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Section 3.1 Boing an Etfecive Employee 51 or earlier, never later. Plan your schedule so you will always be on time. If you take a bus to work and arrive late, you will need to catch an earlier one. If you drive, bicycle, or walk, allow plenty of time for delays caused by bad weather or heavy traffic. In other words, you should make it a policy to be five minutes early, not one minute late. Being late is a bad habit that can be costly to you and the company. Develop the good habit of being prompt. Some companies require workers to check in and out by punching a time clock or starting a computer. These methods clearly show when employees arrive late or leave early. If you do not follow your work schedule, the company may subtract a percentage of your pay. Punctuality is a habit that can be developed. School is a good place to start. You should be in your seat and ready to work when the class bell rings each and every day. Once you decide to commit to being on time, you will find that punctuality will be an important part of your daily routine People Skills People skills are the skills that enable people to develop and maintain working relationships with others. These skills have a significant impact on your relationships with others in the workplace. Examples of people skills include social perceptiveness, negotiation, leadership, teamwork, and cultural competence. Social Perceptiveness Social perceptiveness is being aware of others’ feelings and understanding why they may act a certain way. Socially perceptive people exhibit kindness and understanding, They take an interest in their coworkers and who they are. However, it is important to balance social perceptiveness with the ability to assert yourself politely and professionally when appropriate. Negotiation Negotiation is discussing various positions of an issue and reconciling differences of opinion. The key to negotiating is being able to pinpoint the common goals among each position. This prepares everyone to argue the facts from his or her point of view and reach a compromise. Leadership Leadership is the ability to influence or inspire other people. In the workplace, leaders encourage others and coordinate activities to reach goals. Teamwork Teamwork is working cooperatively with other people. Important aspects of teamwork include encouraging each other, building mutual trust and respect, and cooperation among team members.

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