Chap # 22

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CItlcn n0n

a tral ht ine
A woodpecker hammers its
beak into the limb of a tree to
sea rch for insects to eat, to

create sto rage spa Ce , or to

audibly udvertise for a mate.
The motion toward the limb
may be very rapid, but the
stopp ing once the limb is
reached is extre mely rapid
and would be fatal to a
human. Thus, a woodpecker
sho uld see rningly f all from
the tree either dead or un-
conscious eve ry time it s/ams
its be ak into the tree. Not
only does it su rvive, but it
rapidly repeats th e motion,
sen ding out a rat-tat-tat

signal through the air.

31 :+l

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The answer is in this chapter.

Jeremy Wood house/M asterfi le

Chapter 2| Motion Along a Straight Line

One purpose of physics is to study the motion of objects-how fast they move,
for example, and how far they move in a given amount of time. NASCAR
engineers are fanatical about this aspect of physics as they determine the
performance of their cars before and during arace. Geologists use this physics to
measure tectonic-plate motion as they attempt to predict earthquakes. Medical
researchers need this physics to map the blood flow through a patient when diag-
nosing a pafttally closed artety, and motorists use it to determine how they might
slow sufficiently when their radar detector sounds a warnirrg. There are countless
other examples. In this chapter, we study the basic physics of motion where the
object (race ear,tectonic plate,blood cell, or any other object) moves along a sin-
gle axis. Such motion is calle d one-dimensional motion.

2- HMotion
The world, and everything in it, moves. Even seemingly stationary things, such as
a roadway, move with Earth's rotation, Earth's orbit around the Sun, the Sun's or-
bit around the center of the Milky Way galaxy, and that galaxy's migration relative
to other galaxies. The classification and comparison of motions (called kinematics)
is often challenging.What exactly do you measure, and how do you compare?
Before we attempt an answer, we shall examine some general properties of
motion that is restricted in three ways.
1. The motion is along a straight line only. The line may be vertical, horizontal, or
slanted, but it must be straight.
2. Forces (pushes and pulls) cause motion but will not be discussed until Chapter
5. In this chapter we discuss only the motion itself and changes in the motion.
Does the moving object speed up, slow down, stop, or reverse direction? If the
motion does change, how is time involved in the change?
3. The moving object is either a particle (by which we mean a point-like object
such as an electron) or an object that moves like a particle (such that every
portion moves in the same direction and at the same rate). A stiff pig slipping
down a straight playground slide might be considered to be moving like a par-
ticle; howev er, atumbling tumbleweed would not.

A-S ffi Position and Displacement

To locate an object means to flnd its position relative to some reference point, of-
ten the origin (or zero point) of an axis such as the x axis in Fig. z-I.The positive
direction of the axis is in the direction of increasing numbers (coordinates),which
is to the right in Fig. z-I.The opposite is the negative direction.
For example, a particle might be located at x - 5 m, which means it is 5 m in
Positive direction
the positive direction from the origin. If it were at x - -5 m, it would be just as
far from the origin but in the opposite direction. On the axis, a coordinate of

Negative direction -5 m is less than a coordinate of -1 m, and both coordinates are less than a
x (m)
coordinate of + 5 m. A plus sign for a coordinate need not be showr, but a minus
-3 -2 -1 sign must always be shown.
Origin-/ A change from positiorr xr to position x2is called a displacement Ax, where
FnG" 2-$ Position is determined
on an axis that is marked in units L,x : xz - xt. Q-I)
of length (here meters) and that
extends indefinitely in opposite (The symbol A, the Greek uppercase delta, represents a change in a quantity, and
directions. The axis name, here x, it means the final value of that quantity minus the initial value.) When numbers
is always on the positive side of the are inserted for the position values x1 and x2 rrL Eq. 2-I, a displacement in the
ongm. positive direction (to the right in Fig. 2-I) always comes out positive, and a dis-
2-& I Average Velocity and Average Speed

placement in the opposite direction (left in the figure) always comes out negative.
For example, if the particle moves from x1 - 5 m to x2: 12 m, then Ax - (12 m)
(5 *) - *7 m. The positive result indicates that the motion is in the positive
direction. If, instead, the particle moves from xj :5 m to xz: 1 m, then
Ax : (1 *) (5 *) - -4 m. The negative result indicates that the motion is in
the negative direction.
The actual number of meters covered for a trip is irrelevant; displacement in-
volves only the original and final positions. For example, if the particle moves
from x 5 mout tox:20A mandthenback tox - 5 m,thedisplacementfrom
start to flnish is Lx - (5 *) (5 -) - 0.
A plus sign for a displacement need not be shown, but a tninus sign must
always be shown. If we ignore the sign (and thus the direction) of a displacement,
we are left with the magnitude (or absolute value) of the displacement. For exam-
ple,adisplacement of Ax : -4mhas amagnitude of 4 m"
Displacement is an example of a vector quantity, which is a quantity that has
both a direction and a magnitude. We explore vectors more fully in Chapter 3 (in
f,act,some of you may have already read that chapter), but here all we need is the
idea that displacement has two features: (1) Its magnitude is the distance (such as
the number of meters) between the original and flnal positions. (2) Its direction,
from an original position to a final position, can be represented by a plus sign or a
minus sign if the motion is along a single axrs. x (m)

yJli{:":il:": ?',}::: y
{"Xrn:T #! :';': l :: i ;,;: ::I:,i:::" :";':, " r (s)
mental calculation, and each gives you a quick check of your understanding
of a point just discussed. The answers are listed in the back of the book.

Pfiffi. ff-ffi The graph of x(r) for

(b) -3 m, -7 m; (c) 7 m, -3 m? an armadillo that is stationary at
x - -2 m.The value of x is -2 mfor
all times r.

x (m)
A compact way to describe position is with a gtaph of position x plotted as a func- 4
tion of time t-agraph of x(t).(Th" notationx(r) represents a functionx of t,not o
the produ ct x times r.) As a simple example, Fig. 2-2 shows the position function 9
x(t) for a station ary armadillo (which we treat as a parltcle) over a 7 s time inter- 1
val. The animal's position stays at x - -2 m. t (s)
Figure 2-3a is more interesting, because it involves rnotion. The armadillo is
apparently flrst noticed at t: 0 when it is at the position x- -5 m. It moves
toward x - 0, passes through that point at t -- 3 s, and then moves on to increas-
ingly larger positive values of x. Figure 2-3b depicts the straight-line motion of
the armadillo and is something like what you would see. The graph in Fig. 2-3a rs
more abstract and quite unlike what you would see, but it is richer in information. Position at
It also reveals how fast'the armadillo moves.
Actually, several quantities are associated with the phrase "how fast." One of
them is the average velocity vuu*, which is the ratio of the displacement Ax that oc-
curs during a parttcular time interval Ar to that interval:
Lx x2- x1
(2-2) 0 3 4 r(s)
"avs Lt b tl (b)

FH#. ff-s (a) The graph of x(r) for a

The notation means that the position is \ vt time \ and then x2 dt time tz.A com- moving armadillo. (b) The path
mon unit for uuu, is the meter per second (m/s). You may see other units in the associated with the graph. The scale
probleffiS, but they ate always in the form of length/time. below the x axis shows the times at
On a graph of -r versus t,vurris the slope of the straight line that connects two which the armadillo reaches various
particular points on the x(t) curve: one is the point that corresponds to x2 and t2, x values.
Chapter 2 I Motion Along a Straight Line

, (-) and the other is the point that corresponds to xland t1.Llke displacement,vurshas
both magnitude and direction (it is another vector quantity). Its magnitude is the
magnitude of the line's slope. A positive vuus (and slope) tells us that the line
J slants upward to the right; a negative vuus(and slope) tells us that the line slants
2 downward to the right.The average velocity vuusalways has the same sign as the
I displacement Ax because Ar in Eq. 2-2 is always positive.
Figure 2-4showshowtoflnd vuusinFig.2-3for thetimeintervalt -- 1 sto t - 4 s.
We draw the straight line that connects the point on the position curve at the be-
ginning of the interval and the point on the curve at the end of the interval. Then
-2 we find the slope LxlLt of the straight line. For the given time interval, the aver-
-J age velocity is
-4 vuug: :2mls'
-5 3,
Average speed suus is a different way of describing "how fast" a particle
F[G" e-4 Calculation of the average
moves. Whereas the average velocity involves the particle's displacement Lx, the
velocitybetweent - l sand t - 4s average speed involves the total distance covered (for example, the number of
as the slope of the line that connects
meters moved), independent of direction; that is,
the points on the x(r) curve repre-
senting those times.
total distance
suug (2-3)

Because average speed does not include direction, it lacks any algebraic sign.
Sometimes suus is the same (except for the absence of a sign) as yavs. However, as
is demonstrated in Sample Problem2-I, the two can be quite different.

You drive a beat-up pickup truck along a straight road ffafcufat$snsr We flrst write
for 8.4 km at70 km/h, at which point the truck runs out A" o,
of gasoline and stops. Over the next 30 min, you walk an- v avgdr
Lt o,
other 2.0 km farther along the road to a gasoline station.
Rearranging and substituting data then give us
(u) What is your overall displacement from the begin-
Aro. 8.4 km
ning of your drive to your arriv aI at the station? A/0. : 0.I2h.
avgdrv 70 km/h

Assume, for convenience, that you move in So, Lt-A/or+A/*,0

the positive direction of an x axis, frorn a first position of (Answer)
rr : 0 to a second position of x2 at the station. That (.) What is your average velocity vu,s from the begin-
second position must be at x2 - 8.4 km + 2.0 km - ning of your drive to your arriv aI at the station? Find it
L0.4 km. Then your displacement Ax along the x axis is
both numerically and graphically.
the second position minus the flrst position.

