch – saxelis gatexva
Voluminous – didi moculobis, mravaltomiani
Retrospect – retrospeqtiva, warsulisken mibruneba

Successor to – memkvidre
Object of vitriolic attacks – gesliani Tavdasxmebis obieqti
They heaped invective upon him – lanZRva-ginebiT aavses
To produce voluminous varieties of compositions – didi moculobis sxvadasxva Janris
nawarmoebis Seqmna
In retrospect – dRevandeli gadasaxedidan
His originality is appreciated – misi originaluroba dafasebulia

How life on this continent originated – rogor warmoiSva sicocxle am kontinentze

To bring down the house – didi enTuziazmis gamowveva

He can be counted on – SeiZleba misi imedi gvqondes

4th day

Egotist – Tavmomwone, pativmoyvare adamiani, egocentristi

Humility – Tavmdabloba
Pungent – mwvave, gesliani
Inveterate – gamousworebeli, mourjulebeli
Adamant (about) – uryevi

Gruff - uxeSi
Likeable – sasiamovno
To have an extremely lofty opinion of oneself – didi warmodgenis qona sakuTar Tavze
He was not noted for his humility – is ar gamoirCeoda TavmdablobiT
Pungent sense of humour – gesliani, mware iumoris grZnoba
To warm up to – simpaTiiT ganwyoba vinmes mimarT
Inveterate stay-at-home – gamousworebeli “saxlis kaci”
To confer an honorary degree upon somebody – sapatio wodebis miniWeba
To be adamant about – uryevad idge Sens sityvaze; simtkicis gamoCena

Inveterate smoker – gamousworebeli mweveli

Imprudent habit – windauxedavi Cveva
Pungent odor – mkveTri suni
Umpire – msaji

Meekness – moridebuloba
Unyielding – uryevi

To pull one’s weight – Seasrulo samuSaos Seni wili

28th WEEK

1st day

Vulnerable to – daucveli, mgrZnobiare

Bedlam – sagiJeTi (a noisy confused situation)
Cacophony – kakafonia
To exploit – gamoyeneba, Sens sasargeblod gamoyeneba
Propinquity – siaxlove

Winding – mixveul-moxveuli
To be on the alert to – fxizlad yofna
To exploit a mistake by an opponent – Seni oponentis Secdomis Sens sasargeblod gamoyeneba
The propinquity of sudden death – uecari sikvdilis siaxlove

Slight = to insult (someone) by behaving rudely; uxeSad mopyroba, abuCad agdeba

Lucrative – momgebiani

A white elephant – Zvirad Rirebuli, magram usargeblo nivTi

Attic – sxveni

2nd day

Disgruntled – ukmayofilo
Infallible – Seumcdari, utyuari
Panacea - panacea
To eradicate – aRmofxvra, amoZirkva, Tavidan moSoreba
To impede – dabrkoleba, xelis SeSla

To be dissatisfied with – iyo ukmayofilo ramis gamo

Infallible way – uSecdomo gza
Paramount objective – umniSvnelovanesi, umaRlesi mizani
Creative talent – SemoqmedebiTi niWi
To exploit the talent to the limit – niWis bolomde gamoyeneba

To be disgruntled with = to be dissatisfied with

The infallible sign of spring – gazafxulis utyuari niSani
Crocus = a plant with white, yellow, or purple flowers in spring
Vitriolic verbal attack – gesliani sityvieri Tavdasxma

Lock, stock, and barrel = including every part of something; mTlianad, yvelafrianad
e.g. The Knolls have owned the town lock, stock, and barrel for 15 years.

3rd day

Sedate – dinji, mSvidi, darbaiseli

Equanimity – simSvide, aRuSfoTebloba, wonasworoba (adamianis xasiaTze)
Compatible (with) – Sewyobadi, SeTavsebadi
Serenity – myudroeba, siwynare
Revere – pativiscema

The Dutch – holandielebi

The slow rhythm of life – cxovrebis neli tempi
Barge = a flat-bottomed boat, used for transporting freight, esp. on canals
Is not in accord with – ar Seefereba; ar aris harmoniaSi
Rigid = inflexible or strict; uryevi
Liberty = freedom

To use invective – gamoiyeno salanZRavi sityvebi

Composure – simSvide

A feather in one’s cap – saamayo

4th day

Irrational – ugunuri, uazro, absurduli

Avarice – sixarbe, gaumaZRroba (avaricious – xarbi)
Insatiable – gaumaZRari, daukmayofilebeli
Nadir = the lowest or worst point of anything; ufskruli, yvelaze dabali zRvari
Moribund – momakvdavi

Irrational demand for – uazro moTxovna

Specimen = sample; nimuSi, egzemplari
At awesomely high prices – saSinlad maRali fasebiT
In their avarice – gaumaZRrobiT Sepyrobilni
Before long – male
To reach one’s nadir – miaRwio ufskruls, fskers

With equanimity - mSvidad

Irrational behaviour – ugunuri saqcieli

Out on a limb = a) in a precarious or questionable position rTul, sarisko situaciaSi

b) (Brit) isolated, esp. because of unpopular opinions;
c) alone and without help or support;
e.g. She's left out on a limb - is marto darCa Tavis problemebTan
All the other countries signed the agreement, leaving Britain out on a limb.
He'd gone out on a limb (=taken a risk) to help us.

29th WEEK
1 day

Lithe – moqnili
Obese – msuqani
Adherent – momxre, mxardamWeri, fani, gulSematkivari
Bliss – netareba, gancxroma, bedniereba
Pathetic = arousing pity or sympathy; Sesabrali, sevdiani

To weld = to unite closely; SeerTeba, SeduReba
To gain mastery over an opponent – Zalauflebis mopoveba oponentze
Knowledgeable = intelligent or well-informed
He is in a state of bliss – is gancxromaSia, bednieria
To execute something to perfection – raimes srulyofilad Sesruleba

He switched his loyalty to the opposition party – Tavisi erTguleba opoziciur partiaze gadaitana
Step = one of a sequence of foot movements that make up a dance; sacekvao moZraoba
Insatiable hunger – daukmayofilebeli SimSili
Ardent couple – mgznebare wyvili

On the spur of the moment – daufiqreblad, impulsurad

To turn thumbs down on – uaris Tqma

2nd day

To exhort – rCeva, darwmuneba

Apathy – apaTia, uinteresoba
Fracas – Cxubi
Inebriated – mTvrali
Adversary – mteri, mowinaaRmdege

To play a superficial role – zedapiruli rolis TamaSi

A spirited cheer – energiuli SeZaxili
Stand – tribuna
To spur on the team = encourage the team; gaamxnevo gundi
Long standing rivals – didi xnis metoqeebi
Feelings run high – emociebi kulminacias aRwevs
A fracas may break out – SeiZleba Cxubi gaCaRdes

To go on a diet – dietaze gadasvla

Sedate – mSvidi
To besmirch one’s good name – saxeli gautexo vinmes
Disgruntled – ukmayofilo
Cogent arguments – damajerebeli argumentebi

Fracas = brawl; Cxubi

A fly in the ointment – mcire minusi, nakli

Ointment – malamo

3rd day

Indolent – zarmaci
Gusto – siamovneba, interesi, enTuziazmi
Garrulous – sityvamravali, molaybe (= voluble) (# reticent)
Banal – banaluri
Platitude – banaluroba

To attend in person – piradad daswreba

Contest – Sejibri
Inclement weather = stormy or severe weather
Garrulous group of announcers – ybedi komentatorebis jgufi
Laudable = deserving praise, commendable; qebis Rirsi (# despicable)

