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Philosophy of education

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” (Anonymous),
I’m not sure where this wonderful quote came from, but when I think about teaching and kids it
always comes to my mind. It’s such a powerful quote, the meaning behind it is just great, if it
weren’t because of education we wouldn’t have all the knowledge we have gathered through out
all this years, educators are here to provide students with the tools necessary to be successful and
contributing members of society.

Why I want to teach?

I want to teach because I want to guide students as they become life-long learners
and achieve their dreams. I have always dreamed of becoming a teacher, I have seen many of my
teachers as role models specially two of my English as a Second Language teachers they were
always incorporating new methods of teaching because they wanted everyone in the classroom to
understand what they were trying to teach. I want to be that positive role models for my own
students as well, I want to be someone they look up to and someone they know will be always
there to support them. I want to establish a positive and productive learning environment that
fosters and promotes the academic potential and social well being of all my students.

What I want to teach ?

I would like to go beyond the curriculum, I want to teach my students problem
solving skills, and, innovate thinking along with responsibilities. I want them to see me as a
friend buy not any type of friends, they have to know that I’m an adult and that they should
respect me and follow directions. I want to be there for them on every step they take to guide
them and improve their skills. I want them to be creative and innovative and not to be afraid of
showing who they truly are.
Since the beginning of my teacher career I want to bring innovative ideas into my
classroom and I want to teach in every way possible. In order to see what are my students
strengths, weaknesses and interest. I want to help them achieve while also providing a challenge
to deepen their thinking, by knowing their interest I will be able to make lessons where my
students are going to be engage and have fun while learning which is the most important part of
it. I don’t want them to be bored with a lesson, that’s why I will always try to incorporate
different teaching method to satisfy everyone’s need in the classroom.

How I will teach…

I want to teach based on the kids interest, and I want to incorporate into my
classroom lots of small activities. E.g- When working on Math, I will first explain everything to
the whole class then I will divide them based on how well they performed in the actives that
were done together as a class, in order to provide more help to the ones that need it the most. I
would still provide help to everyone in the class but there is always someone that need more help
than the other person, that’s why the idea of teaching, then dividing them into centers (groups) is
one of the best options, because they can help each other and if no one in the group knows the
answer or the right way to do something they can always ask me and I will provide the help they
need, I won’t tell them the answer but I will guide them to get the answer by themselves.
I will include group work as-well and individual work throughout all the classes. I
primarily want to teach my student to learn by carrying out physical activity, although I will
incorporate different teaching methods.

What I believe about the nature or learners?

When it comes to learning, I believe we all learn in different ways, there’s people
that learn best through hearing and listening to a lecture. There’s other that learn visually or even
Ø Auditory learners learn by “Listening and hearing” they sometimes talk to themselves,
and like to be involve in conversations, and love reading aloud. (Kerry White)
Ø Kin-aesthetic learners: They like “doing, touching, and moving…They learn best when
they complete activities relate to the subject” (Kerry White)
Ø Visual Learners: “They take notes…enjoy illustrations and diagrams, and tend to shy
away from class discussions” (Kerry White)
That’s mainly the reason why I will be incorporating different learning methods in
my classroom, because sometimes is not the kids fault that he/she is not understanding the
subject; it might be that the teacher is not teaching the way all her students learn. There’s
different approaches to appeal to the different learning styles of every students and I’m
determined to learn a lot of them to help my students everyday.

The role of the teacher & student.

As a teacher the main role is to teach your knowledge to your students. They must
follow the curriculums, but they are able to teach it any way they want it could be by “Lectures,
small groups activities and hands on learning activities”
Ø “Creating Classroom Environment” (Ministry of education)
- Making a positive environment, where students are able to be themselves and not be
afraid of showing it, to the entire classroom family.
Ø ”Role Modeling” (Ministry of education)
- “Students spend a great deal of time with their teacher and therefore, the teacher
becomes a role model to them…this can be a positive or negative effect depending on
the teacher”
Ø Mentoring
- “This is a way to encourage students to strive to be the best they can” basically to
meet their full potential.
Ø Keep the students engage in all the activities
As a student they are supposed to be involve in every aspect, and be able to apply
what they have learned in school on every day aspect. They should also follow the rules
of the classroom and school in general.

• Ministry of Education, Guayana, Roles of a teacher

• Kerry White (2017) Kids on the coast, Education

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