Catcuiatienl From Eq. 2-1,,we have From Eq. 2-2we know that vuusfo, the entire
Lx - xz- xt trip is the ratio of the displacement of 10.4 km fo, the en-
tire trip to the time interval of 0.62 h for the entire trip.
Thus, your overall displacement is I0.4 km in the posi-
tive direction of the x axis.
Cafsulstfenl Here we find
(b) What is the time interval Lt from the beginning of
Lx I0.4 km
your drive to your arriv aI at the station? uug
Lt 0.52h
- 16.8 km/h : 17 kmlh. (Answer)
We already know the walking time interval
A/*,0 (:0.50 h), but we lack the driving time interval To flnd vav' graphically, first we graph the function x(t)
Ltor. However, we know that for the drive the displace- as shown in Fig. 2-5, where the beginning and arrival
ment Axa, is 8.4 km and the average velocity v avgdr is points on the graph are the origin and the point labeled
70 km/h. Thus, this average velocity is the ratio of the dis- as "Station." Your average velocity is the slope of the
placement for the drive to the time interval for the drive. straight line connecting those points; that is, uu', is the
2,*g I lnstantaneous Velocity and Speed

ratio of the rise (Ax

: - 10.4 k-) to the run (Ar :0.62h),
which gives us vavs 16.8 km/h.
(d) Suppose that to pump the gasoline, pay for it, and
walk back to the truck takes you another 45 min. What
5B is your average speed from the beginning of your drive
c to your return to the truck with the gasoline?

verage speed is the ratio of the total
distance you move to the total time interval you take to
0.2 0.4 06 make that move.
Time (h)
Ff;G- R-5 The lines marked "Driving" and "Walking" are the Calsulntisn; The total distance is 8.4 km + 2.0 km *
position-time plots for the driving and walking stages. (The 2.0 km - I2.4 km. The total time interval is 0.I2 h +
plot for the walking stage assumes a constant rate of walkitg.) 0.50 h + 0.75 h I.37 h.Thus,Eq.2-3 gles us
The slope of the straight line joining the origin and the point
labeled "Station" is the average velocity for the trip, from the suug : I2.4 km 9.1 km/h. (Answer)
beginning to the station. I.37 h

ffmsfge S; Do You Understand the Problem? The com- c*$e #; ls Your Answer Rea sonable? Does your an-
mon difficulty is simply not understanding the problem. The best swer make sense, or is it far too large or far too small? Is the
test of understanding is this: Can you explain the problem? sign correct? Are the units appropriate? In part (c) of Sample
Write down the given data, with units, using the symbols Problem2-1, for example, the correct answer is 17 km/h. If you
of the chapter. (In Sample Problem 2-I, the given data allow find 0.00017 km/h, -I7 kmih, 17 km/s, or 17 000 km/h, you
you to find your net displacement L,x in part (u) and the should rcalize at once that you have done something wrong.
corresponding time interval Ar in part (b).) Identify the The error may lie in your method, in your algebra, or in your
unknown and its symbol. (In the sample problem, the unknown keystroking of numbers on a calculator.
in part (c) is your average velocity v u,e.) Then find the connec-
Fms*ss S; Reading a Graph Figures 2-2,2-3a, 2-4, and
tion between the unknown and the data. (The connection is pro-
2-5 are graphs you should be able to read easily. In each graph,
vided by Eq. 2-2,,the definition of average velocity.)
the variable on the horizontal axis is the time r, with the direc-
Fasffe #; Are the Units OK? Be sure to use a consistent tion of increasing time to the right. In each, the variable on
set of units when putting numbers into the equations. In Sample the vertrcal axis is the position x of the moving particle with
Problem 2-7,the logical units in terms of the given data are kilo- respect to the origin, with the positive direction of x upward.
meters for distances, hours for time intervals, and kilometers per Always note the units (seconds or minutes; meters or kilome-
hour for velocities. You may sometimes need to convert units. ters) in which the variables are expressed.

2* lnstantaneous locitlr and Speed

You have now seen two ways to describe how fast something moves: average
velocity and average speed, both of which are measured over a time interval Lt.
However, the phrase "how fast" more commonly refers to how fast a paftrcle is
movin g at a given instant-its instantaneous velocity (or simply velocity) v.
The velocity at any instant is obtained from the average velocity by shrinking
the time interval Ar closer and closer to 0. As Ar dwindles, the average velocity ap-
proaches a limiting value, which is the velocity at that instant:


Note that v is the rate at which position x is changing with time at a given instant;
that is, u is the derivative of x with respect to r. Also note that v at any instant is
the slope of the position-time curve at the point representing that instant.
Velocity is another vector quantity and thus has an associated direction.
C,l^rapter 2| Motion Along a Straight Line

Speed is the magnitude of velocity; that is, speed is velocity that has been
stripped of any indication of direction, either in words or via an algebraic sign.
(Caution: Speed and average speed can be quite different.) A velocity of + 5 m/s
and one of -5 m/s both have an associated speed of 5 m/s.The speedometer in a
car measures speed, not velocity (it cannot determine the direction).

3t -2;(2)x- -4t2 -2;(3)" -Zlt2,and (4), - -2.(a)Inwhichsituationistheveloc-

tty v of the particle constant? (b) In which is y in the negative x direction?

Figure 2-6a is an x(t) plot for an elevator cab that is ini-

tially station zry, then moves upward (which we take to
be the positive direction of x), and then stops. Plot v(t). 25
at /= 8.0
,-. 20
We can flnd the velocity at any time from
the slope of the x(t) curve at that time. c15
f,afcufatfsprs; The slope of x(r), and so also the velocity, Fi l0
x= 4.0 m
is zero in the intervals from 0 to 1 s and from 9 s on, So
then the cab is stationary.During the interval bc, the
slope is constant and nonzero, so then the cab moves with
constant velocity. We calculate the slope of x(r) then as 56
Tirne (s)
Ax 24m 4.0m (a)
8.0 s 3.0 s
- +4.0 m/s. Slope
of x(t)
The plus sign indicates that the cab is movittg in the pos-
itive x direction. These intervals (where v - 0 and v -
4 m/s) are plotted in Fig. 2-6b. In addition, as the cab ini- (n

tially begins to move and then later slows to a stop, d.o

y varies as indicated in the intervals 1 s to 3 s and B s to
9 Thus, Fig. 2-6b is the required plot. (Figur e 2-6c rs

considered in Section 2-6.)

Given a v(t) graph such as Fig. 2-6b, we could "work
backw ard" to produce the shape of the associated x(t)
graph (Fig. 2-6a). However, we would not know the ac-
Time (s)
tual values for x at various times, because the v(t) graph Slope
indicates only changes in x. To find such a change in x of v( r)

during any interval, we must, in the language of calculus,

o Acceleratibn
calculate the area "under the curve" on the v(t) graph for olJ
' '''.....r. \' .. .t

that interval. For example, during the interval 3 s to B s in t4


which the cab has a velocity of 4.0 mls, the change in x is a(t)
.90 7
d-r 6 8
Lx - (4.0 m/s)(8.0 s - 3.0 s) l-r
(This area is positive because the v(t) curve is above the
/ axis.) Figure 2-6a shows that x does indeed increase by -4
20 m in that interval. However, Fig. 2-6b does not tell us
the values of x at the beginning and end of the interval.
For that, we need additional information, such as the
value of x at some instant.
FE#. tr-& (a) The x(t) curve for an elevator cab that moves upward along an x axis. (b) The v(t) curve
for the cab. Note that it is the derivative of the x(t) curve (, - dxldt). (r) The a(t) curve for the cab. It is
the derivative of the v(t) curve (o - dvldt).The stick figures along the bottom suggest how a passenger's
body might feel during the accelerations.
P-S I Acceleration

The position of a particle moving on an x axis is given by m/s3. Thking the derivative of Eq. 2-5,we write
x - 7.8 + 9.2t - Z.Itt, (Z-5)
with x in meters and t tn seconds. What is its velocity at dr --d7O.S+9.2t-2.It3),
t - 3.5 s? Is the velocity constant, or is it continuously which becomes
changing? + e.2 - (3)(2-1)P: e.2 - 6-3P. (2-6)
Att _ 3;,-0
to time) of the position function x(t).
v - 9.2 - (6 3) (3.5)2 - -68 m/s. (Answer)
At t - 3.5 s, the particle is moving in the negative direc-
For simplicity, the units have been omit-
fsufat$@r?s; tion of x (note the minus sign) with a speed of 68 m/s.
ted from Eq. 2-5, but you can insert them if you like Since the quantity / appears in Eq. 2-6, the velocity v
by changing the coefficients to 7.8 m, 9.2 mls, and depends on t and so is continuously changing.

ffi Aceefleration
When a parttcle's velocity changes, the particle is said to undergo acceleration (or
to accelerate). For motion along an axis, the average acceleratioll aav'over a time
interval Ar is

aurg Q-7)
t2 tI Lt'
where the particle has velocity vt at trme \ and then velocity vz at time tz. The
instantaneous acceleration (or simply acceleration) is

LL (2-B)

In words, the acceleration of a particl e at any instant is the rate at which its velocity
is changing at that instant. Graphically, the acceleration at any point is the slope of
the curve otv(t) atthatpoint.We can combine Eq. 2-Bwrth Eq. 2-4 to write

tt:E:dv dt\a,
d la*\ d2x
): *'
In words, the acceleration of a particl e at any instant is the second derivative of
its position x(t) with respect to time.
A common unit of acceleration is the meter per second per second: m/(s.s)
or mlsz. Other units are in the form of length/(time.time) or length lti,me2.
Acceleration has both magnitude and direction (it is yet another vector quan-
tity). Its algebraic sign represents its direction on an axis just as for displacement
and velocity;that is, acceleration with a positive value is in the positive direction
of an axis, and acceleration with a negative value is in the negative direction.
Figure 2-6c is a plot of the acceleration of the elevator cab discussed in
Sample Problem 2-2. Compate this a(t) curve with the v(t) curve-each point on
the a(t) curve shows the derivative (slope) of the v(t) curve at the corresponding
time. When v is constant (at either 0 or 4 m/s), the derivative is zero and so also is the
acceleration.When the cab first begins to move,the v(t) curve has a positive deriva-
tive (the slope is positive), which means that a(t) is positive. When the cab slows to a
stop, the derivative and slope of the v(t) curve are negative; that is, a(t) is negative.
Next compare the slopes of the v(t) curve during the two acceleration peri-
ods. The slope associated with the cab's slowing down (commonly called "decel-
eration") is steeper because the cab stops in half the time it took to get up to
speed. The steeper slope means that the magnitude of the deceleration is larger
than that of the acceleration, as indicated in Fig. 2-6c.
Chapter fi I Motion Along a Straight Line