Sumptuous feast – mdidruli nadimi

To eat with gusto – Wama siamovnebiT
Sultry days of summer – zafxulis mcxunvare dReebi
To go to great lengths – yvelanairad ecado
To eschew work – Tavidan airido muSaoba
Cryptic remark – daSifruli, saidumlo SeniSvna

Zest – interesi

To take French leave (from) – unebarTvod wasvla

To fine someone – dajarimeba

4th day

Pique – aRSoTeba, guliswyroma, daZabuli urTierToba

Dilettante – diletanti, moyvaruli
Atypical – ara tipiuri, atipuri
Nondescript – SeumCneveli, amoucnobi, Znelad aRsaweri
Wane – kleba, Semcireba

One day is set aside – erTi dRe gamoyofilia

Avid viewer – mowadinebuli mayurebeli
To put someone into a pique – gagiJeba, aRSfoTebis gamowveva
Amateur variety – samoyvarulo varianti
Intrepid = fearless or bold; uSiSari, gabeduli
To be on the wane – klebulobs

To scoff at – dacinva
To embellish the story – Sealamazo ambavi
Nondescript nature of the criminal – kriminalis amoucnobi buneba
Virulent disease – sasikvdilo daavadeba
To slam the door – karebis gajaxuneba

In the arms of Morpheus – CaZinebuli

Enervate = to deprive of strength or vitality

30th WEEK

1st day

Extinct – gadaSenebuli, aRar arsebuli

Idyllic – idiliuri
To galvanize – gamococxleba
Encumbrance – tvirTi, dabrkoleba
Gaudy – Wyetela, kaSkaSa

Steamer – orTqmavali
To capture the events – movlenebis aRwera

Tranquil – wynari
Turbulent – mSfoTvare
To recall – gaxseneba
Race – Sejibri; to conduct a race – Sejibris Catareba
Swift = fast
To talk with gusto – enTuziazmiT laparaki
To strip – (aq) moaSoro yvelaferi zedmeti
To lighten – Semsubuqeba

Trend – tendencia
Extinct species – gadaSenebuli saxeoba
To yearn for – survilis qona, monatreba
Pretext – sababi

Forty winks – waZineba, CaTvlema

To catch forty winks now and then

2nd day

To condescend – Rirsad CaTvla, mowyaleba

Candor – gulwrfeloba
To mortify – damcireba, wyenineba, Seuracxyofis miyeneba
Jocose – mxiaruli, xumara
To malign – augis Tqma, galanZRva

With the utmost candor – ukiduresi gulwrfelobiT

To grow senile – dabereba
Raft = a floating platform of logs or planks tied together; tivi
To be replete with = be well supplied with

To have disdain for someone – gqondes zizRis grZnoba vinmes mimarT

Avarice – sixarbe
Doleful = sad = lugubrious
To utilize = use
A defeated adversary – damarcxebuli mowinaaRmdege

From pillar to post – iqiT aqeT

To send someone from pillar to post
3rd day

Omnipotent – yovlisSemZle
Zenith – zeniti
Fledgling – axlad gamoCekili (to fledge – bartyebis wamoCitva), axladgamomcxvari, damwyebi
Peremptory – mbrZanebluri, kategoriuli
Precedent – precedenti
Riverboat pilot - locmani
To hold a high position – maRali Tanamdebobis dakaveba
Fledgling pilot’s apprentice – locmanis axlad gamoCekili Segirdi
To abjure – Tavidan moSoreba, uaris Tqma
Unfettered = not limited or controlled; Tavisufali, SeuzRudavi
To hamper = to make it difficult for (someone or something) to move or progress; dabrkoleba,
winaaRmdegobis gaweva, SeboWva
To issue peremptory commands – kategoriuli brZanebebis gamocema
Imminent danger – moaxloebuli saSiSroeba (to be in imminent danger)
To behave impeccably – moiqce unaklod, umwikvlod
Pernicious – mavne
To undermine someone’s limitless authority – vinmes usazRvro avtoritetis Seryeva
Under the aegis of - mfarvelobiT
To reach the zenith of the career – miaRwio karieris zenits
Frugal life – momWirne, ekonomiuri cxovreba
Temerity – wandauxedaoba, uazro gambedaoba
To disobey a peremptory order – ar daemorCilo kategoriul brZanebas
In the lap of the gods – RmerTis xelSia
To hand in – Cabareba

4th day

To wheedle (=cajole) – dayolieba, dacincvla

Rustic – soflis, ubralo
Jubilant – gaxarebuli, mozeime
Decorum – zrdiloba, wesiereba
Charlatan – Sarlatani
To wheedle someone into a card game - CaiTrio vinme kartis TamaSSi
Rustic appearance – sofluri Sexeduleba
To get someone drunk – vinmes daTroba
When the first hand was dealt – rodesac pirveli xeli daariges
A jubilant expression came over his face – mozeime gamometyveleba aRibeWda mis saxeze
Wager = a bet on the outcome of an event or activity; fsoni
Sucker = (Slang) a person who is easily deceived or swindled
To remove the veneer of respectability – Tavidan moiSoro garegnuli, moCvenebiTi
Ace – tuzi
Clandestine confederate – faruli Tanamzraxveli
Duplicity – cbiereba, gaiZveroba
Faith healing = treatment of a sick person through the power of religious faith
Repress your uncouth manners and act with decorum – moToke Seni uxeSi manerebi da moiqeci
Achilles heel – aqilevsis qusli, susti wertili

31st WEEK

1st day

Heresy – 1. an opinion contrary to the principles of a religion; eresi, mwvalebloba

2. any belief thought to be contrary to official or established theory; gansxvavebuli azri,
Prudent - gonieri (=reasonable), frTxili, brZnuli
Ostensible = seeming to be the reason for or the purpose of something, but usually hiding the real
reason or purpose; garegnuli, moCvenebiTi, oficialuri
Fervid – mgznebare, vnebiani, aqtiuri, intensiuri, mZafri
Spurious (=not genuine or real) – yalbi

Sagely - brZnulad
To form public opinion – sazogadoebrivi azris Seqmna
Vulnerable to – daucveli

Cogent = forcefully convincing; damajerebeli
Specious = apparently correct or true, but actually wrong or false; aragulwrfeli, yalbi. (=
Ostensible purpose – oficialuri mizani
Fervid propagandist – aqtiuri propagandisti
To distinguish = differentiate
Perfunctory = superficial; zerele, zedapiruli

Adherents – mimdevrebi
To throw someone into frenzy – vinmes gagiJeba
Mob = 1. a riotous or disorderly crowd of people
2. (Informal) any group of people
3. (Slang) a gang of criminals
To exhort = urge strongly, advise; rCeva, darwmuneba, Segulianeba
Apathetic = равнодушный; uintereso, indeferentuli; (apathy = lack of interest or enthusiasm)
Rash – naCqarevi
Eradication – aRmofxvra
Conflagration – didi xanZari
Spurious charge – yalbi braldeba

To give sb the cold shoulder – vinmes civad miReba, ignorireba

To be piqued at – iyo aRSfoTebuli ramis gamo
Uncouth behavior – uxeSi saqcieli

2nd day

To propagate – gavrceleba, gamravleba

Anomaly – anomalia, gadaxra normidan
Innocuous – uwyinari, uvnebeli (innocuous snake — неядовитая змея)
Surfeit – uxvi, Warbi raodenobiT a surfeit of
Milieu – atmosfero, garemoplural pl. milieux or milieus [countable]; formal

