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ENGLISH IN MEDICINE ring-like muscles suprafafa inferioara Explanatory Notes 1 jperture = an opening, orifice. eptacle = a vessel, place, of space which holds or contains something, a storage place, in = one of a number of glycoproteins secreted by the goblet cells of the mucous 1 inches, or 12 finger-breadihs about sac (= fund de sac), about 0 ie alimentary canal ‘canal, channel sunt sinonime. ‘Sensul general : canal ~ dar cu urns ‘canal = canal arti (cu un lac etc. $i care serveste la naviga ‘The Suez Canal ‘The Panama Canal ‘anatomie, zoologie si botanic’, canal fnseamn’ tub, vas, cale de comunic rganismele animale sau vegetgl, prin care circuls subst cu duct, the alimentary canal * channel inseamni canal natural, o intindere de ap&, care leagd dou mii sau separ ele deosebii ial, care leagi dow mari, dou’ fluvii, un rau i irigari sau la construetii hidrotehnice). mici, Astfel ANATOMY a = care ajuta la ceva, care 3 ‘The auailiary troops arrived * subsidiary ~ care ajuid la ceva, ausiliar, de importanta secundart The subsidiary stream passes northward ‘+ adjuvant = care ajuta la ceva, aun Coffe is sometimes an adjuvant in 2 medicine 3. and the orifice which communicates with the duodenum * orifice, aperture, interstice sunt sinonime. Sensul general ; deschizitur4 ~ cu urmatoarele nuante de sens * orifice se intrebuinjeazs atunci céind este vorba de o deschidere prin care o cavitate ‘unui obiect) comunica cu exteriorul ete 1 pe plan secundar, in the morning. locul unde apare sau Both apertures are guarded by ferstice se utilizeaza atunci eénd est ‘corp sau de spatiul care separi dou Iueruri, sphincters, ‘sau un Toe gol intre digest = a digera, a mistui, a as ‘We digest our food: digestible, adj. = Nov a digestion, s. = diges Mushroor He suffers from digestive trouble, Exercises 1. Answer the following questions ; 1, What does the digestive system consist of? 2. How long is the alimentary canal? 3. Describe the mouth. 4. What is the pharynx’ 5. Does organs? 6. Where is shape and posi ‘many openings does the stomach present? are the accessory organs of the pancreas lie? 17. What the pancreas? 18. What is the liver? 1 are the lobules? 20. What is the gall bladder? Give antonyms 10 the

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