F6ffi" R-7 Colonel J. P. Stapp in a

The sensations you would feel while riding in the cab of Fig. 2-6 are indicated
rocket sled as it is brought up to high
by the sketched figures at the bottom. When the cab first accelerates, you feel as
speed (acceleration out of the page)
and then very rapidly braked (accel- though you are pressed downward; when later the cab is braked to a stop, you
eration into the pag e). (Courtesy U. S. seem to be stretched upward. In between, you feel nothing special. In other
Air Force) words, your body reacts to accelerations (it is an accelerometer) but not to
velocities (it is not a speedometer).Whenyou are in a car traveling at 90 km/h or
an airplane traveling at 900 km/h, you have no bodily awareness of the motion.
However, if the car or plane quickly changes velocity, you may become keenly
aware of the change, perhaps even frightened by it. Part of the thrill of an amuse-
ment park ride is due to the quick changes of velocity that you undergo (you pay
for the accelerations, not for the speed). A more extreme example is shown in the
photographs of Fig. 2-7 ,which were taken while a rocket sled was rapidly acceler-
ated along a track and then rapidly braked to a stop.
Large accelerations are sometimes expressed in terms of g units, with
Ig - 9.8 m/s2 (g unit). (2-r0)
(Ar we shall discuss in Section 2-9,9 is the magnitude of the acceleration of a
falling object near Earth's surface.) On a roller coaster, you may experience brief
accelerations up to 3g,which is (3)(9.8 m/s2), or about 29 mls2, more than enough
to justify the cost of the ride.

fc S; An Acceleration's Sign In comrnon lan- Ifere then is the proper way to interpret the signs:
guage, the signof an acceleration has a nonscientific meaning:
positive acceleration means that the speed of an object is
, .. , If the signs of the velocity and acceleration of a particle
are the sanne, the speed of the particle increases. If the signs
increasitg, and negative acceleration means that the speed is
are opposite, the speed decreases.
decreasing (the object is decelerating). Itt this book, however,
the sign of an acceleration indicates a direction, not whether
an object's speed is increasing or decreasing. $ A wombat moves along an x
For example, if a car with an initial velocity v -25 m/s
- axis.What is the sign of its acceleration if it is nnoving (a) in
is braked to a stop in 5.0 s,then auus +5.0 mlsz.The accelera- the positive direction with increasing speed, (b) in the posi-
tion ts positive, blut the car's speed has decreased. The reason tive direction with decreasing speed, (r) in the negative
is the difference in signs: the direction of the acceleration is direction with increasing speed, and (d) in the negative
opposite that of the velocity. direction with decreasing speed?

A particle's position on the x axis of Fig. 2-I rs given by

(1) To get the velocity function v(t), we
x-4-2lt+t3 differentiate the position function x(t) with respect to
with x inmeters and / in seconds. time. (2) To get the acceleration function a(t), we differ-
entiate the velocity function v(t) with respect to time.
(u) Because position x depends on time t, the particle
must be moving. Find the particle's velocity function Ga lations: Differentiating the position function, we find
v(t) and acceleration function a(t). v - -27 + 3t2, (Answer)
?-7 I Constant Acceleration: A Special Case

Ffffi. A-7 Continued

with v in meters per second. Differentiatitrg the velocity At t : 0, the particle is at r(0) - t4 m and is movitrg
function then gives us with a velocity of v(0) - -27 m/s-that is, in the nega-
a - +6t, (Answer) tive direction of the r axis. Its acceleration is a(0) - 0 be-
cause just then the particle's velocity is not changing.
with a tnmeters per second squared.
For 0</(3s, the particle still has a negative
(b) Is there ever a time when v - 0? velocity,so it continues to move in the negative direction.
However, its acceleration is no longer 0 but is increasing
Calculation: Setting v(t) - 0 yields
and positive. Because the signs of the velocity and the ac-
0- -27+3t2 celeration are opposite, the particle must be slowittg.
which has the solution Indeed, we already know that it stops momentarily
at t - 3 s. Just then the particle is as far to the left of the
t- +3s. (Answer)
origin rn Fig. 2-I as it will ever get. Substituting / - 3 s
Thus, the velocity is zero both 3 s before and 3 s after into the expression for x(r), we find that the particle's posi-
the clock reads 0. tion just then is x - -50 m. Its acceleration is still positive.
(c) Describe the particle's motion for t > For t > 3 s, the particle moves to the right on the
axis. Its acceleration remains positive and grows pro-
Reasonfng: We need to examine the expressions for gressively larger in magnitude. The velocity is now posi-
x(t),v(t),and a(t). tive, and it too grows progressively larger in magnitude.

2-7 ffi'Constant Accele tio,n: A Special Case

In many types of motion, the acceleration is either constant or approximately so.
For example, you might accelerate a car at an approximately constant rate when
a traffic light turns from red to green. Then graphs of your position, velocity, and
acceleration would resemble those in Fig. 2-8. (Note that a(t) in Fig. 2-8c is con-
stant, which requires that v(t) in Fig. 2-8b have a constant slope.) Later when you
brake the car to a stop, the acceleration (or deceleration in common language)
might also be approximately constant.
Such cases are so common that a special set of equations has been derived
for dealing with them. One approach to the derivation of these equations is given
in this section. A second approach is given in the next section. Throughout both
sections and later when you work on the homework probleffiS, keep in mind that
these equations are valid only fo, constant acceleration (or situations in which you
can approximate the acceleration as being constant).
When the acceleration is constant,the average acceleration and instantaneous ac-
celeration are equal and we can write Eq. 2-7,with some changes in notation, as
A Auug:
FlG. ?-8
(a) The position x(t) of a particle moving with constant acceleration. (b) Its U
velocity v(t),given at each point by the slope of the curve of x(r). (c) Its (constant) acceler- <0
ation, equal to the (constant) slope of the curve of v(t).
Chmpten P I Motion Along a Straight Line

Here us is the velocity at time t : 0 and v is the velocity at any later time /. We can
recast this equation as

v - vg t at. (2-I1)

As a check, note that this equation reduces to v : v0 for t : 0, as it must. As a fur-

ther check, take the derivative of Eq. Z-TL Doing so yields dvldt - a,which is the
deflnition of. a.Figure L-Bb shows a plot of Eq. 2-Il, the v(t) function; the function
is linear and thus the plot is a straight line.
In a similar manner, we can rewrite Eq. 2-2 (with a few changes in notation) as
and then as
* v^ust,
x -xo (2-r2)
in which xs is the position of the particl e at t : 0 and v uus is the average velocity
betwe en t - 0 and alater time /.
For the linear velocity function in Eq. 2-II, the average velocity over any time
interval (say, from t : 0 to a later time r) is the average of the velocity at the be-
ginning of the interval (: vo) and the velocity atthe end of the interval (: u).For
the interval from t : 0 to the later time / then, the average velocity is

vurs: LQo + u). (2-13)

Substituting the right side of Eq. 2-II for y yields, after a little rearrangement,
Finally, substituting Eq. z-I4intoff ,;;-*
x-xs (2-rs)

As a check, note that putting t :0 yields .tr - -rs, ?S it must. As a further check,
taking the derivative of Eq. 2-I5 yields Eq. 2-II, agarn as it must. Figure Z-Ba
shows a plot of Eq. 2-I5; the function is quadratic and thus the plot is curved.
Equations 2-II and 2-I5 ate the basic equations fo, constant acceleration;
they can be used to solve any constant acceleration problem in this book.
However, we can derive other equations that might prove useful in certain
specific situations. First, note that as many as flve quantities can possibly be
involved in any problem about constant acceleration-namely, x - x0,v,t,a,and
ue. IJsually, one of these quantities ts not involved in the problem,, either as a given
or as an unknown. We are then presented with three of the remaining quantities
and asked to flnd the fourth.
Equations 2-II and 2-I5 each contain four of these quantities, but not the
same four. In Eq. 2-11, the "missing ingredient" is the displacement x - x6. In Eq.
2-15, it is the velocity v. These two equations can also be combined in three ways
to yield three additional equations, each of which involves a different "missing
variable." First, we can eliminate t to obtain
v2: vfl + Za(x - xo). (2-16)
This equation is useful if we do not know t and are not required to find it. Secotrd,
we can eliminate the acceleration a between Eqs. 2-II and 2-I5 to produce an
equation in which a does not appear:
x - xs: )Qo + v)t. (2-r7)
Finally, we can elimin ate vs, obtaining
- xg: vt - I ot' (2-18)
Note the subtle difference between this equation and Eq. 2-15. One involves the
initial velocity vo,the other involves the velocity v at time /.
#-F I Constant Acceleration: A Special Case

Table 2-1 lists the basic constant acceleration equations (Eqs.

2-I1 and 2-I5) as well as the speciahzed equations that we have
Motion with Constant Accelerationa
derived. To solve a simple constant acceleration problem, you can
usually use an equation from this list (r/ you have the list with Equation Missing
you). Choose an equation for which the only unknown variable is Number Equation Quantity
the variable requested in the problem. A simpler plan is to remem-
ber only Eqs. 2-II and 2-I5, and then solve them as simultaneous 2-It v - vg* at x--xo
equations whenever needed. 2-75 x- Xg : vot + iot' v
2-16 v2_ v! + 2a(x - xo) t
2-77 x- Xg : lz1o + v)t a
2-t8 x- Xs - vt - Lot' v0
+ 2lt2 - 4lt; @) * - 5t2 - 3.To which of these situations do
6; (3)
oMake sure that the acceleration is indeed constant before
the equations of Thble2-I apply?
using the equations in this table.

The head of a woodpecker is movittg forward at a speed Dividing by g - 9.8 m/s2 and taking the absolute value,
of 7 .49 m/s when the beak makes first contact with a tree we flnd that the magnitude of the head's acceleration is
limb. The beak stops after penetrating the limb by 1.87
mm. Assuming the acceleration to be constant, find the
acceleration magnitude in terms of g. cssmmemf; rhis rlr"fili:]:" magni,iil::?
woodpecker is about 70 times the acceleration magni-
tude of Colonel Stapp in Fig. 2-7 and certainly would
We can use the constant-acceleration equa- have been lethal to him. The ability of a woodpecker to
tions; in particular, we can use Eq. 2-16 (r' withstand such huge acceleration magnitudes is not well
Za(x - xo)), which relates velocity and displacement.
understood, but there are two main arguments. (1) The
Cafcufaffms?s: Because the woodpecker's head stops, woodpecker's motion is almost along a straight line. Some
the final velocity is v - 0. The initial velocity is v0: researchers believe that concussion can occur in humans
7.49 m/s, and the displacement during the constant and animals when the head is rapidly rotated around the
acceleration is x - x0 : I.B7 X 10-3 m. Substituting neck (and brain stem), but that it is less likely in straight-
these values into Eq. 2-I6,we have line motion. (2) The woodpecker's brain is attached so
well to the skull that there is little residual movement or
02 - (i.49 m/s)2 + 2a(t 87 x 10-3 m), oscillation of the brain just after the impact and no chance
or a--1.500xI04m1s2. for the tissue connecting the skull and brain to tear.


