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Myles Blank, MD, FRCPC

Posttraumatic stress
disorder in infants,
toddlers, and preschoolers
Play therapy, psychoeducation, and family support are key when
trauma affects children in the preverbal and early verbal years.

osttraumatic stress disorder in prevalence statistics. The DSM-IV-

(PTSD) in infants and young TR indicates that 1% of people in the
ABSTRACT: Posttraumatic stress

children is a relatively new general population have been diag-

disorder in children, like pain con-

concept. Awareness of this phenome- nosed with a full syndrome and 14%
trol and other issues of children’s

non has grown out of knowledge of with a partial syndrome. Others have
perceptions of their environment, is

PTSD in adults and older children, in found a higher prevalence. In contrast

a relatively new concept. Although

combination with case reports high- to the DSM-IV numbers, Hidalgo and
studies are rare, we do have an

lighting unique aspects of trauma in Davidson found prevalence of 8% to

understanding of special diagnostic

small children. There is relatively lit- 9%2 in the general population and
criteria that should be considered,

tle research on this subject, but the Breslau found a similar 1:12 ratio in
along with the role played by attach-

field is growing. At this time, we the adult population. 3 Thus, it is prob-

ment, temperament, memory, cogni-

know that: ably more appropriate to look at the

tion, and affect regulation. Repeated

• PTSD does occur in the preverbal percentage of individuals exposed to

trauma may affect children pro-

and early verbal years. trauma who develop PTSD rather than
foundly during sensitive periods of

• PTSD has some unique presenting the percentage of the general popu-
brain development through putative

features related to the developmental lation. Here the estimates indicate

biological stress mediators. This

level and other contextual features of that 15% to 24% of exposed individu-
response to trauma may also par-

the child’s life. als develop PTSD. Most authors also

tially explain the high incidence of

• The Diagnostic and Statistical Man- feel that the type of exposure is sig-
psychiatric comorbidity in these

ual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV- nificant, with some severe exposures,

children. Developmentally appropri-

TR)1 criteria are often not sensitive such as watching the sexual assault of
ate assessment and therapy require

enough to diagnose PTSD in infants a parent, resulting in an incidence rate

awareness of the nonverbal (behav-

and young children. of almost 100%, while others, such as

ioral) presenting features in the very

• Therapy is possible using play, be - a minor dog bite, may result in much
young and sensitivity to the caregiv-

havioral techniques, psychoeduca- lower rates of PTSD. 4

er’s stress and attachment issues.

tion, and family support.

Interview and therapeutic techniques

• PTSD can occur in different forms

used in tertiary care and other set-

based on the nature of the trauma

tings include play, storytelling, psy-

choeducation, grief work, and fami- Dr Blank is a clinical associate professor in
ly support. In addition to being aware the Department of Psychiatry at the Uni-
of diagnostic criteria and treatment versity of British Columbia as well as a staff

There are no studies regarding the

strategies, physicians should know Epidemiology psychiatrist in the Infant Psychiatry Clinic at

prevalence of PTSD specifically in

about medicolegal pitfalls and pos- BC Children’s and Women’s Hospital. He

very young children. Even in the area

sible therapist reactions when car- also consults to Vancouver Community

of older youth, there is some variation

ing for young children with posttrau- Mental Health Services and has a private
matic stress disorder. clinical practice.


Posttraumatic stress disorder in infants, toddlers, and preschoolers

PTSD was first described as “shell

Historical overview Table 1. Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder in children 0 to 36 months.

