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Introduction of Research Scholar Introduction of Supervisor

Name: M Muneeb Zafar Name: Ma’am Aqsa Javid

Roll No: 016 Designation: Lecturer

Class: BBA s1st Semester Department: BBA

Session: 2020-202 Fall Institution: MUL Township, Lahore


Hamdard Chowk Township Lahore

Characterize the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.

If the main theme of Macbeth is ambition, whose ambition is the
driving force of the play-Macbeth, Lady Macbeth’s, or both?

Ans: In the beginning, their relationship is to seen to be quite strong, but it is

also clear when they start discussing the prophesy that Lady Macbeth is very
strong willed and has compassion for controlling Macbeth, “My dearest
partner of greatness “ …. Lady Macbeth uses her power over Macbeth, to
influence him to kill Duncan.
In Shakespeare s play Macbeth we see many themes from loyalty and treachery to guilt and
ambition. Shakespeare shows us how someone with extreme loyalty to king and country can
change to utter treachery and betrayal against what he was so loyal to. Macbeth is a farewell
warrior and an important lord, however as we see in the play his fatal weakness is ambition.
As the play progress he allows the witches prophecy and his wife’s pushiness to undermine
his loyalty.

Macbeth starts off at the beginning of the play by being extremely loyal to his king and his
country and this is shown in the first act where Macbeth goes off to fight for the king to kill
the trailer. The Thane of the Cawdor, who was made an outcast by joining forces with the
Norwegians who were fighting Scotland at the time. In the battle, the captain reported back to
the king saying on act 1 scene 2 lines 16-18

For Brave Macbeth

With his brandish steel

Which smoked with execution?

This showed Macbeth‘s loyalty to Duncan (the king) and that he was willing to slaughter so
many people for his king and country. Duncan the king, although he disappears at the end of
act 1t shows what a king should be, he is honest, sincere and honorable. This is a term that he
uses himself to describe a captain that was wounded fighting for him, and could sum up the
qualities of courage, integrity and loyalty the opposite of the treachery that finally Kills him.

The action of the play is driving by a combination of both Macbeth’s and Lady
Macbeth’s ambitions. At some points, each of them is willing to do anything for
Macbeth to be king but the couple’s roles reverse throughout the course of the
play. Initially, Lady Macbeth is the instigator and her husband is a guilt –ridden
follower. Later, we see Lady Macbeth succumb to guilt while her previously
kind-hearted husband becomes increasingly comfortable with killing to protect
his title.

To sum up our discussion we can say that Lady Macbeth is seen as evil, and
there is lots of evidence for this. At points she also has a similar evil tone to the
witches. This is seen when she says ‘’Hie the hither’’ this also shows her use an
imperative. This is when she gives a command which no Jacobean wife would

do,as it was their place to follow orders, not give them. The use of the
imperative also shows how she is taking change. This is amazingly unusual for
the time.

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