Figure 2-9 gives a parttcle's velocity v versus its position

as it moves along an x axis with constant acceleration. (n

What is its velocity at position x - 0?

We can use the constant-acceleration equa-

tions; in particular, we can use Eq. 2-16 (r' 20 70
t (m)
Za(x - xo)), which relates velocity and position.
Ffiffi. A-9 Velocity versus position.
Firs"f try: Normally we want to use an equation that
includes the requested variable. In Eq. 2-16, we can variable, let's use Eq. 2-16 with the two pairs of known
identify rs oS 0 and vs oS being the requested variable. data, identifyitrg v0 : 8 m/s and x0 : 20 m as the first
Then we can identify a second pair of values as being pair and v
y and x. From the graph, we have two such pairs: (1) v - Then we can write
Bm/sand x-Z}m,and (2) y-0and x -70m.For (0 m/s)z - (B m/s)' + 2a(70 m - 20 m),
example, we can write Eq. 2-16 as
which gives us a - -0.64 m/s2. Substituting this value
(B+ 2a(20 m
m/s)' - r'o - 0). (2-re)
into Eq. 2-79 and solving for u6 (the velocity associated
Flowever, we know neither vsflot a. with the position of x - 0), we flnd
Secemd Instead of directly involving the requested vo : 9.5 mis. (Answer)
'C.haffielr 2 | Motion Along a Straight Line

mment: Some problems involve an equation that in- physics courage because it is so indirect. However, if
cludes the requested variable. A more challenging prob- you build your solving skills by solvitrg lots of problems,
lem requires you to first use an equation that does not the procedure gradually requires less courage and may
include the requested variable but that gives you a even become obvious. Solving problems of any kind,
value needed to flnd it. Sometimes that procedure takes whether physics or social, requires practice.

2*ffi % Another Look at Constant Acceleration*

The flrst two equations in Table 2-1, are the basic equations from which the others
are derived. Those two can be obtained by integration of the acceleration with
the condition that a s constant. To flnd Eq. 2-II, we rewrite the definition of ac-
celeration (Eq.2-B) as
dv - adt.
We next write the

Since acceleration obtain

or (2-20)
To evaluate 0, at which time v : v0.
the constant of integration C, we let t :
Substituting these values into Eq. 2-20 (which must hold for all values of t
includingt - 0) yields
vo: (oXO) + C - C.

Substituting this into Eq. 2-20 gives us Eq.2-II.

To derive Eq .2-I5,we rewrite the deflnition of velocity (Eq. 2-4) as

and then take the indefinite th sides to obtain
Next, we substitute for v wit

o + at) dt.

Since u6 is a constant, as is the acceleration a, this can be rewritten as

o.: ,o[ o, * o[, a,.
Integration now yields
t -- ,,we have x: x0.
where c'is another consta;
"Jr^::::J :?C'.time
Substituting these values in Eq. 2-2L yields x0 Replacin g C' with xs in Eq.
2-2I gives us Eq.2-15.

2*9 # Free-Fall Acceleration

If you tossed an object either up or down and could somehow eliminate the
effects of air on its flight, you would find that the object accelerates downward at
a certain constant rate. That rate is called the free-fall acceleration, and its magni-
tude is represented by g.The acceleration is independent of the object's charac-
teristics, such as mass, density, or shape; it is the same for all objects.

*This section is intended for students who have had inte gral calculus.
fr-* I Free-Fall Acceleration

Two examples of free-fall acceleration are shown in Fig. z-IA,which is a series

of stroboscopic photos of a feather and an apple. As these objects fall, they
accelerate downward-both at the same rate g.Thus, their speeds increase at the
same rate,and they fall together.
The value of g varies slightly with latitude and with elevation. At sea level in
Earth's midlatitudes the value is 9.8 mlsz (or 32 ftls2), which is what you should
use as an exact number for the problems in this book unless otherwise noted.
The equations of motion in Table 2-1, for constant acceleration also apply to
free fall near Earth's surface; that is, they apply to an object in vertical flight,
either up or down, when the effects of the air can be neglected. However, note
that for free fall: (1) The directions of motion are now along a vertical y axis
instead of the x axis, with the positive direction of y upward. (This is important
for later chapters when combined horizontal and vertical motions are examined.)
(2) The free-fall acceleration is negative that is, downward on the y axis, toward
Earth's center -
so it has the value -g in the equations.
The free-fall acceleration near Earth's surface is a- -
-g -9.8 mlsz,and the
gnitude of the acceleration is g 9.8 m/s2 .Do not substitute - 9.8 m/sz for g.
F$m" ffi-1* A feather and an apple
Suppose you toss a tomato directly upward with an initial (positive) velocity vo
free fall in vacuum at the same
and then catch it when it returns to the release level. During tts free-fail flighr (from
magnitude of acceleration g.The
just after its release to just before it is caught), the equations of Table 2-l apply to its
acceleration increases the distance
motion. The acceleration is always a - -g - -9.8 m/s2, negative and thus down- between successive images. In the ab-
ward. The velocity, however, changes, as indicated by Eqs. 2-II and 2-16: during the sence of air, the feather and apple fall
ascent, the magnitude of the positive velocity decreases, until it momentarily be- together. (Jim Sugar/Corbis Images)
comes zeto. Because the tomato has then stopped, it is at its maximum height.
During the descent, the magnitude of the (now negative) velocity increases.

for the descent, from the highest point back to the release point? (c) What is the ball's
acceleration at its highest point?

On September 26, 1993, Dave Munday went over the Note that Munday's displacement y - -/o is a negative
Canadian edge of Niagara Falls in a steel ball equipped quantity-Munday fell down, in the negative direction
with an air hole and then fell 48 m to the water (and of the y axis (he did not fall up!). Also note that 4814.9
rocks). Assume his initial velocity was zero, and neglect has two square roots:3.1 and -3.I. Here we choose the
the effect of the air on the ball during the fall. positive root because Munday obviously reaches the
water surfac e after he begins to fall at t - 0.
(u) How long did Munday fall to reach the water surface?

Because Munday's fall was a free fall, the

(s) (m) (m/s) (^/t2)
constant-acceleration equations of Table 2-I apply.
fialcufatfons"" Let us plac e a y axis along the path of his 0 0 -9.8
fall, with y - 0 at his starting point and the positive
direction up the axis (Fig. 2-II). Then the acceleration -4.9 -9.8 -9.8
is a - - g along that axis, and the water level is at
y - -48 m (negative because it is below y - 0). Let the
fall begin at time t : O,with initial velocity vo - 0. -19.6 -19.6 -9"8
From Table 2-I we choose Eq. 2-I5 (but in y nota-
tion) because it contains the requested time /. We find
F$G. A"$ n The position,
y - lo- vot - LgP, velocity, and acceleration
of a freely falling object,
-4Bm 0
here the steel ball ridden -44.r -29.4 -9.8
t2- 4814.9
by Dave Munday over
and t- 3.1 s. (Answer) Niagara Falls. -48.0 -9.8
mwten,ff I Motion Along a Straight Line

(b) Munday could count off the three seconds of free (d) What was Munday's velocity at each count of one
fall but could not see how far he had fallen with each full second? Was he aware of his increasing speed?
count. Determine his position at each full second.
Cafcsrfafsems: To flnd the velocities from the original
€6 #afdsEls; We again use Eq. 2-I5 but now we substi-
data without using the positions from (b), we let a - - g
tute, in turn, the values t: L0 s,2.0s, and 3.0 s, and solve
in Eq. 2-II and then substitute, in turn, the values
for Munday's position y. The results are shown in Fig. 2-II.
t - 1.0 s, 2.0 s,and 3.0 s. Here is an example:
(.) What was Munday's velocity as he reached the wa-
ter surface?
- 0 - (9.8 m/s2)(1.0 s) - -9.8 m/s. (Answer)

ffia$c#$a m: To find the velocity from the original data

without using the time of fall from (u),we rewrite Eq. The other results are shown in Fig. 2-II.
2-L6 rn y notation and then substitute known data: Once he was in free fall, Munday was unaware of
the increasing speed because the acceleration during
v2 the fall was always -9.8 mlsz, as noted in the last col-
so v - -30.67 m/s : -3I
-110 km/h.
m/s - umn of Fig. 2-I1. FIe was, of course, sharply aware of
(Answer) hitting the water because then the acceleration abruptly
We chose the negative root here because the velocity changed. (Munday survived the fall but then faced stiff
was in the negative direction. legal flnes for his daredevil action.)

In Fig. 2-I2, a pitcher tosses a baseball up along a y axis, tains those four variables. This yields
with an initial speed of 12 mls.
v - vo 0 - I2mls
(u) FIow long does the ball take to reach its maximum
( b ) wh a t i s t h e I u r r', -m *rt u'n:"
(1) Once the ball leaves the pitcher and
before it returns to his hand, its acceleration is the free- #afsu$atfom; We can take the ball's release point to
fall acceleration a - -g. Because this is constant, b" yo - 0. We can then write Eq. 2-16 rn y notation, set
Table 2-I applies to the motion.(2) The velocity v at the y - lo - y and v - 0 (at the maximum height), and
maximum height must be 0. solve for y. We get
fsac#m*#ssls Knowing v, a, and the initial velocity v2 v2s o (rz m/s)2
v0 : 12 mls. and seeking /, we solve Eq. 2-II, which con- -l-^-
2a 2(-9.8 m/s2)
(c) How long does the ball take to reach a point 5"0 m
above its release point?