shock” in war veterans, a diagnosis

that frequently resulted in a dishonor-
0–6 6–12 12–18 18–24 24–36

able discharge from the army. In terms

months months months months months

of children, early groundwork was laid

by Anna Freud, 5 who looked at trau-
Hypervigilance, exaggerated
startle response, irritability,

matized war orphans; Rene Spitz, who

physiologic deregulation

described “hospitalism” in children

and/or withdrawal

who were severely neglected in insti-

tutions; 6 and David Levy, who pub-
Increased anxiety in strange
situations, angry reactions,

lished a landmark study in 1945 on

sleep disorders, active avoid-

psychic traumas connected with child-

ance of specific situations

hood surgeries. 7 More recently, Lenore

Clinginess to caretaker,

Terr has produced a strong body of

over/under use of words X X X

work, including a study of 26 young-

related to the trauma

sters who were kidnapped and buried in

Nightmares, enlarged verbal

California. 8 She also looked at what

preoccupations with symbols X X

happened to memories of early trauma

of trauma

in 20 youngsters who had suffered psy-

chic traumas before age 5. This latter
Symptoms seen in older
children, as described in X

study was noteworthy in that these


children had forensic evidence sup-

porting the specific trauma histories. 9
Adapted from: Handbook of Infant Mental Health10
* A PTSD diagnosis requires all of the following: A. Trauma event. B. One or more re-experiencing

In 1993, the first book chapter about

symptoms, e.g., nightmares. C. Three or more avoidance symptoms, e.g., avoiding places, activities,

posttraumatic reactions in children

and people that arouse recollections of trauma. D. Two or more symptoms of persistent arousal e.g.,

from birth to age 3 was published. 10

hypervigilance or exaggerated startle response. E. Duration greater than 1 month. F. Clinically signif-
icant distress or impairment.

specific one. These studies conclude a primary caregiver. While this makes
that there is in fact validation for the sense from an attachment perspective,
In 1994, the Zero to Three organiza- recommended modifications of DSM- it is also crucial to consider the devel-
Diagnostic criteria

tion listed “traumatic stress disorder” IV criteria to deal with infants, tod- opmental capacity of a given child in
in their manual classifying mental dlers, and preschoolers. The Infant assessing the effects of trauma and/or
health and developmental disorders Psychiatry Clinic at BC Children’s the presence of PTSD.
of infancy and early childhood DC: Hospital routinely uses criteria from PTSD per se can occur in infants 9
0–3.11 Subsequently, a study compared DC: 0–3R,14 the second edition of the months of age or older. Prior to this,
the DSM-IV criteria with the DC: 0–3 Zero to Three manual. This allows infants can have conditioned respons-
criteria in infants, 12 and this study was more highly symptomatic young chil- es to fear, which certainly can be sig-
later expanded to look at trauma in dren to receive a diagnosis and, in turn, nificant, but do not seem to represent
preschoolers. 13 What was discovered in appropriate treatment. PTSD as we understand it. Actual man-
both of these studies is that the ifestations of PTSD vary during dif-
DSM-IV criteria diagnose very few ferent periods of infant development,
cases, even in the most extremely dis- as seen in Table 1 . When considering
Etiology and individual

turbed infant survivors of trauma. The It is as important to consider the indi- the role of developmental capacities in

explanation offered is that a verbal vidual characteristics of the child who PTSD, the following factors must be
report of symptoms is required for is experiencing the trauma as it is to taken into account.
nearly one half of DSM-IV criteria, look at the features of the trauma itself.
which is beyond the developmental Recent studies have shown, somewhat Temperament. While there are no
capacity of most of these children. It surprisingly, that the most potent vari- specific studies on this, children with
has also been noted that the “B” set of able affecting the degree of trauma and more difficult temperaments can be
diagnostic criteria is the only trauma- its resolution is the perceived threat to expected to have more severe or com-


Posttraumatic stress disorder in infants, toddlers, and preschoolers

plex reactions to trauma. explain why only some individuals matic “states” become “traits.” Perry
exposed to traumatic stress will devel- has described how infants and older
comprehension. These will inevitably op PTSD. The caregivers in the type individuals respond to a threat along
Cognitive functioning and level of

affect the child’s reaction. D attachment situation are character- two pathways. One is the well-known
ized in the literature as “frightened and “fight or flight” response, which Perry
These two features go together in the frightening” and, particularly in the calls the arousal continuum, whereby
Memory and verbal expression.