It is intrinsic – damaxasiaTebelia
Inherent right = innate, intrinsic right; misi kuTvnili ufleba
To propagate ideas – gaavrcelo ideebi
Convert = a person who has been converted to another belief or religion; axalmoqceuli, sxva
partiaSi gadasuli; mxardamWeri
To preclude – xelis SeSla
Unrecognized – ucnobi, araaRiarebuli

To inveigh against - lanZRva, protestiT gamosvla

Incongruous – Seuferebeli
Abstemious – TavSekavebuli Wama-smaSi
Milieu of avarice and affluence – sixarbisa da fufunebis garemo

Without rhyme or reason - sruliad umizezod, arafris gamo

Pennant = a flag indicating the winning of a championship in certain sports; gamarjvebulis droSa
To jettison = to reject or give up; Tavidan moSoreba

3rd day

Strident – mkveTri, gamgmiravi (= shrill) in more strident tones – ufro mkveTri tonebiT
Concomitant - Tanmxlebi
Lassitude – gadaRliloba, daqanculoba
Deleterious – mavne, saziano
Efficacy – efeqti, Zala, moqmedeba

To discern – garkveva, garCeva

Stepped-up propaganda – gaZlierebuli, intensiuri propaganda
To retreat = to retire or withdraw to seclusion or shelter; ukan daxeva, ganmartoeba
Aversion to – antipaTia, zizRi

Obesity = fatness
Gist – arsi

Swan song – saboloo, gedis simRera

4th day

To dissent from – ar daTanxmeba, gaprotesteba

Ferment – areuloba, SfoTi, Widili, duRili
Attenuated – Sesustebuli, dauZlurebuli, gamofituli, Semcirebuli
Arbiter – arbitri, msajuli, msaji
Incumbent, It is incumbent on us – Cven gvakisria pasuxismgebloba; Cveni valia

To dissent from the official line – oficialuri xazis gaprotesteba

In a clandestine manner – malulad
Inevitable – gardauvali, savaldebulo
Ferment of ideas – ideebis Widili
To be cognizant of = to be aware of

Zealous = extremely eager or enthusiastic; mondomebuli, aqtiuri

Deleterious effects – mavne efeqti
Flamboyant - nairferi, kaSkaSa
Embellishment – Selamazeba
Ultimate = highest, supreme, or unchallengeable

To get the sack – samsaxuridan gaTavisufleba; mas guda-nabadi aukres

To be obsequious toward – iyo pirferi vinmes mimarT
To be lethargic about – iyo indeferentuli ramis mimarT

32nd WEEK
1st day
Profound – Rrma
To alleviate – Semsubuqeba (tkivilis, tanjvis), daameba (=palliate)
Prodigious – uzarmazari, gansacvifrebeli, sakvirveli
To expedite = to do quickly; swrafad Sesruleba
Celerity – (Formal) siswrafe
Automation – avtomatizacia
To permeate – gaJRenTva, gajereba
Concomitantly – amas Tan axlavs is, rom
Are finding their ways – gzas ikvleven
To alleviate the burden of – tvirTis Semsubuqeba
Prodigious information – uzarmazari informacia
To inundate – datborva, gadatvirTva
Encumbered library system – biblioTekis gadatvirTuli, gadaWedili sistema
To expedite the selection of pertinent information – swrafad ganaxorcielo saTanado informaciis
To scan = to glance over quickly
To expedite the solution to the fracas – Cxubis problemis gadaWris swrafad moZebna
Elusive = difficult to find or catch; Znelad gadasaWreli
With celerity – swrafad
To construe – daskvnis gamotana, axsna-ganmarteba
To alleviate the harmful effects – Seamsubuqo mavne zegavlena
To attenuate the harmful effects – Seasusto mavne zegavlena
To make a prodigious effort – uzarmazari Zalisxmevis ganxorcieleba
To repress the uprising – amboxebis CaxSoba
Ivory tower – izolirebuli
To live in an ivory tower – icxovro sakuTar samyaroSi

2nd day
To usurp – xelSi Cagdeba, mitaceba, uzurpacia, dapyroba, aneqsia
Paltry – umniSvnelo, araRirebuli
To condone – miteveba, Serigeba (ramesTan)
Trivial – banaluri, trivialuri, Cveulebrivi
Bizarre – ucnauri
To usurp the proper functions of the mankind – xelSi Caigdo kacobriobis kuTvnili funqciebi
Corroboration – dasturi, dadastureba
A handful of = a small number of
A profound knowledge – Rrma codna
Vital information – saWiro informacia
To condone the situation – Seurigde situacias
To do an impeccable job – Seasrulo samuSao umwikvlod / unaklod
As bizarre as it might seem – rogorc ar unda ucnaurad mogeCvenoT
A period of ferment – areulobis periodi
To usurp power – Zalauflebis xelSi Cagdeba
To condone that reprehensible act – Seurigde gasakicx / dasagmob qmedebas
Deleterious effect – mavne efeqti

To feather one’s nest – isargeblo situaciiT da gamdidrde

To play up to – pirferoba
To make out a will – anderZis Sedgena

3rd day

Menial – damamcirebeli, laqiis, rutinuli samuSao
Venerable – Rrmad pativsacemi, sapatio; venerable age — sapatio asaki
Extraneous –ucxo, gareSe; (=extrinsic); (# intrinsic)
Ambiguous – bundovani, gaugebari
Succinct – lakonuri
In less mundane ways – nakleb banalurad
Back – mcveli (fexburTSi)
Lineman – garemarbi
To feed into – CatvirTva
Extraneous material – ucxo masala
Touchdown = (American football) a scoring move in which an attacking player takes the ball into
the area behind his opponents' goal
(TD) гол, тачдаун В американском футболе [football] засчитывается, когда мяч
или игрок с мячом пересекает линию гола [goal line] противника; при этом
команде засчитывается шесть очков
To revere – pativiscema
Vitriolic = (of language) severely bitter or harsh; gesliani
Congenial – Sesaferisi
Susceptible to – mgrZnobiare
Shibboleth = a custom, phrase, or use of language that reliably distinguishes a member of one group or
class from another; extraneous shibboleths – ucxo frazebi

The writing on the wall – cudis momaswavebeli incidenti, miniSneba

The writing is on the wall also see/read the writing on the wall = used to say that it seems
very likely that something will not exist much longer or someone will fail
He should have seen the writing on the wall – is unda mimxvdariyo

4th day

Archaic – arqauli, moZvelebuli

To emulate – metoqeoba, konkurenciis gaweva
Facetious = saying things that are intended to be clever and funny but are really silly and annoying;
komikuri, mxiaruli, moswrebuli
Rabid – cofiani, fanatikuri, Tavgadakluli
Salubrious – janmrTeli, sasargeblo
To originate paintings – naxatebis Seqmna
To emulate an artist – konkurencia gauwio mxatvars
Rabid adherents – Tavgadakluli mxardamWerebi
Singularly favorable – saocrad xelsayreli
Harbinger – momaswavebeli
To reap the salubrious benefits – didi sargeblis naxva
With all candor – mTeli gulwrfelobiT
In all humility – mTeli TavmdablobiT
It’s not prudent – ar aris gonivruli
To malign – augis Tqma, galanZRva
Laudable – qebis Rirsi

On the bandwagon – mibaZo / SeuerTde umravlesobas

To get on the bandwagon
33rd WEEK

1st day

Complacent (about) – TviTkmayofili, arxeini

Somber – daRvremili, bneli, sevdiani
To debilitate – dasusteba, dauZlureba, Zal-Ronis gamocla
Impetuous – impulsuri, vnebiani, mgznebare (= ardent)
Occult – saidumloebiT moculi, saidumlo, zebunebrivi