Ca#serfa r?s; We know v0, a -- - g, and displacement

Rewriting it for y and setting lo : 0 give us

y- vot-Lgtt,
a: -9, or 5.0 m : (L2mls)r - (1X9.8 mls2)tz.
If we temporarily omit the units (having noted that they
and velocity are consistent), we can rewrite this as
F*ffi" #-$tr A pitcher becomes
tosses a baseball more 4.9t2 - I2t + 5.0:0.
straight up into the air. negatrve
Solving this quadratic equation for t yields
The equations of free
fall apply for rising as /-0.53s and t:1^9s. (Answer)
well as for falling ob-
jects, provided any ef- There are two such times! This is not really surprising
fects from the air can be because the ball passes twice through y - 5.0 m, once
neglected. on the way up and once on the way down.
2-t$ I Graphical lntegration in Motion Analysis

either less positive or more negative. This is true no matter

Problems 2-7 and 2-8, we established a vertical axis (the where the body is located and no matter how fast or in what
y axis) and we chose-quite arbitrarily-its upward direction direction it is moving. In Sample Problem z-B,the acceleration
to be positive. We then chose the origin of the y axis (that is, of the ball is negative (downward) throughout its flight,
the y - 0 position) to suit the problem. In Sample Problem whether the ball is rising or falling.
2-7,, the origin was at the top of the falls, and in Sample
Problem 2-8 it was at the pitcher's hand. A negative value of y sffe F* Unexpected Answers Mathematics often
then means that the body is below the chosen origin. A nega- generates answers that you might not have thought of as pos-
tive velocity means that the body is moving in the negative sibilities, as in Sample Problem 2-8c.If you get more answers
direction of the y axis-that is, downward. This is true no than you expect, do not automatically discard the ones that do
matter where the body is located. not seem to fit. Examine them carefully for physical meaning.
We take the acceleration to be negative (-9.8 m/s2) in all If time is your variable, even a negative value can mean some-
problems dealing with falling bodies. A negative acceleration thing; negative time simply refers to time before / - 0, the
means that, as time goes on, the velocity of the body becomes (arbitrary) time at which you decided to start your stopwatch.

Graphical lntegration tn Motion Analysis

A-Tffi $

When we have a graph of an object's acceleration versus time, we can integrate

on the graph to flnd the object's velocity at any given time. Because acceleration
a is defined in terms of velocity as a - dvldt,, the Fundamental Theorem of
Calculus tells us that

If a unit of acceleration is I mlsz and a unit of time is 1 s, then the corre-

sponditrg unit of area on the graph is

(1 m/s'Xl s)
which is (properly) a unit of velocity. When the acceleration curve is above the
time axis, the area is positive; when the curve is below the time axis, the area is
Similarly,because velocity u is defined in terms of the positionx as y - dxldt,

x1 - x11 (2-24)

where xs is the position at time tg and \ is the position at time /1. The deflnite
integral on the right side of Eq. 2-24 can be evaluated from a v(t) graph, like that
shown in Fig. 2-I3b. In particular,

_tt _ (areabetween velocity .r'rru"\

l" ..v ctt
- \ and time axis, from-toto tr ) (2-2s)
If the unit of velocity is 1 m/s and the unit of time is 1 s, then the corre- F!ffi" P-t S The area between a
sponding unit of area on the graph is
plotted curve and the horrzontal time
(1 m/s)(1 s) : 1 nl, axis, from time /o to time /1, is indi-
cated for (a) a graph of acceleration
which is (properly) a unit of position and displacement. Whether this areais posi- a versus / and (b) a graph of velocity
tive or negative is determined as described for the a(t) curve of Fig. 2-I3a. v versus /.
Chapter 2 I Motion Along a Straight Line

"Whiplash injury" commonly occurs in a rear-end colli- From 100 ms to 110 ffiS, region C has the shape of a rec-
sion where a front car is hit from behind by a second tangle, with area
car. In the L970s, researchers concluded that the injury : :
zrez,s (0.010 s)(50 m/s2) 0.50 m/s.
was due to the occupant's head being whipped back over
the top of the seat as the car was slammed forward. As a Substituting these values and v0:0 into Eq. 2-26 gives us
result of this finding, head restraints were built into cars,
yet neck injuries in rear-end collisions continued to occur.
v1- - 0 + I.5 mls * 0.50 m/s,
In a recent test to study neck injury in rear-end colli- or vr : 2.0 mls - 7.2 kmlh. (Answer)
sions, a volunteer was strapped to a seat that was then
moved abruptly to simulate a collision by a rear car mov- Commentsl When the head is just starting to move
ing at 10.5 km/h. Figure 2-I4a gives the accelerations of forward, the torso already has a speed of 7 .2 kmlh"
the volunteer's torso and head during the collision, which Researchers argue that it is this difference in speeds
began at time t : O.The torso acceleration was delayed by during the early stage of a rear-end collision that injures
40 ms because during that time interval the seat back had the neck. The backward whipping of the head happens
to compress against the volunteer. The head acceleration later and could, especially if there is no head restraint,
was delayed by an additional 70 ms. What was the torso increase the injury.
speed when the head began to accelerate?

We can calculate the torso speed at any 6l


time by flnding an area on the torso a(t) graph. i50

Calculations: We know that the initial torso speed is
vs- 0 at time to: 0, at the start of the "collision." We
want the torso speed v1 at time tr: 110 ffiS, which is 80
when the head begins to accelerate. l(ms)
Combining Eqs.2-22 and 2-23,we can write (a)

( areabetween acceleration curu.\

v1 vo: (2-26)
\ and time axis, from toto tr )
For convenience, let us separate the area into three
regions (Fig. 2-I4b). From 0 to 40 ms, region A has no
area: 40 100 110

stela - 0. (b)

From 40 ms to L00 ffiS, region B has the shape of a trian- FlG. 2-'l#- (a) The a(t) curve of the torso and head of a volun-
gle,with are teer in a simulation of a rear-end collision. (b) Breaking up the
region between the plotted curve and the time axis to calcu-
ztez,s: 1(o.o6o s)(50 m/s2)
_ 1.5 m/s. late the area.

Position The position x of a particle on an x axis locates the has moved in the positive direction of the x axis and negative
particle with respect to the origin, or zero point, of the axis. if the particle has moved in the negative direction.
The position is either positive or negative, according to which
side of the origin the particle is on, or zero if the particle is at Average Velocity When a particle has moved from posi-
the origin.The positive direction on an axis is the direction of tion x1 to positiorr xz during a time interval Ar : t2 - /1, its
increasing positive numbers; the opposite direction is the neg- average velocity during that interval is
ative direction.
Lx xz- xt
Displacement The displacement Lx of a particle is the
L^t tz- h
change in its position: The algebraic sign of vuu* indicates the direction of motion
: (vuu, is a vector quantity). Average velocity does not depend
A,x xz - xr. Q-I) on the actual distance a particle moves, but instead depends
Displacement is a vector quantity. It is positive if the particle on its original and final positions.

On a graph of x versus t,the average velocity for a time in- ity u(r) and the second time derivative of position r(r):
terval Ar is the slope of the straight line connecting the points
on the curve that represent the two ends of the interval.
dv dzx
t/'t' (2-8,2-g)
dt dt2
Average Speed The average speed suu, of a particle dur-
ing a time interval A,t depends on the total distance the parti- On a graph of v versus t,the acceleration a at any time / is the
cle moves in that time interval: slope of the curve at the point that represents /.

total distance Constant Acceleration The five equations in Table 2-I

suug (2-3)
L,t describe the motion of a particle with constant acceleration:
lnstantaneous Velocity The instantaneous velocity (ot (2-1r)
simply velocity) y of a moving particle is

A,x dx
x - *o'=:rJ'l r?,tu'",
v_ ullr
d---o Lt dt'
(2-4) v2-vE+Za(x-xo), (2-16)
-: -
where Ax and Lt are deflned by Eq. 2-2.The instantaneous ve- x-xo:ilo+v)t, (2-r7)
locity (at a particular time) may be found as the slope (at that
x - x0: vt - lot'. (2-r8)
particular time) of the graph of .r versus /. Speed is the magni-
tude of instantaneous velocity. These are not valid when the acceleration is not constant.
Average Acceleration Average acceleration is the ratio
of a change in velocity Av to the time interval Lt in which the Free-Fall Acceleration An important example of
change occurs: straight-line motion with constant acceleration is that of an
Av object rising or falling freely near Earth's surface. The con-
aurs - N' Q-7) stant acceleration equations describe this motion, but we
make two changes in notation: (1) we refer the motion to the
The algebraic sign indicates the direction of aav,
vertical y axis with *y vertically up; (2) we replace a wrth - g,
lnstantaneous Acceleration Instantaneous acceleration where g is the magnitude of the free-fall acceleration. Near
(or simply acceleration) a is the first time derivative of veloc- Earth's surface,S : 9.8 m/s' (: 32 ftlsz).

t Figure 2-I5 shows four paths 4 Figure 2-I8 gives the acceleration a(t) of a Chihuahua as it
along which objects move from a chases a German shepherd along an axis. In which of the time
starting point to a final point, all periods indicated does the Chihuahua move at constant speed?
in the same time interval. The
paths pass over a grid of equally
spaced straight lines. Rank the
paths according to (a) the aver-
age velocity. of the objects and F$G. P-1S Question 1.
(b) the average speed of the ob- x
jects, greatest first. tl tJ--

2 Figure 2-16 ts a graph of a c lpl E lrl Gl n

particle's position along an x I (s) FBffi. 2-{ S Question 4.
axis versus time. (a) At time / -
0, what is the sign of the 5 Figure 2-I9 gives the veloc-
particle's position? Is the parti- ity of a particle moving along an
cle's velocity positive, negative, axis. Point 1 is at the highest
or 0 at (b) t : 1. s,(c) t : 2 s, and point on the curve; point 4 is at
(d) / - 3 s? (") How many the lowest point; and points 2
times does the particle go and 6 are at the same height.
through the point x - 0? What is the direction of travel at
Fls, 2-19 Question 5.
3 Figure 2-I7 gives the veloc- (u) time t : 0 and (b) point 4?
ity of a particle moving on an x (c) At which of the six numbered points does the particle re-
axis. What are (a) the initial and
verse its direction of travel? (d) Rank the six points according
(b) the flnal directions of travel? to the magnitude of the acceleration, greatest flrst.
(.) Does the particle stop mo- 6 The following equations give the velocity v(t) of a
mentarily? (d) Is the accelera- particle in four situations: (u) v - 3; (b) v - 4tz + 2t - 6;
tion positive or negative? (e) Is (.) , - 3t - 4; (d) , - 5t2 - 3.To which of these situations do
it constant or varying? FlG" 2-17 Question 3. the equations of Thble 2-L apply?
Chapter 2 I Motion Along a Straight Line

P In Fig. 2-20, a cream tan- xs- -20 m. The signs of the particle's initial velocity vs (at
gerine is thrown directly time rs) and constant acceleration a are, respectively, for four
upward past three evenly situations: (1) +, +; (2) +, -; (3) , +; (4) , -. In which
spaced windows of equal situations will the particle (u)
heights. Rank the windows ac- stop momentarily, (b) pass
cording to (u) the average through the origin, and (.)
speed of the cream tangerine never pass through the origin?
while passing them, (b) the S Hanging over the railing of
time the cream tangerine takes
a bridge, you drop an egg (ro
to pass them, (.) the magni- initial velocity) as you throw a o
tude of the acceleration of the second egg downward. Which
cream tangerine while passing
curves in Fig. 2-2I give the ve-
them, and (d) the change Av in
locity v(t) for (a) the dropped
the speed of the cream tanger- egg and (b) the thrown egg?
ine during the passage, greatest (Curves A and B are parallel;
so are C, D, and E; so ate F
S At t: 0, a partrcle moving and G.)
along an x axis is at position F$ffi. #-trS QuestionT. F$ffi" A-At Question 9.

