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How to Write your Proposal

Proposal EXAMPLE
Research question: Does watching an assertive video/person increase your assertiveness levels?

The focus of this investigation is to examine if ones assertiveness levels differ when answering
behavioural and cognition questionnaires, depending on if they watched an assertiveness video or
not. It is hypothesised that the treatment group will have higher assertiveness scores compared to
the control group, in the behaviour and cognition questionnaires, after watching the assertiveness
video. The research design that will be used to conduct this investigation will be an experimental
design, as there are two randomly allocated groups, manipulating variables. The sample will be
drawn from the population of a Stage 2 Psychology class from a local High School. The data that will
be collected, will be subjective quantitative and the data that will be analysed will be, scores from a
behavioural and cognition questionnaires based around assertiveness. The data will be analysed by
calculating the mean scores, for both the treatment and control group. The data will be displayed in
a column graph to achieve easier visual comparison. If the hypothesis is supported the graph should
show that levels of assertiveness will be higher in the treatment group, the group exposed to the
assertiveness video before answering the questionnaires when compared to control group.


o 250 words max
o Place your hypothesis or question in italics as a sub heading of your proposal.
o This is written as if the research has not been conducted yet.

What to include in the proposal:

- Outline of the issue/focus being investigated (you can include any background
research here)
- Include the research question your group have chosen to focus on.
- Include the hypothesis being tested and outline the independent and dependent
- Explanation of Research design to be used and how/why.
- Explanation of Research method to be used- include the name of the data sheet
- Explain how the data will be assessed and displayed (graph, mean, median, x and
y axis etc.)
- Include a word count at the bottom of the proposal

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