Frugal – momWirne, ekonomiuri

The remainder – danarCeni
To maintain strength – Zalis SenarCuneba
Fervid search for – intensiuri Zebna
To thrust money upon = to push money with force upon someone
Solace – nugeSi
Occult power – zebunebrivi Zala
Cursory inspection – zedapiruli Semowmeba
Prudent – gonieri, frTxili
To enervate = debilitate; dasusteba, Zal-Ronis gamocla
Propitious moment – xelsayreli momenti
To exhibit his occult abilities – gamoamJRavno zebunebrivi unari
Deleterious result – mavne Sedegi
To put someone in a somber mood – daayeno vinme sevdian xasiaTze
Jocose – mxiaruli

To hit the nail on the head – zustad mixvedra

He hit the nail on the head – zustad aTianSi gaartya

2nd day

Discreet – windaxeduli, frTxili (=prudent)

To foment – gaRviveba, gaRviZeba (grZnobis), gamZafreba
To glean from – to gather (information) bit by bit; Segroveba informaciis
to glean experience - gamocdilebis dagroveba
Quarry – nadavli, is visac eZeb, “suliko”
Slovenly – uwesrigod / uwesrigo, uyuradRebod, moumzadeblad, usufTao

To foment opposition – winaaRmdegobis, mtruli damokidebulebis gaRviveba

Recondite – gaurkveveli, bundovani
In a hapless situation – umweo mdgomareobaSi, cud dReSi
To obviate – Tavidan acileba, ukugdeba
In such slovenly fashion – ase moumzadeblad
Meticulous – yuradRebiT Sedgenili
To fabricate a deplorable and blatant untruth – SeTxza samwuxaro da aSkara tyuili
In the midst of rustic surroundings – Sua sofelSi
To keep a discreet silence – SeinarCuno windaxeduli siCume

On the dot – zustad droze

To take forty winks – CaTvlema mcire droiT

3rd day

To abjure – uaris Tqma, gandgoma

To reproach – sayveduri
Penitent – momnaniebeli, sinanuliT aRsavse
Evanescent – wuTieri, SeumCneveli, warmavali
Tantamount to – gaTanabrebuli, tolfasi
To abjure fruitless searching – uari Tqva uSedego Ziebaze
To importune = implore; Txovna
Penitent confession – sinanuliT aRsavse aRsareba
To feel sanguine about = cheerful and confident; igrZno Tavi optimisturad
Evanescent concerns – wuTieri SeSfoTeba
With tremulous fingers – akankalebuli TiTebiT
It was tantamount to a challenge – is gamowvevis tolfasi iyo
Inveterate gambler – gamousworebeli moTamaSe
He became penitent – sinanuliT aivso
Contrite = penitent
Reprehensible behavior – dasagmobi saqcieli
Vicissitudes of life are evanescent – cxovrebis sirTuleebi warmavalia
You shouldn’t condone his sordid behavior – ar unda apatio sulmdabali saqcieli
At the zenith of his career – karieris zenitSi
To take under one’s wing – mfarvelobaSi ayvana
The senior took the freshman under his wings – meoTxe kurselma pirvelkurseli Tavis
mfarvelobaSi aiyvana
(I – freshman; II – sophomore; III – junior; IV – senior)

4th day

Propensity for – midrekileba, miswrafeba, gadaxra

Wary – frTxili (=prudent); to be wary of doing sth
To allay – dawynareba, daZleva (SiSis, tkivilis)
To deter from – xelis SeSla, SeCereba (ramis gakeTebisgan)
Connoisseur – eqsperti, mcodne
Avid fan of – aqtiuri / mowadinebuli fani
Fledgling ballet dancer – baletis axlad gamomcxvari mocekvave
Venerable ballet company – baletis pativsacemi dasi
To allay the sudden fear – daZlio ucabedi SiSi
Nothing would deter him from succeeding – veraferi SeuSlida xels warmatebisTvis mieRwia
Throng = crowd
A veneer of knowledge – moCvenebiTi codna
Susceptible – mgrZnobiare / midrekili ramis mimarT
To succumb to drugs – danebde narkotikebs
Swarthy = having a dark complexion; Savgvremani
Gaudy clothes – Wyetela tansacmeli
Encumbrance – tvirTi
This would attenuate her chances – es Seamcirebda mis Sansebs
Rash and perverse actions – naCqarevi da axirebuli qmedebebi

He was out of his depth – es mas ar xelewifeboda

To know the ropes – iyo saqmis kursSi
To find someone behind the eight ball - gasaWirSi

34th WEEK

1st day

Site – adgili
Vigil – sifxizle, morigeoba
Cumbersome – veeberTela, Zneli
To interrogate – dakiTxva
To divulge – gamJRavneba; to divulge the secret – saidumlos gacema
Tranquil – wynari
Lobby - vestibiuli
Disgruntled – ukmayofilo
He was making no tangible progress – is veranair xelSesaxeb warmatebas ver aRwevda
He might uncover a pertinent clue to Evelyn’s whereabouts – mas SeiZleba gaego raime
xelmosaWidi miniSneba evelinis adgilsamyofelis Sesaxeb
With rancor – braziT
Voluminous – didi moculobis, mravaltomiani
To admonish – gafrTxileba
To incarcerate = to confine or imprison
To maintain a discreet and wary vigil – SeinarCuno windaxeduli da frTxili sifxizle
To bag = to capture or kill, as in hunting
Under duress – ZaldatanebiT
He was adamant – is iyo uryevi
To take a leaf out of someone’s book – mibaZva
The chip off the old block – ali-kvali mama
To sow one’s wild oats - to have casual sexual relationships while young / eweode udardel

2nd day

To fluctuate – meryeoba
Unmitigated = something that is completely bad or good; aSkara, sruli, absoluturi, usaSvelo
Commodious – vrceli, farTo; (= spacious)
Antiquated – Zvelmoduri, antikvaruli
Disheveled – aCeCilii, mojajuli, mouwesrigebeli, feTxumi
Unmitigated despair – sruli sasowarkveTileba
To desist = stop
To elicit = to draw out (information) from someone; garkveva
On the pretext – im sababiT, rom
In the commodious lobby – farTo vestibiulSi
Wan face – gafiTrebuli saxe
Slovenly dress – usufTao kaba
Disheveled hair – aCeCili Tma
Scrutiny (n.)= very careful study or observation; dawvrilebiT gamokvleva
Sumptuous house – mdidruli saxli
Den = (Chiefly US) a small secluded room in a home, often used for a hobby
Array - wyeba
Trophy = cup, shield, etc., given as a prize; prizi, jildo
Incontrovertible evidence – udavo mtkicebuleba
In our milieu - Cvens droSi
In a sporadic fashion – xandaxan, dro da dro
Nondescript = lacking outstanding features; aravisgan gamorCeuli
Indolent = lazy
Brass tacks – realuri problema an situacia;
To get down to brass tacks = (informal) to start talking about the most important facts or
details of something
Congenial levity – xelsayreli, sasiamovno araseriozuloba / Tavqarianoba

3rd day

Tenacious – magari, jiuti (to be tenacious in doing sth)

Facade – fasadi, Sexeduleba, niRabi
Asinine – suleli
Grimace – grimasa, zizRis gamometyveleba
Calumny – mcdari braldeba