Tutoring problem available (at instructor's discretion) in WileyPLUS and WebAssign

SSIVI Worked-out solution avallable in Student Solutions Manual W Worked-out solution is at

s - s@@ Number of dots indicates level of problem difficulty ILW lnteractive solution is at
Additional information available in The Flying Circus of Physics and at

se€. 3-4- Average Velocity and Average Speed You walk for 1.00 min at a speed of 1.22mls and then run for
e { An automobile travels on a straight road for 40 km at 1.00 min at3.05 m/s along a straight track.(.) Graphx versus /
30 km/h. It then continues in the same direction for another 40 for both cases and indicate how the average velocity is found
km at 60 km/h. (a) What is the average velocity of the car dur- on the graph.
ing this B0 km trip? (Assume that it moves in the positive x di- ssff In 1 km races, runner 1 on track 1 (with time 2 mtn,27 .95
rection.) (b) What is the average speed? (c) Graph x versus / s) appears to be faster than runner 2 on track 2 (2 min, 28.15 s).
tffi",e how the average velocity is found on the graph. However, length Lz of track 2 might be slightly greater than
1t* length L1 of track 1. How large can Lz - L1 be for us still to
effi A car travels up a hill at a constant speed of 40 km/h and conclude that runner 1 is faster? ILW
returns down the hill at a constant speed of 60 km/h. Calculate @@m To set a speed record in a measured (straight-line)
the average speed for the round trip. distance d, a race car must be driven first in one direction (in
e$ During a hard sneeze, your eyes might shut for 0.50 s. If time 11) and then in the opposite direction (in tim e t). (a) To
you are driving a car at 90 km/h during such a sneeze, how far eliminate the effects of the wind and obtain the car's speed v.
does the car move during that time?
in a windless situation, should we flnd the average of d/t1and
d/t2(method 1) or should we divide d by the average of t1 and
e$ The 1992 world speed record for a bicycle (human pow- tz? (b) What is the fractional difference in the two methods
ered vehicle) was set by Chris Huber. His time through the when a steady wind blows along the car's route and the ratio of
measured 200 m stretch was a srzzhng 6.509 s, at which he the wind speed vrto the car's speed v, is 0.0240?
commented, "Cogito ergo zoom!" (I think, therefore I go seff You are to drive to an interview in another town, at a dis-
fast!). In 200| Sam Whittingham beat Huber's record by
tance of 300 km on an expressway. The interview is at 11 :15
19"0 km/h. What was Whittingham's time through the 200 m?
A.M. You plan to drive at 100 km/h, so you leave at 8:00 a.u. to
s The position of an object moving along an x axis is given allow some extra time. You drive at that speed for the first 100
by - 3t - 4tz * t3,where r is in meters and / in seconds. Find
x km, but then construction work forces you to slow to 40 km/h
the position of the object at the following values of r: (a) 1 s, for 40 km. What would be the least speed needed for the rest
(b) 2 s, (.) 3 s, and (d) 4 s. (") What is the object's of the trip to arrive in time for the interview?
displacement betweerr t : 0 and t : 4 s? (f) What is its aver- sst& Panic escape. Figure 2-22
age velocity for the time interval from t-2s to t-4s? shows a general situation in I--L-{ F-I-N F-Z--|
(g) Graph x versus tfor 0<t=4s and indicate how the which a stream of people at-
answer for (f) can be found on the graph. ssM tempt to escape through an exit
*$ -r, dl-- 4 d? 4 dF
Compute your average velocity in the following two door that turns out to be locked. Locked
cases: (a) You walk 73.2 m at a speed of 1.22mls and then run The people move toward the door
13.2m at a speed of 3.05 m/s along a straight track. (b) door at speed v, : 3.50 m/s, are Ffrffi" tr-#tr Problem 10.

each d - 0.25 m in depth, and are separated by L - I.75 m. instant when the velocity is zero? If so, give the time t;rf not,
The arrangement in Fig.2-22 occurs at time t:0. (a) At what answer no. (f) Is there a time after t : 3 s when the particle is
average rate does the layer of people at the door increase? (b) moving in the negative direction of x? If so, give the tim e t; tf
At what time does the layer's depth reach 5.0 m? (The an- not, answer no.
swers reveal how quickly such a situation becomes danger-
"16 An electron moving along the x axis has a position
ous.) given by - I6te-l m, where / is in seconds. How far is the
u*11 Two trains, each having a speed of 30 km/h, are headed
electron from the origin when it momentarily stops?
at each other on the same straight track. A bird that can fly est? The position of a particle moving along the x axis
60 km/h flies off the front of one train when they are 60 km is given in centimeters by x - 9.15 + 1.5013, where r is in
apart and heads directly for the other train. On reaching the seconds. Calculate (a) the average velocity during the time
other train, the bird flies directly back to the first train, and so interval t - 2.00 s to t : 3.00 s; (b) the instantaneous velocity
forth. (We have no idea why a bird would behave in this way.) aI r - 2.00 s; (c) the instantaneous velocity at t : 3.00 s;
What is the total distance the bird travels before the trains col- (d) the instantaneous velocity at t - 2.50 s; and (") the
lide? instantaneous velocity when the particle is midway between
*ee$ft Traffic shock wave. An abrupt slowdown in concen- its positions at t - 2.00 s and / - 3.00 s. (f) Graph x versus
trated traffic can travel as a pulse, termed a shock wave, along t and indicate your answers graphically.
the line of cars, either downstream (in the traffic direction) or
se€.A-6 Acceleration
upstream, or it can be station ary. Figure 2-23 shows a uni- *$ffi (a) If the position of a particle is given by x -
formly spaced line of cars moving at spee d v - 25.0 mis to-
20t - 5t3,
where x is in meters and / is in seconds, when, if ever, is the
ward a uniformly spaced line of slow cars moving at speed
particle's velocity zero? (b) When is its acceleration a zero?
v, : 5.00 m/s. Assume that each faster car adds length L - I2.0
(c) For what time range (positive or negative) is a negative?
m (car length plus buffer zone) to the line of slow cars when it
(d) Positive? (e) Graph x(r) ,v(t), and a(t).
joins the line, and assume it slows abruptly at the last instant.
* S 9 At a certain time a particle had a speed of 18 m/s in
(u) For what separation distance d between the faster cars
does the shock wave remain stationary? If the separation is the positive x direction, and 2.4 s later its speed was 30 m/s
twice that amount, what are the (b) speed and (c) direction in the opposite direction. What is the average acceleration of
(upstream or downstream) of the shock wave? the particle during this 2.4 s interval? ssm
*ffffi The position of a particle moving along an x axis is
?- f+F-- d ____-)<- L _)n-- d l, _>l- 7 _4-- L I given by x - I2tz - 2t3, where x is in meters and / is in
seconds. Determine (u) the position, (b) the velocity, and
(c) the acceleration of the particle at t - 3.0 s. (d) What is the
maximum positive coordinate reached by the particle and
(e) at what time is it reached? (f) What is the maximum posi-
Ffiffi. A-trS Problem12.
tive velocity reached by the particle and (g) at what time is
it reached? (h) What is the acceleration of the particle at the
ee c'! $ You drive on Interstate 10 from San Antonio to instant the particle is not moving (other than at r - 0)?
Houston, half the time at 55 km/h and the other half
(i) Determine the average velocity of the particle betweent
90 km/h. On the way back you travel half the distance at -
55 km/h and the other half at 90 km/h. What is your average
s€HS The position of a particle moving along the x axis
speed (a) from San Antonio to Houston, (b) from Houston
back to San Antonio, and (c) for the entire trip? (d) What is depends on the time according to the equation x - ctz - btt,
your average velocity for the entire trip? (") Sketch x versus where x is in meters and r in seconds. What are the units of (a)
t for (a), assuming the motion is all in the positive x
direc- constant c and (b) constant b? Let their numerical values be
tion. Indicate how the average velocity can be found on the 3.0 and 2.0, respectively. (c) At what time does the particle
sketch. I LW reach its maximum positive .r position? From / : 0.0 s to / -
4.0 s, (d) what distance does the particle move and (e) what is
see. 2-5 lnstantaneous Velocity and Speed its displacement? Find its velocity at times (f) 1.0 s, (g) 2.0 s,
. t 4 The position function x(r) of a particle moving along an
(h) 3.0 s, and (i) 4.0 s. Find its acceleration at times C) 1.0 s, (k)
x axis is x : 4.0 - 6.0t2, with r in meters and t in seconds. 2.0 s, (l) 3.0 s, and (-) 4.0 s.
(a) At what time and (b) where does the particle (momentar-
**ffff From t : 0 to t - 5.00 min, a man stands still, and from
ily) stop? At what (c) negative time and (d) positive time does
t : 5.00 min to t - 10.0 min, he walks briskly in a straight line
the particle pass through the origin? (e) Graph x versus t for
the range -5 s to *5 s. (0 To shift the curve rightward on the
at a constant speed of 2.20 m/s. What are (u) his average
velocity vuug and (b) his average acceleration auus in the time
graph, should we include the term * 20t or the term -20t tn
interval2.00 min to 8.00 min? What are (c) vuusand (d) a"", in
x(t) ? (g) Does that inclusion increase or decrease the value of
the time interval 3.00 min to 9.00 min? (e) Sketch x versus /
x at which the particle momentarily stops?
and y versus /, and indicate how the answers to (a) through (d)
"15 (a) If apafircle's position is given by * - 4 - IZt + 3t2 can be obtained from the graphs.
(where r is in seconds and x is in meters), what is its velocity at
t : I s? (b) Is it moving in the positive or negative direction of 2-T Constant Acceleration: A Special Case
x just then? (c) What is its speed just then? (d) Is the speed *2S An electron has a constant acceleration of + 3.2 mls2. At
increasing or decreasing just then? (TrV answering the next a certain instant its velocity is + 9.6 m/s. What is its velocity (a)
two questions without further calculation.) (e) Is there ever an 2.5 s earlier and (b) 2.5 s later?
Chapter 2I Motion Along a Straight Line

