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T-410 SCOPE in Table T-421 or the Appendices applicable to the tech­

nique in use. The written procedure shall establish a sin­
This Article provides or references requirements for gle value, or range of values, for each requirement
weld examinations, which are to be used in selecting
and developing ultrasonic examination procedures when T-421.2 Procedure Qualification. When procedure
examination to any part of this Article is a requirement of qualification is specified by the referencing Code Section,
a referencing Code Section. These procedures are to be a change of a requirement in Table T-421 or the table in
used for the ultrasonic examination of welds and the di­ the Mandatory Appendix applicable to the technique in
mensioning of indications for comparison with accep­ use, identified as an essential variable from the specified
tance standards when required by the referencing Code value, or range of values, shall require requalification of
Section; the referencing Code Section shall be consulted the written procedure. A change of a requirement identi­
for specific requirements for the following: fied as a nonessential variable from the specified value, or
(a] personnel qualification/certification requirements range of values, does not require requalification of the
written procedure. All changes of essential or nonessen­
(b) procedure requirements/demonstration, qualifica-
tial variables from the value, or range of values, specified r
tion, acceptance r

by the written procedure shall require revision of, or an


(c) examination system characteristics

addendum to, the written procedure or scan plan, as
(d) retention and control of calibration blocks applicable.
(e) extent of examination and/or volume to be scanned
(f) acceptance standards
(g] retention of records T-430 EQUIPMENT
(h) report requirements T-431 INSTRUMENT REQUIREMENTS
Definitions of terms used in this Article are contained in
A pulse-echo-type of ultrasonic instrument shall be
Article 1, Man datory Appendix I, 1-121.2 , UT -
used. The instrument shall be capable of operation at fre­
quencies over the range of at least 1 MHz to 5 MHz and
shall be equipped with a stepped gain control in units
of 2.0 dB or less. If the instrument has a damping control,
(19) T-420 GENERAL it may be used if it does not reduce the sensitivity of the
The requirements of this Article shall be used together examination. The reject control shall be in the "off' posi­
with Article 1, General Requirements. Refer to: tion for all examinations, unless it can be demonstrated
(a) special provisions for coarse grain materials and that it does not affect the linearity of the examination.
The instrument, when required because of the tech­
welds in T-451
nique being used, shall have both send and receive jacks
(b) special provisions for computerized imaging tech­
for operation of dual search units or a single search unit
niques in T-452
with send and receive transducers.
(c) Mandatory Appendix III for Time of Flight Diffrac­
tion (TOFD) techniques T-432 SEARCH UNITS
(d) Mandatory Appendix IV for phased array manual
T-432.1 General. The nominal frequency shall be
rastering techniques
(e] Mandatory Appendix V for phased array E-scan from 1 MHz to 5 MHz unless variables, such as production
and S-scan linear scanning examination techniques material grain structure, require the use of other frequen­
(f) Mandatory Appendix XI for full matrix capture cies to assure adequate penetration or better resolution.
(FMC) techniques Search units with contoured contact wedges may be used
to aid ultrasonic coupling.
(19} T-421 WRITTEN PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS T-432.2 Contact Wedges. As required by (a) and (b)
below, examinations performed on a curved component
T-421.1 Requirements. Ultrasonic examination shall having a diameter less than 14 in. (350 mm) (at the exam­
be performed in accordance with a written procedure
ination surface) shall be performed using a contoured
that shall, as a minimum, contain the requirements listed wedge, to ensure sufficient ultrasonic coupling is

Table T-421
Requirements of an Ultrasonic Examination Procedure
Requirement Essential Variable Nonessential Variable
Weld configurations to be examined, including thickness dimensions and base
material product form (pipe, plate, etc.) X
The surfaces from which the examination shall be performed X
Technique(s) (straight beam, angle beam, contact, and/or immersion) X
Angle(s) and mode(s) of wave propagation in the material X
Search unit type(s), frequency(ies), and element size(s)/shape(s) X
S pecial search units, wedges, shoes, or saddles, when used X
Ultrasonic instrument(s) X
Calibration [calibration block(s) and technique(s)] X
Directions and extent of scanning X
Scanning (manual vs. automatic) X
Method for discriminating geometric from flaw indications X
Method for sizing indications X
Computer enhanced data acquisition, when used X
Scan overlap (decrease only) X
Personnel performance requirements, when required X
Personnel qualification requirements X
Surface condition (examination surface, calibration block) X
Couplant: brand name or type X
Post-examination cleaning technique X
Automatic alarm and/or recording equipment, when applicable X
Records, including minimum calibration data to be recorded (e.g., instrument
settln s X

achieved and to limit any potential rocking of the search (1) Maximum contour for examinations performed
unit as it is moved along the circumference of the from O.D.
(a) Search units shall be contoured as required by the Actual Component Outside Allowable Increase in
Diameter, Contour Diameter Over
following equation:
in. (mm) Component O.D., in. (mm)