To follow up every lead – miyve yvela miTiTebas / Cvenebas

To be behind the eight ball = (idiom) in trouble
To galvanize = excite or arouse to activity; gamococxleba, stimulis micema
To crumble = to fall apart or decay
The facade of hope – imedis naperwkali
In desperation – sasowarkveTil mdgomareobaSi
To expurgate = remove objectionable (= offensive) parts or passages; arasasurveli, miuRebeli
nawilis amoReba
Punk coterie - pankebis dajgufeba
To congregate = to collect together in or as a crowd
Incredulous = not prepared or willing to believe something; urwmuno
Vituperative = bitterly abusive; Seuracxmyofeli
Doleful – sevdiani

Hook, line, and sinker - mTlianad

To fall for – dajereba

4th day

Pittance – groSebi
Au courant – Tanamedrove, moduri
Fastidious (about) – momTxovni, daxvewili
Noisome – ayrolebuli, WuWyiani
Unkempt – mouvleli, dauvarcxneli; (= disheveled) (= slovenly)

Imminent – moaxloebuli, gardauvali

Bereft of hope – uimedo
To recoil – ukan daxeva
Incongruous - Seuferebeli
Incontrovertible fact – udao faqti
Transient – warmavali
In disdain – zizRiT
To lose equanimity – wonasworobis dakargva

Lily-livered – mxdali
He got cold feet – SeeSinda
He spilled the beans – yvelaferi dafqva
35th WEEK
1st day

Parable – igav-araki (= fable)

Whimsical – eqscentriuli, ucnauri, gonebamaxviluri
To lampoon – gamasxaraveba, pamfletebis wera (n. pamfleti)
To countenance – mowoneba, mxaris daWera
Sanctimonious – farisevluri
Venerable – pativsacemi
To promulgate = to make widely known; sajarod gamocxadeba
Reticent – Cumi, sityvaZviri
With alacrity – mkvircxlad, swrafad
To eschew = to avoid doing or being involved in (something disliked or harmful)
Sanctimonious façade – farisevluri niRabi
With pretext – sababiT
To live in a salubrious milieu – icxovro jansaR garemoSi
Noisome fumes – mavnebeli, myrali gamonabolqvi

To pull up stakes – adgilidan ayra, adgilis mitoveba

To rule the roost = be the leader

2nd day

Equanimity – simSvide, wonasworoba

Effrontery – nagloba, Tavxedoba, utifroba
Nonentity – araraoba
Flabbergasted – gancvifrebuli, gaocebisgan enaCavardnili
Debacle – marcxi, fiasko
To puncture – (aq) mwvave SeniSvnebis gakeTeba
Incisive = direct and forceful; mwvave
Platitude = a trite or unoriginal remark; Sabloni, banaluroba
To hand down through generations – TaobebisTvis gadacema
Saw = (Old-fashioned) a wise saying or proverb; aforizmi, andaza
Sage – brZeni
To construe – daskvnis gamotana
Precocious = having developed or matured early or too soon; naadrevad ganviTarebuli
Supercilious = behaving in a superior and arrogant manner; qedmaRali, ampartavani
Facetious = joking, or trying to be amusing, esp. at inappropriate times; komikuri, xumara
Turbulent times – mSfoTvare dro
Capricious = having a tendency to sudden unpredictable changes of attitude or behaviour; Wirveuli,
To face acrimonious criticism with equanimity – Sexvde RvarZlian kritikas mSvidad
To exonerate – Sewyaleba
Column = (Mil) a narrow formation in which individuals or units follow one behind the other
Relief column – samaSvelo razmi
Adroit escape– marjve gaqceva
Imminent debacle – moaxloebuli / gardauvali marcxi

To raise Cain - skandalis atexva

He was left holding the bag (American English) - be left holding the baby (British English) = to
be left as the only person responsible for dealing with a difficult situation, especially something
someone else started; Seawmindo vinmes xelebi; aqcio gantevebis vacad

3rd day

Vivacious – sicocxliT savse

Gaunt – Ronemixdili, ZalRonegamoclili, Zvali da tyavi (= emaciated)
Mien – garegnoba, manera
Hirsute – Tmiani
To refute – uaryofa, ukugdeba
Nefarious = evil, wicked
To keep a vigil – sifxizlis SenarCuneba
To surmise - varaudi
With a perfunctory glance –zedapiruli SexedviT
Interloper = person in a place or situation where he or she has no right to be; gareSe piri
To have a mien of humility – gqondes Tavmdabali adamianis garegnoba
To refute an irrelevant and tortuous argument – uaryo Seusabamo da CaxlarTuli argumenti
To strive for – miswrafeba
Au courant = up-to-date

To leave no stone unturned – yvelanairad ecado, nemsis yunwSi gaZroma

4th day

Pensive – Cafiqrebuli
To whet – gamowveva, aRZvra (madis, survilis)
Stupor = a state of near unconsciousness in which a person is unable to behave normally or think clearly;
gaSeSeba, gaTiSva
To wince – ukan daxeva, SekrToma, daklakvna (tkivilisgan), SeSmuSvna
Cliché – kliSe
To make one pensive – rom adamiani Caafiqros
A pane of glass – fanjris SuSa
Goldfinch – Citbatona
Was knocked inert – usicocxlod daeca
To divulge to sb = reveal, gamJRavneba
To deride – dacinva
Irrational = incapable of reasoning; absurd
To whet interest – interesis gaRviZeba
With gusto – enTuziazmiT
To abjure – uaris Tqma
To be knocked into a stupor – gaTiSva
To wince with pain – tkivilisgan daklakvna
To preclude – xelis SeSla
Condolence = sympathy expressed for someone in grief or pain; TanagrZnoba
To juxtapose sth with sth – Sedareba, Sepirispireba
Hostile rebuke – mtruli sayveduri
To whet desire – survilis gaCena

Tongue in one’s cheek – aragulwrfeli

To have one’s tongue in one’s cheek
To sow wild oats = to do wild and foolish things
To kick over the traces (Rvedebi) – awyveta, giJurad moqceva
36th WEEK
1 day

Genre – Janri
Candid = telling the truth, even when the truth may be unpleasant or embarrassing samarTliani,
obieqturi; galaxdili [= frank] n. candor (to speak with candor)
Unsavory – arasasiamovno, ugemuri (=tasteless)
To degrade – gauareseba, damcireba
Venial – misatevebeli
To attain = to manage to do or get (something); miRweva, mopoveba
To be prolific in – iyo nayofieri
Foremost = first in time, place, or importance; umniSvnelovanesi, yvelaze gamoCenili
To disparage = to speak contemptuously of; damcireba, Seuracxyofis miyeneba (=belittle)
To besmirch – saxelis gatexva
Venial sin – misatevebeli codva
Fallacious = mcdari
Fabrication – SeTxzuli, gamogonili ambebi
To mortify = cause grief to; wyenineba, danaRvlianeba
Sanctimonious – fariseveli
To keep a stiff upper lip – simtkicis SenarCuneba
To hear through the grapevine – gaigo rame Sida arxebis saSualebiT
The fat was in the fire – mosaxdeni moxda