sense that the right brain is dominant case of the “frightening” caregiver, the a progression of biochemical reactions
for approximately the first 18 months child is in a dilemma. The person who result in increased cortisol (as well as
of life15 and the memory that a child is supposed to be providing safety and other more poorly understood phe-
lays down during this time is of a non- security is also the perpetrator, pre- nomena). The other pathway Perry
verbal or “implicit” type. Feelings senting the vulnerable child with a ter- describes is the dissociative contin-
associated with memories are encoded rible approach-avoid situation. Cur- uum, whereby there are gaps in the
in somatic and sensory areas, which rently, the literature strongly supports stream of consciousness. Endogenous
are unconscious, but not necessarily a much higher incidence of type D opiates and activation of the parasym-
“repressed” in the traditional sense of attachment patterns with children of pathetic nervous system lead to the
the term. The implication is that just parents who have a history of unre- “freeze or surrender” response, with
because children cannot or do not talk solved trauma and loss. 17 Type D decreased movement and decreased
about their feelings does not mean that attachment can work at the very earli- attention. With repeated activation, the
feelings are not there. Another way of est level of “implicit-unconscious arousal pathways can make a child
looking at this is that some of the mechanisms” to limit a child’s ability with anxiety or trauma appear to have
memories may be in pictures that are to communicate and read emotional attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
triggered by sensory reminders to the states of self and others. It can also (ADHD), while older children with the
limbic system and lower centres of the contribute to difficulties maintaining more dissociative aspects may appear
brain. Clinicians and researchers have interactions with a social environ- to have not only attention problems
theorized that brain development, par- ment, difficulty using higher levels but also learning disabilities, memory
ticularly of limbic structures, accounts of defences at a later age, lower problems, and behavior problems. 18
for the fact that age 3 (28 to 36 months) empathic capacity, and more difficulty Children with PTSD can certainly
appears to be an approximate cut-off in recovering from stressful states. manifest a combination of arousal and
separating the children who will have Critical periods of brain development dissociation, and any given child may
absent or spotty verbal memories of (especially the first 2 years of life) rep- demonstrate different types of reac-
their traumas from those who will resent a time when attachment func- tions to a given trauma. Physical pain,
have a full verbal recollection. Some tioning and caregiver interactions can along with the nature of the trauma,
others have noted that verbal recollec- establish either resilience or vulner- may also modify these manifestations
tions appear to require a degree of con- ability toward trauma. 15 Affect dys - of PTSD.
scious awareness, while behavioral regulation is now seen to be a funda- It should be noted that dissociation
memories and enactments do not. 9 mental mechanism of all psychiatric and dissociative disorders per se are
dis orders. 15 Type D early “relational closely related to psychic trauma and
Bowlby16 and Schore15 along with other trauma” could predispose a child to can be looked at as both a neurobio-
Attachment and affect regulation.

investigators have noted the vul - more chronic expressions of PTSD. logical reaction and a psychological
nerability of children with less secure defence.
at tachments. S chore has focused
particular attention on the type D
The biology of

(disorganized/disoriented) attachment Trauma is an external factor that clear-

early trauma Clinical presentation of

pattern, where the infant displays dis- ly appears to change brain chemistry Trauma can present in a relatively obvi-
trauma and PTSD

oriented, apprehensive, contradictory, and probably structure. While these ous fashion, with observable behavioral
or chaotic behaviors upon reunion neurobiological changes15 are beyond changes that are recognized by the child’s
with the caregiver. He points to this the scope of this article, other aspects caregivers. It is not uncommon, how-
type D attachment pattern as one cause of biological change should be men- ever, to have a partially hidden or con-
for PTSD (see “The biology of early tioned. For example, Perry and col- fusing presentation, particularly where
trauma,” below). This may help to leagues 18 have considered how trau- a child has been repeatedly abused or the


Posttraumatic stress disorder in infants, toddlers, and preschoolers

entire history of the trauma is not • Complete play assessment of the

known. Terr has called PTSD the Once PTSD has been diagnosed, it will child, allowing the child to make use