(Ax A ) ] <4.0 (<100) <1 ( <25)

D s; [ ;,4.0 to 10 (;,100 to 250) <2 (<SO)
0.113 in. (2.87 mm) g
>10 (>250) <4 (<100)

A = length of search unit footprint during circumferen­
tial scanning or the width when scanning in the ax­ (2) Minimum contour for·examinations performed
ial direction, in. (mm) from l.D.
D = the component diameter at inspection surface
(1.D./0.D.), in. (mm) Actual Component Inside Al lowable Decrease in
Diameter, Contour Diameter Under
The footprint is defined as the physical dimension of the in. (mm) Component I.D., in. (mm)
search unit in the curved direction of the component. <4.0 (<100) <l (<25)
(b) The search unit contoured dimension shall be se­ ;,4.0 to 10 (;,100 to 250) <2 (<50)
lected from the tables in (1) and (2) below, and shall be >10 (>250) <4 (<100)
determined using the same component dimension from
which the examination is being performed (1.D. or O.D.).

T-432.3 Weld Metal Overlay Cladding - Search

Unit. 8 Dual element, straight beam search units using an
angled pitch-catch technique shall be used. The included
angle between the search unit's elements shall be such
that the effective focal spot distance is centered in the
area of interest.


T-471.4.2 Nondistance-Amplitude Techniques. shall be directed essentially parallel to the weld axis in
The level of gain used for scanning shall be appropriate both axial directions. The search unit shall be manipu­
for the configuration being examined and shall be capable lated so that the angle beam passes through the required
of detecting the calibration reflectors at the maximum examination volume.
scanning speed.
T-472.2 Single-Sided Access Welds. Welds that can­
T-471.5 Surface Preparation. When the base materi­
not be fully examined from two directions per T-472.1.2
al or weld surface interferes with the examination, the
using the angle beam technique shall also be examined
base material or weld shall be prepared as needed to per­
to the maximum extent possible with a straight beam
mit the examination.
technique applied from an adjacent base material surface.
T-471.6 Recording of Ultrasonic Data. The ultraso­ This may be applicable to vessel corner and tee joints,
nic data for the semi-automatic and automatic techniques nozzle and manway neck to shell or head joints, pipe to
shall be recorded in an unprocessed form with no thresh­ fittings, or branch connections. The area(s) of single-sided
olding. Gating of the data solely for the recording of the access and, if applicable, the extent of the limit coverage
examination volume is permitted, provided a scan plan shall be noted in the examination report.
is utilized to determine the gate settings to be used.
T-472.3 Inaccessible Welds. Welds that cannot be
T-4n WELD JOINT DISTANCE-AMPLITUDE examined from at least one side (edge) using the angle
TECHNIQUE beam technique shall be noted in the examination report.
When the referencing Code Section specifies a For flange welds, the weld may be examined with a
distance-amplitude technique, weld joints shall be straight beam or low angle longitudinal waves from the
scanned with an angle beam search unit in both parallel flange face provided the examination volume can be
and transverse directions (4 scans) to the weld axis. Be­ covered.
fore performing the angle beam examinations, a straight
beam examination shall be performed on the volume of
base material through which the angle beams will travel T-473 WELD METAL OVERLAY CLADDING
to locate any reflectors that can limit the ability of the an­ TECHNIQUES
gle beam to examine the weld volume. Nonmandatory
The techniques described in these paragraphs shall be
Appendix I describes a method of examination using mul­
tiple angle beam search units. used when examinations of weld metal overlay cladding
are required by the referencing Code Section. When ex­
T-472.l Angle Beam Technique. amination for lack of bond and weld metal overlay clad­
T-472.1.l Beam Angle. The search unit and beam ding flaw indications is required, Technique One shall
angle selected shall be 45 deg or an angle appropriate be used. When examination for lack of bond only is re­
for the configuration being examined and shall be capable quired, Technique Two may be used.
of detecting the calibration reflectors, over the required g
angle beam path. T-473.1 Technique One. The examination shall be
T-472.1.2 Reflectors Parallel to the Weld Seam. performed from the weld metal overlay clad surface with
The angle beam shall be directed at approximate right an­ the plane separating the elements of the dual element
gles to the weld axis from both sides of the weld (i.e., from search unit positioned parallel to the axis of the weld
two directions) on the same surface when possible. The bead. The search unit shall be moved perpendicular to
search unit shall be manipulated so that the ultrasonic en­ the weld direction.
ergy passes through the required volume of weld and ad­
T-473.2 Technique Two. The examination may be
jacent base material.
performed from either the weld metal overlay clad or un­
T-472.1.3 Reflectors Transverse to the Weld clad surface and the search unit may be moved either per­
Seam. pendicular or parallel to the weld direction.
(a) Scanning With Weld Reinforcement If the weld cap
is not machined or ground flat, the examination shall be
performed from the base material on both sides of the T-474 NONDISTANCE-AMPLITUDE TECHNIQUES
weld cap. While scanning parallel to the weld axis, the an­
gle beam shall be directed from 0 deg to 60 deg with re­ The number of angles and directions of the scans, for
spect to the weld axis in both axial directions, with the reflectors both parallel and transverse to the weld axis,
angle beam passing through the required examination shall demonstrate the ability to detect the minimum size
volume. rejectable discontinuities in the referencing Code Section
{b) Scanning Without Weld Reinforcement If the weld acceptance standards. The detailed techniques shall be in
cap is machined or ground flat, the examination shall be conformance with the requirements of the referencing
performed on the weld. While scanning, the angle beam Code Section.