2nd day
Epitome – a) warmomadgeneli, gansaxiereba; b) konspeqti
Dexterity – simarjve
Grotesque – groteski, SarJi
Compassion (for) – sibraluli, TanagrZnoba adj. compassionate
Repugnant – sazizRari, autaneli
With the utmost dexterity – udidesi simarjviT
Hapless = unlucky
Downtrodden = oppressed and lacking the will to resist; Cagruli; (to tread, trod, trodden –
Under the aegis of = with the sponsorship or protection of
To flee (fled, fled) into exile – gadasaxlebaSi gaqceva
The repugnant rule came to an end – autaneli wesebi dasasruls miuaxlovda
Expatriate – emigranti
To return from exile – gadasaxlebidan dabruneba
Adulation = uncritical admiration; qedis moxra, pirmoTneoba
Acclaim = an enthusiastic expression of approval; aplodismentebi
Idol – kerpi
Innocent progeny – udanaSaulo STamomavloba
To succumb = die
Edifice = a large or impressive building
Corpse = a dead body, esp. of a human being; gvami
Squeamish onlookers - panikiori mayureblebi
With dexterity – marjved
To thwart = to prevent; xelis SeSla
Pugnacious = ready and eager to fight; CxubisTavi
Adversary = an opponent in a fight, disagreement, or sporting contest; mowinaaRmdege, mteri
To throw the book at someone – maqsimumis misja
To get one’s back up - gabrazeba
3 day

Acme – piki, mwvervali (=pinnacle), (=zenith)

Copious – uxvi, baraqiani
Vehemently – Zlier, gabedulad, mgznebared
To depict – aRwera, asaxva
Naïve – miamiti, alali
To reach one’s acme – miaRwio mwvervals
Repugnant poor laws – ubadruki, autaneli kanonebi
Boarding school = a school providing living accommodation for pupils; skola-internati
Infamous = well-known for something bad (=notorious)
Misadventure = an unlucky event, misfortune; ubeduri SemTxveva
To galvanize people into action – stimuli misce xalxs samoqmedod
At the acme of his power – Tavisi Zalauflebis zenitSi
To dissent = to disagree
He felt it incumbent upon him – Tavis valad miaCnda
Abortive coup – warumatebeli amboxeba
Urbane gentleman – daxvewili jentlmeni
Flabbergasted - gancvifrebuli
Fervid interest – mZafri interesi
Wrestling – Widaoba
Decorum = polite and socially correct behaviour; etiketi, qcevis wesebi

To weep copious tears - uxvad cremlebis Rvra
Terra firma – myari miwa
Took the wind out of one’s sails – fexqveS miwa gamoecala (SiSisgan)
To be on terra firma – miwaze fexis myarad dadgma

4th day
Perfidious – muxanaTi, moRalaturi
To covet – survili, ndoma
Ingratiate oneself = to act in order to bring (oneself) into favour (with someone); vinmes gulis mogeba
Penury – siRaribe (=destitution); To live in penury – siRatakeSi cxovreba
Ignominious – samarcxvino, damamcirebeli
Insatiable desire – gaumaZRari survili
To get ahead – warmatebis miRweva
Feasible = able to be done
To ingratiate herself into the heart of her employer’s son – Tavisi ufrosis vaJis gulis mogeba
Salubrious – jansaRi
Ostentatiously – gamomwvevad
To form a surreptitious liaison with – faruli sasiyvarulo urTierTobis damyareba
Liaison = secretive or adulterous (qorwinebis gareSe) sexual relationship
Misguided = mistaken or unwise; gzasacdenili
In a debacle – marcxiT
He was able to ingratiate himself into the hearts of the public – man SeZlo xalxis gulis mogeba
Underdog = a person or team in a weak or underprivileged position; uiRblo; susti moTamaSe неудачник;
In seventh heaven – mecxre caze

37th WEEK

1st day

To confront – Tvalis gasworeba (problemisTvis)

Antipathy (towards) – antipaTia, siZulvili, zizRi
Servile – monuri, morCili
Volition – survili, wadili
Sojourn – droebiTi gaCereba

To solve the enigma – Tavsatexis / gamocanis amoxsna

Ignominious = shameful; samarcxvino
To attain genuine wealth - moipovo namdvili simdidre
Perusal of nature – bunebis yuradRebiT Seswavla
By his own volition / at his own volition – Tavisi sakuTari surviliT
Penury = extreme poverty, extreme scarcity; ukiduresi siRatake (= destitution)
Epitome of wealth – simdidris gansaxiereba
Degrading – damamcirebeli
To give up nomadic life – Tavi daanebo moxetiale cxovrebas
To confront the unsavory problems of our times – Tvali gausworo Cveni drois usiamovno problemebs
A tenacious competitor – Zlieri / sastiki konkurenti
To place one’s title in jeopardy – vinmes statusis safrTxeSi Cagdeba
Nebulous = vague and unclear; bundovani
To construe = deduce, infer; daskvnis gamotana
Perfidious = treacherous or deceitful; moRalaturi

To tighten one’s belt – qamris moWera (naklebis xarjva)
To draw in one’s horns = to restrain oneself; Tavis Sekaveba
He would wind up on skid row – usaxlkaroebis ubanSi moxvdeboda

2nd day

Austere – mkacri, asketuri

Felicitous = appropriate and well-chosen; xelsayreli, bednieri (SemTxveva)
Halcyon – wynari, mSvidi; (= serene)
Tenable – logikurad gamarTlebuli, gonivruli, dasayrdnobi, gamZle
Superfluous – zedmeti, gadaWarbebuli
To propagate one’s fame – popularuli gaxado vinmes saxeli; saxeli gauTqva
Hut – qoxi
To live an ascetic existence – icxovro asketuri yofiT
Indolent = lazy
To recall the halcyon days with pleasure – gaixseno mSvidi dReebi siamovnebiT
The only tenable way of life – erTaderTi logikurad gamarTlebuli gza cxovrebisa
Sinecure = a paid job that involves very little work or responsibility; Tbili adgili, ioli samuSao
Ostentatious - TvalSisacemi, myvirala
The acme of fashion - modis mwvervali
Itinerant worker = working for a short time in various places
On that felicitous occasion – im bednier SemTxvevaSi
Off the beaten track – uCveulo
To live under a sword of Damocles – icxovro mudmiv xifaTSi

3rd day

To motivate – motivireba
To rationalize = to find reasons to justify or explain one's actions; axsnis moZebna vinmes
Therapy – Terapia
Nascent – sawyisi, axlad aRmocenebuli
Iconoclast – a) tradiciebis, crurwmenebis winaaRmdeg mebrZoli; b) xatmebrZoli
To revere – pativiscema, dafaseba
Physician = a medical doctor
Subconscious – qvecnobieri
To keep repugnant memories - Seinaxo saZageli mogonebebi
To come to the surface – zedapirze amotivtiveba
Surreptitiously = secretly
And motivate behavior – da ganapirobebs qcevas
To rationalize his actions – axsna mouZebnos, gaamarTlos Tavisi qceva
Suppressed memories – gaumJRavnebeli, sakuTar TavSi CaxSuli mogonebebi
To air = to make known publicly; saaSkaraoze gamotana
Mandatory – savaldebulo
Complacent people – arxeini, TviTkmayofili xalxi
Pathetic = arousing pity or sympathy; Sesabrali
A square peg in a round hole (=a round peg in a square hole) – vinme, TavisTvis Seuferebel
A bitter pill to swallow – mware marcxi

