The Gospel of Luke

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The Gospel of Luke

Tom Wacaster


Grecian descendant, probably from Antioch.

Luke the Man: mentioned three times, always with Paul: his cedcbehjckbejbceijujekbeukGospel
represents the preaching of Paul.

Present a Jesus as human: The Son of Man.

Luke was a physician: probably a ships doctor (Morgan).

Inspiration and research and style. Verbal and inspiration.

Date: Before A. D. 70. Probably 60-62.

The integrity of the Gospel and textual criticism

Chapter 1:

1-4: Preface

Zacharias: his question was of doubt. That’s why he got punished by God.

v. 24: Elisabeth conceived and was hidden five months.

v. 26ff Jesus birth is announced

the six month of Elisabeth pregnancy

The angel appears to Mary

Nazareth: a despised place, gentile character: a savior for all the world: an out of the place site.
The difference between God’s greatness.

v. 27: a virgin: there is no second opinion on this.

The annunciation:

v. 28: Mary is blessed by the angel.

v. 30: She had favor in the eyes of the Lord. A righteous woman.

v. 32: a throne: spiritual kingdom

v. 34: her question is not of doubt but of inquiry.

Jesus shall be her firstborn, not her only begotten

v. 35ff: the angelic interpretation: the mystery of the nativity is ineffable

Jesus is called the son of God: The humanity and divinity. Confessing Jesus as the Son of God is
confessing his deity. Research: the eternal sonship of Christ.

v. 39ff The visit of Mary to Elisabeth.

The Joy of Elisabeth and the Babe: the salute of Elisabeth is inspired, is the repetition of the
blessing of the angel.

The Babe answer to the call of Mary:

v. 46ff: The Magnificat.

1. Praise God for what HE has done for her.

2. What He has done and will do against oppressors.

3. What HE will do for the Church.

v. 56: Mary stays with Elisabet three months: probably until the birth of John.

v. 58: Elisabeth acknowledges the mercy of God upon her.

v. 59-66: the circumcision and naming of John

v. 67ff Prophecy:

v. 67: claim of inspiration.

v. 68: God has provided the means of salvation

In the house of his servant David: the place of salvation. He provides for those in the House of
God: the church.

v. 702: the proof comes from the prophets.

v. 71: the power from which we have been delivered.

v. 74: the purpose of John’s work.

v. 76: the pathway unto the Messiah.

v. 77: knowledge of salvation, we know that we are saved when we are forgiven of our sins.

v. 78: “shall visit us”, the biggest happening in human history.

Key words of the chapter: preface, Zechariah and Elisabeth, Annunciation.

Chapter 2

Four parts:

The circumstances that led Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem

v. 1: the decree of Caesar Augustus.

v. 2: Quirinius was governor of Syria. Around 6 AD. The critical problem with the dating of the
government of Quirinius.

The Lucan account is more specific.

There was no room in the inn

v. 8ff the Shepherds and the angels.

The nativity scene: not in winter.

v. 10: three words to refer to Jesus: Savior, Christ, Lord.

The response of the angelic hosts.

Not an ordinary historical event. Even if Jews and Romans did not care, this was an event that
changed the course of history.

The attitude of Mary is intriguing.

v. 21-40 the circumcision and presentation of Jesus

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