*ff4 A muon (an elementary particle) enters a region with a oSS A car traveling 56.0 km/h rs 24.0 m from a barrier when
speed of 5.00 x 106 m/s and then is slowed at the rate of the driver slams on the brakes. The car hits the barrier 2.00 s
I.25 x 1014 m/s2. (u) How far does the muon take to stop? later. (a) What is the magnitude of the car's constant accel-
(b) Graph x versus / and v versus / for the muon. eration before impact? (b) How fast is the car traveling at
**S Suppose a rocket ship in deep space moves with con-
impact? ssM trw

stant acceleration equal to 9.8 mlsz,which gives the illusion of er34 A car moves along an x axis through a distance of
normal gravity during the flight. (a) If it starts from rest, how 900 m, starting at rest (atx - 0) and ending at rest (at x : 900
long will it take to acquire a speed one-tenth that of light, m). Through the first I of that distance, its acceleration
which travels at 3.0 x 108 m/s? (b) How far will it travel in so rs *2.25 m/s2. Through the next i of that distance, its acceler-
doing? ssM ation is -0.750 m/s2. What are (a) its travel tirne through the
*ffi6 On a dry road, o car with good tires may be able to 900 m and (b) its maximum speed? (.) Graph position x,
velocity v, and acceleration a versus time t for the trip.
brake with a constant deceleration of 4.92 mls2. (a) How long
does such a car, initially travelin g at 24.6 m/s, take to stop? (b)
s*S5 Figure 2-25 depicts the
x (m)
How far does it travel in this time? (c) Graph x versus t and v motion of a particle moving along
versus t for the deceleration. an x axis with a const ant accelera-
tion. The figure's vertical scaling
Nonaccelerating Accelerating
"P7 An electron with an ini- is set by x, : 6.0 m.What are the
tial velocity vo : 1.50 X 10s reglon regron
(a) magnitude and (b) direction
m/s enters a region of length L of the particle's acceleration?
- 1.00 cm where it is electri- aog6 (a) If the maximum accel-
cally accelerated (Fig. 2-24). It r (s)
emerges with v - 5.70x 106 eration that is tolerable for pas-
sengers in a subway train is I.34
What is its acceleration, as-
mls2 and subway stations are lo- A-45 Problem
sumed constant? ssM FfiG. 35.
cated 806 m apart, what is the
#fiffi Catapulting mushrooms. maximum speed a subway train can attain between stations? (b)
Certain mushrooms launch What is the travel time between stations? (c) If a subway train
their spores by a catapult mechanism. As water condenses stops for 20 s at each station, what is the maximum average
from the air onto a spore that is attached to the mushroom, a speed of the train, from one start-up to the next? (d) Graph x, v,
drop grows on one side of the spore and a film grows on the and a versus / for the interval from one start-up to the next.
other side. The spore is bent over by the drop's weight, but
when the film reaches the drop, the drop's water suddenly '*37 Cars A and B move in
the same direction in adjacent
spreads into the film and the spore springs upward so rapidly
lanes. The position x of car A is ?
that it is slung off into the air. Typically, the spore reaches a : 0 ;
given in Fig. 2-26,from time /
speed of 1.6 m/s in a 5.0 pm launch; its speed is then reduced
to t : 7 .0 s. The figure's vertical
to zero in 1.0 mm by the air. Using that data and assuming : 32.0 m. At r
constant accelerations, find the acceleration in terms of g dur-
scaling is set by
", 0 | 2 3 4 5 6 7
: 0, cat B is at x - 0, with a ve- t (s)
ing (a) the launch and (b) the speed reduction.
locity of 12 mls and a negative FlG" A-eS Problem3T.
*29 An electric vehicle starts from rest and accelerates at a constant acceleration as. (u)
rate of 2.0 mls2 in a straight line until it reaches a speed of What must a6be such that the cars are (momentarily) side by side
20 mls.The vehicle then slows at a constant rate of 1.0 m/s2 un- (momentarily at the same value of x) at t - 4.0 s? (b) For that
til it stops. (a) How much time elapses from start to stop? (b) value of as,how many times are the cars side by side? (.) Sketch
How far does the vehicle travel from start to stop? the position x of car B versus time / on Fig. 2-26. How many times
will the cars be side by side if the magnitude of acceleration as rs
"Sffi A world's land speed record was set by Colonel John
P.Stapp when in March1954 he rode a rocket-propelled sled (d) more than and (e) less than the answer to part (a)?
that moved along a track at 1020 km/h. He and the sled were **S8 You are driving toward a traffic signal when it turns
brought to a stop in 1.4 s. (See Fig. 2-7 .) In terms of g, what ac- yellow. Your speed is the legal speed limit of ue : 55 km/h;
celeration did he experience while stopping? your best deceleration rate has the magnitude a - 5.18 mls2.
r3'l A certain elevator cab has a total run of 190 m and a Your best reaction time to begin braking is T - 0.75 s. To
maximum speed of 305 m/min, and it accelerates from rest avoid having the front of your car enter the intersection after
and then back to rest at l.ZTmls'. (u) How far does the cab the light turns red, should you brake to a stop or continue to
move while accelerating to full speed from rest? (b) How long move at 55 km/h if the distance to the intersection and the du-
does it take to make the nonstop 190 m run, starting and end- ration of the yellow light are (a) 40 m and 2"8 s, and (b) 32 m
ing at rest? lLw and 1.8 s? Give an answer of brake, continue, either (if either
sffif; The brakes on your car can slow you at a rate of strategy works), or neither (if neither strategy works and the
yellow duration is inappropri-
5.2m1s2. (u) trf you are going I37 kmlh and suddenly see a

ate). G
state trooper, what is the minimum time in which you can get
your car under the 90 km/h speed limit? (Th" answer reveals ss39 As two trains move along go
the futility of braking to keep your high speed from being a track, their conductors sud-
detected with a radar or laser gun.) (b) Graph x versus t and v denly notice that they are headed
versus t for such a slowing. toward each other. Figure 2-27 Flffi-

gives their velocities v as functions of time / as the conductors drops be moving when they struck the ground? (b) Would it
slow the trains. The figure's vertical scaling is set by ,, : 40.0 m/s be safe to walk outside during a rainstorm?
The slowing processes begin when the trains are 200 m apart. *4S At a construction site a pipe wrench struck the ground
What is their separation when both trains have stopped?
with a speed of 24 m/s. (a) From what height was it inadver-
* *4ffi In Fig. 2-28, a red car and a green car, identical except for tently dropped? (b) How long was it falling? (c) Sketch graphs
the color, move toward each other in adjacent lanes and parallel of y, v, and a versus / for the wrench. ssM
to an x axis. At time t : O,the red car is at x, - 0 and the green car e46 A hoodlum throws a stone vertically downward with
is at xs : 220 m. If the red car has a constant velocity of 20 km/h,
an initial speed of I2.0 m/s from the roof of a building,
the cars pass each other at x : 44.5 m, and if it has a constant ve-
30.0 m above the ground. (u) How long does it take the stone
locity of 40 km/h, they pass each other at x:76.6 m. What are to reach the ground? (b) What is the speed of the stone at
(a) the initial velocity and (b) the acceleration of the green car?

"4? (a) With what speed must a ball be thrown vertically

from ground level to rise to a maximum height of 50 m?
(b) How long will it be in the a:.r? (c) Sketch graphs of y, u, and
a versus / for the ball. On the first two graphs, indicate the time
Ffiffi" R-#ffi Problems 40 and 4t. at which 50 m is reached" ssM
cc4t Figure 2-28 shows a red
*4S When startled, on armadillo will leap upward. Suppose

car and a green car that move

itrises 0.544 m in the first 0.200 s. (a) What is its initial speed
toward each other. Figure 2-29 as it leaves the ground? (b) What is its speed at the height of
? 0.544 m? (c) How much higher does it go?
is a graph of their motion, ;
showing the positions xro : 270 0
s4P A hot-air balloon is ascending at the rate of 12 m/s and
m and x,o: -35.0 m at time Xr0
is 80 m above the ground when a package is dropped over the
t : 0. The green car has a con- r (s)
side. (a) How long does the package take to reach the ground?
stant speed of 20.0 m/s and the Ffiffi. tr-A# Problem 4I.
(b) With what speed does it hit the ground? s-sM',
red car begins from rest. What se$ffi A bolt is dropped from a bridge under construction,
is the acceleration magnitude of the red car?
falling 90 m to the valley below the bridg". (a) In how much
e oo4ft When a high-speed passenger train traveling at time does it pass through the last 20% of its fall? What is its
161 km/h rounds a bend, the engineer is shocked to see that a speed (b) when it begins that last 20% of its fall and (c) when
locomotive has improperly entered onto the track from a it reaches the valley beneath the bridge?
siding and is a distance D - 616 m ahead (Fig. 2-30). The ee$'? A key falls from a bridge that is 45 m above the water.
locomotive is moving at 29.0 km/h. The engineer of the high-
speed train immediately applies the brakes. (u) What must
It falls directly into a model boat, moving with constant
velocity, that is 12 m from the point of impact when the key is
be the magnitude of the resulting constant deceleration if a
released.What is the speed of the boat? 'ssrrn,,i
collision is to be just avoided? (b) Assume that the engineer is
at x - 0 when, at t - 0, he first spots the locomotive. Sketch ee$ff At time t - 0, apple 1 is dropped flom a bridge onto a
x(t) curves for the locomotive and high-speed train for roadway beneath the bridge; somewhat later, apple 2 is
the cases in which a collision is just avoided and is not thrown down from the same height. Figure 2-3I gives the
quite avoided. vertical positions y of the apples versus / during the falling, un-
til both apples have hit the roadway. With approximately what
speed is apple 2 thrown down?

Ff;ffi" A-Sffi Problem 42.