4th day

Erudite – eruditi
Phobia – fobia, nevrozuli SiSi
Germane – Sesaferisi, kavSirSi ramesTan
Vertigo – Tavbrusxveva
Conducive (to) – xelSemwyobi (=propitious)
A surfeit of amateur psychologists – uxvi raodenoba moyvaruli fsiqologebisa
With celerity – swrafad
Dubious education – saeWvo ganaTleba
Germane to the problem – kavSirSia problemasTan
Pertinent = relating to the matter at hand, relevant; xelmosaWidi
To countenance – mowoneba, mxardaWera
Lethal weapon – sasikvdilo iaraRi
It was tantamount to a phobia – es nevrozuli SiSis (fobias) tolfasi iyo
Temerity – gambedaoba
A steel girder — стальная балка; foladis Zeli
Onset = a start, beginning
Bedlam - sagiJeTi
To upset the apple cart – gegmis an ganzraxvis Secvla
A dark horse = a person who reveals little about himself or herself, esp. someone who has
unexpected talents; bneliT moculi adamiani

38th WEEK

1st day

Glib – enamWevri, enakvimati, molaparake (= garrulous, voluble)

Homogenous – erTgvarovani, erTferovani (‡ heterogeneous)
Malleable – damyoli, damTmobi
Legerdemain – TvalTmaqcoba, oini, fokusi, gawafuli xelebi
Trend – tendencia, midrekileba
Pernicious – mavne
Craze = a short-lived fashion or enthusiasm; gataceba
To resist vehemently – SeewinaaRmdego gabedulad
To become malleable – gaxde damyoli
Sudden shifts – uecari cvlilebebi
Fortuitously – SemTxveviT
Through legerdemain – gawafuli xelebiT
Gullible – mimndobi, gulubryvilo
To embrace = to accept eagerly
To embrace the latest trend in fashion – modis ukanaskneli tendenciis miReba / gaTaviseba
To wheedle money out of the naïve audience – datyuo / dacinclo fuli miamit msmenels
A glib talk – enamWevri laparaki
To expunge pain – tkivilis gayuCeba
Dexterity – simarjve
To galvanize – gamococxleba
Urbane – gaTviTcnobierebuli, daxvewili
He ingratiated himself into their confidence – man moipova maTi ndoba
Malleable crowd was shaped into a subjugated mass – damyoli brbo Camoyalibda morCil masad
By hook or by crook – ramenairad, raime saSualebiT
Without rhyme or reason - sruliad umizezod

2nd day

Stagnant – uZravi, inertuli, erT adgilze gayinuli
Fatal – fataluri, sasikvdilo, sabediswero, damRupveli
Passé – Zvelmoduri, dromoWmuli
To procrastinate – dayovneba, gaWianureba
Facet – aspeqti, mxare
“Set” = determined, gansazRvruli
Affluent = having plenty of money
To be cognizant of = be aware of
Vigilant = on the watch for trouble or danger; fxizeli
To be in the making – Seqmnis procesSi
To the consternation of – Tavzardasacemad
Distraught = upset; ganerviulebuli, gagiJebuli
To use the lethal weapon – gamoiyeno sasikvdilo iaraRi
On that fatal occasion – im sabediswro SemTxvevis dros
An unsavory task – arasasiamovno davaleba
To have the propensity for - gqondes midrekileba, swrafva
To feel complacent with – igrZno kmayofileba
To get up on the wrong side of the bed – marcxena fexze adgoma
To raise Cain – skandalis atexva
Slovenly room – areuli oTaxi

3rd day
To foist (on sb) – Tavs moxveva, SeCeCeba
To stigmatize – daRis dasma, uwodo (raime samarcxvino), Seracxva
To capitulate (to) – danebeba
Audacity – gambedaoba, Tavxedoba
To tantalize = to show or promise something that someone really wants, but then not allow them to have
it; wvaleba vinmes
To disparage = to speak contemptuously of; arad Cagdeba, damcireba
Complacent about – TviTkmayofili
Arbitrary decision – TviTneburi gadawyvetileba
Despite tenacious resistance – miuxedavad Zlieri winaaRmdegobisa
To oust = to force (someone) out of a position; gagdeba, gandevna
Strongpoint - gamagrebuli punqti
To capitulate to the enemy – danebde mters
Asinine – suleluri
To exacerbate – gauareseba
To submit – wardgena
Reprehensible – gasakicxi, dasagmobi
Castles in the air / in the sky / in Spain – ocnebis koSkebi
To build castles in the air – ocnebis koSkebis ageba

4th day
To retort (to) – pasuxis gacema
Reticent – sityvaZviri
Tacit – usityvo, nagulisxmevi
Chicanery – xriki
Docile – morCili, damjeri
Derogatory comments – Seuracxmyofeli komentarebi
With alacrity = with eagerness
To emulate – metoqeobis gaweva
Hem = the bottom edge of a garment, folded under and stitched down; Semonakeci kabis bolos
To give tacit approval – usityvod daeTanxmo

To jostle – xelis kvra
To reach conclusion – daskvnis gamotana
To countenance = to support or tolerate
Intimidation = to subdue or influence (someone) through fear; daSineba, SiSi
To divulge the blatant chicanery – gaamJRavno aSkara xriki
Fractious – Wirveuli
Egregious behavior = shockingly bad behavior
A tacit reproach – usityvo sayveduri
To retort to the rash question – pasuxi gasce daufiqrebel kiTxvas
Propensity for imbibing – midrekileba dalevisken
To maintain the status quo – SeinarCuno arsebuli mdgomareoba
To hit the nail on the head – aTianSi gartyma
To change horses in midstream = to change one’s mind

39th WEEK
1st day
Saga – saga, Tqmuleba, ambavi
Belated – dagvianebuli
Decrepit - daZvelebuli (xmarebisgan), dasustebuli (asakis gamo)
Imperturbable – mSvidi, aRuSfoTebeli (= serene)
To vacillate – yoymani
To make a belated escape from – dagvianebuli gaqcevis ganxorcieleba
Array – wyeba, rigi
At their own volition – TavianTi surviliT
Skipper – gemis kapitani
To bomb implacably – umowyalod dabombva (implacable = inexorable)
To remain imperturbable – darCe uZravad / mSvidad
Vessel = a ship or large boat; xomaldi
Paragon of comradeship – megobrobis nimuSi
In times of jeopardy – safrTxis dros
Lone – martoxela
To confront the turbulent oceans – SeewinaaRmdego aRelvebul okeanes
Exploit = a notable deed or feat; gmiroba
Laudable – saqebi; (# despicable)
To shout caustic comments – mwvave komentarebis srola
Mendacious activities = untruthful activities; cru / araswori saqmianobebi
Ingrate = an ungrateful person; umaduri
To accept someone’s belated gift – vinmes dagvianebuli saCuqris miReba
Released from incarceration – gaTavisuflebuli patimrobidan
Gaunt = bony and emaciated in appearance; Zalian gamxdari
A sacred cow – xelSeuxebeli
To throw down a gauntlet – gamowveva

2nd day
Staunch – erTguli, mtkice, sando, udreki
Opprobrium = strong criticism or disapproval, especially expressed publicly; lanZRva, zizRi
Machiavellian = perfidious in conduct, activity; moRalaturi, uprincipo

one who imitates Niccolo Machiavelli, a statesman and writer, of Florence (1469 – 1527):
any cunning and unprincipled statesman;
Unconscionable – arakeTilsindisieri, unamuso (= unscrupulous)
Pandemonium – areuloba, Rrianceli
Prevalent = widespread or common
Meticulously – guldasmiT, detalurad
Inexorable = unable to be prevented from continuing or progressing; ulmobeli, umowyalo
Anathema – wyevla
Infamous = well-known for something bad
They have no capacity for compassion – maT ar SeuZliaT TanagrZnoba
With opprobrium – zizRiT, agdebiT, Seuracxyofas ayeneben
Duplicity = deceitful behaviour; cbiereba
At hand – xelT aqvT
To strive (strove, striven) – miswrafeba
Evil is ubiquitous – boroteba yvelganaa
Another fracas will erupt – meore Cxubi gaCaRdeba
To heap opprobrium upon – lanZRva-ginebiT avseba
Fledgling – axlad gamomcxvari
Nominee = a person who is nominated to an office or as a candidate
Convention site – Sexvedris adgili
To cause a schism – ganxeTqilebis gamowveva
Through thick and thin – nebismieri sirTulis miuxedavad
Fair-weather friends – vai megomrebi