“rheumatic fever” of child psychiatry,”19 depend on the practitioner’s level of of play objects and observing for spe-
and this refers to the fact that if not rec- comfort whether referral for further cific themes particularly related to
ognized and treated early on, the disorder specific assessment is required. If nec- the trauma. While this has been used
can have multiple manifestations later essary, referral can be made to a private extensively and written about in the
in life. These manifestations can include psychologist, psychiatrist, or other literature, it has been difficult to val-
a tendency toward affective, dissocia- infant mental health specialist, or to idate procedurally. Nonetheless, it is
tive, or personality disorders, substance the Infant Psychiatry Department at very helpful to see what a nonintru-
abuse, and conduct problems, to name a BC Children’s and Women’s Hospital sive play assessment can achieve.
few. Terr has described type I, type II, and specialized programs, such as the Generally, it is recommended that the
and crossover-type traumas in a land- Alan Cashmore Centre in Vancouver. caregiver(s) be present during the
mark paper. 19 While this information is Outside major urban areas, where refer- assessment.
not included in the DSM-IV, it is high- ral can take longer, it is important to • Consider medicolegal consequences.
ly useful when looking at survivors. assess the child as thoroughly as pos- The practitioner must maintain a
Type I represents a single-blow trauma, sible and to focus on safety and avoid- neutral, supportive stance that de-
such as a motor vehicle accident or a dog ance of retraumatization, whether acci- monstrates a willingness to listen
bite from which there is recovery. Type dental or otherwise, within the child’s and to observe whatever commun-
II refers to multiple and repeated trau- environment. In all cases, psychoedu- ications the child may offer. If
mas, such as covert sexual abuse by a cation should be provided, since it can the identity of a suspected abuser
relative. Terr notes that in type I trauma, be very effective when presented by a has never been revealed, questions
the memories are likely to be more fully trusted health professional, such as a mentioning the name or role of the
elaborated, with a tendency to ruminate family physician. suspected individual are clearly
over the details of the trauma, whereas Any assessment should include contraindicated. This also applies
type II can have spotty memories or the following steps: when you suspect witnessed trauma
some amnesia with aspects of denial, • Obtain a detailed history of the trau- (whereby the child was not the pri-
psychic numbing, dissociation, and ma with the nonoffending parent or mary target of the action).
even changes in pain tolerance. She caregiver present. This should in- Frequently, other conditions occur
refers to crossover-type traumas as clude associated events and any inter- along with trauma in this age group.
those involving a single incident with ventions undertaken to date. Some It is helpful, when possible, to delin-
long-lasting effects, such as an acci- interventions can be as traumatic as eate whether the symptoms are related
dent that results in permanent facial the initial event (e.g., hospital care to the trauma or whether they are pre-
scarring. involving surgery). existing diagnoses that may influence
The fact that there can be multiple • Obtain a simple verbal description how the trauma presents itself. Some
presentations over time, different from the child, depending on the diagnoses to consider are shown in
combinations of symptoms, and un - child’s age, emotional readiness, and Table 2 .
known or unreported trauma makes willingness.
diagnosing PTSD challenging. In addi- • Obtain a chronological history of all There are no specific studies regarding
Treatment of PTSD

tion, countertransference may signifi- new symptoms by asking clear ques-

cantly interfere with the therapist’s/ tions about whether these symp-
physician’s interpretation of symp- toms, even in milder forms, predat-
Table 2. Differential diagnoses to

toms. If the personal experience and ed the trauma.

consider during assessment of PTSD.

attitudes of the clinician are not care- • Determine the effect the trauma has
fully examined in difficult cases (e.g., had on attachment behaviors for the
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorders

with the help of a colleague), the clin- child and caregiver(s).