This Mandatory Appendix describes the requirements IV-462.7 Focal Law. The focal law to be used during
to be used for phased array, manual raster scanning, ul­ the examination shall be used for calibration.
trasonic techniques using linear arrays. The techniques IV-462.8 Beam Calibration. All individual beams
covered by this Appendix are single (fixed angle), E-scan used in the examination shall be calibrated to provide
(fixed angle), and S-scan (sweeping multiple angle). In measurement of distance and amplitude correction over
general, this Article is in conformance with SE-2700, Stan­ the sound path employed in the examination. This shall
dard Practice for Contact Ultrasonic Testing of Welds include applicable compensation for wedge sound path
Using Phased Arrays. SE-2700 provides details to be con­ variations and wedge attenuation effects.
sidered in the procedures used.

The requirements of Article 4 apply except as modified
For each examination, the required information of
by this Appendix.
T-492 and the following information shall be recorded:
(19) IV-421 WRITTEN PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS (a) search unit type, element size and number, and
pitch and gap dimensions
IV-421.1 Requirements. The requirements of Table (b) focal law parameters, including, as applicable, angle,
IV-421 shall apply. element numbers used, range of elements, element incre­
IV-421.2 Procedure Qualification. The requirements mental change, angular range, and angle incremental a

of Table IV-421 shall apply. change

(c) wedge angle
(19) IV-422 SCAN PLAN (d) instrument settings to include, as a minimum, exci­
tation pulse type, duration and voltage settings, digitiza­

A scan plan shall be developed. The scan plan, in com­ J


tion rate (e.g., nominal rate as affected by compression

bination with the written procedure, shall address all re­ N

quirements of Table IV-421. and points quantity), rectification, pulse repetition rate,
range start and stop, band pass filters, smoothing, focal
type, and length
IV-460 CALIBRATION (e) scan plan variables
IV-461.2 Amplitude Control Linearity. The ultraso­
nic instrument's amplitude control linearity shall be
eval­uated in accordance with Mandatory Appendix II for
each pulser-receiver circuit.



Vll-466 CALIBRATION FOR NOZZLE SIDE WELD Final flaw evaluation shall only be made after all dis­
FUSION ZONE AND/OR ADJACENT play parameter adjustments (e.g., contrast, brightness,
NOZZLE PARENT METAL and, if applicable, lateral and backwall removal and SAFT
processing, etc.) have been completed.
Vll-466.l System Confirmation Scan. The scanner
block shall be scanned and the reference reflector indica­ Vll-486 SUPPLEMENTAL MANUAL TECHNIQUES
tions recorded to confirm system calibration prior to and
at the completion of each examination or series of similar Fl aws detected during the automated or semi­
examinations, when examination personnel ( except for automated scan may be alternatively evaluated, if applic­
automated equipment) are changed, and if the scan plan able, by supplemental manual techniques.
is required to be modified (i.e., VII-483) to satisfy the re­
quirements of T-467.3. Vll-487 EVALUATION BY MANUFACTURER
The Manufacturer shall be responsible for the review,
Vll-466.2 Calibration Checks. The requirements of
interpretation, evaluation, and acceptance of the com­
T-467.2 are not applicable to this Appendix when the re­
pleted scan data to assure compliance with the require­
quirements ofVII-434.l(a) are met
ments of Article 4, this Appendix, and the referencing
Vll-466.2.l Simulator Checks. The requirements Code Section. Acceptance shall be completed prior to pre­
of T-467.2.1 are not applicable to this Appendix when sentation of the scan data and accompanying documenta­
the requirements ofVII-434.l(a) are met tion to the Inspector.
Vll-466.3 Search Unit Position. If the search unit po­
sition within the scanner has changed more than 1/16 in. Vll-490 DOCUMENTATION
(1.5 mm), all data since the last valid search unit position r