3rd day
To flay – mkacri gakritikeba, tyavis gaZroba
Demeanor – saqcieli, manera
Delineation – aRwera, sityvieri portreti
To vindicate – gamarTleba
Heinous – sazizRari, boroti
Mutiny = open rebellion against authority, esp. by sailors or soldiers against their officers;
Repugnant – saZageli
H.M.S. = His (Her) Majesty's Ship; inglisis samxedro gemi
Unmitigated villain - sruli aramzada
The crew developed an aversion to – ekipaJs gauCnda antipaTia
Capricious = having a tendency to sudden unpredictable changes of attitude or behaviour; Wirveuli
To go to great lengths – yvelanairad ecado
Garrulous = constantly chattering; (=voluble)
In a stentorian voice – mquxare xmiT
To take by storm – STabeWdilebis swrafad moxdena
To carry the day – mxardaWeris mopoveba

4th day
Turpitude – unamusoba, uzneoba, sulmdabloba
Infraction – darRveva (kanonis)
Callous – ugulo, gulqva
To redress – gamosworeba
Vituperation – lanZRva-gineba
To improve tainted image – aRadgino Selaxuli imiji
To be imprudent in – iyo windauxedavi
To keep one’s temper under control – Tavis gakontroleba, wonasworobis SenarCuneba
To carry out callous actions – imoqmedo ugulod
Astutely – Wkvianurad
Prodigious feat – saocari / udidesi sagmiro saqme
To restore one’s good name – aRadgino vinmes kargi saxeli
To blame on – dabraleba
Coterie – jgufi
Benevolent attitude – keTilganwyobili / gulmowyale damokidebuleba
To condone – miteveba, Serigeba ramesTan
To fall for the line = be cheated by false talk
To fall for the line of a loathsome boy – motyuvde saZageli biWis laparakiT
To heap vituperation upon someone – vinmes lanZRva-ginebiT avseba
To be in fine fettle – SesaniSnav gunebaze yofna (old-fashioned) healthy or working properly
To do woolgathering = idle or absent-minded daydreaming
Indian summer = a period of warm sunny weather in autumn

40th WEEK
1 day

Rhetoric – ritorikuli, oratoruli xelovneba

Clique – wre, jgufi (=coterie)
To extol – qeba-dideba, gandideba
Mentor – aRmzrdeli, maswavlebeli, damrigebeli, winamZRvari
Facile – advilad misaRwevi
Glib politician – enamWevri politikosi
To run for office – kandidaturis wardgena
Prevalent topics – gabatonebuli Temebi
A clique of trustworthy aides (= an assistant) – sando damxmareebis jgufi
To disperse = to scatter over a wide area; (aq) gavrceleba
Loudspeaker – mikrofoni
To shake the hand of their mentor – xeli CamoarTvan TavianT damrigebels
Facetious = joking, or trying to be amusing, esp. at inappropriate times; xumara
To convince the incredulous – daarwmuno urwmunoebi
Sporadically = occasionally
Tangible proposals – realuri winadadebebi
Unconscionable (= excessive) rhetoric – gadaWarbebuli ritorika
Adamant prisoner – uryevi, gautexeli patimari
In such a facile way – ise advilad
To give incontrovertible evidence – udao samxilis / faqtebis warmodgena
To extol the halcyon days – qebiT moixsenio mSvidi dReebi
The adulation of the throng – brbos qedis moxra
In all humility – mTeli TavmdablobiT
To credit = attribute; miCneva, miwera (raime qmedebis)
To live in a fool’s paradise – datkbe moCvenebiTi bednierebiT
To sow one’s wild oats – uzrunvelad cxovreba
To pay the piper – sazRauris gadaxda

2nd day
Cant – farisevluri, aragulwrfeli ena; Jargoni; (=specialized vocabulary of a particular group, such as
thieves or lawyers) [= slang]
Umbrage – wyena
Magnanimous – didsulovani
To vilify – lanZRva, augis Tqma (=malign)
To elucidate – naTelis mofena, axsna-ganmarteba

Cant phrases – aragulwrfeli frazebi
A cliché filled statement – kliSeebiT savse gancxadeba
To procrastinate – gaWianureba
A new facet of his personality – misi xasiaTis axali aspeqti
Demeanor – saqcieli, manera
To take umbrage at – wyena
To favor the affluent – mdidrebis mfarveloba
To be magnanimous to the indigent – iyo didsulovani Raribebis mimarT
To be accused of turpitude – daadanaSaulo uzneobaSi
Discreetly = carefully, cautiously
To allude to = to refer indirectly to; miniSneba
Controversy = a serious argument about something that involves many people and continues for a
long time; polemika, diskusia, debatebi
To see through – gaSifvra
Somber = sad, or gloomy
Sunken in apathy – apaTiiT moculi
Lot – xvedri, bedi
Whimsical remarks = unusual, playful
The sum and substance – arsi
Pyrrhic victory = a too costly victory
To go up in smoke – uSedegod damTavreba

3rd day
Vapid – mosawyeni, uintereso (= banal)
Unwieldy – veeberTela, umarTavi (= cumbersome)
Proximity – siaxlove
Lassitude – gadaRliloba
To vitiate – gafuWeba, waxdena, CaSla
Concomitant to – Tanxmlebi, Tanamdevi
To rest one’s head on the desk – Tavis magidaze dadeba
Aural = using the ears or hearing; smeniTi
To vitiate the learning process – saswavlo procesis CaSla
The scion of an affluent family – mdidari ojaxis STamomavali
To be in proximity to opulence – iyo axlos simdidresTan
Progeny = offspring, descendants; STamomavloba, Svilebi
Enervating sun – momTenTavi mze
To stagger = to walk unsteadily; barbaciT siaruli
Vituperative – Seuracxmyofeli
A vapid life – mosawyeni sicocxle; a vapid speech – mosawyeni sityva / saubari
To be disgruntled about = be dissatisfied with
To preclude conviction – xeli SeuSalo braleulobis ganaCenis gamotanas
On pins and needles – eklebze jdoma
To cool one’s heels = be kept waiting

4th day
To augment – gaZliereba, gazrda
Fatuous – uazro, suleluri (= inane)
To contort – mokuntva, damanWva
Repertoire – repertuari
Imperceptible – umniSvnelo, SeumCneveli
To augment speech – metyvelebis gaZliereba
Silent motion picture – uxmo filmi
Flamboyant = behaving in a very noticeable, extravagant way; TvalSisacemi, myvirala

To fling one’s arms wide – xelebis farTod gaSla; to fling, flung, flung
Discreet gestures = reserved gestures
To gain favor with one’s boss – ufrosis keTilganwyobis mopoveba
Obsequious – pirferi, mliqvneli
The paroxysm of coughing – xvelis Semoteva
To gain respite – Svebis miReba
Parsimonious - Zunwi
To augment wealth – simdidris gazrda
To remove sth from its cache – samalavidan amoReba
To have at one’s fingertips - zedmiwevniT codna; xuTi TiTiviT codna


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