ician may be more likely to overdiag- • Note the reaction of caregivers and
Attachment disorder

nose or, conversely, minimize a given consider individual treatment if

situation. needed, as parental and family func-
Complicated grief/bereavement

tioning are key predictors of out-


come. 20
Medical illness
Assessment of PTSD in
infants, toddlers, and


Posttraumatic stress disorder in infants, toddlers, and preschoolers

treatment in this age group, but the ma, the therapist may need to shift become more complex. Psychoeduca-
following tenets are paramount: the focus to trust, bonding, and self- tion and intermittent sessions with
• Establish safety in the child’s life esteem-building through pleasant ac- caregivers can help children understand
and in the playroom. tivities. However, the child will still the generalization of fears. For exam-
• Help to decrease the intensity of need to re-experience parts of the trau- ple, a child who was bitten by one ani-
overwhelming affects. This involves ma in tolerable doses within an em- mal may suddenly be afraid of many
maintaining or beginning appropri- pathic setting. This key therapeutic animals.
ate soothing activities and routines principle has always been part of play
and assisting the caregiver to provide therapy, and is consistent with cogni-
these at the appropriate times. tive-behavioral therapy (CBT) strate- There are a few uncontrolled trials of

• Help the young child establish a gies as well, although classic CBT is medication use in children with PTSD.
coherent narrative of the trauma not widely applicable to treatment of In a study of clonidine, the agent was
using the child’s own terms, includ- the very young child. Even for very found to decrease hyperarousal symp-
ing art and play tools. This com- young children, some behavioral de- toms for several children. 21 Medication
monly involves play therapy and the sensitization can be appropriate. For for PTSD is at most an adjunct for
use of metaphor. Children who do example, the child might be gradually patients of any age, and in this age
not have or cannot access their feel- and gently exposed to a feared object, group in particular it is not a major
ings verbally can often react appro- such as a car seat after an accident or a feature of treatment. If medications are
priately to an injured animal in play room where a traumatic event occurred. used, specific symptoms need to be
through the use of figurines or pup- Caregivers should be informed that targeted. Following from this, of
pets. children may have more nightmares or course, the symptoms of comorbid
• Promote integration and mastery of re-enactment behaviors while the ther- conditions may need to be treated with
trauma. This can often be achieved apist is exploring the trauma and grad- medications, based on their severity,
through play therapy, whereby the ually titrating the child’s exposure to although the value of medications for
child acts out several roles, includ- materials and discussions related to the children with PTSD is at best unclear.
ing that of the survivor, the parent trauma. In fact, the caregiver may
(who may have been absent at the require treatment and desensitization
time of the trauma), the teacher, in order to support and comfort the For relatively asymptomatic children
Other considerations

the perpetrator, and perhaps other child during this stage of therapy. and parents, psychoeducation, screen-
helpers such as police officers or Throughout the process, it is impor- ing, and prevention awareness may be
paramedics. tant to monitor the caregiver’s reac- adequate as long as further assistance
• Address the “ripple” effects of trau- tions. Psychoeducation of family can be arranged as needed. Duration of
ma (e.g., negative behavior with members may involve helping them treatment will vary with the severity
other children at preschool and with recognize their own trauma and need and duration of the trauma, and to the
extended family). Help the family to for individual or group therapies (or individual characteristics of the child
understand and not punish the both). Marital difficulties, when rec- and family.
child’s new behaviors, which may ognized during treatment, should be In the special case of trauma com-
be oppositional or isolative. addressed. bined with grief, an individualized
• Support the family/caregivers. Reinforcement of the child and approach is required. Both Eth and
Prevention of PTSD is actually the caregiver’s adaptive behaviors is very Pynoos22 and Cohen and Mannarino23
first point in treatment. 19 Ideally, a safer important. This and focusing on the have specifically addressed this issue.
society would permit primary preven- positive can serve to remind the child There seems to be consensus that not
tion, but more commonly we see sec- and family of the things that they still all family losses constitute trauma per
ondary prevention occurring with soci- have in their lives. Children and care- se. In the cases where there is “trau-
ety’s early response to disasters, child givers who appear to be doing well matic grief” (e.g., after a child wit-
protection awareness at all levels, and should still be monitored for delayed nesses a sudden death) it is recom-
screening of large populations of trau- effects of trauma, as these have been mended that the trauma be dealt with
matized individuals, such as children documented. first so that the child will be able to
who have survived disasters. At more advanced developmental retrieve positive feelings and memo-
Depending on the severity of trau- levels, the cues that can trigger trauma ries of the deceased.


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