check shall be marked void and the area covered by the Vll-492 EXAMINATION RECORD (19)
voided data shall be reexamined. This requirement does The required information of T-490 and the following
not apply when the requirements ofVIl-434.l(a) are met. information shall be recorded:
(a) scan plan (including qualified range of variables)
(b) scanner and adhering and guiding mechanism
Vll-470 EXAMINATION (c) indication data [i.e., position in weld, length, and
characterization (e.g., crack, lack of fusion, lack of pene­
tration, or inclusion)]
(d) the final display processing levels
Vll-471.l Examination Coverage. The volume to be · (e) supplemental manual technique(s) indication data,
scanned shall be examined per the scan plan. if applicable [same information as (c)]
(fJ instrument settings to include, as a minimum, exci­
tation pulse type, duration and voltage settings, digitiza­
Vll-480 EVALUATION tion rate (e.g., nominal rate as affected by compression
and points quantity), rectification, pulse repetition rate,
Vll-483 EVALUATION OF LAMINAR REFLECTORS range start and stop, band pass filters, smoothing, focal
Reflectors evaluated as laminar reflectors in the base type, and length
material which interfere with the scanning of the exami­ (g) focal law parameters, including, as applicable, angle C

nation volume shall require the scan plan to be modified or angular range, focal depth and plane, element numbers <C

such that the maximum feasible volume is examined and used, angular or element incremental change, and start
shall be noted in the record of the examination (T-493). and stop element numbers or start element number





This Appendix provides the requirements for using the In addition to the requirements of Article 1, Mandatory
full matrix capture (FMC) ultrasonic technique, in con­ Appendix II, only qualified ultrasonics (UT) personnel
junction with data reconstruction techniques, when ex­ who are trained in the use of the equipment and who have
aminations are performed for fracture-mechanics-based demonstrated the ability to properly acquire examination
acceptance criteria. A general description of FMC data data, approve setups, and perform calibrations shall con­
and data reconstruction techniques is given in Article 4, duct production scans. Personnel who perform data re­
Nonmandatory Appendix F. construction techni ques, in real time or as post­
processed images, or analyze and interpret data, shall
be Level II or Level lII examiners with documented train­
ing and demonstrated proficiency in the use of the equip­
Xl-420 GENERAL ment and software. The training and demonstration
The requirements of Article 4 apply except as modified requirements shall be addressed in the employer's writ­
by this Appendix. ten practice. r



Xl-421.1 Requirements. The examination shall be
performed in accordance with a written procedure that
shall, as a minimum, contain the requirements listed in Search unit(s) used for examination shall be the same
Table XI-421.1-1. Due to unique processes or equipment, [i.e., manufacturer, model number, and physical config­
essential variables that are not identified in Table uration, including wedge(s)] as those used during
XI-421.1-1 shall also be addressed in the procedure, and qualification.
a single value or range of values shall be established for Xl-432.4 Search Unit Performance. The amplitude
each essential variable. An essential variable is an equip­ response from 75% of the individual elements within
ment or software setting that influences the ultrasonic the aperture shall fall within 3 dB. The amplitude re­
signal as displayed, recorded, or automatically processed. sponse from the remaining 25% of the individual ele­
Xl-421.1.1 Software. Software revisions shall not ments shall fall within 6 dB. Elements found outside
require requalification unless any change(s) have been these parameters shall be considered inactive. The num­
made that would influence the ultrasonic signal as dis­ ber of inactive elements within an aperture shall not ex­
played, recorded, or automatically processed. Software ceed 1 element for every 16 elements, with no 2 being
revisions shall be documented and available for review. adjacent. Exceptions to this requirement shall be demon­
strated and documented during the qualification.
Xl-421.2 Procedure Qualification. Procedure qualifi­
cation is required per Article 4, Mandatory Appendix IX
and shall comply with Article 1, T-lSO(d). The require­
ments of Table Xl-421.1-1 shall apply. Xl-434.1 General. A calibration block meeting the re­
quirements of Figure Xl-434.1-1 shall be used, and shall
also meet the requirements of T-434.1.2 through
Xl-422 SCAN PLAN T-434.1.6. Alternatively, existing calibration blocks de­
A scan plan shall be required that provides a standar­ scribed in T-434 may be used, provided one of the follow­
dized and repeatable methodology for the examination. ing applies:
As a minimum, the scan plan shall include a depiction of (a) Notch, slot, and side-drilled holes (SDHs) meeting
the required examination volume coverage, imaging the requirements of Figure XI-434.1-1 are embedded.
paths, image grid density, weld joint geometry, number (b) Notch and slot reflectors meeting the requirements
of examination scan lines, and search unit placement of Figure XI-434.1-1 are embedded and a known refer­
and movement with respect to the weld axis and zero­ ence standard described in Xl-435 with SDHs meeting
datum point the requirements of XI-462.8.1 is used.


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