**e$$ You are arguing over a cell phone while trailing an
unmarked police car by 25 m; both your car and the police car 0.5 1 1.5 2

are traveling at 110 km/h. Your argument diverts your attention r (s)
from the police car for 2.0 s (long enough for you to look at the Ffiffi. ff"Sq Problem52.
phone and yell,"I won't do that!").At the beginning of that 2.0 s,
s&SS As a runaway scientific
the police offlcer begins braking suddenly at 5.0 m/s'.(u) What is
the separation between the two cars when your attention finally balloon ascends at 19.6 m/s, one
returns? Suppose that you take another 0.40 s to reahze your of its instrument packages
danger and begin braking (b) If you too brake at 5.0 m/sz,what breaks free of a harness and o t (s)
is yoqr speed when you hit the police car? free-falls. Figure 2-32 gives the
vertical velocity of the package
A"S Free-Fall Acceleration
ses. versus time, from before it
&44 Raindrops fall Il00 m from a cloud to the ground.(a) If breaks free to when it reaches
they were not slowed by air resistance, how fast would the the ground. (a) What maximum F*ffi. A-SA Problem 53.
ehapten 2 I Motion Along a Straight Line

height above the break-free point does it rise? (b) How high is where y is the height of the ball above its starting point and t
the break-free point above thg ground? - 0 at the instant the ball is shot. The figure's vertical scaling is
ss54 Figure 2-33 shows the speed v versus height y of a ball set by f ,: 30.0 m. What are the magnitudes of (a) the free-fall
tossed directly upward, along a y axis. Distance d is 0.40 m.The acceleration on the planet and (b) the initial velocity of the
speed at height y o is v a.The speed at height y , rs lv a.What is ball?
speed vn? c*ee$$ A steel ball is dropped from a building's roof and
passes a window, taking 0.125 s to fall from the top to the
bottom of the window, a distance of 1 .2A m.It then falls to a
sidewalk and bounces back past the window, moving from
bottom to top in 0.125 s.Assume that the upward flight is an
exact reverse of the fall. The time the ball spends below
bottom of the window is 2.00 s. How tall is the building?
t,^ ooo$@ A basketball player grabbing a rebound jumps
76.0 cm vertically. How much total time (ascent and descent)
does the player spend (a) in the top 15.0 cm of this j.r-p and
ja in (b) in the bottom 15.0 crn? Do jrour results explain why such
Ffiffi. A-ffi3 Problem54. players seem to hang in the at at the top of a jump?

e&$S A ball of moist clay falls m to the ground. It is

se€. ffi-X S Graphical lntegration in Motion Analysis
sSS In Sample Problem 2-9, at maximum head acceleration,
in contact with the ground for 20.0 ms before stopping.
(u) What is the magnitude of the average acceleration of the ball what is the speed of (a) the head and (b) the torso?
during the time it is in contact with the ground? (Tleat the ball as *66 A salamander of the
aparticle.) (b) Is the average acceleration up or down? ssM genus Hydromantes captures Ac>

s@$S A stone is dropped into a river from a bridge 43.9 m prey by launching its tongue as a

above the water. Another stone is thrown vertically down 1.00 a projectile: The skeletal part
of the tongue is shot forward, sa1
s after the first is dropped. The stones strike the water at the
same time. (a) What is the initial speed of the second stone? unfolding the rest of the 0 10 20 30 40
tongue, until the outer portion r(ms)
(b) Plot velocity versus time on a graph for each stone, taking
zero time as the instant the first stone is released. lands on the prey, sticking to it. Ffiffi. A-SS Problem66.
Figure 2-35 shows the accelera-
@eS? To test the quality of a tennis ball, you drop it onto tion magnitude a versus time t for the acceleration phase of
the floor from a height of 4.00 m. It rebounds to a height of 2.00 the launch in a typical situation. The indicated accelerations are
m. If the ball is in contact with the floor for I2.0 ms, (a) what is az:400 m{sz and aL : 100 m/s2. What is the outward speed of
the magnitude of its average acceleration during that contact the tongue at the end of the
and (b) is the average acceleration up or down? acceleration phase? ys

ss$ffi A rock is thrown vertically upward from ground level ss63 How far does the runner
at time t : 0. At t : 1.5 s it passes the top of a tall tower, and
whose velocity-time graph is ;
1.0 s later it reaches its maximum height.What is the height of
shown in Fig. 2-36 travel in 16 s?
the tower? ;
The figure's vertical scaling is set
e6S9 Water drips from the nozzle of a shower onto the floor by r, : 8.0 m/s. ll-w
200 cm below. The drops fall at regular (equal) intervals of
0 8 12 16
es68 In a forward punch in / (s)
time, the flrst drop striking the floor at the instant the fourth
karate, the flst begins at rest at F$ffi" ffi_$S Problem 67.
drop begins to fall. When the first drop strikes the floor, how
the waist and is brought
far below the nozzle are the (a) second and (b) third drops?
rapidly forward until the arm is fully extended. The speed v(t)
Qs60 An object falls a distance h from rest. If it travels 0.50h of the fist is given in Fig. 2-37 for someone skilled in karate.
in the last 1.00 s, find (a) the time and (b) the height of its fall. How far has the fist moved at (a) time / : 50 ms and (b) when
(c) Explain the physically unacceptable solution of the qua- the speed of the fist is maximum?
dratic equation in t thatyou obtain.
s@6'l A drowsy cat spots a
that sails flrst up )'
flowerpot ;
and then down past an open win-
dow. The pot is in view for a total
of 0.50 s, and the top-to-bottom ? 2

height of the window is 2.00 m. :

How high above the window top 0 50 100 140
does the flowerpot go?
oeo$ffi A ball is shot vertically Ffiffi. A-SY Problem 68.
upward from the surface of an- 2345 s669 When a soccer ball is kicked toward a player and
other planet. A plot of y versus / r (s) the player deflects the ball by "heading" it, the acceleration
for the ball is shown in Fig. 2-34, F$ffi" A-S4 Problem62. of the head during the collision can be significant. Figure 2-38

gives the measured acceleration a(t) of a soccer player's head edge, at either x - 0 or x - 15.0 cffi, / is reset to 0 and the spot
for a bare head and a helmeted head, starting from rest. At starts moving again according to x(t). (u) At what time after
time t : 7 .0 ms, what is the difference in the speed acquired by starting is the spot instantaneously at rest? (b) At what value
the bare head and the speed acquired by the helmeted head? of x does this occur? (c) What is the spot's acceleration (in-
cluding sign) when this occurs? (d) Is it moving right or left
just prior to coming to rest? (e) Just aftefl (f) At what time
/ > 0 does it flrst reach an edge of the screen?
! roo 74 A lead ball is dropped in a lake from a diving board
5.20 m above the water. It hits the water with a certain veloc-
ity and then sinks to the bottom with this same constant
0246 velocity. It reaches the bottom 4.80 s after it is dropped.
t(ms) (a) How deep is the lake? What are the (b) magnitude and (c)
Ffiffi" 2-3S Problem 69. direction (up or down) of the average velocity of the ball for
the entire fall? Suppose that all the water is drained from the
ooelS Two particles move along an x axis. The position of lake. The ball is now thrown from the diving board so that it
particle 1 is given by x - 6.00P + 3.00/ + 2.00 (in meters and again reaches the bottom in 4.80 s. What are the (d) magni-
seconds); the acceleration of particle 2 is given by a - -8.00r tude and (e) direction of the initial velocity of the ball?
(in meters per seconds squared and seconds) and, at t - 0, its
velocity is 20 mls. When the velocities of the particles match,
75 The single cable supporting an unoccupied construction
elevator breaks when the elevator is at rest at the top of a I20-
what is their velocity?
m-high building. (a) With what speed does the elevator strike
Additional Problems the ground? (b) How long is it falling? (c) What is its speed
71 At the instant the traffic light turns green, an automobile when it passes the halfway point on the way down? (d) How
starts with a constant acceleration a of 2.2 mls2. At the same long has it been falling when it passes the halfway point?
instant a truck, traveling with a constant speed of 9.5 m/s, 76 Two diamonds begin a free fall from rest from the same
overtakes and passes the automobile. (a) How far beyond the height, 1.0 s apart. How long after the first diamond begins to
traffic signal will the automobile overtake the truck? (b) How fall will the two diamonds be 10 m apart?
fast will the automobile be travelin g at that instant?
7V If a baseball pitcher throws a fastball at a horizontal
72 Figure 2-39 shows part of a street where trafflc flow is to speed of 160 km/h, how long does the ball take to reach home
be controlled to allow a platoon of cars to move smoothly plate I8.4 m away?
along the street. Suppose that the platoon leaders have just
reached intersection 2, where the green appeared when they
7S A proton moves along the x axis according to the equa-
were distance d from the intersection. They continue to travel
tion x - 50r + I0t2, where x is in meters and / is in seconds.
Calculate (u) the average velocity of the proton during the
al a certain speed vo (the speed limit) to reach intersection 3,
first 3.0 s of its motion, (b) the instantaneous velocity of the
where the green appears when they are distance d from it. The
intersections are separated by distances Dzz and Dn. (a) What
proton at / - 3.0 s, and (c) the instantaneous acceleration
should be the time delay of the onset of green at intersection 3
of the proton at t: 3.0 s. (d) Graph -r versus / and indicate
relative to that at intersection 2 to keep the platoon moving
how the answer to (u) can be obtained from the plot. (")
Indicate the answer to (b) on the graph. (f) Plot y versus / and
indicate on it the answer to (c).
Suppose, instead, that the platoon had been stopped by a
red light at intersection 1. When the green comes on there, the 7S A motorcycle is moving at 30 mis when the rider applies
leaders require a certain time t, to respond to the change and the brakes, giving the motorcycle a constant deceleration.
an additional time to accelerate at some rate a to the cruising During the 3.0 s interval immediately after braking begins, the
speed vo.(b) If the green at intersection 2 rs to appear when speed decreases to 15 m/s. What distance does the motorcycle
the leaders are distance d from that intersection, how long travel from the instant braking begins until the motorcycle
after the light at intersection 1 turns green should the light at stops?
intersection 2 turn green? Sffi A pilot flies horizontally at 1300 km/h, at height h -
35 m above initially level ground. However, at time / - 0, the
pilot begins to fly over ground sloping upward at angle
0 : 4.3" (Fig. 2-40). If the pilot does not change the airplane's
heading,atwhat time / does the plane strike the ground?

FFG- A-$3 ProblemTZ.
F$ffi. A-4ffi Problem 80.
?S In an arcade video game, a spot is programmed to move
across the screen according to x - 9.00r - 0.750/3, where x is 8S A shuffleboard disk is accelerated at a constantrate from
distance in centimeters measured from the left edge of the rest to a speed of 6.0 m/s over a 1.8 m distance by a player
screen and / is time in seconds. When the spot reaches a screen using a cue. At this point the disk loses contact with the cue

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